tv Don Lemon Tonight CNN December 30, 2021 7:00pm-8:00pm PST
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thanks to you for watching. for the entire team at "anderson cooper 360" and cnn worldwide, i'm tom foreman wishing you all of the best and none of the worst in 2022. this is "don lemon tonight." i'm laura coates in for don. president biden warning putin. a kremlin official says that putin told biden new sanctions against russia would be what he called a colossal mistake.
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they didn't come away with any idea on whether putin has decided to invade ukraine. more on that in a moment. it comes as this country is facing what one doctor called the biggest health crisis we've seen, the new cases soaring past 300,000. pediatric hospital admissions are the highest they've ever been over the course of this pandemic. >> we're going to be in for a very rough three or four weeks. i think it's good news that we'll have the boosters for the 12 to 15-year-olds so that will help a little bit but this is going to be a very rough time, not only for the kids but for the adults as well. as we head into this new year's weekend, be conservative, be thoughtful, keep your gatherings
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small and surround yourself with those who are vaccinated. you don't want to come out the other end of this weekend hospitalized or very sick. >> a source telling cnn the pfizer booster shots for kids 10 to 15 years old could be authorized in matter of days. dr. fauci says covid cases could peak at the end of next month. >> i would imagine given the size of our country and the diversity of vaccination versus not vaccination that is likely will be more than a couple of weeks, probably by the end of january i would think. >> we've got a lot more to come on that but i want to get right ou to our breaking news on president biden's high stakes call with russia's vladimir putin. we go to wilmington, delaware tonight. jeremy, you've been talking to your sources about what happened
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on this call. what can you tell us took place? >> a senior administration official telling us earlier this evening that the tone of the conversation between the two leaders was serious and substantive and making clear what president biden's priority was on this call. this is the second call that these two leaders have had in just the last month, which is notable in and of itself. a and president biden sought to reiterate, to say and make very clear to the russian president, what the consequences will be if indeed he decides to move forward with an invausion of ukraine, making clear that it will be met with serious u.s. economic sanctions, as well as a stepped up nato military presence in many of those former soviet countries at russia's doorstep, one of the key things that russian president vladimir putin is trying to avoid at this moment. on the other hand, the president
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also making clear there's an alternative here and that is meaningful diplomatic engagement set to begin on january 10th as u.s. and russian officials are set to meet for the first in a series of security meetings happening that week. so, again, president biden showing that he wants russian president vladimir putin to de-escalate but officials were not expecting this to happen at the beginning of the process. >> i understand the u.s. flew three reconnaissance flights this week alone, including one before this very call. what is the message the biden administration is trying to send here with that? >> i think there are two messages that the white house is trying to send with those reconnaissance flights. on the one hand it's to show the u.s. is going to continue to be active in a military sense in that region with the authorization of the ukrainian
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government, not going into russian airspace of course, but showing that they are a presence in that region and that they will continue to be. on the other hand, it's also about showing very clearly that the u.s. is focused on seeing exactly what russia is going to be doing in that region. a senior administration official said today following that call that they didn't necessarily have a clearer sense of whether or not vladimir putin intends to invade ukraine but what they are going to continue to do is to rely on russia's actions and to rely on u.s. intelligence about those russian military movements. and that's where those u.s. surveillance flights come into play, especially given the fact that one of those flights happened just hours before this conversation, clearly the u.s. wanted president biden to have the latest and most up-to-date information about those russian military movements. there are still more than 100,000 russian troops on ukraine's border and no sign as of yet that russia is playing to de-escalate. if that is the goal that the
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u.s. is seeking, it needs to be aware of whether putin is ratcheting up tensions or scaling back. >> thank you, jeremy diamond. >> susan glasser, you just heard the white house, their take on the putin call. did president biden in your mind, susan, do what he needed to do today? >> well, the problem more is that this is a completely manufactured crisis on the part of vladimir putin. he has sent 100,000 troops to the border with the ukraine, not because of actions that the united states took or didn't took in the last two months. this is about president biden fundamentally and that's what has america's experts on the region so concerned is because this is constructed almost out of thin air. vladimir putin is talking now about nato and guarantees that it not move eastward. guess what?
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ukraine is not really any closer to joining nato now than it was in 2014 when putin invaded ukraine the first time. it's questionable what exactly it is that president biden can do to stop putin from whatever it is he intends right now. i do think the scheduling of the january 10th talks between the united states and russia in geneva suggest at least over the next couple weeks there is a possibility of finding a path forward with putin. but what really worries me is that there's really a mismatch. putin is demanding things that's not within biden's power or the u.s.'s power to give. how does that give him a rationale for walking away with all these troops on the border. >> give me example of what one of those things that would be, the demand being made and not being able to be met. >> first of all, joe biden is
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being asked by putin to negotiate about the security and safety of an entirely third party country. the future of ukraine is at stake without ukraine participating in that conversation with put be in and biden. and the united states is not in a position to give written guarantees about what ukraine does in the future. number two, putin is asking for written guarantees that the united states and nato will not operate in what russia considers its sphere of influence. that is not something that the biden administration is going to agree to and that nato is going to agree to. even if there were serious negotiations over a long-term security treaty between nato and russia, that would take months, if not years, to hammer out. and military experts have said this enormous invasion force gathered on the border between russia and ukraine, you know, there's a relatively limited
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window over the next few months when they would have to move. there's no way that a treaty is going to be negotiated and proceed in that time frame. >> as you said earlier, this is a manufactured crisis on putin's part. he's got to be calculating on the one hand how much economic pain he's willing to take to get what he actually wants and giving biden's options, who has the upper hand here in these talks at all? >> first of all, putin is a bully and he's operating on his turf. so, you know, there are very short-term limited options. if the russian military wants to roll through ukraine, it would suffer a certain amount of damage but even the ukrainian military acknowledges that russia could successfully invade. and, remember, ukraine is not a member of nato, we are not obliged to come to the defense. it's not a treaty ally of ours. so russia unfortunately is like the proverbial nightmarish neighbor who actually does have
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the ability militarily to roll into ukraine should it choose to do so. so that's i think an important factor. but there would be a large price to pay. i think right now that's the best argument that the u.s. and european diplomats have to throw at putin is that this is not worth it, this is a cost you don't want to pay, that the russian public doesn't want to pay. >> and yet putin we're hearing told biden that sanctions would be a colossal mistake. do you agree with that? >> well, i mean, that's what putin would say. you know, experts have told me over the years that in fact we could -- the united states could very significantly increase the pain point for vladimir putin by going, for example, after his personal assets, by going after the personal assets of the corrupt circle that surrounds vladimir putin. that would be a significant escalation. trying to cut russia off from the international banking system, the swift system, is
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something that's been talked about before but never done, even after russia illegally annexed crimea. so there are ways to make putin and his immediate entourage feel significantly more pain than they have in the past, which may be why you hear such a strident warning from the russians tonight about a rupture in relations. >> american and russian diplomats are going to be meeting on january 10th in geneva to discuss this ongoing crisis. what can we expect, if anything, from these talks, given the idea of this being have manufactured crisis. what would possibly come out of this discussion? >> well, i wouldn't get your hopes too high up for that reason, laura. first of all, vladimir putin is the only decider that's why the phone call with biden was so important.
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those negotiations in geneva will take place at the level of the deputy secretary of state. putin and biden will not be involved in it. >> susan, it makes people wonder hearing your analysis here and i don't have any reason to doubt that it spot on, why would president biden take this call? i mean, he doesn't have the leverage it sound like, it's not on his turf, he doesn't have the ability to make decisions, it's not as if he has to be subservient to putin. why the call in. >> the white house has said and i think people largely agree with that rationale that president biden is a big believer that there's no substitute, especially in a crisis for face-to-face or zoom-to-zoom diplomacy.
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and many are of the belief that jaw-jaw is better than war-war. jaw-jaw when there's 100,000 troops on the border of ukraine, there's an urgency of negotiations. it's one thing to talk and another to make concessions. as far as we know, that has not occurred. >> susan glasser, thanks so much for your analysis. i appreciate it. >> thank you. >> i want to turn to the latest on the pandemic racing across this country. cnn's alexandra field has more. >> this is probably not the time to have the new year's celebrations. really dial things back. >> a up inew year bringing in n covid records. as for times square. >> frankly, it should have been
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cancelled. >> reporter: this ball will drop despite the highest number of daily cases this city has ever seen and without ll coolj who tested positive. >> it going to be masks required, socially distanced but we want to show we're moving forward and that new york city is fighting our way through this. >> reporter: the city insisting it can party safely, even while navigating staffing shortages affecting ems, the fire department and the subway. >> staff shortages is a real issue from a pre-hospital standpoint, ems, bringing people into the health care system and not just in new york but around the nation. >> reporter: atlanta is cancelling its annual celebration, the peach drop. in washington, d.c., the smithsonian shutting down five museums. another thousand flights cancelled today crippled by staffing shortages and jetblue
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announcing they're cancelling nearly 1,300 flights through the middle of january. testing lines are stunningly long. the pressure only rising for hospitals across the country. in georgia six major health systems report collectively seeing a 100% to 200% increase in covid-19 hospitalizations. unvaccinated results remain the most likely to be hospitalized but pediatric admissions for covid are now at a record high. >> the vast majority of the children who are being admitted are unvaccinated. there are small numbers who are vaccinated but the vast majority are unvaccinated. being unvaccinated increases your risk for hospitalization significantly. >> 12 to 15-year-olds could be eligible for a booster shot as soon as next week.
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it's april mid a surge the likes of which we've never seen. princeton already announcing they're pushing back the return to campus by one week. alexandra field, cnn, new york. >> thank you so much. i want to bring in dr. mark mcclellian. the u.s. now averaging 300,000 case as day. there's a lot being made about new year's eve celebrations. what does this mean as we head into the new year, doctor? >> well, we are going to see an unprecedented surge in cases. as he said, over 300,000 average in the last week, close to 500,000 today alone and those numbers are going up with more people getting together over the holidays, one would expect that would add to it. we have two surges coming together, laura. one was the delta surge, which is still active in many parts of the country. on top of that omicron is now
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spreading very widely. the good news in the omicron surge is that the hospitalization rate, the severe case rate, looks to be considerably low aer. we have more people vaccinated, better treatments than ever before. hopefully that will keep hospital surges down below the case surges but it's going to be a very challenging few weeks to a month ahead. >> i'm thinking about the numbers here and i'm wondering, do you think that the numbers are actually much higher with so many people taking these at-home rapid tests and maybe not reporting the results? are these numbers maybe skewed? >> the numbers are almost certainly low. somest malts suggest that true case numbers, 20, 30%, maybe higher. that goes along with not just home testing but with omicron being mild, they're not causing symptoms, especially in previous vaccinated and are much better
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protected against seriousiliness. even though there's a lower rate of means a lot hip. cases tend to be less severe, this seems to be happening fast in parts of the world like south africa and fwlaend that had a big increase in omicron a few weeks ago, they may be already starting the peak and then head back down. a tough few weeks to a month ahead. >> i appreciate and i i am hearing the optimism. i want to bring up this map here. we look at this map of community transmission in the united states. i mean, it's a sea of red. it's virtually all red frankly. if a person, particularly a person who is not vaccinated is around a lot of that they're
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going to get maybe omicron or the delta variant. >> with the united states of spaces, at least one of them is covid positive and transmitting now now. it's just like what the especially if you're not sure that everybody is vaccinated and preferablyly boosted. so small groups keeping a distance, doing things outside if the weather permits. if you can get access to a test, testing a few days before and temporary. we're going to get through this but it is a very tough time for covid transmission with that sea of red that's going to get ider. there's a big push to keep in-person learning when schools
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do reopen next week. i'm wondering is that the rye move, though, given these numbers? have as we also mentioned, an infra ducktory segment and boosters are available for 16nd 17 and they'll be able in all likelihood as soon as next week for kids 12 and older. we also know that masks work and that other steps that schools are taking around ventilation and keeping kids together in smaller groups or pod, all of those things are helping and there's so many advantages to in-they've got protective steps in place, if they're old enough for masks, that can keep down the transmission. you can keep the kids in school
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by tett and like you and millions americans are coming down. we know a lot more than we did before. over 8 million kids have been vaccinated with a very, very good safety record. the cdc, the biggest risk of kids today, if they're not vaccinated and are exposed, they can go on to get very serious consequences for that. 99% of the kids who have been hospitalized according to recent data had no vaccination before. i think we aring if to be able to keep kids in school if he take these steps towards safety. >> reporter: it sounds like this is all going to be enveloped in terms watch we think about being in america these days. at this point when tests become more available, hopefully we'll
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able to get people. >> but i'm wondering, what do you recommend on how awful people use these tests and how able are they able we know that masks, especially good masks or the n-95 mask provides very good protection. the pcr test is good but they're hard to get. the tests at home, in cases where there are lots of. >> not perfect but along with those other steps, distancing, masks, having good ventilation. if you couple that going forward with the fact that we are going
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to get through the surge in another month or so depending on how well we do over these coming days and the fact that we've got better treatments coming, more people vaccinated than ever before. 85% of american adults despite all the controversy, got at least one shot. we can really keep the serious cases down and with modifications go on with our lives and we get through this big surge. >> dr. mcclelen, thank you. >> thank you. unfortunately, colorado wildfires. at northwestern mutual, our version of financial
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colorado tonight. the governor declaring a state of emergency in boulder county amid what the national weather service calls life threatening wildfires. thousands are forced to evacuate. according to the sheriff, one fire burned at least 1,600 acres and spread east across two whole towns. at least six people are being treated for injuries and there are no reports of casualties so far, but officials warn that that would not be surprising given the magnitude of the fires in such highly populated areas. and, believe it or not, by morning the weather service is predicts the entire region will experience weather whiplash going from fire to snow. an advancing cold front is expected to push into the area bringing snow showers by sunrise and 5 to 10 inches of snow by saturday. now, i want to bring in congressman joe nagoose of
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colorado. congressman, i hear that you and your family are evacuated tonight. how are you doing? are you all safe out there? >> it's good to be with you. we're fine. we evacuated as a precaution. clearly it's a devastating day for boulder county, our communities and louisville and superior and people of our state. these are unprecedented wildfires that have just created a level of devastation and destruction that our state has not experienced before. >> the video we're showing right now is a terrifying scene in colorado. you've been traveling around the area trying to get to different evacuation sites. what conditions are you seeing out there on the ground? we're seeing blazing fires from our vantage point. >> well, yes. the snow can't come soon enough. we're, again, keeping all of the first responders and the firefighters who are brave live sacrificing right now to keep our community safe in our thoughts and prayers.
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they're working around the clock to save lives. they have saved many lives throughout today and of course thinking of the many neighbors and constituents and friends who we have visited with over the course of the last several hours. many of them have lost their homes, upwards of toe tensionly 600 homes that have been lost due to these terrible, unprecedented wildfires raging through our neighborhoods. >> is there an action plan in place? are you talking to people on the state level and federal level trying to get assistance in some way? >> we're in close contact with law enforcement and the first responders here in the downtowny and the community, as well as with the governor earlier. earlier tonight the governor announced that fema approved grants to help bolder county officials hear. >> i appreciate the swift
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authorization. we know from the wildfires we've experienced that this is going to be a long grow to recovery. we will be there -- to bear. you think about the volume and the scale and the damage and there is going to be a real significant need to work with the biden administration or the president to make sure that it's a reality. >> we're hearing around 600 homes have reported i been destroyed. i think your home may be safe but what are you hearing from friends sands in. >> carson: it's heartbreaking to deal with folks who literally every everything in a moment. the fire ka tas feised so quickly today due to the
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unprecedented winds that many folks literally had minutes, seconds to belief and it is very care owing for a lot of families that have lost so much. i will also tell you that mop. >> folks dropping off supplies and really rising o to the occasion in terms of wok r working together to address what is clearly the most consequential challenge our community has faced in quite some final. >> it's hard to imagine there's going to be snow coming tomorrow. will that be a help or hindrance to the efforts to try to sol vaj anything possible? >> it will certainly be a help. as i said, the snow can't come soon enough. again, one of the main drivers of this fire into our communities was the record breaking winds that we were experiencing earlier today.
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we're hopeful that those winds will begin to die down here in the evening and, as you mentioned, the forecast calls for heavy snow to commence and we're just hoping that will commence soon to give our firefighters and our first responders some relief as they work to try to protect our communities. >> congressman, thank you so much for sharing your stories for us today. this is unbelievable. you really cannot take anything for granted. they woke up this morning in very different circumstances. thank you for taking the time. you know, the threat to democracy in this country is very real. and nothing showed that more than january 6th. i'll make my case next.
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we are one week away from the one-year anniversary of january 6th, a day that shocked our nation. frankly, it shocked the entire world. and the nation is still waiting for answers to the questions that remain on the mind of every voter. who is responsible? could it have been prevented? and how could we ensure that history does not repeat itself? but one question sets the stage for the rest. does america have free and fair elections? well, that answer is a resounding yes. and 2020 was no exception. and here we are nearly 365 days later and still waiting for answers to the rest. and for the last six months, the january 6 select committee has been investigating what happened that day and perhaps, more importantly, the events that led up to that day. to date they have had more than 300 interviews, reviewed over
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35,000 pages of documents and issued more than 50 subpoenas. now, some have complied, others have stonewalled and been referred for criminal contempt or have taken it to the courts to plead their cases. in the panel's first and only public hearing, we heard riveting testimony from capitol and metropolitan police officers who fought valiantly for hours against the violent and angry mob. >> at some point during the fighting i was dragged from the line of officers and into the crowd. i heard someone scream "i got one!" as i was swarmed by a violent mob, they ripped off my badge, they grabbed and stripped me of my radio. they seized ammunition that was secured to my body. they began to beat me with their fists and with what felt like hard metal objects. at one point i came face to face with an attacker who repeatedly lunged for me and attempted to
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remove my firearm. i heard chanting from some in the crowd, "get his gun" and kill him with his own gun. >> we've now learned of text messages to mark meadows, please from fox news hosts, sitting members of congress and even president trump's own namesake begging him to stop the mob. memos outlining ways to refuse certification of electoral college votes and that's just what's been released publicly, by the way. let me cut to the chase here. yes, next week's anniversary is a very big deal. but i want to take you back to one year ago today, before the insurrection, before the scaling of the walls, before the gallows erected on the lawn, before the flag being used as a weapon against our public servants, before states would codify the big lie into the legislation and
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roll back some of the most important gains of the civil rights era. let's go back to a year ago today. did you know that democracy was really in danger then? did you know that you were just days away from an organized violent effort to derail it? did you think that it would all come down to a vice president refusing to yield? did you think that there was a red line in the sand where people now pretend to see an ink blot test, unable to clearly decipher the obvious because honesty, it might not translate to votes. a year ago did you think there was a ceiling tos madness? i mean, you knew democracy was precious but i'll belt you didn't know that it was so fragile but now you know. and the epiphany ought to be a catalyst. when you know something is fragile, you do everything you can to protect it.
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you fortify it, you legislatively codify what will protect it. you ensure that votes are counted. you ensure that redistricting lines are geometric, not gerrymandered. you honor the people who are willing to stand as the last physical line of defense to our democracy by telling them the truth of what happened and giving them the means to prevent it. and not just because you're concerned about how history will one day judge us. but because you understand that the present needs you to do it now. now this year is coming to a close. it's been a monumental one. but how will it be remembered in the history books? we'll look at that next. of cooling itself down, then condensation is a beer's natural way of saying “drink me.”
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earn about covid-19, the more questions we have. the biggest question now, what's next? what will covid bring in six months, a year? if you're feeling anxious about the future, you're not alone. calhope offers free covid-19 emotional support. call 833-317-4673, or live chat at today. an insurrection, pandemic, multiple climate disasters, fierce political divisions, 2021 was a roller coaster of a year but just how will it be remembered in the history books? i want to discuss now with dave
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blight, a history professor at yale university. david, nice to talk to you tonight. what a tumultuous year it has been. i wonder of all the things that have happened, what could possibly define it the most? >> well, down the road in the history books it would seem to me that what has to define 2021 is its first month, coup de tate that almost turned over an election. there were many other things
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that happened this year, we fought the demise of covid and now its resurgence in ways that have us all utterly conscious of it, our racial reckoning that we were having in 2020 one might say went off the rails in certain ways in 2021. but above all this has been a year when our democracy has shown not only that it's fragile but that it is in very great danger of both a disintegration from within and a destruction from without by the american right, which has now become, in effect, a mass movement. >> you know, it's extraordinary to think about that and also the idea that you have people who are even within congress who are trying to facilitate that or have some role that we're learning more and more about and
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that very notion, it's a new form of a trojan horse that i think we'll be exploring for many years to come. as you also mentioned, january would have been enough to cover very historic occasions and write volumes in textbooks for years to come but then you also have the pandemic and as you said, people thought if 2020 was the worst year that 2021 would be the end of the pandemic. you've got vaccines available throughout the year. did you think we would be where we are right now ending the year with another massive surge and cases and packed icus? what does this say about the health system in the united states of america in terms of how it will be viewed? >> i'm not an epidemiologist, nor am i a doctor. i think the most remarkable thing on a social and even political level about covid, though, is what we have learned about the anti-vaccine
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phenomenon in the country. i man, every day now we hear the statistics that 85 or 90% of all people hospitalized were unvaccinated. we hear that only, you know, 50 or 55% of some states are vaccinated. 60, 65 is supposed to be a good number. well, what about the millions who are not? and i think i have, for one, been surprised at that level of distrust of science, of medicine and for that matter of a whole other range of institutions like the cdc for that matter. i think we've learned a lot from trumpism for five years and more but also during covid we've learned a great deal about how large swaths of this country have either avoided and forgotten the education they have or have pursued their
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information from sources that simply are outside of legitimate education. that's a profound problem for a democracy because it means those people are not going to trust institutions. and the phenomenon on trumpism comes from many sources but one of them is this distrust of authority in the country, this distrust of institutions, this distrust, even hatred of government. and above all, in a way, we really are not fully living in a democracy, laura, if you actually think about the fact that within our constitution we have several undemocratic institutions, especially the u.s. senate and the electoral college. one could go on with that constitutionally, but until this country finds a way to alter or
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abolish the electoral college, very difficult to do by constitutional amendment and until it ever finds a way to make the u.s. senate more democratic, which cannot be amended in the constitution, we will never fully have majority rule. we do not have majority rule in the united states now. the democrats represent in the u.s. senate in a 50-50 senate, the democrats represent 41 million more people than republicans do, but it's a 50-50 senate. >> yeah. >> two of the last six presidential elections have been won by the person who did not win the popular vote. how long can a democracy function with its institutions operating in such ways? probably for a long time. we've operated for a long time already this way, but we now
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have this acute issue because our politics is so divided, so polarized, so separated into completely different information systems that we really do wonder how many more elections wonder how many more elections we can sustain under this system. and now the greatest worry is whether the republican party is organizing at the state and local level sufficiently to rig the next elections in their favor. that may be our greatest worry above all. >> professor, that, i'm afraid, is just volume one of a recap of the year of 2021. it's so much there. it's so much more to talk about with you. thank you so much. we'll be right back.
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taylor and carol king's 50 year friendship and professional partnership have had an impact on american music. now on this exclusive joint interview recorded for the new cnn film "carol king and james taylor: just call out my name," the music icons share the story behind one of their most famous songs. here's a look. ♪ you've got a friend ♪ >> it's one of those songs that writes itself really fast. >> right. >> you know, as soon as i heard it, man, that's just -- that's just it. that's a great, great song. peter sort of asking, you know, we want to put this on the album. what do you think? and you were generous enough to say sure. this fantastic tune she's recording herself, and she allows me to have the first shot at it. ♪ all you've got to do is call ♪ >> hearing your rendition of it for the first time, it was like,
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oh, my god. it's perfect. >> really. >> it's funny. it was one of those things that we've been in the studio -- i think we had this extra time left over. we all knew the song because we heard you play it because we were at the troubadour doing that gig together and we were playing it every night. it was so loose. lee is playing all over the place on that. it's the most notey bass part in the history of popular music. it's like ar the bass. russ just laid down a part to it. everything was very, very loose. for one thing i didn't assume we were going to be able to release it. but i didn't ask permission. but that's the back story to the back story anyway. >> right. and then, you know, also when we play it together -- when we played in the troubadour reunion
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tour, basically your arrangement pretty much -- which is not that different from mine but it is because my piano, i had to change some of the chords to reach your arrangement. but it was perfect. perfect. i wanted to do that. the way your guitar blends with my piano part, it's just -- it's just like that first time we played together. it's that. we did that thing. >> we did that thing. >> we did that thing. >> be sure to tune in. the all new cnn film "carol king and james taylor: just call out my name" premieres sunday at 9:00 p.m. only on cnn. before we go. i want to let you know i have a new book on the way, "just pursuit: a black prosecutor's fight for fairness." in it, well, when you want to speak truth to power, don't you first want to know what the truth really is? i write about the stories that need to be shared from people who are most impacted by our
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justice system. and i'm very excited for you to read it and get to know me on a more personal level. thank you all for watching. we hope you have a very happy and healthy new year. thank you for the chance to grace your screens. hopefully it was just that. and i appreciate your time. happy new year, everyone. our coverage continues. that sets strict quality and purity standards. nature made. the #1 pharmacist recommended vitamin and supplement brand. we're having a baby, so the new law came at a perfect time. for less than 30 a month, the whole family is covered. i love my job and it pays really well. there's just no health coverage. for $182 a month, i found the perfect plan. all that stress about coverage just went away. for $14 a month, my plan covers my meds, vision and dental. now, more people can get financial assistance. what you pay depends in part on how much you make. new law. lower prices. more people qualify. at ♪ ♪
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-- captions by vitac -- back to school meets peak pandemic as millions get ready for better or worse. that's what lies in store as covid infections just keep climbing. to give you some idea of how quickly, when we left you last night, the seven-day average was approaching 300,000. it is close to 350,000 and the line is going nearly straight up. deaths are climbing now, jumping about 18% this week. and though children are far less likely than adults to become re
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