tv Reframed Marilyn Monroe CNN February 13, 2022 3:00pm-4:00pm PST
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>> there was always in the background this haunting shadow, this black cloud, and that's what she was battling with from the outset. >> my dreams at night, i dreamt of camilla the whole time. obsessed by camilla. >> she adored prince charles. she wanted to be part of the royal family, to be a credit to the monarchy. she wanted to show the world and camilla, look who i am. look what he's got. >> the true diana came out. she has a backbone. she knows she is being seen by camilla. i'm about to marry the future king of england. >> diana frances, wilt thou have this man to thy wedded husband? >> i have made it. i'm here. you're there.
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>> about 3,000 built up, their enthusiasm unmistakable. prince charles was so relaxed he nearly came to grief on the top step. when it was over he clasped diana's hand reassuredly and unaffectedly. >> she was photogenic. she was young. she was beautiful. the world was in love with her. >> it was like a perfect love story, but behind the scenes a whole different story was playing out, a story of struggle, a story of a 19-year-old girl, naive in this world, trying to find herself. >> here at the bbc we've mounted the biggest ever broadcast for more than 60 cameras covering the processional route.
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>> let's face it, the british know how to put on a big event like this. >> the date was getting nearer and nearer and it was starting to sink in how many people were going to be watching this wedding and how important it was going to be. >> is your hat heavy? >> not particularly. >> it had just taken on a life of its own. >> just about every network in japan is covering the wedding. why the big interest there? >> because it's simply exciting. >> when we realized she was the one there was no stopping the press following her. >> every day she read about herself in the newspapers. every time she switched on a television, there she was. the pressure must have been absolutely colossal.
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>> a polo match the ever-present photographers too intrusive. she was led away, obviously too distressed. >> it's not much fun actually watching polo when you are surrounded by people with very long lenses poking at you in all directions the entire time. i think all of this adds up to a certain amount of strain each time. >> it's tempting to look at diana crying at polo matches and she thought everyone was looking at her expecting her to behave correctly. diana's learning curve was realizing that charles wasn't really hers. that he was in love with someone e else. >> the camilla thing kept rearing its head. i was desperately trying to be mature about the situation, but i couldn't talk to anyone about
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it. >> diana found out about camilla parker bowles and charles' relationship from the gossip mongerers at buckingham palace. she knew that stage he was in love with camilla even though he had broken off the relationship to be the dutiful, loving husband of diana. all of that must have sounded very hollow to her. >> she was too young to understand what charles and camilla had between each other. charles and camilla are soul mates. they know each other at a very profound level. >> camilla was uncomplicated. she was sexy. it would have been so much easier for everyone if those two just got together.
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but the timing didn't quite work out. he went away. he was studying. he was in the navy. she got married. she had her kids. then he was engaged. >> camilla was not deemed a suitable lady to join the royal family, and certainly not a suitable future queen. she was add ven you'rous, she was outspoken, she was a bit racy, she was very popular with men. she had had some boyfriends. she had been around. >> you could not have the future queen of england with skeletons in the cupboard, with lovers in the past. you could not have that. >> camilla and diana did know each other. some of the courtship that
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charles and diana enjoyed actually happened at camilla's family home. >> charles, when he introduced diana to camilla, never explained to her that camilla had been a girlfriend. and when she discovered that there had been a relationship, would have felt embarrassed and humiliated. >> and she began to have misgivings about marrying somebody that had such a significant other relationship, and she was talking about how she would handle this. >> she fights to become that perfect modern princess, not only for the royal family and the world, but for charles.
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(wife) hi, honey! (man) like what? (burke) well, you'd get a discount for insuring your jet skis... and ...home and more. you could save up to forty-five percent. (man) that's a whole lot of discounts. (burke) well, we offer coverage for a whole lot of things, and you could save a whole lot of something with farmers policy perks. (kid) sup, dad! (burke) seventeen-car garage you got there? ♪we are farmers♪ ♪bum-pa-dum, bum-bum-bum-bum♪ there were five months between diana's engagement and her marriage. weirdly, during that time, she was left to her own devices.
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>> buckingham palace is a great mausoleum of a palace, really. because it is the place of work for the queen and the royal family. there is no warmth there. the windsors aren't just a family. it's an entire history. it's a machine. it's a process. so what your heart wants isn't the same as what the system wants for you. >> it was courtiers and people in suits. life was much more structured in a way that was alien to her. but diana wasn't actually left completely alone. >> camilla parker bowles left diana a note saying, such exciting news, love to see the engagement ring. that's a real, like, mafia thug move. that's so "mean girls," it's unbelievable.
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that's a power move right there. >> in diana's own words, she told me any marriage prince charles might have made could never be as strong as the relationship he had with camilla. and that's what she was battling with from the outset. >> but she has something that camilla doesn't have, which is her youth, her beauty, her sparkle, her charisma. and that's something she's going to hold on to and use. >> diana was incredibly determined to make charles love her. >> her role was to triumph in the fairytale over the wicked lady in the house down the road. ♪ >> one of diana's early engagements was an evening at the goldsmith's hall in london.
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>> she came in to have a look around in the showroom. she made a dive for this one particular dress which had kind of a deep cleavage, a tight bone bodice. >> diana chose this dress herself because she wanted to show the world and she wanted to show camilla that she, the younger woman, was hotter, was better, was the prize. >> no one harbored any illusions about just who the crowd have braved the rains to see, and lady diana didn't disappoint those anxious to see her on her first public outing with her prince. >> it was a real grown-up dress and i was quite big chested
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then. and i was frightly excited. >> comments on her appearance range from fabulous and stunning, to an admiring silence. >> diana was the belle of the ball at goldsmith's hall. she looked absolutely gorgeous. nobody could take their eyes off her. ♪ and then she met a woman who was quite similar to her. grace kelly had been an actress, and she'd married into a big, old royal family, just like diana was about to do. >> the charity concert was in aid of the royal opera house, and one of the performers was princess grace of monaco. >> i learned a lesson meeting princess grace and how wonderful
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and serene she was. i remember that evening so well. >> they were supposed to be announcing the budget, and they pushed that right to the back of the paper, and all the front page of all the newspapers were diana. >> it was the first time that diana realized she had power as a fashion plate and power as an image maker. >> i'm the one who's going to be the most famous woman in the world, and i'm going to show you who i am, what i've got, my assets. she just put herself on display. >> at the end something else lady diana is going to have to get used to, the fusillade of camera flash bulbs. >> clever. the whole world is watching her. camilla is watching her. diana wanted that to happen. i can do this. i can be this. i can become this.
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she heard through the door that he was telling camilla that he loved her. it must have been incredibly devastating for diana, and very humiliating. diana was already beginning to project into the future that this other emotional love affair was going to continue. they moved in exactly the same circles. they were all part of the same group of friends. camilla just remained this unignorable background hum in everybody else's life. >> but she doesn't back down. she doesn't shy away from that. she really recognizes that she has a power here, and she's going to use it. >> diana was realizing, you have to become the heroine of your own story. like the princess in a fairytale. >> the best place for diana to
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start was the creation of the wedding dress to end all wedding dresses. >> david and elizabeth emanuel set up their fashion business in london's brook street in 1977. all their designs are individual. if you have a dress made here, you won't see anyone else wearing the same thing. >> i was in the studio doing a fitting, and the phone rang. it was diana. she said, would you do me the honor of making my wedding dress? >> this is the look which persuaded lady diana to choose the young couple as her designers. >> you can imagine every designer wanted to do the wedding dress. i think it was a kind of decision, she was going against the grain. she just put her foot down and said, no, i want them. >> news of lady diana's visit spread quickly. lady sarah spencer was there to give opinion of the wedding dress. the crowd saw that like most brides, lady diana has lost weight as the day approaches.
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>> normally you don't want to start cutting into the actual fabric until everything is perfect with the fit. >> her wedding dress had a tight bodice, and it needed to be taken in multiple times as diana became thinner and thinner. >> did we suspect that she had bulimia? no, i don't think we did at that stage. but later on, it became clear that there was something not quite right. >> as you see the engagement coming close to the wedding itself, diana's bulimia got markedly worse. >> and the people that do it, when asked to try to explain why they do it, will say that it is the one thing in their life that they can control. >> in one sense, you're punishing yourself. and that punishment makes you
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stronger, or at least feeds that strength to you. >> it's also symbolic. so when you eat a lot and you throw up, you are also purging yourself of negative fellings, yourself of negative feelings, and your anxiety. >> diana was clearly going downhill. it was a worry. carolyn, one of her flatmates, rang up and said that she was concerned about how diana was. and so we thought it might be a good thing for a group of us to sort of team up and, as it were, support her again. we had a couple of lunches, and she seemed to enjoy those, and that was the start, really, of a rebuild. ♪ >> hundreds of people greeted the prince and lady diana as they walked through the town. >> what diana had going for her was charisma and presence,
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people skills and soft power. >> could she handle this? it didn't take long to find out. it made picture of the day. >> she was an absolute natural. >> joy of a welcome seen in the eyes of a child. >> she knew what to say to people. >> when the princess stopped to ask mr. walter mills if he was cold, he was so overcome he burst into tears. >> she kissed children. this was not what we'd seen on a royal tour before. >> when you think the royal family, they're looking down on you. diana didn't do that. she broke that mold and did something extraordinary. she got down on the same level as the rest of us. she met us eye to eye. she opened up her arms and took us in.
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never been done before. >> she got the recognition within that environment of being good at things. she thrived on that. with fragrance that's always fresh, never overpowering. air wick. connect to nature. - [female narrator] five billion people lack access to safe surgery. thousands of children are suffering and dying from treatable causes. for 40 years, mercy ships has deployed floating hospitals to provide the free surgeries these children need. join us. together, we can give children the hope
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in the days leading up to the wedding, we've been hearing about a staggering amount of mail that's been arriving daily by the vanload at buckingham palace. 100,000 letters and cards and around 3,000 presents, at the last count apparently. the bulk of the mail is being handled by the staff in the prince of wales' own office. >> those working the office have
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to be ready to take on any peculiar or unusual thing. >> before the wedding, presents were flooding in. diana was fascinated by this, and a couple weeks before the wedding she was passing by the prince of wales' private secretary's office. she saw there some parcels, one of which caught her eye. it was from the crown jewelers. she said, oh, i'll open that, thinking it must be for her. she opened the parcel. inside there was a bracelet, beautiful bracelet. >> when charles became engaged, he asked the crown jeweler to make several pieces of jewelry for several women who had been kind to him during his bachelor years. >> they're loveable friendship tokens. they're sort of saying, sorry you weren't the one i married. >> it was a present for camilla,
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and charles had intended to take her to lunch and say thank you and farewell. >> diana discovers the gift that charles has got for camilla. >> it's a gold chain bracelet with a blue enamel disk. it's got "g" and "f" entwined in it. >> diana knew what that meant, she knew that "girl friday" was charles' name for camilla parker bowles. >> she found that incredibly difficult and was suspicious that camilla parker bowles was back in the prince's life. when charles came back into the room, he met diana in a rage and tears. and he thought, what on earth is the matter with her? she'd got to his desk, she'd found and seen the bracelet that had "gf" on it.
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>> on the day that charles went to have lunch with camilla parker bowles and give her her bracelet, diana went and had lunch with her two sisters, sarah and jane. she told her sisters she couldn't go through with this. >> she wanted to run away and call off the wedding entirely. fear, anxiety, all playing into this. >> and they said, "too late, dutch," which was the nickname they used for her. "your face is already on the tea towels." >> she thought about what her sisters said and she rallied, because she had -- she was a proud person. >> diana had this sense of courage engrained within her to say nope, i'm going to prove to everybody that i am going to turn up on my wedding day. i'm going to show them. i'm going to do this the right way.
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>> i think the rebel, the non-compliant diana, came out. because that was in there already. and i think as she gathered strength again, she started to come into her own. >> and this young woman on the verge of her wedding, she wanted charles to break off the relationship with camilla. she wanted him to love her as much as she loved him. she wanted that from him, and that was what he did. charles did break off his relationship with camilla. >> diana really does have courage to stand her ground. >> so i thought, fine, i was able to recognize an inner determination to survive. >> wedding day in london. fine weather, ceremony and celebration. in the early morning, the route
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is already lined with thousands of people. >> it was a carnival in the sun, a festival on the theme of red, white and blue. >> the huge cheerful crowd that has waited so long and patiently roars and waves its welcome. >> i was the main anchor for the bbc's coverage of the wedding. one of our cameras is just outside the main gate of clarence house, as you can see behind me there. that means we're going to get our very first glimpse of not just lady diana, but also the best-kept secret of the wedding, the wedding dress. >> went up the stairs, and all the bridesmaids were there. diana was there. it was such a wonderful atmosphere. everybody was smiling and happy. it's kind of surreal in a way, because you could hear the people outside in the crowds.
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>> everybody was waiting for the famous carriage coming with diana and her father, earl spencer, going to st. paul's. >> then you hear the clip-clop as the carriage rolls up. >> leaving clarence house in the glass coach, her father beside her, lady diana spencer. >> her father was quite a big man. there was a lot of diana and the dress and her father in the tiny carriage. a bit of a challenge getting her in there. >> the world gets its first full glimpse of the fairytale princess. and i remember hearing the director in my ear saying to the cameraman who was in the point position to get that shot as she came out of the carriage. go in tight. go in tight. >> this is the moment so many of us have been waiting for.
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the wedding dress is an ivory pure silk, and look at it. isn't it a fairytale? hand embroidered. hand seeded pearls. and just look at that train. >> they threw everything including the kitchen sink at that frock. it had frills. it had bows. it had puffed sleeves and ruffles. there was a ton of silk. it was like something out of disney. and then that incredible train at the back of it, which looked magnificent, of course, as she was going up the steps. ♪ >> the fancier came and diana came in on her father's arm. >> the gown was spectacular. and she's such a pretty girl.
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>> she has very, very little makeup on today. she is so beautiful she doesn't really need any help from anyone at all. >> wilt thou love him, comfort him, and honor and keep him in sickness and in health and forsaking all other, keep only unto him so long as you both shall live? >> i will. i, diana frances -- >> take thee, philip arthur george -- >> take thee philip arthur george -- >> to my wedded husband. >> to my wedded husband. >> to have and to hold. >> to have and to hold. >> from this day forward. >> from this day forward. >> according to god's word. >> according to god's word. >> and there to i give thee my troth. >> and there to i give thee my troth. ♪
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>> here is the stuff of which fairytales are made. the prince and princess on their wedding day. ♪ >> so walking down the aisle, i was watching camilla with gray hat, pillbox hat, saw it all. i thought, well, there we are, that's it. that's over with. >> they locked eyes for a quick second. i spot you. i'm in the fairytale dress. i'm wearing the tiara. i'm up here with charles. i'm marrying him, and you're just a guest. >> out to the open air, into the world and the world's cheers. ♪
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♪ >> such a perfect story. here is this lovely young woman marrying prince charles. the most eligible bachelor in the world. >> the beauty of diana at this moment, the glory of diana, the genius of diana was to triumph in the fairytale to capture prince charming. >> i realized i'd taken on an enormous role, but i had no idea what i was going into. no idea.
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>> woman: what's my safelite story? i'm a photographer. and when i'm driving, i see inspiration right through my glass. so when my windshield cracked, it had to be fixed right. i scheduled with safelite autoglass. their experts replaced my windshield and recalibrated my car's advanced safety system. ♪ acoustic rock music ♪ >> woman: safelite is the one i trust. they focus on safety so i can focus on this view. >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪
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then all eyes were on the balcony at buckingham palace. >> diana was born into the aristocracy. at the wedding, diana had the choice of all of the royal tiaras. she chose to wear her own family tiara, the spencer tiara. you've just said no to the queen. incredible. >> that atmosphere of that crowd looking up at the balcony and seeing charles and di, the center of attention in the middle. i think we all felt we were
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guests at their wedding and that we were part of the beginning of something very beautiful. >> that famous kiss on the balcony never seen before until then. i have sealed the deal. it sent a message. i am now the princess of wales. ♪ >> she was optimistic and she was certainly head over heels in love with him. she really did refer to him as perfect. >> at last, after fond farewells, the young couple manage to get away on their honeymoon. ♪ >> soon they were boarding "britannia," their home for the next two weeks. in the meantime, a splendid
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ar armada with everyone trying to keep up so they can see the couple on the deck. >> diana now has to make the marriage work. however, not long after charles and diana boarded the ship, diana spotted a pair of cufflinks charles was wearing that she had never seen before. they were engraved with two cs. do these two cs represent charles and camilla? was this a gift from camilla to charles? diana just couldn't shake this lingering presence of this woman who's been so much a part of charles' life. >> she's on a royal battleship. then she comes to scotland. she goes onto the royal estate of balmoral. >> imagine a rainy, drizzly, muddy country estate.
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clothes that are the same as your parents have been wearing for decades. tramping about in the mud. >> it's rainy and it's dark. even in august. and you don't expect that. >> everyone was really delighted when the prince and princess of wales came along as well. >> they play a role. at balmoral. >> the princess suitably stunning in what was officially described as a tartan-style suit. >> balmoral is all about being in scotland, and not the real scotland, but the scotland that victoria and albert invented. it was the royal family shooting, hunting, bagging, all of that. she hated shooting. she hated riding. for her, it's like, this is it? i got to be here every august? i got to be here? she looks really, like, get me out of here.
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>> it rained and rained and rained. i came down early from balmoral. back to london. ♪ >> once they moved her over to kensington palace, she assured me that she was going to be fine in her new life and her new role. >> the diana that was still very much there decided it was just time, patience, and adapting, all that was needed. >> diana is beginning her married life in london. it was, right, we need to produce a baby and hopefully that baby will be a boy. that is how the royal family has worked for 1,000 years. >> a godsend. we have a baby on the way. i got married in july, and william was on the way by october.
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marvelous news. >> if there was one thing about diana, she was born to be a mother. she was magic with children. >> but charles wasn't always there with her. charles was a busy working member of the royal family. that didn't stop when she announced her pregnancy. it couldn't stop. >> being a young pregnant woman with not enough support was not a good place for diana to be. >> diana is alone and facing the challenge of early motherhood entirely by herself. and she has no mother of her own to talk to. is she going to chat with the queen about how warm a mother the queen has been to her own children? no. >> it feeds into her issues around abandonment, low self-esteem, is she good enough, and all these issues start to
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resurface for diana. >> i felt so desperate, and i was crying my eyes out. so i threw myself down the stairs. bearing in mind i was carrying a bearing in mind i was carrying a child. queen comes out, absolutely horrified, shaking, she's so frightened. >> just like with bulimia, the self-harming, the cry for help. someone needs to give me some attention. the same holds true with diana, intentionally throwing herself down the stairs to have someone in the royal family take notice of her and notice that she is struggling. so much of what we know about charles and diana is an
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assumption. but duty would have made him recognize that his duty was not just to the monarchy and the people but to the woman that he married. his duty to make her happy, giving her the kind of support and advice and comfort that she would have needed. do your eyes bother you? my eyes feel like a combo of stressed, dry and sandpaper. strypaper? luckily, there's biotrue hydration boost eye drops. biotrue uses naturally inspired ingredients. and no preservatives. try biotrue! knowing where you came from,
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a 41-gun royal salute and then a volley of bells from westm westminster abbey. prince charles slept through it, the rest of london wasn't so lucky. >> this was just what the doctor ordered. >> this was the moment to remember as the prince and princess of wales left the hospital with their son. >> great excitement, thrill.
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the queen looked at the incubator and said, thank goodness he looks like his father. >> diana is beaming. she's just produced the heir. age 20, which is terribly young, she had become a princess, a wife, a mother. >> one minute i was nobody, the next minute i was princess of wales, mother, media toy, member of this family. it was just too much for one person. >> diana was preparing for the christening and you would think that as the mother of the baby, she would have a lot of say. royal christenings were done in a formal, tradition way, set formula, set photographers. >> michael shea said to me, who
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was the queen's press officer, i will give you a list and this is how it will happen. do not approach the queen, do not talk to them. >> i was treated like nobody else's business. they asked me when it was suitable for william. >> william never stopped crying throughout the whole photo shoot. >> why did she have to go along with it? because that's the way it's always been done. that's the way it is done. and that's the way it always will be done in the royal family. >> there was endless pictures of the queen and the queen mother. i was excluded totally that day. >> it was a royal, stuffy protocol. there is literally no getting away. and it's everything that she
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doesn't want. i have got to figure something else out to start to do things differently. >> three months after william was born, princess grace of monaco was killed in a car crash, a terrible, ghastly accident. >> diana felt very strongly about going to princess grace's funeral, princess grace had been very kind to her and she felt a keen affinity with her. >> there are protocols about who goes to what. charles said initially no, that's not a good idea. >> she goes straight to the queen and the queen has quite a refreshing response. she says, if you feel that you're passionate about this and you want to go, well, then, do it. the queen's response empowers
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princess diana to step forward and say, i'm going to princess grace's funeral as a representative of the royal family. ♪ >> it is diana's first appearance on the international stage, and she nails it. she proves to the family but also to herself that she can do this, i've got this. from this point on, diana will dominate all royal coverage. but the question is can the royal family cope with the new superstar in the palace? >> it was like having a rock star join the family. >> there was so much attention
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on me when i joined the scene. >> the one man she wanted to adore her did not. >> to the outside world it's a fairy tale but the reality is something completely different. >> just for diana to look kamilla in the eye is a huge show of power. >> she wanted the life that she had hoped for and she kept fighting for it. ♪ did you know what you were taking on in that kind of sense, not being able to just walk down the street? >> no. i didn't. >> i don't think the royal family quite knew what to do with her. there was just
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