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tv   Navalny  CNN  April 29, 2022 6:00pm-8:00pm PDT

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another one found north of barcelona with his wife and daughters' bodies nearby. at least four were associated with gazprom and its subsid garys. gazprom has not returned calls for comment. the cnn film "navalny" starts the cnn film "navalny" starts nonow. -- captionsns by vitac -- >> okay. we're going guys? >> yeah. >> okay. let's see. i want to talk about something we sort of touched on this morning. and you might hate this, but i really want you to think about it. if you are killed, if this does
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happen, what message do you leave behind to the russian people? >> come on, daniel. no, no way. it's like you're making a movie about the case of my death. again, i'm ready to answer your question. but please let it be another movie, movie number two. like, let's make a thriller out of this movie. and in the case i would be killed, let's make a boring movie of memory. [ speaking foreign language ]
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[speaking foreign language] >> are you not scared, alexei? what do you expect in moscow? [speaking foreign language]
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>> unexpectedly, vladimir putin has a genuine challenger, a handsome 41-year-old lawyer, alexei navalny. one of the most dangerous occupations in the world, running against the man who controls the kremlin. >> more than any other opposition figure in russia, alexei navalny gets ordinary
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people out to protest. >> if i want to fight putin, if i want to be leader of a country, i have to do something practical about it. well, i have to kind of organize people. [speaking foreign language ] >> i was banned from everything. television, banned. newspapers, blacklisted. rallies, forbidden.
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i realized i can do a lot on my own with the support of my wife, julei. just a small group of people i can rely on. zero money, a lot of work, and that's it. >> his youngest fans have turned to tiktok, which has been crucial in spreading the word. >> navalny's posted hundreds of videos about his corruption investigations, and they're wildly popular. >> the kremlin hates navalny so much that they literally refuse to say his name.
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[speaking foreign language ] >> officers raided, and they just confiscated everything. everything. they splashed toxic liquid into my face, and my first thought was, jesus, i will be kind of monster until the end of my days.
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as i became more and more famous guy, i was totally sure that my life became safer and safer because i'm kind of famous guy. and it will be problematic for them just to kill me. >> boy, were you wrong? >> yes, i was very wrong.
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>> so, we went to siberia to make a nice movie about local corruption. i expected a lot of police. i expected a lot of people who try to prevent our filming, confiscate our cameras or just break our cameras or try to beat us. i expected that sort of things, and i was very surprised, like, hm, why is nobody here? i even have this strange feeling like lack of respect. seriously? i'm here and where's my police? the whole trip was the smoothest trip i ever had in ages. i am a kind of slave of
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thursdays because on thursday i have my online youtube show. and then weekend i can spend with my family before another trip to another region. i was going home, and then i died. >> passengers on his flight from siberia heard alexei navalny cry out in agony. other passengers filming just after the plane makes an emergency landing in siberia. navalny then rushed to a hospital where he was put on a ventilator. his spokeswoman saying navalny was poisoned. >> his wife raced to be by his side .
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[speaking foreign language ]
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>> we've come to the conclusion that judging by the fact there were no poisons found in his blood or other biological materials, he has a metabolic disorder, lowering of blood sugar levels to be specific. >> we're hearing state news agencies that are backed by the kremlin suggesting that hallucinogenic drugs may be involved but not poisoning. [speaking foreign language ]
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>> this morning an air ambulance from a german parody landed. i'll pick this one up. i earn 3% cash back on dining including
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( ♪ ) ( ♪ ) ( ♪ )
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( ♪ ) ♪ the moment when i heard the news that navalny was poisoned, my first thought was, can this be the kremlin? would they be so dumb to try to kill the opposition figure, the main opposition figure? i was skeptical. maybe it's one of the many oligarchs. either it is a state-ordered attack or it is somebody assassinating opposition figures in order to please putin. >> the closest anyone has come
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to tracing attack to putin, 2018 attack in salisbury, england. >> the kremlin claiming to have nothing to do with the poisoning of sergey. >> he was poisoned by the military nerve agent novichok. >> it actually starts switching off your nerve connecters in your body one by one. if it's done properly, it will just turn you off as a body. within hours, any trace will disappear. so, it will always forever look like it was a natural death. and this is why it appears to be the preferred form of killing for people whose death will be under public scrutiny, such as navalny. there was a lot of pressure for us to start investigating.
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media partners in russia reached out, said, can you help. we looked at it and said, there is no way in hell. it happened in the russia. sitting here in the remote corners of siberia in europe. we didn't even try to get it. >> alexei navalny arrives at this hospital in berlin with his wife, yulia. a spokesperson tweeted, the struggle for alexei's life and health is just beginning. here at the hospital, both inside and out, he'll be watched.
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[speaking foreign language ] >> to have your dad, an opposition leader, being poisoned by we don't know what, we don't know how, we don't know when, and just be in a random hospital. it was just -- it was surreal. it was literally like a book. >> hello?
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they can't say anything about his brain. to which extent he will recover if they wake him up. many millions of supporters were trying to figure out how to help. we in berlin are a small community. we had to dive into actually getting things done. >> we all were very skeptical about investigating alexei's poisoning. as opposed to previous cases, this poisoning took place on the russian soil. so, no one's going to share with us. we're not going to have fancy videos from the airport where the poisoners fly in and out. and as much as it hurts to admit, while putin is in power, we'll never find out the truth. >> yulia, how is your husband this morning?
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[speaking foreign language] >> it was so crazy. it's putin's signature poison. we were actually so shocked that he didn't just decided to murder him but to poison him. but novichok is like leaving his signature on the crime scene. >> when you come to a room of a comatose patient, you're starting to tell him the news, telling him his story. alexei, don't worry. you were poisoned. there was a murder attempt. putin tried to kill you. it was novichok. and he opened his, like, blue
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eyes wide and looked at me and said very clear -- [speaking foreign language] >> come on? poison? i don't believe it. he's back. this is how you say. >> putin is supposed to be not so stupid to use this novichok. if you want to kill someone, just shoot him. jesus christ. >> like, really alexei. >> it's impossible to believe it. it's kind of stupid. the whole idea of poisoning with a chemical weapon. what the [ bleep ]. this is why this is unsmart because even reasonable people believe to refuse. what? come on? poison? seriously?
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[speaking foreign language ] what if you could have the perspective to see more?
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in organized crime rings. but when chesa boudin took office, he dissolved the unit and stopped me from collaborating with the police on my cases. now home and car break-ins are on the rise because repeat offenders know they can get away with it. chesa boudin is failing to do his job. there's a better way to keep san francisco safe. recall chesa boudin now.
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♪ >> journalism imemploys you meeting with a source and that source telling you a story. in today's world of fake news, we don't trust sources because we don't trust humans. we trust data. an organization of digital nerds, most of us with almost autistic-like fascination with numbers. every time you use your email, you make a phone call, make a doctor's appointment, take a train or plane, any time you use the atm, any time you look at the screen of your phone, that leaves a trace. in place like russia, imagine the person who works at the travel agency that has access to
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the flight manifests, them getting 25 bucks a day as a salary. and then for another 25, they would be able to sell that flight manifest to anybody who asks for it just because they'll double their income for the day. this is a whole industry. data brokers are on the dark web. you negotiate a price, and within a few minutes, they say, yeah, i can get that data for you by tomorrow. and then you have to send bitcoin. i have to pay for that data myself. over the last five years of me working on data journalism, i would say i've spent $150,000. my wife has no idea about this. my wife suspects i spent probably 2,000 or $3,000. if he knew the real, she wouldn't be my wife. i'm actually sure she's not watching this movie now.
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>> our expectation was once he's released from intensive care, he will have a desire to go to russia immediately. to our great relief, he told me, i better spend several months here. i want to go back to russia strong and full recovered. [speaking foreign language]
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>> for the longest time i wasn't sure what to make of navalny. i had always wondered how much of an independent figure he is or is he one of the many fake opposition figure created by the kremlin? i criticized him on twitter. he was known for having flirted with the extreme right in the early days of his career. he walked side by side with some pretty nasty nationalists and racists. had he moved beyond that? had he actually become a reverse dark knight?
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[speaking foreign language ] >> within the whole of my career, i've been asked the same 15 questions all the time. are you afraid? are you working for kremlin? what is your family doing? you have a responsibility for your family? if it's foreign journalists, they're asking about nationalism and russian march. and every one of them -- jesus christ, just watch previous interviews. >> hold on. were there not a couple of zig hailers at that thing? >> sorry?
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>> were there not a couple of nazi guys at that march. certainly zig hailer wouldn't be the thing you would want to march beside. >> well, in the normal world, in the normal political system, of course i would never be in the same political party with them. but we are creating coalition, broader coalition to fight the regime just to achieve the situation where everyone can participate in election. >> a lot of politicians would be uncomfortable with associating or being in the same photograph with these guys? are you uncomfortable with that? >> i am okay with that. i consider it my political superpower. i can talk to everyone. anyway, well, they are citizens of russia for duration, and if i want to fight putin, if i want to be leader of a country, i cannot just ignore the huge part of it. well, there are a lot of people who call themselves a nationalist. okay. let's discuss it. we're living in a country where
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they are poisoning politician and killing people and arresting people for nothing. so, of course i am totally fine to sit with the guy who's -- whose rally looks kind of not very good for me. does daily stress leave you feeling out of sync? new dove men stress-relief body wash... with a plant-based adaptogen, helps alleviate stress on skin. so you can get back in sync. new dove men.
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allergies don't have to be scary. spraying flonase daily stops your body from overreacting to allergens all season long. psst! psst! flonase all good.
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[speaking foreign language ] the russian media didn't find anything, and german investigators didn't have the jurisdiction. so, we realized no one was actually going to actively investigate this unless we jump into this. we knew that the poison was novichok. and novichok, we had proven in the previous investigation, is only manufactured in this facility called the signal institute. the signal institute in moscow works unthe guise of an r&d center that develops an advanced form of sports nutrition drinks. that's alleged. jet they employee for this work
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12 scientists whose only experience background in em whic chemical weapons. our hypothesis, this is the entity that provides the poisoning for killers to travel around the world poisoning people with novichok. so, we bought poison from the black market. we look at numbers that only appear just before the poisoning of navalny. and those were suspicious. but once we have a suspicious number, you go through a number of russian apps that allow you to see how that phone number is listed in other people's phonebooks. so, for example, i put in my number, and it would show up as crystal, the journalist, because somebody would have put my name into their phonebook. and that description would have been shared into this app. first number i looked up showed up as alexei, doctor from fsb.
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that was interesting. we couldn't place a real person behind this name. then i would look up this number, showed up in car registration databases. and we found an actual alexey alexander, and this number was listed. then you look up his passport file. you see his face. you repeat that many times with the other suspicious numbers. and then you have a short list of interesting people. and these became our prime suspects. now, we knew when navalny had travelled to siberia, we had the actual passenger manifests of six different flights that had flown in the day before, during, and after the day in which he arrived there. so, we needed to see if any of those suspicious people travelled to siberia at the time of the poisoning. and we found an overlap.
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we found a nest of wasps we didn't know existed. it's a domestic assassination machine on an industrial scale. i was absolutely shocked that this was so fast and the whole plot disintangled so quickly. i just reached out by twitter, said, alexei, i think we may have found who poisoned you. >> after i went out of the hospital, i decided to move in black forest and live in some small village. you can just walk for hours and not meet any person at all. these are my german friends. actually little pony is my friend, and donkey is yulia's friend. and this is routine of our walk. come here. my little pony. isn't he sweet?
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better than your donkey. >> everybody like small pony. >> you're scaring him. go away. go away. oh, you poor guy. donkey, hi. of course you like me. oh, come on. come on, my mighty horse, come here. small carrot. you'll grow big. they are cute, but they are not very smart. so, they decided for their fence not to provide electricity. >> don't do it. [speaking foreign language]
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>> yulia wanted an apple and asked me to take it. but it's germany, so it's someone's apple. and there is a police over there. >> i'll come there when it will be dark. >> and no police. so, you're a russian criminal who arrived in germany. >> no, it's like -- >> how do you know? how do you know? >> it's an open place. there's no anything which -- >> this is a very russian style, you know, thinking about property like it belongs to everyone because it's an open place. just come and get it. >> the story of this guy who lives in vienna but is bulgarian
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but works in russia and has his money and spends it on investigation russian crimes. he just sounded too suspicious, too good to be true, too capable. he sounded a bit, you know, made up. >> are you confident that he is not secret cia? >> i'm pretty confident. i'm pretty confident that he's not. >> i was suspicious about this guy from twitter. i just saw his old laptop and all these tables with data. turns out -- and i was very surprised -- that the whole thing about bellingcat is just one smart guy, no cia involved, no mi-6. he's jaust a nice and very kind bulgarian with a laptop.
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when we discovered this clandestine operation, it was so shocking that even to us it looked unbelievable. i mean, come on, the government is paying a whole team of 20-plus people whose only job is to poison other russians? that >> i would like to share with medias but -- >> that means that we need to film exactly like a week from now. maybe like -- [ speaking foreign language ] >> we had a nightmare trying to get everybody to stick to the
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same time. simultaneous release. all the immemedia channels are g to drop simultaneously. >> this is seb sbended to incapacitate or kill? i would say kill. >> if, for example, sal navalny had laundry returned to him while he was staying at the hotel, the afternoon before he left, would that be a point of access? >> it is definitely a possibility. the question is you put, let's say, ten-times a deadly dose on the clothing. you must be sure at least one lethal dose gets into the body. >> tomorrow, we will set up a
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phone with fake i.d. so if we can call them with this number, yes, we can try to prank them. yes, of course. >> navalny will call, personally, his poisoners, one by one, and we will record this. >> hi, this is navalny. you may remember me from trying to kill me . >> is it your contention that vladimir putin must have been aware of this? >> of course, 100%. it could have not happened without.
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>> who is the most stupid? >> most stupid of them? well, definitely, these are guys with no real training. i think it make sense try to prank stupid guys. and -- and maybe these nonmilitary guy. >> when you were a kid, did you have any political awareness? was this a political family? did your family talk about politics? >> yes, my -- my family talks about politics all the time. and it was very -- they start to talk much more after chernobyl disaster because actually my father and his family -- they are from chernobyl, from the small village, two kilometers away -- ten kilometers away from the nuclear station. everyone knows there was an explosion on the nuclear
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station. but news keeping silence, and so all these nuclear and radioactive dust was on this fields and they were forced to go to plant potatoes just to prevent rumors, just to explain population, that everything is fine. everything is okay. go and work in the fields. and with the first appearance of putin on the screen, i just felt it. i have this, the same feeling. like, i am watching tv and i am watching political lizard and he is looking into my eyes and lying to me. this is the biggest challenge trying to practice. and because of coordination and balancing video because you need some balance here, it's -- i am very bad in it.
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>> i think he wants to make sure this hits home in russian' media and i think it's based on if he does this. so we are not journalists reporting about some politician but we are reporting about a politician who has his own youtube show with over 30 million followers, and who considers himself half a journalist. that is a very unusual situation and just make things easier. >> mom, is this yours? >> hold my beer while i make little talk. >> just the second one. just filming me.
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♪ now, i totally feel like i am undercover agent. >> are you nervous? >> no.
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>> hello? [ speaking foreign language ] >> hung up. ruined their day. >> hello? [ speaking foreign language ]
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>> hung up. >> maybe try the prank way? [ telephone ringing ] >> hello? [ speaking foreign language ]
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>> he spilt the whole story. up believable. literally. >> yes. >> let's offer him to defect and let's arrange for him the whole thing. >> seriously. >> i think that's a humanitarian thing to do. okay. been begging me to call since the morning. can i tell them this already,
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confidentially? >> let's just decide are we going to publish this conversation? because i think we should wait for -- >> at the very least -- >> sorry? >> to express concerns at the very least. >> yes. yes. 17th .
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>> i want to say that was amazing job. thank you, everyone, for your contribution, guys. >> yeah. >> yeah. good. let's go. >> reporter: now, an exclusive investigation can reveal a top-secret mission. an elite team have been tracking navalny's every move for more than three years.
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>> well, thank you very much. it is honor for me to be big television. thank you very much. >> this looks like it is from the movies but in this particular case, it is real people. putin, on the very top. >> reporter: in mid-august, navalny and his team traveled to siberia. at least five members of the fsb unit make the same journey on different flights. >> well, they can be telling him now, but of course i am sure they are trying to. thank you. thank you very much. >> reporter: back in tonsk, there was a surge in communications among fsb identity and their bosses. if it was expected that val nay would die on the flight, they were now scrambling to deal with a very different situation. we enter a run-down apartment building on the outskirts of moscow with an operative lived.
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>> my name's clarissa ward. i work for cnn. can i ask you a couple of questions? was it your team? so you have said that you want to go back to russia. you are aware of the risks of going back? >> definitely. >> why do you want to go back? >> i don't want these, you know, group of killer exist in russia. i don't want putin being president. i don't want him being -- i want to go back and try to change it. >> yep .
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>> tiktok. they are talking about this all the time. ha, ha, ha, it's very funny but the main point is they have a big problem. >> right. right. right. >> they allow -- they allow state, number one channel that has never mentioned his name, to only talk about him now. >> yes, you absolutely right. this -- this is a main point. it is not affordable for them to keep silence.
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waiting for a 12-hour flight. we have to sit down.
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>> starting from 13-year-olds old, i would think about what would i do if my dad was killed? we never had like a big talk. it's not -- it's not like anything that you can sit at the table and discuss. >> so it is nice to see the snow, so much snow before you go to la, right? >> there is snow in california. there was a point a year ago, where my dad was almost not there for my high school graduation. he was in jail, once again, and like the whole day, i was just thinking about how my dad would have been -- i'm sorry -- my dad would've been proud to see me
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walk on the stage and get my certificate. and he wouldn't get the option because he was in jail for doing the right thing. i know that my dad misses russia. even though it's scary to go back. and if he didn't go back, i would say you need to go back and fight. it's something worth fighting for.
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[ speaking foreign language ]
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ultimate answer for everything, it's cia. >> great. great. great. >> this is just amazing to us. he said, like, well if we wanto poison if, of course we would have poisoned him. so just we will -- i mean, the
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whole [ inaudible ]. we will smash it . >> i am just very curious how people will react to it. whether they will be as astonished as we are. it is not hike that's ever happened to anyone . >> it's totally unbelievable. i would never believe it if i wasn't part of 300 -- 300,000
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views. >> one hour later, one million views. maria. >> the poisoning of russian dissident alexei navalny has taken an even more bizarre turn. >> if this was a hollywood movie, you would say this is over the top but this is not. this is real. and, boy, does this punch a giant hole in the kremlin's narrative? >> hugely, embarrassing for the kremlin and for the fsb. >> oh, absolutely. it is embarrassing for mr. putin. it is embarrassing for the fsb. it is embarrassing for the kremlin. >> the fsb has said the video of
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the conversation posted on navalny's youtube channel was fake and the phone call was aimed at discrediting the agency. >> navalny suffering persecution. otherwise, there is a freudian fixation on his own crotch area. this is probably how all this should be treated. my patients, i often see them have teeth sensitivity as well as gum issues. does it worry me? absolutely. they are both very much hand in hand, so you should really be focusing on both, and definitely at the same time. sensodyne sensitivity & gum gives us a dual action effect that really takes care of both our teeth sensitivity as well as our gum issues. by brushing with sensodyne sensitivity & gum at home,
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7:25 pm
my fellow xfinity customers. hi tim. the biggest week in entertainment is almost here. watchathon week presented by xfinity rewards. with free access to stranger things from netflix. the boys from prime video. hbo max, starz, and peacock. just say watchathon into your voice remote and get ready to watch. i love you. i love you. i love you all.
7:26 pm
how is president navalny different from president putin? >> well, my major task as a president, just to prevent this damn circle of reestablished authoritarian regime. in authoritarian country, you are for authoritarian leader or you are are against the authoritarian leader. so we are in more primitive politics, like freedom of rights
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for election. the power and money -- tax money -- they supposed to belong to the local communities and in russia, everything decided in moscow. so, being the president, i'm just -- i have this big pie of my power. and i will cut it for the future of russia.
7:28 pm
7:29 pm
>> i apologize. i sorry for the record, i just told daniel to get the [ bleep ] out of here with his camera. so like, i apologize for that because everything is like -- everything is happening in the last ten minutes and i have to make like a millions of e-mails. and just you make me nervous.
7:30 pm
>> sorry i have to see but it's important.
7:31 pm
7:32 pm
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nothing like a weekend in the woods. it's a good choice all around, like screening for colon cancer... when caught in early stages it's more treatable. i'm cologuard. i'm noninvasive... and i detect altered dna in your stool to find 92% of colon cancers... even in early stages. early stages. yep. it's for people 45 plus at average risk for colon cancer, not high risk. false positive and negative results may occur. ask your provider if cologuard is right for you. we're in. at adp, we use data-driven insights to design solutions to help you manage payroll, benefits, and hr today, so you can have more success tomorrow. ♪ one thing leads to another, yeah, yeah ♪
7:35 pm
7:36 pm
[ speaking foreign language ]
7:37 pm
>> police just started arresting everybody, including journalists, live on the air. this is crazy. jesus. jesus. there is no way they are not going to arrest him. >> i think they are going to yank him away before anybody
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else is let on the plane . >> this is a plane and this is moscow .
7:39 pm
>> they realize it's not possible to control the crowd and they dchickened out.
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7:42 pm
or my money back... i love it! i thought online meant no one to help me, but susan from carvana had all the answers. she didn't try to upsell me.
7:43 pm
not once, because they're not salespeople! what are you...? guess who just checked in on me? mom... susan from carvana! [laughs] we'll drive you happy at carvana.
7:44 pm
this is the planning effect.
7:45 pm
if rayna's thinking about retirement, she'll get some help from fidelity to envision what's possible. fidelity can help her prioritize her goals by looking at her full financial picture. plus they'll help her pick an investment strategy, one she's comfortable with. and with a clear plan to get to retirement, rayna can enjoy wherever she's headed next. that's the planning effect, from fidelity. [ marcia ] my dental health was not good. i had periodontal disease, and i just didn't feel well. but then i found clearchoice. [ forde ] replacing marcia's teeth with dental implants at clearchoice was going to afford her that permanent solution. [ marcia ] clearchoice dental implants gave me the ability to take on the world. i feel so much better, and i think that that is the key.
7:46 pm
7:47 pm
[ speaking foreign language ] ♪
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7:49 pm
7:50 pm
7:51 pm
♪ ♪ [ speaking foreign language ]
7:52 pm
7:53 pm
♪("i've been everywhere" by johnny cash) ♪ ♪i've traveled every road in this here land!♪ ♪i've been everywhere, man.♪ ♪i've been everywhere, man.♪ ♪of travel i've had my share, man.♪ ♪i've been everywhere.♪ ♪
7:54 pm
( ♪ ) ( ♪ ) ( ♪ ) ( ♪ )
7:55 pm
when a truck hit my car, the insurance company wasn't fair. i didn't know what my case was worth. so i called the barnes firm. i was hit by a car and needed help. i called the barnes firm, that was the best call i could've made. i'm rich barnes. it's hard for people to know how much their accident case is worth. let our injury attorneys help you get the best result possible. ♪ the barnes firm injury attorneys ♪
7:56 pm
♪ call one eight hundred, eight million ♪ ♪ [ speaking foreign language ] ♪
7:57 pm
♪ ♪ >> alexei, if you are arrested and thrown in prison or the
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unthinkable happens and you're killed, what message do you leave behind to the russian people? >> my message for the situation where i am killed is very simple -- not give up. >> do me a favor. answer this one in russian . [ speaking foreign language ]
7:59 pm
♪ ♪
8:00 pm
the following is a cnn special report. >> welcome to south central los angeles. >> you probably think you know the story. >> can't we all get along? >> the war will continue. >> building after building has been torched. >> rodney king! >> what if i told you there's so much more that you need to know? >> it has been characterized a


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