tv Don Lemon Tonight CNN January 28, 2022 7:00pm-8:00pm PST
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showed the constituent really tearing into marjorie taylor greene, i thought that was a very healthy development. it shows you that people are paying attention at home, and they're not buying what some of these characters on the fringe are selling. and, you know, she's beclowned herself with all these conspiracy theories and so on, and there's good, decent people at home. and don, you and i worry about this all day long, is our country so messed up we can't get out of this mess? and there are people paying attention, and they're smart. and they care about this country. they care about this democracy, and they're going to call these politicians out. and i think the more it happens the better off we'll be. >> i have a warning, if you haven't been outside, brace yourself, sir. brace yourself. i'm going to talk about this bomb cyclone that's coming to the northeast. >> i'm going to take cover. >> jim acosta, have a great weekend and be safe out there.
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>> thank you. this is don lemon tonight and this is the breaking news, an expected bomb cyclone bearing down on the east coast tonight. this is serious because look at the weather map, 75 million people. 75 million people from the southeast all the way up to new england could face dangerous heavy snow, white out conditions, near hurricane strength winds. all of this happening in the winter with the possibility of power outages, flooding as well, danger on the roads. it's really going to be tough getting around the northeast. i can tell you that many taxis have, you know, gone away for the evening. car services are not taking people around. it's reel serious stuff. people are going to get stranded. so if you don't have to be out, don't go out. but we're going to continue and talk about this. cnn's weather center gathering all the up to the weather information for you, all the data. and we're going to tell you what you need to know as you hunker down tonight. so please do stay in.
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and we have an exclusive tonight. new details about a plot to overturn our free and fair election. talk about a bomb cyclone, right? you know, it went so much farther than the insurrection on january 6th. that was only the most visible part of the plot. but we're learning more about what was hidden until now that is. and the subpoenas are flying tonight. cnn has learned january 6th committee has speen ubpoenaed t deputy white house secretary and want to talk to him the day before the then-president listening to a crowd outside and reportedly saying there's a lot of anger out there. the committee also has documents portraying him asking what are your ideas for getting the rhinos to do the right thing tomorrow, how do we convince congress? meaning, how do we convince congress to overthrow the election? and there are a whole lot more
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subpoenas tonight. these are related to another part of that plot, the scheme to put forward fake trump supporting electors in seven states. this is -- this is probably the most egregious thing, these fake electors and these documents. can you imagine the gall? the committee issuing subpoenas for 14 republicans. the so-called chair and secretary from each bogus certificate, they want to ask them about who was behind the scheme to replace the legitimate electors if republicans had succeeded in denying the certification of the actual electoral votes on january 6th. that plot failed when mike pence didn't play along. records signed, sealed delivered to the national archives as if all they needed to do was print them up and they could shape their own reality and it would be true.
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really indicative of the times we're living in like this one up on your screen from arizona signed by those fake electors including arizona representative jake hoffman who seemed to have an awful lot of trouble recently explaining just how he got involved. >> so in unprecedented times unprecedented action has occurred. there's no case law, there's no precedent that exists as to whether or not an election that is currently being litigated in the courts has due standing, which is why we felt it appropriate to provide congress and the vice president with dueling opinions. >> did you have direction from anybody in doing this? was it you yourself doing this or did someone give you advice on the manner in which you could do it? >> i was simply one of the electors. i'm not in charge of the electors -- >> how did you hear about the plan? >> you would need to ask the party chair that question. >> but you're the person who
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received a call. you showed up, right? how did you know to show up that day? >> as i said you can go ahead and ask the party chair the logistics of it. >> do you not know how you arrived at a place? >> thank you for your question. have a great one. >> i hope that reporter brought his boots along for that interview because that guy is shoveling a whole bunch of you know what bhch so when he won't say he heard about the plan, he won't say how he knew to even show up. he won't say much beyond ask the party chair. sounds like he just doesn't really want to talk about it. but there are some people who have actually bragged about it. i want you to listen to the cochair of the michigan republican party at a public event boasting that the trump campaign directed the entire thing. >> we thought for investigations into every part of the election we could. we fought for a team of people to come and testify in front of the committee.
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we fought to see the electors, the trump campaign asked us to do that under a lot of scrutiny. >> sources telling cnn trump campaign officials led by rudy giuliani oversaw the fake electors plot. a former trump campaign staffer saying, quote, it was rudy and these misfit characters who started calling the shots. the campaign was throwing enough s-h-i-t at the wall to see what would stick. sure looks that way, right? remember what happened when a bunch of republicans who claimed that they were legitimate electors in michigan tried to get into the state senate building while the real electors were already inside? and a michigan state police officer held the line. >> the capitol is closed unless you're conducting business today or taking part in the electoral
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college contract. yeah, the electors are already here. they've been checked in. >> they're also electors. >> all 16 electors have been advised by the governor's staff to vote. >> but these are the rest of the electors. >> i understand. the capitol is closed. >> captain, the electors are also -- the gop electors are also on the guv-overnor's certificate -- >> i'm not going to get into a political debate. >> they are here and trying to do their constitutional duty. >> i understand. >> the constitutional duty requires them to be at the senate chamber today at 2:00 p.m. >> i understand. they're not being permitted in. if you have a problem you can contact the governor's office, the speaker of the house, the senate majority leader.
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>> is there another reason why -- >> you'd have to ask the governor's office to answer that question. >> they stood behind their b.s. they might actually think that they are legitimate. a whole lot of that's happening. a whole lot. they might actually think it even though it's not true, and it's happening all over the country. pay attention. now the doj is looking into the whole fake electors plot to see if there was criminal wrongdoing. those people probably look like your friends and neighbors, right? and i mentioned mike pence earlier. just listen to what he says now about january 6th and his former boss. >> when's the last time you talked to former president trump? you guys good? >> you know, we talked last summer, and i've said many times we -- you know, it was
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difficult. january 6th was difficult. it was a tragic day in the life of the nation. i know i did my duty under the constitution of the united states, but the president and i sat down in the days that followed that. we spoke about it, talked through it. we parted amicably. >> wow, mike pence looks different. oh, boy. he hasn't spoken to him since last summer. that sure sounds amicable, doesn't it? seems like mike pence would rather talk about just about anything that what happened on january 6th. but really what do you say to the guy who moments after pence was hustled out of the capitol while rioters shouted about hanging him -- [ chanting "hang mike pence" ] >> moments after that the president tweeting an attack on his own vice president saying he didn't have the courage to do what needed to be done, meaning overthrowing an election.
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and the former president is at it again just last month. he said pence had been, etqquot mortally wounded by january 6th. interesting choice of words, isn't it? all that tonight and there's a bomb cyclone headed for the northeast. boy. right to cnn's derek van dam in the weather center. derek, bomb cyclone on top of everything. what's the latest on this massive storm, sir? >> yeah, you know, i see a storm just set to explode into this monster nor'easter. it is located right now just off the coast of virginia. you can see it on this water vapor imagery. you can see the latest few images there. that is the low pressure riding that sweet spot, that 40, 70 bench mark meteorologists use to determine where the heaviest snow sets up. it is actually taking advantage of the warm ocean waters from the gulf stream. that gives it the fuel necessary
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to strengthen, to deepen and become this powerful northeaster that we have been forecasting for several days in advance. we call it a bomb cyclone because it meet the set of parameters that meteorologists use dropping a certain amount of pressure in 24 hours. that gives us an indication how big this storm will be. the threats going forward, heavy snow, strong winds, coastal flooding, power outages, and we can't forget about the travel disruptions. already over 3,000 flights canceled or delayed tomorrow along the east coast. we have over 75 million americans under some sort of winter weather alert get this stretching from alabama to maine. this storm is huge, focusing in on the blizzard warnings where you see that shadingf red, coastal maine, massachusetts, long island into the peninsula, the coastal areas of new jersey. that's over 10 million americans. remember, blizzard warnings you need to have reduced visibility for over three hours, falling or blowing snow, and that is going to cause serious white out problems and concerns. the low pressure, again, just
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off the coast of virginia. the snow band or snow shield just entering into long island, new york and that i-95 corridor. a few flights flying near boston, but this is just the beginning. we're going to time this out for you what you can expect saturday morning. this is going to be your worst morning in terms of snowfall for philadelphia peaking right around that 4:00 a.m. time slot. this is not a pittsburgh, not a buffalo snowstorm. this is boston, new york to philadelphia snowstorm. boston 18 to 24 inches, your peak time frame 7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. that is when we expect the heaviest snow to setup. will we break records? it is certainly possible. we remember back in 1978, two-day total over 27 inches. and 2003 we had even more snow than that. certainly historic nature to that storm. it is possible and all about where that heavy band sets up. 50 miles to the west we could see significantly less snow.
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50 miles to the east significantly more. it just depends on where that band sets up, and we do believe ground zero will be right across the eastern coastal regions of massachusetts, centering in on boston and the greater metropolitan area. dan -- don, excuse me. >> that's all right. i'm at a loss for words. thank you, derek, i appreciate that. we're going to be watching the path all night so make sure you stick around, everyone. what's next what the committee thinks about how high the plot went to overturn a free and fair election and how far to get the subpoena for the white house deputy press secretary. >> whatever the president was thinking, what he was doing and most importantly what he was not doing when we were being attacked in the capitol, he could shed a lot of light on. take advantage now. wow! my mental health was much better. my mind was in a good place.
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january 6th select committee zeroing in on the people who served as phony electors. 14 of those republicans hit with subpoenas tonight. joining me now former republican congressman charlie dent. now a cnn political commentator and former federal prosecutor kim wailing. good evening to you both. the january 6th committee
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issuing these subpoenas to 14 republicans from seven states, all part of the former president's efforts to subvert the electoral certification. are we going to find out exactly how this plan was hatched? >> you know, i think so. i think why we're seeing so much activity is because the united states supreme court last week rejected donald trump's claim that that these documents or some of these documents were privileged. so 700 documents went from the national archives to the january 6th committee, and they're reading them and finding out how to connect some of these dots. and these seven fake electors -- just so people understand, and we know going around in our every day life you cannot use a counterfeit $20 bill. you can be arrested and go to jail for that. these are counterfeit documents to take the election not from the democrats, not from joe biden but for the american people. there are crimes that are involved here.
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the question is can the january 6th committee get to the bottom of this mountain of information? these are not people close to donald trump. these are people with families that have to hire expensive lawyers to go this. they will get information. can they get what the american people need before the mid-terms? and then i think the baton will be handed off to the department of justice, which as we heard from lisa monaco, deputy attorney general, is simultaneously looking into these seven fake electoral slates. a very, very big deal, don. >> let's talk about that lisa monaco, but do you believe laws were broken? and that's the question. >> well, it's hard to -- it's impossible to speculate without access to all of the information that they have. but what we do know is it looks like these were forged documents that were submitted to the national archives. it certainly smacks of some version of state and/or federal fraud, potentially election
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fraud. and then, of course, the bigger question we already know there's an allegation of conspiracy amongst the insurrectionists, seditious conspiracy. how big did that conspiracy go? we also know that donald trump held a meeting on january 5th. it sounds like from the deputy press secretary's testimony or at least what we heard that he will testify to where he said how do we get these rinos, republicans in name only, to do the right thing tomorrow. he also attacked mike pence as things were unfolding in the capitol. don, it's very hod to be speculating when we have so much information that's publicly out there. but of course there's a big difference between oh, here's the story and is there enough to prove crimes beyond a reasonable doubt. and that's a high bar. and i think the attorney general is going to be very, very careful to make sure he has all his ducks in a row before he goes after any of these big fish. >> charlie, let me ask you
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because something that struck me as i was watching the video of those folks trying to get into the statehouse and i said they look like your friends and neighbors. these people believe -- i think they actually believe that what they're doing is right. do you think i'm wrong about that? >> i think you're right, don, they thought they were doing -- they thought they were completely within their rights to do what they're doing. in fact in pennsylvania where i am i'll tell you the leaders of the pennsylvania legislature, the republican leaders said under pennsylvania law and under the pennsylvania constitution they did not have the authority to offer an alternative slate of electors, that thad could not, should not and would not do anything. so these private citizens presumably on their own offer these slates. i mean, it's simply stunning to me. again, i don't know if crimes were committed here, but this is a major problem. and you're right, they think they're -- they thought they
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were doing something noble and honorable. >> unbelievable. charlie, cnn previously reported rudy giuliani coordinated the effort among these seven states. and according to the committee two days after the election mark meadows said i love it in a text exchange with a member of congress about the possibility of appointing possible electors in certain states. the committee wants to know how high this whole scheme goes and whether members of congress were implicated here. >> well, i think -- i think what the committee needs to find out is who put these people up to it. i mean, i have my own suspicions, but i'm sure there were people involved with the trump campaign and people close to the president himself, maybe the president himself all were trying to encourage these people to provide this alternative slate of electors in various states. i mean, that's what the committee needs to find out. these people were used in many cases, some wittingly and some
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perhaps unwittingly. they all have to lawyer up. these people are going to be under tremendous pressure legally and financially to defend themselves. >> don't you know one of the people subpoenaed, he kicked you out of his gun club or something like that, right? >> oh, he did. he was upset with me because he said i wasn't sufficiently loyal to the president, and he was mad at me. and i would do a fund raise at his gun club kind of like golf with guns. i'm actually a pretty good shot. so he kicked me out of the club because they wouldn't let me hold an event there like i hold every year. but he was upset and he was i guess the chairman of the group of false electors in pennsylvania, and now he's got a real problem on his hands. >> yeah, well, there you go. kim -- i'm sorry, you were kicked out, but i'm sure you'll be okay. you're doing just fine. >> i'm a good shot, by the way. >> cnn is exclusively learning
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that former white house spokesman jud deer was subpoenaed as well. they want to talk to him about the january 5th oval office meeting where trump repeatedly asked how they were going to convince the rinos to do the right thing the next day. at every step we keep learning how trump was trying to turn the election around, and this ming was a critical moment. and quite frankly i can't believe i'm sitting here and saying a sitting president was trying to do this madness and that it could have worked, kim. this is crazy. >> yeah, it would have worked but for frankly the vice president of the united states, mike pence. the other thing that happened this week is a federal judge in california rejected lawyer john eastman's arguments that documents relating to now his infamous two memos, that don, listed point after point how this fake -- this rouse that
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there was somehow confusion in these seven states would then -- and i'm paraphrasing -- force -- justify mike pence gaveling in donald trump as president. mr. eastman reportedly pled the fifth amendment, took the fifth amendment 146 times in his testimony before the january 6th committee. and here's a federal judge roundly rejecting all his arguments to keep documents and more testimony from the committee and put him, frankly, almost on a patronizing type step by step obligation to review a certain number of documents every day and report back to the court. i mean, this judge understands the game here is delay and cute manipulation to outmaneuver things. i just don't think -- i mean, it's not going to work. the train has left the station. this is -- this is going to as jamie raskin said blow the roof off the house, and then the question, don, is and as the
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congressman's comments point out as well, will the american people finally wake up and see the truth and reality of this and get back to the business of being we, the people and have -- you know, get the cronyism and thecru out of the united states government and have people that are going to start governing by the rule of law and the constitution. and i don't care if it's democrats or republicans, but people that are against this are the only ones in my mind that should be in office. and i hope people are paying attention to this tonight. >> yeah, certainly. kim, thank you. i learned a lot. including charlie dent is a good shot. so keep that in mind. >> you want him on our team. >> thank you, charlie. thank you, kim. we're going to talk about something else that happened in pennsylvania as well. i'm talking about a pittsburgh bridge collapsing today right before the president's scheduled visit to talk infrastructure. we'll discuss that right after this.
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it's been nearly two years since the pandemic started. our students and teachers tried their best, but as a parent, i can tell you that nearly 18 months of remote learning was really hard. instead of helping students get back in the classroom, the school boards spend their time renaming schools and playing politics. schools that weren't even open. on february 15th, please recall school board members collins, lópez and maliga. our kids cannot wait any longer for new start.
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so i want you to take a look at this. we'll put up drone video showing the collapsed bridge. look at that. it's in pittsburgh. just imagine how terrifying it was to be on that bridge this morning as it buckled. ten people were injured when it collapsed just hours before president joe biden visited the city to hold events on infrastructure. the president visiting the site of the collapse and vowing to fix all of the nation's
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deficient bridges. >> we're going to fix them all, not a joke. this is going to be a gigantic change. and there's 43,000 nationwide, and we're sending the money. >> so pennsylvania's lieutenant governor john fetterman joins me now. good to see you again. sorry it's under these circumstances. this could have been a whole lot worse, and we are so glad it wasn't. first, tell us about the people who were hurt. how are they doing? >> sure, i mean just to set the stage for your viewers, this is one of the most critical bridges, you know, in pittsburgh. it allows you to move between two major neighborhoods of regent square and squurl hill. in fact, i drove over the bridge just yesterday. there was a port authority bus on it and a couple vehicles when it collapsed. thankfully, there was a two-hour
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delay for the public schools, so there weren't nearly the kind of volume of cars, so we got lucky in that sense as well, too. but it was surreal. it was a complete collapse. it wasn't a partial or where a segment of the bridge just fell down. it was a complete collapse. >> wow. i mean, the images of these drone shots are really just incredible. president biden toured that damage. you were there with him. he was already scheduled to be in pittsburgh today to promote the bipartisan infrastructure package. is what happened there proof? i think it is that the improvements need to happen and they need to happen like yesterday. >> yeah. i live -- i live close by, and i ran there early this morning right a little bit after we got word, and it's like -- it just demonstrates how joe biden campaigned on infrastructure. he was ahead of the curve and delivered the resources in the
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bipartisan infrastructure bill to fix and replace this bridge and the 3,000-plus structurally deficient bridges that we have in pennsylvania. it's -- it's jarring visually to see that happen especially when you drive it every day or, you know, as i do fairly frequently. but there's a lot of relief knowing, too, that we now have the resources in pennsylvania and in other states to address these issues and fix or rebuild or replace these bridges. >> i can't imagine being on that bridge. i mean, the folks -- just how incredibly frightening that was. >> they interviewed the bus driver, and he was, you know, thumbs up. he was just like -- you would think that just pure pittsburgh, and he was in remarkable spirits. and i talked to some of the first responding paramedics there, and they actually met one of the motorists halfway up the ravine. he was climbing out from the car under his own power. so there was a lot of pittsburgh
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grit on display. but without a doubt a different time of the career, different time of the day, we could have had a much more tragic outcome, for sure. we were very fortunate. >> you know, there's so much infighting in washington, and you know too well the chaos at the state and local government levels over critical race theory and parental rights. is there enough attention on infrastructure, right, because you get these sort of wedge issues everybody starts to fight over. infrastructure impacts every single person every single day and is actually, right, can be life threatening as we saw today. >> yeah. i don't praise president biden in his bipartisan infrastructure bill as a democrat or as a lieutenant governor. i praise it as a dude that drives over a bridge with his kids in the back seat. you know, and i just think that's the common ground that we should seize on in the american political discussion right now. red county bridges, blue county
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bridges, you know, independents, we all deserve a level of physical security in our infrastructure. and today in pittsburgh was exhibit "a" through "z" on the condition that infrastructure is in many parts of this country. and to come together and deliver a package that is going to address that at a very fundamental level i think is something that we can all be proud of politically in a sea of division, and as you just alluded to earlier, just all kinds of bizarre and crazy arguments and political infighting. >> i want to turn to voting rights. there's a pennsylvania court striking down a law that allows no excuse absentee voting. it was enacted -- >> that was their law. the republicans, that was their law. they passed it unanimously, which is bizarre. they filed a lawsuit to get their own law dismissed. it's bizarre. >> i was going to say it was
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bipartisan support and republicans who voted for it filed a suit to block it. >> they all voted for it. >> okay. >> it's surreal. it's like that was the republican bill. far more republicans voted for it unanimously, and many democrats voted against it. and then they didn't like the bill including, you know, one of the senators that was seen at the -- at the insurrection at january 6th actually voted for it. so it's strange days, you know, with mail-in voting, but i'm optimistic that the pa supreme court is going to strike down the common wegt. the commonwealth court in pennsylvania has a notoriously hard republican slant, and we believe that the supreme court is going to rectify that decision. >> listen, thanks so much for joining us tonight to discuss the latest developments in your state, and we would love to have you come back soon to discuss your senate campaign. okay? >> i would love that. thank you so much for having me on. it's a pleasure.
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>> all right. we appreciate it. the so-called discomfort bill advancing in florida, you know the one that bans schools and businesses from making feel uncomfortable about race but not without protests from my next guest. >> if race didn't matter and this stuff didn't poll well to get people to come out and vote and cause a dad gum insurrection, we wouldn't have these type of bills. ♪ "how bizarre" by omc ♪ no annual fee on any discover card. we wouldn't have these type of bills. ♪ ♪
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the insurance company getenwasn't fair.ity y cablele. i didn't know what my case was worth, so i called the barnes firm. llll theararnes rmrm now the best result possible. ♪ call one eight hundred, eight million ♪ a bill that would ban florida public schools and private businesses from making people feel discomfort based on their race is moving through the state legislature this week. critics say that the bill back by republican governor ron desantis is really all about shielding white people. one state representative speaking out passionately about the bill -- against the bill on wednesday. >> if race didn't matter and this stuff didn't poll well to
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get people to come out and vote and cause and dadgum insurrection, we wouldn't have these type of bills. and so we do it over and over again and we find the next boogeyman to distract from the reality that 28 of these 29 counties keep voting for you. instead of addressing the issues that impact peoples quality of life every day. i don't want to do this, but i don't think you can handle the truth. i do not like having conversations like this. what i'm trying to tell you is that i'm not anti-american, but i am an american. and my voice matters just as much as your voice. my opinion remains just as much your opinion. my reality matters just as much as your opinion, and you can't handle the truth. >> florida house representative ramone alexander joins me now. representative, thank you. >> it's great to be with you, don. >> absolutely great to have you here. that was big and that was important. the bill is named "individual
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freedom." and nowhere in the text is critical race theory mentioned, but it is pretty clear that is the biggyman governor desantis and his allies are going after. >> absolutely. it's another distraction tool republicans are using to distract from every day issues. every day people are struggling. right now in the state of florida 3.4 floridians are living pay to paycheck. they're trying to figure out ways to put gas in the car, put food on table, provide for their families, and once again the republican party of florida are continuing to use methods of distraction to not talk about real issues that impact real people. >> this isn't the only troubling bill in florida, we have been covering the so-called don't say gay bill that would limit the discussion of gender and sexual identity in schools. what -- what is happening in your state, representative? >> it's wild. you know, the governor has no
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shame. these are radical culture war agendas pushed by the republican party. it's clear that they have hunkered down with feeding red meat to their base. when you look at the last four gubernatorial elections in the state of florida, they've all been determined on average by less than 1% on the vote, and they have a serious geographic and demographic problem. back in 2010 we called a referendum called fear districts to cut down on gerrymandering, the inappropriate cutting up our districts to have full representation. and if you look at the physically constrained counties, don, in the state of florida, 29 of the 69 counties are physically constrained. 28 of them vote republican every single time. and so they are struggling. they're having issues with infrastructure. they're having issues with putting quality of life resources to their constituents. and so they use race as a tool to distract. every day working people are
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missing out on the basic representation they need to have a fighting chance. and i call it fake conservatism. they aren't real conservatives. in fact, what they're pushing forward is the exact opposite, and i believe we have a responsibility to fight back against it and fight for truth for power. you know, arrogance is a very powerful tool for self-destruction. and obviously arrogance is running them off the cliff. their party's been hijacked by extremes, and we have a responsibility to speak truth to power and to move our straightforward to fight the people who don't have a voice. >> you know, representative, in virginia their new republican governor glenn youngkin, setup a snitch line so students and parents could report teachers who bring up divisive topics. we're seeing some schools banning books that deal with race and tough issue. are they trying to whitewash on the front lines of culture wars? >> absolutely. it is a wild reality to think we
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can't speak until the full truth. and we have a responsibility to make sure that we don't repeat history, and we have to tell the full history. and i'm an american and my history is just as important as anybody else's history. they'll continue to use to find the next boogeyman, don, to distract from the real issues. i'm thinking about schoolteachers and my grandmother was a schoolteacher in the gadsten county schools over 20 years, and she has her own life experiences. there's no way you can dictate and control implicit bias. so it's important we understand we're teaching our young people to think for themselves so they can determine what is and what's not. and i think we'll have a healthier better florida if we do that. so many people have been brainwashed by donald trump. we have governor desantis literally additioning to be the heir apparent to donald trump. he will say anything, do anything to lead that next
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republican party off the cliff. >> is there concern -- are you worried that if they could get away with this in florida, that they're going to try this in every gop-run state? that is a real possibility. >> absolutely. but i have hope for the future, and i've seen the outpouring, the next generation. they're sick and tired of the pandderring. i mean, look at the insurrection that was led by donald trump supporters. i believe in our future. you know, i work with young people every single day, and they are recognizing and seeing straight through the rhetoric, the division, the hate. and i think we have a responsibility to speak truth to power, to help people understand that regardless of what your political affiliation is, that you can do things with dignity and respect, that you can deal with real issues that impact people every single day. i didn't run for office to throw meat to my base. i ran for office to help people. and i think we need more genuine
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people, sincere people in the process that are not focused on attacking people but attacking issues. i'm deeply concerned about that. and i believe our country is concerned about that as people. >> we appreciate you appearing. >> thank you for having me. president biden telling reporters tonight, take this, he'll be moving troops into eastern europe amid russian tensions.
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top general warns how dire the situation would be for civilians in ukraine if russia invades. mark milley using terms like horrific to describe what may happen. listen. >> given the type of forces that are there, the ground maneuver unleashed on ukraine would be significant, very significant and it would result in a significant amount of casualties and you can imagine what that might look like on dense areas and roads. it would be horrific. terrible. >> this is serious. tens of thousands of troops massing on the russian border in vent recent months. lloyd austin appeared alongside general milley. he had this to say what is next. >> we don't believe president putin made a final decision to use the forces against ukraine.
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he clearly now has that capability. conflict is not inevitable. there is still time and space for dipdiplomacy. >> there is still an off ramp for putin. up next, blizzards and hurricane force winds heading to the northeast tonight. overnight, i should say, a new forecast is coming in new and we'll bring it to you right after this. so when she moved in with us, a new kitchen became part of our financial plan. ♪ ♪ find a northwestern mutual advisor at
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so here is the breaking news, an expected bomb cyclone taking aim right at the east coast tonight. 75 million people could face dangerously heavy snow and hurricane force winds. we'll have the forecast. plus, the january 6th committee issuing subpoenas that to 14 republicans that served as fake electors in the plot to
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overturn the election result and also going after the former president's one-time spokesman who was with him leading up to the insurrection. and why is the right so angry that president biden is promising to nominate a black woman to the supreme court? >> but to exclude certain candidates based solely on race and gender is beyond extremely decisive. it may even be illegal. >> that's what is divisive? seriously? we'll talk about it coming up. but i want to get right to the very latest on the dangerous storm hitting the east coast tonight. you see cnn's brian todd there in atlantic city and derrick van dam is in the weather center, as well. brian, i'll start with you. already snowing in atlantic city. what do you see and expect tonight into tomorrow? >> reporter: well, don, you talked about the term bomb cyclone. this is what it looks like here in atlantic city this evening. we'll pan down the boardwalk here. it almost abandoned at
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