tv Don Lemon Tonight CNN March 29, 2022 8:00pm-9:00pm PDT
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this is "don lemon tonight." i'm live in lviv in western ukraine, where there have been air raid sirens earlier tonight despite how far west into the country we are. kyiv hearing sirens throughout the night as well along with heavy artillery and rocket fire. we are seeing russian shells with our very own eyes even though vladimir putin's government claims russian forces would drastically reduce their assault. it's no wonder the pentagon is skeptical. >> we ought not be fooling and nobody should be fooling
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ourselves by the kremlin's now recent claim that it will suddenly just reduce military attacks near kyiv or any reports that it's going to withdraw all its forces. >> president biden says he is skeptical of russia's claims too. the evidence backing that skepticism adding up. a new attack on the heavily bombarded city of mykolaiv in southern ukraine leaving a giant hole in a government building, killing at least 12 people. i want to bring in now my colleague here in lviv hala gorani. she joins me live. hala, thanks very much. i want to put up -- show you these new images we're getting, this video tonight. it's the devastation in irpin, a western suburb of kyiv. it was taken by an iranian non-governmental organization and provided to cnn. and i've got to warn you it is very graphic. look at this.
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bodies of civilians appear to be left on the streets. hala, this is awful. it's horrific. >> it is. it's outside of kyiv. it's irpin. we've talked several days in a row about irpin. this is one of the heavily contested suburban areas where ukrainian forces have been putting up such an incredible defense of their city on the outskirts of the capital. what we're seeing here is from the ukrainian witness project. this is a non-governmental organization. we have been able at cnn to geolocate and check the authenticity of this footage. but you see it's a hollowed-out suburb. the mayor of irpin said that they controlled 95% of the city, but at what cost? you see it's leveled. you see bodies left in the street because it's too dangerous simply to drag them away and give them a decent burial. what's important to note is that in the northwest part of kyiv these ukrainian forces have essentially shielded their capital city from the russian
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ground advance. we're not able to know for sure how these people died, whether it was small arms fire, whether it was shelling, but clearly it is so dangerous that, you know, their neighbors and their families are unable even to retrieve them at this stage. it has been an intense battle in those parts of kyiv. >> our colleagues have been hearing the explosions and hearing, you know, the war still going on. in just the last few hours. it's the exact opposite of what the russians said they would be doing. >> i guess maybe you can say it's not surprising. the russians have many times in the past said they could do something and done the exact opposite. i think this is how negotiations go. you have on both sides on the table the proposal. you're starting to get the outline of what an agreement might look like. but neither side is letting down in terms of their military activity. the ukrainians still say this is exactly when we need more weapons from the west because this is when we need to show that we are still in it to win, to fight, and to keep up the defenses of our cities because this is not the time to go -- to
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back down from the fight. as far as the russians are concerned right now, they are basically saying -- we get an idea of what their proposal is. we are starting to get a sense that it's going to be the south, the southeast. what the ukrainians are willing to accept in terms of what they might or might not give up, whether it's territory or whether it's their status as a neutral country. that's what we're going to get a clearer picture of in the coming days and weeks. >> and you know the video really tells the story. it shows the whole world what's going on here. this is video. it shows the moment a russian strike hit a government building in the southwestern town of mykolaiv. what are we learning about this attack, hala? >> well, you are showing that government building. it wasn't just hit. and there's the missile hitting that building. it was completely leveled and obliterated. you essentially had the front of the building left and everything behind it completely gone. these are parts of cities that are basically going to have to be rebuilt from scratch. the russians are keeping up their attack on mykolaiv. this is where ben wedeman was.
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i know he was live on your program last hour. officials there are saying essentially they may still be in control of some parts of the city but at a cost that is absolutely horrendous. very difficult to quantify right now. and also you have to remember these cities have been hollowed out not just of their buildings but of their people, their civilian population. once this is over it's going to be a real uphill battle to repopulate these areas. >> completely rebuilt, as you said. hala gore ni, thank you very much. we'll see you back here in a little bit. thanks, hala. cnn's frederik pleitgen, here's what he witnessed. >> from the first days of war it was -- so you can hear all of the incoming and outgoing fire in the first video that we showed you. and what you just saw there for a second, that was fred speaking to a member of the ukrainian defense force who says that the russians do actually pull back their forces, if they do it's going to be because they lost. >> from the first days of war it
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was obvious the russians will be defeated on the battlefield, in the diplomatic field and political field. it was what was out of the questions. >> so let's talk about all this now with the former defense secretary william cohen. secretary, thank you so much. appreciate having you on again. good evening to you. russia's defense minister said today that the main task of its special military operation in ukraine, tasks with an s, have been completed. obviously, they have not. so how do you interpret that? >> don't accept a word that the russians say. they've lied consistently. they're lying now. you've had two former four-star generals on, general clark and general breedlove, and i think they gave you what needs to be done. but i think that the ukrainians have to do two things. number one, get resupplied as quickly as possible. and the other thing is i think in any endeavor, in war, in
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business, in sports, if you're always playing defense the whole time you're going to lose. so the ukrainians have to go on the offense at some point in time rather than defending their cities, now having to do it with long-range missiles coming at them. we've got to provide them with the kind of capability they can start going on the offense against the russians. and i would include anti-ship missile capability. make the russians pay as much of a penalty as possible, one, on the military side and then, number two, for every day that goes by i would impose another sanction on the russians. i would seek to pound their economy like they are pounding the cities in ukraine. and i think the combination of giving them more capability militarily and then really imposing even stricter sanctions, saying to putin your economy is going to suffer a long-term damage here. and your people ultimately when they see the truth they'll be in the street. so that you have a chance now to
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stop this. and i would say never give up any of the sanctions until, number one, there's a cease-fire. number two, a withdrawal of the forces. that would be something i would recommend. obviously, president zelenskyy has got to make these decisions. but we're always responding to what putin -- what is in putin's mind. what does he want? well, he took crimea. he wants the donbas. he may want odesa. he may want moldova. what do we want to see take place in ukraine and how can we help president zelenskyy? that's the goal right now. >> listen, i'm glad you mentioned it because he is calling out putin's empty promises tonight. here it is. >> translator: the signals that we hear from the negotiating platform can be called positive, but these signals don't drown out the explosions of russian bombs. >> so then what is the strategy here in russia's claims that
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they're pulling back attacks and then attacking? >> it's part of their strategy perhaps, looking like they were in retreat. if they were in retreat i would hope that the ukrainian military would go right after them as they're going out, if they're going out and leaving or trying to reposition. i would intensify and try to kill as many as i possibly can. and that's when the military will see that hey, we're losing, not only they're defending themselves but they're actually coming out and killing us in an offensive way. then i think you start to change the focus of what the, quote, negotiations are going to look like. and that's something that president zelenskyy needs. he needs to kill more of their people, more of their soldiers, and then we need to impose more sanctions so that putin is suffering on the battlefield and in his economy. >> do you believe that there's a real shot at a negotiated outcome or does there need to be a clear winner and loser on the
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battlefield for this war to end? >> i think the russians have to be persuaded that they're losing. i think that if they believe that just continuing this, the west not helping out as much as we could, that he will wear them down and then i still believe he thinks that the west will fold on the imposition of sanctions. what i would like to see is putin who is said to be one of the richest men in the world, and i ask you how does a public servant get to be one of the richest men in the world other than being a kleptocrat and cheat. so his money has to go into this pile that goes into the rebuilding of all he has destroyed. he has leveled cities. he has driven 10 million people from their homes. they need to be starting to think about how they're going to pay in order to rebuild that country. and we can start with putin himself. certainly with the oligarchs. but then the russian people are going to have to pay up. and that's why i think we need to keep these sanctions on as long as possible and not at all
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hint at the bargaining table that they're going to come off as soon as they stop. i don't think so. >> secretary, always a pleasure. thank you so much. >> good talking to you, don. >> we're getting new satellite images showing the mass destruction in the city of mariupol. and you can see the entire city blocks. entire city blocks there obliterated. every single building demolished. and here's what's left of the bombed-out theater where hundreds of people were killed. now it is reduced to rubble. i want to bring in now ina savsen. she is a member of the ukrainian parliament. good to see you again. when last we spoke you were hearing some bombings. i know it just keeps happening. so hello to you. we're seeing these new satellite images showing the utter devastation of mariupol, apartments destroyed. look at this image. huge lines of people lining up outside i asupermarket there. they are desperate for food and
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water. they need a protected humanitarian corridor to escape. >> yes, they do. first of all, thanks for having me again. as we speak right now, i'm hearing some explosions as well. and this has been a very rough night here in kyiv, frankly speaking. there have been some very heavy explosions around 1:00 in the night, which is five hours ago kyiv time. that was a rough night and that was the de-escalation the russians have promised around kyiv for you. of course the situation in mariupol is much more worse. and i'm looking at those images of the cars lined up. probably people are trying to escape or get some aid. and i keep on returning to the images in kharkiv where people were standing in lines for humanitarian aid and the russians have specifically bombarded the postal office where people were lining to get humanitarian aid. it's just a dramatic situation where you have to risk your life in order to get some water and
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some basic food for your family. but you have to risk your life. you never know when the russians will attack and will open fire. they're doing that specifically for people trying to get humanitarian aid and relief. and that just is terrifying, the very fact that they're doing that. >> inna, before i ask you my next question, do you feel stuck there because -- listen, i know you're a member of parliament and you want to stay. and i'm just wondering how you're feeling and how many people feel because if there's not a corridor, right? for humanitarian aid and for people to get out. do you feel trapped? are people feeling trapped there because they can't leave? talk to me about that. >> no. in kyiv it doesn't feel trapped. in kyiv you can take a train, you can take a car, and you can leave. you have to be careful. they turn off the lights in the train when you travel to the
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west. but it is so much better. but people in mariupol, people in chernihiv, they feel trapped. they cannot leave. and that is a scary thought. and i will tell you this. even here in kyiv, again, i know that i can leave. i tried that. i went to see my son two weeks ago, ten days ago. so i can leave. but the day i came back to kyiv, the next day after that they have actually bombarded, opened fire onto the train that was leaving the city. so that got me thinking like okay, i scoff been in that train as well. you know, that is the exact train that i was taking. luckily, everybody survived there. but still, you know, that can be happening. but again, i don't mean to say that this is nearly the same as people in mariupol because over there they're truly stuck. people in irpin were stuck two weeks ago when the major fighting were taking place there as well. that is where they're stuck. >> yeah.
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russia has been -- thank you for answering that. russia has been terrorizing ukraine with these constant bombings, right? you said you heard them all night, into the night in cities all over ukraine. now they say they are going to drastically reduce their military activity near kyiv, near chernihiv. i know you don't believe putin. so what is the goal here? why are they saying this and doing another? what do you think the strategy is? >> well, first of all, again, they have not reduced anything. i will tell you this was the heaviest explosions that i have heard in a very long period of time. during the war. around here in kyiv. it was really heavy last night. and apparently that was also the missiles targeted on kyiv. not just the fighting taking place northwest. because we were getting air raid alerts during the night as well. but i think that the major goal here is that they're trying to relocate troops from kyiv and
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chernihiv and send them to donbas. so that is not de-escalation. that is not reducing the number of troops. that's just relocating them to a territory where they have more advantage because they have managed to proceed a little bit further around donbas area and they probably realized by now that with the troops they have they would not be able to make any advances around here in kyiv. so i think that is the reason why they're doing that, is they need to relocate troops to donbas. they have been doing that in northeast around sumy for a couple days now. and we know that some of those brigades that have full of sumy region they have already been seen around izium which is in kharkiv region and on the way to donbas. so i think that is what is happening there. >> inna, thank you. please be safe. we appreciate you appearing again. >> thank you. >> thank you. so as you just heard from inna there as well as our teams on the ground, they've been hearing kyiv, these increased shellings
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throughout the night despite russia saying it will drastically reduce military activity there. next i'm going to talk to a ukrainian writer and photographer in kyiv who has been document k ting the daily s of everyday people as the fighting continues and sharing their stories with the world. i didn't know my genetic report could tell me i was prone to harmful blood clots. i travel a ton, so thiinfo was kind of life changing. maybe even lifesaving. ♪do you know what the future holds?♪ at adp, we use data-driven insights
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a cfp® professional can help you build a complete financial plan. visit to find your cfp® professional. ♪ millions of people have become refugees since russia invaded ukraine. my next guest stayed in kyiv and has been photographing and writing about russian aggression in ukraine since 2014. when russia began their current assault on ukraine a little more than a month ago, uk yain writer and photographer yechbia
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belarusets started a war diary. earlier i spoke with her. her is our interview now. >> thank you, yevgenia. you have family in kyiv too. and i understand you're all considering leaving thursday. tell us about that decision. >> thank you for asking. actually, we were considering leaving thursday, but my parents still don't want to leave kyiv. so we might reconsider it again. for my parents it is very important emotionally to stay in kyiv in these hard times and just be with the city. and for me it's somehow good to be also near the people i love. i also think it's somehow easier to stay here for some people,
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maybe even for all who stayed. and lots of people stayed. it's easier because here you have very strange feeling that you control what is happening around you, what is happening with your city, there's something that belongs to you, surroundings, life. and i think that leaving kyiv is somehow hard. for our family is postponing it constantly. >> there's been really some fierce fighting outside of kyiv. and you write about frequent air raid sirens and lockdowns. are you worried that if you you leave you might never be able to return? >> for some time i was really worried. and every time when i'm thinking that i will definitely leave at some day these concerns, these thoughts are coming back to me with lots of anger, fear and
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this feeling that maybe i still should stay. yeah, that's a very powerful concern you are mentioning. because you cannot be sure in this situation. >> your writing and photography focus on the lives of ordinary ukrainians, and you write this about a destroyed building. you say, "the apartments in the building with their small private hidden worlds no longer exist." tell me how that captures what's been lost to you. >> maybe -- maybe i was writing about the feeling that the whole life that existed in our city in kyiv suddenly disappeared and also the whole atmosphere is a reality. people were creating, was destroyed by war. together with lives, together with people who are just dying
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in the city because they are where they are. power is destroying their -- something that was created between people to create the life of the city. and it is a feeling that some very alien and angry hand is just trying to wish away the life like it was and everything maybe we should start from the point zero of when this -- when this war will end. i'm sure actually deep in my heart that kyiv will be saved, that we will come -- all who left will come back and that city will live again. but it will -- it have to start -- yeah. again. i hear sirens in lviv. from your side. >> yeah, sirens are going off where i am.
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yeah. but they go off periodically here and we check every time. are you hearing sirens in kyiv? do you hear them? or -- >> yeah, like 15 minutes ago. 15 minutes ago air raid alarm started in kyiv. >> in one of your diaries from march 20th you write this. you said, "i can't close my eyes, can't find peace." do you think you'll ever be able to find peace after what you've witnessed? >> i don't know what will happen in the future. but i see that when calm days or hours, days never but hours are coming i might feel even more disturbed sometimes because safety is making me feel all the pain of everything we have lost, but most of all lives we are
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losing. people who are dying for nothing. and then this is most clear in minutes of safety. >> yeah. well, we wish you continued safety, and keep doing the beautiful writing and documenting what's going on, yevgennia. we appreciate it. and thank you for coming on cnn. take care. >> thank you very much. i actually very strongly believe that we will build everything all over again. >> and just to be clear here, those sirens you heard aren't happening right now. that was earlier. the interview was taped earlier this evening. the u.s. warning about a russian troop repositioning. is the fighting in eastern ukraine about to get a whole lot worse than it already is? at morgan stanley, a global collective of thought leaders offers investors a broader view.
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russia claiming it plans to drastically reduce its assault on kyiv and chernihiv following another round of talks with ukraine today. in spite of that we are seeing unthinkable destruction in places like irpin and kyiv's suburbs. now the u.s. is warning that russia could be repositioning troops in other parts of ukraine. that could include eastern ukraine where cities like mariupol have been under intense russian attacks.
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i want to bring in now former defense adviser to ukraine colonel liam collins as well as major john spencer, author of "connected soldiers: life, leadership and social connections in modern war." i'm happy to have both of you gentlemen on. thank you for joining us. colonel collins, we've talked about how skeptical the u.s. and the west are about this russian announcement. but let's look at what it actually means if russian forces do scale back near kyiv. you know the ukrainian forces well. what would this mean for their ability to defend their country? >> yeah, i mean, first i'd say right, it's a sign the war clearly is not going well for putin if he's going to remove the forces from that key objective, what is probably his key objective of the war. so that's the first thing. it's clearly a sign for that. and i think ukraine will clearly react to it, right? as russia consolidates its forces somewhere else. ukraine will respond in kind. those of us that worked with them are not surprised by the
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ukrainian performance. they embarked on a path of comprehensive review of their defense establishment in 2016 that culminated with the enactment by then president poroshenko of the strategic defense bulletin of ukraine. and that was a commitment to reform the defense establishment because that was a thing they were worried about, was a large-scale russian invasion. so they have that. they have a cultural volunteerism going back to 2014 that rushed to the front to defend against the russian invasion, or the russian support for the separatists at that time. that hasn't changed, only become a little bit more formalized and institutionalized with the territorial defense brigade so they can be able to react to that. and then also right, a culture of -- a cultural change within the ukrainian military that empowers junior leaders to make decisions on the battlefield. right? the speed of battle's too fast in the 21st century, so empowering those leaders after eight years of fighting in the donbas they realized hey, we need junior leaders to make these kind of decisions on their own, give them the broad
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guidance and mission orders and go out and execute. so as russia shifts to other places or assuming they do move troops and reposition them, you know, ukraine's demonstrated that they're going to be able to perform. >> major spencer, you've been on with me before. you predicted that russian forces would have a hard time with urban battles. that's been especially true in kyiv. is there any way to look at this other than russia failing at one of their primary goals? >> absolutely not, don. you know i've said since day one that kyiv, the taking of kyiv was their stated strategic objective from day one. they didn't even call ukraine a country. he wanted kyiv. like we talked about in the beginning every day they didn't lose they're winning. today that's a clear sign that they are winning and not just a little bit. you can call this repositioning, which that doesn't happen overnight. you can't just move forces from like kyiv to the eastern part of ukraine. these are demoralized, taken
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apart units with high casualty rates. they're freezing. it's wet. the moral you and i talked about how important that is. ukrainians are winning big-time. >> you say that the russians can't just pull their forces out of the kyiv area and reposition them to the east. why not? and where do you think they would go? >> well, one train matters, don. where are they going to go? up through belarus all the way around. they can't go through what we call enemy territory without continuing to be ambushed and counterattacked. look what's happening in places like sumy and -- these places where the ukrainians are fighting, are moving out of the defense, very protected and very well, and attacking anything moving. an ambush is one of the most powerful attacks in history because you use surprise on a
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moving or temporarily halted element. what do russians want to do? they want to move from their temporary defensive positions now which you and i have talked about how powerful the defense is, but they're already broken apart. you and i know this. with all the reports of their morale, the time and distance and the health of these forces matter. you can't just pull those guys out and throw them into the east into the donbas region where one third of the ukrainian army is positioned. and that's a hard fighting unit. so in all as pepects you can't e them -- you can't fly them. you've got to drive them. vehicles break down. i mean, we know they're terrible at maintenance. this may brief well for them politically to say about the donbas. but ukrainians should rejoice in this phase. still a dangerous point, right? there's still many people suffering. but they should rejoice and use this to inspire even more of them to continue fighting. and what that does to -- you and
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i have talked about this. the will of those fighters. it's huge. >> john spencer, colonel collins, thank you both very much. we'll have you back. we appreciate it. >> thank you, don. >> it is known as the bread basket of europe. now russia's invasion is completely upending ukraine's food production and threatening famine for millions around the globe. lavender baths calmed him. so we made a plan to turn bath time into a business. ♪ ♪ find a northwestern mutual advisor at [♪] did you know you can address one of the root causes of aging by targeting all the cells in your body? try tru niagen. life as we know it cannot exist withoutad. as we ag nad can decrease by as much as 50%. tru niagen is proven to increase nad, to support heart and muscle health, and energy production that starts in your cells. address one of the root causes of aging with tru niagen, researched by the world's top scientific institutions.
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tonight, the head of the world food program is warning that russia's invasion is devastating ukraine's wheat crop, putting millions of people around the world at risk of hunger. ukraine provides wheat to many countries. it is known as the breadbasket of the world. more tonight from cnn's hala gorani on what the war is doing to ukraine's wheat and other crops. >> reporter: on this farm in western ukraine and many like it across this country the future of food security for hundreds of millions of people around the world is being determined. one third of the world's most fertile soil is in ukraine, according to the u.n. so what doesn't grow here or what this country is unable to export because of the war, local officials tell me will cause ripple effects around the globe. the repercussions of the war in ukraine began to impact
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everything, vladimir rameniak tells me, including all agricultural operations inside and outside the country including the sowing season. western ukraine, where this farm is located, accounts for a relatively small portion of total wheat and corn farm land. the most productive farms lie in the hottest conflict areas of the country. like izyum in eastern ukraine. satellite photos show the extent of the destruction in and around that city. in one video russian artillery positions and ukrainian counterattacks are visible in a field. and the ukrainian agriculture minister tells me the impact on this year's crops will be devastating. >> last season we have approximately totally 110 million tons. this year we expect at least 30% less than this amount.
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it's very -- [ speaking foreign language ] >> reporter: wheat is usually planted around march and harvested in the summer. but we are told on this farm near lviv that most farmers in the conflict zone are writing this year off completely because it's simply too dangerous to work the land. back on the farm outside lviv we meet pavlo kovalcheck who manages the fields and other crops that grow here like apple, plum, and walnut trees. are you ready for the longer term? if this war lasts a long time, are you ready to dig in and keep working? >> translator: you have to be ready because we have no other choice. i and all other farmers who work with me here are ready because we're responsible for providing food not only for ukraine but for other countries. >> reporter: beyond production issues there is also a shortage of workers. some have joined the fight
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against the russian army. others have moved to safer areas or left the country altogether. a sector that employs hundreds of thousands in ukraine hollowing out as the war grinds on. ukraine is known as the breadbasket of europe. and so a war on this country is also an attack on all those who depend on it for food. hala gorani, cnn, lviv, ukraine. >> all right, hala, thank you very much. refugees helping refugees. people who have already fled ukraine volunteering to assist the war-weary now arriving and hungry.
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the number of people fleeing ukraine nearing four million tonight. cnn's matt rivers is at a refugee processing center in hungary for us, where ukrainians are seeking solace from the constant shelling and destruction of their homeland. here is that story. >> reporter: each time a new group shows up, it's anybody's guess how many refugees there will be, but more than a month into this war weary ukrainians keep coming and coming looking for safety in the hungarian capital of budapest. so authorities here say as compared to a few weeks ago, things are now much more organized. once people come in they get processed and the idea is get them to where they want to go. if they want to stay here they go to door number four for local
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accommodations. door number three would take them to the airport. door number two and number one over here is where refugees go when they want to go to the train station here locally. making their journey a little easier is julia. she is a volunteer translating ukrainian into hungarian or english or spanish. here she helps us speak with this couple who left behind family as they fled ukraine a week ago. are you worried about them? >> she wants everybody would stay alive and be healthy. >> reporter: she want everyone to be safe. >> finished. >> reporter: julia has a gentle touch with the new arrivals. she is warm and kind and empathetic because she, too, is a refugee from a suburb of kyiv. she fled amidst intense fighting a few weeks ago. yulia took this video just before she left of the shelter
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she used when the bombs were calling. on her way out of the city she took this video of shell casings on the ground. was it difficult to leave your country? >> yes, of course. >> reporter: why? >> because it's your country. it's your land. it's so, so shock -- so surprising for what's happened and for why. >> reporter: she has been here for several weeks with no plans to leave. yulia desperately wants to be back in ukraine, but for now she'll help however she can. why are you doing this? >> little help, it's help. everybody want help. ukraine, how you can. >> reporter: today that meant everything from serving up hot drinks to guiding this woman to get her medication. however she can show people that she cares and at the end of our interview a hug for us too. >> tell everybody about this. >> reporter: and a message. >> help, please. stop this. >> reporter: we will. thank you. >> you great.
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>> reporter: matt rivers, cnn, budapest, hungary. >> matt rivers, thank you so much. for ways you can help people affected by the war in ukraine, go to before we go, i want to make sure you know cnn + is here. it's going to have live news, exclusive films, interactive interviews, including my new show called "the don lemon show." learn more today at look at that. that was 20 pounds ago. thanks for watching, everyone. our live coverage continues.
8:57 pm
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this is cnn breaking news. >> hello, everybody. welcome to our viewers around the world and in the united states. i'm hala gorani reporting live from lviv in ukraine. it is just past 7:00 in the morning. it is raining down on this western ukrainian city. the very latest on our breaking news. u.s. and european leaders are reacting with skepticism to russia's claim that it's scaling back some military operations in the country. a cnn crew on the ground in kyiv has reported major artillery and rocket fire around the capital, and some intense fighting in the suburbs. take a look at the latest video. well, russia said during negotiations in turkey that it plans to reduce military
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