tv Erin Burnett Out Front CNN February 18, 2022 4:00pm-5:01pm PST
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>> you never had to guess where linden johnson was coming from. he was coming from that growing up in the hill country of texas. >> the cnn original series "lbj triumph and tragedy" premieres this sunday right here on cnn. thanks very much for watching. erin burnett out front live from ukraine starts right now. out front next, breaking news. president biden says putin has made up his mind to invade ukraine as we're learning nearly half of putin's forces surrounding this country are in attack position. is there any hope for diplomacy? plus exclusive new images of putin's military buildup out front tonight showing there's significant russian equipment already inside ukraine. and the national archives reveals it's talking to the justice department about classified documents that trump took to mar-a-lago.
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is the former president about to be in serious legal trouble? let's go out front. and good evening, i'm erin burnett. out front tonight breaking news on the ground here in ukraine tonight. president biden saying he's convinced based on the intelligence he's received, putin has made up his mind and will invade this country in the coming days. >> as of this moment i'm convinced he's made the decision. we have reason to believe that. >> to be clear you are convinced that -- you are kwconvinced tha president putin is going to invade ukraine? >> yes, i did. >> what reason do you have to believe he's considering that option at all? >> we have significant intelligence capability. >> this is the first time that president biden or anyone in the united states government has said definitively that they are convinced that putin has made his decision. it was always imminent but we don't know if he'll do it.
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this is first time they've said they're convinced he has made his decision. as for that intelligence the president referred to both frightening and sobering because biden said putin is going for a massive attack. >> we have reason to believe the russian forces are planning and intend to attack ukraine in the coming week -- in the coming days. we believe they'll target ukraine's capital kyiv, a city of 2.8 million innocent people. >> now, biden said that he is revealing putin's planning and tactics as the united states knows it because she's trying to shutdown any reason putin might give to justify an invasion. a vehicle exploded outside their government headquarters. that was in eastern ukraine. the self-declared leader of that region immediately blamed ukraine for the attack. now, this is what you need to know. our nic robertson is on the
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ground in moskow. he's watching tv. russian state television today kept a small box up on the screen -- like now you see a big box next to me a smaller box. they kept one up all day of women and children evacuated from the region even as they aired shows. mounting fears a deadly invasion could happen in just days sending the united states stock market lowerch the dow has lost 800 points in the past two days. and tonight we have ecclusive new details about putin's military build up. according to seth jones who i'm going to speak to in just a moment. putin now has 190,000 troops in ukraine. this consists of 500 combat aircraft and 40 combat ships. and inside one of those break
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away regions of ukraine provided us these exclusive images, and let me tell you this one shows russian armored personnel carriers and trucks at a training area inside one of those separatist controlled regions of ukraine. in that image you see fighting vehicles. and here tanks along with more armored carriers and trucks. in what may be putin's greatest show of force yet tomorrow the russian president will attend military drills where ballistic and cruise missiles wile be tested. these, of course, where some of putin and russia's powerful and deadly weapons all on blatant display tomorrow. and where i am tonight people are preparing for what many still believe is unbelievable but a real possibility of war. today we went to a class. teens now are learning how to prepare for battle injuries if there are street warfare. ak-47, battle gear and a bunch
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of teenagers. today was 16-year-old ana's first class. she started with learning how to tie a tourniquet, and she told me she's doing it because she wants to defend her country if the war comes here. >> i worried about ukraine, about the situation, about dangers. almost all eighty-seven people are ukraine patriots. >> are you worried and do you feel a bit afraid? >> yeah. because i want to live in ukraine without the war with russia. >> you'll hear more from the young people tonight, but first i want to go to matthew chance. he's live tonight in kyiv, which of course you heard president biden say they do anticipate an attack on here in the coming days. matthew, i know you have new information tonight from officials there. what was their reaction to
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biden's stark, blunt and dramatic words tonight? >> reporter: well, i mean, the impression i got from the officials i've spoken to this evening here in kyiv is that they were a little surprised by the -- the phrasing that president biden used and the certainty that he had, that the russian leader -- the russian president vladimir putin had made that decision, which we've all been debating what he would do. but that decision to invade ukraine, possibly in the next few days. here's what an aide to the ukrainian president told cnn a few moments ago. it is impossible in our opinion to say with certainty what is going on in the thoughts of the russian leader. and so, obviously, some blue water between what president biden was saying in his conviction, the decision that had been taken and what the ukrainian presidential advisor is saying they think is going on
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in putin's mind. he said obviously these remarks by president biden were based on intelligence. he said we should all pay attention to the more important meaning of the words of the u.s. president who said there was still a chance for diplomacy, and we in ukraine intend to use that chance. and so ukrainians are still determined to try and find a peaceful way out of this crisis. they have not resolved to the idea that vladimir putin has decided to commit those tens of thousands of forces that you just described to a -- to a military incursion into this country. there is some concern, though -- and president biden expressed this, and white house officials have talked about it as well -- about the thafact that volodymyr zelensky, the ukrainian president is set to travel to germany tomorrow to the munich security conference. ukrainian officials telling me tonight that travel situation will be reviewed in the morning. erin? >> wow, so it's truly minute by
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minute. although when you talk about daylight between the ukrainians and americans i think we all hope tonight it is the ukrainians and their optimism that end up carrying the day. now let me go to seth jones and retired army general james spider marks currently the head of geopolitical strategy. and john siper. so, seth, let me start with you. i went through these exclusive images you had. president biden said today he believes and convinced putin has made a decision to invade ukraine. it's not imminent but it depends on what he thinks. it is a move. i know you've been studying these satellite images carefully. what stands out to you the most?
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>> i think what stands out to me the most, erin, he has the cape nlts to n abilities to do that now. he has the ground forces in place. inside ukraine itself we saw the satellite image you just showed. southwest in a training center those are main battle tanks and artillery and other key elements of a ground invasion. we've been tracking the aircraft, the 500 or so aircraft within striking distance and also been tracking the 40 plus combat ships the russians have in the black sea. so i think what we can say with authority is that they have the capabilities in places that they would need them if they decide to strike. >> right. so general marks, let me get to that. when you look at the images seth shared with us, this russian training area he's referring to, which is inside a russian controlled but nonetheless break away region of ukraine, right,
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27 tanks, self-propelled artillery, armory personnel carriers, you hear biden says he believes putin has made a decision. general, you have laid out for me that a full invasion of this country -- right, and biden is talking about attacking the capital of 3 million people -- would take not just the troops it requires to win but to occupy. and putin does not have that number of troops around the borders. but when you look at what the images show, listen to what president biden is saying, where do you think we are? is there any likelihood putin is going to change his mind? >> i don't think putin is going to change his mind. how the president got into putin's head is clearly based on the intelligence our incredible intelligence community has provided, and that analysis has come to the commander in chief and he's convinced. that still doesn't mean he's reading putin's mind. putin has an intention here and
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that is to exercise, influence control over the political situation in ukraine. we all look at it the necessary step to do that requires a military invasion. look, he's established this incredible force around ukraine. he's threatened ukraine and putin is looking for concessions. show what could happen? when you look at that imagery of the donbas incredibly compelling to me. those rail heads exist, road exists, network exists to support that. that's been ongoing. so what has happened now is you now see the movement of forces into the donbas to increase that presence now by a factor of, what, 0.5x, 1x, i don't know. now has increasing presence where he can now say the regions now belong to me. and i'm going to have some
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elections, and guess what, everyone is going to vote for russian presence here. pretty elegant -- i mean as a military guy for me to use the word elegant is quite a stretch, but this is an incredibly elegant move. >> so, john, let me ask you. you hear president biden's words were that his being convinced that putin has decided to invade ukraine as a fait accompli, it's done we're not going back here is based on significant intelligence capability. you heard intelligence telling matthew chance it did not contradict, wasn't like didn't take umbrage as they have recently. they simply said they were surprised and didn't really see it that way. how do you see it when you put this together? what do you read into significant intelligence capability and the ukrainians not seeming to be quite on the same page even now? >> well, when the president of the united states says he has intelligence that says that
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putin has made a choice, i believe him. you know, the fact -- he is speaking to one person and that's vladimir putin. he's trying to impact putin's calculus. he thinks putin's made a decision but he hasn't moved yet, therefore he wants to essentially call out his lies, call out his efforts to play games and sort of come up with provocations to attack. so the president of the united states is not going to ruin his credibility by providing sort of half-baked or poor analysis here because putin's the one that's going to make it. if putin says oh, clearly president biden doesn't know what he's saying, it's going to really put us in a weak position and the president is not going to let himself do that. what the ukrainians are saying here, this is a crisis situation. there's a lot of people on the ground there. people are talking to different people there. you know, they're not used to getting attack, but they've been under stress for years. they had part of their country taken. they've got constant cyber attacks, people making runs on banks, leaving the country, got
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to worry about hospital space. they've got a lot of things going here, so them saying i don't have the information or i don't see it, i wouldn't overworry about that. that's the kind of thing that happens in these crisis situations. the thing to focus on is what the president of the united states says, the things to deter putin and what happens in the coming days. >> a senior u.s. official said today the u.s. has briefed the ukrainian military on the new assessment. i guess, seth, when you look at the images you're seeing how dependent on the west, on the united states is ukraine right now? >> i think ukraine is very dependent on the west to survive if the russians do move further than just the areas. if they decide to move west or decide to move on kyiv it's hard for me to see you cranians surviving over the long run
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without some western assistance. what it could look like is what we saw in the 1980s in afghanistan, that is cia, u.s. department of defense support to resistance efforts against ukraine -- against russian forces in the country. that's feasible. it could be against -- it could be to support ukrainian conventional operations, fighting russian forces. so what this assistance could include may vary. it may include economic assistance and humanitarian assistance, but i don't see you crane really being able to hold out for too long without some continuing western support. >> no. meaning there would certainly be insurgents. there would be guerillas. i mean it'd be horrific as the white house has said. the human suffering and death would be horrific. in terms of just a raw military ba battle for sure.
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alexander lukashenko would be with him tomorrow for an important exercise, top russian missiles on display. what message is putin sending? and what specifically do you make of the time of it? >> yeah, i think this is really very interesting. look, we're seeing a lot of media coverage of what's taking place in belarus. less so other than through imagery what's taking place on the border with ukraine and then separately in donbas. and so what i think might be happening is putin's up with lukashenko. they're conducting this exercise. they're present where this exercise takes place. putin does not want to be present on the ground -- excuse me -- when he drops the flag to execute the invasion of ukraine regardless of what it looks like. so he's up in belarus with lukashenko, the world is focusing in on him. every camera is snapping, every video -- >> and that's when you do it. >> and oh, by the way, guess what happens? those forces down in the donbas have hopped into their tanks and
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sp artillery and now they're starting to expand their presence down there. >> john, i met earlier with the u.s. acting ambassador to ukraine. very few american diplomats -- they evacuated obviously the embassy, but i did get to speak to the acting ambassador, and i want to play something she said. >> do you know how many americans are left here in ukraine? >> we don't know the exact number because we don't require that they tell us when they leave. we started out with somewhere between 6 and 7,000. we're hoping with our messaging over the last couple of weeks a number of those have left. >> and the messaging if anything i would imagine is more stride want than ever before. >> our message to american citizens in ukraine is to leave now. you can't rely on the possibility of being able to be rescued because we don't know what the security situation could be. it could be very fraught. it could be there's no ability for us to move around by air, and therefore it would be very, very difficult for us to get to
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people. so our advice is to leave now because you cannot rely on someone being able to reach you if the situation worsens. >> john, will the u.s. leave americans behind? >> well, you know, honestly, we don't have the capability to take care of all americans there. and the best thing they can do is communicate to americans it's time to go now. frankly, i think it's a big mistake for the embassy to move out of kyiv. the people the embassy needs to talk to in a crisis situation, they're in kyiv. we all know what it's like to deal with people over zoom over these type of things. yeah, if americans are there, a lot of them live there. they have to make their choices. hopefully russia is a professional military, and they're going to go after ukrainian military -- i don't want that to happen, but if they do civilians are protected. when we attacked iraq there were journalists in hotels and all
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types of things, and they could be relatively safe. >> right. well, we'll see. of course we saw what the russians did last time along that border when that jet full of people was shot down. thank you to all three. next we're going to take you to eastern ukraine where, frankly, you've had eight years of that ongoing war, 14,000 people dead. that's what we've been seeing there. here's tonight. >> everyone is ready to tear russians with their own hands. plus the national archives revealing it's talking to the justice department about the boxes of documents with classified information that trump took to mar-a-lago. could trump be prosecuted? and outrage after a judge sentences former police officer kim potter to two years for shooting and killing daunte wright when she fired her gun instead of her taser.
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putin has decided and he's convinced he will in fact invade the country. this as eastern ukraine already no stranger to bloodshed against russian backed forces in an ongoing war is desperately praying for a last minute peace. alex marquardt is out front. the old crimea cemetery stretches across the rolling hills in eastern ukraine. in section 21 the ukrainian flags whipping in the wind mark the grave of ukrainian troops mostly young men who have died fighting russia-backed forces in the past eight years an often ignored conflict that kimmed more than 14,000 people including 3,000 civilians. now he fights with a right wing nationalist group called right sector. >> translator: putin is a pathetic small man. everyone is ready to tear russians with their own hands. >> reporter: he says he knows around 200 people have been killed.
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he shows us the grave of one of them, a fallen friend now etched in stone as well as his memory. >> translator: too many comrades have died, too many civilian, too many children. >> reporter: in the bitterly cold driving rain roman, a priest, prays at towering grave from his friend, one of the first to die in the fighting. but quiet and understated has two sides, dividing his duties an army chaplain in his olive green frock which he says is his calling and tending to a civilian congregation in a small chapel. >> translator: we're losing our best people. the church gives people comfort. if they ask what's going to happen next we say it's god's will. we prepare for the worst and hope for the best. >> reporter: the people of ukraine have shown extraordinary calm in the face of this russian threat, but it is clearly taking a toll. >> translator: they tell us to remain calm. we would love to live
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peacefully, to go to work, to raise children and grandchildren. we're worried. how could we not be? >> reporter: and erin, that worry can only be growing tonight after what we've seen right here in ukraine's donbas region. those incidents that the u.s. and ukraine say are staged false flag operations, the kind that russia could use to justify an invasion of ukraine. this city, this area could be of great interest to vladimir putin to connect russia with the crimean peninsula, which he seized the last time he invaded ukraine. erin? >> alex, thank you very much. and next, what could be another legal headache for trump. the national archives revealing tonight it's alerted the justice department about classified records trump took to mar-a-lago. plus today i talked to a number of young people here. they're hanging out with friends, they're playing sports, but they're also preparing for war. and this is why. >> putin, we all know he isn't a
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new tonight, the national archives revealing they're talking to the justice department after confirming there were classified documents in the 15 boxes that donald trump took from the white house to mar-a-lago. the archives raising other concerns about the trump white house's recordkeeping practices including trump ripping up documents even after being warned not to. jessica schneider is out front. and jessica, this information comes from multiple letters released from the archives, so tell me what more you're learning tonight. >> reporter: these letters show the archives they've been concerned for years the trump white house wasn't properly preserving these documents, and it's not just physical papers but also online messages from social media accounts. so what we're seeing here is that the archives warned the white house council's office back in 2018 that trump's reported practice of ripping up papers, as he was known to do, was a clear viles of the
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presidential records act. but despite that warning it seemed like it continued to happen. and when the archives received documents after trump left office, they're now saying those papers some of them were still in torn up form. others had actually been taped back together. so the archives is raising this issue, also raising concerns, erin, about the way white house staff conducted their social media presence. they're saying they didn't keep copies of deleted tweets so now the archives doesn't have access to those records. and they're saying a lot of official business might have actually been done on unofficial electronic messaging accounts that the archives just doesn't have the records of. so with all of this, all this concerns from the archives, members of congress they're now asking a lot of questions here. the house oversight chair accusing trump of exercising what she calls a flagrant disregard for federal records laws. and then you add to that the classified material that was found at mar-a-lago now being
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discussed with the justice department. we'll see here. experts doubt that trump could face criminal charges, but of course this has still been discussed with the doj, so we'll see what happens next here. erin? >> all right, thank you very much, jessica. so when we talk about this classified information at mar-a-lago, i want to talk to shan wu former federal prosecutor and counsel to attorney general janet reno. now you've got the archives confirming the classified information was in those boxes trump took to mar-a-lago. what do those conversations signal to you? >> well, they signal to me the national archives is doing their job, and now the question is will the doj do theirs? i think it's important to distinguish for our viewers the difference between opening the investigation versus charging much less conviction. here it is a normal process to
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open an investigation. frankly, it would be a dereliction of duty not to investigate this because it's such an obvious potential violation. >> so i mentioned that, you know, we understand from the reporting these documents the highest level of classification, top secret. trump is aware those should have never have left. we know trump himself packed some of the boxes. he's very secretive what he put there. i understand letters from kim jong-un are there. almost all of what is in there is unknown to us, of course. so what could happen to trump here? >> well, when they look at those boxes the investigation should ask some questions to determine what should happen to him. because what should happen to him really depends on things like were there cover sheets on those documents that said top secret, classified? were the documents marked as such? because those issues go to what his knowledge would be of those
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contents? also, they'll want to ask people who may have seen those documents, helped him to ask if he ever mentioned declassifying them. because that's obviously going to be in his defense which i get to classify, declassify and that's going to be important to look at. if all that looks like he knew they were classified, they're obviously not supposed to be outside of a secure location, then it's squarely on the table for the justice department. do they charge in those circumstances? >> so i want to ask you one other thing i've been wondering today. a federal judge late today ruled that civil lawsuits seeking to hold trump accountable for the january 6th insurrection can move forward. i want to emphasize civil lawsuits. how significant is this ruling, and does it mean anything for criminal responsibility by trump? >> well, it's very significant because what the judge said was this was a question of whether they had sufficient facts pled and alleged, not proven yet.
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and the judge said that trump's statements were a prima facie evidence under the statute to interfere with someone holding office, section 1985. significantly the judge did not find that was true for giuliani and donald trump jr. but what this means is the case will move forward into the discovery stage, and that is what trump does not like is having to answer questions, documents being turned over. so that moves to the stage, which is making him the most vulnerable. and he will fight very hard on that stage. >> shan, thanks. >> sure thing. next, emotions running high as the former police officer who killed daunte wright is sentenced to two years in prison. >> today the justice system murdered him all over again. plus, president biden's not just facing a possible war in europe. he's also dealing with surging inflation and falling coal
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numbers. historian doris concerns goodwin is out frontnt tonight. gram of , and nutrients to supportrt immune health. ♪ i see trees of green ♪ ♪ red roses too ♪ ♪ i see them bloom for me and you ♪ (music) ♪ so i think to myself ♪ ♪ oh what a wonderful world ♪ as a struggling actor, i need all the breaks that i can get. at liberty butchumal- cut. liberty biberty- cut. we'll dub it. liberty mutual customizes your car insurance so you only pay for what you need. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ alright, so...cordless headphones,
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behind bars. that's the sentence a judge handed down to the former police officer kimberley potter. it is four years less than the lowest end of the range. the sentencing guidelines were 6 to 8 1/2 years. so it is incredibly less, right, too. potter is seep here in this body cam video where she fatally shot 20-year-old daunte wright while yelling taser during a traffic stop last year. wright's parents are outraged the sentence is so short. >> kim potter murdered my son, and he died april 11th. today the justice system murdered him all over again. >> i walk out of this courthouse feeling like people are laughing at us because this lady got a slap on the wrist, and we still every night sitting around crying waiting on my son to come home. i'm upset. >> out front now stephanie
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rawlings blake. regular viewers know, of course, she followed this entire trial with us. potter was convicted of first and second degree manslaughter here. now, the sentencing guidelines given that she had no prior criminal record was lower, right, so they were 6 to 8 1/2 years. obviously the sentence comes in at two, so it's incredibly less. can you explain how this ended up so very, very different than the sentencing guidelines? >> the judge has a lot of latitude, and before i say that i do want to say my heart goes out to daunte wright's family. i mean it was heart wrenching to hear their testimony today, their witness impact statement, absolutely heart wrench. and i know when you go through something like this there can be no justice except for your family member coming back. so while the sentence was
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significantly less than i think many people were expecting, i don't know if there's enough time behind bars that would comfort that family, and that's where my heart is really with them this evening. but as i said before the judge does have a lot of latitude, and clearly the judge took into account potter's exemplary record as a police officer without any excessive force complaints, without any discourtesy complaints, no other negligent accusations while she has been serving and protecting her community. >> so, mayor, daunte wright's mother was very critical of the judge's emotion and the judge was emotional when she sentenced potter. let me play a little of what we did see from the judge today. >> officer potter made a mistake that ended tragically.
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she never intended to hurt anyone. her conduct cries out for her sentence. significantly along the guidelines. >> when i saw that, it sort of stopped me in my tracks. it's like i didn't expect that to be something to see from a judge. i'm not saying that judgmentally. i want to understand. how common is it to see a judge like that during sentencing? >> i think it's uncommon, and i think it was really shocking because that judge has a lot of latitude with the sentencing but also when she issued that sentence. if she wasn't emotionally ready to make that statement, she could have asked for, you know, to come back at a later in the day until she collected herself. because we see what happens when you let your emotion especially when you have a job like -- when
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you're the judge and you're supposed to be impartial. you're supposed to be the one who is, you know, holding all of these things in balance, and the family left the courtroom feeling very, very slighted, very offended by her show of emotion. and it was unnecessary as far as i'm concerned because the judge could have taken the time to pull herself together until she could soberly give that sentence to potter. >> all right, thank you very much. i appreciate your time. >> my pleasure. and next a key piece of biden's agenda stalled and his approval ratings are down at the same time as he's dealing with a possible war. historian doris kerns goodwin is my guest. plus i had a chance to speak to a number of young people in this city who are now getting a lesson in war.
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breaking news, president biden mixing his travel plans for the weekend. biden will be staying in washington to monitor the ukraine cries from the white house. tensions with russia now escalating to levels now that mirror the cold war. out front now doris kerns goodwin. and her latest book leadership in turbulent times is the basis for her new history channel documentary abraham lincoln, and it airs over three nights beginning this sunday at 8:00 p.m. eastern. so hope everyone watches that because it's going to be fantastic. and i want to ask you when you look at what's happening today, this incredibly fraught moment, president biden facing a potential military conflict, a war in europe, an all out assault on american democracy, a pandemic still ongoing in its effects, an economy dealing with high inflation, just how fraught is this moment for biden?
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>> you could argue this is where a presidency lives in the middle of multiple crises, and that in some extent president biden has already had a lot of experience having been 36 years in the senate, 8 years as vice president and i think the assault on democracy is still the major crisis he's facing. i often think about democracy, sometimes it seems abstract but it means a system of government where people can vote for their leaders and at a time like this now where we're seeing voting made harder rather than easier for people, attempts to overturn an election that was fairly won, this is a fight that needs to be fought, we need to get back to what i think we had in the civil rights movement, a time of peaceful and disciplined real arguments and movement in order to make voting right and i think that's the most important thing he's facing more than anything
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else right now. >> so doris, as someone who closely studied many of americans president, some of the greatest, how do they dconduct themselves in such an important moment? >> it's important to reflplenis themselves in crisis, abraham lincoln went to the theater many times and criticized why would you go to the theater, he said if i didn't go i'd die, some humorous laughing in the middle of crisis but some said that whistled off sadness. fdr had a cocktail party nights during world war ii and the rule was you couldn't talk about the war so i think that's part of the way to sustain themselves but also sustain themselves
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through history, remember we've been through tough times before, the great depression, world war ii, the early days of the revolution, and, of course, the civil war and the strength of the people and engaged citizens brought us through so i think history can provide hope in such moments of difficulty. >> so, doris, your new documentary, it's three-part, obviously based on your book as well but it's about lincoln, starts sunday at 8:00, i want to show viewers a clip of it. here it is. >> the comfort is breaking apart. there's a turning point where he's going to have to take a stand. >> charge! >> blood will be on your hands. >> blood is already on our hands. >> learn to be a commander in chief. >> he is willing to admit he was wrong and to change. >> he was the right person at the right time. >> if we let this stand one minute longer, we might as well say goodbye to the home front,
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union, democracy -- all of it. >> what leadership lessons, doris, would president lincoln have for president biden? >> you know, some of those lessons, i think the life and losses that president biden has already experienced were experienced by abraham lincoln, through adversity, somehow, a leader learns humility and empathy, which are critical requirements i think for any kind of leader but i think at the same time, you learn lincoln surrounded himself with a strong team of people and when that moment came for the decision to issue the emancipation proclamation, his decision and went before them and said i decided this and want you to support me and at the same time, just sort of learning from lincoln who he was, not just what he did, you know, we think about him as saving the union and emancipating the slaves and winning the war, but most importantly was character. whether or not you can learn that from another leader, i'd like to believe following
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lincoln's life and the journey we tried to follow in this docudrama can make you feel that sense of i want to be more like this guy, somehow there's something about him that transcends just being president and just being a leader. >> all right, doris, thank you so much, i hope all of you will watch doris's documentary series "abraham lincoln" starts on the history channel sunday night at 8:00 plus here on cnn the life of another president, linden johnson, lbj triumph and saturday, you can switch over after her show sunday at 9:00 and new in ukraine, people preparining for the possibilityf a war in russia. that takes wealth. ♪ ♪ but ththis is worth. ♪ ♪ and that - that's actually worth more than you think. don't open that. wealth is important, and we can help you build it.
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>> today, i talk to young people in the city, because of covid rules it's very hard to get into schools. but we were able to visit this one at the end of the school day, when the younger kids were playing pick-up soccer and the older ones were practicing volleyball. one of them is benjamin. he is 17 and like the other high schoolers you see here, his classes focus mainly on math, physics and chemistry, he wants to go into i.t. like many amount big b ambitious young people, and he's so excited about his future. he's just balancing that with living in a country where he's now taking a weekly class called, quote, protection of ukraine which focuses specifically on fighting russia. >> it's once a week, and our
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teacher made like some steps. like we, to, that we learn more stuff, more closer to the war and stuff that we will be prepared in the case of the war. >> taking a class to prepare for war. a real war. and then playing volleyball, that seeming contradiction normal here and maybe this is part of why. >> i don't think russians are generally bad people. it's, yeah, just how it is. i can say that like putin, like, we all know that he is a really, isn't a really balanced guy. >> a what kind of guy? >> it's a really balanced person, you know, people know him for being aggressive and stuff. >> so you feel that way about putin but not about the russian people. >> no, i have many friends in russia.
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>> and that is the refrain here. ukraine and russia are deeply tied. putin is right about that. he's just wrong about what those ties mean. ukrainians we met here in laviv are fiercely patriotic and will not yield easily. thanks so much for joining us and reminder that this weekend, to watch new original series on the life of linden shjohnson, "j triumph and tragedy" sunday 9:00 eastern. president biden says he is convinced that vladimir putin has made up his mind to invade ukraine and it will. within days. the president gave specifics about a possible attack including it will target the country's capital of kyiv, i'm john burman in for anderson, this is by the far the most definitive we heard from president biden about the plans and scope, especially about kyiv, a city for millions. ask twice, this is what
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