tv Don Lemon Tonight CNN January 19, 2022 11:00pm-12:00am PST
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people as possible access to the voting booth. >> yeah, and i -- i think chuck schumer was speaking and now it's mitch mcconnell and it's so important to hear from both of these leaders, right at this moment. >> yeah. >> over this issue. you know, one of the things they are actually looking at something right now, don, and it's kind of like pie in the sky pollyanna but democrats are looking at this idea of changing the senate rules so that it would actually be a filibuster like mr. smith goes to washington. >> right. >> you know? and -- and like, there's no way this is going to happen. but i think it would be so important to have the discussion, and i am not talking about, you know, ted cruz green eggs and ham style. i am talking about actually discussing, you know, what is at stake, and hearing from both sides here. to see what they think and to see if it makes any sense. >> yeah. i think we're beyond that. it would be great. you're right. if we could actually do it in a democratic way, small-d democratic way but we shall see. brianna keilar, thank you.
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we are going to get to that and appreciate it. i will see you friday, as you said, not tomorrow. thank you. >> this is "don lemon tonight" and that is our breaking news. senate republicans, again, blocking voting rights ledge legislation puts forward by democrats. they are going to vote any minute now on the nuclear option as we look at mitch mcconnell now on the senate floor changing the filibuster to allow the legislation to pass with a simple majority. also, all but certain to fail due to the objections of two democrats. talking about manchin and sinema. and all of that comes in the wake of president biden's nearly two hour long news conference today. did you watch it? it was a long news conference. what i want to do here is really take a clearer look at what we saw today. what we actually saw and heard, and how it comes across. okay? so, let's use common sense to -- to take a good look at this, and i am going to give it to you straight here. just the facts. no conservative, no liberal -- not liberal, right? just facts.
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so we saw our president defending his record, changing his tune. does he realize now that his presidency needs to adjust to the reality of events? is he thinking and remembering why he got elected? it was to end the pandemic and end the crazy. that's what people really wanted -- some normalcy, stability. end the pandemic, end the crazy. just think about it. excuse me, before i go on. think about it. all the press conferences with you are the fake media and the screaming and the light inside the body. you didn't have any of that today. you may not have liked what he said, whatever. but you didn't have anybody attacking anyone, attacking the media, attacking people who didn't vote for him or don't support him. none of that. do presidents misspeak? sure, they do. all the time. they have to come back and clean up on aisle ukraine as -- of course, they do. but that's normal stuff. how soon we forget, that's
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normal stuff. now, we all know that -- look -- that the crazy part didn't happen, right? um, he hasn't really added to stability and hasn't ended the pandemic. and that's why he is in a big jam trying to get out of it and get back on track. but we can't look at that, without looking at the republicans -- again, facts -- republicans who want to make sure that he stays jammed up. and that's where we are right now. and that's where we saw a change of tone today. i want you to listen to what he says about -- this is about mitch mcconnell and what he said about mitch mcconnell and republicans. watch. >> i think that the -- the fundamental question is what's mitch for? what's he for on immigration? what's he for? what's he proposing? what's he for?
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dealing with russia that's different than i'm proposing, than many of his republican friends and his colleagues are supporting, as well. what's he for on these things? what are they for? did you ever think that one man out of office could intimidate an entire party where they're unwilling to take any vote contrary to what he thinks should be taken for fear of being defeated in a primary. >> not wrong. he's not wrong. i mean, think about -- said what -- what's mitch mcconnell for? that is not an attack, that's the truth. remember repeal and replace? how long they do that? eight, ten years? what do republicans stand for, except for blocking joe biden? that was the one thing i was surprised that he didn't realize, you know, they told you, mr. president, that they wanted to kill your presidency
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in the crib, in its infancy. shouldn't be surprised. on the night the senate is driving a stake through the heart of voting rights legislation, here is how the president answered a question about black voters who fought to put him in the white house, and now feel that he is not fighting for them. >> well, um, i think if, in fact, no matter how hard they make it for minorities to vote, i think you are going to see them willing to stand in line and -- and defy the attempt to keep them from being able to vote. i think you are going to see the people who were tried to keep from being able to show up, showing up and making the sacrifice that needs to be make in order to change the law back to what it should be. >> look. it is true. black folks are accustomed to having to do whatever it takes to fight for voting rights. we will stand in line for hours. we will stand in line for hours,
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so that the wrong person doesn't get in office. but there is a limit. and look, i got to tell you i get a text from my mom i don't care what they say about joe biden -- this is her text and i am quoting here -- if he runs again, i'm going to vote for him. those are the moderate, middle-of-the-road democrats who are not that political, who actually went to the polls. the church ladies with hats -- that's my mom. those are the voters who put him into office, not the extremes. they're still with him. but they want to see the fight. they want the energy. bring the energy. bring the fight. get voting rights done. i am going to talk about what black folks care about in just a minute here. not different than anybody else but they do care about voting rights. very important.
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clearly, we see that tonight. others including senators in congress are not doing the right thing. we get it. we see it. but while people of color care about voting rights, rights that so many americans fought and died for, we also care about safety. we care about security. and we care about the economy. centrist, middle-of-the-road democrats, church ladies like my dad, my step dad. carried a lunch box to work every day -- god rest his soul, right? workers. middle of the road. they don't care about the extremes. they want their families to be safe, physically and financially. that's the bottom line. but they do want voting rights. they want that just like every other american, to keep their family safe to be able to afford things. everyone cares about how much it cost to put food on the table, and put gas in the tank. they care about crime.
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they care about covid, as we enter year three of a pandemic that has changed life in america and fwnot for the better. >> i'm not gonna give up and accept things as they are now. some people may call what's happening now the new normal. i call it the job not yet finished. >> uh-huh. so, let's be real. wh what's one of the main obstacles to finishing that job? a deliberate strategy on the right to make sure he does not succeed, to obstruct, to spread misinformation, and to inflame anger over masks and vaccines. today, we saw a president who wanted to acknowledge the struggles people are facing. but who isn't willing to capitulate to the emerging narrative that his presidency hasn't done anything to help. >> i think you have to look at things as we used to look at it, on balance. what is the trajectory of the country?
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is it moving in the right direction now? i don't know how we can say it's not. i understand the overwhelming frustration, fear, and concern with regard to inflation and covid. i get it. but the idea if i told you when we started, first year i am going to create over 600 -- or 6 million jobs, i am going to get unemployment down to 3.9%, i am going to generate -- and i named it all -- you would look at me like you're nuts. >> hmm. now, that does not mean there aren't things that need to change in this administration. snok okay? there are. this president needs to focus on what got him elected. right? he ran as a problem solver, the adult in the room who could get things done. that is the joe biden people want to see. not one who is focused on the left or blundering a strategy on
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voting rights and the filibuster. setting up a defeat on the very night that he tried to turn things around. that's not what people want. adult in the room. end the pandemic. normalcy. get rid of the crazy. think about -- you listen to joe biden today. when was the former president ever that circum -- measure of words, let me think about what i am going to say here -- never. people don't want to see one whose party isn't ready to follow the grand vision -- a president whose party is not ready to follow the grand vision of transformational change that they had been pushing. and that's why he said that he would be willing to break up his build back better plan to get parts of it done. and why he said there are parts important to him that he might not be able to get done. the fact is democrats are
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worried with the midterms just months away. moderates, independents, progressives, blacks and whites, urban and suburban. that's who elected this president. and if you don't forget that, it's not too late to get this administration back on track. there is an -- a new york york times op-ed, conservative columnist beret stevens. you should read it. he writes biden's performance thus far is sometimes compared with jimmy carter's. maybe, the better source of comparison is bill clinton who ran as a centrist, tilted left in his first year, saw his signature legislation blow up in congress, suffered military humiliation in somalia, and then figured out how to recapture the center and save his presidency. roll that back for me, mr. prompter -- teleprompter. i want to read that again. okay. this is from brett stevens. listen. biden's performance, thus far, is sometimes compared with jimmy
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carter's. maybe the better source of comparison is bill clinton, who ran as a centrist, tilted left in his first year, saw his signature legislation blow up in congress, suffered military humiliation in somalia -- afghanistan -- and then figured out how to recapture the center and save his presidency. what did they say, history doesn't often repeat itself but it sometimes rhymes, right? so that's the question. is joe biden more like jimmy carter? or is he more like bill clinton? this is not about transformation or bipartisan dreams. it's about how this white house is going to respond to reality. the reality that republicans aren't going to work with you, just like they did not want to work with you for president barack obama. they have proved that over and over. it is not the same senate as when zwroebd was in the senate. it's not the same senate as when joe biden was vice president and
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it is not the same senate as it was two years ago, three years ago. the reality of covid and millions of anti-vax americans who still believe the misinformation that they have been fed by the right wing -- that's where we are now. the reality of inflation that americans are feeling every day. that's where we are now. the reality of crime that is making our cities less safe. that's where we are now. will president biden deal with the reality that there will continue to be obstruction, there will continue to be resistance, there will continue to be misinformation, the big lie, all of it, it will -- there will continue to be that. people are locked in their positions because they have been fed so much misinformation, they don't know what's true, what's not. they're just -- they sit in front of a television, locked into one channel that feeds them bs.
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in a few months, the american people will decide whether the administration is living in the real world that they see every day. let's bring in now cnn political analyst, kirsten powers, and "washington post" columnist, max boot. hello to both of you. thank you so much. don't mean to be dramatic but listen to the press conference today, and that's where i am right now. good evening. how are you guys doing? >> good. >> good. i thought you were great, don. >> thank you very -- what did you think? i am going to do, like, um, what is his name used to do on your old network when i used to watch? what did i do? you know who i am talking about, right? what did i do wrong? how did i do, kirsten, right? >> um, well, look. i think the thing -- my big take way from all of this is -- and i think it's pretty different than what a lot of people think, which is that we have these unrealistic expectations. joe biden has been president for
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one year. >> right. >> and it's like how has joe biden not solved every single problem in the world? how could he not have done that? um, first of all, he has been president for one year. second of all, there's been a global pandemic which is not something that most presidents have to deal with. and the economy actually is doing very well, which normally people would be talking about that and saying that's a good thing. inflation is a problem. but on every other metric that the economy is doing very well. he actually has passed some legislation that's pretty meaningful. bipartisan infrastructure bill showing that he can work with both parties. he -- there -- the rescue package around covid. i do think that it was a mistake to be trying to get joe manchin and kyrsten sinema to go along with something that they were never going to go along with but does that make him a failure? it doesn't and i just think the way that this is covered is it's
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covered like it -- like it's sports or something and it's not sports. it's very -- it's very complex. it's very complicated. he doesn't have 50 senators that he can count on. he has a republican party that will not do anything with him basically ore than the few people he was able to get for the infrastructure bill. but anything else, they don't want to work with him so when it comes to voting rights, who are the bad guys in the voting rights story? it's the republicans, right? >> i can't believe there isn't one republican -- i can't believe there isn't one republican who is not for, um, securing voting rights for -- for people -- you know, for everyone. and i -- i got to get max in. max, you know, you mention the republicans. president biden said today that the gop was not nearly as obstructionist during the obama years. i'm not sure that's true. um, you know, because remember mcconnell said -- they said the same thing. one-term president. kill joe biden's presidency in its infancy.
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obama, one-term presidents and senator mcconnell previously vowed to block the biden administration 100%. he was elected on bipartisanship but is he dealing with the reality of the republican party? >> i think the scales are falling from joe biden's eyes and i think a lot of people have been suggesting for the last couple of years that he had very romantic, rosy-eyed views of the republican party. i mean in some ways, don, frankly, this reminded me of donald trump's conceit because trump always said i am the greatest deal maker, i can make a deal with anybody. and biden had kind of the same notion that he could make a deal with republicans and now after a year of banging his head against the wall, he's realized that's largely not the case. although, in fairness, he did get the $1.2 trillion bipartisan infrastructure bill, which is more than donald trump was ever able to achieve. as you pointed out, there is not a single republican vote on voting rights and, you know, republicans are even afraid to investigate what happened on january 6th.
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and so, that to me, don, was actually in some ways the most striking part of the press conference today where biden was acknowledging that he was wrong about the republicans. they don't have any positive agenda as he pointed out. they are just being simply obstructionist and he is coming to terms with that and you have seen the last couple of weeks, he has given some of the toughest speeches of his presidency. attacking republicans for inciting the january 6th insurrection. attacking republicans for not supporting voting rights and, of course, the reaction from pundits and republicans is oh, you know, biden is being divisive. how awful? well, the reality is 71% of republicans don't even acknowledge that joe biden was legitimately elected. so, who is being divisive here? >> yeah. um, i'm glad you mentioned that, i am going to let you guys go but i am glad you mentioned that because i wrote about -- i write in the book that i wrote last year on the subject of race, how
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people are more upset about the idea that someone will call them a racist than actually doing the right thing. so, when he said i wasn't -- i wasn't saying that they were racist, that they were george wallace and that -- that they were bull connor, i'm saying that's the side that you are on. and i completely get what he is saying, i get the metaphor, i get the analogy. you can say that someone is on that side or talk about the arc of history, without saying that you are a racist. i think people -- the pundits like to use that. anyways, that's it. thank you, guys. i appreciate it. thanks for listening to me. i will see you guys soon. so we heard clear change of tone from the -- the president today when it comes to republicans. is he ready to take them on? that is the question for -- there he is -- mr. kasich. hey, after the break.
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senate republicans blocking voting rights legislation put forth by democrats and now voting on the so-called nuclear option, that is the option to change senate rules to require only 51 votes to break the filibuster. jessica dean is on capitol hill. she is covering it all for us. jessica, good evening to you. walk us through what is going on in the senate right now, please. >> all right. just down the way from me, don, the senate is voting on this nuclear option. so, what we are going to see unfold is that they are not going to have -- democrats will not have enough votes because senators joe manchin and serious kyrsten sinema do not support changing the rules and there is no support to change any of these rules so now we are just watching that play out on the floor. it's been a long day here, as you mentioned, several hours ago, they voted on that voting rights legislation which again failed. schumer had said once that failed, he would proceed forward with changing this filibuster but the fact remains, don, that at the end of the evening, democrats will have failed on two of these priorities that they wanted to see happen. they knew this was the most
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likely outcome. but the fact remains, you know, on the day we heard from president biden, he talked a lot about that at the beginning of the show. this is what is happening over on capitol hill and so the question is where do senate democrats go now? will they try to now turn their attention to build back better or trying to slim that down? that's what we are going to keep an eye out for but right now, again, we are watching the senate vote on this filibuster rules changes and what we are expecting to happen and what we are keeping an eye on is that they will not -- democrats will not have enough votes to get that done. >> all right, jessica dean, thank you very much. as expected, we appreciate that. so joining me now, cnn senior commentator and former ohio governor, mr. john kasich. john, good evening to you. how are ya? >> hi, don. good. >> listen. you have been -- >> always -- always interesting. >> yeah, i know, and it never stops. you had been critical on the course of this president -- the course this president has taken lately. even though you supported president biden against trump,
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did you like what you heard today from him? what did you think? >> i -- i just don't think he hit the mark, particularly well, don. look, i -- we mention bill clinton -- you know, you talked about him earlier. bill clinton did something -- but he was unbelievably gifted politician -- he could not only be very compassionate with people but he could also be very, very appositive. he was the guy who came up with the saying i can feel your pain. so i think the ability to be compassionate and then to inspire hope i think is good. and at the end, don, i think you kind of hit on some of the subjects. >> inflation, covid, crime, schools. those are the things that people are thinking about across america and i think 'cause he hasn't touched those issues very effectively -- inflation -- you know, i think that's why his numbers are down. can he -- look. i think you are going to have a republican house, maybe even a republican senate and you are going to see a different joe biden. you are going to see the joe biden that i thought we were
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going to see when he first took office. >> which is? >> compromising, they will get some things done. >> you don't think he's compromised? i think joe biden has done all the compromising. i think the republicans haven't done the compromising. he's been try -- he's been reaching -- i mean, listen, this is why you are here. he has been trying to have this bipartisanship, bipartisanship, bipartisanship. and nothing is working. he doesn't -- he never gets any votes from republicans no matter what. >> don, the biggest infrastructure package in modern history. but wait a minute. that's not like except -- that's like except for the fact that the titanic hit an iceberg of the it is a big deal. >> it is a big deal but -- >> hold on. >> hang on, i am just going to say there is more than infrastructure. there are of other things besides -- you are right, gave you infrastructure. but other things important to the american people. >> i know there are. but you say that they are not getting any help. even mitch mcconnell vote -- and i am not the biggest fan of any those folks as you know. look. infrastructure passed the senate with 19 republicans, including the -- the republican leader.
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in the house, they had 13 votes and they could have had 20, had he pushed it. joe biden made no effort to reach out. let's talk about voting rights. you heard what -- what the former senator said mitch -- or the senator now, mitt romney. he said no one ever called me. you hear what biden said? well, i needed to get my act together before i called them. don, if you and i are going to put something together where we fundamentally disagree but we think there's something we can agree on, don't call me and just tell me what it is. work with me to put it together. >> i don't disagree with you. >> so i think -- >> i don't disagree with you but i wouldn't think that i would need to call you for something like voting rights. i would think that you are, um, you know, smart enough, compassionate enough man to understand that the -- the right to vote should be available to all. access to the voting booth should be available to all, as -- and we should make it as easy as possible. i would think that -- i mean, that's what john kasich stands for. why would i have to call you about that? >> let -- let me just tell you
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this. i am told -- and i don't know this because if you read "wall street journal," they say one thing. you read "the new york times," it is like a tale of two different cities. i was just told tonight, don, think about this. i was told tonight that the voting restrictions in joe biden's home state of delaware are more severe than in georgia. i don't know if that's for sure true. i'm with you. we should not make it hard for people to vote. we should make it easy for people to vote. and the vote has to have great integrity. anything that starts to make it hard for people to vote, i'm not for. period, end of story, and i think there are senators that could feel the same way if they get sought out. that's what i think. >> remember, it's not just that, you know, people think well where can you not vote? people can vote. but if you look at the laws that are actually going on the books around the country, by republican legislatures, it is -- it's pretty scary. and -- and who they are putting in charge of counting and all of that, that's all part of voting rights, as well. we must remember that but i got
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to say because you said -- you said you are going to see -- and you can correct me if i'm wrong -- the joe biden that was -- that you thought would emerge after he was elected. this president emphatically is saying that he is not a socialist, he is not bernie sanders. that he is a mainstream democrat. that remind you of how he campaigned in the general election? maybe he realizes that he may appeared to have moved too far to the left? >> don, think about this for a second. the president of the united states said i am not a socialist. i mean, and -- and there are people around america saying it. okay. i mean, just for him to have to say that just seemed patently crazy, right? the fact of the matter is biden, institutionally, in his dna, he's moderate. he's center-left. and there are plenty of people on the center-right that could put deals together. i am telling you the child-tax credit. you are going to get something i think on this electoral reform. i think it's gonna come. there is grounds on which to do
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prescription drugs and to lower health -- there's plenty of areas to do this. i agree with you in the house, though. the republicans in the house -- i -- they're out -- they're out of control and you know what? sad the thing is they are going to probably win the majority but if they win the majority, it's going to change joe biden. he will be back to the old joe we ail knew. >> you know why he has to say that he is not -- i mean, partially and i do think that um the administration doesn't realize that they are -- they have been catering to the extremes of the party too much. to the -- to the left. but also, it's because of the narrative that is created by the right that has been adopted by the pundits that, you know, the social -- he has to say -- because many people know him or they are basing their opinion or forming their opinion on something they have seen either on the propaganda network or some right-wing looney network that joe biden is a socialist. and he is not. so -- >> yeah. >> yeah, it's crazy that he has to say it, though. it's only because that's how he
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is being painted in certain corners. >> you know, there is one other thing, don, to think about for a second. there are people that they're afraid that the values of our country are being undermined. they don't want any changes. see, i think there is three groups of people. there is people on the left. they are kind of woke. they want to change everything. there is people on the right that don't want anything to change, and then there is us who are in the middle and for evolution, not revolution. and that -- >> sounds like you were listening to the beginning of momy show. >> i actually didn't because i was talking about voting rights with a guy from ohio's secretary of state. but, don, it's the middle of the country. >> i agree with you. >> we can have a conversation like this. this is a good thing. >> the centrists and the folks in the middle and the -- everybody's going to get mad at me. the -- you know, the far left and the far right. i don't really care. >> yes, they will. >> the people who put joe biden in office were the people who are in the middle, and they wanted -- they -- what -- what -- what people want, right? they want to get rid of the
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crazy, and they want stability. that's it. that simple. thank you, sir. >> and by the way, he's got -- he is only been president for one year. >> pie producers are yelling at me. >> all right. >> run out of time. >> i will see ya. >> bye, john kasich, thank you. president biden defending his record over his first year in office but has the white house done enough to tout his accomplishments? infrastructure zar -- there he is. look. mitch landrieu, how are you? you are on camera. smile, you are on candid camera. we will see -- >> i love -- i love -- i love john kasich. he -- oh, he can talk a dog off a meat truck. i'm just telling you, he's pretty good. >> all right. after the break, we will see you. great career? >> safelite is now hiring. >> you will love your job. >> there's room to grow... >> ...and lots of opportunities. >> so, what are you waiting for? >> apply now... >> ...and make a difference. >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪ >> man, i love that song!
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to comcast business internet customers. so boost your bottom line by switching today. comcast business: powering possibilities. so here is our breaking news right now. the effort to change the filibuster rule in the senate failed as expected. the vote was 52-48 with joe manchin and kyrsten sinema voting with republicans. that as president biden is facing economic headwinds and low poll numbers and in a wide-ranging news conference today, defending his record and tonight outside the white house, the dnc projecting the message biden, jobs, shots, roads. why hasn't it been the message all along? uh, it's a lot better than dems, infighting, filibuster. so, joining me now to discuss, former mayor of new orleans, mitch landrieu, he is the white house infrastructure czar.
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good evening. i don't want to explain everything that is going on with you. thank you. so you are the guy in charge of, you know, the road parts -- the roads part, basically. um, so what did you think of the legislation failing? what did you think of what biden did today? do you -- do you -- and here is a better question. do you take issue with the idea this presidency needs a reset is what i really want to ask you. >> um well first of all, we are only in the first year of a four-year presidency. that's why it is a four-year term and when people talk about reset, it is amazing because nobody wants to talk about actually what he did in his first year. you know, the president has great empathy for the american people and for what we have all gone through. i mean, all of us have been through a really hellish time with omicron and how many family members have been lost and the tragedy of it. he has been to many tragic sites this year, and so he has great empathy for that. but he also is a guy that's tough, and he's delivered. i mean if you think about it with the american rescue plan and with -- and with the infrastructure bill, he has passed two of the largest pieces
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of legislation in the history of the country. and for some reason, people seem to be glossing over that. today, he got shots and when we got here, there were 2 million people vaccinated. now, there are 200 million people. lots of people were dying when he took office. not so many today. he actually cut the poverty rate by 40% in this country, and put moneys in people's pockets and saved the economy and then he turned around and passed the largest infrastructure bill in the history of the country since eisenhower, something the past five, six, seven presidents have been unable to do. so basically, we are in a position now to rebuild roads, rebuild bridges, have clean water so that people can have safe lives, again. get rid of lead pipes, extend broadband across the united states of america. clean up wells that -- that are spewing methane. and so, all of those things are fantastic, and so today, i am listening to the media talk about, you know, the criticism and by the way, i love john kasich. but just to remind people on the interinfrastructure bill, there are actually 214 republican members of the house. and all but 14 voted against it.
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and just now on the filibuster, it is true that two democrats voted against it but all the republicans voted against it. so in my life -- i'm from new orleans and when the music plays, baby, it takes two to tango. not just one. so the president is gonna do his work. he is going to do what is necessary to get things done, and make americans' lives safer and lower the cost. but, you know, the two sides to this story. and right now, only one of them is being told. >> it takes a whole group to -- >> well, i guess -- i guess that's one way to say it. listen. the president takes responsibility for -- for what's gone on in this country but he is not by himself and this is an all-in kind of deal. >> mitch -- >> and so, i think early on i mean if the republicans sit down and don't do anything, it is kind of hard to drag them along. it would be helpful if they got up and walked a little bit toward you. >> hold that thought. >> i am going to keep you for another because i want to continue to talk to you. don't go anywhere. we'll come right back with mitch landrieu. >> all right.
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okay so mitch landrieu is back with me. mitch, you and i had many conversations about the right to vote. and the state of our democracy. are you personally disappointed by the demise of voting rights at least for now? >> i think it's awful. i don't know what are the republicans for? nothing. what are they afraid of? everything. why would you be afraid of people voting? i mean, in america it's supposed to be easy, not hard. unless you are scared of something. so, and listen to the white people of america, i -- i wake up. this is just not about african-americans. i mean, the right to vote is an essential american right that without we don't really have democracy. as dr. king said if people would read the letter from birmingham or maybe the latest book he wrote which is "where do we go from here" it is a deeper dive and this is not just an issue about race, although it's critically important as you know, don, to the black community. i think you said black people voting is not the only thing. the safety, being able to make a
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dollar, being able to build generational wealth. being able to become a businessperson. you know, making sure your kids have a better life than you, just like everybody else. but when somebody threatens the thing that actually gives you the opportunity to have a voice in america, then all the sudden it gets real personal and i think it is a shame what happened tonight. and i think that, you know, obviously, this fight is not over. it's been gone on and people have lost their lives over this as both you and i know. so i was very disappointed in the vote tonight. but, you know, the president's going to keep fighting and that is what he he does. >> can you just give me a quick word? because people say, well, people have access to the voting booth. where can people not vote? this is about what -- what's happening, different legislatures around the country with these -- about who counts the vote and who can overturn and so on and so forth. >> listen. this is jim crow 2.0. there is no question about it. long time ago, they used to scare people. you know, because folks got lynched and then they made you count jelly beans and threw all kinds of things in the way of making it hard to vote. here is the point. if you want people to do something, make it easy. if you want to make it hard for
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them to do it, then make it harder. this is not rocket science. you know, you can -- you can dress this up a whole bunch of different ways and it just looks nasty. so it's unfortunate but we are going to keep fighting. people have -- have been struggling for a long, long time in this country, and that road is -- is well worn but we have a long way to go before we perfect our democracy. but -- but tonight was a step backwards i thought. >> it's always good to have you on. tell your mom i said hi. your mama, everybody. >> thank you. >> take it easy, mitch landrieu, always a pleasure. the supreme court dealing a blow to the former president now the january 6th committee will soon get its hands on hundreds of documents that could shed light on what happened leading up to the insurrection at the capitol. nyquil severe gives you powerful relief for your worst cold and flu symptoms,
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a monumental legal defeat the former president tonight. the supreme court siding with the committee in the case called trump v. thompson, clearing the way for them to get his white house records. more than 700 documents will go to the committee that could shed light on what led up to the insurrection. laura coates joins me now. so, laura, what does this mean now for the january 6th committee and for the former president? this is a lot of information. >> this is truly monumental to have the supreme court of the united states with a former president, not taking his case and saying really unabashedly that arguments about privilege and the idea that he could somehow withhold documents when the incumbent president says they should be given over for transparency sake, they are saying that the committee needs to have these documents and they essentially say that any claim that the former president has is
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outweighed by the public's need to know. >> so the committee will have access to hundreds of documents from the national archives that trump wanted to stay secret, including visitor and call logs, notes from mark meadows, drafts from correspondence related from the january 6th. what could they piece together? >> they have had hundreds of different interviews of people. they have evidence that's come in. they have people behind the scenes already testified. we know the ones who have refused, steve bannon or mark meadows, but remember at this juncture they probably have a whole host of information that could corroborate anything that comes down the line. so this might be the final jigsaw puzzle piece to show whether somebody was acting at the direction, really the highest officeholder in the land, the president of the united states, and anyone in his orbit and could give us information about what the president was doing at the time, what he did leading up to january 6th and what he did afterwards and really could unpack that big lie that has
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been metastasized and codified across this land in voter legislation. >> there was only one, justice clarence thomas, said he would have sided with the state. not making the records public. legal experts saying this is the right call, but are you surprised by the decision given the conservative majority of the court? >> you know, it was the right call. and i think trump is surprised, three supreme court justices he feels he put in place didn't have his back. i know that justice kavanaugh talked about the idea of, listen, there are instances when a former president, even though they are former president, might have some rights to having executive privilege. we don't want a chilling effect for people who want to give candid information. it has constraints and -- it should shock no one, including the former president when you have an insurrection on the citadel of our democracy, congress has a right and the public has a right in know what
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happened and your personal prerogative should not dictate. this isn't a foreign affairs or conversation that would be private. this is the public's house that was stormed and we have a right no to know. that's what the supreme court thought was most important. >> laura coates, her new book "just pursuit." thank you, laura. see you soon. >> thank you. president biden holding a nearly two-hour news conference to mark his first year in office and he is signaling a major change in how he approaches his presidency.
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it's hard for people to know how much their accident case is worth. let our injury attorneys help you get the best result possible. ♪ the barnes firm injury attorneys ♪ ♪ call one eight hundred, eight million ♪ top of the hour. breaking news to start with. senate republicans blocking legislation to protect voting rights and democrats failing to get enough votes to change filibuster rules. moments ago president joe biden saying this. i am profoundldi
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