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tv   Being...  CNN  November 19, 2021 8:00pm-9:00pm PST

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kyle rittenhouse is a free man. the jury acquitting him on all charges after he fatally shot two protesters and wounded another more than a year ago. plus republicans in wisconsin are take push s to take full control of the state's elections. is there anything that can be done to stop the assault on voting rights? and a tennis star in china vanished. now chinese star state media releasing what it claims are new images of peng shuai, but is it re really proof? we're going to dig into all of
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this. >> as for the first count we the jury find the defendant kyle h. rittenhouse not guilty. as to the second count as we the jury find the defendant kyle h. rittenhouse not guilty. as to the third count of information unknown male, we the jury find the defendant kyle rittenhouse not guilty. as to the fourth we the jury find the defendant kyle h. rittenhouse not guilty. as to the fifth count of the information we the jury find the defendant kyle h. rittenhouse, not guilty. >> members of the jury, are these your unanimous verdicts? is there anyone that does not agree with the verdict as read? >> joining me now cnn legal analyst elle honing and charles f. coleman, jr. so good to see both of you,
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gentlemen. kyle rittenhouse is a free man. we heard from his defense attorney mark richards tonight. watch this. >> does he think he did anything wrong? >> legally, no. >> morally? >> he wishes he didn't have to do it. >> you've been saying the prosecution had a very high bar. why'd they fall short? >> such an interesting answer. he hesitated the lawyer, and he said legally, no. and i think the lesson is there is our jury system does not measure right and wrong. it measures legal or illegal. it measures law and facts. and the law is really such an important factor here, don. it is really difficult to convict anyone. you have to prove beyond a reasonable doubt. we all know that. that's by design. self-defense makes if even harder for prosecutors, and wisconsin law is particularly favorable to self-defense because as you discussed with chris earlier, the prosecutor has to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that there was not
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legitimate self-defense. so if the jurors are back there going this is a tough call, this is close call, that's reasonable doubt, that's not guilty. >> reasonable doubt -- just before we move on because you reminded me -- do you think that -- do you expect civil charges? civil charges is preponderance of the evidence. it's not beyond a reasonable doubt. >> i do think we'll see civil lawsuits here, which is money damages. and all someone suing for money is have to prove by 50.1%, much lower. >> got it. the jury deliberated for 25 hours. are you surprised of an acquittal? >> i'm not. ultimately this was a question for the jury of did you buy the story of kyle rittenhouse as a vigilante, as someone who went to kenosha wanting to start trouble, as someone who provoked these altercations and then ultimately fired his weapon? or did you buy the narrative that the defense was selling, that he went there to try to help people, put out fires and
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be this fake emt, and ultimately he only did that because he was in defense of his life and he felt that threatened? i think ultimately those were the two narratives competing against each other. and the jury at the end of the day made the decision they did not buy the provocation. when you saw the video, when you saw the request the jury made asking for more and more footage or to see the footage over and over again, i think they were really looking at trying to decide was this about provocation or did he really reasonably believe his life was in danger? >> i haven't heard one person especially analysts say this is a surprise to them. i've heard citizens who watched say i can't believe they didn't -- but you guys have been saying you thought it was going to be what it is. >> we've been talking about this. i'm not surprised. charles hits on such an important point here, which is provocation. provocation was a key point of the prosecution's argument. because if they could prove kyle rittenhouse provoked this attack he can't argue self-defense. but the thing is being out of
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place is not provocation. being an idiot is not provocation. even looking for trouble generally is not provocation. the law says you have to pick out a person, say i want to get that person to attack me so that i can kill or maim that person. and things like being out after curfew and coming maybe from another -- well, he's lived in another state. he was there in kenosha because he knew family and friends. and driving without a license and not being a full emt, that is not legal provocation. >> you know, don, and ellie can verify this. you have your facts, you have your witnesses. you expect them to go on the stand and say certain things, but at the end of the day you don't know how judges are going to rule on evidence. at the end of the day it can be somewhat of a crapshoot. i think as this case went on with respect to how the judge was ruling, how the witnesses were in some cases helping them but in many cases hurting them.
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with respect to kyle rittenhouse taking the stand and actually doing a fairly good job as a witness in his own self-defense, the prosecution's case began to slip away from them gradually over and over again. >> you heard his attorney say earlier in the press conference right after the verdict he said, look, we did mock trials. and we put one with him on and one with him not on, and i mean it was vastly different. and they said they had no other choice but to have him testify. he's appearing on a promotional trailer for a tucker carlson program. take a look. >> the jury reached the correct verdict. self-defense is not illegal. and i believe they came to the correct verdict, and i'm glad that everything went well, and it's been a rough journey but we made it through it. >> why on earth would he do that? >> don, i think it's important we understand something. from the moment kyle rittenhouse pulled that trigger we were going to be in a very difficult
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space as a country, and i'm not even talking about legally. if he was convicted he was going to become a symbol to the right, a martyr, a symbol for gun enthusiasts. he was going to become that martyr and that fighting person for them. if he's acquitted, now he becomes a hero. he's now been basically stamped at this hero for the right, and this is just the beginning. we're going to see more of this. >> his attorney said he did not approve that. that's what he told chris. >> word that you guys had a film crew embedded with you from fox news from tucker carlson -- i want to know why that decision was made. >> i did not approve of that. i threw them out of the room several times. and i'm not suggesting that fox or some other network. i don't think a film crew is appropriate for something like
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this. but the people who were raising the money to pay for the experts and to pay for the attorneys were trying to raise money, and that was part of it. >> so, don, he's right strategically. it is lunacy from a strategic point of view to have a film crew following around your client. but i have to note the hypocrisy here because that defense lawyer is the same one who stood up in closing arguments and pointed at the prosecutors and said this is a political case, this is a political prosecution. that's a completely inappropriate argument. i can't believe he wasn't reprimanded. he said that to the jury in closing. >> but didn't the judge reprimand the prosecution for saying -- he said this was not about politics? >> earlier on. and for him to stand up in front of the jury and make an inappropriate argument this is political, and at the same time to be rightly casigating tucker carlson for what he's doing is hard to square. >> charles? >> i think when i look at this case and how it played out,
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quite frankly, one of the most disappointing things of this is from now on the legacy of jacob blake will always be overshadowed by kyle rittenhouse in this case. this case happened because an innocent black man got into an altercation with police and was shot. and that story, the closure that that family will never receive will forever be linked to this case and this acquittal. and i think that of anything that has not been discussed and not been explored that perhaps is the biggest tragedy that we're looking at. that's not to discount the live that were lost and the person who was injured. but it is to say there's an important larger conversation not being had around how we even got here. and it's a shame that i think that going forward a lot of people are going to miss that point. >> charles, thank you. ellie, thank you. i want to turn now to alvin owens, a community activist in wisconsin. thank you for joining us this evening. appreciate it. you are a community activist and
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business owner. you helped to organize protests in the wake of the jacob blake shooting. what was your reaction to the verdict and what are you hearing from others in kenosha tonight? >> well, first, i'm active in my community. i don't know if i carry the full title of activist but i'm very active in my community, don. what i make of it? i really didn't. it was par for the course with this verdict. many within my direct community, the african-american community of kenosha, many of us were at a funeral of one of our very own, maurkice wallace, jr., who was gunned down last week due to gun violence. so we were there today when the verdict happened was during the service of the funeral. so we literally were just -- we're still mourning from that. and so when we got the news, it
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was, okay, this is -- this is america. reference to childish gambino, but many of our leading activists here with me -- kyle johnson, i'm sorry -- who's over bloc, black leaders organizeing for communities, they've been having community conversations and poetry and song and dance for healing -- all focused on healing kenosha. they've been outside of my shop for a week. and so they've been doing nonviolent protesting in that way. i think people -- i don't know
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why the social media was expecting this big, you know, to-do -- >> i feel you. let me ask you a couple of things. >> sure. >> because you've said the fact there was a trial here but not a trial in the police shooting of jacob blake -- now, listen, you said that is unfair. i think it's important to point out that police and the evidence does show there was a weapon, right? and that police say they shot him because he was going for a weapon. but you say that's evidence -- not that part, but evidence of what happened in the trial of an unjust, unfair system. talk to me about that. >> explain that again, don. you're saying -- >> you said that the fact that there was a trial here but not a trial in the police shooting of jacob blake, that it was evidence of an unjust, unfair system. >> yeah. i -- well, my quote was in some of the articles was that i don't have faith in the systems. it isn't just with that system.
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it's with a few systems here. and so, you know, i just have to retreat back to what the sense of what our city is going through. everybody is talking but all of us in kenosha on different sides of the aisle kind of not surprised this verdict came out to what it came out to be. >> alvine, thank you so much. i appreciate you joining us. be well. i see your christmas tree back there in the background as well reminding us. okay, thank you. appreciate you joining us. so applause breaks out on the house floor today as nancy pelosi brings down the gavel to pass president biden's ambitious spending bill, better known as the build back better act. the bill is now on its way to the senate where it faces a new set of obstacles. so joining me now cnn white house correspondent john harwood. there's the applause, john. you hear them. good evening to you.
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$1.9 trillion spending bill finally passing the house. it's been a huge effort for democrats. this bill includes everything from universal pre-k to paid family leave to climate change measures. a long road ahead, but how is the white house feeling tonight, you think? >> they're feeling great tonight, don, and for good reason. they're doing very large things in the pair of bills that have moved. the infrastructure bill, which has already become law, $1.2 trillion of investment, broadband, roads, bridges. and now the build back better plan, which includes substantial investments to combat climate change, efforts to subsidize health insurance for people, child care, expand universal pre-k. there's money for housing in this bill. there's an extension of child tax credits. there's a whole lot of spending in this bill going to make a
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significant difference in peoples lives. and these things are not easy to do. that's why they don't get done very often. and so the biden team has got a very good reason to feel good. not to mention the fact that completely unrelated, crude oil prices fell to a six-week low today. so you had a combination of things. the biden white house has been battered by high gas prices. so i think they're feeling like a little bit of tide turning in their direction right now. >> this goes to the senate next where it could hit all kinds of roadblocks. senator joe manchin signaling he's not onboard with how it is now. what is president biden doing to ensure the bill gets through in a way that everybody is satisfied here? because he's utgot to deal with the progressives in his party, and he's got to deal with joe manchin as well. >> don, he's done a lot already, intensive diplomacy with both kyrsten sinema of arizona, joe manchin of west virginia. and i think the obstacles to enactment of this bill are not
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as great as they're sometimes described. most of this bill has been agreed to already. there are going to be changes in the senate. it is likely that manchin will insist on, for example, the paid leave provisions coming out of this bill. but in a very substantial form resembling what passed the house today, i think it's highly likely that passes the senate. both democratic leaders in the senate and white house officials are confident they've got those 50 votes prepared to go. that doesn't mean there won't be some skirmishing at the end and some back and forth. anytime you've got zero margin for error, they need all 50 senators plus vice president harris' vote to pass this thing. any single person can hold it up. but i think the expectation is that joe manchin and kiyrsten sinema, the two most obvious hold outs are not going to hold
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it up for all that much, and this is likely to pass either before christmas or soon after that. >> all right, we shall see. john harwood, thank you sir. i appreciate you joining us. you bet. >> the latest battle for voting rights, wisconsin, where the gop is pushing to take over the state's elections, is there anything anyone can do to stop it? plus the man on a hunger strike for voting rights, joe madison, joins me. >> i hope that each senator will reflect on how much we have to lose if our voting rights aren't protected. lanning, we'll look at what you've saved, what you'll need, and help you build a flexible plan for cash flow designed to last. so you can go from saving... to living.
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commission to be charged with felonies because they waived a requirement to send poll workers into nursing home during the pandemic. joining me now one of the democrats on wisconsin's bipartisan election commission, mark thompson. this is fascinating and i've been wanting to have you onto talk about this. thank you for doing it. republicans in your state want to dismantle the election commission and put you and your colleagues in jail over trying to help the elderly vote in 2020 during a pandemic. what is going on here? >> well, thank you very much for focusing on what is happening in this battleground state. this is absolutely surprising and remarkably out of the blue. in march of 2020 our commission, three democrats, three republicans, were faced with holding an election in the middle of a pandemic.
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cms locked down all the nursing homes. we had tens of thousands of older folks that were going to be disenfranchised unless we came up with a creative way to administer the law fairly and accurately. there was a provision for certain nursing homes that special voting deputies are supposed to two times, and if they can't make it to the voter, then the local clerks could send absentee ballots. well, these folks couldn't get there. it was impossible per the rules. there was no way anybody could make anybody go into the nursing homes. it would have spread the steez. we all knew that nursing home folks were at highest risk of dying and getting ill. in a 6-0 vote we decided that the best thing to do was to issue guidance to allow all the local clerks 1,850 municipal
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clerks, 702 county clerks to get absentee ballots out to elderly folks so they could vote. no one said anything in 2020. president trump didn't challenge it. we were sued many, many times. and now recently after calls for commissioners to resign there's an accusation that somehow we broke the law. it is a very, very serious attempt to grab hold of the infrastructure of elections in the state of wisconsin. >> is there anything -- is there anything the governor or anyone else can do if the state legislature claims authority over wisconsin's election system, mark? >> the -- i don't think -- yeah, there is a consensus amongst the republicans to adapt senator johnson's assertion. that is a bald, broad, broad
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attack on state law. no law in the state allows elections to be held that way. right now elections are held -- run by municipalities, the election commission. we oversee it. all the municipal clerks count the ballots. in 2016 president trump won the election by the same rules. 2020 president biden won the election by the same rules. and to adopt senator johnson's attack would be a complete unlawful act, unheard of. it really is astounding. it's astounding. >> wisconsin is a key swing state. are you worried about the integrity of elections in wisconsin, in your state going forward? >> you know, the -- what we learned in 2016 i was the chair of the commission, and we
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declared to the world, you know, there was a recount. we declared to the world that the recount would show that president trump won. it was fair. it was accurate. and we did. 2020 the recounts in a couple of areas, challenges all through the courts. every court, wisconsin supreme court, federal courts said that the election was fair. and president biden won this one. the clerks have run fair, honest elections. we spent tons of federal money. we disperse it around the state to headache it secure. in 2016 we were worried about russian hackers. so we boosted up the facility. we have dedicated municipal clerks, republicans, independents, democrats -- dedicated to elections.
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and it is that institution that is under attack. i've got great confidence that the people that run the elections are honest, hardworking, dedicated to democracy. but we have never faced this kind of attack on the integrity of our day to day voting structure. never before. and so much pressure put on people that volunteer. >> well, we appreciate you coming on and bringing light to this. and we'll continue to cover these stories. it's really -- it's just unbelievable that these things are happening. unfathomable, but here we are. thank you, mark thompson, you be well. republicans intent on undermining voting rights all across this country. pressure mounting on democrats to do something about it. my next guest radio host joe madison is on a hunger strike
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a key part of president biden's economic agenda moving forward today. but when it comes to preserving voting rights democrats and the biden administration have failed to act. now my next guest is on a hunger strike, refusing to eat until congress passes a voting rights
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bill. joining me now sirius xm radio host joe madison. how you holding up? it's day 12, by the way. >> it's been -- you know, it's had its challenges, but after that last interview you just did, i'm more convinced as i imagine those of us who have been involved in demonstrations and pickets and arrests are now -- we're emboldened to get the united states senate when they get back from their thanksgiving recess to put this on the front burner. i was just amazed what was going on in wisconsin. you know, if this were -- if this were the late 1800s we'd call it jim crow. but it's the 21st century. it's james crow esquire. i mean, it's unimaginable how you would keep older people,
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probably the most loyal voters in our democracy from voting, and the two bills that the senate is considering would prevent that from happening. johnson -- senator johnson would be checked. and that's why, you know, i'm doing what i'm doing, and i can -- so my spirits are high. there's some physical challenges, but there's been so many people that have said what can i do. and that's what i'm hoping that the senators upon their thanksgiving recess while they're reflecting on the abundance of this country, that they'll reflect on what will happen if our voting rights aren't protected. and i hope that they can get this done as senator schumer stated in a letter that he would do. >> are you going to -- democrats feeling hopeful. you said you're hopeful.
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so we'll see what happens, but this is day 12. we have to get through the thanksgiving holidays next week. are you -- what are you going to do? everyone's going to be around you eating. family is going to be together. you going to stick to this? >> don -- oh, yeah, i'm definitely going to stick to it. there's no question about that. look, i've said it and i'll say it again. just as food is essential for the existence of life, voting is essential for the existence of democracy. i don't need thanksgiving to remind me that food is always remind me. look, we have to -- we have to sacrifice. if that's what it's going to take to get the senate's attention and get the 50 votes at least from the democrats, then that's what we'll have to do. you know, i should remind people i think when ronald reagan was
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president the voting rights act was up for extension, and 98 senators out of 100 voted to protect our voting rights. now, i don't know what has happened to the republican party between now and then, but you would think that they would understand that you're not just protecting the rights of democratic voters. you're protecting the rights of all voters. i mean, in that nursing home you talked about that was mentioned, you don't know whether they're republicans or democrats. so all these two bills that are up for consideration do is that they -- they prevent states from imposing voter suppression laws. >> listen, i understand. do you think -- >> that's what they do. >> do you think these lawmakers -- it's republicans,
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independents, plibertarians, everybody. do you think these lawmakers understand now just how much there is to lose if voting rights aren't protected? >> oh, let me say something. if they don't understand, let me tell them to reflect on this. and that is you could lose our democracy. let me explain to them that as it was explained to me by retired general clapper. our adversaries, primarily china and the russians, are hoping that these two bills don't pass. they would love to see the collapse of our votes not being protected. that's what separates us from them. now, if i can understand it i would imagine that there should be 100 senators that understand
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that. >> well, joe, it has been -- as i said it's day 12. joe madison is on a hunger strike until they pass voting rights. i'm worried about you. you know i check in on you from time to time. and it seems like it's going to be a while before this happens. and you're going to go at least another week because they are going to be on the thanksgiving vacation. you take care of yourself, joe. >> if i have to go another month or two months -- and i appreciate your concern. and remember everybody can do something, and i think this is the time for the senators to reflect on how significant it is to get one of these two bills passed. >> keep me updated. take care of yourself. i don't really know what else to say. you're very brave, very strong guy for doing this. joe madison. joe, as much as possible have a happy thanksgiving. okay? >> and the same to you and your family. missing for more than two weeks. now china is facing all kinds of
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china facing increasing pressure as the international community demands proof of the whereabouts of the missing tennis star peng shuai. she hasn't been seen publicly in more than two weeks after she accused the former vice premiere. the chinese state media today releasing what it says are new pictures of peng, but cnn has no way of knowing whether she posted these or when they were taken. the womens tennis organization is threatening to pull out of china entirely unless it's given assurances peng is okay. joining me now cnn correspondent will rippley who's live out of taipei. what are they saying? >> reporter: they're saying
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something, don, that the nba didn't say, that the ioc is not saying weeks before the olympics despite the fact peng shuai is a three time olympian. they're standing up for one of their stars, and they don't believe after posting that detailed allegation of essentially being sexually assaulted by a powerful, influential former party leader, that she would then retract all the allegations and send this e-mail to the w tshs ashs and say everything is fine, i'm resting at home. they don't believe these pictures with the caption happy weekend, ignoring the huge controversy and fire storm. they don't believe she's willingly sitting silently right now. and so steve simon told erin burnett if they don't get an explanation and investigation, they'll put ow of china, which could cost them a billion dollars. listen to this. >> there's too many times in our world today when we get into
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issues like this that we let business, politics, money dictate what's right and what's wrong. >> not many companies would walk away, don, from a lucrative ten-year deal to stand up for a star tennis player who accused someone in the country where she lives, a powerful official of sexual assault. so they're getting a lot of praise around the world, but there's certainly huge financial risk here as well. >> yeah, this is first time we we've seen china shutdown prominent voices. why does this keep happening? does china feel they won't have any real repercussions? >> reporter: you have a bunch of powerful men running that country, emboldened to use their immense power to censor, to silence, and they've deliberately at times taken some of the most prominent figures in
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chinese society and canceled them, pulled them from streaming ser services for various reasons. you mentioned jack mah, china's billionaire who sources say basically got a little too public. he criticized chinese regulators publicly in october and was gone from public view for three months. he didn't appear on the last episodes of his reality show. his fortune has been slashed because regulators went af his company. the most famous actress in china -- imagine the most famous actress in hollywood right now. she was deleted from the internet. she disappeared for three months as well, and she ended up getting $130 million fine for taxes and penalties. there are billionaires that have taken from hotels in hong kong. that was the other example on the screen there, don, and still haven't reappeared in years. and this is the kind of thing that can happen.
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the question is will peng shuai's case be different? there's now like we haven't seen before real global pressure. >> will rippley, we'll be following it. will, thank you. again, a fascinating story going on, and will rippley reporting there. thanks. we'll be right back, everyone. i'll shoot you an estimate as soon as i get back to the office. hey, i can help you do that right now. high thryv! thryv? yep. i'm the all-in-one management software built for small business. high thryv! help me with scheduling? sure thing. up top. high thryv! payments? high thryv! promotions? high thryv! email marketing? almost there, hold on. wait for it.
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adjusts to relieve pressure points. and its temperature balancing so you both sleep just right. save 50% on the new sleep number 360® limited edition smart bed. plus, free premium delivery when you add a base. ends monday. it was 2018, barely two years into the trump presidency and she hit a wall. kir sten powers is here, the author o f
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i felt anger, hatred at times. i was not feeling well. i had chronic fatigue. i was anxious a lot of the time. and i also realized that a lot of the way i was thinking about a lot of other people, the way i was sometimes behaving, especially on social media wasn't really aligned with my values or who i wanted to be. and i have this sort of intuition at the time that what was missing from our culture was grace and certainly what was missing from me was grace. and i started to really delve into the topic and discovered there was so much more there than i could have imagined. >> listen, you can understand why -- i can understand your frustration, right, and you may not have in that moment been giving people the grace that they deserve, because people
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were pushing the bill lie and there was a capitol insurrection or they would say covid is a hoax. that's not an easy thing to deal with. >> no. and the thing is one of the first things that i realized is that there is a real misunderstanding about what grace is. people think it means just letting people get away with things. but there is a reason i put speak your truth in the title, because i don't believe grace means not holding people accountable. i do believe there are consequences for our actions. and i think you still need to name problems. there just is a difference between when i'm looking at it through a lens of grace, which is i use the definition of unmerited favor, which is the christian definition, but this book is really for everybody. it is not a christian book. but i like that paradigm because it is basically saying no matter what you believe or say or do, you have this basic inherent
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dignity that i see in you. if you are a believer maybe it's i see god in you. if you are not, i see the humanity in you, and i see you are more in this and there is potential for more here. so i'm not going to demonize you or hold you in contempt. and what i discovered was the person who really benefitted from that was me. because when you -- you know, i was reading mlk said hate is too great a burden to bear. it's because it's a burden that we bear. it is the same thing with contempt. it's the same thing with judging somebody. you can put any word in there basically, any of those words in there. it's the same. i would be leaving somebody in contempt and being very upset or see something on tv and be feeling that. that person is off sleeping like a baby, and i'm at home laying in bed filled with rage, right? so who's really getting hurt here? and, so, i realize that i needed to make some changes.
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>> yeah. it's -- it's better to, i find, leave it on the air, which i have been telling people since i have been in this business. if you have a conversation with someone, a discussion and it becomes heated, leave that on the air, don't take it off the air and, you know, just treat people, as you said, with grace and dignity. >> i think, don, you are a good model. i was watching you earlier talk about the trial, the rittenhouse trial. i would say exactly the way you handled it is you handled it with grace. you speak truth. you say how it is. you're not demonizing anybody. you are not being over the top. you are giving a context to it. to me, i was like, that's really the model right there. >> thank you very much. i appreciate it. listen, during the pandemic and during george floyd, whatever, the summer of turmoil, i wrote a book, too. i felt like i had to get it out. you did, too. i appreciate you joining us. i wrote a blurb for the book,
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just so you see. the book is called "saving grace." thank you for watching, everyone. our coverage continues. we emit optimism, not exhaust. we plug in our vehicles— as naturally as we charge our phones. -we. -we... are generation e. we want smart.
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9:00 pm
good evening. tonight, the impact of the not-guilty verdict in killings that never should have happened. there is no debate about that. and tried under local and national pressures that amplified every aspect of the case in the duel tragedies at the heart of it. first, the kill of jacob blake by police in kenosha, wisconsin last summer. then, the violent unrest which followed that drew 17-year-old kyle rittenhouse to the scene with an ar-15 style rifle which he ended up using to shoot and kill two men and wound another. two tragedies that brought us here made rittenhouse a right-wing folk hero, social justice villain and fueled no end to debate over vigilante justice, gun rights, race, and policing. in short, everything jurors were supposed to ignore as they considered the evidence and applied the law and reached their decision. here is president biden's reaction shortly after the


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