tv Anderson Cooper 360 CNN April 6, 2022 5:00pm-6:00pm PDT
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people to tear up their lawns and bracing for 4 million visitors this summer. >> 4 million people on that space, wow, it's amazing. i think just over the past few years the different images in our heads. thanks very much, bill. amazing report. thanks. and thanks to all of you for watching. ac 360 starts now. good evening. six weeks into russia's invasion of ukraine we begin tonight with the words premeditated, planned, and very, very deliberate. those words come from senior american defense official and describe the administration's assessment at the atrocities in bucha. in addition an official familiar with the latest information says that identifying the responsible russian units is now within reach, and yoequote, an extreme high priority for the intelligence community. comfort that the russian forces
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have completely withdrawn from areas around kyiv and chernhihiv. drone video today taken march 7th. a car apparently taken fire from a nearby russian tank position stops. you see the driver getting out, raise his hands above his head, and then was shot dead. man's wife was also killed inside the vehicle. new drone video as well tonight about the extensive network of trenches russian troops dug to the north of kyiv, specifically and horrifyingly in the radioactive soil near the chernobyl power plant site of the world's worst nuclear disaster. six weeks into the war russian forces still do not control mariupol in the southeast.
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the mayor today says the world has not seen tragedy in such a scale, and these are his words, quote, since the nazi concentration camps. with that and the bucha atrocities in mind president biden today amped up the economic pressure on moskow. >> first, the united states will impose full blocking sanctions on spear. bank, by far the largest institution in russia and alpha bank, its largest private bank. we're locking down any accounts, any funds those banks hold in the united states. they'll not be able to touch any of their money. they'll not be able to do any business here. and second, i'm going to sign an executive order going to ban any new u.s. investment in russia. more than 600 private sector companies. >> the president also says more kremlin family members would face sanctions with the new list including vladimir putin's two adult daughters as well as the wife and daughter of foreign minister sergey lavrov. as always there's a lot to cover
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with christiane amanpour in kyiv, and phil mattingly and also dana bash. we begin with christiane's report. >> reporter: welcome to sasha's restaurant, it says. only sasha's is no more, nor are any of the apartments in this block above. a dining table and chairs, a jacket blowing in the wind still intact. the only visible reminders of the families who live here. the crows call above this city. perhaps they sense the death here. it is clear that the heavy destruction is mostly along the main streets. it appears the russian armored columns simply opened up with heavy machine guns and artillery as they rumbled through town. brick by brick today the digging starts, trying to find civilians
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or their bodies buried beneath the rubble when even their basement shelters were turned into grave yards. on this corner they're looking for at least four missing from this block alone says victoria ruben who's with the rescue team. we've never seen anything like this. it is very difficult for us, she says, and not only for us but for the residents. it is a great tragedy because of an ill disciplined force with a license to kill. so this is vladimir putin's idea of the liberating a fraternal brotherly nation. so either he's doing all this because he loves ukrainians or as many believe because he's motivated by a rising hatred and anger at their westward loving democracy, at their resistance and at their refusal to come under russian control. and as an aforethought a bullet to the head of ukraine's
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cultural hero, the great poet, not even statues are immune. amid all this destruction the summary executions, the ukrainian flag flies proudly in the central square. for good measure these ukrainian soldiers are pulling out a captured russian tank that was dug in. they say they'll use this and anything else the invaders have left behind to fight them in the villages, in the towns, in the fields and all the way back to the russian border. >> christiane amanpour joins us now with matt rivers and phil mattingly. claiming russian forces have started using mobile crematoriums to diz pose of bodies in mariupol. possibly if that is true as a way to hide some of the brutality we've seen in other places where you were. i know you've been talking to war crime noilgss. what have they been telling you? >> well, not about these crematoriums.
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i have to say we did hear about those early on. some were suggesting that they were to actually dispose of russian bodies so that they wouldn't go back into russia and create, you know, the kind of signal that the russians wouldn't want, that the parents -- to prevent them from being seen and from shifting the tide of opinion there. this is now fresh information from mariupol about this. and we have asked, and we haven't yet got any confirmation about that. although we do know and i have spoken to the prosecutor general today, that they are collecting what they call evidence, trying to build a picture of what they hope will be a big war crimes trial whenever they can towards the end of this, whether it's bucha or mariupol. she said mariupol is the center of the war crimes, really. >> phil, i'm wondering what you're learning about how the images from bucha, have they in any way shifted the dynamic on
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sanctions? obviously more sanctions were announced today. but has it been a significant shift? >> the horrors from bucha were the driving force behind the latest set of u.s. sanctions, but one u.s. official i was speaking to earlier today pointed me to the european union where there's now a very real deliberation over ramping up sanctions over russian energy in particular. it's been something that's been considered off-limits. the eu is so reliant on russian energy particularly oil and gas they haven't wanted to touch that. however, the eu is moving towards a ban on coal imports and they're also i'm told in very real discussions about trying to find some way to cut off oil imports. that would be a very significant move. anderson, and something wasn't even on the table four weeks ago, two weeks but one european diplomat and spoke with earlier tonight said, look, we understand something needs to change. we have to do more. that's what's understand discussion right now. a u.s. official said they're not there yet, but it's very clear
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this atrocity is closer than they've ever been. >> russia is making about a billion dollars a day from oil and gas, so obviously that's a huge source of revenue to continue the war. matt, you're in hungary. you spent time with refugees still in ukraine. why was it important for them to stay there despite having to flee their homes? >> reporter: yeah, anderson, we drove about 3 1/2 hours from here in budapest to the hungarian, ukrainian border. we crossed over, went a few kilometer into the country and went to a number of different shelters. basically you have ukrainians fleeing from all kinds of different parts of the country going as far west in the country as you can get, getting safe, getting out of the fighting. western ukraine not nearly as affected as other parts and yet not taking the step to cross over into hungary. earlier in the war we definitely saw that quite a bit, people coming from other parts and immediately crossing into poland or hungary or romania and other
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countries. now we've spoken to organizers there and saying the number of people choosing to stay outnumber the people choosing to leave. and the reasons vary. we spoke to some people way more optimistic the ukrainian army given recent successes could prevail here. others don't want to become refugees in other countries in some cases they've never visited before. for some it's emotional. we to one woman who fled kyiv with her two young children, her husband back in kyiv fighting the russian. she says even though geographically it doesn't make a lot of sense, the idea of going a few miles into hungary and leaving ukraine, it would make her feel less connected to her husband back in kaefb. even though we're safe right now we're staying in ukraine because it makes me feel that much closer to him, she says. >> russian forces have completely withdrawn from around kyiv. nato's secretary general is
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warning vladimir putin may not be giving up on trying to capture kyiv. how do you think the nato and the west will use its time as russia shifts its focus to the east? i assume they have to keep troops there in case russia decides to continue to attack or attack from belarus. >> well, it appears that russian troops are regrouping, and the secretary-general said getting things like ammunition and food and other supplies, we coming out we saw so much russian ordinance just strewn around as they clearly left in a hurry, some unexploded -- literally crates and crates of it in open fields alongside these enormous trenches they had built and encampments. but they are apparently moving to the east, and that is what, you know, the ukrainians and others are noticing. now, it is important according to western military analysts to use what they call this window
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of opportunity, while russia is slightly on the back foot, trying to regroup, trying to, you know, aim for another target in the east and to beef up all the supplies that the ukrainians need to hold them off in the east there because that is where everyone's attention or at least the ukrainians and the russian attention is going to be and actually already is. >> phil, the pentagon press secretary john kirby said today, quote, of course -- those were his words -- ukraine can win this war. what is the latest being sent to the military and this time russian forces seem to be regrouping and redirecting, is there any talk of increasing the sophistication of weapons being sent to ukrainian forces even if it required some training of ukrainian forces? >> christiane's point is such a critical one based on u.s. officials i've spoken to who made clear this is not a status
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operation. just last night the u.s. approved an additional $100 million to specifically respond to request from ukrainians for new javelin anti-tank missiles. we do know the 100 switchblade drones, those kamikaze drones used to kill tanks, those have already been shipped and should be arriving either today or tomorrow. overall the u.s. has delivered over $2 billion in lethal aid. i think the critical piece here is something you've heard u.s. officials gingerly talk about and that's the type of weapons systems perhaps the u.s. can't deliver on its own because of the issue you're mentioning, but they can secure and then back fill from allies in the region whether it's related to tanks, whether it's related to s300 anti-aircraft missiles. those are discussions still under way. they believe they'll be able to get them across the finish line soon. there's no time to waste here, so these discussions are very ongoing and very fluid at the moment, anderson.
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>> and matt, the hungarian president who's an ally of vladimir putin was re-elected this past weekend. how could that potentially impact peace talks and other dynamics in the region? >> well, today we heard him try and insert hungary, for example, into a potential peace process in the talks today. prime minister victor orban said he spoke to president putin and he proposed an immediate cease-fire. he says he knows a peace agreement will take lots of time and negotiation, but he actually invited president putin, president zelenskyy, the german chancellor and also the president of france to come here to budapest and begin those negotiations, but he said a cease-fire needs to happen right away. he said he proposed that to pres president putin. he said the answer he gave was positive, but he said he has to agree on terms with president zelenskyy before he would come here. so whether thats is a actually a substantive step forward in the
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peace process, whether hungary can play a role, he kinds of sits on both sides of that fence and has a very fractious relationship with the rest of the eu, but he's trying to position himself as someone who can play both sides here. whether he actually has putin's ear and can influence the russian leader to move forward in the peace process i think a lot of people would be skeptical of that. but clearly this is a position hungary's leader is trying to take. coming up next, dana bash's exclusive interview with poland's president. he talks about his country's role in welcoming refugees and what he thinks the nato allies can be doing to support ukraine. ( ♪ ) ♪ walking on ♪ ♪ walking on the moon ♪ ♪ some ♪
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genocide in ukraine. the goal of the invasion he says is, and again these are his words, quote to simply extinguish the ukrainian nation. he said that in an exclusive interview. cnn's dana bash joins us now from warsaw. >> you know, anderson, that president zelenskyy uses every opportunity he has whether he speaks to a legislative body in any given country or does his nightly address to say i need more weapons. well, here in poland, its neighboring country, they have weapon. but the question has been whether or not this country, poland, is going to give the ukrainians those weapons. for a lot of reasons not the least of which there is fear here about their security since there has been a thousand-year animosity between these two countries. so that is why you'll hear in this interview, anderson,
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president douda, here in poland was reluctant. you tweeted ukrainians needed three things above all, weapons, weapons and more weapons. you have soviet era tanks here in poland. you have soviet era airplanes, mig 29s. why haven't you been able to work with nato to get those to ukraine? >> translator: madam, i'm smiling because weapons, weapons and more weapons, this is what ukrainians need. we have to be clear to the free world that polls do not expect that ukrainians, our neighbors would be so decisive and so courageous, exceptionally courageous and that they will defend their country in this way. more than 1 million ukrainians before the outbreak of the war were in poland. they have been working here. of course they visited their
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families in ukraine, but they came back and made money in poland. a vast majority of those men went to ukraine to fight. >> can nato do more to help you help them? >> translator: i cannot say everything, madam, here in this open interview because there are also secrets, nato secrets. there are also secrets between poland and the u.s. however, please believe me. i've talked to president joe biden about this. we consulted, and the u.s. administration in the white house, and we are in close contact with the u.s. administration. there is help being provided. it comes from the united states and also coming from other places. >> and of course poland is absorbing more of the ukrainian refugees by far than any other country since the war began, over 2.5 million refugees as you
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know. how much longer can your country sustain the volume of refugees at this magnitude? >> right before russian attack on ukraine prime minister justin trudeau called me of canada, and we know he's got a big influential and ukrainian minority in his country. and he asked me what we would do if there was a russian attack on poland. i said i have no doubts the border will be open. if our ukrainian neighbors are attacked, if they flee from death, from war, from russian bombs of course we're going to take everyone who needs it, and that is what we did. we opened our border. we accepted everyone. there was a huge wave of refugees. in the first two weeks of the war we had almost 1.5 million
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ukrainian refugees, but there were people and there are people from 170 different countries all over the world, 170, not only ukrainian students also from india, from other countries, from african states. a lot of them we had a full spectrum of people. all of them were flee because they were afraid. many have lived in kharkiv where bombs were dropped on living quarters, on apartment blocks, so we are taking everyone, hosting everyone and trying to help everyone. of course this is something poland has never seen in its history. we've got more than 1,000 years of history, but this situation is unprecedented. when we received 2.5 million people in days it's unprecedented history. we are coping with it and proud of our compatriots. we do not have any refugee camps in poland. so far we did not have to build any refugee camps.
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all the people were taken to student home, in hotels, in resorts, different places made available by local governments, so we're trying to help as good as we can, but we need international support badly. >> and i want to ask about that specifically because obviously what the polish people are doing is nothing short of remarkable, but the u.s. chairman of the joint chiefs said that this conflict could take years. so are you starting to put a plan together? because as you said a lot of the ukrainians are living in peoples homes. are you starting to put a plan together to absorb them officially into polish society? >> translator: many of them have remained in poland and they're staying in poland. first and foremost these are women and children. you have to remember about this. men are fighting. ukrainian border guards stopped men at the border. they told them to come back. they just allowed the women and
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children to cross the border to poland. this is the decision on the u-i ukrainian side. we have setup special legal regulation, adopted a special action and a special law was adopted which gives the same rights to the ukrainians as the pols have, rights to health system, education, insurance, the right to work. so far it is binding for 18 months on those rights. very many of them are staying -- right now we've got almost 2 million refugees in poland. many of them do not want to go anywhere else. they're saying we we are waiting until the end of war because we want it come back to our homes. women want to come back to their husbands, children want to come back to their schools, their environment. we want to give the best possible conditions of stay here ibpoland, and we hope they'll be able to come back when the war
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is over. >> dana, obviously things are fluid. does it sound to you like president douda had any long-term plans for the refugees in his country? >> reporter: in a long word, no. this happened so quickly, so organically. by the way, that's the same answer i got from the mayor of warsaw, the capital city talking about a longer term plan. anderson, just to give a little context to what 2.5 million people means here in poland, that is one ukrainian for every 15 pols. that is an enormous, enormous number that this country is absorbing. they're all in private homes. they are -- they are not in -- they're in refugee centers but not have very long. so it's still an open question given the fact that everybody admits that the war is likely to go on for some time. how these mostly women and
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children are going to get their own places, get all of them -- get properly the kids into school and to really become members of society here if that is what is going -- what it's going to take, which it looks like it might. >> yeah, dana bash, appreciate it. thank you from warsaw. >> just ahead the sanctions on president putin's adult daughters but to what end? we'll talking to the former ambassador of ukraine next. ♪ so different and so new ♪ ♪ w was like any other... ♪ (vo) wildfires have reached historic levels. as fires keep raging, the need to replant trees keeps growing. so subaru is growing our commment to otect the environment. in partnership with the national forest foundation, subaru and our retailers are proud to help replant 1 million trees to help restore our forests.
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in his speech president biden said today sanctions were an effort to, quote, ratchet up the pain for putinch new targets include russian banks and even the putin's own adult daughters. most analysts believe only sanctions on the oil and gas industries could have a significant impact at this point. when asked if that were possible, the top national security aide to the president told cnn today believes it can get europe even germany to help degrade russia's energy sector, quote, this is going to take time. mr. ambassador, appreciate you joining us again. what in your view and thinking behind sanctioning vladimir putin's daughters? is this largely symbolic? >> my guess is it's largely symbolic. i mean to the extent they have been sanctioned any financial assets they have in the west
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could be frozen, but my guess is that you're not going to find a lot of accounts in western banks or financial institutions under their names. >> the sanctions so far they've obviously impacted the russian economy. there's, you know, rising inflation in russia. but it's not necessarily impacting the day to day operations of the war. russia's making about i think more than a billion dollars a day from oil and gas sales. so how do you actually have sanctions that do impact his ability to wage war? >> yeah, i mean that's the problem. the sanctions are going to take a toll both in terms of higher inflation, and there's some estimates the russian economy will contract 15% this year. that's sort of the level of the great depression of the u.s. back in the '20s. but they still have this flow of revenues coming in from the sale of oil and gas. and that's difficult. i mean, the united states several weeks ago banned the import of russian oil but we only get about 3% of our oil
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from russia at the time. for some european countries it's 30, 40%, 50%, so they face major economic consequences. so perhaps the way to get at this is as they gradually reduce their dependency on russia for oil and gas, are there other ways they can restrict the flow of money that goes back to russia? for example, imposing tariffs that would cause the russians to lower their price to stay competitive or perhaps working out an arrangement where the revenue could go into an escrow account that the russians could not get their hands on. and i hope these are the things the european union allies are thinking about because they can reduce the flow of funds to rush op. >> also if this becomes a long-term war of attrition, a long-term conflict there is is the risk the alliances we've seen, the kind of unified front we've seen from nato countries would start to weaken somewhat over time.
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>> there is that risk, but my impression is that, in fact, there's a pretty solid view here between the united states and europe on this. and that view i think has even been intensified by the story coming out of bucha and also the destruction we've seen the russian army pour down on mariupol. and so i think there is a fairly strong sense on both sides of the atlantic that we need to hold firm on the sanctions because they can be a factor in changing the kremlin's calculation. and hopefully these can be sustained even if we're talking about a sanctions campaign that lasts months. but bear in mind the longer the sanctions last, the more of an impact they're going to have than the russian economy, and the more individual russians will begin to feel some economic. >> also we don't know what the impact will be longer term as russian bodies start to be brought back, as families start to realize the scale of russian
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losses and their own personal losses. >> i think that's a big factor. the russian ministry of defense last week said about 1,300 russian service personnel have been killed ipaction in ukraine. i believe the u.s. estimate is over 10,000. and that would mean that russia has lost two thirds as many soldiers in six weeks in ukraine as the soviet union lost in almost ten days in afghanistan. so as this flow of economic pain and as more and more families learn their loved ones have been killed or maimed in ukraine, does that begin to unsettle the russian population? right now the russian population polls show are fairly supportive of putin and the war, but can that be sustained when the economics begin to work against them and when the bad news about casualties comes home? >> it is one of the -- one of the odd ideas that as russia's
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economy shrinks that the sanctions could actually in some way backfire pulling average russians closer to vladimir putin who blamed the west for their economic troubles, who see kind of a victim mentality of, you know, that russia is the victim of these -- of the deck dependent west. >> yeah. and i think you've seen that and immediate there is this sort of rally around the flag, rally around putin. and polls show fairly significant levels of support for putin and the russian military operation, the russian invasion of ukraine. but,gon, i'm not sure that's sustained or sustainable as bad news begins to come home. and then one thing i believe and hope that both the united states and europe are working on is are there ways to penetrate the russian information space to try to get through the russian social media to begin to get word to the russians just how bad things are going in ukraine. and that may begin to undermine some support there. >> yeah, ambassador steven pierp, i really appreciate your time. thank you. >> thank you. coming up, i'll discuss the
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the city into a death camp. the red cross today said the situation is growing worse and worse. there's no water and electricity and impossible to get aid in because the russians won't allow it and impossible to get civilians in large scale out as well. earl i spoke to the minister of mariupol about just that. he's been delivering aid and rescued hundreds from towns outside of mariupol, but he can't get inside the city. he has no idea the status of his church or gonegregation where people were shelter, he says. i spoke to him just before airtime. thanks for joining us. i understand you've been evacuating people on buses today in eastern ukraine from villages around mariupol. you're not able to actually go into mariupol. can you just talk about what you have seen, what you've been able to do? >> we -- we see the hell. we call it russian hell my country ukraine because some
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months ago we have amazing, beautiful city, mariupol near the sea. so beautiful street. we prepare for spring, so many amazing homes and many people who smile. but right now my city completely destroyed through russian intervention. russia have huge battle inside my city. they -- they blocked my city around 100%. my friend told me right now we have tanks. thousands people was killed. nobody knows how many people. maybe 10,000. maybe 20, maybe 30, maybe 40.
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nobody knows because russia blockade all information from my city. >> you said about 300 people were sheltering in the basement in your church in mariupol. have you had any contact with them in recent days? >> last five days we don't have nothing, not information, not one call. and we try go inside mariupol with my car convoy, but russian soldier stop everybody and don't give them chance. go inside and we don't have information from mariupol last five day, but we know people who will sit don't have food, don't have water, don't have heating systems. they -- they don't have nothing, medicine, nothing. no light, no electricity, nothing. they just sit on the basement 44
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days in crazy situation. >> how many people have you been able to get out from neighboring towns outside -- around or near mariupol? >> nearly 500 people from mariupol, but right now it's not possible. i have many friends of mine inside city right now, inside mariupol. and i don't know who is alive, who was killed. i don't have information from some of my adopted son but also i have some crazy information. >> you had dozens of adopted children. i think -- how many adopted children have you had over the years? and i understand you lost one of them, a young woman of 27 was killed in mariupol. >> yeah, i -- i had 35 adopted
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children just two weeks ago. but -- but one of my adopted daughter she was killed here two weeks ago. she was 27. she was amazing -- amazing girl, young mother. and a boy, her son. i adopt her when she was 10 years old and she grow in my family. she was with me in united states of america in california, in oregon state. just three days ago i saw some pictures. and russian tanks shooting directly into her apartment, and it was government -- ukrainian
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government built this apartment one year ago, and she was so happy. she had personal room for her and her son. we buy some furniture. she was real happy. >> i'm so sorry for the loss of your daughter and so many others and your friends and so many of your fellow countrymen and women. thank you for what you're doing. thank you for talking to us. coming up, ukrainians fleeing the war and traveling thousands of miles all the way to the u.s.-mexico border hoping to gain entry. what they're facing on the border next. this is art inspil stories of bipolar depression. i just couldn't fifind my way out of it. the lows of bipolar depression can take you to a dark plalace. latuda could make a real difference in your symptoms. latuda w was proven to significantly reduce bipolar depression symptoms and in clinical studies,
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ukrainians have fled the war torn country. most escape to neighboring countries like poland or romanian. hundreds travelled more than 6,000 miles to tiana and are now a few feet from the u.s. border. randi kaye visited one camp. >> reporter: this woman and 2 1/2 year old son are living in a tent in tijuana, mexico. along with her husband, they escaped the war in ukraine, and are hoping to get into the united states. this is your son? one child. she shows me on the map where she once lived in western ukraine, before the russian bombs started to fall. how long did it take you to get to mexico? she tells me she travelled through four countries to get here. mexico is allowing ukrainians in with a simple travel visa. they just ran, she says, taking only a small suitcase and a
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blanket for her son. she worries about him with the cold temperatures at night. they are just one of hundreds of ukrainian families camped out here at the u.s. border with mexico. the tents are set up at the border crossing just south of san diego. at the time of our visit, about 2,400 people were waiting to enter the u.s., which has promised to allow 100,000 ukrainians on humanitarian grounds. they can stay for one year. how quickly are these refugees able to get into the u.s.? >> oh, my gosh, not quickly enough. we can get across maybe 300 people a day on a good day. some days are 200 and some days are 150. so, it all depends. >> reporter: inna levin is have orange county, california, and helping coordinate the volunteer effort here. every family has a number, and when it gets called, it's their turn to cross. >> do you have a number?
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>> reporter: this woman and her three children have number 1,594. they're sleeping here until it's their turn. toys? can i see? another one tells me she's been sleeping in this tent with her five children. do you know when you might be called to go to the u.s.? >> i think soon. >> reporter: there is food and games for the children. we found this boy playing with blue and gold play-doh, the same colors as the ukrainian flag. eugene and his family escaped mariupol for mexico. >> our house is destroyed. we -- we lost everything, you know? we don't know anything about our friends and moreover we don't know nothing about the parents of my wife. >> reporter: if he and his family make it to the u.s., they will stay with family in
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california until it's safe to return to ukraine. >> i had a cousin. >> where? >> sacramento. >> reporter: as the day wore on, this woman refused to give up hope she and her mother would make it to the u.s. what is it like waiting here for your number to be called? >> i don't know. i mean, we came hoping it would be fast, maybe another hour. but they're saying two or three hours at least until the number will be called. from there, i have no idea how long it will take us to cross the border. >> reporter: she lives in colorado and flew to warsaw, hoping to bring her mom to the u.s. before coming here, her 66-year-old mother had been sheltering in a basement in ukraine for ten days. >> will she come live with you in colorado? >> yeah, yeah. i have a good place to accommodate her. my kiddingss can't wait to see the grandma, and we want her happy and safe and relaxed in the family circle. >> i understand the camp was closed hours after you were there and many people were moved
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to a sports complex for what they say are safety reasons. what happened? >> reporter: well, many of those were moved to that area. some also were moved to a church, also to a gym nearby. we have good news about that woman you saw at the end of the story. she and her mom did make it across the border. they got the last flight out from san diego to denver, so her mom was able to sleep in a warm bed last night. she woke up to her granddaughters this morning in colorado. of course, anderson, she is one of the lucky ones. there are hundreds of thousands of people from areas of the world and countries that they say are dangerous too, and that's why they've been seeking asylum here in the united s states. but as you know there's something called title xlii and that was put in place by the trump administration, upheld by the biden administration. that is set to expire next month. 1.7 million migrants from seeking asylum in the united
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states from mexico, central america, haiti, areas of the world they say are dangerous. there's good news for the ukrainians the united states is letting in, 100,000 in all apparently, but a lot of frustration and anger on the part of these other countries who have been waiting for quite some time, anderson. coming up next, an update from capitol hill where the house has taken action against two more non-cooperating january 6th witnesses. lunchables! built to be eaten. ok so i need someone to help with phone trades while i'm out. uh huh. people can get a free samsung galaxy s22 when they trade in a galaxy,
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