tv Anderson Cooper 360 CNN January 11, 2022 5:00pm-6:00pm PST
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problem, which of course would bring its own pain, right, to americans in the form of higher mortgage rates, credit card rates, and -- and, you name it. economists right now expect up to four rate hikes in 2022. be a dramatic change. thanks so much for joining us. "ac 360" starts right now. good evening, with the omicron surge now in full effect, we are joined by dr. anthony fauci who in addition to dealing with that, also spent his day hitting back at several lawmakers who have been criticizing him or spreading misinformation about the virus. >> i don't understand why you are asking me that question. my financial disclosure is public knowledge, and has been so for the last 37 years or so. 35 years. >> where would we find it? >> all you have to do is ask for it. i --dy issue you're so misinformed, it's extraordinary. >> that is just a small sample of his confrontations with two republican senators today. and again, he joins us shortly.
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we begin in georgia where all eyes of the country have been ever since the georgia bulldogs brought home the college football championship last night. well tonight, though, all eyes are on georgia as the place president biden today chose to go full force behind a pair of bills on voting rights that have enormous meaning in the state in the wake of the 2020 election. also, of course, nationwide. where a number of states, including georgia, have passed laws restricting opportunities to vote. the two bills in question are opposed by senate republicans, however, at least two key democrats do not want to change senate rules so they can pass by a simple majority. so today, in atlanta, the president broke with his own reluctance on the matter, and issued this challenge. >> today, i'm making it clear. to protect our democracy, i support changing the senate rules, whichever way they need to be changed, to prevent a minority of senators from blocking action on voting rights. so, i ask every elected official in america, how do you want to
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be remembered? the consequential moments in history -- they present a choice. do you want to be the side -- the side of dr. king? or george wallace? do you want to be on the side of john lewis? or bull connor? do you want to be on the side of abraham lincoln? or jefferson davis? this is the moment to decide, to defend our elections, to defend our democracy. >> bell again, at least two democrats, senators manchin and sinema, of course, oppose dhanging the rules. now, senate republican leader mitch mcconnell is vowing to tie the senate in procedural knots if it happens. senate majority leader chuck schumer says he will schedule votes on the two bills on or before martin luther king jr. holiday next week. cnn's kaitlan collins starts off from the white house. so how was the speech received particularly by grassroots act visits, many of whom said from the outset they didn't want another speech, they wanted
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action? >> yeah, and several ones boycotted the president's visit today. not attending. of course, the white house took that turn to highlight the people who did show up, the civil rights leaders who did come and prominent democrats as well and i think you are hearing from some of them, anderson, they are happy that the president brought the bully pulpit that he has to georgia today to talk about this. to give that speech. but they are also saying this isn't going to be the end of the road here. this isn't enough, just having another speech from a president on this. including, the president of the naacp, derek johnson, who was on hand for the president's visit today and he said it was a stirring speech, anderson. but he also said that it is time for this administration to match their words with actions and saying that voting rights can't just be a priority, it has to be the priority for this white house. and we know that it is something that is certainly the priority now. but it hasn't always been. they have had other legislative battles that they were fighting when it came to that covid relief bill, infrastructure, of course the build back better plan that stalled over the holiday break. and now, voting rights is the top of priority. but the big question is where
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does it go from sneer here? >> yeah. i mean, they have been talking about this, i don't know, for months, obviously. and it's doomed in the senate. i mean, it's clear why the president chose to put so much political capital on the line unless they can change the opinion of manchin and sinema. >> and there is no clear plan for that right now because they have continued to be holdouts. you ever heard from senator manchin, time and time again, what his opinion on this is and how he thinks this should proceed. and even today, he was on capitol hill repeating that any kind of changes to the senate rules should be bipartisan. he wants democrats and republicans to be involved in that. you have seen republicans today saying that they don't want to change the filibuster rules to make a one-time exception for voting rights, as president biden was calling for earlier today. so, this is a serious uphill battle and i am not sure if that was the framing totally portray bid the white house earlier today when the president was talking about, you know, the dichotomy there saying these are the options that you have if you are a politician or if you are a democratic holdout of what decision you are making here.
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but i think the big question is where does it go from here? because this fight is now moving on to the senate, but we have not seen those senate holdouts budging at all. and though it's not clear what the back-up plan is going to be if they do try to move forward with this legislation, like you said, senator schumer is promising. and then, of course, if it fails and doesn't get republican support, he has said then he will move forward to propose changes to the senate rules. but, anderson, he does not have those votes, yet. and tonight, senator schumer was saying he doesn't want to delewd voters into thinking they have the votes here right now because, currently, they don't. >> yeah. kaitlan, i am sorry your tie was destroyed last night. i don't really know what that means but i am told that you would. i think it's a sports analogy, or reference, isn't it? >> something like that. i'm glad this got brought up. i have finally recovered a little bit from a devastating loss and looking forward to next season. so please make sure charlie moore knows that. >> my executive producer from al ba in i, georgia. kaitlan collins, thank you. georgia is one of many states
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now that have passed restrictive voting laws. more on that from cn's sara murray. >> reporter: it was a year of cracking down on election problems that didn't exist. based on lies peddled by the former president. >> they rigged the election. >> reporter: after record turnout in 2020, at least 19 states passed 34 laws restricting access to the ballot box in 2021 according to the left-leaning brennen center for justice. republicans leading the charge citing concerns about election integrity even as no evidence emerged of widespread problems or fraud in the 2020 election. in georgia, republicans passed a law that cuts the number of dropboxes in heavily-populated areas, imposes new i.d. requirements to vote by mail and makes it a crime to offer voters snacks or water while in line. >> it is all a part of death by a thousand paper cut structure to continuously limit people's access to the ballot, people's comfort in being able to vote and people's ability to vote the way that is best for them.
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>> reporter: in florida -- >> i am actually going to sign it right here. >> reporter: -- republicans passed a law limiting drop boxes, adding new i.d. requirements for voting by mail, and restricting who can return a mail-in ballot. >> we are not going to let political operatives go and get satchels of votes, and dump them in some drop box. >> reporter: in texas, house democrats fled the state trying to kill a bill reducing access to the ballot box. their efforts, ultimately, failed and republicans banned drive-thru voting and overnight early voting. >> let's make this final. >> reporter: even in montana, where trump won by 16 points in 2020, republicans passed laws imposing stricter voter i.d. requirements, and ending the state's long-running practice of allowing voter registration on election day. >> it's just not necessarily feasible for awful us to take time out of our workday or take time away from our families, between the hours of 8:00 to 4:00 monday through friday so go and fix a registration. >> samantha harrington, one of the parties who sued over the
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change, says it is a blow to working montanans. >> sara murray, cnn washington. >> with that on the table, i want to turn next to a member of the house democratic leadership who helped his chamber pass the two voting bills now before the senate. spoke with carolina congressman and house majority whip james clyburn shortly before airtime. >> we have heard from voting rights activists in georgia, who are so frustrated with the biden administration that they refused to attend today's speech. i am wondering if you share their frustration? and -- and if so, what you made of today? >> well, i understand the frustrations. quite frankly, as you know, i have been advocating now for over ten months that there ought be a carve-out on in issue of the filibuster when it comes to constitutional issues, like voting. we have done that for fiscal issues, like raising the debt limit. and whatever's necessary to get a budget passed.
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and so, those frustrations, i understand. and i think that the president, in his frustrations in a way tht i think he should have. on this issue for several months, i anyway that and had said that publicly but he decided today was the time to break the silence. >> do you think a failure to -- to pass voting rights legislation, um, separate from the effect it will have on voting in america, just on enthusiasm among particularly black voters in the 2022 midterm elections. do you think it is going to dampen turnout? >> well, it could. it all depends on what we do over the next several months.
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so i don't think that is preordained. i also think, however, that this is a problem for the entire country -- not democrats, not black voters, this is about the democracy. will we have free, unfettered votes -- voting -- in this democracy? >> i want to get your thoughts on georgia. i mean, this is a state there's trended toward democrats for a few years now. the voting laws passed at the state level by republicans are seen by many as an effort to keep the state red, even as its demographics change. if no federal voting rights laws are passed, do you think that effort will be successful over the long-term? >> it could very well be. i will remind you, however, that the people of georgia had better be very, very careful. i don't think they have consulted their history. they are the ones that changed, several years ago in an effort to, um, nullify black voters,
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they made this majority runoff requirement for general elections. i remember very well when it happened. and now, you see they have got caught on their own petard here of when you just saw them lose the senate seat because of that rule. so, i would say that you have to always be careful what you pray for. >> well, uh, senator majority leader chuck schumer has promised a vote on changing the filibuster to advance voting rights legislation by martin luther king jr. day, which is six days from now. the same time, senator manchin and sinema -- they have really given no signs, publicly, they'll consider changing senate rules. so, if they refuse to budge, is there any value in holding the vote? >> well, i don't know. uh, you know, i don't get mixed up in the senate rules. i do know this. if the president came out today with a full-throated endorsement of joe manchin's bill, the
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freedom to vote act is joe manchin's legislation. am i to understand that joe manchin is going to protect or subject his legislation to a filibuster? their filibustering his bill. the house bill is already been defeated and the president has endorsed his bill. stacey abrams in georgia endorsed joe manchin's bill, and so have i. but now, joe manchin seems to be walking away from his own bill. so, what's the issue here? >> have you talked to -- to -- i mean, do you talk to senator manchin personally about -- about this? >> oh, not about his bill. i did talk to him for maybe on hour some time ago over this issue. and joe manchin and i have known each other for a long time. so, talking to joe is no -- is nothing unusual for me. >> chairman clyburn, i really
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appreciate your time tonight. thank you so much. >> thank you very much for having me. well coming up, as mentioned at the top of the program, dr. anthony fauci on the state of play with the omicron surge in full force. also, his confrontation today with senator rand paul and this guy, senator roger marshal of kansas wanted to know whether he would disclose his finances -- something dr. fauci says he has been doing for the last 35 years. >> where would we find it? >> all you have to do is ask for it. i -- you are so misinformed, it's extraordinary. >> dr. fauci joins us shortly. and the house select committee issues more subpoenas, as at least some republicans are starting to say, out loud, what they all know to be true in private -- the election was not stolen. select committee member and republican adam kinzinger joins us, ahead.
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♪honey lemon♪ try vicks vapocool drops. in honey lemon chill. for fast-acting sore throat relief. wooo vaporize sore throat pain with vicks vapocool drops. got breaking news now from the capitol. the january 6th committee subpoenaed three more people. former white house official who helped draft the speech delivered by the former
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president during the rally at ellipse just before the capitol riot. also, two advisers to donald trump jr. who the committee says were communicating with the former president's son and his then-girlfriend kimberly guilfoyle about the rally. separately, senate majority leader mitch mcconnell is supporting fellow republican -- minority leader, i'm sorry -- senator mike rounds after he came under attack by the former president for acknowledging this weekend that president biden won the 2020 election. mcconnell told cnn off camera today he thinks rounds told the truth, adding quote i agree be him. joa joining us now, adam kinzinger, one of two republicans on the january 6th committee. congressman, appreciate you being with us as always. the fact that leader mitch mcconnell -- republican leader mitch mcconnell is backing senator rounds, at least off camera, about the 2020 election. is that significant? is it -- i mean, obviously, in normal times, it would just be okay yeah, it would be a normal statement. but, you know, these are not normal times.
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>> you know, i guess, any -- any vision of, you know, optimism in telling the truth is good. >> yeah, i am -- i'm -- we are clutching at straws here. >> yeah. i mean, you know, mitch mcconnell, from the beginning, he was one of the first to acknowledge joe biden's victory. it's -- it's interesting, because after the election, i just tweeted something about how sophie and i congratulate the president-elect and you would think i just, you know, offended everybody in the world. yeah. basic truth is that joe biden won the election. and i am glad senator mike rounds said that. we need to encourage that but it is utterly crazy that we are here saying that's a big deal. >> i want to say something republican senator lisa murkowski said recently about january 6th. let's listen. >> the passage of time can kind of soften things. but the facts still remain the facts. there was an effort.
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there was a concentrated effort, and we are learning more, day by day, through this commission. i wish it had been a commission that -- that was wholly sanctioned by the whole congress, rather than -- than just a majority of democrats. but we're learning more and more, that this was a concerted effort to thwart an election. >> now again, maybe again clutching at straws but the fact is the majority of people, republicans, are not saying what senator murkowski is saying. you said there is a truth crisis in the gop. can -- can it ever be turned around, as long as the former president is still the standard bearer of the party? >> well, i don't think as long as he is the standard bearer, um, but i think it can be turned around pretty easily. which is just simply, you know, we all occupy titles thahave leadership in their name, to some level, in the description or the word.
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and part of that contract we make with people that elect us is, yeah, you got to do things to get elected. you know, you got -- you got to win. but at the same time, we -- we also have to lead. and part of leading is telling the truth. senator murkowski's great. she always has been. she tells the truth and she has taken a lot of heat for that. and, you know, for -- for people that claim that basically they are doing this for religious reasons or whatever, in terms of trying to overthrow an election, i will remind every one of them that went to sunday school, one of the first lessons you ever learned was that telling the truth matters, no matter what the consequences. well, everybody knows, in the republican party that occupy a position like congressman or senator, that donald trump lost. they know that. but they won't say it, either, because they can raise money on the lie or because they are too scared to say the truth and they -- or, you know, any of those nother -- they're cowards. but that's the truth. and -- and it's very basic and a self-governance compact cannot last in this country, if truth
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doesn't exist or doesn't matter. >> can you shed any light on these three new subpoenas, including a former white house official who helped draft the former president's rally speech on january 6th, also two advisers to donald trump jr.? i don't know -- i mean, i was surprised he has advisers. but what information is the committee seeking from them? and -- and is there a way to get closer to the former-president's thinking that day? >> i think so. you know, all of this is -- is part of, again, this -- this idea if you have a puzzle and you pull all the pieces out, you don't necessarily know what the picture is until you start putting it together. so, every one of these people we are talking to, and particularly this batch of subpoenas, is about what are the pieces of donald trump's thinking? of maybe when he was talking about the speech, that we can get so we can make this broader picture. so, are they gonna be the silver bullet? maybe. maybe not. but they can certainly shed light on this broader picture, which is gonna be important to present to the american people. >> you -- your colleague
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chairman bennie thompson told cnn today that the committee plans to try to seek information from rudy giuliani at some point. would that be in actually calling him to -- to testify? >> it certainly could. i mean, obviously, rudy was in a lot of those conversations we see in after-the-fact reporting, he was, you know, actively pressing the president on these conspiracies, and -- and convincing him and, you know, worming his way into these meetings. so he will have some information. i fully expect he probably won't be supercooperative but again, congress has ways to compel that. and we have ways to ensure that he is telling the truth under oath. but for me, it is bean sad to watch, you know, rudy giuliani go from being america's mayor after 9/11 to this conspiracy-driven, power at any cost person and i certainly want to know what he knows about the president. >> according -- the -- the -- "the new york times," though, there is reporting by "the new york times" that vice president mike pence is now upset, i
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guess, about the, you know, reports about cooperation of -- of his allies. there's been reporting mark short and -- and others around vice president pence havecooper and do you have any sense of his willingness now to -- to cooperate willingly with the -- the -- the investigation? >> look. you know, all i know is what -- what's been reported, what you've said. you know, all indications his team has been cooperative and it's not like this is necessarily good, although we can say good for doing it. the reality is you have to -- you have to -- you have to cooperate. i mean, that's the -- the law. the -- the subpoena from congress, for instance, has a force of law. it's the same as if you got subpoenaed from court. um, so, you know, if the vice president's losing a desire to cooperate, i certainly hope that changes. but we will get the information we need and we'll pursue whatever lead we need to pursue. >> uh, thank you so much for j
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joining us. i know just on a personal note, that you have a new adigds to your family coming very soon, any day now. i just wish you the best to you and your family. >> thank you. i appreciate that. thanks. >> all right. coming up next. dr. anthony fauci on what it's like to fight viral lies, spread by politicians that threaten him and his family, even as he is fighting the omicron surge. hear what he said to two senators today and talk to him about that and the latest on the pandemic. hat's something. (burke) you get a whole lot of something with farmers policy perks. [echoing] get a quote today. ♪ we are farmers. bum-pa-dum, bum-bum-bum-bum ♪ ♪ it wasn't me by shaggy ♪ you're never responsible for unauthorized purchases on your discover card. ♪ i see trees of green ♪ ♪ red roses too ♪ ♪ i see them bloom for me and you ♪
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there you would have found dr. fauci confronting kentucky republican senator and fellow md rand paul. >> the last time we had a committee of the time before, he was accusing me of being responsible for the death of five -- four to five million people, which is really irresponsible. and i say, why is he doing that? there are two reasons why that's really bad. the first is it distracts from what we're all trying to do here today -- is get our arms around the epidemic and the pandemic that we're dealing with. not something imaginary. number two, what happens when he gets out and accuses me of things that are completely untrue is that, all the sudden, that kindles the crazies out
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there, and i have life -- threats upon my life, harassments of my family, and my children with obscene phone calls because people are lying about me. now -- now, i guess you could say that h's the way it goes, i can take the hit. well, it makes a difference because, as some of you may know, just about three or four weeks ago, in december 21st, a person was arrested who was on their way from sacramento to washington, d.c., at a speed stop in iowa and they asked -- the police asked him where he was going, and he was going to washington, d.c., to kill dr. fauci. and they found, in his car, an ar-15 and multiple magazines of ammunition because he thinks that maybe i'm killing people. so, i ask myself, why would senator want to do this? so, go to rand paul website and
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you see fire dr. fauci with a little box that says "contribute here." you can do $5, $10, $20, $100. so you are making a catastrophic epidemic for your political gain. so, the only -- >> you have politically attacked your colleagues, and in a politically reprehensible way. you won't defend it. you won't argue it. >> in the meantime, at least one of five eligible people in this country remain unvaccinated against covid and new cases are averaging close to three-quarters of a million a day. joining us now, dr. fauci, president biden's chief medical adviser and director of the national institutes of allergy and infectious diseases and a public servant for decades. dr. fauci, thanks for being with us. um, the senator paul apart from many others who attacked you is he twaul twally graduated from medical school. he is a medical doctor, which i find remarkable. how do you square that with what is coming out of his mouth?
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because, you know, you said what we are all here for today, talking about the panel in front of you, clearly what he is there for and many of those are there for, as at many public hearings, is to make sound bytes that -- that get attention and, again, spur donations on his website. >> that is true, anderson, and it really is unfortunate. i mean, putting me aside with all the ad hominems and things that you showed on that film, the hearing was a very important hearing and there was a lot of good faith even though there was disagreement -- political and other disagreement on both sides of the aisle. i mean, senator murray and senator burr really wanted to get down to the bottom of some of the things that we can improve on. so, in -- and even the republican senators were -- were asking good, tough questions. and -- and we should be having to respond to tough questions.
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um, and yet, the only thing that came out of senator rand paul and, to some extent, senator roger marshal, were ad hominem which does nothing but distract from what we really need to be doing. we have a pandemic that everyone knows like now is like a tsunami on us. we are going to have close to a million people a day getting infected. and we have close to a million people who are going to die -- 850,000 people dying. and instead of using it in a constructive manner, they're distracting it with things that are patently untrue. so, i -- i can't explain that, anderson, except what i brought up at the hearing -- that it clearly is politically motivated. there -- there -- he is -- he's raising money for his campaign by making me the villain. he calls me a polarizing figure. well, if you call me a murderer
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and say i'm responsible for ridiculous, preposterous, slanderous statements, responsible for the deaths of 5 million people doing this and doing that, it's not me that's making myself polarizing. it's him. the only thing i am trying to do is what you look on the record of everything i've ever said. getting people to get vaccinated, to get boosted, to wear masks, to abide by the cdc recommendations. that should not be polarizing, anderson. that's just public health. he's making me polarized by saying things about me that are completely untrue. >> there -- you know, in courtrooms, lawyers aren't supposed to ask a question of a defendant that they don't already know the answer to. that's a lesson that one senator, clearly, has not learned. senator roger marshal said something to you today, and i just -- i just want to play this because again it was one of those things i found kind of stunning. >> as the highest-paid employee in the entire federal
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government, yes or no, would you be willing to submit to congress and the public a financial disclosure that includes your past and current investments? >> i don't understand why you are asking me that question. my financial disclosure is public knowledge, and has been so for the last 37 years or so. 35 years. >> where would we find it? >> all you would have to do is ask for it. i -- i -- you're so misinformed, it's extraordinary. >> well, why -- >> senator marshal, dr. fauci has answered you. it is public information, and he is happy to get it to you if you would ask. senator moran. >> what a moron. >> um, so let me just tell you just as a television -- as someone who exists on television, i can tell you someone wrote that question for him. the way i know this is because he is looking down at his piece of paper, just reading this question that has, clearly, been written for him.
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someone has made, unfortunately, a large, giant check and he thought this was going to be this big kind of, you know, extraordinary reveal. that's what whoever prepared that question for him had told him. and then, when you answered it, he didn't know what to do because that -- there was no followup for him and he was unaware that that's public information. and then, he just -- it just went downhill from there. um, that wasn't even about science. i mean, how difficult is it to address the actual pandemic when it's these kind of questions being asked at a hearing, obviously, with great setup and this is what his staff has been preparing him to ask? >> well, that's the whole point, anderson, which i said. it was so counterproductive to what the intent of the hearing is. the hearing is we are dealing with a catastrophic pandemic that has already killed over 850,000 americans. and there was good faith on both sides of the aisle, and many of
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the republicans and -- and the democrats, of course, and it was led by, you know, in a bipartisan way by senator burr and senator murray. and yet, the only thing he had in mind was ad hominem when i think that is the real issue here. forget about attacking me. i ever b i have been there, i have been around the block. but what a terrible time to be distracting from what we really should be doing? >> i just -- i want to ask you just about the question about cloth masks because, obviously, this is one of those things that affects us -- a lot of people. i don't quite know what the answer is. i have heard now -- we have had people on air, dr. wen saying cloth masks are basically kind of useless, better than nothing but really want the n95 or kn-95 or -- or just some other kind of medical mask. do you -- would you -- what do you recommend? >> yeah. there -- well, i recommend that you get the highest-quality mask that you can tolerate and that's available to you. right now, doesn't seem to be
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any shortage of the masks that of some time ago were not available. if you can tolerate an n95, do it. if you want to get a kn-95, fine. and what the cdc has said -- and it gets misinterpreted -- but they are saying wearing any mask is better than no mask at all. but there is a gradation of capability of preventing you from getting infected and from you transmitting it to someone else. so, we should be wearing the best-possible masks that we can get. that's a fact. >> dr. fauci, appreciate your time. thank you. coming up, the georgia democrat noticeably absent from president biden's georgia speech today on voting rights, and it's her signature issue. something she's been fighting for. we will talk it over with van jones and dana bash. driven by our award-winning science, who uncover new medicines to treat mental illness. it includes the compassionate healthcare professionals, the dedicated social workers, and the supportive peer counselors we work with
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voting rights. there was one democrat noticeably missing from the event, vote right dwoes date stacey abrams who cited a scheduling done khan afflict. the president and abrams have been close and he noted today saying we have a great relationship. when pushing back on a question about her not attending calling it a scheduling mix-up. and may recall when then-candidate biden was looking for a running mate, abrams was among the women reportedly considered. joining me for their perspective on this is cnn political commentator, former special adviser of president obama, van jones. also, cnn co-cane core of state of the union, dana bash. dana, do you buy the idea stacey abrams had a scheduling problem? >> well, never mind what i think. democrats i talk to in and around biden world don't buy it. not for a second. and the president was maybe being polite, maybe trying to diffuse a pretty bad situation when he said that. when he was going out to the helicopter today. but uh, this is an
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intra-democratic fight that is so not needed, and so unnecessary at a time when they feel -- talk to people on both sides of this issue -- that they feel that they absolutely need to have a united front. and there are so many layers, i am told, to this, it's -- it's personal. it is political when it comes to, um, personal ambitions, i should say. and there is just frustration on the part of a lot of people in and and around stacey able rams world that the president didn't do that kind of speech much earlier but it just changes the subject of what we are talking about as opposed to the fact that it is republicans who are putting democrats in the position of having to argue about whether to change process rules in the senate, as opposed to the substance of voting rights. >> well, van, you know, people stop attending speeches or
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distance themselves from a president or others when they feel that person is weak or that they have a separate agenda. um, whatever the reason she wasn't there, what signal do you think it -- it sends? what's been the mistake here? what are you hearing from people who -- i mean, there is certainly a lot of folks on the left who believe the president hasn't done enough. >> well, i think that, first of all, this is about a grassroots movement that is tired. um, don't forget african-american voters in georgia, in particular, put the country on their backs and carried this country out of a real crisis in the 2020 election. and have not stopped fighting. uh, they have been under constant attack from the georgia state legislature and there was a cry from groups like black voters matter and others earlier in the year for help from the white house. biden answered that call privately by trying to get this done behind closed doors, you be it left the grassroots feeling
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kp exhausted, neglected, et cetera. so there is a bitterness there that speaks more to -- to -- to just burnout, i think, than strategy. and then, if you are stascey abrams, these are the folks that have to carry you into the gov governor's mansion so stacey abrams is kind of caught between biden trying to get something done, not being able to get it done, and a grassroots that's fatigued so she is not there. dana is 100% right. we are missing -- we have got the emphasis on the wrong syllable here. the big news is that president biden has come out. biden has come out. he has called for a constitutional carve-out to the filibuster to defend the right to vote. this is what the grassroots movement has been asking for, has been calling for, has been demanded. and they won today and i think it's a very big deal. there is nobody who respects the u.s. senate more than joe biden. there is nobody who cares more about those rules and cherishes
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them more. when joe biden gets to the point of frustration and concern about the state of our democracy, that he is now calling for a constitutional carve-out, that is a very big deal. it's a victory for the forward-going process. unfortunately, we are not talking about that enough. >> dana, let's talk about the forward going process because even if the president is now calling for that, which he has, van rightly pointed out, that's not something he has been saying heretofore. i mean, unless he can suddenly whisper that into joe manchin's ear and kyrsten sinema's ear, does it really matter? >> it -- it matters for historical context. it matters for, uh, somebody when it comes to somebody, you know, on the bully pulpit making a very important statement, particularly, given as van said his long history in the united states senate. but for all practical purposes, no, it doesn't because what he has to do is convince joe manchin and kyrsten sinema. and strategically, what the
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white house was hoping with a speech like this is that it would, you know, get the grassroots up in arms, and get them to bang down sinema -- sinema's door. and bang down, metaphorically, manchin's door and say you have to do that. but as van said, that has been happening already. they didn't need the president to do that. what they want is for the president to use his chops as somebody who can get things done to do just that. and not necessarily make a big speech. >> dana bash, van jones appreciate it. thank you. there is a new tool in the fight against covid and it's got four paws and a fluffy tail. we will tell you how some schools are trying to slow the spread, next. ve, who will sign back in at 9 am tomorrow morning. orrrr... you could find the answer right now in slack. and give steve a break. slack. where the future works.
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some schools are taking a new approach and trying to detect covid by using dogs. i'm sure you're wondering how they're helping in that effort e. we have the details right now from "360's" gary tuchman. >> reporter: this is hunter. she's a black lab. she's 14 months old and she's a warrior in the fight against covid. hunter received training to recognize the scent of the coronavirus. if she smells it, she will give a signal and then get a toy.
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nothing found on this second grade gym class at the elementary school in norton, massachusetts. so she plays with the children. but then hunter is brought into the school library. >> good girl. >> reporter: while first graders have music class on the other side of the library, she abruptly sits down. >> we have presence of covid odor on this book shelf. she just sat. good girl. so i'll praise her, good girl, let her wait it out, kind of dial it in, try to narrow it down. >> reporter: we know covid-19 primarily spreads through the air. and hunter is searching there too. >> an odor is almost like a cone if you can picture the cone, the source of the odor is stronger at the base and then the odor goes out into a cone. >> reporter: this is duke. he's hunter's partner in the k-9 covid patrol. this is the school cafeteria. he stops abruptly and sits too.
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>> he just found something. >> reporter: and then two minutes later -- >> what did he find here? >> same thing. >> reporter: what happens after duke and hunter make their discoveries? >> we notify parents in terms of if we have information that a student is specific in that seat. we want parents to have that right to make a decision about do they want to test or pull the student. >> reporter: after the dog makes a hit, the areas are disinfected. now regular visits of those dogs to bristol county schools, city halls and other locations is a result of research from florida international university. this is a scholar in forensic chemistry. >> you can train them to above 90% accuracy. when we train these covid-19 dogs, we did double line studies and published them in a peer-reviewed journal. we received a 97.5% average
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accuracy in double blind trials. >> reporter: however, there is acknowledgment that things like density of a space or an unmotivated dog can make accurate hits harder to come by. the research is promising, but it's still early. >> are you concerned that parents here and other people here will say we don't need to mask up all the time, we don't need vaccines or a test, we have the dogs? >> this is not to replace what the cdc and the dph are telling people in the communities about what to do. that's a whole part of the science and what they believe is a preventative measure. this is a way for us to enhance that in a very direct way and be proactive to prevent more people from getting sick. but they should continue to do what cdc is recommending. >> reporter: so basically the training is the dogs sniff masks that had been positive for covid-19? >> correct. >> reporter: that's how they got their training? >> correct. >> if i take off my mask, hunter can smell my mask and tell me if i have covid? >> correct. >> reporter: let me take it off. i'll put this other one on in
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the meantime. hunter. >> i'll put it here. >> no problem. >> okay. >> the fact that hunter didn't sit down means i'm negative. >> reporter: the numbers of schools and staff out with covid are high. the hope here is that conditions can be made safer with the help of these four-legged warriors. >> are these dog patrols used elsewhere? >> i understand it is being done in localities. the most prominent is miami-dade county where fiu, florida international university, where the research taking place is located. will this grow across the country, i don't know. but the sheriff in the story, he says he's going to start lobbying members of congress to fund sheriff's departments around the country so they can all afford a covid k-9 program. >> appreciate it.
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have you ever missed "360"? you can listen to our podcast. search for anderson cooper "360." the news continues. let's hand it over to laura coates and "cnn tonight." good to see you. i am laura coates. welcome to "cnn tonight." the big headline is president biden's clarion call for congressional action on voting rights. this, of course, hundreds of miles away from the u.s. capitol, which has been a big point of contention for advocates who chose not to stand besides him in georgia today. they say they want to see action, not just talk. and many are wondering if this conversation is coming in too little, too late, even if we're not a year into the biden presidency. still the president, a self-proclaimed creature of the senate, delivered hi
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