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tv   CNN Tonight  CNN  April 21, 2022 6:00pm-7:00pm PDT

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>> remarkably, vladimir putin faces a legitimate opponent, alexei navalny. >> i don't want putin being president. if i want to be leader of a country, i have to organize people. >> the kremlin hates navalny so much that they refuse to say his name. >> passengers heard him cry out. >> come on, poisoned? seriously? we are creating the coalition to fight this regime. >> if you are killed, what message do you leave behind for the russian people? >> it's very simple. never give up. >> "navalny," sunday at 9:00 on cnn. the news continues. let's hand it over to laura coates and jim sciutto in
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ukraine. thanks so much, anderson. i'm jim sciutto live from lviv along with laura coates in the u.s. so, when you liberate a war-torn city, you are freeing it from its oppressors. that is not what vladimir putin has done in the southeastern city of mariupol, as he twistedly, outrageously is claiming tonight. not only are his forces still surrounding and trapping hundreds of ukrainian civilians and soldiers who have been sheltering in the steel plant, he has now ordered his forces to blockade the area so tight so as not even to let a fly get through. pay attention to how he uses that word fly. he's done it before, dismissing his opponents as insects to be swatted away or force. fact is russian forces are slaughtering people, not liberating them. there is brand-new evidence tonight of more potential russian war crimes. new satellite images from just
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outside mariupol in ma nush, they appear to show more than 200 new graves, rows and rows, in fact, of mass graves. one ukrainian official in mariupol says that russians are driving truck loads of corpses to the site and dumping them. this official calls this, quote, direct evidence of war crimes as well as attempts to cover them up. president zelenskyy says tonight that mariupol continues to resist russia despite everything the occupiers say. president biden said today that there is, quote, no evidence yet mariupol has completely fallen. perhaps referencing the few remaining holdouts in that steel plant. as biden announced $800 million more in weapons for ukraine, including dozens of howitzers, nearly 150,000 rounds of ammunition, and more tactical drones. and he also directed this vow at putin. >> he will never succeed in dominating and occupying all of
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ukraine. he will not -- that will not happen. >> you know, jim, i know you're going to tell us about this stunning and disturbing new audio of what appears russian soldiers discussing orders to kill ukrainian p.o.w.s. we're going to come back to that in a second. and also this hour, jim, the up roar in florida after republican voters voted to withdraw a map that removes two black districts. and the tax privileges that were at disney, a move that critics are calling retaliation. and what could end up hurting florida's taxpayers in the end. and the question is, will the biden administration keep a trump era policy that allows border officials to turn back migrants doing and during a public health crisis? if it does let what's called title xlii expire next month, could it further aggravate the
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crisis at our southern border? we'll dig into all of that. but i want to go back to ukraine and to jim because from jim here in the states, i look at this map of mariupol, and it's absolutely devastating to see this chunk of the city that's surrounded by the russian forces, as you described. but for many people looking at this, they're wondering about this discrepancy, the idea of the back and forth over whether mariupol as a city has technically fallen. what's behind this? what is the significance of this discord, it seems? >> yaeeah, it's hard to say. it may be sort of willful defiance, wanting to highlight that ukrainian forces -- and this is true -- have not given up in mariupol and in other places, even when they faced the worst of odds. but the fact is, russians do control the vast majority of the city. crucially they control the key cross roads through the city. that's one of the reasons they
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wanted it so badly. and they control most of the coastline, which is another reason they want it. and really the defenders are confined in that steel plant we're looking at right there. so, that may be a holdout. it may be admirable to watch. but militarily, the military officials i speak to now describe the situation there as dire for them. and the sad fact they be that for all intents and purposes, this is now russian territory. >> ask appnd the reality, of co there's the symbolism of resistance and defiance and not wanting to concede that there has been anything taken. but the reality of the idea on the ground doesn't obviously mean that ukraine has fallen. but the significance of mariupol in particular is one that i'm sure will be touted by putin and conversations around it that would support the propaganda. but also the russians surrounded mariupol back on march 1st, and they've been pounding it ever since, jim. and as we once again see these images of the mass graves and we
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see the tragedy, we see the terror, we see the conversations and see the images around war crime allegations, i'm trying to understand from the united states and the audiences' perspective and human ity, how o those of us here at home wrap our minds around the unrelenting horrors of this war? we can't normalize it. we can't look at the issues and say that happened and it continues to happen and move right on. >> i want to appeal to folks at home to keep paying attention because we're bearing witness here, not just the reporters on the ground here, the ukrainian people and others observers this, but everyone who's watching these stories. we're bearing witness to crimes taking place. and they're taking place every day. and those are not just claims, right? because we have visual evidence of this. we have eyewitness accounts of this that fit a pattern of deliberate russian targeting of civilians.
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i just want to tell one story today that helps highlight it. and you and i were discussing this earlier. a few weeks ago when i was here for the first time with my team, we met a woman and three children had fled. they were fleeing the country, as many millions have done. they were from a place called bucha. at the time we knew that bucha had seen horrible fighting, but we did not know what bucha would become, the scenes of some of the worse crimes of this war. here was a family that just made it out with their lives. i connected with them today. they're now in spain thankfully safely. and they told me that they've been reaching out to friends and family in bucha, and they're hearing just the worst of stories. they heard that two of their children's teachers, including a kindergarten teacher, were killed there. she can't tell her 6-year-old son that. who would? that's the reality. i think we have to remember that each grave that we see, each account of civilians killed here has a face and a name like that. and every day we hear more very
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credible accounts of just that kind of thing. and i think we all have something of a duty to simply keep paying attention. >> so, so well said, and just heart wrenching to think about. i mean, if we contextualize it, for so many people prior to the invasion, i remember from last year, 2020 and beyond frankly, when parents were grappling with how to talk with their kids about the possibility of covid claiming somebody's life, a teacher's life, and thinking about the ideas of relative safety, and the by gone area of what seemed normal. and you're seeing at very different levels the gut wrenching choices that parents have to make in ukraine and beyond about how to balance the test of the reality and try to shield them and protect them. and this is why we have to keep on these stories and talk about it because the tactics we're seeing are at a level even beyond the normalcy of terror in a war.
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i mean, what do we know about reports that russians are ord ordering that even prisoners be killed? >> this is yet one more story of the evidence of war crimes here. and there's evidence, right? so, in this case, it's intercepted communications, and there have been numerous ones of these. the reason these are credible, we know the russian forces are using unsecure communings kays. they're using cell phone lines that intelligence can intercept. i know u.s. intelligence has intercepted many conversations. this particular one shows russian soldiers discussing their orders, following orders, their orders to kill p.o.w.s. have a listen. [ speaking foreign language ]
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>> including relatives, the voices of soldiers discussing their orders to kill. i want to bring in a member of ukrainian parliament, kara rudik. thank you for joining us tonight. >> thank you so much for having me. >> i know you are following the situation very closely. putin used the term "liberated" today. he said he liberated mariupol. how do you respond to that? >> he knows the atrocities we have seen in mariupol and we have heard from the people who were able to escape, they can only be compared to something the russians witnessed eight years ago with the siege of st. petersburg, when people were dying on the streets, when people were eating dogs and birds. and now they're repeating it on my land to my people.
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and this is absolutely terrifying. yesterday, we had a chance to get people out with a humanitarian convoy. it was 25th attempt to get people out with agreement with russians. we had at least five buses of women and children ready to go, and we were not able to take them out because russians didn't stop firing. we were not able to get the ceasefire from them, though they promised to do that. so, could you even imagine what these women and children felt sitting there in the buses for, i don't know, like, couple of hours waiting if their life will be spared or not. and they were not. they had to return back. there was a small chance of having the future for the
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children and having the life. and you know, when we in parliament heard the humanitarian convoy failed once again, we were crying, many of us, because there is no explanation. there is no explanation to the cruelty. there is no explanation just to kill them just so they don't exist. we are talking about the civilian people in the city in the 21st century in the middle of europe. >> yeah. let me ask you this because this is -- appears to be part of the russian strategy. russia is suffering its own losses of soldiers, but its leaders don't seem to care, killing civilians with impunity. ukrainian leaders do care about losing soldiers. they care about losing their people and their cities. how does ukraine keep going, keep fighting an enemy that
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plays by no rules and apparently has an endless tolerance for its own losses? how do you fight that war? >> day by day, making sure that we don't give up every single inch of ukrainian soil. you know that it's not just soldiers they are fighting. it's every single ukrainian man and woman are fighting. i'm sure that being here you heard the stories about ukrainian babushkas who were feeding russian soldiers with the poison cakes or something. i'm sure you heard about the resistance of teenagers who were fighting them with molotov cocktails. so, it is every single person that is fighting. and we know that there would be no additional motherland for us. we know that there is no other place for us to be. so, we have to protect what's here, our land, our country.
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and we are aware about what's facing us if we fail. i have been to bucha. i know what they will do to us. and i don't want this to happen to myself to any of the people i love. that's why we are fighting. we'll be fighting for every single inch right until the end. >> let me ask you this. the world is helping. it's calling out this behavior. it's sending weapons. it's penalizing russia economically. however, none of that is stopping the crimes we're witnessing on the ground here. do you have faith in the international community's ability, willingness to stop this as it's happening? >> yes, i do. i do have this faith. i do have this hope. right now, it's -- many things are done halfway. the sanctions are done halfway
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when on the one hand, the countries are condemning russia and on the other hand he's paying them straight cash, like a billion dollars a day for european countries. right now countries are supporting ukraine, but we are still in progress of getting heavy weaponry that we do need. and it's already almost 60 days of war. so, i understand that it takes time for the world to adapt to the truth that we in ukraine have known for eight years. you cannot trust russia. >> yeah. >> they would fool you and they would be killing you at every step of the way. this is why we are explaining to the world that's what's happening in ukraine is called genocide. this is why we're explaining to the world that you cannot get into any peaceful agreement with russia because in comparison it is like going into peaceful agreement with hitler and
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saying, oh, we will talk to him and probably he will spare some lives of the jews. we know that it's all useless, but we understand it is time for the world to understand it and to believe it. unfortunately, my people are paying for this time with their own lives. but i do know that people will come around. i truly believe in that. and every single day i'm making sure that we are closer to the point there will be absolutely -- by decisions that will be made. >> well, i hope you're right. keira rudik, member of ukrainian parliament. thanks so much for joining us tonight. >> thank you, and glory to ukraine. slava ukraine, as they say. we return to the horrors of borodyanka. just ahead how one man managed to stay alive for more than a month on nothing but grains, all
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right now from lviv, like so many stories of this war, it sounds like something out of world war ii, children forced to hunker underground as bombed go off above them, surviving for weeks on nothing but grain. that is the tragic reality of the war here today, a war that the president of estonia today has elements of genocide. our ed lavandera is in kyiv. he spoke to people suffering this reality. ed, just an incredible story here of how one family managed to stay alive and all they had to do. >> reporter: yeah, really struck us, as we've been driving around the areas north of kyiv that were under russian occupation for so long. you see children, teenagers witnessing the aftermath of this horror. it really got us to thinking
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what it must be like for them. >> reporter: hidden behind a row of homes in the town of borodyanka, ukrainian police exhume the bodies of nine civilians killed by russian soldiers. they're documenting evidence of war crimes. this mother stands over her son's body left in a makeshift grave. on the other side of the grave, we notice this man staring at the graves. >> one of your friends is buried here? >> reporter: he says his friend was killed by russian shrapnel as she tried to escape the city. the cross was made by his grandfather, who dug the shallow grave. >> translator: i can't take this well when i see this. i cry but i'm not showing this. i feel weak, weak because i cannot do anything. >> reporter: yvonne is 16 years old. in two months of war, he's
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witnessed the innocence of childhood die before his eyes. watching yvonne makes you wonder how a teenage mind copes with the horror in front of him. his family says, to understand, we must see what they experienced. yvonne's family never left this backyard shed for more than 30 days while russian troops occupied this city. yvonne's grandfather and father showed us how they survived on nothing but homemade bread. so, basically they would take the grain, the raw grain, and grind it down into flour or a version of flour. and then they would make their own bread in this oven. and that's what they lived on for more than a month. >> reporter: five adults and four children hid in this underground bunker. this is where yvonne heard weeks of artillery blasts and cries for help, the sounds of war that will haunt survivors forever. >> translator: i slept here. my sister and my mom slept here. and another family slept here
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too. we tried to curl up and sleep here together. sometimes when things got really scary, our dads would come down and stay with us. >> reporter: evan's grandfather said russian soldiers told him the family would be killed if they tried to escape. police say more than 50 people were killed here, many of them shot as they tried to run away. the death toll is expected to climb. >> how frightening was this experience for you ? >> reporter: he is stoic as we talk about surviving the russian siege, but there's one question that pierces his heart. >> do you worry about your grandchildren witnessing this war?
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>> reporter: grandfather and father note their children will never be the same. >> why do you feel it was important to be here at this moment? >> translator: so people can see for themselves. the whole world see how the russian world comes and kills civilians for nothing. >> reporter: when you get older, what do you think you'll remember about this moment and this day? >> translator: i'll remember everything. i'll remember every day, and i will tell my children and my grandchildren. i will remember this all my life. >> reporter: he's a teenager who refuses to look away from the raw reality of this war. >> and jim, what evan and his family really struggle with most right now is trying to
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understand why they are some of the lucky ones that survived in that city. they were up close, face to face with russian soldiers, who at the time were killing other people in their city. how they were able to escape alive is something that they don't have answers for, and it's almost difficult to live with. >> and he still has the face of a child and all that he has witnessed already, like so many children in this country. ed lavandera, thank you for bringing us that story. let's go back to laura in washington. >> what a story. it's incredible. sq just the look in that grandfather's eyes. you know he is thinking about what his children and grandchildren are thinking. it's something that is just heart wrenching to see knowing there is no end in sight. jim, thank you. i want to take it to what's happening here as well. the controversy here at home over new law thars being passed in florida, those targeting disney and democrats, raising
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retaliation and also claims of discrimination. we're going to tackle that when we come back. ♪ ♪ nice suits, you guys blend right in. the world needs you back. i'm retired greg, you know this. people have their money justst sitting around doing nothing... that's bad, they shouldn't do that. they're getting crushed by inflation. well, i feel for them. they're taking financial advice from memes. [baby spits out milk] i'll get my onesies®. ♪ “baby one more time” by britney spears ♪ good to have you back, old friend. yeah, eyes on the road, benny. welcome to a new chapter in investing. [ding] e*trade now from morgan stanley. my mental health was much better. my mind was in a good place. but my body was telling a different story. i felt all people sawere my uncontrolled movements. some mental health meds can cause tardive dyskinesia, or td, and it's unlikely to improve without treatment. ingrezza is a prescription medicine to treat adults with td movements in the face and body. it's the only treatment for td that's one pill, once-daily,
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legislature. gop state lawmakers voted to strip disney of its self-governing district after the company publicly opposed his new law, the one that critics refer to as the don't say gay law. the florida house also approved san tis' redistricting map. cnn's dianne gallagher is outside the state capitol in tallahassee. d diane, take us through what happened. >> reporter: republicans who voted for it, even those who presented the bill, aren't exactly sure how or if it can be accomplished, leaving democrats to worry that it may have been a distraction from the maps that were passed that will reduce minority representation. not the happiest place on earth this week, as florida republicans vote to strip disney
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of its special private government status. in what democrats have dubbed the governor's retaliation session, the bill would eliminate disney's special privileges, which would allow the theme park to provide its own services like police and fire services. >> why are pe putting our knee on the neck of the mouse. >> reporter: a bombshell ad just days earlier by ron desantis. >> this is governed by the interests of the state of florida, not the demands of california corporate executives. >> reporter: stemming from a new florida law, dubbed the "don't say gay" bill by opponents, disney called for it to be overturned and suspended political donations in florida after desantis signed it into law last month. >> so, disney poked the bear and got us looking at special districts. >> it's play or punish. if you're going to play in the hands of the governor or are you
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going to be punished? >> reporter: republicans struggle to answer questions about whether tax payers will be stuck paying the services for disney service. >> debt service alone would amount to $580 per person. a family of four just got hit with a $2,200 tax bill. >> reporter: over the protest of black representatives, house republicans gave final passage to a new congressional map. >> when the governor announced he was expanding special session to include this attack on disney, it was to distract and hide the ball. >> reporter: an unprecedented move, desantis submitted his own version last week. >> you don't get to write the map and approve the map. >> reporter: it potentially gives republicans as many as 20 of the state's 28 districts, while dismand lg the fifth district held by democratic congressman, dividing jacksonville into two republican
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leaning districts. and shifting the orlando area tenth district, currently held by val demings, east wards whiter communities. >> any time someone comes up against the governor, he bullies them. that sounds like a dictator to me. >> the map was approved without changes and now heads to desantis' desk. >> and governor desantis confirmed late this evening that he had received the bill. he has until may 6th to sign them. voting rights groups have indicated they do plan to file legal challenges, laura, against these maps. >> of course i'm a former member of the voting rights section and the civil rights division, and without section five and a lot of teeth behind the voting rights act, of course it's difficult to see how this can be undone. but this is part of what democracy really has to take a look at. the idea, as you mentioned, writing the maps, being able to sign them, and then talking about the lot of people. there's a lot that needs to be
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unpacked there. but the common thread, diane, is that what he is pushing in his own congressional map and other aspects might very well be that he is continuing to see the culture war issues that many people have been focusing on in florida. and you know what? it's really raising his political profile. and i imagine perhaps the coup if one can take on the voting rights act. how do you see this unfolding? >> so, that is the concern from a lot of the democrats here, a lot of voting rights activists here in florida. what was specific about these maps is that governor desantis said that he was trying to go off of the u.s. constitution and make them, quote, race neutral. now, black democrats said that race neutral was just another way of saying a white district. but they say that the florida constitution requires the preservation of minority districts. desantis has said he does not agree with that. and the belief is that the attempt of these maps is to challenge not just the florida state constitution but
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potentially get to the supreme court of the united states to challenge the voting rights act itself, laura. and a lot of that does fall into some of these headlines, these, as you mentioned, culture war touchstones we have seen from the florida governor. a lot of the bills that were signed into law have been stopped either all or in part here in florida by the courts. but he's still getting the headline, and that is what people are seeing, talking about all that has been accomplished on those fronts. the expectation is these will end up in court. but here's the thing. you know this, laura. these are ten-year maps. even if it does end up in court, the likelihood of it being stopped before the 2022 congressional elections, those midterms, is very slim. and so because they feel like they are running out of time here in florida, the democrats say they were afraid that regardless of what happened, they may see a diminished minority representation in those all-important 2022 midterms,
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even if they are successful in court. >> that's fascinating. and also thinking about the idea, as you mentioned, these were republican drawn maps that the governor said no too. and as you mentioned, his approval ratings are up. i mean, it's up six points from august. and potentially up eight points in the governor's race. that's higher than the cnn poll of polls. dianne gallagher, thank you. also another controversy tonight. some democrats -- democrats -- are pleading with the white house to keep a border policy from the trump era. what happens with migrants trying to reach the u.s. if title xlii's pandemic rule ends next month? and how does this biden approach compare with frankly the handling of refugees from ukraine and beyond? i'll discuss that with david sanger next. allergies don't have to be scary. spspraying flonase daily stos your body from
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well, president biden is getting major blowback from his own party over expectation that his administration will appeal
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title xlii. to remember, that's the trump era covid policy that allows u.s. border officials to turn migrants along the southern border or their home countries. when the president was asked about this today, he seemed to conflate title xlii with the federal mask mandate battle. watch. >> no, what i'm considering is continuing to hear from my -- first of all, there's going to be an appeal by the justice department because there's a matter of principle. we want to be able to be in a position where if in fact it is strongly concluded by the scientists that we need title xlii that we would be able to do that. but there has been no decision on extending title xlii. >> now, to be fair, the president later clarified that then he was talking about the mask mandate. but more on why this conflation may have political ramifications
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a little bit later. as you know, a federal judge this week overturned the cdc covid policy for airlines and other forms of mass transit. my next guest says the administration's viewpoint on these two issues reveals a very key consistency -- well, an inconsistency at that. cnn political analyst david sanger joins me now. david, conflation really raises a larger issue because on the one hand, there's the idea of taking away title 42, which you've got to say means is no longer a public health emergency that merits that. on the other hand, you've got the idea of appealing a decision to roll back that mask mandate that's happening in public transportation. how do you reconcile the two? can you? >> you really can't, laura. thanks for having me on. so, what we learned is that the president, of course, set a date a while ago, may 23rd, to lift
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the title 42 elements of this. now, what that means is -- this is a health mandate, as you indicated, not an immigration mandate. so, under title 42, if you came over the land border from mexico or from canada, you would not be allowed to go through the usual asylum process. you would be turned back right away. this is a technique that was adopted by the trump administration, at first rejected by the courts you may recall before covid as just another way to try to limit immigration. and then during covid, it was allowed. so, the big question was, what would president biden do with it? he stuck with it for what will essentially be a year sand a half, but was then going to ditch it in may. now there's some suggestion they may try to extend that and keep title 42 in place.
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and as you say, the crazy part about this is if the mask mandate is being lifted at that time, you're essentially saying that the pandemic is over and the health emergency for air travellers but not for people coming over the border. >> well, what's interesting too about this david -- and you point out this notion. and again, these are members of his own party who were talking about this very issue. it's not as if the announcement of title 42 meant that no one tried to come to the border. so, the lifting of title 42 obviously is going to provide for an influx of migrants who are hoping to come to the united states of america. is there a plan in place that you see sufficient such that the administration, they can't claim to be blindsided by the influx when it comes -- and it most likely will come. is there a political consideration about how to deal with this? and the reason i'm so focused on this is of course you've got inconsistency. on the one hand we're all
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watching what's happening in ukraine and open arm policy as related to refugees, albeit for different reasons. no one doubt that. but yet in the u.s., we still have this tension about just how open our borders are in relation to those who are also seeking refuge in the united states. >> that's exactly right. so, on the first part of your question, secretary mayorkas, who's the secretary of homeland security, has said that they are preparing for what they know will be a big surge in -- as soon as the title 42 provisions are lifted. i went back and looked today to see how much they were using title 42. it turns out that along the southwest border, there were about 160,000 encounters with people coming over the border last month, march. i'm sorry, two months ago. so, in that time, about half of those were sent back under title
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42. they were just immediately turned around. so, you have to think that there will be at least 80,000 people who they could send back right away who will remain in the u.s. and add to that backlog of asylum cases. >> well, what i'm hearing you say, david, obviously is that this is a problem you've contemplated, an issue that must be resolved and anticipated. and the question will be what will the administration do about it now that it's not just republicans asking for resolution. david, we're out of time. thank you so much. and we will all be right back. n. if you're not oozing, then you're losingng. tater totting, cold or hotting. mealin', feelin', pie-ing, trying. color your spread. upgrade your bread. pair it. share it. kraft singles. square it.
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cnn film, "innavalny" here's al marquardt with a closer look. >> reporter: no greater antagonist or political threat in russia to vladimir putin than navalny, as a result, 45-year-old opposition leader now languishing in a colony serving 11 years in prison. >> i understand how system works in russia, i understand putin hates me. >> reporter: the canulmination decade of act overcome, blogger, emerging in 2008, after destruction of companies. >> translator: putin regime is built on corruption and putin himself is most corrupt. >> in 2011, after allegations party was you rigged in favor of of putin, he reached prominence in the protests, over the years, repeatedly arrested, evidence of
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a growing popularity that threatened the establishment's grip on power, his shining rise somewhat complicated in early days with cooperation and marching along with members of far right nationalist groups, navalny justifies it now saying a broad coalition is needed to fight a regime. in 2013, went for mayor of moscow and lost to putin's candidate, also served embezaliment, which he said was trumped up, two years later, he boarded a flight from the central hugz city of tonsk to moscow. soon, his cries were heard throughout the cabin, navalny knew exactly what happened. >> turned over to the flight attendant and told him i was poisoned, i'm going to die. >> reporter: he was poisoned with a chemical nerve agent,
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flown to germany for treatment. a joint investigation with cnn and joint investigation group uncovered the team of agents from fsb, successor to kgb that tracked navalny for years until the poisoning. >> is it your contention that vladimir putin must have been aware of this? >> of course, 100%. >> reporter: cnn's clarissa ward and her team confronted a member of the toxin team at his apartment on the outskirts of moscow. >> reporter: my name's clarissa ward, i work for cnn, can i ask you a couple of questions? was it your team that poisoned navalny, please? >> reporter: five months after his poisoning, navalny returned to russia, knowing what awaited him. >> i will go back, because i'm russian politician, i belong to this country. >> reporter: he was arrested on
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arrival, in prison, he started a hunger strike. he was initially sentenced to 2 1/2 years for violating his probation, then another nine were added for fraud and contemp it of court charges, critics say are clearly political. alex ma alex marquardt, cnn washington. >> navalny premiers 9:00 p.m. sunday here at cnn, a truly inspiring story. we'll be right back.
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welcome back and i want to reiterate full circle here how important it is to tell the stories we're hearing, not have any of this normalized or people be dismissive just because of idea of seeing it day in and day out, it's really tragic but we
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have to keep covering it and i want to thank you for the coverage you're doing out there in particular and bringing these stories for everyone to hear and know they're attached to human beings and lives. >> thank you, laura, part of a big team here and we're doing our best to tell those stories, we'll keep telling those stories. i'll be here in ukraine tomorrow for cnn tonight along with laura reporting from washington, don lemon tonight starts now. don. >> you're absolutely right, big team doing incredible work, our correspondents, producers and camera folks on the grounds, folks there with us, jim, similar to what laura just said, two months since the invasion began and the images we're seeing like the alleged mass graves outside mariupol, overwhelming to look at. we can -- this is something we should not get used to. the world cannot get numb to this. >> this is a war told in deeply painful personal stories and there are litemi


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