tv LBJ Triumph and Tragedy CNN February 21, 2022 7:00pm-8:00pm PST
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martin luther king. >> 1968, historians say it was the single most consequential year of the 20th century. >> that's when the country all but came apart. >> ten hours before he is about to address the nation on the future, he hasn't made the decision. >> he said i may have a little ending of my own. >> good evening, my fellow americans. lbj is becoming more and more isolated. he's an island in the white house. >> hey, hey, lbj, how many kids did you kill today? >> if the american public isn't supporting, you cannot succeed. >> i thought we were winning. >> cold hard facts. we donal have control. >> he could no longer do the thing he is best at. getting legislation through
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congress. >> that was the straw that broke the camel's back. >> one day, my fellow citizens, there will be peace in southeast asia. what is this red sign there as i turn the page, they ought to put it where you can see it. >> he announced to the press that he would have a major vietnam speech on that sunday night, the 31st of march. >> we sent over, don't say where, we sent two vietnam, gosh, this is hard to read. you have no idea. it is just marked up every where, every word you see. >> he kept making changes to the speech until sunday. >> to select the very best men they have. half our post. what does that mean? >> we were writing that speech and he kept saying, he didn't
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need an ending. that's the first time i had a suspicion something might be coming. >> i ask your support, my fellow citizens, for this effort to reach across the battlefield toward an area of peace. may god be with us. good night. >> the cbs news hour, campaign 68. the new hampshire primary. >> the first primary in the united states at that time was new hampshire. lbj had not put his name on the ballot. everybody assumed he was running. eugene mccarthy, the senator from minnesota, it announced that he would run. >> eugene mccarthy was this
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fairly liberal anti-war senator. >> the big sprays has been the strength of senator eugene mccarthy and the strength that they endorsed his effort signals trouble for senator johnson's yet undeclared re-election bid. >> when the vote came in, lbj got 48% of the vote on a write-in vote. senator mccarthy got 42% by being on the ballot and campaigning. >> any political measure, president johnson has suffered a major psychological setback in new hampshire. >> that's when bobby kennedy decided he might seek a nomination. >> i'm announcing today my candidacy for the presidency of the united states. >> johnson felt that bobby kennedy was disingenuous in several ways. when johnson was vice president, he was trying to get president kennedy to do an executive order. it had to do with civil rights.
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bobby kennedy vigorously argued against it. and then by '68, bobby did come out as the great hero of civil rights. johnson thought he was two-faced. >> i've been suffering a terrific onslaught by bobby kennedy. they got a lot of money in and they have martin luther king. >> bobby thinks he will get the nomination. >> dr. king basically sees the war and the massive expenditure for the military effort in vietnam providing an obstacle to his broader social justice agenda. >> today we are fighting an evil, unjust war in vietnam. and our leaders have neither the courage nor the maturity to admit that we made a mistake. it's time for president johnson, mr. rusk and all the others around washington to admit that we made a terrible mistake in
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vietnam. one of the greatest mistakes ever made in history. >> dr. king is becoming a much more forthright critic of militariarism, capital i, and the capacity of the united states for change. >> these things hurt johnson. it was a tremendous development. in many ways, a tremendously sensitive man. in one of his qualities, he really did feel the cost of the lives lost. it may have contributed to some of the episodes of depression. >> the pain and the hurt of dr. king's words, and his support for robert kennedy is leading to this grievous harm. >> i think we would have supported bobby kennedy over president johnson largely because he went to mississippi and he saw poverty. i think we felt he was sincere and committed. >> we can change these disastro
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disastrous divisive policies only by changing the man making them. >> bobby kennedy did not like lyndon johnson and it was a two-way street. >> i think it is more than we've been in the 37 years i've been here. and they're working in my party from within. >> johnson did have a wonderful sense of humor. he said, do you know the difference between a liberal and a cannibal? cannibals eat only their enemies. >> eugene mccarthy and bobby kennedy are both staunch anti-war candidates. a marked departure from lyndon johnson. once the tet offensive happens, americans ask themselves the question, why are we there in the first place? is this really a war worth fighting? >> gosh, i don't know who would do something like this. did you get that? gentlemen? >> johnson had the choice of two speeches. one was hawkish. the other was basically an
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admittance to failure limiting the war, and he had these speeches on his desk ten hours before he's about to address the nation on the future of the war and his own future. and he hasn't made the decision. >> the president always liked to make his decisions at the last minute. when the decision was made, he said put it on the teleprompter. and that was an hour before the speech. >> i had cut off the ending of the speech. johnson asked me, where was it? and i said, well, i didn't like it. it doesn't really fit with the speech. i'll go write a knew one. he said i may have a little ending of my own. >> they had no idea what the hell he would decide. a differed of dentistry. one who believes in doing anything it takes to make dentistry work for your life. so we offer a complete exam and x-rays free to new patients without insurance - everyday.
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. the president will address the nation tomorrow night at 9:00 eastern time. he hopes to make it a roosevelt style fireside chat about the war. he will discuss new troop deplo deployments, rising military costs and vietnam strategy. possibly including a bombing pause. >> good evening, my fellow americans. tonight i want to speak to you of peace in vietnam and southeast asia. >> march 31st was a horrible day for me. my husband chuck had just left to go to vietnam. chuck used every contact he had in the marine corp to make sure he got a rifle company and it was in harm's way and not back in some nice safe place where the president's son-in-law wouldn't get hurt.
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so that morning, i had seen him off and i caught an overnight flight back. i was pregnant. we made that decision to try to have a family with the hope that he would come back safely, or if he didn't, at least i would have that little piece of him. when i got home, daddy said that he was thinking that he wasn't going to run again. and my reaction was, oh, daddy, don't do it. because chuck is over there and i know you'll get him back safely and i know you'll take care of our marines and our army. i believe in you. and i don't know what the next president will do. i was very conflicted. my little boy was 8 months old. my husband was going to vietnam in two weeks. and so one moment, i wanted him to run and one moment i wanted him just to come home to texas
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and be with my son and me. >> both daughters, both husbands are going out. one is going away and one to animal. god knows i'm more concerned than anybody. >> mother was much more sanguine about it. she thought he had given it his all. she wanted him to live. she wanted to have this wonderful life with this man that had always put what he thought was right ahead of her. but she was worried that he would regret what he had done, because to give away power after having so much is very difficult. >> my mother knew the decision had to be his and his alone. there is a part of me that believed he wouldn't. and i was standing beside my sister whose brave husband was literally in the air on his way to vietnam. >> with our hopes and the
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world's hopes for peace in the balance every day, i do not believe that i should devote an hour or a day of my time to any personal partisan causes, or to any duties other than the awesome duties of this office. the presidency of your country. accordingly, i shall not seek and i will not accept the nomination of my party for another term as your president. >> i nearly fell off the chair. nobody had any idea he was going to say that. >> roger, no question about it, this was a bombshell politically. you really don't know where to begin. as you said, there was no
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warning. >> i think johnson's decision was one of the results of a new hampshire primary. >> lyndon johnson was not a quitter. i think he had counted his votes and he didn't see it as a winning proposition. >> a substantial amount of the support for the war in vietnam had diminished. >> there are many who saw lbj's opting not to run again as quitting on the war in vietnam. lbj believed that by making this tacit gesture, ho chi minh would agree to come to the peace table. >> he really thought that he could resolve the war and settle the war in vietnam if he didn't run. he said nobody can say that what i'm doing is political. i'm doing it because i want to settle that war. i want to get the boys home. and the other factor was still his health issues. he had a phrase that i bet i
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heard 20 or 25 times. the johnson boys die young. he said, i'm not sure i'll live another four years. >> i don't want to run politics and i don't want to lead anybody. what i really want to do is spend my few remaining years with annie and my friends and the ones i love. i hope enough of them love me and want to be with me and visit with me and be happy. >> he said that when linda and luci were growing up, he was always on the go and he never really got to spend the time he wanted to spend with his daughters. and he did not want to miss his grandchildren. >> on march 31, daddy was liberated. >> i think he looked like a man who had a two-opportunity truck lifted off his shoulders. and i think he hoped with all his heart that maybe peace was
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you just have to stand up for a kid who isn't fluent in bureaucracy, or maybe not in their own emotions. so show up, however you can, for the foster kids who need it most— at the idea of an american president choosing not to run for re-election is almost unimaginable. in a speech in which he announced that bombing would halt, and that an effort toward
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peace negotiations could begin, his approval rating goes up 13 points. >> on february 12th, 1,300 workers in the city sanitation department went on strike and what began as a union matter soon became a civil rights call. >> even though president johnson announced he would not run, we thought we could continue. we were in the middle of the poor people's campaign, which was really an attempt to institutionalize johnson's great society. martin had gone to memphis to be with the garbage workers. >> i opposed his going to memphis, tennessee. i remember him saying to me, you always talk about caring and working for the interests of peace. these sanitation workers are the least of these. i have to go. >> we've got some difficulties ahead. but it really doesn't matter with me now because i've been to
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the mountain top. i don't mind. like anybody, i would like to live a long life, it has its place. but i'm not concerned about that now. >> the day after that i've been to the mountain top speech, i was in court all day long, trying to get permission to march the following week. i went back to the hotel and when i got there, martin was with his brother and all of his old preacher friends who had gathered there. and i walk in to tell him what's going on and he started picking on me. where you been? and i said i've been in the court. why haven't you called me? i said i was defending you. i was trying to tell them that you could run a decent march. and he threw a pillow at me.
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next thing i know, everybody is picking up pillows and they're all beating up on me. and everybody was happy and alive. it was the happiest i'd seen him in i don't know how long. it was almost 6:00. he went up to his room and put on a shirt and tie. when he came out, it was kind of cool. i told him he'd better get a coat. he was standing on the balance connolly and i was down at the bottom. he looked up to see what the weather looked like and a shot rang out. he was gone to heaven and left us in hell. >> my office was probably ten yards from there and i had just walked out when all the bells on the machines went off. a flash had come across the highest level. i reached in and just ripped the
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ap wire copy off. i took it right into the office. i handed it to him and the president is reading it. and he just slumps. >> dr. martin luther king, the apostle of nonviolence in the civil rights movement has been shot to death in memphis, tennessee. >> america is shocked and saddened by the brutal slaying tonight of dr. martin luther king. i ask every citizen to reject the blind surveillance that has struck dr. king. >> president johnson immediately got j. edgar hoover on the phone and said we need to find out
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what happened. >> by the next day, we started getting signals that civil unrest was beginning and we went with him to the third floor of the white house to watch 14th street burn. the president saying, go find out what's going on in the other cities. go find out if there are any other riots. >> johnson was immediately concerned with, what do we do? we can't destroy what we built. he brought in all the black leaders. >> president johnson called the leaders that he had known for so many years. phillip randolf and dorothy height, summoning them to come to the white house the next day. >> johnson had a sense of using every tragedy to get the next bill passed. i remember the next morning, him saying to me, we will get one good thing out of this. we'll get our fair housing bill. >> lbj uses the martyrdom of john f. kennedy to get the civil
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rights of 1964 passed. he uses bloody sunday in sevlma alabama. and he used the assassination of martin luther king to get the fair housing act passed. as soon as he saw an opportunity through these tragedies, and the raised consciousness of the american people, he ensured that he used that to get reluctant lawmakers to pass this very controversial legislation. >> i think people may see that as being crass or craven, but it's one thing to say, i'm so sorry this has happened. it's another thing to do something, keeping with the objectives of the person whose life is being heralded as you are doing it. it is a tangible way to say, we are grieving and we are furthering the mission and the
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cause. >> the dream of dr. martin luther king jr. has not died with him. our work is not yet done, and we must move with urgency and with resolve. >> i don't think i realized how much anger and animus proposing that bill would create. we had been trying to get it for two or three years. >> fair housing meant no discrimination in the sale of housing. no discrimination of the financing of housing. >> there is significant resistance to that legislation. there's something about housing and how personal it is. who lives in your building, who lives next door. so the back lash against that legislation is significant. it's not just the south. it's also the north. the bill is being stalled.
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there is threat of filibuster, and what johnson says to congress is i want this bill passed, and i want it passed before martin luther king's funeral. this would be the tribute to martin luther king. and opposition drops back and the bill passes. >> i do not exaggerate when i say that the proudest moments of my presidency have been times such as this, when i have signed into law the promises of a century. and longer. zzzquil pure zzzs all night. fall asleep. stay asleep. ♪ come seek the royal caribbean
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1968, historians say it was the single most consequential year of the 20th century. >> that's when the country all but came apart. the president announced that he was not going to run for re-election. four days later, martin luther king was shot. and then in a matter of months, bobby kennedy was shot. >> robert kennedy, who had had such a tumultuous relationship with lbj was on course for the democratic nomination. everything that was being
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imagined, being planned, was over and over very, very tragically. >> the democratic nominee becomes hubert humphrey. >> i proudly accept the nomination of our party. >> the republican nominee becomes richard nixon. >> it's time for new leadership of the united states of america. >> '68 was the year from hell. the whole country was in an uproar. >> there was a constant chaos. >> president johnson still harbored hope of getting peace in vietnam. he was even probably a little more optimistic in august than he was in march. >> the north vietnamese surprised the white house by saying, let's get together. let's talk. >> they have started efforts of peace talks in paris, the so-called paris peace talks. >> lbj believed he would win the
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peace. there would be some sort of peace with honor. one that the united states would dictate. >> we're not going to get peace with public speeches, and i would just express the hope that you be awfully sure what you're talking about before you get into the negotiations. >> i made it very clear that i will make no statement on negotiation. >> after all of president johnson's efforts to get north vietnam along with the south vietnamese and the united states to a conference in paris, we learn to the dismay and almost disbelief of president johnson that our ally, the south vietnamese, were withdrawing from those peace talks with mind-boggling. >> we have found that our friend, the republican nominee,
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our california friend, has been playing now on the outskirts with our enemies and our friends both. our allies and the others. he's been doing it through rather subterranean sources here. this is not guesswork. >> the fbi finds out that the nixon campaign is trying to sabotage the peace talks. an emissary on behalf of the nixon campaign has reached out to the ambassador in south vietnam. >> mrs. chenault was working as an intermediary with the south vietnamese government to convince them that they could get a better deal with north vietnam and hanoi under a nixon administration than they would get under either lbj or under humphrey administration. >> nixon was concerned johnson would get a peace agreement in
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vietnam and that would ruin nixon's chances of getting elected. and that was why they went through chenault to get the message to the south vietnamese that they needed to stall. and indeed they did. after that, it was the south vietnamese that wouldn't budge. >> nixon's people moved in. and that told him, if you just hold out to election, don't go, stay away, nixon will never send you out. in the meantime, they took over the saigon embassy up here which i have pretty good information on. and the nixon people started going out and said don't go under any circumstances. so he just started tearing up our agreements. >> this is a shocking revelation. an american presidential candidate is taking steps to undermain the foreign policy
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during a war of the sitting president. >> i'm reading their hand. i don't want to get this in the campaign. they ought to be doing this. this is treason. >> i know. >> president johnson told very few people. he did not want to expose these calls because he thought it could back fire. he thought he could be blamed for bringing up a red herring of some sort late in the campaign to help hubert humphrey. but he did want to get to the bottom of it. >> is there anything i can do? if you want me to do something, i'll do anything. we're not going to let these people stop this. if you think i can do something. >> these people are proceeding on the assumption that folks close to you tell them to do nothing until january 20th. >> i know who they're talking about, too.
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>> well, he's one of several. miss chenault is very much in there. >> she's very close to john. >> the embassy is telling the president, the president is acting on the advice, that they ought to hold out because nixon will not sell you out like the democrats sold out china. they've been quoting you indirectly that the thing they ought to do is to just not show up at any conference and wait until you come into office. >> right. >> now they started that and that's bad. they're killing americans every day. i have that documented. now that's the story, dick. and it is a sordid story. >> you can hear the anger in lyndon johnson's voice because he knows that nixon is lying to him. this is important to nixon. one of the advantages he has in the campaign of 1968 is he's telling the american people, he has a secret plan to end the
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war. >> nixon was doing whatever it took to be elected. lbj wanted to do whatever he could do to end the war. by the time we left office, there was not a single piece of information that tied this directly to president nixon. it was only in very recent years when the bob halderman notes were disclosed out of the nixon library that it was directly ordered by nixon. that was the smoking gun. >> in the final analysis, we actually had a better deal going at that time than we did when we pulled out of vietnam in '75. and in that time frame, the lives lost was about 25,000.
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the wounded, et cetera, was tens of thousands. if it hadn't been for the nixon crowd, i think we could have gotten peace in vietnam. (children giggling) hey, i was, uh, thinking about going back to school to get my masters. i just saw something that said you could do it in a year for, like, $11k. hmm. barista: order eleven! yeah, see you at 11. 1111 masters boulevard, please. gonna be eleven even, buddy. really?
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stand up and raise your right hand. i think the most pleasant words that ever came into my ears was, so help me god. i no longer had the fear that i was the man that could make the mistake of involving the world in a war. that i was no longer the man that would have to carry the terrifying responsibility of protecting the lives of this country and maybe the entire world. >> going home on air force one, my father picked up a cigarette. i said daddy, what are you doing? and he said, for 14 years, for every moment of every day i have wanted one of these. but i had a job to do, a country to serve, and children to raise.
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now it's my time. >> he just loved the hill country. there were so many memories of his childhood, his mother, his family, his dad, growing up there. i could almost sense his going into a relaxed state of mind. >> one of the things i enjoyed most was being able to go to bed after the 10:00 news at night and to sleep until daylight the next morning. i don't remember ever having an experience like that in the five years i was in the white house. >> he had had a rough five years. five years of great accomplishment and great failures. >> time in the hill country, reflective time, walking the land. he said the best fertilizer for a man's land is the footsteps of his own. >> i think he missed the action of being in the middle of decision making and government.
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>> when he left office, i think he was depressed at not getting recognized for what he thought he had done. >> he let his hair grow long. he loved his bourbon. i don't know. it's just, he just sort of became another person. >> he was not constantly depressed, but when he would reflect on things, it was depressing to him. how history was going to record his time. and that was the most important thing to him. >> it was sad to see him unwind, and no matter what the subject was, sooner or later, he would get back to vietnam. you could be talking football, hunting, cattle, horses, but eventually, it would get back to vietnam. he was haunted, of course.
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and you hated it. because this was his retreat. but it was no longer the oasis because it just couldn't heal that wound. >> ladies and gentlemen, the 36th president of the united states, the honorable lyndon baines johnson. >> he made his last speech. by convening great leaders around the issue of civil rights, you can see that he has a sense of his own mortality. >> he obviously was not doing well, because he was really slow
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to get up to the podium. >> i don't speak very often or very long. may doctor admonished me not to speak at all this morning. but i'm going to do that because i have some things i want to say to you. >> he was having serious heart pains. he was eating nitroglycerin pills almost like candy. >> i don't want this symposium to come here and spend two days talking about what we have done. the progress has been much too small. we haven't done nearly enough. i'm kind of ashamed of myself that i had six years and couldn't do more than i did. >> it's rare that you hear presidents talk publicly about their anguish or their shame or
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their pain in that way. he is conveying the things that he wanted to see accomplished, and that he was committing himself to. >> the black problem remains what it has always been. the simple problem of being black in a white society. >> that's real. he's coming full circle by saying, we will meet again, my brother. >> i am convinced that he had in his heart, in his soul, going back to his young days, to really do something to right the wrongs that he saw. he knew that he didn't have that much time left. my name is douglas.
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that same age. he could feel it. president johnson was in his bed at the ranch. he had some severe pains. he reached over, grabbed a phone and called the head of the secret service. before those agents could reach him, the coronary killed him. mrs. johnson's words were tom, dent make it. >> lbj feared dying alone. and perhaps it was fate that lbj died alone in his bedroom on the afternoon of january 22nd, 1973. and just as he foretold, he died at the age of 64.
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>> i do wish that everybody could know lbj as i knew him. with all of his flaws and all of his quirks, including his humor. his great story telling ability. his passion. >> lyndon johnson was shakespearean character. he was this complex man. he was a good man. he must have known it was there and yet he couldn't avoid it. >> i just wondered if he had the job he had and was it for real? >> like most of us, he needed to be reassured. had. >> i you this he felt inadequate in a lot of ways. he always needed to be loved. >> well, shakespeare said remember the evil. the evil that men do live after them. the good is often inactuaried
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with their body. some day i hope that people will look back and say, yes, vietnam was horrible but there were good things that were done in that time. there were things that changed this country. >> the demonstration of making democracy work that we saw in lyndon johnson set a high standard for every president to follow. he was doing something for the poors and blacks and latinos. he saw this abundant america and this land after of abundance th can do more. most of the things he did were personal to him. >> education, education, education. that's all you heard from him. >> he passed 400 pieces of significant domestic legislation. when you get up and sundaend yo
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kids to school in the morning, you turn on your tap and clean water comes out, when you enjoy some aspect of the arts, you are touched by lyndon johnson's great society. >> lyndon johnson, without question, is one of the most consequential presidents in american history. the laws of the great society build the foundation for modern america. it allows us to take a great leap forward and n. so many areas that shape who we are today. he also shows what is possible in government. >> freed so many a constant struggle. and lyndon johnson did his fair share of struggling to make this world free. >> he understood how to use power. not to talk about it. but they use it for the benefit of ending racial discrimination.
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he knew how to take names and kick butt. >> lyndon johnson is the advocate for the most significant civil rights legislative record since the nation's founding. when i look at the great society that began in earnest the year that i was born, that then created a path that for me allowed for the white house. >> the last words he gives as a public speech were the rez nant words he spoke as president. the anthem of the civil rights movement. >> we have proved that great progress is possible.
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time now for the news. this is don lemon. our breaking news, russian troops could be arriving in ukraine at any moment. that after putin announced he will send peacekeeping forces into two pro mass he could ukrainian territories. he recognized as independents day, but let's be real. these are not peacekeepers. these are russian troops nearly 200,000 of them. they're not keeping the peace. you don't need thousands of troops to recognize two breakaway regions which i should note no other government has recognized. th
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