tv Erin Burnett Out Front CNN March 30, 2022 4:00pm-5:00pm PDT
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parental guidance, is i have no idea what i'm doing. i know questions i want to ask. >> you're a terrific dad, no doubt about na, anderson. thank you very much. you can watch new episodes of parental guidance with anderson cooper every wednesday only on cnn plus. i'm wolf blitzer in "the situation room." i'll be back on cnn plus with my new show the newscast back at 9 p.m. "erin burnett outfront" starts now. "out front" next, breaking news. ukraine's president said negotiations with russia are only words as putin keeps up the attacks. tensions grow between putin. plus, he was a filmmaker, went to the front lines to defend ukraine. now he's telling me what it's like to be a soldier. ukrainian soldier coming face to
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face with russian soldiers in a gun battle. and why putin's popularity in russia is higher than it's been in years. stunning. let's go "out front." good evening. i'm erin burnett. breaking news, they're only words from volodymyr zelenskyy. he is calling deescalation by russia after weeks of negotiation just talk. >> translator: yes, we have negotiations process, but they're only words without anything concrete. we will not give anything away and we will fight for every meter of our land. >> this comes as we are beginning to see the full scope of the misery and suffering inside ukraine. the pentagon warning tonight the capitol is still very much under threat. just outside kyiv you can hear the sound of explosions, terrifying explosions that rock the suburb of irpin again today.
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warning you the video we're about to show you is graphic. you see them collecting and lining up the bodies of people killed in this space of airstrikes. families with young children trying to seek refuge under that bridge. the mayor is saying 50% of the town, 50% of a bustling, prosperous suburb has been destroyed. one of the worst places hit, mariupol. >> devastating what we're seeing there. the place is just being decimated from a structural perspective by the onslaught of russian airstrikes. >> tonight new satellite images reveal the sheer destruction that putin's forces are bringing down on mariupol. show you images of a residential neighborhood. streets lined with trees. now show you the same area. look at that, that's the same place, almost completely gone.
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it's been torched like the soot across it. let me show you images of another area. 440,000 ukrainians called mariupol their homes. look at their homes. they don't have anything left resembling what the word home meant to them. we're also getting a new image of the mariupol theater. let me show you what it looked like when more than 1,000 people sought refuge in it. there it is, giant, beautiful building. now the city council says 300 people, maybe more died in that attack. there's the building, it's gone, they were underneath it buried alive. in northern ukraine near sumy ukrainian forces returning to a town that russian forces had tried to seize it. walls scorched, windows blown out, complete and utter devastation. there is tension in vladimir putin's inner circle. putin's advisers have been
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misleading him and about the effect that sanctions are having on the russian people. the relationship between putin and his ministry of defense led by sergei shoigu who went a week without being seen publicly, that relationship is particularly strained tonight. we have reporters across ukraine and hungary this evening. i want be to begin with fred pleitgen. "out front" live in kyiv. you're actually there where putin says he is withdrawing troops to belarus and the question is what is the reality on the ground? >> reporter: well, the reality on the ground, erin, there certainly isn't any deescalation we can see from our vantage point in kyiv. i would say throughout this evening there's been more shelling than we've seen over the past couple of weeks as we've been here. we've seen multiple or heard multiple rocket launchers or what sliejd full on artillery battle as well. one of the areas you're showing
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was irpin. that certainly is one of the main areas where things are still focusing. the russians had it. they tried to push into kyiv from there. the ukrainians held them up. they continue to hold them up. russians are unleashing the awful shelling that's hitting the northwestern outlets of kyiv. today we got as close as one can to irpin and in that area we can say there is still a lot of battles going on, a lot of very heavy shelling going on. we do have to warn our viewers that some of the video you're about to see is very graphic and very disturbing. >> heavily fortified checkpoints we reached the edge of kyiv near the summit of irpin. on top of the artillery barrages, we hear gunfire. much closer and we have to take cover. this is what it sounds like after russia said it has scaled down its military operations
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around kyiv. even in the calmer moments the big guns are never silent. this is the final checkpoint before you would be in the district of irpin but it's impossible for us to go there now simply because it's much too dangerous. also impossible for the people who live there to come back to their homes because there's still so much shelling going on and so much unexploded order na -- ordnance on the ground. now the ukrainians say they've pushed the russians back, taken control and released this kbrafk video of the aftermath. buildings destroyed, dead bodies still lying in the streets. ukraine's security emergency service has now also released this video showing rescuers taking out at least some of the dead while under fire from
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russian artillery. some of the remaining residents were also brought to safety including many children irpin's mayor tells me. >> translator: now irpin is 100% ukrainian. we are taking out the wounded and dead bodies. today and yesterday we evacuated approximately 500 people. today i myself evacuated about 50 children and 100 adults. >> reporter: the evacuees are brought to this base outside of irpin. it's not only people, aide groups are evacuating the animals left behind when their owners had to flee, including these puppies. >> we had volunteers going into the fire and picking animals on the street. >> under fire going into irpin and picking up animals? >> yes. yes. >> reporter: the ukrainian army said it's in the process of pushing troops out of the area hoping to silence putin's guns and hoping to restore calm to this once quaint suburb.
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>> reporter: erin, none of what we're seeing here looks like deescalation. the thunder of artillery you were hearing in that report has been a mainstay of life here, especially in the northwestern parts of kyiv throughout the last couple of days. one thing i did manage to do today, i managed to speak to the defense ministry of this country. they had some indication russian forces might be pulling away from kyiv possibly towards belarus. they don't believe that's any goodwill gesture from the russians. they believe they held the russians up, the russians are taking massive losses and they have to rotate the troops out here. >> thank you very much, fred. cedric late tyton is the former joint members of staff. let me start with you. president zelenskyy says the negotiations are all talk. the u.s. defense department says 20% of the forces moving against kyiv are repositioning, some
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heading towards belarus. some are saying they're going towards the chernobyl power plant. they're being pushed back as opposed to choosing to, some combination of all of it. it's unclear. how do you interpret all of this? >> erin, i think one of the key things here is that this repositioning of forces, even if it's a withdrawal, is perhaps only a temporary measure until those forces go back across the border into belarus or into russia itself, we really can't think of them as being out of the fight for kyiv. the other thing to look at is, you know, where do these forces end up eventually? are they going back to their home stations, their home bases which they haven't been at for months now. that would also be a key indicator that this would be over for them but at the moment i don't see this as being a major change in the russian strategy at all. >> so, paul, u.s. official in that context may not be a major
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shift to strategy at all. u.s. official says putin is being misinformed by his advisers about how badly his military is performing. how does he avoid looking weak or losing face due to his military's performance thus far? >> well, look, you know, it's not just his military's performance. he's been misleading himself for decades. he assiduously and systematically built the case of lies, an heedifice and he surrounded himself with yes men who tell him what he wants to hear and share the same dark view, same sense of resentment and bitter disappointment where russia is in the world. he may have been misled. there's not a lot of people who want to tell this particular emperor he has no clothes even though this particular emperor
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is often seen stripping to the wa waist and posing for call len ber boy suits. a lot of people who bring truth don't stay around very long. >> they certainly don't. colonel leighton, the russians now say they're trying to act as if any pullback from kyiv is part of the plan, right? they've accomplished what they want and -- which obviously makes no sense, but that's what they're saying. they're going to focus on the donbas which is what they intended to do all the way along. now, even if that's what they do, we'll see, they continue to share mariupol. it's not part of the donbas. it connects russia to the annexed crimea. they are communicating many of their plans militarily on open channels. how significant is the technical failure for them right now? >> it's huge, erin. it's an intelligence bonanza for the ukrainians. it goes back to things the
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russians have done in their military actually for over 100 years. they have this problem in world war i. they had this problem in world war ii. they're having it now. they don't understand communications security at the lower level and they are -- their encrypted system is supposed to work on 3g and 4g cell towers. they blew up a lot of those towers. that forces them to communicate in the clear. the fact that they're doing that makes it really easy for the ukrainians to pick it up and even private citizens in ukraine to help their forces intercept the locations and target the russian entities that are talking. >> it's pretty stunning when you think about it. so, paul, in the context of all of this, former president trump spoke out and he was talking about hunter biden and he was saying -- he said, quote, i would think putin would know the answer to that, referring to his allegations about hunter biden.
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he said i think we should release it. i think we should know that answer, right? talking about that putin should release, you know, everything that he knows about the bidens. you believe these words matter. tell me why. >> look, we're in the gravest foreign policy crisis, the most dangerous situation since the cuban missile crisis. we've got a commander in chief trying to rally our allies, trying to bolster ukrainian forces, trying to stare down putin and keep us out of world war iii and trying to support the civilians and to have a former president undermine the commander of chief in this situation for me is gravely disappointing. frankly, shocking. >> thank you both very much. i appreciate your time. >> you bet, erin. next, just give us a command. we will kill them all.
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those are the words of the ukrainian soldier on the front lines tonight. you're not hearing from very many of them, but tonight you will hear from this young man. my interview with him next. plus, it could be one of the biggest prizes for putin. is russia eyeing the port city of odesa. the academy apologizing to chris rock tonight revealing will smith was asked to leave. pedialyte powder packs. feel better fast.
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tonight saying morale in russian soldiers that some are refusing to carry out orders and sabotaging and even accidentally shooting down their own aircraft. incredibly enormous things to say. ukraine's president says russia's plan to pull back troops from kyiv is, quote, the result of the work of our defenders who pushed them back. tonight in a very rare interview we're hearing from one of those defenders on the front lines right now fighting for his country. "out front" now, a ukrainian filmmaker fighting on the front lines with the ukraine military. vlad, i know you and your unit have been fighting in irpin outside kyiv and also in kyiv. you have filmed some of what you have seen. what is it like? what have you been seeing, vlad?
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>> you know, like on the third day it was the beginning of irpin operations. russia was on the north, we were on the south. we came there to take civilians out with like a lot of cars. and at some moment i hear an explosion and a second explosion really, really fast and close. people was like, oh, it's a shelling. i was like, no, it's not. i've had some experience before. i understood right next corner, it was scary. when you hear the sound of tanks working your direction, like all your stomach inside of you jumping. firing at the houses and then our guys, it was first time when
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i actually saw russian soldiers like this and take part of gunfire. you know from what happens and continues next week, oh, my god. this is terrifying. see how absolutely beautiful and modern city became ruined. it's very traumatic experience to be honest. when you see people there. it's bad to say. they are in a group and freezing. didn't know what to do. they need somebody to come and say like, hey, guys, you need walk and they start walking. >> you're obviously right now, vlad, on the front lines of what's happening. >> yes. >> are you advancing -- pushing russian's out? what is the situation right now? >> the situation here is very weird. i am on the northeast of kyiv
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and yesterday in the news we hear that russia will go back and what happens in reality in the middle of the night, we just have a command to jump in the car and went for -- so our job was to fly with night plane and see a group of enemy because there was information that they collect 200 vehicles and 40 tanks in the next town after our town. but unfortunately we was spot by russian drone so we was escaping because they just like spotted us and at some moment russians find us, so we just escape because it's really, really dangerous to be in the middle of the night field alone. and after that the whole night there was heavy fight here and
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it was over only around 1 p.m. today but it's not like they just keep -- leave us alone and go home. no. no. no. it's not like that. >> you're saying it's intense fighting. >> yes. >> i know you're fighting with other young menu know. you're a veteran. you fought before. many of the guys you're with in the room with you now and that are fighting with you now have fought with you before. >> yeah. >> for lack of a better term, how do you feel your morale is? do you guys feel you are winning? >> again, like i never saw this speed from ukrainian army in '14, '15, '16. it was different now. even one soldier who was like, i don't know. no, no, no, actually here people are disappointed that russians are leaving. for real. they're like, what, we came --
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>> because they want to fight? >> yeah, yeah, yeah. it's a lot of jokes here like i never saw people so high level of spirits for real. for real. this is what makes me calm. you know, when you see civilian are suffering, you just -- the kind of feelings i just try to leave them back and just think about what's going on here and what i see here. like, wow, our army, our volunteers, our like territorial defense, everybody like just -- just give us a command. we will kill them all. this is how i feel for real. only one concern, we don't have enough like heavy weapon, for real, and it's true. we have enough people, we have enough spirit but not enough weapons. just too much russians. there is a lot of them. >> so, you know, you've been documenting this, your experience as a filmmaker, obviously you're a veteran soldier and you've been documenting video diaries when
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you're on patrol. one of the things i saw, vlad, you posted was women who have been -- you ran into who were cooking food, cooking food and helping to support your team and you filmed this odd moment but it was so powerful. they are dancing because they were happy to help. >> yes. >> tell me about that and why it's so important for you to document this experience that you're going through. >> you know, the media that's working here, there was never war before that was covered so well as the great war in ukraine but still i see the picture of the war, it's something different than actual war and, you know, like ukraine is heroes, russian are the
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bastards. the things that war is awful thing to be involved in at all. just you need to kill people. like it's unbelievable. just you need to go in the forest and kill somebody. just think about that. you're a regular person, there is a gun. go to the forest. there is 20 people. they want to kill you. you need to kill them first. everybody tells you you're a hero, but i don't feel like that at the moment. it's weird. you need to ruin like people's houses to kill your enemy. i'm trying to document it in an honest way because now i look at the war as it is. hey, we're ukrainians. we're ukrainians, we're defending our country. but war in general, it's not the best thing to take part in. at some moment you will be not a white knight in shining clothes but like dark knight whose killing people. >> vladimir, i really appreciate
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your time. thank you so much for joining me. >> thank you for your attention. >> to all of your colleagues, the other soldiers in the room, they sat as you did this so thanks to them as well. >> thank you. >> next, dangerous cracks appear to be forming within putin's inner circle. tensions incredibly high between putin and his defense chief whose recent so-called public appearances raised questions about his standings and whereabouts. plus a frantic search and rescue effort in a city after a big missile strike caught on camera killed 15 people. that oddly satisfying feeling
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could be the black sea port of odesa. ed lavandera is out front. putin sees it that way. ukraine sees it that way. is there a sense odesa could be next? >> reporter: well, they're watching very closely what's happening with the russian forces around kyiv and really trying to figure out what is going to come next. what is going to be that next step. right now russian forces have been stalled out for some time about halfway between here and mariupol so there is talk early on. it's been relatively. it's here in this region.
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surveillance and reconnaissance missions over this area that they're on high alert. erin, when we drove in earlier today, the road coming from north of odesa down to this city was lined with checkpoints. almost all of the billboards along the road has turned into this pro ukrainian antirussian force messages kind of directly directed at the soldiers that would be coming down this way if there was an invasion that would take place in this city but, you know, there has been relative calm and perhaps maybe a false sense of security. we drove around. there's many parts of it that look like an ordinary, average day here in odesa. in fact, just north of the city we saw farmers plowing farm fields. this is considered one of the bread baskets of the world. so it's kind of surreal to see all of that real life kind of playing out in the midst of this
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war here in the odesa region. >> thank you very much, ed lavandera. as the war is now in the second month, thousands of russian troops have been killed. independent pollster in russia finds putin's approval rating, this may surprise some watching, is up 83%, up 12 points from just last month. "out front" is stanislav cutcher who left the country. i appreciate your time and your perspective now. the polls. this approval rating of 83%. only 15% disapprove. directionally, these numbers are significant and moves are significant. why do russians support putin in the face of everything that's been happening? and there seems to be strengthening in that support. >> two points. erin, like the clothes you're
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wearing, for example, did you make it with your own hands? question, did you make it with your own hands? >> no. >> of course. because you trust the manufacturer, right? >> yes skbr so the same with ideas. a lot of russians just are literally wearing the ideas because they trust the manufacturer and the mfrper of their hats is putin and his propaganda machine. so for 22 years they have been fed that information through basically one and the same channel so once you do not just have other sources of information and you can say, well, but you do have the internet, you have different telegram channels, social media, et cetera, et cetera. again, if you just go to work every day, go about your routine, just tlaus that manufacturer of information, that's television, still television for the majority of
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russians, then you just trust it and that's reason number one. well, as for reason number two, look, let's say italy of 1930 with mumusilini, what do you expect them to say? if you have something like that in germany of 1939 or 1940 or any time during the soviet era in the soviet union. yes, there was no way anybody would answer that i do not trust the communist party or the president. of course, on the one hand i do not trust those polls. we cannot trust their exact numbers no matter what they say. >> right. >> on the other hand, yes, a lot
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of russians. the so-called aggressively silent majority is where they are. the approval. >> that's interesting. the way you described it. i think it's important for the world to understand that. there's a lot of hopeful analysis and the reality. >> education and information are the only keys to changing the mindset of russians. >> so a u.s. official tells cnn putin is being misinformed. so you saw video today that really stood out to you where you saw this tension. this is a former military russian leader on russian television criticizing the russian defense minister. this is important. let me just play it. >> translator: that is why our troops have to seriously think because our paper commander can't come up with more troops
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out of thin air and he can't admit that he fell short. i want to admit that ukraine's leadership in a much more adequate way from a military standpoint than russia. you can call me a traitor if you want. >> this stood out to you. paper commander can't admit he fell short. these are really aggressive things to say. what does it say to you? >> this says to me there is confusion in the russian elites. he was the defense minister of donbas and he was actually one of the guys who originally instigated, unleashed the war in ukraine in 2014. >> right. >> so he's always been very critical of -- well, not always been. in the past few years he's been very critical of the russian government saying they're not
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persistent enough. they should go into action in ukraine and right now he's criticizing hard calling him a paper minister admitting he has no experience whatsoever and the operation is a disaster and saying the ukrainian leadership is a lot more professional than the russian military leadership. so, yes, he's not -- i mean, the guy is not acting alone. he has a lot of military veterans behind him and moreover i'm pretty sure he's controlled by the president's -- by certain people in the president's administration, the president's office. so he represents the party of war who is very strictly against shoygu and who does want it. >> fascinating and so significant that you saw it. thank you so much, stanislav.
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>> thank you. one family's terrifying story of being forced to leave their home after russians took control of their village. >> how old is she? >> five. >> and she asked if the tank will shoot at us? >> yes, because she saw tanks every day. the academy calling will smith's slap shocking. they asked him to leave the ceremony. he refused. apply today.
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frantic search and rescue efforts continue tonight in the southeastern city of mykolaiv. 15 people were killed and dozens more injured and an unknown number remain buried. we know the death toll only of 15. this horrifying video coming in and then it blasted a hole in the side of the building that has resulted in so much death. matt rivers is "out front" tonight in hungary. that is where refugees fleeing attack like that are seeking
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safety. >> reporter: zaporizhzhia train station just across the border from ukraine. it's here where they touch hungarian soil for the first time. people have been arriving here since the first days of the war and these are the people that chose to stay longer up until they couldn't. people like elena who left with her husband and three daughters. >> how old is she? >> five. >> and she asked if the tank would shoot at us? >> yes. because she saw tank every day because they -- >> she saw russian tanks? >> russian tanks. a lot of russian tanks. >> elena said russian soldiers had occupied her village and set up artillery positions and they started to target them. just a few days ago there was an explosion about 100 meters from her house. right after it hit she knew it was time to go. she says, i thought to myself, i'm 34. i have three children.
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it can't end like this so we walked right into the forest for two hours. a ukrainian soldier then stopped us and told us there were snipers everywhere. they put us underneath shields and walked us to safety because there were firefights everywhere. they never wanted to leave, she said, but eventually she had no choice. it is a common sentiment from those here who waited for weeks after the invasion to make a brutal decision to flee the only home they've ever known. olessia was one of them. we stayed a really long time after the war started, she said, about a month. every day the sound of the bombing got closer and closer. our building is small. our building didn't have a basement and there was no cover available. she joined the hundreds of thousands of ukrainians that have arrived here in hungary. as her kids sit and play in her lap she gets emotional about the threat to their lives and others. i can't understand why, she
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says, choking up. there are lots of small children who died and i can't understand the purpose of this war. it's not only my children that are in danger. the ukrainian prosecutor's office says at least 145 children have died in the war, a number that is almost certainly an under count. olessia fled because she didn't want her kids added to the list. now she gets back on the train headed towards buddha pest with an uncertain future amidst a horrible war. >> reporter: eastern, right now a number of refugees continue to chickle in. we spent the day at the train station. the story of elena who walked through the forest with her family, she's not alone in that story. we spoke with two other families who went through the same experience, they just didn't want to go through the camera. walking through the forest, avoiding roads, trying to avoid firefights between the russians
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and the ukrainian armies. staggering the lengths families are having to go right now to try and get somewhere safe. >> thank you very much. and next, officials on the u.s. border bracing for migrant surge as the biden administration plans to lift a key pandemic rule. plus, the academy releasing details about what was taking place behind the scenes after will smith slapped chris rock. lavender baths always calmed him. so we turned bath time into a b business. ♪ and building it with my son has been my dream job. ♪ at northwestern mutual, our version of financial planning helps you live your dreams today. find a northwestern mutual advisor at your mission: stand up to moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis. and take. it. on... ...with rinvoq. rinvoq a once-daily pill
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she is one of more than 140 migrants who in the span of 30 minutes were dropped off by border patrol at the del rio respite center. this month border patrol has dropped off more than 4400 migrants, the director here. more than twice the number in january. >> i would say that 4400 is a drop in the bucket. >> reporter: these are migrants who were processed and allowed into the u.s. despite title 42. the pandemic public health rule which allows border patrol to swiftly return some migrants mostly to mexico without the opportunity to seek asylum. burrow is bracing for an even bigger surge when the biden administration lifts title xlii. dhs officials preparing for up to 18,000 migrants to attempt to enter the u.s. a day. >> reporter: are you prepared for title xlii to lift? >> i don't think anyone can truly be prepared. >> reporter: in the past two
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years 1.7 million migrants have been expelled under the trump era rule. this week the cdc is set to decide if the order is necessary. if you ask the sheriff -- >> i wish they would extend it -- he pints to the more than 15,000 migrants who he says camped under a bridge here in september of last year waiting for immigration authorities to process them. >> last year we called it a crisis. it's going to be a disaster. >> reporter: here in the dell rio sector border patrol has encountriered more than 150,000 migrants this year, a 215% increase from the same time last year. allison shows us the rio grande was waist deep when they crossed. >> were you scared? >> she was a little scared. >> reporter: the biden administration is facing
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pressure from all sides. immigration advocates and democrats who say there is no health basis for keeping the trump era rule and for republicans who have been pushing for biden's plans when title 42 expires. the sheriff says migrants are waiting across the rio grande for title xlii to end. >> how big are the groups in acuna? >> they weren't able to give me a number. i know there's people walking up and down the streets everywhere. >> reporter: taking to social media to show how groups of migrants are going to happen. some migrant processing facilities have reached capacity. >> your message to the biden administration? >> you know, it's time to execute a plan. they've got a plan, let's start excourting it. >> you're doing okay? >> uh-huh. >> as for allison and migrants like her who make a shortstop at the respite center, it's back on
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buses this time taking their dreams to destinations across america. >> what you see behind me is mexico. according to a federal law enforcement official, they're waiting for title xlii to lift. now we know the biden administration is planning to do that on may 23rd. meanwhile, dhs working on three scenarios. for holding capacity to be at 30,000. >> thank you very much. next, more breaking news. the academy revealing for the first time that will smith was asked to leave the oscar ceremony and, well, he refused. now the academy says it's taking action against smith. ♪ luncnchables! buililt to be eaten.
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academy said it could handle a deeply dramatic and shocking situation differently. they had a message for chris rock. they say, mr. rock, we apologize for what you experienced on our stage and thank you for your resilience in that moment. mr. will smith, the academy has begun disciplinary proceedings. thank you for joining us. ac 360 starts now. good evening. tonight in ukraine skepticism about a claim russian military is drawn down. replaced by outright scorn. >> translator: yes, we have negotiations process but they're only words without anything concrete. there are other words about alleged pull back of russian troops from kyiv and cherniev and reduction of occupiers in these territories. this is not a retreat, this is the result of the work o
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