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tv   Don Lemon Tonight  CNN  April 4, 2022 8:00pm-9:00pm PDT

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>> we have to get information, we need to continue to get ukraine the weapons that need to continue the fight and get all of the detail to have a war time trial. >> president volodymyr zelenskyy there could be more bodies. witnessing the carnage there for the world to see. the world is horrified of what happened in bucha. you were there, you witnessed it tell us what you saw. >> devastating scene that is we saw. one of the things that stands out, it has been four days since the russians retreated from bucha. the folks are still finding dead bodies in the cars, and destroyed house, and executed in basements, we witnessed that
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first hand. i need to warn our viewers that what you are about to see is extremely disturbing and graphic. >> ukrainian authorities lead us into a basement they call a russian execution. their hands tide behind their backs, bullets in the walls. the ukrainians said russians used this as a military base while occupying bucha. an advisor to ukraine's minister not trying to contain his anger. five corpses were found here, with their hands tied behind their backs. they were shot in the head and chest, and tortured before. >>ed body c the body collectors
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hard time. >> hundreds, not dozens. >> the kremlin denied russia was behind any atrocities in bucha. they say it is fake news and propaganda. it looks like a fox hole position. over there, they seemed to have dug in a tank. on the outer wall, a letter v. they painted on their vehicles before invading this part of ukraine. now, other towns around kyiv. ukrainians made a stand, and stopped them from entering the
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city. after russian forces left bucha, many corpses lying in the street. president calls what happened here a war crime. while visiting bucha. these are war crimes, he says. they will be recognized by the world. are you here, you can see what happened. thousands were killed and tortured, raped women, killed children. many say 150 are buried here, nobody knows the exact number. here, too, the scenes are tragic. valdimir has been searching for his younger brother. he thinks he lies here, but he
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can't be sure. the neighbor accompanying him has strong words for the russians. >> why do you hate ukraine so much she said? since the 1930, you have been abusing us. you wanted us gone. we will be. everybody will be okay. i believe it. more corpses are already on the way. at the end of the day, we meet the body collectors again. another nine bodies found in this tour alone. unlikely to be the last. >> one thing we have to understand about the volunteers, don. they go around every day, searching for more bodies, they have already recovered hundreds of bodies. one of the things that stood out, as they were unloading that van, first of all, how many bodies they picked up that day. they had one bag that was light. it was a single leg badly
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burned. those are the things these people have to deal with. they understand, it will be more days that they will have to to that work. >> the president, volodymyr zelenskyy is warning we will see more towns like bucha, and more casualties. based on what you witnessed is he right? >> yes, the foreign minister said it could be the tip of the iceberg. i have gone around the area, near kyiv, to the northwest, to some of the towns and suburbs there, and almost all of them, we saw utter devastation. houses destroyed. buildings, and quite frankly, a lot of destroyed russian armoras well. one place that stood out, you went down the main street, and everything seemed to be in ruins. there, a family came to us, and said they returned.
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there were russian soldiers who ransacked the house. they found a dead body in their backyard also, with his hands tied behind his back and a bullet wound to the head. that alone seems to indicate that possibly there could be father instances similar to what we have seen in bucha, don. >> be safe, thank you, sir. >> now, sebastian, thank you. >> painful images to see. some with their hands bound behind their backs. how important is it, we want to turn away. we have to see what they represent, no? >> we have to know what is happening in the world. also, if we don't process this
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legally, politically, there is no chance of a true accounting. even if the perpetrators are not brought to justice, for history, it must be known. >> i am not a dip plat. the calculation to doing more comes to a reasonable fear of a catastrophic war with russia. i don't think it will change that calculus. i don't think there will be a no-fly zone because of this. what have you. it will affect cutting off oil, coal from russia. you look at this, where is the line? the fear of nuclear, for someone just slaughtering people. it is genocide, no? >> it is. and unfortunately, it is kind of
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common. it happened in chechnya, and kosovo. investigating the crime scene left behind by retreating serb soldiers in kosovo. hundreds were killed. usually, it was civilians, and reprisals for attacks on the soldiers. some soldiers would get killed. they round up everybody in the nearest village and machine gun them. over and over again. >> the president is there. he saw the carnage first hand. he said it is difficult to negotiation with the russians after seeing what they have done. do you think you can make peace with people who are responsibility for such -- peace is maybe a different matter. the war will end when putin
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realizes he is losing more than he is gaining. i don't know what ukrainians are ready to give up. kosovo got their independence. bosnia as well. clearly, this isn't the war he thought he was going to fight. i don't think even he knows how will it end. >> i was fascinating by the interview that he had yesterday. the former korkofski, once the most richest man in russia, he knows how putin thinks, he said this, watch this. >> all his life, he has always dealt with the criminal elements, was indeed, himself part of that criminal world. he doesn't treat the law seriously.
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or state institutions for that matter. in his world, the main thing is force. if you don't show him force, if he senses that you are weak, as he does for example about mr. macron, he simply takes advantage of you. when he feels force,afraid of force, he is ready to talk. >> the question is is the line. sheer force is going to stop putin. what does it mean for ukrainians? they are going to continue to be bombarded with missiles, and artillery. >> in the russians were driven out of afghanistan, then the u.s. was driven out of afghanistan. it was a toss up in iraq, i would say. the history of insurgencies
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fighting great powers are very successful. even if he sort of has a tactical win, i don't think he will. he has an occupation to run, a country like russia a country like the united states, way more wealthy, can't do it indefinitely. they eventually step away. they are bleeding economically. >> 10 days after putin's invasion, you laid out what makes underdogs successful in war. fearless leadership, and six weeks into the war, the ukrainians have all of that how do you see it playing out. >> the cost to the people of ukraine is horrific. i would guess they'll win this
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eventually. >> you do? >> i do. they might lose kyiv. i -- russia has a tippy economy. ukraine is 44 million people. the russians could barely take chechnya. keeping it, would be a nightmare for them. eventually, i think that -- i mean, what may wind up happening, there is a concession. they divide it somehow or whatever. the idea of controlling ukraine completely is unrealistic. >> being on the ground, being able to talk to people and experience it with them. my particularly experience. you know, while i was there, you know, i saw the only person of color i saw was the defense secretary. a photographer on the plane and
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one african for one and a half, almost two weeks. people's reaction to me there. all very kind. it was a different experience for them. a journalist of color covering them. i want to write about it. it was fascinating, people staring at me on the street as i was walking by. >> extraordinary for both you and them. >> to be an american in the war zones, it is quite a unique experience for us. >> yes, we are a very lucky country. we are not doing well at the moment at managing that good luck that we have. i hope we turn the corner somehow. you don't have to go far into the world to realize how extraordinarily luck and free we are. >> always a pleasure. the next target may be the city
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of kharkiv .
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grillin', chillin', spillin', dillin'. bec-ing. never brie-ing. smokin', yolkin', flippin', dippin'. if you're not oozing, then you're losing. tater totting, cold or hotting. mealin', feelin', pie-ing, trying. color your spread. upgrade your bread. pair it. share it. kraft singles. square it.
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a top ukrainian military official warning that they are trying to surround troops in the east and capture the city of kharkiv. some of the images are you about to see are graphic. >> reporter: here in kharkiv, one of the most important cultural sites, workers cover
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him in sand bags, against the kind of destruction that pounded the city center. the most spectacular strike, a missile into the regional administration building. it struck here, the idea of hitting a building like this is to deny it legitimacy of the state. playground by playground, mall by mall, park bench by park bench. what we find, people sitting outside, chatting on a sunday afternoon. kids, playing. we find the tell tale partern of a mortar. seven were killed. many more injured. 40 miles from the rush yap --
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russian border. the this civil said he was captured and held. >> when dusk fall, children are outside playing, getting the last bit of fresh air before descending underground in one of the many subway stations, after 40 days of war, they turned their temporary homes into a neighborhood. some demerated with fresh flowers. zenna said she has been living down here since the beginning. >> this is my house. it used to be my house. now, it has been bombed three times in a row.
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>> this is a safe space for you. >> and the kids. >> absolutely. >> kids do what kids do. homework and handicrafts, even this is organized. marina works for an organization who plans ways to keep the children busy, entertains, and their minds off the trauma. >> playing grounds, this place for kids. where they can play with toys, and make puzzles and do things they did in their usual life before the war. >> the trauma is never far away. as we found in this under ground station. civil defense are teaching kids how to protect themselves. how to recognize weapons and remember never to touch. the adults are shown how to protect themselves in case of a chemical weapon attack. even this maternity hospital was
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damaged in a mortar strike, now the basement is a shelter and delivery room. birth, life continues. we met her 30 minutes after she delivered her baby. >> my first daughter. >> your first child? >> yes. >> she tells us, i love my country, i love my daughter, my family. she said, everything will be great for us, in the delirium. >> now, we hear regular artillery drils between both sides. >> christiane amanpour, thank you very much. >> the violence, sparking calls for war crimes trials for the
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disturbing images, in bucha. as they try to account for the dead, fears are that it may be
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worse in other towns, how does this change the battle for ukraine? former defense advisor to ukraine, john collins, and the chair at madison forum, i am honored to have you both on. i will start with you. we discussed up to now, why is this different? so, bombing civilian targets, they can say, in this case, the aggressor can say whatever they were shooting at had military people in it we discussed this in the past. they can argue away what they did. clear war crimes that will be investigated. there is a different level.
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i don't think war crimes is the right word, it is genocide, to tie someone's hands and shoot them in the back of the head. that is an intimate type of evil, that is a crime against humanity. >> colonel, for weeks now, we heard they have low morale, any way to explain this? >> without a doubt. war crimes, poorly lead, soldiers, they sat on the border for months, putin gave them -- didn't tell them why they are waging the war. they are getting slaughtered. seeing their friends get killed. they are lashing out on
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civilians. >> russia seems to be intent of surrounding and attacking cities like mariupol. how long before it is block to block fighting? >> they have been sieged for a long time. it could go weeks, to be honest. depending on the situation they have. underground, mariopol. this is want just focus on the east, finish the job, and create some tich a win. i think we are going to see more war crimes, see russia pay a
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bigger price, their dying isn't over yet. what happened nobucha, that is a rally to these people to keep fighting. it emboldens them. remember butch aremember these crimes. >> do you think the reports of the war crimes change the way the ukrainians are fighting and what the u.s. is -- >> i understand this is what putin does. i understand this happened around the world. i don't care. this is our moment. we are the leaders of the free world. this should change everything. those images, you have been over there. you know these war crimes. there are four forms of power, military, send them more soviet tanks, send them everything. there is diplomatic power, economic power, bring down the,
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yes, without escalating to nuclear war. >> colonel, now, escaping artillery fire, and now, the port city of odesa, what can ukrainians do to fight back, if russian's goal is destruction, and more claiming more territory? more so than claiming more terr territory? >> he has failed to take the cities, he is laying artillery on them, that is the only option. attacking in the time and play, and superior troops, superior leaders, superior culture. they will defeat russian forces. they are facing overwhelming combat power. it is a slow counter attack, to chip away what russia was able
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to seize. it will be more like kyiv. to be effective, and push the forces back. >> in the coming days and weeks, many more than rubble by the time they are able to wrestle them back. what is the significance of taking back a decimated city? >> the answer is no, the cities are the people. all of the refugees, even the people who are hiding in the rubble, that is the city. it is not the building. it is the ukrainian people. they will live again. >> and to have results by may 9th, victory celebrates the victory in world war two. how much more dangerous, or will
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he claim victory regardless of what is real on the battle field? >> he will claim victory any way he can. he will try to claim something. there is nothing more putin can do to escalate other than launching and killing more civilians, that will continue to pay a higher price for that diplomatically and economically. the they have been been decimated, the there is not much more he can do, except shell and destroy cities. thank you very much, i appreciate you. >> warning civilian killings will rise. a former aide joins me, next.
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large out-of-state corporations have set their sights on california. they've written a ballot proposal to allow online sports betting. they tell us it will fund programs for the homeless,
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but read the fine print. 90% of the profits go to out-of-state corporations, leaving almost nothing for the homeless. no real jobs are created here. but the promise between our state and our sovereign tribes would be broken forever. these out-of-state corporations don't care about california. but we do. stand with us. ukrainian president volodymyr zelenskyy touring bucha today. there, civilian bodies across the street, and ensighting international outrage. we realize it is early there, we
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thank you for joining us. at points during his tour of bucha, president volodymyr zelenskyy looked disturbed, how what of a toll is this taking on him? >> he is the face of ukraine. the nation is shaking, all this despair. and this is not something that someone can actually expect to see. his face, he has changed in the last 41 day, absolutely. it is 40 days, looks like 40 years to be frank. try to understand, war crimes and 410 bodies ukrainian
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civilians were taken to forensics on sunday. bucha is not the worst. we are expecting information coming from other cities that have been bombed heavily by russians in the last month and a half. 400,000 citizens, bucha had 30,000 people. you can imagine bodies there. >> wow, unbelievable. i mean, it is just unbelievable. volodymyr zelenskyy talked a about -- >> the longer the russian federation delays the meetings, the worse it will be. occupying territories, you can see what is happening here. it is difficult to negotiate,
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when you see what they have done here. every day, we find people strangled in basements. if they have any brains left, they should think faster. >> what do you happening the impact of what happened to bucha will be on potential negotiations with russia? >> of course, russia makes it difficult. volodymyr zelenskyy, neerks with a terrorist country. they are unreliability, and russia behaves aggressive. what he means that if we do not see justice for all the crimes that russia is committing here in ukraine, that will be there is no justice at all. the whole infrastructure built after world war ii doesn't make any difference in this world. we are grateful for all american
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journalists who stay in ukraine. we know it is difficult, very dangerous, they put their lives under risk to cover this for the world. this is justice against russian propaganda, and all of those atrocities and war crimes happening right now. ukraine is waiting for justice. what american media is doing there is for justice in the future. ukraine will need to continue negotiations, negotiations is the way to finish all the horrors happening in ukraine. and negotiation and when putin can withdraw troops from ukrainian territories. it must tchblt we expect justice in the future. >> the ukrainian president
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addressed the grammy awards last night. here is what he said. >> musicians wear body armor, they sing to those in hospitals, the music will break through anyway. we defend our freedom to live, to love, on our land, we are fighting russia, which brings horrible surveillance. fill the surveillance with your music. fill it today to tell our story. >> he wants people here and across the world to tell the story. we know art is important to the people of ukraine. how do you want people to tell your story? >> volodymyr zelenskyy uses smart strategy, different forms, and talking to those who have impact. those who have impact with art.
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ukrainian artists and musicians, they are on the front lines, we have had people who are young, and known for their songs died on the front lines. one is 33 years old. 48 hours before that he was instagram, he smiled, that was the moment, he would see them smile. that he is fighting there for us. and in 48 hours we learned he died. when volodymyr zelenskyy tries to take to those to make impact of art, this is very smart, i know this is his personal decision, he is appreciative of all the world. it is disappointing that he wasn't able to show his record,
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it is not possible for them to say, it is politics, we are killed, we need to stay silent. we cannot stay silent. we must tell the world in every form that is possible. >> we are out of time. we hope you will come back. >> thank you for having me and telling the trumpth. >> slshlt the truth. >> we will continue to do that. >> the stftfr one girl now in hungary. next.
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tonight, the u.n. saying more than 4 million refugees have fled ukraine since the start of russia's war more than a month ago. one of those refugees is 17-year-old ala who lived in kyiv. for her own safety, her parents sent her to hungary when russia started bombing ukraine. ala is now studying at a high school in budapest. here is cnn's matt rivers. >> reporter: she's got a pink backpack, a warm smile, and she's already made friends. even though 17-year-old ala, a ukrainian, has only been here in budapest, hungary, for a month. 6th of march? in an empty classroom of her new school, we sit and talk about hig how she never thought she'd end up here.
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>> no, no war. it's 2 -- yes, 21st century. it's ukraine, it's europe. why? >> reporter: before the war, she is just a normal teenager making goo goofy videos with her friends, taking selfies. but then, the war reached where she lived in kyiv. when did your family decide that you -- it wasn't safe for you to be in ukraine anymore? >> when we heard explosions and our house is just, like -- >> your house was shaking? >> yes. >> reporter: her parents made the agonizing decision to send her to stay with friends in budapest. ala's dad took her to the train station on march 4th. but in the crush of people also trying to leave, they were separated. could you see your dad when you -- when the train was leaving? >> no. >> reporter: was that hard? >> yeah. yeah. i cried maybe all night. >> reporter: she took only these pictures from the train. a bleak landscape she says matched how she felt.
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but then, an idea. she wrote an e-mail to baptist high school, one of the best in hungary, talking about the war and what happened to her. i really want to go to school, and continue studying she wrote. i kindly ask you to help me. and help, they did. the school converted these old containers into dorms where ala now lives and studies. her days are spent in classes, and at night, she chats with a few other ukrainian girls just like her who also fled, now living there too. even though she does still miss her family. >> i try to not cry and -- and i try to be strong because my parents -- i know that when i crying, they also feel not -- not very good. >> reporter: that strength on full display when ala video calls with her parents later that day. it's all smiles and updates on school and work. we say hello and ask an obvious question.
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how difficult is it right now to not have ala with you? >> cannot explain because it's too hard for me. i'm happy that my daughter -- i love her very much. she is safe now. >> reporter: a few minutes later, though, the call is over and ala's stoic facade falters. how was that for you? >> oh, i try to -- >> they love you very much. what are you thinking? >> it's unfair.
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it's so unfair that i should be here. >> reporter: this is what war does to a happy 17-year-old. but she is determined to stay optimistic. this is a photo she wanted us to show. her parents sent it to her right after she left. the first spring flower to push through the snow near her house. a sign they said of brighter times to come. and, don, one detail we didn't put in that story but it's just staggering. right after ala got on that train and her dad tried to go home from the train station in kyiv, an air-raid siren went off in kyiv. he was not actually allowed to leave that train station. he was forced to spend the night in the train station. he had no idea if his daughter arrived safely in hungary until she got there the next day and
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they were able to make contact after she got service and he deposgot out of that train station. just an unimaginable situation as a father to be put in, not knowing if your daughter is safe after she had to get on that train in such a devastating fashion. don? >> matt rivers, thank you so much. and thanks for watching, everyone. our live coverage continues. so subaru is growing o our commitment to protect the environment. in partnership with the national forest foundation, subaru and our retailers are proud to help replant 1 million trees to help restore our forests. subaru. more than a car company.
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are you a christian author with a book that you're ready to share with the world? get published now, call for your free publisher kit today! this is cnn breaking news. hello. i'm john vause live in lviv, ukraine. welcom


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