tv Anderson Cooper 360 CNN April 26, 2022 5:00pm-6:00pm PDT
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in his carrier bag, legal troubles don't end here, due to appear in court next month on misdemeanor charges driving with a revoked license, latest in a string of controversial incidents for cawthorn, alleged in an interview was invited to orgies where members used cocaine in front of him something he took back later. starting tonight from kyiv, we begin this evening with images not shown until now, bucha in ukraine trying to build a war crimes case with, i spoke ukraine today with a prosecutor trying to build the evidence, for the first time, these images shown publicly, pictures and videos taken by eye witness on a street where people were being
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killed and are, to use a familiar word by now, graphic, so is the reality of what happened in bucha. these images taken in early march in the suburb north west of kyiv in what could have easily have been an american suburb, in these pictures seen for the first time, a man's body killed with his bicycle going about his business. these taken in early march, only now with a second body, as you know, some of the dead were left alive where they'd fallen until bucha was finally liberated. elsewhere, another bike, another body, another civilian killed while simply trying to make the best of the horror playing out all around him, trying to go to work. again, these photos were given to us by the official conducting a war crimes investigation on the ground in bucha. all except one, this one, were taken by a local resident, this one of russian armor taken by a surveillance video, traffic camera video used by investigators now to try to
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identify the russian soldiers involved in killings in bucha which is a very difficult task. this comes as cnn obtains other exclusive images placing russian troops at the scene of the some of the killings come from new drone video of bucha taken during the russian occupation of the town. it's especially timely because today, standing next to u.n. secretary-general in moscow, vladimir putin said this about the atrocity which he blamed for scuttling peace talks with ukraine. >> translator: unfortunately, after reaching agreements and our clearly demonstrated intentions to create conditions for favorable conditions for continuation of negotiations we encountered a provocation in the village of bucha to which the russian army has nothing to do. >> so that's a lie. and it's clearly a lie, and what is so insulting about it, especially to the families of the victims is that there is
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clear evidence, as well as eye witness accounts, satellite images as well. now, remember what we just showed you at the top, those images or most of them were taken by one individual on the street where those people were killed and the camera that took them has been handed over to prosecutors, to war crimes prosecutors and that can be examined for its data to tell the exact date the photos were taken on, that those photos were taken over the course of several days, sixth and seventh and showed a progression of killings over the course of several days and that's why these images are so important and remember the satellite photos showing civilian bodies for march 18 th, when russian forces were clearly in control, now the russians say those satellite images, some of which you are only seeing now, are fake. take a look at the new video obtained march 18th obtained exclusively by cnn, russian military vehicle at the intersection, it's small and
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blurry, but we've identified the three objects just down the street above that vehicle. on the screen, as bodies. the same bodies seen in the satellite images from the 18th. i mean, the video taken march 12th, a number of russian soldiers are seen around a military vehicle parked outside of a house just down the street from the bodies. cnn asked the russian ministry of defense for comment but did not immediately receive response. just to remind you what those officials are not commenting on and what vladimir putin is blaming on ukraine, here's what bucha looked like on street level after liberated, the body of people killed during that occupation while the russian army was still there. the information comes as mayor of mariupol says a third mass grave found near the city, says russian troops forced local resident to see work the site in exchange for food and water. tonight, on the program we'll talk to international court of justices chief war crimes prosecutor about all of it, also
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news from various battle areas and four star army general david petrias and wesley clark join us, now making references to nuclear weapons being used and secretary austin responding. >> what i think it is, jen, is it's dangerous and any kind of rhetoric like that i think it's unhelpful. you know, we've said over and over again that a nuclear war cannot be won by either side. so i think saber rattling and rhetoric like that is just unhelpful and so, again, hard to say what's motivating mr. lavrov, but again i think that kind of talk should be avoided. >> joining our coverage tonight, nick payton walsh, with the new offensive in the south, matt
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rivers back from a tour of chernobyl where he talked today world's top nuclear watch dog group about how close we came to a second nuclear disaster there during russia's brief occupation of chernobyl, also with us tonight, international correspondent clarissa ward seeing the battle of kharkiv, up front, first, nick payton walsh with the southern front. >> reporter: these southern fields conjure a pieces long past, a world away from ukraine's hell, quickly ruptured by russia's new offensive, sending waves of evacuees fleeing the growing unthinkable world of russian occupation. families for whom the shelling over the last two hours was finally too much. one of the villages further down here, the russians are actually close to them, it's impossible to stay, a woman was injured
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there. anina was three when the last war ended but doesn't know when this one will. hour by hour, everything changes. things are moving fast enough here that just 24 hours are going, a village just 24 kilometers in that direction was the meeting point in which people evacuated, now seems to be under fire and just see panicked locals rushing in to collect their relatives. distant treelines are packed with troops, the blue horizon sometimes marked by smoke. a rumble of rockets still here and you see the damage of what they've done before, but somewhere like this has felt, to some degree, it didn't survive the worst of the war but now in the second phase of the russian operation, the brutality of those forces is essentially coming straight their way. the flag flies still in a spot here where lennin used to stand and needs an army to hold it in
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place. people don't want and cannot live under occupation, he says. we've managed to get 7,000 out, across our 100 miles of frontline, some by bicycle, some in wheel bear ohbarrows or by foot. here, president zelenskyy's hometown, clearly, talk of a sham referendum wednesday trying to gentrify the russian occupation and many flee these past days with queues of cars backed up for miles. this father and son lost a wife and mother respectively to a bomb and even here, don't want their faces shown. if they see us, they'll shoot everyone left there, he says. we left on foot, over the water in the river. for this family, it was about saving the eldest, fearing that
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18-year-old son would be conscripted after the sham vote. the first time we tried to leave, they shot at us a second time. we got out, she says. we are completely occupied, she says. there is no food, no money, we have nothing. they'll do a referendum and take our children. my son is 18 and they'll take him as cattle fodder. we ran as fast as we could. it is jarring among the generosity of donations and offers of new homes to hear of the casual brutality of the occupiers. mihael was tortured for days in a basement after russian troops mistook his rough builders hands as a sign he's been a soldier. pulled pulled out a gun, saw it was cocked, two shots, hit the concrete wall, i think it was a starting pistol. two other men then came in, they were drunk, one must have been a
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boxer as he beat me in the same place, my ribs, breaking six of them, rupturing a lung. broken in parts here but even as russia closes in, still breathing. >> nick payton walsh joins us now along with clarissa ward and matt rivers. nick, you can sense obviously the desperation in all the people you spoke to in that piece, can you just kind of describe the intensity of this new phase of the war and the area that you're in? >> reporter: yeah, i think it's frankly something that hasn't really been on peoples' radar. it is extraordinary to think that here in kryvyr rih, hometown of zelenskyy, to the south, are russian troops getting pretty close in the scattered villages you see there, obviously marooned at times in the open fields but a concerted push certainly in the last 48 hours to bring the russian lines much closer to where we are here.
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where are they going is the fundamental question, russia announced lofty aims to veer out left toward odesa, maybe towards moldova, seems unlikely, trying to months and no luck. are they aiming at the symbolism of the president's hometown here? possibly, but pretty well defend of as far as we can see or as some investsuggesting are they out east, but i have to tell you it has been remarkable to hear the accounts of the vaolume of russian forces on this side of the river. >> clarissa, you were just coming out of kharkiv, got very close to a missile attack when with some paramedics. what does the world look like in that area, now kharkiv is the second largest city. >> reporter: it is just relentless bombardment, i mean it's nearly nine weeks now that kharkiv, day in, day out, has been under fire. cruise missiles into government
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buildings, shelling -- the shelling is now primarily in the northeastern out skirts in an area called saltivka and that's a very important area strategically for the russians because they have a supply line moving down from the north from russian city of belirad down to the donbas city and isium which is very important for them at the moment so the thing people in kharkiv fear is as russia tries to neutralize ukrainian counter offenses that potentially kharkiv could become the next mariupol and they see these images, new mass graves, hear the harrowing reports of people who were forced to take a shovel and dig these graves for water and food and understandably, it gives them a shiver of fear down their spine because they're so keenly aware of the fact that they are potentially vulnerable to that as well, i would say, though, anderson, it would be a very
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tall order for russia to fully encircle kharkiv. >> mariupol had what 140,000 residents before the invasion, kharkiv, was 1.5 or something -- >> exactly and a strong ring of ukrainian forces who have been launching successful counter offensives, russians tried to push in there last month, weren't successful in doing it but because of that relentless bombardment, sort of instills a sort of vulnerable mentally as well in terms of morale because the message you're receiving day in and day out is you will not be allowed to have a normal life in any way, shape or form, unless you submit. >> where were you in chernobyl today, the iea direct calling it a fact-finding mission, bringing necessary equipment and where they come out, have found significant damage. remember the russians occupied that facility early on in the war, they were there several
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weeks forcing engineers to work under horrific conditions to keep that defunct power plant operating essentially and that happened on the same day, said the iaea would help them restore and repair that which is pretty significant on the same day cruise missiles were launched in another city in ukraine called zaporizhzhia and we're hearing those missiles actually flew over a powerplant in zaporizhzhia, very low altitude and what we're hearing from officials is that's obviously incredibly dangerous if one of those missingles hits either on purpose or on accident a nuclear power plant could be a huge catastrophe so i asked the director of iaea what his message to russia is now. >> my message to them, we have to put an end to this situation, restore full safety and security of the nuclear power plants. this is my work and i'm asking them to cooperate with me. >> how close are we here do you think to a true disaster when
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the russians are here? >> it's clear that the situation was a dangerous one because you didn't have a normal kind of, lines of command that were not clear. on occasion, we also had interruptions of the external power, fueling the plant, which may have led to frinterruption the cooling systems but consequences in terms of environment so i would say we were on the verge of catastrophe but not in a zone you would like to be. that is very clear to me. >> and so across the country, you're talking about 15 different nuclear reactors across four different facilities, as long as russia keeps doing what they're doing, those facilities are at risk which means ukraine and frankly, the world, also at risk. >> nick, you talked about this in your piece and some of the people you were interviewing had left ahead of this referendum but this kind of sham referendum that in kherson, it's as early as wednesday, trying to create a
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new entity that would be called the kherson's peoples' republic, according to ukrainian official what they're saying is the russians are actually there having trouble finding enough willing participants to even fake a vote. what are you hearing about this? >> reporter: i've got to tell you, we just don't know if there's going to be a referendum tomorrow. everybody you speak to who leaves kherson says they've been told there will be one today, it's wednesday already here and l leaflets and many of them left because they were concerned once the sham referendum was pushed through, we've seen in donetsk and they ask people to vote and declare a peoples republic and that gets recognized in the case of donbas by russia that kherson would become sort of closer, legally in the vision of the russian, and the men may would be conscripted to serve for the russian military, that caused
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many to leave and be deeply concerned that life would take a very dark turn since then, but it does appear at the moment we're just simply not sure, i spoke to one senior official here, he certainly didn't know if that would go ahead or not, as you know, some officials appointed in the local government there, that may be the sort of way they take control of the local administration there but i think it shows possibly the lack of clarity perhaps or the lack of clean control of messaging the russians have over that most important city, the first they actually manage to take. they've seen a lot of protest amongst the local population there, and among the volumes trying to get out. i saw a 20 kilometer long queue of people trying to get out through a russian held town, not allowed out and nakeding their way through the fields, but remarkable volumes of people walking on bicycles, wheelbarrows even simply to get
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out of russian control, anderson. >> so we know, has the full force, full onslaught of the russian offensive begun already in the east, i mean it's hard, there's not a lot of people, hard to know, but that seems to be the question. >> i just think it's going to look very different from anything that one might have imagined in terms of some sort of shock and awe. this is going to be incremental. this is going to be a war of attrition. this is going to grind on. russia has thrown a lot of troops at it already, but when mariupol falls they can potentially throw even more troops at it. but everyday, what you're seeing is movement back and forth with russians taking one half of the village then the next day the ukrainians taking it back. so this is not going to be some kind of a slam-dunk victory for the russians by any stretch of the imagination which is why i think you've seen a real shift in the tone of the white house and the administration in terms of feeling much more confident about ukraine's abilities to
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potentially win this. >> yeah, and the other question is how quickly can those howlitzers and other weapons get into the east, thanks so much, more from clarissa her full report coming up next block and in light of new images we obtained in killings in bucha, conviction with prosecutor for the international criminal court, joins us tonight, and later, clarissa's reporting from kharkiv, under nonstop siege now ninene weeks. allergies don't have to be scary. spraraying flonase daily stos your body from overrereacting to allergens al season long. psst! psst! flonase e all goo. this mother's day, show mom that you worship the ground she walks on. or in this case, stands on.
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for the month of march. they were taken over the course -- the photos we're showing you now -- taken over the course of the several days mostly march 5, 6, and 7th while russian forces were in the area and particularly on this one particular street where more than half a dozen people were shot to death as you can see the pictures show bodies of civilians at several locations over the course of several days. prosecutor tells me those people were out to pick up supplies, humanitarian aid or just trying to cross the street, in some casings people who lived on that street or going by trying to live their lives now part of a criminal case, ukrainian prosecutors are building in the middle of a war which is certainly been notable for atrocities and nearly every imaginable variety from gunning down civilians to bombing train stations, shelters and hospitals to lay waste to cities. joined now with prosecutor of the criminal court at the hague,
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kareem, when i talked to you in lviv you were just beginning the investigation, still needing to get funding from countries for the investigation, where is your investigation now because i know you've been in butch ah jell and talked to that prosecutor who speaks very highly of you? >> thank you very much, for having me, and i think the pictures you've shown the world and really fantastic reporting you and clarissa ward and other colleagues have done have put a very clear spotlight on some of the reports coming out of ukraine. the international criminal court, office is there for a reason, to collect evidence, to authenticate evidence and to see what crimes have been committed and if so, who is responsible. i think we need to march forward on this. i think the situation is extremely grave.
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it's not getting better, and we need to make sure that we find ways to insist on the rule of law prevailing over brute force, bullying and the kind of crimes that are within the court's jurisdiction. >> i should point out, your job is not to side with ukraine, to side with russia, your job is just to follow the facts, find the truth, and bring cases based on that, whether it's cases of prisoners being abused by ukrainian force as or allegatio of that or war crimes by russian forces, obviously the bulk of the allegations so far against russian forces. you visited bucha a few weeks ago. how important is it for prosecutors to establish a timeline of exactly when people were killed and also a chain of command line to understand who gave what order? >> well it's key and, you know, the picture that is are on the screens now, of bodies lying in the streets of bucha, i went to
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bordyenko as well, i haven't been to mariupol, so as one sees, unfortunately, there are likely to be other scenes of desperate nature that are like those on the tv screen. you know, i was there behind st. andrew's church in bucha with the prosecutor general of ukraine and we need to get to the bottom of it. those bodies that are in bags on the screen are not fake. i've seen them. i stood besides them. the issue is how did they die and who is responsible and in what circumstances? and this is why i think independent investigations are needed, because the families of those that have perished deserve answers and i think the rest of the world is looking for how vigorous and effective the rule of law can be in these circumstances. so we need to go forward in a way that's much more effective
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perhaps than in the past. >> ukrainian prosecutors say that as many as 300 people were killed in bucha during the time of russian occupation, you alluded to what russian officials are saying that these images are fake, satellite images are fake, bodies were put here after russia left to make russia look bad, obviously the satellite images tell a different story because they show bodies there during the russian occupation but russian officials say well those are fake and the company that makes those images has a contract with the defense department which is i believe true. one of the things the local prosecutor is saying to us about the photographs he showed us today is that the camera itself which prosecutors have will have meta data that has the time, what day those photographs were taken and the fact that there's a progression of, you know, there's bodies appear on monday
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on march 5th, two bodies, then march 6th, another body appears and eye witness says that's when someone else was killed, he took a photo. is that sort of data important to building, again, a case in court? >> it's critically important, because we've got, i think the picture on the screen shows one of the pictures on somebody's window, perhaps, and got testimonial evidence but if you combine that together with drone video, evidence that's recorded that contains meta data, you have then a combination of evidence from around different sources that it's capable of being forensically examined and ultimately won't be anybody's decision not even my own. we have independent judges that will assess whether or not evidence is fake or authentic and i think any side of the conflict should not be scared of the truth and we should trust the rule of law and independent men and women of my office and
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ultimately the independent judges of the international criminal court that work in partnerships with the fantastic prosecutor general of ukraine and other national authorities and we are, at this critical moment, yesterday i signed a historic agreement, the first time my office in 20 years of its, the court's existence has signed an agreement with a joint investigation team along with lithuania and poland and ukraine and in addition to those three states, nine other states are in europe looking at accountability and i think between us, we will ultimately get to the truth because there's no place to hide in the courtroom and whatever are the narratives and the counter-narratives and evidence, of course, should promptly be tested. ultimately, we see domestically, we see internationally, you can't hide from the truth, and there will be, i think, a case to answer in due course and we'll wait to see what it is. >> karim khan, appreciate your
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time tonight, thank you. coming out, clarissa ward joins us again from the streets of kharkiv, ukraine's second largest city still standing despite the destruction wrought by russian forces as an fe offensive is well underway in the east. we believe there's an innovator in all of us. ♪ that's why we build technology that makes it possible for every business... and every person... to come to the table and do more incredible things. to be clear, we have never been accused of being flashy, sexy or lit. mai? we're definitely not lit. i mean seriously, we named oselves which is kind of lit if we are talkin.. literal... ha ha. it's why we're planet earth's number one site for booking accommodation. we love booking stuff!
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troops in the east and south, quote, launched offensive in all directions and claim resistance held despite the stepped up attack, several russian military commanders say trying to block the portions of kharkiv to aid advancement, clarissa ward, more from inside kharkiv, ukraine's second largest city. >> reporter: there's no rest at night for the people of kharkiv. flares light up the sky as artillery thunders through the air. for nearly nine weeks, ukraine's second largest city has been shelled relentlessly. only by day, do you see the full scale of the destruction the neighborhood of pavlovopoya hit repeatedly last week as russian forces try to push into the city, no site was spared, not even the local nursery school. so it looks like this was some kind of a dormitory.
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you can see childrens' beds here all around and then in the next room over there was their classroom. their shoes still litter the lockerroom, mercifully the school had been evacuated so no children were killed in the strikes. the mayor of kharkiv says 67 schools and 54 kindergartens have been hit here since the war began and what's so striking when you look around is that it's so clearly not a military target. this is a residential neighborhood. just a few blocks away, the bare skeleton of an apartment building. authorities say more than 2,000 houses have been hit here. sounds of war are never far away. so you can see this is what's left of the bedroom here. it's just astonishing.
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two doors down, we see a figure peaking out. 73-year-old larissa is still living there alone she's saying she does have a sister she could stay with, but she also lives in an area being heavily hit and living in a shelter at the moment. it's from all sides, she says. from there, and there, they can shell. with her fresh lipstick larissa is a picture of pride and resilience. much like this city, still standing tall in the face of a ruthless enemy. >> and clarissa ward is back with me now. i mean, the bombardment is so indiscriminate and i mean i just am so struck by the russians, continuely russian officials lie
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about this saying we're just using precision weapons not targeting residential areas or shooting or hitting civilians. >> yeah, it's pretty surprising, yet when you look back at the russian playbook it makes a lot of sense. when you particularly think of this new general or relatively recently appointed general, known as the butcher of syria and the tactics we saw in syria, the targets of hospitals and schools and the powerful message that sends to people that you cannot have any sense of normalcy until you submit, while at the same time, officially continuing to spat out the line that these places are only being targeted because they're being used by, you know, in this case, the nazis, to launch attacks and military attacks are being launched from these areas. we walked around these areas. we were there with those paramedics as they came under fire while they were tending to the wounded in a residential building. we did not see any trace of military, what we did see were
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ordinary civilians, people, trying to live their lives and coming under a hail of artillery and rockets on analyst daily basis. >> and people still trying to live their lives, that woman you report putting on her make-up. >> yeah it's really, i mean obviously we've been traveling a lot around this whole country. the people of kharkiv kind of astonish me in terms of the level of pride and resilience and defiance in the face of that kind of bombardment, to be living on your own in an apartment where your nextdoor building the entire face of it has been sheered off and you're still getting dressed in the morning, putting you doon your lipstick in the morning, just speaks to an extraordinary essential quality in people you really don't see often. >> yeah, clarissa ward, thank you so much, appreciate it. top u.s. military official giving a stark warning about the threat russia proposes to international global security if not held accountable for their
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for ukraine. >> the global international security agency put in place in 1945, it's lasted 78 years, prevented great war if there's no answer to this aggression, if russia gets away with this cost free, so goes away the so called international order and then we're entering an era of seriously increased instability. >> his comments came after a meeting with allies hosted by secretary lloyd austin in germany who reiterated his goals to see russian capabilities weakened. also criticized the russian foreign minister over his comments of a danger of a nuclear war saying it was completely irresponsible and anytime a senior official of a nation rattles the nuclear saber, everyone takes it seriously, joining me, former cia director and head of command, general david petrayas. when you heard the comments about weakening russia from secretary austin, general milley
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said that the global international security order is at stake in this war. i'm wondering if you agree with that and what exactly that, does that mean? >> i don't think that's hyperbole. i think there is a reasonable amount at stake here in terms of the global order. the fact that one country can conduct an unprovoked invasion of its neighbor is very, very concerning. it's not something that can be allowed to happen in today's day and age. of course it's the first invasion of that sort in europe since the end of world war ii. so again, i think these words are not overstatements, i think we have to be a bit cautious with anything that could seem to make vladimir putin as if he's in backed into a corner and has nothing left to lose, but i think there's plenty left to lose for him right now and i think frankly, the significance of today's meeting at ramstein rare base in germany is enormous.
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this is the, basically, the free world, the countries that really matter so beyond even those of nato committing to support ukraine as if you have not just the arsenal of democracy on your side if you're ukraine, you have the arsenals of democracy. and i -- it has to cause very significant concern in russia and i suspect that's why there was a little rattling of the nuclear saber again today. they have to realize now that any window of opportunity for achieving additional gains on the ground is going to close fairly quickly as soon as these massive arm shows into ukraine, getting together the ammunition for them, it's going to be very tough for russia on the battlefield. >> it's not a coincidence you're saying that you have lavrov, you know, mentioning the use of nuclear weapons right after this, on the same day that this meeting was held. >> i think that's right,
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anderson, again, they have nothing left. again, we are hammering their economy, their financial system, their business community, putin's inner circle, watching over 300,000 of the most talented russian citizens now voted with their feet and left the country. they don't want to be in a country anymore that's a global pu pariah, i think they face bleak times ahead. >> what do you make of this coming phase now of the war? >> well, i think the phase that we're actually in now, and perhaps in the days that lie ahead is very, very pivotal for ukraine. they've been scrambling to move forces down there, just as russia pulled forces out of the north and reconstituted them and shoved them around to the east without really adequate reconstitution activities, ukraine has to be doing the same, these are vast distances as you well know back in kyiv, as you know how long that distance is north to south and east to west.
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so the other factor here is that the russians have been being more precise in targeting certain logistical sites, fuel depots and warehouses and so forth of ukraine that undoubtedly are important, not just to the day to day logistics of the battle field, but also to the provision of these additional weapons coming into the country at an enormous pace and just working out, in fact, the details of how to get soldiers who can operate these, you know, 90 155 military howitzeres from the united states alone, because of course the ukrainians don't have 1 five five millimeter they have 152, but getting that in there in the way the ukrainians so skillfully used drones for forward observation so they can pinpoint the location of russian forces behind the russian lines and then use this heavy artillery to
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take it out and we sent in additional, the firefighter radar so the russians use their artillery very quickly and very accurately. they'll pinpoint the location and can very quickly put that information on the guns in response so there's a lot of very substantial fire power headed to the east. the question is can the russians take advantage of the time between now and when that arrives to get some additional gains in the battle fields of the east and the southeast that might translate into leverage at the negotiating table? i thought it was interesting today, i'm sure you will have seen that there's some discussion about negotiations again and the possible, possibility of president zelenskyy agreeing not to discuss crimea or the originally occupied areas of donetsk or luhansk, those occupied by the russian-supported separatists prior to the beginning of the invasion. >> always appreciate your time, thank you so much.
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>> thank you anderson, thank you for what you're doing back in kyiv. we're going to leave ukraine for a moment and turn to health news out of the u.s., who might be the final word finally on whether or not it's a good idea to take a daily aspirin to help prevent heart attack and stroke, the latest from sanjay gupta ahead. nope. we use diversified stratetegies to position ouour client's portfolios for their long-term goals. (other money manager) but you still sell investmenens that generate e high commissios for you, right? (fisher investments) no, we don't sell commission products. we're a fiduciary, obligated to act in our client's best interest. (other money manager) so when do you make more money, only when your clients make more money? (fisher investments) yep. we do better when our clients do better. at fisher investments, we're clearly different.
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5:54 pm
. we'll return to coverage in ukraine in just a moment. but first a surprising shift in one of america's longest-standing health recommendations. an aspirin a day deeps doctor away has been the conventional wisdom for years with scientists long touting the benefits of taking aspirin or baby aspirin at least daily to keep your heart healthy and lower your risk for a stroke. millions of americans have been doing just that. but now a federal task force is strongly warning against it, especially for those 60 or older saying it could do more harm than good. to try to make sense of it, chief medical correspondent dr. sanjay gupta. >> sanjay, what is the deal? should we take aspirin? what is going on? >> if you look at the recommendations angling toward
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over the last several years, it's for fewer and fewer people to take aspirin. initially the idea was, hey, you know, what's the harm? it could potentially help prevent problems. but i think as we've seen more and more of the potential risks, risks like bleeding from aspirin, they are encouraging people to be more cautious. what these new recommendations say is if you're over 60, really you should not start taking aspirin to prevent a heart attack or stroke. bleeding risk goes up with age, and 60 is the age they sort of determined there is really no net benefit if you're between 40 and 59, which you and i are and think about heart disease, you should think how significant your risk is and determine with your doctor whether or not you should be taking aspirin. all in all, unless your risk is significantly high, the recommendation from your doctor is probably going to come back that you shouldn't be taking it. again, it's a risk-reward benefit.
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bleeding from trauma if you're on aspirin could be more significant. >> does it make sense for someone who's been taking daily aspirin or if you're not in that category of higher risk, then you shouldn't? >> yeah i mean, this has always been lacking with these recommendations because they don't address this point. say you're someone who's already been taking it for what is known as primary prevention, meaning that you've never had a heart attack or stroke, you're just doing it to prevent it. 30 million people in the country fall under that category. 25% of those incidentally, anderson, are doing it just on their own. it wasn't their doctor necessarily recommended it. so, you know, the task force doesn't get into the business of saying you should stop taking it, but i think the recommendations are pretty clear that you shouldn't start and if you are taking it, probably talk to your doctor to make sure there isn't another reason you're on this. if there's not, maybe you need to stop it as well at any of those ages, 40 and older.
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again, the risk of the bleeding is the big concern here, even more so than what prevention it may provide. >> in other health news, vice president kamala harris' office announced she tested positive for covid today and is in isolation at the naval observatory. >> she says she has no symptoms at all. it was both a pcr test as well as an antigen test that came back positive. so i think she was surprised because she says snoehe has no symptoms. she's been vaccinated and has two boosters. those are protective against developing symptoms, not as protective as we've seen so many times now with these contagious variants. these vaccines aren't as protective from keeping you getting infected in the first place. but all accounts she's doing fine and will follow cdc guidelines in terms of isolation. >> i'm going to ask you this question about her, but it's really -- i'm curious for myself
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as well. once she tests negative, at what point should she get a booster or whatever the next step is? i tested -- i was positive a couple -- i don't know, two or three weeks ago. do i have immunity for a while that i don't need a booster. first of all, in her case she's received both boosters. i'm thinking you're asking because you've gotten one and you're considering a second booster. typically you should have pretty good immunity if you've had this new variant. now, if you had a previous variant, what they're finding is it's not offering as much protection against the new variants. but if you've been infected recently, then most likely it was this new variant and you should have protection for some time. exactly how long, it's a little bit hard to say, but some studies have suggested, you know, a couple three months at least before you necessarily need another booster, anything else like that. >> all right. sanjay, as always, thank you so much. >> you got it.
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thank you. back to ukraine. ahead, a report on abductions. dozens of civilians in the early days of the invasion told me of a red cross volunteer who was among those taken captive but made it back alive. what he witnessed and what he's doing to find the missing, next. . and you can find her, and millions of other talented pros, right now onon ♪ we believe there's an innovator in all us. ♪ ♪ that's why we build technology that makes it possible for every business... and every person... to come to the table and do more incredible things.
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