tv Anderson Cooper 360 CNN November 8, 2021 5:00pm-6:00pm PST
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barring non-u.s. citizens from 33 countries and today it all changed and it led to so many emotional reunions across the country with friends and family. >> no longer on a screen. it's going to be hugs. it's going to be in-person catching up, a lot of stories to tell. >> delta airlines says it's seen a 450% increase in international bookings in just the past few weeks. thanks for joining us. anderson starts now. good evening. six more top advisers to the former president got word late today that the house select committee on january 6th wants to talk with them. and it has with so many others, the committee isn't asking them, it is telling them. the six all receiving subpoenas, first to produce documents, then appear before the committee. most are pretty familiar names, if you follow this sort of thing. former-national security adviser michael flynn, who in december of last year reportedly took part in an oval office meeting during which participant us discussed seizing voting
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machines and exercising emergency powers. also, 2020 campaign manager bill stepien. former-new york police commissioner and pardoned felon bernie kerik who was part of the willard hotel room set up to overturn the election. then, there is john eastman, the president's attorney who put together that memo which amount today a step-by-step guide to the former president sparking a coup. >> and all we are demanding of vice president pence is this afternoon at 1:00, he let the legislatures of the state look into this so we get to the bottom of it and the american people know whether we have control of the direction of our government or not. [ cheers and applause ] >> rudy giuliani applauding him on. that was eastman at the rally leading up to the insurrection laying out the essence of a memo that would only come to light months later, and might never have seen the light of day had
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the scheme actually succeeded. now, the select committee wants to know more. the question, though, is will they get it from him? or any of the other five? or any of the others they have subpoenaed? tonight, it's hard to see how. on friday, former-justice department official jeffrey clark, whom the former president wanted to take over the justice department, appeared before the committee but refused to speak until the question of executive privilege makes it through the courts. then, there is steve bannon who stiff armed the committee entirely and whom congress held in contempt, referring his case to the justice department. that was more than two and a half weeks ago. today, attorney general merrick garland was asked to comment on it. he declined saying only, quote, we evaluate these in the normal way we do. looking at the facts and law, and applying principles of prosecution. keeping 'em honest, these are certainly not normal times, nor have many of the big name subpoena recipients, so far, responded in any normal way, other than with delay tactics, stonewalling, or in bannon's case, outright contempt. quite an example of the -- for the latest six to follow. joining us now is cnn chief domestic correspondent, jim
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acosta. also, elizabeth holtzman, who is congresswoman from new york, served on the house judiciary committee during watergate. so, obviously, these are staunch loyalists of the former president is there any reason to think they would consider cooperating? >> no i think these six are all going to dig in, anderson. there have been some low-level associates of the former president who have been apparently cooperating to some extent maybe because they can't afford the legal fees. but, you know, these six. they are -- they are pretty integral to what the january 6th committee is investigating. talk about john eastman who wrote that infamous memo trying to say that the president -- the former president -- the former vice president could throw out the election results from the 2020 election. you have jason miller who was crafting statements for the former president at that time. you ever bill stepien who was the campaign manager of the 2020 campaign for the former president. so, these are very important, influential people in that process who are apparently involved in that -- that infamous meeting that was going on over at the willard hotel here in washington. but, anderson, i talked to
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former-trump adviser earlier-this evening who said listen, you know, it looks like what the january 6th committee is doing and it's logical that they are going to do this is talk to every person around the former president. perhaps, in the hopes of, you know, trying to get cooperation from the former president, himself, at some point. and this advisor went on to say that many of them feel like it's a good thing that thery were using encrypted messaging to speak with one another during this time in the run-up to the january-6th insurrection. and so, that gives you a sense as to how they were thinking in advance that what they were doing might not go over well from a legal standpoint. the other thing, anderson, that i think needs to be said is that all of this is really in the hands of the attorney general, maerrick garland. if he is not going to force the subpoena that steve bannon is thumbing his nose at right now, the rest of these six, anybody else who receives a subpoena from congress could do the exact same thing and honestly that's something that should just be, you know -- you know, have every red-blooded american out there pissed as hell that the
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executive branch can thumb its nose at the legislative branch and the judicial branch when it comes to something as important and as insane as a coup aimed at overturning the election results. >> ms. holtzman, how crucial will the department of justice's decision to either prosecute or not prosecute steve bannon be in getting these trump allies to cooperate with the select committee? >> i think it's vital. i think the committee's gotten a lot of information. we hear from the lower-level people, the underlings who apparently cooperated or talked to them. i mean, they say -- the committee says they have interviewed 150 people. but these are the key people, and their testimony is vital. i don't understand how the justice department can be taking this kind of laid-back approach. two problems with that. one is the clock, which is running. it's possible that if the republicans take over the house
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in the next -- in the midterm elections -- we can have a very different situation. so, it behooves the attorney general to move promptly on this. but the second thing is, as jim said, congress -- congress can subpoena information and get information. and in this case, it's not information about just anything. it's information about an attempt to overthrow a presidential election by force. if congress can't get that information, then what information can it get? i mean, during the impeachment of nixon, we tried to get -- we subpoenaed information. the president stonewalled us and ultimately the supreme court ruled. and that was vital in getting every single republican on the house judiciary committee and i think almost every republican in congress was going to vote for his removal. >> yeah. >> we have a massive coverup going on now and the president should be ashamed about it but we have to call it for what it
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is. and the justice department has to be part of the solution to this problem, which is to bring the documents, bring the testimony to light. what the truth is can only find out by doing that. >> jim, obviously, the white house doesn't want to be seen as pressuring and -- and -- you know, president biden already received criticism and actually apologized for -- or at least said it was the wrong thing to do when he said that he thought, you know, the justice department should -- should move forward. >> that's right. and i think that is why, you know, this is really all on the attorney general at this point. and that's why you have so many democrats who are just hopping mad with merrick garland. i talked to a house democrat earlier-this evening who said they want to see trump and his associates held accountable and if they are not going to cooperate with the january-6th committee, that they should be prosecuted. that -- that is a -- that is a very baseline feeling among a lot of democrats. but, listen. you know, they're -- we are
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talking about people like michael flynn, who already was in trouble once before for lying to federal investigators. received a pardon from the former president. i mean, these are the kinds of people that we're dealing with. of course, they are not going to cooperate. and so, you know, as elizabeth was saying, we're faced with a choice. do congressional subpoenas from this point forward carry the same legal weight as a hallmark card? pretty please, mother, may i? will you cooperate with the january 6th committee? we just can't have that kind of system of government in this country. or else you are going to give the executive branch all the power in the world to do whatever they want from here until kingdom come. and, anderson, the republicans need to think about this. they very well could be in charge come next nov,ember, in year from now. do they want to have their subpoenas essentially be declared null and void and have no legal weight whatsoever? because that is the precedent that they are setting right now. >> congresswoman, if you were on the select committee, what would you want to be hearing from the people who have been subpoenaed? >> well, i'd, first of all, want to see the documents, the e-mails before i question them.
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but basically, i'd like to see, for example, from michael flynn. what he proposed about martial law and what president trump said to him in -- in response to the proposal. was the president willing to go along with using martial law? with using the military to overturn an election? were we there? we ought to know more about what john eastman said to the president and what the president said to him. and uh, so those are really critical things. what the president knew and when he knew it. the same questions that we -- that came up in watergate. those are the exactly the same questions we need to have answered now. >> congresswoman holtzman, jim acosta, appreciate it. thank you. joining us now, michigan congressman fred upton, one of just nine republicans who voted to hold steve bannon in contempt. congressman, what is your reaction to -- to this latest round of subpoenas? because i know you are not on the select committee but as i mentioned, you voted to hold steve bannon in contempt of congress.
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what do you think the committee is able to learn from this latest batch of people they are trying to get? >> well, i voted to hold him in contempt for a variety of reason. i am the former chair of the energy and commerce committee. we issued a number of subpoenas. our big goal, of course, was to look at, go after fraud and abuse and there was not a time when we didn't work with the democrats to try and get the truth. you'll remember, that the select committee that republic -- a good number of republicans supported, led by john katko, said that the -- we wanted an equal number of republicans and democrats. to get a subpoena, you would have to have at least one republican and one democrat onboard. it had to be done by the end of the calendar year so it wouldn't bleed into the -- the election year. and it was going to move forward in the senate. and the house passed that. the senate didn't agree. and so, we are then left with the current select committee which does have a couple of republicans but the bottom line is i think exactly how you framed it. if these subpoenas are
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disregarded entirely, how are we going to operate in the future. and if -- the other point is that there are some members that the select committee has subpoenaed and they, in fact, are cooperating. i mean, mark meadows, as i understand it, their attorneys have been communicating. there is a number of -- you know, a number of people have been interviewed. the process is moving forward. but with bannon -- and of course they claimed executive privilege. he was not a white house -- on the white house payroll at the time. it's going to ultimately -- mr. garland has -- has a big say here in terms of how this thing proceeds. >> yeah. some people have communicated through attorneys, haven't necessarily shown up yet and there is some question whether it's a delaying tactic but yes, there is communication. >> at least there is communication. >> right. >> there's, you know, the process -- the wheel, i think, is -- is moving forward. i hope. >> what do you -- the -- i want to ask you something separate but not entirely unrelated. you were one of 13 house republicans who voted for the bipartisan infrastructure bill. in the wake of that vote, you have been receiving, i understand, some disturbing phone calls.
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um, i want to play one that your office provided to us and i just want to play this for our viewers to give them a sense of what you are getting. >> [ bleep ] traitor. that's what you are. you're a [ bleep ] traitor. i hope you die. i hope everybody in your [ bleep ] family dies. you [ bleep ] piece of [ bleep ] trash mother [ bleep ]. voted for -- you're stupider than he is. he can't even complete a [ bleep ] sentence, you dumb [ bleep ] traitor [ bleep ] piece of trash. i hope you [ bleep ] die. i hope your family dies. i hope everybody [ bleep ] dies. you piece of [ bleep ]. traitor! >> i mean, we are told by your office this was not an isolated incident. i mean, i know a lot of people, you know, get this kind of stuff. but, what does it say to you i mean about where we are? how concerned are you? >> you know what? it's a real step back. thank goodness it wasn't a constituent. but i have a colleague, as you know, that put out the phone
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numbers of the 13 of us that voted that way. be glad to defend that vote. and we have been working really since last spring on a bipartisan bill. this is -- i think that call -- i think he might have been from south carolina. his own senator -- lindsey graham -- couldn't find a closer confidant of president trump than lindsey graham in his four years. lindsey graham voted for it. it passed 69-30 in the senate. we had a long history of trying to work together. this is -- doesn't change the tax code. it's paid for. traditional infrastructure, including broadband, roads, and highways, which is why the farm bureau, the chamber, the business roundtable, home builders, all, vociferously endorsed this. but i will tell you, it -- it's a terrible way -- you know, we -- we've seen civility really downslide here. i am concerned about my staff. they are taking these calls. they're -- the threats to them. i mean, our offices. i mean, you know, in many cases -- and you know, i started
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as a congressional aide at, what, age 21, 22 years old? these are very disturbing adult language, to say the least, that truly is frightening. and a real, real bad mark in terms of the civility across the country as we've seen these issues like this jump. >> yeah. well i mean, no one should receive calls like this and as you said, it's not just you, it's your staff who has to deal with this stuff. and obviously, you know, a lot of young people are working in your office, i'm sure. and -- and, you know, facing this kind of stuff. congressman upton, i appreciate your time tonight. thank you. >> you bet. thanks. coming up next, with eight lives lost, what we are learning about the tragedy in houston, including the lack of a crowd-control plan at that deadly concert, and what criminal investigators are trying to find out now. houston's fire chief is going to join us. later, even though one of its top spokespeople aaron rodgers wasn't exactly acting like a good neighbor with his misleading statements about being vaccinated.
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misleading at the very least against covid. state farm is standing by him. we will talk to scott galloway, ahead, about that. they customize my car insurance, so i only pay for what i need. how about a throwback? you got it. ♪ liberty, liberty - liberty, liberty ♪ uh, i'll settle for something i can dance to. ♪ liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty ♪ ♪ ♪ only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty ♪ is now a good time for a flare-up? enough, crohn's! for adults with moderate to severe crohn's or ulcerative colitis, stelara® can provide relief, and is the first approved medication to reduce inflammation
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when this broadcast ended friday night, a tragedy was unfoling at a concert venue in houston. as we come to you tonight, eight people are dead and what we have learned so far surrounding rapper rapper travis scott's chaotic and fateful performance only adds horror to who was already a tragedy. more from cnn ed lavandera. >> reporter: before travis scott took the stage at the astroworld festival on friday night, the rapper and his head of security met with houston's police chief. the chief says he expressed concern about public safety and urged scott and his team to be mindful of what they were posting on social media but it didn't take long for chaos to unfold. >> we were all just doing everything we could to just -- just fight for our lives. it was a nightmare. it -- it -- it felt like -- it
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felt like hell on earth for those 15-20 minutes i was there. >> reporter: baheer kashif went to the show with three friends. it only got worse later in the night. >> people were stepping on each other. like, i could feel that i -- i probably stepped on a few people. i could feel people pinching my leg to get me off of them and it -- we were just falling on top of each other. as people fall, well people are going to start getting crammed all over on top of them. and now, you are stuck at the bottom of a dog pile. >> reporter: houston police have launched a criminal investigation into what happened at the concert that left eight people dead. as the mayhem in the crowd unfolded, the show onstage kept going. multiple civil lawsuits against travis scott and the entertainment company, live nation, have already been filed. before the astroworld festival, scott had faced criminal charges twice for inciting his concert crowds. in 2018, according to "the arkansas democrat gazette,"
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scott pleaded guilty to disorderly conduct. police say he encouraged a concert crowd to rush the stage in a 2017 show in rogers, arkansas. and in 2015, "the chicago tribune" reported he urge add lollapalooza crowd to climb over security barricades. in an instagram post, travis scott indicated he wasn't aware of how bad the crowd situation had become in houston. >> at any time i could make out, you know, anything that's going on. you know -- you know, i'd stop the show and, you know, help them get the help they need. >> reporter: houston authorities released the names of all the victims who died in the crush of people at the concert. john hilgert was 14 and briana rodriguez was 16. the other victims were in their 20s. danish baige. madison, franco patino. cnn has obtained the 56-page operation plan for the
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astroworld festival. the document does not include a specific plan for how to handle surging crowds. the plan said when dealing with large crowds, the key in properly dealing with this type of scenario is proper management of the crowd from the minute the doors open. that did not happen. this is video of crowds pushing through a vip entrance, bypassing the security hours before the travis concert started. >> everyone's screaming. i mean, it's like an airplane crash type of situation. people are screaming like bloody murder. it is kind of like a matter of fact thought. like, okay, this could be it. this could be how -- how i go. >> reporter: jared says everyone around him was struggling to stay on their feet and breathe. at one point, he fell down and landed on someone he thinks might be one of the victims. >> i remember looking down and the person on the bottom was just laying there. um, and all i could do is i just slapped their face. i think they were -- they were unconscious. they might have -- they might have passed at that point. >> reporter: ed lavandera, cnn
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houston. >> joining us now is houston's fire chief samuel pena. chief pena, appreciate you being with us. what is the latest on the investigation into this? >> anderson, thank you. and first of all, i want to extend condolences to the families of the deceased and -- and our prayers are with them and the injured that are still in the hospital. um, anderson, the -- the investigation is still in its infancy. the houston police department is going to be the primary agency that's -- that's leading that investigation. and we're contributing to that -- to those documents as far as what our role was in providing permits for that operation. and our permits were limited to the -- the fire code items. namely, you know, propane gas that was used for the mobile-food trucks, tents. the pyrotechnics that were deployed at the -- at the concert. and maintaining the means of -- the doors in and out of that -- of that venue. that venue is -- is -- is a county facility. so, it's a -- it was a -- a -- a
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county-sanctioned event. and our role in that was to provide those item that is required permits from the fire department. um, in addition to that, we -- yes, go ahead. >> so -- so i mean, how does something like this happen? i mean, obviously, that was in the -- the general-admission area, i guess. and people were surging toward the stage and those who were already up front were being crushed. probably, the people surging maybe not have even realized -- likely, didn't even realize that people a few rows in front of them were -- or, you know, a few people in front of them were being crushed. is there -- who is supposed to control that kind of thing? >> yeah. well, anderson, you described the -- the issue exactly. this is an open-venue event. and -- but, towards the front of the stage, they did have some -- some security fencing for -- for the security to be able to get
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across and have access. they also had some moats that were -- that extended perpendicular from the -- from the stage where security can walk up and down into the crowd. and so, that prevented the surge from pushing directly forward. but the crowd started -- the surge began, for whatever reason. as it began to move forward, it started compressing those -- those individuals that were towards the center. and -- and at some point, they were unable to escape that -- that environment. >> you know, i -- it's hard, i think, for somebody who hasn't been in a crowd like this to kind of, you know, you hear about people being trampled to death or -- or -- or, you know, can't breathe in a crowd. it's hard to kind of imagine. but you look at these images. when people are trying to pull their friends or a security person is trying to pull somebody out of this crowd and the videos we are looking at now, in some cases, they -- i mean, it's very difficult for them to even tug somebody out of the crowd because it's so packed
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together. um, it's extraordinary that i -- that this can happen and -- and people are on top of each -- i mean, the people are crushed beneath this. >> absolutely. look, it doesn't matter how strong you are. once you get caught in that type of environment with that type of surge, that type of force, there is really nothing you can do. you are at the mercy of the crowd. you are at the mercy of the wave. so, the key and the goal is to stay ahead of that. um, you know, there were several instances of -- of people trying to approach the security from that -- from that event to let them know that there was an issue going on. and it seems to me like they, um, actions weren't taken quickly enough. >> yeah. the show went on. chief pena, i really appreciate what you do and i appreciate your time tonight. i know how busy you are. thank you. >> thank you, anderson. coming up. what state farm has to say about its pitchman, aaron rodgers, and his misleading comments about being vaccinated against covid. are they standing by him? details on that ahead. per,
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state farm is sticking with its pitchman, green bay quarterback aaron rodgers, despite the covid vaccine misinformation he's been spreading. as you likely remember, last week rogers tested positive for covid and revealed he wasn't vaccinated. even though he told the media he was, quote, immunized back in august. well, rogers was sidelined over
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the weekend with covid, there were fewer state arm ads airing that featured the nfl star. but a spokesperson for the insurance company released a statement on rogers -- saying we don't support some of the statements he made but we respect his right to have his own personal point of view. spokesperson added, quote, we encourage vaccinations but respect everyone's right to make a choice based on their personal circumstances. for more perspective, scott galloway joins us. he is professor of marketing at nyu school of business. he is also co-host of the pivot podcast. so, scott, why do you think state farm decided to -- to stick with rodgers? >> well, i hate to say this but i think it's like most signals in america. i think they probably did an assessment of their customer base, and decided that the majority of them were in small towns, rural america and probably leaned red and were sympathetic towards aaron rodgers. >> hmm. so -- so, fearing -- fearing a backlash but a backlash against state farm if they had left or if they had cancelled their --
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their -- their contract with rodgers? >> yeah, i think the backlash probably they -- they did an assessment and decided. and again, there's -- doing the shareholder driven thing and there is doing the right thing and i would argue sometimes those two aren't congruent. but i imagine they did the calculus and said that the blowback from who is one of the most popular athletes in the most popular league in the world would be greater than standing by him or her. although, i don't think the story is over here, anderson. i think this is going to get worse and worse for mr. rodgers. and i would -- i would bet that state farm rethinks, um, its position here because -- i mean, we are battling so much in this war and this pandemic. and to think that we are now battling the misinformation and junk science of someone who has such an incredible following. i think people are slowly, but surely, going to get angrier and angrier about this. >> so, you think they made -- do you think state farm made the right move? i mean, just from a business standpoint?
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>> um, i think in the short-term, yes. but look, i don't think it's ever the wrong time to do the right thing. and i -- as i was thinking about this when your producer called, anderson, i went online and i looked at state farm. they offer health insurance. if i gave misleading information, much less downright false information about my health status, in an attempt to get health insurance from state farm and they found out later that i had misled them about my health status, they would cancel my insurance. and so, i think when you are a spokesperson, you know, your job is to have a pretty much tia -- every day for those who are given as much as expected. this is a really bad look and i think that state farm ultimately is an insurance company. built on trust and voracity. needs to hold their spokespeople to the same standard that they would hold their customers. >> it's -- it was interesting to me in -- in rodgers' statement, you know, he talked about, you know, personal body autonomy and -- and, you know, doing
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what's right for -- for his body. which i certainly understand. but in a pandemic, this really isn't about your own, personal feelings or, you know, you're part of a larger community whether you want to be or not. and i know the -- you know, the richer you are, the more you can isolate yourself and stuff. but, you know, he is sending out a pretty negative message to a lot of people and he is not really thinking about the larger community, it seems. >> yeah. the key word in your statement, anderson, was autonomy and, that is, there have been several players in the basketball and the nba, and the nfl who have said i don't want to get the vaccine and that's their right and they have paid a price for that. they have been forced to make mandatory leave and they are giving up salary. aaron rodgers was misleading and you want to talk about autonomy? you are deciding that other people give up their autonomy not to be around you, and you are five times more likely to spread covid-19, is my
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understanding, based on the studies i see out of israel and the uk and you are taking away other people's autonomy. so, it is aaron rodgers' right to not be vaccinated. it is his right to decide if he wants to take additional risks and he is ten times more likely to get covid without a vaccine. it is not his right to usurp other people's autonomy, mislead them about his status, and put them in greater harm. so, we have laws that protect the usurping of the reduction of other people's autonomy and that's what his misinformation and, quite frankly, misleading behavior and downright lies. so, autonomy is the key word here and we gave up -- a lot of people in the nfl and people in the locker room and on the field with him unwillingly gave up their autonomy. >> you must have a really fun class. like, i wish i could take your course. >> come on, anderson. >> i wish i could take your courses. scott galloway, great to talk to you as always. thank you. >> thanks, anderson. coming up, the only victim
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who survived being shot by kyle rittenhouse takes the stand in his trial. the dramatic testimony, next. i brought in ensure max protein, with thirty grams of protein. those who tried me felt more energy in just two weeks! (sighs wearily) here i'll take that! (excited yell) woo-hoo! ensure max protein. with thirty grams of protein, one gram of sugar, and nutrients to support immune health.
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the only person who survived being shot by kyle rittenhouse during a chaotic protest in kenosha, wisconsin, last year took the stand in his homicide trial today. the witness, a paramedic, who was also armed that night testified he pulled out his own firearm but said he was only trying to preserve his own life and his hands were raised when rittenhouse shot him. cnn's omar jimenez has the latest now from the courthouse in kenosha. >> reporter: gaige grosskreutz is the only survivor of those shot by kyle rittenhouse on august 25th, 2020. a trained medic, grosskreutz went to kenosha to provide first aid as he did at previous demonstrations. soon, he would need his own. just minutes before he heard the shots that killed joseph rosenbaum. >> that sounded like gunshots. >> reporter: then, saw rittenhouse not long after. >> hey, what are you doing? you shot somebody?
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who's shot? >> started hearing people he just shot that guy, he just shot somebody. i thought that the defendant was, um, an active shooter. >> reporter: grosskreutz was also carrying a weapon that night for his own protection. >> i believe in the second amendment, and that night was no different than any other day. it's keys, phone, wallet, gun. >> reporter: he ran in rittenhouse's direction, as others began chasing alongside him. some even confronting r rittenhouse. then, gunshots. anthony huber is shot in the chest and grosskreutz, just feet away, puts up his hands. >> so after you raised your hands like this, you saw the defendant re-rack the weapon? >> correct. >> what did you think was going to happen? >> re-racking the weapon, in my mind, meant that the defendant pulled the trigger while my hands were in the air but the gun didn't fire.
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so then, by re-racking the weapon, i inferred that the defendant wasn't accepting my surrender. >> reporter: during cross-examination -- >> you didn't drop your firearm. you were chasing mr. rittenhouse with your gun. >> reporter: the defense honed in on that same moment but going to after grosskreutz's hands were up. >> at this point, you are holding a loaded chambered glock 27 in your right hand. yes? >> that is correct, yes. >> you are advancing on mr. rittenhouse who is seated on his butt, right? >> that is correct. >> you're moving forward and your right hand drops down with your gun. your hands are no longer up and now the gun is pointed in the direction of mr. rittenhouse. agree? >> reporter: the defense presses further. >> when you were standing 3 to 5 feet from him with your arms up in the air, he never fired, right? >> correct. >> it wasn't until you pointed
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your gun at him, advanced on him with your gun -- not your hands down -- pointed at him -- that he fired, right? >> correct. >> reporter: prosecutors came back to specify with grosskreutz on the positioning of the gun. >> did you intentionally point your firearm at the defendant? >> no, i did not. >> did you feel there was an imminent danger that the defendant was going to kill you? >> yes, absolutely. >> is that the way you hold and point a gun when you're going to shoot it? >> no. >> reporter: and this is likely the first time rittenhouse and grosskreutz have been face to face since the shooting when grosskreutz walked into the courtroom before his testimony, rittenhouse looked over at him approx multiple times and was very attentive during the testimony. moving forward, prosecutors have been expected to rest their case early-this week with estimates of tuesday. at some point after that, the defense will have their turn to present their case and then
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afterward, a decision will be left up to the jury. anderson. >> omar jimenez, appreciate it. fascinating day in court. up next, update on the gabby petito killing and two missing people you probably haven't heard about but whose stories deserve to be told. ♪ limu emu & doug ♪ got a couple of bogeys on your six, limu. they need customized car insurance from liberty mutual so they only pay for what they need. what do you say we see what this bird can do? woooooooooooooo... we are not getting you a helicopter. looks like we're walking, kid. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ if you're an adult newly diagnosed with non-small cell lung cancer that's spread and tests positive for pd-l1 without an abnormal egfr or alk gene, your first option could be a chemo-free combo that works differently. opdivo plus yervoy equals a chance for more nights to remember. more days to savor.
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an update tonight on the investigation in the death of gabby petito. close to 4,000 speem have signed a petition demanding florida governor ron desantis to start investigation into the north port police department's handling of the case. p petito and her fiance brian laundrie gained national attention after he she disappeared on a cross-country road trip they documented st extensively on social media. her death was ruled a homicide and a manhunt began for laundrie who had returned home to flor for without her. his remains were found in a florida preserve last month and petito's murder remains unsolved but sadly not every missing person as we well know -- or case gets the attention that gabby petito's did. many cases, especially with black and brown victims, don't get any attention at all. c cnn's sara sidner has more. >> at the break of dawn in the mildle of the arizona desert, a crowd of strangers meet for one purpose. >> you guys come out here to help me out.
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i really appreciate that from the bottom of my heart. >> to help another stranger. a father, desperately searching for his 24-year-old son daniel robinson. >> since he was a child, he liked to challenge everything. >> reporter: he was born with a challenge. >> and i want today introduce him to prosthetics because he is born one hand. we quickly learned that that is something daniel don't want. he let nothing stop him. he decide today be a geologist once he got into freshman year in college. he excelled at it. you know, he graduated with honors. >> reporter: daniel's first job, checking the viability of water wells in the arizona desert. >> he loved this area, of course, because of the rock form. you are a geologist, this is the best place to be. >> reporter: but the terrain became a hellsca pe for his dad when daniel went missing in june from his job site. nav gating the dangers in the desert, the army vettian knows firsthand, time is of the essence. >> when i call the police department, they told me that i had to wait actually three hours because they had 12-hour, um, i
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guess report time. you can say a person is missing. then, i called them back and put in a missing-person report. i got very worried. that's when i got very worried. i asked the buckeye police department to go officer told me they were going to send a vehicle out there, a helicopter to search for him. i was relieved. they called back an hour later and said no, it was a no-go. i'm his dad. and he's my son. i lost all sense of reality at that moment. i said, you know what, they're not going to look for my son, i'm going to do it myself. >> reporter: before he arrived, they did decide to search for his son with helicopters. >> this is the last place your son was seen? >> this is the last place. >> reporter: what do you think happened here? >> something happened here but i don't know what. >> reporter: a month later police called robinson. >> i got afraid it was going to
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be bad news. they said no, we found his vehicle. >> some ranchers found it. at that point we conducted our investigation and additional searches. >> reporter: what was the condition of the car? if it had rolled over, it was pretty bad. >> yeah, the car was on his side. the sunroof was kicked out, so he may have exited through the sunroof. >> reporter: daniel's cellphone, clothes he was wearing that day, and a case of water all found at the crash site. but not daniel. >> people just don't disappear into thin air. does that feel like what's happened here? >> yes. it's a very, very challenging case. >> reporter: no matter how much the family asks for this to be a criminal investigation, can you make that happen? >> we can't make up evidence. absolutely suspicious circumstances related to the case. >> reporter: frustrated and heartbroken, robinson hired a private investigator. where are we going? >> down here is where the vehicle was recovered from.
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>> reporter: is that the glass from the car? >> yes. >> reporter: when you looked at this accident, what are the discrepancies you noticed right away? >> i believe it was in more than one collision. >> reporter: what does the data from the black box of the cartel you? >> that there was 11 additional miles on the vehicle since the airbags came out. >> reporter: what does that tell you? >> that it crashed somewhere else. >> reporter: does that sound suspicious? what explains that? >> the national expert told us his findings and an expert at jeep told us sometimes that happens and it's not unusual. >> reporter: but the data also shows someone tried to start the car 46 times after the crash. >> that's something we can't explain. >> reporter: it begs the question, again, the family is saying, it's criminal, he's got to be in danger, do something. >> i agree. but we need information. we need evidence. >> reporter: he's got a lot of theories.
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his words, i think, were "i don't think they cared." what do you say to that? >> it couldn't be furthest from the truth. >> reporter: losing hope, robinson began pleading for media coverage. >> it literally took three months. >> reporter: while robinson's search for his son occurred, the media became focused on the case of gabby petito. >> do they think we love our children less or they're less important? >> reporter: in 2020, more than 543,000 missing person's records were filed. more than 480,000 were cleared. 40% of the missing are people of color. >> there are a lot of gabby petitos and natalee holloways in the back and brown community. >> reporter: that's why former police officer derricka wilson co-founded back and missing inc. she said too often their cases go untold. eventually local news did stories and citizens helped
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search. did you know daniel? >> no, i just wanted to help. >> reporter: a stranger, on a saturday? >> yeah. >> reporter: why? >> i can't imagine what that man is going through. >> reporter: as the search for daniel goes into its fifth month, another family is in the midst of a terrible mystery for a fifth year. the family of nicky and arianna fetz. >> arianna is very energetic. >> reporter: mother another, nicky, was found in a shallow grave in san francisco's mclaren park. arianna was gone. >> one, it breaks my heart that arianna is not with her mom and not with her family. but it also breaks my heart even more that i know that nicky wants nothing more than arianna to be with us, to be home.
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>> reporter: tessa fetz says she's convinced her niece arianna was taken by people close to arianna's mother. san francisco police searched for weeks. they had some leads but no arrests. a digitally altered photo was made of what she may look like now. >> she's 8 now. i don't want to see this in a picture. i want to see her face in person. >> reporter: should arianna fetz be a household name like jonbenet ramsey? >> absolutely. why is her case any different from kayleigh anthony? i can tell you, the color of her skin is the only difference. >> reporter: for five desperate years the family has continued searching, using flyers, media, and "missing" posters. >> all i want is for there to be the media coverage for her. i think she deserves that. >> reporter: the fetzes and the
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robinson want only one thing, hugging their missing children once again. do you think arianna is still alive? >> i do believe she is still alive. it would mean everything for me to know where she is and to find her. i will search for her every day until i find her. >> reporter: how long will you search? >> until i find my son. i have to. he's my responsibility. >> reporter: sara sidner, cnn, buckeye, arizona. we'll be right back.
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♪ there are beautiful ideas that remain in the dark. but with our new multi-cloud experience, you have the flexibility you need to unveil them to the world. ♪ breaking news continues, let's hand it over to chris for "cuomo prime time." >> anderson, thank you. i am chris cuomo. welcome to "prime time." how could no one see and try to stop the horror that happened at astroworld music festival on friday where travis scott was performing?
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