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tv   Don Lemon Tonight  CNN  January 21, 2022 11:00pm-12:00am PST

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democrats and republicans tell us how it's wiping out hope of congress working together for you, the american people. thank you so much for watching. "don lemon tonight" starts right now. don. >> okay. so, brianna keilar, a week of doing democracy in peril, i'm sure there has been a lot that you have learned. it seems you -- you are not at a lack of stories, trust me. what -- what was the big takeaway this week? >> you know, the big takeaway, i thought, was some of our great reporters going out there, and showing us exactly what's going on. you know, like tonight, kyung lah was out talking to election officials about what it's like to be threatened and so you look at what they are going through, and you understand why one in four of them is saying enough, you know, i'm wire worried about my family, i am worried about my safety, i am not going do this anymore. >> yeah. and yet, we have this big political reporting today, which shows exactly why you are doing this story at 9:00 p.m. eastern here on cnn.
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it is very important. briana, have a great weekend. i will see you monday, okay? >> all right. see you later, don. this is "don lemon tonight." and for all americans who want the truth to come out about the deadly january 6th insurrection at the capitol, you can mark today down as potentially a major turning point in the investigation. the house january 6th committee is now in possession of more than 700 pages of documents from the trump white house that the former president fought like hell to keep secret. the national archives releasing the trove of information after the supreme court cleared the way earlier-this week for the documents to be released to the committee. throwing the former president's claims of executive privilege right out the door. now, the documents likely will reveal the inner workings of the trump white house after he lost the election, up through the insurrection, and in the days after. and it's not hard to see why he tried to keep them from public scrutiny. "politico" is reporting explosive new details on some documents the committee is reviewing, including a draft of an executive order -- it's dated
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december 16th, 2020, directing the defense secretary to seize voting machines. a member of the committee reacting to this reporting, just a short time ago. >> it's incredibly concerning. um, you know, if this is in fact a verifiable document, um, that was drafted by somebody within the president's inner circle. the idea that the department of defense would become involved in elections, be seizing, you know, voting machines, so we are looking at this very closely from the committee. um, and, you know, at this point, you know, we're still determining you know if that reporting is -- is accurate. but it is certainly very concerning. >> and apparently, trump allies were plotting with him right inside the oval office two days later on december 18th, sidney powell urging trump not oh enl to seize the machines but appoint her as special counsel to investigate the election. there is also the draft of a document titled "remarks on national healing." we are also learning today about secret meetings held in the president's private residence at
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the white house in the days leading up to january 6th. that information coming from stephanie grisham, the former white house press secretary. >> there were meetings taking place up there. i -- i don't have visibility into what was discussed. 6 and all of the people who were there but i can say, um, that mark meadows would have been there, as well as the legal team that was working on, um, all of the bonkers little plans. >> grisham telling cnn she revealed this information to the january 6th committee as part of her testimony. and now, i want to turn to the senate minority leader. mitch mcconnell has been on the defensive the last few days over comments he made after he and every single republican senator voted down legislation to protect voting rights. legislation that's important to african-americans. >> what is your message for voters of color, who are concerned that without the john lewis voting rights act, they are not going to be able to vote in the midterm? >> well, the concern is misplaced because if you look at
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the statistics, african-american voters are voting in just as high a percentage as americans. >> well, it looks like someone needs to remind the gop leader that african-americans are, in fact, americans. cnn contacted the senator and his office, said he -- said he left out a word. still, there was blowback of his insulting statement. but mcconnell's insulted people pointing out -- by people pointing out his insult. >> i want to take an opportunity here to address the outrageous mischaracterization of my history and record on voting rights and race relations as a result of inadvertently leaving out the word "almost" in my comments the other day. >> almost? hmm.
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so, mcconnell really meant to say it, right, if you go with what he is saying. african-american voters are voting in just as high of percentage as almost americans? still, doesn't sound right. >> all. not -- not almost. sorry. >> boy, good thing there are staffers back at home base to clarify the wording, what comes out of his mouth. mcconnell's office telling cnn the senator really meant to say other americans. i have to give mcconnell credit as a master tactician of the senate, successfully blocking voting rights and other major ite items on biden's agenda and despite the defeat on voting rights and failing to get build back better passed as one giant piece of legislation, the president's down but he is certainly not out. saying this week that he wants to try and pass big chunks of build back better. biden addressing a conference of mayors this afternoon, sounding
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optimistic. >> and we still face tremendous challenges, though. but together, we have proven that we can get big things done in this country. last year, you helped me lay the groundwork. this year, we have to build it. the biggest weapon in our arsenal is the build back better act. nothing's going to do more to ease pressure on families. >> we will see if he can get it done in year two. so much to discuss tonight with cnn chief legal analyst, mr. jeffrey toobin. jeffrey, good evening. thank you very much. i appreciate you joining us. let's talk about this "politico" reporting. when i read it, i was like this has to be an article from the onion. i mean, this is not real. but it turns out, it is real. "politico" is -- is -- this never-released draft of a can trump executive order that would have directed his defense secretary to seize voting machines? part of it i want to read. it says effective immediately, the secretary of defense shall seize, collect, retain, and analyze all machines, equipment, electronically-stored information, and material records required for retention.
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what would have happened, jeffrey, if trump had actually signed this thing? >> well, don, you know, it's funny. what -- what occurred to me was, you know, this felt like a south american country under dictatorship. you know, the argentines during the period of the war when the military essentially took over the electoral process. i mean, that -- that he is the k that's the kind of country where the military seizes control of the ballots. um, so, you know, obviously, we know it didn't happen. we're fortunate for that but the thing that i found particularly chilling in the document was what -- the references to other national security material, which actually is known only to a handful of people within the government. the "politico" journal's pointed this out that, you know, the --
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the -- whoever wrote this was someone with access to a lot of information in the executive branch. it was not some nut coming in from the outside. it was someone on the inside, and that's a very scary thing. >> yeah, it is. i want to bring in now michael who knows all about this. michael, thank you for joining us. we are talking about the military potentially being ordered to seize voting machines. this is the sort of thing we hear happening under authoritarian governments as jeffrey just pointed out. how does this news fit in with everything else we now know that was going on around that time? >> well, look, it's part of this whole, you know, campaign by the white house and trump's allies to overturn the results of the election. there is no question about that. um, and, you know, the -- the -- we know that michael flynn, for instance, was pushing this idea. we don't know who wrote this particular memo. um, but it's worth pointing out
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that, um, as -- as spooky as it is to have a document like this, um, there was no way this was going to happen. um, first of all, it was blatantly unconstitutional. it talks about some sort of 60-day delay in certifying the president. you can't do that. constitutionally clear that come january [ inaudible ]. there is no question that the u.s. military was not going to go along with anything along these lines. i think general milley made that pretty clear. um, so yes, it is, you know, startling to see this in writing that they were thinking about such a crazy idea. but we should keep perspective. it was not gonna happen. this was part of the whole fantasy world the trump people were living.
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and it obviously -- >> michael -- i hear you, i hear you with it was not going to happen. but i think that -- i mean, listen. jeffrey, i will give this to you because you wrote the book on what happens at the supreme court. but it certainly could have created enough chaos and enough uncertainty where people would have been wringing their hands, wouldn't know what to do. should this president be removed from office? how do we get the next president in office? we never faced a challenge like this, and i think it would have really created uncertainty in the -- at least the american system, don't you think? some chaos? >> i mean, you know, mike, i have a little less confidence. i mean, remember what was going on at the department of the defense in -- in the last moments of the -- of the trump administration. you know, he had fired the secretary of defense. he had put in an aide to -- to congressman nunes one of the real true believers as chief of staff in the department of defense.
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you know, the idea that this never could have happened -- gosh, i mean, you know, fortunately, michael, you know, you're right, it didn't happen. but i have a little less confidence that this was somehow outside the realm of possibility and one of the things we've learned about president trump and his -- in his -- is that whenever he said things as outrageous as they were, there was a chorus in the republican party to say well, you know, he's right. let's follow along. so, i mean, you're really confident it never could have happened? >> michael, respond? >> look. would -- would general milley and the joint chiefs have gone along with, you know, seizing election, um, ballots in the united states? it is so far beyond their -- what they are assigned to do, what they believe their mission is. they don't get involved in domestic law enforcement. the idea that they would get
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involved in elections would seem, you know, pretty crazy. yes, they were thinking about it at the white house. yes, people were pushing it. but, you know, thankfully, we will never have to resolve this question. >> yeah. well, i just need you to find me these 11, -- i mean, if someone has the gumption to do that, who knows what they would do? michael, jeffrey, i'm glad it didn't happen. but -- but -- go on. >> the one to watch is fanny willis, the fulton county district attorney saying she's convening -- asking for a special grand jury. i think that is the single-biggest legal -- >> michael, why don't you hold that thought? i got to get a break in and when when we come back on the other side, i will have you discuss. stay with me, both of you. much more to talk about trump's growing heel troubles as well. the committee now analyzing 700-plus pages of his white house records and investigations of his activities heating up in
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so back now with yahoo news
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chief investigative correspondent and cnn chief legal analyst, jeffrey toobin. michael, you wanted to talk about fanny t. willis and what is happening in fulton county, georgia. she is looking into criminal charges for election interference. so, what did you want to say about that? >> well, i do think of all the legal threats that donald trump has on his plate, this is the most serious, it seems to me. um, you have got, you know, hard evidence. the former of that -- the phone call i'm talking about -- find -- find me the 11,000 votes that i need to flip the state. you have other evidence of pressure being put on the -- um -- georgia election officials. mark meadows, himself, goes down. there is the [ inaudible ] had with brad raffensperger. so there is a lot that fanny willis has to work with, and i should point out if you just look at, you know, this week she did write a letter to the chief
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judge in fulton county. that is a sign she is pretty serious and, look, it is a fulton county grand jury that will decide. and if they choose to indict, it is a fulton county jury that will decide donald trump's fate. and one other point i should, you know, worth mentioning here is if you look at the specific criminal statutes that fanny willis has cited as the basis for her investigation, there is corruptly trying to influence state officials and racketeering. both of those, under georgia state law, have mandatory minimum prison sentences. so that's something that i think donald trump and his lawyers are going to have to think about as they try to navigate this. >> don -- >> go ahead, jeffrey. >> yeah, no, i mean, i agree completely about what a serious threat the whole georgia
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situation is. let me just add a couple more points. not only do these statutes, you know, carry mandatory minimums. you know, this district attorney is not under the same time pressure as, um, the january 6th committee is in congress. you know, she can conduct a thorough investigation at her own pace. she -- she's not going anywhere. there is another part, um, of this investigation which is the u.s. attorney -- not the state prosecutor but the federal prosecutor -- the u.s. attorney in the northern district of georgia in atlanta was forced out at precisely the time the president -- president trump was trying to manipulate the outcome. that's another part of this whole georgia investigation. and -- and i think it's a really troubling situation for -- for the president because he doesn't have a lot of leverage there. georgia -- you know, the atlanta district attorney is not worried
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politically about taking on donald trump and, you know, she is off and running and we'll see where she goes. >> you know, michael, beyond that, right, the january 6th committee now has 700-plus pages of trump white house records from the national archives, including documents from the press secretary's briefings -- briefing book. according to representative elaine luria, it includes conspiracy theories, ideas on how to steal the election. she is saying that this basically went up to the very top. >> well certainly, trump's efforts of course went up to the very top. it was driven at the very top by donald trump. um, there's never been any question about that. i do -- look, and of the material that the january 6th committee released this, you know, this week, particularly the letter to ivanka trump when
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they describe some of what they are seeking from the national archives. in mparticular, the -- the tape of trump's video statement. the unused tapes of trump's video statement where they were trying to get him to get the crowd to leave the capitol and calm down. um, you know, the idea -- the committee says -- the nation archives has that, they are seeking it. we now know as a result of the supreme court, they are likely to get it. i -- i think watching those tapes in which his aides are trying to get him to condemn what's going on and from all accounts, he is resisting. um, that's gonna be politically damaging. there is no question about that. >> jeffrey, i've got to -- >> yeah. >> yeah. i got to get to the break but i see your smirk and i want to know what it's about. >> well, no, i -- i mean, i -- i think -- as we learn about the january 6th investigation, there
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are two parts of it that are central. one is the whole effort to coerce mike pence into betraying his oath and betraying the constitution. also, the three hours between the start of the riot and when the president finally issues that sort of half-hearted request, we love you by please stop. ivanka trump is central to both parts of that investigation, and we'll see if they ever get her testimony. >> all right. michael, jeffrey, thank you very much. i appreciate it. she is a right-wing activist who claims america is in existential danger because of the so-called deep state. is the wife of justice clarence thomas a threat to the supreme court? my next guest explores that question in a blockbuster piece. stay tuned. 100% online car buying. car vending machines. and now, putting you in control of your financing. at carvana, get personalized terms, browse for cars that fit your budget,
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political activism has caused controversy for years. for the most part, it has been dismissed as the harmless action of an independent spouse but now the court appears likely to secure victories for her allies in a number of highly polarizing cases on abortion, affirmative action, gun rights. the author, jane mayer, joins me now. she is the chief washington correspondent for the new yorker. jane, this piece is fascinating and i was just saying she has been doing this for years, but now there may be some consequences for it. good evening to you. you know, you lay out several conflicts of interest that jenny thomas is really involved in and i just want to get more specific on some of those before you respond. but first, you title this piece is jenny thomas a threat to the supreme court? most people have never even heard of her name so what is your answer to -- to that question? >> of course, we don't write the titles ourselves. but i -- i hope people will read the piece, and they can make up their own minds. i think that, um, you know,
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she's posting some really, really disturbing questions about the court's independence, about her husband's independence. um, politically, from -- from the activity she's involved in because she is actually engaged and has close ties to many of the cases that are before her husband's court. >> so, let's lay out some of the reasons why you ask this question, right, is she a threat? thomas has given out awards for conservative group and -- and some other recipients have had or could have had business in the front of the court and you write this. at the 2019 event, jenny thomas praised one -- one of that year's recipients, abby johnson, a former planned parenthood employee who became an anti-abortion activist for her riveting indictment of planned parenthood's propagation of lies. that year, thomas also gave a prize to mark meadows, then a hardline republican in congress, describing him as the leader in the house right now that we are waiting for.
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scotus is facing a huge abortion case right now. mark meadows could end up before the court if he keeps fighting the subpoena. there are some of the biggest issues before the court right now. how alarmed is the legal community about her influence? >> i think quite. i mean, and that was one of the interesting things was talking to many of the most, um, kind of respected experts on judicial ethics, people like steven gelers at new york university who is kind of the gold standard for this and is always very cautious about what he said but he said what she is doing is reprehensible. and -- and what he said was that it's hurting the administration of justice because when you look at the rules for how judges behave, it's not just that they are supposed to have no conflicts, but it's also considered just as important that they have no appearance of conflicts because the appearance of justice is important for the
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public's trust in the courts. um, and -- and this kind of behavior undermines it. and it's forbidden, really, for all the lower courts beneath the supreme court. there is a judicial code of ethics that -- that binds the lower courts. but the justices in the supreme court, um, hold themselves above the ethics code and, um, say that it's -- it's basically optional for them. so, it's -- it's a -- it's a really troubling situation i think for all the people that i've -- i've interviewed. and um, you know, i -- and it -- it's going to get more so as the court takes on these issues that are so explosive in front of the country. and it's -- it becomes so much the place where, um, very, very important policy decisions are made that are going to affect every american. >> i want to -- this group that she is involved with. in your reporting, in your article, you report that she has been the chair of a group called
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ground swell that is that has tried to smear people like alexander vindman, and the former national security adviser h.r. mcmaster for speaking out against the former president. what can you tell about her involvement in this group ground swell? >> it -- it's such a strange group. i mean, they have been -- they've been at it for many, many years. but um, what happened during the trump years was that jenny thomas started using, i think, her -- her husband's prestige to get access to the white house. um, she was petitioning the white house for a long time to try to bring her friends in. and when she did finally get in and she's a consultant -- a paid consultant and a lobbyist --? wh she got in, um, she presented a enemies list to the president himself saying these people need to be, um, basically purged from your administration. they're disloyal. and -- and she suggested her own people that she wanted to have given jobs. and um, you know, i mean it's --
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it's kind of an extraordinary situation really. um, and the president himself thought so. former-president trump actually apparently quite liked clarence thomas. but said to somebody that i interviewed that he regarded jenny thomas as what he -- the way he put it was a whacko. but there she was being able to lobby him. >> i mean, if that's -- that's disturbing enough but then it goes on because you note in your report ongoing the morning of january 6th, jay jenny thomas encouraged facebook followers to watch the day's events unfold posting, quote, love maga people. the post, no longer public. but i need you to explain the ties, you know, she has to people who were involved in the rally that day. >> she's got -- she's got multiple ties. i mean, and i think, you know, what was surprising to me was how many ties she's got. not just to these cases in front of the court but i mean, obviously, the -- the january
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6th investigation itself in -- in -- has a great potential to wind up in front of the supreme court in many different ways. um, and it already has this week. we've seen on wednesday, where clarence thomas as you mentioned was the sole justice to say that trump shouldn't have to turn over his records. um, and -- and jenny thomas, meanwhile, not only tweeted in favor of the protestors, but, for instance, if you take a look, she's got -- she's been on the advisory board of turning point usa. it's one of the groups that's been -- um, it's under investigation for having been an organizer of the protest. another organizer of the protest is moms for america and the head of that -- somebody named kimberly fletcher -- is on jenny thomas's website giving jenny thomas sort of a shout-out for how great she is. they go back ten years together. another person who jenny thomas has connections to, who is -- was one of the organizers of the january 6th protest was ali
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alexander. um, jenny thomas and ali alexander were part of this group ground swell that you mentioned before. and you can see it because there were some leaks of -- of their communications that go back ten years. i mean, it's -- it's -- it's -- it's very unusual to have a supreme court justice's wife wrapped up with so many extremists whose issues are now directly in front of her husband's court. >> hey, jane, i want to get to -- to something. i want to play some sound but just real quickly, give me what you just said. he was the only one who voted with the former president. thought his records shouldn't be released, and so on. but is that enough for him to recuse himself for anything that has to do with january 6th? >> well, this is the thing. the supreme court doesn't hold itself to the standards of the other courts. this -- the standard is -- um, in the lower courts -- is if your spouse has an interest in a case, um, and particularly if your spouse is on the board of
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an organization that is a party to a case, then -- then the judges are expected to recuse. um, and if -- if it's seen that they have some kind of conflict of interest that would cause, you know, an ordinary person who is fair-minded to think that they couldn't be impartial, they're supposed to recuse. but the supreme court doesn't follow the same rules as all the rest of the judges in this country. >> got ya. so, justice thomas himself has tried to insist that the court isn't political. this is what he said just -- this is just last year, jane. >> i think the media makes it sound as though you are just always going right to your personal preference. so, if they think you're anti-abortion or something personally, they think that that's the way you always will come out. they think you're for this or for that, they think you become like a politician. and i think that's -- that's a problem to -- when -- i think
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you're going -- you're going to jeopardize any faith in the legal institutions. >> he -- listen, it's always easy to blame the media as you know as being part of the media. but the court tries to pride itself being above politics but is that really the case here when you look at what's happening with judge thomas and -- and his wife? >> you know, justice thomas in that speech was blaming the media as you say but i mean, i think in his particular case, the problem is a little closer to home. um, you know, it -- he needs to talk to his wife about this. um, and so, you know, and i do agree with him on -- on one part of that speech, which is that it is a problem and you can see it in the polls. that -- um -- the -- the trust and respect for the supreme court is at an historic low right now and part of the reason is when people are asked, they say they think it's just becoming a -- a political -- just another branch of politics. and that is a problem because we need to believe that, um, there is something called justice and
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that everybody has access to it, regardless of their political point of view. >> jane, it is a fascinating article in the new yorker and i hope everyone picks it up and reads it. we really appreciate you appearing. jenny thomas, a threat to the supreme court? and it's by the jane mayer who is here right now with us. and we appreciate you joining us. thank you. have a great weekend. >> thank you for having me. >> thank you. so, he meant to say almost. he meant to say all. he meant to say other. but he didn't. talking about mitch mcconnell. sparking outrage after making comments that make it seem like he thinks african-americans are somehow different from the rest of the people in this country. stay with us. (vo) you can be well-dressed. you can be well-mannered. (man) oh, no, no, after you. wahoooo! (vo) you can be well-groomed. or even well-spoken. (man) ooooooo. (vo) but there's just something about being well-adventured.
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himself and his civil rights record, after forgetting a word when talking about black voters. this is what he said earlier-this week. >> what is your message for voters of color, who are concerned that without the john l. lewis voting rights act, they are not going to be able to vote in the midterm? >> well, the concern is misplaced because if you look at the statistics, african-american voters are voting in just as high a percentage as americans. >> okay. after that, his office told cnn that he heft out the word "other" before americans, and today mcconnell sought to clarify but got that missing word wrong, again. >> i want to take an opportunity here to address the outrageous mischaracterization of my history and record on voting rights and race relations as a result of inadvertently leaving out the word almost in my
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comments the other day. >> then, at the end of his meeting with reporters, this happened . >> the word is all. not -- not almost. sorry. >> as the kids say, cringey, right? or just cringe. joining me now, cnn political analyst toluse olorunnipa. toluse, hello to you. that's cringe, right? >> yeah, i guess third time is a charm for the senate minority leader. um, it -- it -- it seems like a
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froidian slip but a lot of people online are saying he said what he really believes, which is that black -- black americans are second-class citizens or maybe not even qualifying as citizens. and -- and for that reason, aren't worthy of the kinds of protections that democrats are trying to give them when it comes to the vote. um, we have seen mitch mcconnell and the senate republicans under his leadership block any attempt to give, um, voters of color some additional protections, to support the voting rights act which the supreme court gutted almost a decade ago. and, um, you know, he has come under fire for his position on that. and his inability to get his -- his talking points straight over sort of whether or not voters of color should receive some of that protection, um, really kind of exposes kind of where he is coming from and it's, you know, telling it took him so long to try to clarify where he stands on this issue. >> well, you know, it's kind of otherizing that he hits a nerve for obvious reasons, right? he is otherizing african-americans.
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>> yeah. black voters, for decades, have tried to essentially say that i, too, am american. i, too, deserve all the rights that are given under the constitution and that's been the struggle of the civil rights movement, the struggle of the black lives matter movement, and all of the movements that ever happened over the past several decades including the push for voting rights, something the biden administration is trying to push for now but having difficulty getting through in part because of the -- the -- the blockade that senate minority leader mcconnell and the republicans have put up towards any kind of actions to protect the vote or expand the voting rights act or provide additional support for people to be able to vote. one of the things that mcconnell said was that, you know, black voters vote at the same rates as other americans. um, and that kind of shades over the fact that it's much more difficult for voters of color in many instances and many states to vote. we have seen those long lines, hours-long lines that people have had to withstand just to cast their ballot and we have
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seen how difficult that has been. and, you know, there is a push to get new legislation to make it easier to vote, to give people more opportunities to vote, providing for early voting, even maybe making federal election day a holiday because, you know, voters of color and minority voters and -- and people who are lower income have -- sometimes have trouble making it to vote on a day when they are at work. so, all of those things are things that mitch mcconnell and his republican colleagues have blocked and that is part of the reason why he is coming under so much fire for what he says is a misstatement that took him quite a while to clarify. >> mcconnell went on to defend himself, again, saying this. >> i was there for martin luther king's "i have a dream" speech in the audience. when i was a student at u of l, i helped organize the march for state accommodations law. thanks to my role model --
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senator john sherman cooper -- i was actually there when president johnson signed the voting rights act in the capitol in 1965. >> does this defense come across as hollow? >> well, he is talking about things that happened decades and decades ago. black voters and a number of voters of color are wondering what he has done for -- for minorities lately. and what he's really done is block some of the movements to expand on some of those things that happened during the civil rights movement. and that's part of the reason why he's come under so much fire, not what happened in the 1960s. what's happening now in the most recent years where he is -- has the most power that he has had in his career. >> toluse olorunnipa, thank you so much. i appreciate it. so this story is just coming into cnn. one police officer dead, another critically injured tonight in new york. the mayor and the police commissioner speaking out just moments ago. we are live on the scene, right after this. well, would you look at that?
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♪ "how bizarre" by omc ♪ no annual fee on any discover card. ♪ ♪ so this is the breaking news i mentioned before the break. a new york city police officer killed tonight in a shooting incident. another officer in critical condition. it happened in harlem when the officers responded to a domestic call. a civilian who is believed to be involved in the incident is also dead. our shimon prokupecz is at the hospital where the officers were taken. he joins us now live. shimon, hello to you. what happened? >> reporter: yeah. so, don, just a horrific situation here. two officers responding to a 911 call from a woman who was in a family dispute with her son. when police got there, this happened all just about after
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6:00, around 6:15 here in harlem. when police got there, they were talking to the mother. the mother said the son she was fighting with was in the back room. and as police went to the back room where the son was, the man just opened fire on them, shooting two of those officers. one of them, sadly, has died. he's only 22 years old, don, on the job probably just about a year or so. a second officer also shot. he is fighting for his life. he was in surgery, and doctors here trying to do everything they can to save his life. but this city and this police department and the mayor are all just reeling from this. the mayor just a short time ago spoke about this, spoke about what this means for the city. take a listen to what he said. >> it is our city against the kil killers. it is our city against the
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killers. this is just not an attack on three brave officers. this was an attack on the city of new york. >> reporter: and, don, that suspect, police say he is a live. he was shot, and he was in surgery as well, and so at this point he is still alive. but what this moment means for the city is not lost on this mayor. mayor eric adams also saying that we must save this city together. he was speaking to the nearly 200 officers who are gathered here at the hospital waiting for word on that officer who is fighting for his life. he also said, speaking to those officers, telling them that it's time to save the city. so this is not lost on anyone here, and what this means, this is a city that has seen four officers shot already this year, violence that it has not seen really in quite some time. people being shot. recently a child was shot.
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the mayor talked about that. gun violence in the city certainly not lost on anyone here, and the mayor making a point of this and telling the officers, we must continue to fight. and just quickly, don, the weapon that was used here by the suspect was a 45, but it had a magazine that could carry as many as 40 bullets. that weapon, police say, was stolen in baltimore and police officers are investigating that. but the key thing here right now is they're trying to hope and pray that this one officer survives, don. >> yeah. listen, it's only 21 days into the new year. thank you, shimon. we appreciate it. we'll be right back. were cooking with mom. she always said, “food is love.” so when she moved in with us, a new kitchen became part of our financial plan. ♪ i want to make the most of every meal we have together. ♪ at northwestern mutual, our version of financial
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