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tv   Don Lemon Tonight  CNN  April 7, 2022 8:00pm-9:00pm PDT

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warning near kyiv are much worse than in bucha. both towns leveled by russian forces before they retreated. at least 26 bodies found today, under the rubble of two houses. ukraine's foreign minister saying the heaviest fighting is taking place in the donbas region in the east. he's warning it will be reminisce ennt of the battles o world war ii. zelenskyy says this -- >> translator: and what will happen when the world learns the whole truth about what the russian military did in mariupol? there, on almost every street, is what the world saw in bucha and other towns in the kyiv region after the withdrawal of russian troops. the same cruelty, the same heinous crimes. >> cnn's john vause is live for us in lviv. president zelenskyy warning
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tonight that it is even worse than the horrors we see in bucha. what are you learning? >> reporter: the reason for that, don, is the destruction compared to bucha is so much greater than what we have seen in these area where is the russian troops have withdrawn from. we have this spring of apartment buildings that have been destroyed, some reduced to rubble. these buildings have totally collapsed. the concern is that this could only have happened, this level of destruction could have only happened by an air strike or ballistic missile. as these search teams go out, they're looking for bodies and they are finding bodies. right now, in just two homes, the debris of two homes, they pulled 26 bodies of people from under that debris. officials there in this region say that basically there are now still hundreds of residents who are listed as missing. what is interesting is ukrainian officials say they know the names of the russian officers
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who were in command of these military units responsible for the destruction in borodianka. >> cnn has geolocated this video from around kyiv that appears to show ukrainian forces executing a wounded russian soldier. how are ukrainian officials responding to this? or are they even responding to it? >> reporter: well, they are. but they're not. they're very not committal. what we see on this video is soldiers with ukrainian officials that appears to be after a firefight. there are four russian soldiers who are on the pavement. three have head wounds. a fourth appears to have blood pooling around his body, and he's gasping for air. and then a voice is heard in russian saying he's still alive. he's still breathing. at that point, one of the ukrainian soldiers, who appears to be an ukrainian soldier, shoots the body three times, two
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quick rounds and a third. the ukrainian officials are saying we haven't seen this video, we don't know if it's true, we'll investigate to find out if it happened. if it is what happened, if it's true, they'll take the appropriate course of action. the ukrainian foreign minister meeting with nato in brussels on thursday, he did add that if this is as it appears to be, if this was, in fact, ukrainian soldiers executing russian soldiers, he said it would be likely a one off. and the result of these ukrainian soldiers resulting to the atrocities in places like bucha. >> thank you, sir. i want to turn now to the key port city of mykolaiv, under intense shelling from the russians for weeks. champi cnn's ben wedeman is on the ground. >> reporter: this has become mykolaiv's daily are yroutine.
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random shelling throughout the city with what appear to be cluster munitions. glass shards and shrapnel tore into marina. her thoughts are with her teenage daughter, also injured, now at a children's hospital. "my daughter and i were caught between two bombs, it's a marriagele miracle we're still alive." dirt covers the blood from one of the injured here. closed circuit stelevision from the cancer hospital kacaptures e moment it was struck. more than 40 were wounded here at this market. we were able to count 23 impact points in a radius of 100 meters. each one of these incoming rounds sprays shrapnel in every
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direction. danilo was working in this store and rushed outside when he heard the blasts. over there, a woman was screaming "help me." her leg was shattered. behind the store, two people were covered. dry blood and flowers mark the spot where people died. last week, a bomb struck the region call governor's office, killing 36. every day in mykolaiv, this bombardment shatters any semblance of normal life. mid afternoon and people line up to escape the danger. this bus, bound for poland. victoria cradles her 1-year-old daughter. her husband stays behind. soon, we'll be back home says victoria. everything will be all right. how soon that will be, nobody knows. the mayor of mykolaiv tells us these russian missile strikes
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serve no military purpose whatsoever. he says the purpose is to terrify the population and to punish a city that stopped russian forces the their tracks. don? >> ben wedeman, thank you so much for that. now to ukraine's foreign minister, pleading with the west for more help. >> either you help us now, and i'm speaking ob ing about days, weeks, or your help will come too late. and many people will die. many civilians will lose their homes. many villages will be destroyed. >> former ambassador to ukraine william taylor, you see him on your screen. thank you for joining us. ambassador, you hear the ukrainian foreign minister pleading for help. he said if they don't get help from the west, will they be able to defend the donbas?
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>> don, that is the key. the donbas is going to be the critical battle. and it is a race. the russian military is not in good shape, as you have been reporting. it got beaten up around kyiv, north of kyiv. it got stopped, sent back into belarus, and into russia. to come back and head for donbas. so that's going to be the critical battle. the russians are in bad shape, but they have a lot of soldiers, although they are looking for more. they must be short of them. the ukrainians on the other hand, have been defending that area of donbas for eight years. eight years they've been there. some of their best forces are there. they're fighting hard. they need weapons. they need ammunition. they probably need fuel. they need what we can provide. if we can provide it, don, then they'll win.
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the ukrainians will win. they will fight harder. they will fight more fiercely. they're fighting for what they know, what they believe, what is real for them, which is their freedom. indeed, their land, their homes as you've been showing. so they can win. but they need the help, they need the ammunition, they need the fuel. >> russia's foreign minister sergey lavrov, is accusing them of changing their demands. do you think there's still a clear chance for a diplomatic solution or do these -- do these things need to play out further on the battlefield? >> don, i think they're going to play out further on the battlefield. i think the negotiations are not going to bear fruit until putin realizes he's going lose, that he is losing. he's been humiliated around kyiv. he's now focusing on donbas. that as we just said, that's the critical battle. if he loses there, then there
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will be likelihood of negotiations. and then, the noex negotiations have taken place will be useful, they will have explored some ysd, both sides. no one is locked in. it's disingenuous for mr. lavrov to say the ukrainians have been asking for more. that's disingenuous. again, those negotiations are not going to bear fruit until putin decides, realizes, accepts that he's lost on the battlefield. then he'll sit down. >> fascinating moment happened on sky news with the kremlin spokesperson. here it is. >> we have significant losses of troops, and it's a huge tragedy for us. >> is he admitting to significant losses of troops? how many deaths are we talking
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about here? >> the ukrainians say, and there's some reason to believe that the russians have lost 15,000, 16,000, 18,000 troops. don. this is more than the soviets lost in afghanistan if ten years. and we're talking about six weeks here in this fight. so whatever it is, for them to admit that they're losing a lot, significant losses, that's a demonstration of what we were just saying. that is the ukrainians have inflicted grave losses on the russians. the russians have taken a great beating. they are haggard, they are tired, they've been beaten, they need to regroup. they've not been well supplied. so if the ukrainians can maintain the fight, with our help, with our ammunition, with our weapons, and their fight and their grit, then the ukrainians can win, don. the ukrainians can win. >> ambassador taylor, appreciate
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having you on. see you soon. thank you. >> thank you, don. so we have some breaking news out of washington to tell you about right now. there's been an outbreak of covid cases after the elite gridiron club dinner. at least 37 people have tested positive since attending the event last weekend, including the commerce secretary, attorney general merrick garland, vice president kamala harris' communications director, several members of congress, and president joe biden's sister. senator susan collins of maine also tested positive. she was in the senate chambers today, casting her vote to confirm judge ketanji brown jackson to the supreme court. everyone who attended had their vaccination status checked. but negative covid tests were not required. senator warnock of georgia also tested positive tonight. it is unclear if he attended the gridiron dinner, but he was at the supreme court confirmation today, maskless, near the vice president and other lawmakers.
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house speaker nancy pelosi also tested positive today. she wasn't at the gridiron event, but was next to joe biden yesterday at a bill signing. and moments ago, we learned that congressman peter defasio of oregon tested positive. luckily, we don't know of anyone experiencing serious symptoms right now. we'll keep you updated as we get more information. in ukraine, anti-aircraft systems, suicide drones, more than 50 million rounds of ammunition. just some of what the u.s. is committing to ukraine. but are they getting what they need and will they get it in time?
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a long slog. that's what u.s. officials warn is coming in the next phase of the war in ukraine. and ukraine's top diplomat warns there could be fighting not seen in europe since the battles of world war ii. joining me to discuss now, cnn military analyst, cedric leighton. thank you. fighting is heating up in the east with clashes around the to towns. what makes these places so important? >> well, don, let's take a look at that. let's go straight into the map here. this is, as you mentioned, eastern ukraine. what's important about these
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towns is they are major road jun junctions. in fact, the m.o.-3 highway goes from kharkiv, down through here and back to the east. it connects this part of ukraine with the east and into russia. it goes back to the chinese border actually. and then the other part of this road goes west toward western europe. so if you capture this road, and then another road junction this way, what that does is it gives you the area that you need in order to move your forces around either down to the south, toward the east to go this way into the back of the ukrainian forces. or this way to the west. so that is why these are really important junctions. there's one other factor here with these two towns. izium was the scene of a major battle in world war ii. so to tie into what the ukrainian foreign minister said, battles involving lots of tanks occurred right here in the early
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1940s, 1942. a major battle, the soviets lost over 277,000 men killed or wounded in that battle. >> general milley is saying ukraine has already received tens of thousands of anti-tank and anti-aircraft wagons from the u.s. and nato countries. we have spoken how effective these stingers and javelins are. what do they need, though? >> that's a good question. they need more of the stingers and javelins, but they also need t-72 tanks. t-72 tanks, same tanks that the russians are using, but they are highly effective in the type of terrain we're talking about, don, these are great force on force vehicles, because what they do is they will be able to counteract the russians as they move into certain areas. and they can be used for maneuver warfare, as well as other things. beyond, that we also need something called the switchblade
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600. we have seen this before. we have seen the switchblade 300 version and yesterday we started showing the switchblade 600. this is a ckamikaze drone. it goes after the targets and hits them directly and hits them on impact. it has encrypted communications and gps. so it can do these things in a secure way. and it can also avoid hitting targets that are no-go targets, targets of civilians for example. it has a wave off capability. so it can do all of these kinds of things in a way that other systems can't do. and then the other thing that the ukrainians would like, and they have talked about this, they're probably not getting this, but we're talking about the mig 29 fulcrum, this is the fighter jet that the poles have. it's an old soviet jet, but it
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is one that is in the nato inventory of poland, and it could be used and given to the ukrainians, because they know how to operate these kinds of weapons. it's got enough of a range that it could be very useful in an air-to-erica pasty. and finally, you have the s-300. this is a mobile surface-to-air missile system that has a missile that has a heavy warhead and a range of 46 miles. what's most important about this is the fact that the altitude, 82,000 feet that it can reach, allows it to, in essence, close the air space. what this does is it gives them a no-fly zone without calling it a no-fly zone and it would be highly effective if they go this. this is the kind of variant in slovakia. that would be exactly what they would need at this point. >> that's fascinating. what they would need, the question is, again, can they get all of that on time? are they getting all of it when they need it? >> that, i think, the answer is a partial yes.
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but for many of these systems, especially some of the more sophisticated systems like the mig-29, you're not going to see those near the ukrainian battle space any time soon. >> fascinating. i learned so much from you, what you showed us about the weaponries, fascinating. thank you, colonel. appreciate it. ukrainian civilians are fighting back against russia and in some cases they're deciding the fight. cnn met a group of them. that story is next. um, she's eating the rocket. ♪ lunchables! built to be eaten.
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this next story is just extraordinary. you've got to see this. we have seen the way the ukrainian civilian and military alike have taken the fight to the russian invaders. but what happened in one town just north of odesa when the russians tried to take it over? check this out. cnn's ed lavandera reports. >> reporter: the sign into town reads, russian soldier, you will die here. the russians didn't listen. this is the story of how this small city fought off the russian invasion in early march. this man is the mayor of the city of 30,000 people. he took us to the bridge, at least where the bridge used to be, where ukrainian soldiers, volunteer fighters, and a
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fearlessly creative cast of civilians, stared down the russians. how close did the russians get to taking over this city? you can see over here on the other side of the bridge, in the distance there, just on the other side of the bridge, a row of tires. that's as chose as the russian tanks came. the mayor says the ukrainians blew it up so the russians couldn't cross into the heart of the city. that sparked a two-day confrontation. thousands of residents were trapped on the other side of the bridge. the only section of the city russian forces invaded. this man, named ivan, lives in a house along the main road into town. several homes and cars around him were scorched in the firefight. he hid inside with his elderly mother as the russian tanks swarmed his neighborhood. he describes how terrifying it was, several homes blown up
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around him, a constant barrage of gunfire, but he says he didn't see it, he had to hide inside his home, but just the sound was terrifying. various cameras captured the images of the russian military vehicles with the letter "z" on the side. the mayor says three columns of russian soldiers moved into the city. one military official says the russians invaded with at least 100 tanks and armored personnel carriering, and as many as 500 soldiers. so this is ghost, he's asked that we not use his full name. he's the head of a reconnaissance unit here in this town that was instrumental in fighting back the russians. and this was the spot, this was the spot where you fought the russians. he says he thinks that's a blood stain there. wow. the remnants of a russian meal. >> when they were advancing
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towards the bridge, thanks to the ukrainian military forces, the air assault brigade and our reconsquad, we fought them off. here, we showered them with artillery and we destroyed them. >> reporter: the ukrainians blew up multiple bridges in the city to keep the russians from moving into this down that sits at a strategic crossroads and kept vladamir putin's army from invading deeper into the country. in this spot just on the edge of the city, multiple russian tanks were taken out here. we're standing in the ashes of one of those tanks, and there were these two russian soldiers that were killed in this very spot. >> we are strong. our city is strong. our spirit is strong. when the enemy came, everyone rose up from kids to the elderly. >> reporter: hiding residents called in the locations of russian soldiers. others ran ammunition and supplies wherever it was needed.
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the russians had more firepower, had more weapons than you guys had. >> translator: they were powerful. they had tanks, they had apcs, a lot of wheeled vehicles. but we're stronger, smarter, and more tactical. >> reporter: are you worried they'll come back for revenge after you guys embarrassed them? >> translator: no, it's them who should be afraid. they should know if they come here, they will remain here. we have refrigerators for their bodies and we can bring more. >> reporter: but the russian soldiers weren't ready to face the grandmothers here. in a small village on the edge of town, this 88-year-old woman walked out, armed with her canes, and fired off an epic tirade of verbal artillery.
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>> reporter: they say they were chased out of their homes and robbed. but the women relish telling this story with laughter. i ask if they're worried the russians will return to seek revenge. they tell me they're not going anywhere. while the grandmothers here might be smiling and laughing, inside the city, there is a sense of dread about what is coming next. many people fully expect to have to do this fight all over again. don? >> id lavandera, thank you so much. a ukrainian member of parliament who escaped from the outskirts of kyiv paid a viz it to the u.s. congress and then went to canada to meet with
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canadian prime minister justin trudeau. her story is next. ...demands a lotion this pure. new gold bond purere moisture lotion. 24-h-hour hydration. no pararabens, dyes, or fragrances. gold bond. champion your skin.
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acrtrociti atrocities. i want to bring in a member of ukraine's parliament who sheltered with her family for more than two weeks. she traveled last week to the u.s. and canada, meeting with lawmakers to build support for ukraine. we're so happy to have you. nuke for joining us, maria. >> thank you. thank you for inviting. >> you're in kyiv right now. can you tell us how things are this the city now that russian troops have retreated? >> thank you so much. yes, in kyiv, they were pushed out and they were kicked out by our ukrainian armed forces. of course, you know, the threats are still on the ground and we still have civilians. and unfortunately, they are expecting that very hard attacks on the south of our country and on the east. >> i want to put up some of the pictures that your family sent
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to us, you and your family sent to us. they show your family sheltering in a basement in the suburb of kyiv. i understand you were in that basement for two weeks. tell us about that, please. yes, no? >> no, no, no. that's my family, my cousin, my aunt. we are a big family of 18 people. and they were really until the 15th of march, they were there, and they happily escaped and i know that they car was shot at during the evacuation. as you know, during that time, the corridors were shelled by russian troops. but i would like to say that my family, my grandmother, she told us, you know, she experienced in starvation in 1953, and she also taught us to have -- i remember
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it from my childhood. it's small towns that are very near each other. but it's even a worse situation than we saw in bucha. unfortunately, we expect, of course, that mariupol is much more worse. so it's on the other side of the ukrainian nation, and i can tell you yesterday a decision that russia was stopped from humanitarian council of human rights, it's not enough. it's not enough. i think that russia also has to be kicked out from united nations. >> your neighbors -- i understand your neighbors tell you that there were more than 30 russian soldiers in your family home. >> yes. >> do you have any idea what is going to happen to it? >> umm, our neighbors and our
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relatives have already checked our house. and it's crushed. i mean, crushed, not the house, but inside, windows, all the doors inside we have this heavy machines inside of our yard. so it's like, you know, we have inside everything is destroyed. but people -- of course, now, the challenge, the risk is the mines in the houses of civilian people. and these mines are not only in basements, it's possible also to be in the yard, in the yard for example, where we have treeis, where we have some vegetables. our armed forces checked all the roads. there's still a lot of work to
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demining private houses and also people's yards. >> i want to hear about your trip. because last week you traveled to here in the u.s., meeting with lawmakers on capitol hill and went to canada and met with prime minister trudeau there to garner support for ukraine. what were your goals for this trip and do you feel your delegation was successful? >> first of all, of course, we appreciate for all the support that we have got from america and from canada. we have met a lot of people who recognize us also, and you know, this support from regular american people was amazing. that was for us really very, very touchful. of course, we met in the congress, in the senate, we met
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in the state department, and the only humanitarian aid, what we need now, is weapons. weapons for ukraine to defend and unblock such towns as mariupol, in kharkiv. we have to unblock, and we need to have our air protection. we need to defend air, tos a control humanitarian corridors to save these people. that is why we were asking for weapons and sanctions and as we see also today, yesterday in canada, in bucha, we have seen $500 million for financial support and also $1 billion for credit line.
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so it's a good result. and in america, sanctions. we are really looking forward for more sanctions. 333 banks, to the all of them are switched off. and more personal sanctions, yes, to putin's daughters, yes. but also russian duma, all the military people who have confirmed that they are providing this in our country, with our nation. >> thank you marks rheeia. we appreciate you. thank you for joining us. be safe. >> thank you so much. we will defeat putin and we will win all together. >> thank you. >> we'll be right back.
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this stuff works without killing your lawn. this stuff works without killing your weekend. this stuff works for the rookies and the seasoned pros. this stuff works in knoxville, bronxville, rockville, marysville. this is roundup for lawns. this stuff works. will it be the comeback story of the year? tiger woods teeing off this morning at the masters. 14 months after the horrific car crash that shattered his right leg. now, he is not only playing as cnn's gallagher reports, he has a shot at winning. >> tiger woods. >> reporter: a moment more than 14 months in the making. tiger woods teeing off thursday what could be his greatest comeback yet. the crowd roaring for tiger throughout the first round of the 86th masters tournament at augusta national golf course.
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but it's his gait, not just his game, the world is watching. this time around, it's a tiger woods unlike any other. >> it's been a tough, tough year. and um, lot of -- lot of stuff that i had to deal with, you know, i don't wish on anyone but here we are and masters week. >> reporter: exactly 25 years after slipping on his first green jacket and just over a year since his near-fatal car crash, woods at one point thought he'd lose his right leg which is now held together with a metal rod and plates. the 46-year-old called his year-long recovery frustrating as he relearned to walk, which he now does with a noticeable limp. >> i have had to endure pain before and, um, this -- this is different. obviously, this is a lot more traumatic, what has transpired to my leg. >> the five time masters champ hasn't played a round of competitive golf in more than 500 days. he cautioned this week that tournament play would be a,
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quote, game-time decision based on if his body could handle walking the treacherous course. >> i can hit it just fine. and i'm -- i don't have any qualms about what i can do physically from a golf standpoint. it's now walking's the hard part. you know, this is normally not a easy walk to begin with. now, given the conditions that, you know, my leg is in, it's more difficult. and, you know, that's -- two holes is a -- it's a hong run and it's going to be a tough challenge and challenge that i am up for. >> fans flocking to augusta to see it, making it look more like a sunday at the masters. his fellow pros, overwhelmingly supportive. >> it is a miraculous thing. you know? 14 months ago, bawling like a baby every day and now, you know, you pair with him and he looks strong. i know the leg is hurt. but he's hitting it plenty far enough to play this course. >> place isn't exactly an easy walk, so i understand what he is up against.
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and it will be difficult. if anybody can do it, it's him. >> reporter: and thursday, the man with 15 majors under his belt proved they might be right. dressed in an azalea pink mock turtle neck, a little slower but still as exciting, nearly even sunk a hole in one on the sixth. tiger woods finished one under par on the day. there is still the matter of how his leg recovers from round one. >> with all the hardware in my leg, it's -- it's going to be difficult. you know, for the rest of my life. >> reporter: and preparing for round two tomorrow. >> lots of ice, lots of ice baths and just, you know, basically freezing myself to death. >> reporter: dianne gallagher, cnn, augusta, georgia. >> wow. what a comeback, huh? we'll see. we'll be watching. thanks, diane. and thanks for watching, everyone. our live coverage continues in a moment with john vause. but is will look backck on our lives and think, "i wish i'd bought an even thinner tv, found a lighter light beer,
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this is cnn breaking news. >> hello, i'm john vause live in lviv, ukraine. welcome to our viewers in the united states and around the world. this is now day 44 of russia's unprovoked war on ukraine. we begin with new warnings about russia's renewed military offensive in the eastern ukraine donbas region. the ukrainian foreign minister says the battle still to come will be reminiscent of world war
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ii. the top u.s. general joint chiefs chairman mark milley says the war in ukraine will be a long slog. but defense secretary lloyd austin, admitting for the first time the u.s. is providing intelligence to ukrainian forces in the donbas region. ukrainian authorities claim russian shelling has destroyed all hospitals and medical facilities in the luhansk region and ukrainian officials say a russian air strike has taken out a crucial railway link with the east. about 500 evacuees now reported hi stuck at a nearby train station. further north, kharkiv's regional governor says russian troops shelled a bread factory, killing one person, wounding 14 others. russia denies it is targeting civilians. but ukraine's prosecutor general says search crews have found 26 bodies under the rubble of two houses. the town northwest of kyiv has been left in ruins by russian forces. ukraine's president says he expects more atrocities will be discovered there, provin


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