tv Anderson Cooper 360 CNN May 2, 2022 5:00pm-6:00pm PDT
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from the evidence we have gathered that he didn't cape kidnap her. >> casey white, mean time, was serving 75 years in prison. thank sochs form joining us. ac 36 0 kwoets starts anyway now. >> geemgd from kyiv. there is lot of breaking thinks that we want to get to, even as ukraine appears to have had success against russian forces in the east. its evacuation civilians from a massive steel plant in the battered port city of behavior yo y mariupol has stalled again, all because of bombards. say ukraine officials. it is one much two evacuation every times around the city. we will get to that in a moment juz a short time ago, we learned u.s. and western officials before vladimir putin might
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formally declare war in ukraine, which might soundcally rid clus because they have been waging a war against ukraine for more than ten weeks now. our chief white house correspondent kaitlan schoolen joins us on this. so more are you learning ab this pop pobl lekb deck la snigz. >> at the white house, and inside the biden administration believe could happen as soon as may 9th. obviously, that a week from today and the reason that date is ig nif dant is because it is nope as victory day inside of russia. it is incredibly important them. so it's very important to putin and to of the russian people significantly in a military way. bury also, it could be significant because if putin does this use this day to pry to put a more positive light on the invasion of ukraine so fwafr far, given they haven't had a loot of victories of course. and what that means basically this would change what from what
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putin has been calling it, which is this special-military operation. that is what he called it about 6:00 a.m. time, his time, whenever they formally launched this invasion. it is not just important because of what he calls it, even though we know this invagz has been going on onbut would also allow him to mobilize reserve porss, anderson. draft more done scripts. that is something he definitely needs given of course we have seen had vush sha not making a lot of progress and also having a manpower shortage and what we are hearing from attorneys is they could do this as soon as next monday. >> earlier today, the u.s. ambassador to the organization for security and cooperation of europe spoke about the possibilities of russia annexing parts of ukraine. what did he act say exactly? >> yeah, he is issuing a warning saying they believe basically russia going toy troo take more ukrainian territory and the way
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they would do this is certain region, in the earn regions saurnor southern region, it's about three areas and they believe they could try to do this as pentagon has been sigh ciaing they have anemic minimal progress there on ground. so there may be another avenue that putin uses to try to le zwrit miez this invasion and they would do this through sham elections which michael carp rn ter said, straight out of kret kremlin's playbook. and so, they are warn that sms something arkdson we could see happen over the next two weeks or so. >> kaitlan collins, appreciate that. now, to mariupol to efforts to evacuate civilians out of that battered-port city. one of them focused on civilians in squander the city officials say may begin tomorrow.
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the our, the massive steel plant more than a hundred people were said to be able to evacuate sunday before intense russian' shelling put end to those efforts. joining us from szaporizhzhia i nick paton walsh, what did you see? what can you tell us? >> yeah. i mean, sure, anderson, it is dmeks because during the day, we have seen slow drip of people from mariupol who over the past days and weeks have managed to make it here but great raised by zelenskyy yesterday saying people would tart to leave mare yoep i don't knowle as part of the united nations' red cross every time at 8:00 a.m. that does appear to have koerked. they have left it seems the city but they have not got here to the safety of ukrainian-held territory. here are are some of the scenes we have seen over the last 24 to
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48 hours. after two months when they finally elernled into the light, it was a ravaged world that awaited them. mare mariupol's steel plant do easily be mistaken for the first steps of hell. but rescue await at its end, these ukraines who had endured the savage rumble of blast bofbs grateful to be whisked out even if it through a hometown new now unr unrecognizable. turned six months the day before, they say. so he spent a third of his life underground. the children always wanted to eat, she says. adults, you know, can wait. but this was a beginning of possibly thousands of similar jou journeys here escorted by the united nations and red cross during the brief pause in the violence after weeks of con at
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the highest level. thank you and stay health dwri, she says walking out. these pictures fimd filmed in russian-controlled territory appear to show some of the first movements out mariupol guided by the u.n. and russia's ministry of defense, monday, claimed 11 evacuees had to sign it to stay in territory they control, and 69 to head to zoaporizhzhia, hed by auukraine. still, monday before dusk, none of the convoy or the wide tens of thousands of civilians whoip who might want to get out in the u.n u.n.' move in arrived here rmt a welcome center where, slow le, people have been arriving from mariupol and the wider areas around it. over journeys spanning previous
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daysisms days. svetlana she says the bodies haven buried. her unbroken spirit clear when she tries to get up and walk, before she is rye rooe minded her wheelchair is there for a purpose. in the days head, the numbers under u. . escort will a powerful moment whether any talking in this war can save lives. >> so, nick, where -- the ones who are on those bus, escorted by the red cross and u.n. out of the steel plant, where are those buses now? >> yeah, it is a cob confusing picture. we have seen news agencies and russian ministry of defense, the convoy very much matching the one that left mariupol bht led cross was in russian-held
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territorial more to the east of mariupol than you would expect. maybe they took the securest route. that is entirely possible. i think it is fair to say, a series of tents this and there appear to have been some sort of u. in personnel there as well. we are told that convoy has been moving through russian-held villages on its way to ukrainian-held territory and the possibly they have to stop overnight. look. it is -- i have to tell you -- not entirely clear exactly the progress they have made. t there were hopes they would reach ukrainian-held zaporizhzhia later today. and now. >> think everyone is talking about tomorrow morning, possibly the middle of tomorrow. is it t does keep moving way from us, that particular moment. and that is of course utterly vital because it is about confidence whether ukrainians have imaged to pull this off or
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if we are ghaven't seeing russin manipulation of the situation. anderson. >> nick paton walsh, appreciate it. there is worldwide condemnation today, after russian foreign minister sergey lavrov attempted to justify kremlin' let rilk that russians are denazifying ukraine as adolf hitler had jewish blood. now, the chair of the u.s. holocaust my deem said this afternoon, to imply to jews were responsible for that stillism and the hol cast is a anti-semitic lie of extraordinary proporzs. in addition to promoteling base-let conspiracy theories, this claim is ab on scene claim is a grave offense to the victims of tru nazism. joining us from moscow is cm nn
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matthew chance. so, matthew, what was the point trying to make in saying that? and what has opibeen the reacti? >> i mean, the point you ident fid already. which is that sergey lavrov, the russian foreign minister, was attempting to justify why his country has sent smo troops across the border into -- no into the neighboring ukraine. um, they say it is because the ukraine of today is run by neo-nazis and that it represents an existential threat to russia in the same way nazi germany did in the 1940s. we have seen that tissue that rhetoric from the beginning of this -- this -- russians call their special military operation. and we ever seeing that let rec being tenned up in the last few week, last few days, in particular. because in the lead-up to the major 9th victory, russia commemorates the end of the second world war, soviet victory
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over nazi germany. so we are seeing more and more of course a problem with that narrative is ukraineton st. run by neo-nazis but a jewish president. and um, sort reached as well for that conspiracy theory that has not enough currency on the internet that hitler, himself, mare been partly jewish which has preponderance something discredit by historians. the condemnation from elsewhere has been brat i proet sharp pretty shafrp particularly israel. which is interesting, in itself, pause israel has one one of the country sit -- sit on the fence when it comes to its condemnation of russia. hasn't fulled signed up to the fully international rafts over
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its action inside ukraine so there is a possibility that could drng that could change. we will see. but certainly, a very sharp diplomatic reaction to sergey lavrov's boawords surrenderson. ? now, they are back there, can you give a sense how the conflict is being presented by the state-run media? gives a sense of what that actually looks like? >> yeah. i have been watching a bit of state-controlled television. only television basically you can get now because of very stringent laws that have been put in force here. most, if not all the indpint channels, independent journalists have parted the country and the zhchannels clos down, so it very much know is a monopoly of the state media when it comes to the flow of information. and that, we get when you switch on the state television channel is a sort of constant flow of discussion and news programs act they call their special military
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operation in -- in -- in ukraine. um issue you get -- today, for instance, there was a special report from mayor yoeple or what they said was mariupol. and a correspondent with staid state yeedia sort of traveling with what appears to be russian rebel -- russian special forces. as you those links-wide breakaway republic in donetsk. they were trying to sort of cap ch dhur it building by building. so per pef waiting this narrative constantly it is russia under attack from its -- its enemies. you know, around the world and particularly from the west and so that is the diet of of news and information tlat vast majority of the russian public
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are subject to really, really most of the day. >> matthew chance, appreciate it. back to the breaking news that according to skbrenls soirss, russia could formally declear war eagainst ukraine by the 9th. he is also the author of the "a u.s. army officer oes experiences in pre-putin russia. impose general, i want to go back to ha -- that news tonight that u.s. and western officials believe putin could formally re re-claire war on may et. what would that mean tactically? >> practically, this allows putin technically by law in russia mobilize so-called reserves. approximately million. not particularly well-trained, by the they will officially allow conscripts to go in, though we know they have already
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been in. so -- and it also increases mobile addition for, um, resources and everything else. so this gives the official, if you will, statement. but what this is in my mind, anderson, is a statement that russia is in an kpis ten issue moment. 9 may gives them all of that, which is all about triumph and commemoration. i was there in 2014 and what was declared in '14 was the -- it was the annexation of crimea. one other point -- there was another parade, often forgotten and that is southern november, 1941, when stall be lit lal from the red army march through red square in ace existential movement, engaged the nazis just 70 miles outside of moscow. so, it is triumph, commemoration for all the dead and existential
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and they are pror traying it as such. >> what do you think of the key u.s. ambassador they are lionel like-ly to use the skao-called referendums? >> me go back to mid-february just a week before the invasion and we saw luhansk and the duma forward to put, their men dagds their could declare or support their independence. so this has been brewing. i think for russians, they have to moderate their appetite a lit bit because they are not where at the point to be. if they want to do for 9 may, they would like to take mariupol and get as much of it into, if you will, the horse on people's potential. >> what could ukraine or the international community, for that matter, not do what the not
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already doing to stop the annexations? tp seems it allows them the potential, any other kind of negotiations that take place, to kind of greez it with the land grab that they would have been taken. >> this is a great proint, anderson, i completely degree. um, they make the zek deck malaysian and go out to the world, internationally, locally, and say we want a cease-fire. humanitarian reason, stop the kills and negotiations but they are negotiating over hundreds of square smiles that have been taken since 24, february '19 -- excuse me -- this year. now, they are negotiating beyond border, if you will, beyond 2014. that would bad. it puts ukrainians if n a position where they have got to go on the defensive hard if they want to at least get back to the
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s 20? 14 lines and might give the russians a chance to kind of purl themselves together as ukrainian dos the same so it is really complicate kplikted and potentially quite darmgs. >> yeah. retired brigadier general, thank you. still to come tonight, more on vladimir putin's possible intention to formally tee claire war. we will speak with co-author from a piece of "washington post" that describes a split among some russian oligarchs about the rule. some worry $about the toll it is taking on their country. later, an exclusive interview with the georgia po prosecutor who is trying to tomorrow whether the former president illegally interfered in the 2020 election. a special-grand jury was seated today and we have detatails of that ahead. >> and"andersoson cooper 360" p brought to you by cargo urus. sell your car 100% online and shop great deals.
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believe dood vladimir putin bay formally declare war on ukraine. it could serve a rally around the flalg moment, and increase popularity for something that has been a war in hope and name for the russian leader and his people. the development following a fascinating article from the wash post "cracks emerge in russian elite" was the headline. about some in the top echelon are becoming concerned about the toll the war is taking on the country. want to get perspective from the co-author of that piece, "the washington post's" greg miller. >> greg, thank sow much for joining us. you make a did tinkz between russian oligarchs between the el seasonal years and those oh who feel they owe their wealth to putin. what is the tichs between the two? and two does either group have well rael power to actually influence putin' decision? >> i think the real difference is those who made their money under johnson, i don't think they ever melt quite as indebted to putin.
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they certainly don't feel so now. hey don't feel as invested in him as a leaderment i have think they are more inclined to spaea out. they have also had more times to move assets, their families out of russia, so perhaps they are in better -- better position to voice krit siz am of the dream lien and of the war. and the answer to your second question is you know, it's not clear that, even combined, these oligarchs now have sufficient influenc influence or power to alter the course of in war, to alter putin's calculations in thinking about ukraine and convince them to turn pack. >> putin has become manufacturer popular in russia since the invasion, as nationalist' fur ver has fwroen. did you hear that among some
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ofof the oligarchs you spoke to? >> none of them we spoke to, spoke fwloe lig about the war were or pleased with or particularly patriotic about it in the way i think many russian who live far, and especially in the moral rural parts of russia may feel about this conflict. i mean, fairly consistent diet of russian prop began that day after day. their understanding is very different think than wealthy russians who still have access to information about what is happen, and more importantly, that seeing a devastating impact on themselves. i mean, let's be honest. these people are largely speaking out of self-interest at this point. >> many of the peek who spoke for the article, they insist on anonymity pause of the are re
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fear of retribution. did they talk of react? or fear for their lives? >> i mean, he think any -- all of the above, to some fwree. i think -- i don't think it is far fetched at all for these individuals, some of whom live not far from london where i am i. own only 40 years ago, there was a poise pg of a former russian agent who defect and came to the united king dom. i mean this is a particular fear with a great deal of success. even though the rich est of the rich, who have managed to build s stonishingly life in europes or the united, they still have exposure possible bach in russia. >> and can you get the sense any
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of these -- the people you talked to -- believe that vladimir putin might be removed from power as a result of this kw war? >> i think there is a sense that day is on the rehhorizon now an people talk about that a way they might have mite not have few months ago but nobody we spoke with sees that as imminent. nobody we spoke with believes that his -- his powerer, his hold on power is in meaningful jeopardy, at least in the short-term. some of them talked about looking out months into this conflict, if things are not going well. if the economy toebs to deteriorate, if the cost and russians lives in ukraine continue to mount, then you might start to see, um, the beginnings of opposition if russia. but even -- even then, it -- it's not -- there is not a
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desperate deal of confidence among those that we spoke with, that that will be enough in the -- in the short-term horizon to lead to a change in the leadship in the kremlin. >> greg. greg, thanks again. such an interesting article. >> thanks for having me anderson. >> coming up. we are going to take you to a cemetery in ukraine, where loved ones are honoring the dead on a special day of remembrance. that is ahead. w alexa. dad, it's a buick. i love that new alexa smell. it's a buick. we need snacks for the team. alexa, take us to the nearerest grocery store. getting directions. alexa will get us there in no time. it's a buick. let's be real. don't make me turn this alexa around. oh my. it's painful. the buick enclave, with available alexa built in. ask “alexa, tell me more about buick suvs.” ♪ life can be a lot to handle. ♪ this magic moment ♪ but heinz knows there's plenty of magicn all that chaos.
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like pbucha, irpin is one o several outskirts of kyiv. came under heavy bombardment for weeks. it is also a site of expected war crimes. many civilians were killed in irpin, long along with ukraine upon fighters. i visited a cemetery this weekend, on an annual-national day of remembrance for the dead, and spoke to survivor now mourning their lost loved once. >> reporter: in irpin's cemetery, they came to remember people this count willry will never forget. women, men, dozens in graves. a taxi driver turned soldier,
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killed by a mortar march 13th. >> translator: once joe joke that we would die otten same day and to be honest with you, it happened but he is in the ski sky and i am here. it's not leaving. >> you feel like you have dies, as well? >> yes, together, with him. when he died i felt it. i knew something had happened. i got the fall call in the early morning but i already felt it. it is the worst moment of my life. >> does it help to -- to be here? >> this is our tra decision to remember to were remembering day but in zbrgeneral, i come everyo or three days, i talk to him and tell him what is going on in my life.
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how highway imp living without him. >> there was heavy fighting in irpin for weeks and many ukrainian fighters died holding back the russians and helping civilians escape. but even some evacuateling came under attack. on this remembrance day, priests walked among the dead and volunteer soldiers came to pay their respects. touching the graves of that i ever botheir brorts in arms. >> translator: these people are heroes. thern not traped military. they were ordinary men. they came to defend their city, and gave their lives for this. the city and civilians standing behind them. >> reporter: for igor's family, this is comfort in that. igor died march 1st. his eldest son was wounded with him, and now this the hospital.
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igor's wife ala came with their other son. just ten, he is dressed in a uniform to honor his dead. >> how could he have been able to go on? >> translator: all of us are staying in the hospital. i don't know how we managed but now i know in the hospital it is easier for me because i know how to live there. but how to live outside the hospital? i don't know. we have got to leave our house because it was destroyed. there are no window, no heating, no water. on monday, my ebltd eldest son will have an operation but everything will be all right because i don't know how it could get any worse. >> what do you want people to know about your husband? >> he was railroavery strong, v brave, courageous. i ask him will we win and he
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said sure it can't be any other way. he was sure of it. it is a same he died one week before our city was liberated and she didn't see. >> while she shoek, she cried silentiarily at her child's grave. for a child of ten, the los is hard to comprehend. anderson cooper, cnn, irpin. we will have much more from ukraine, ahead. first big development in the investigation into the former president, a special grand jury is now -- the investigation into whether he and others illegally tried to influence the 2020 election in jornl george. tonight, da who requested that panel in an exclusive and where she sees investigation headed and extraordinary security precautions surrounding the proceedings. hot tub, why not? and of course, puppy-y-friendly. we don't like to say perfectct, but it'ss pretty perfect., booking.yeah.
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hear from ukraine in a moment. first, the so-called find me votes investigation back home is just -- excuse me -- has just entered a whole-new stage. >> so look. all i want to do is this. i just want to find -- uh -- 11,780 voetes, which is one mor than we have because we won state. >> that ask by the former president to election officials
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in georgia is at the alert of a criminal investigation into whether he and others tried to illegally peer interfere with the 2020 vote. today, a special grand jury was those chosen. 23 jurors, three alternates includeling subpoena boyar to dom pell people to justify, because the threat of violence hovers over this process. ins in slight of insurrection, reportedly snipers on the roof and k-9 dogs at the ready. fulton county difficult a also alice asked the fbi to tighten security at buildings around her office. fanny willis requested this and jo joins us now. now that the zr special grand jury manz been selected, can you tell people who you plan to bring in as witnesses? obviously, the call between the president and raffensperger. >> i can't discuss specific
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people. what i can tell you is during the point to this point we have had an guess of 50 people who have devined to talk to us voluntarily. and so, what we plan to do is start serving them think subpoenas or attorneys so they can hear from them. >> what power do they have to reinc resistant those subpoenas? >> i am sure there will be foegzs to quash miled but i am al confident the jum over this the special purpose grand jury as long as we meet technicalities and do things of course we plan to do, those subpoenas will be ep forced and they will be before the special-purpose grand jury and and testify. >> and as i understand, the special grand jury, they will have authority spo subpoena witness bs documents, ask -- ask their owns. but it can only recommend criminal charges. the actual-charging decision
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falls to you. do you have a timeline for a chargelinging decision? >> that is absolutely correct. a special purpose grand jury does have some powers and one those is that they can, on their own, ask nor for ssh documents to be preponderance spooened or if one witness we bridge in mentions someone and think it is relevant, they can request those people be brought in, and not request but actually have a subpoena issued to bridge those in so that is an awesome power and responsibility. in terms of a timeline? i have just followed the kourts we are going to let the evidence take us where may. we have one year to do this so from may, today, through may 31st, of 2023, i do not anticipate it is to take that long, though, but that would be how long we had. >> and -- can and you just talk about the scope of your investigation? what exactly are you looking at?
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>> we going to look a the anything connect with interference with the 2020 election. so i have allowed that to ba broad scope, not just the president's phone call played there but other thins that indicate there might have been interference with that election. to include, fake electorates. >> i'm sorry, to include? >> fik electorates. i know i were aware that was done in our state so that is of interest to my office. >> the fake electors. see according to cnn reporting, today's jury selection, includes roads surrounding the courthouse, stationed stiepers on the roof. a personal familiar with the situation said prosecutors on your team have been issued bulletproof vests. can you gist describe some of threats your office has been getting? >> well, you know, the aw dasdy
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to conduct this investigation has made some very angry. we are, of course, also worried about the safety of the team that does investigation. we did not intend to be intimidate but in recent days, i ever turned up on white supremist' pages they seem to be part particularly concerned my office has done i know you have report on, the asian spa killings and so those kind of things, bring great concern to the security that has to protect us. >> it is my understanding you have already met with former-president trump's attorneys, at least twice. i don't know if you can say whether you met with them recently? and what is your sense of did anything where come out of that? >> um, i have been in conversations with them recently
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and i anticipate that we will have further conversations over the next few days. i would not say anything fruitful has come out of those conversations at that point, other than respect ful dialogue about what i planned to to. last year, i met with the former president's legal double and i sh assured them at that pony, that i was going to simply conduct on investigation trying to ask witnesses to voluntarily come in. at the end of last year -- december to be exact -- i met tw them again to say that at this point i was confident that in this next dwyear, being 2022, i would be moving forward so we cope kept our word on that. squo and so, if there are things they want to bring to me, they have no obligation to hoo do so by imhere are, and open and
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willing to lessen. >> i want to go something about fake electors. the jus tes department said they are -- taking a look at fake electors. are you aware of that in investigation -- investigation in terms of what happened in georgia? or have you been in touch with department of justice? >> i don't plan on specifically coordinating with the department of justice. what theirva sbregz would be is obviously election fraud any great place in this country. mine is much smarl. a pilg investigation by much smaller. i am only looking into election sbreens in the state of zwrorm george and more specifically, things they asked for around that cool that occurred in my county, multilen county. >> and lastly, how concerned are that unless you get to the bottom of this, future lengdss could be subject to the same
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kind clacims by people -- by anybody? >> well, my belief is the that government has lot of spomts and duties but two responsibilities and duties are one, they dhiefrp sit incidence safe which is the great role of the district attorney. and, two, that if we live in a free land in a nolk rasy, we have to have free and elections. and so i am very concerned if behavior is illegal goes uncheck, it could lead to similar bad start, a very, very bad path. but i am also confident that we were able today to get a cross-section of the community that will due their due j diligence, they will investigate, and give us a report at the end of the service that just going to the truth. >> appreciate your time. thank you. >> thank i for having me. up next, latest on the manhunt for a inmate charged with murder and alabama correct
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corrections officer suspected to have helped him escape. details on that ahead. first psoriasis, then psoriatic arthritis. even walking was tough. i had to do something. i arted cosentyx®. cosentyx can help you ve, look, and feel better... by treating the multiple symptoms of psoriatic arthritis. don't use if you're allergic to cosenx. before starting...t checked for tuberculosis. an increased risk of infections some serious... and the lowered ability to fight them may occur. tell your doctor about an infection or symptoms... or if you've had a vaccine or plan to. tell your doctor if your crohn's disease symptoms... develop or worsen. serious allergic reactions may occur. watch me. ask your rheumatologist about cosentyx. weathertech is the trusted brand that offers premium products for ultimate protection, like our laser measured floorliners. now there's the weathertech comfortmat. anti-fatigue support and cushioning while you stand in the kitchen... laundry room... at a stand up desk... or anywhere you might find yourself.
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is still underway after both went missing from a detention center friday. this afternoon, the lauderdale county sheriff told cnn that it appears the correction officer is willfully helping the inmate. cnn's ryan young tonight has the story. >> reporter: friday morning, lauderdale county sheriff's offices assistant director vicky white told her coworkers she was taking inmate casey white to the county courthouse for mental health evaluation. security camera shows the pair never arrived at the courthouse and no evaluation or court appearance was even scheduled. white's patrol car was found abandoned in a shopping center parking lot less than a mile away from the detention facility. >> we've gotten tips on the possible vehicle. we're still pursuing that. >> reporter: cnn got a first hand look at security procedures inside the detention center. >> you can see how all this
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works. there's security at every single level. they have to radio in. >> reporter: the sheriff says vicky white violated protocol when she removed casey white from the facility. >> this is the hallway the inmates walk down. normally it's two deputies per van. but this time it was just the deputy and the inmate. >> reporter: the sheriff says since vicky white is in charge of the detention center, no one questioned her. investigators still have no evidence of a relationship between them. >> we're still looking into that, reviewing phone calls, video from the jail. >> reporter: the sheriff's office says after two decades with the respect, vicky white put in her retirement papers. friday was supposed to be her last day. >> i'd be surprised if they're still in alabama. if she did this willingly -- all indications are that she did. i guess we're trying to hold on to that last straw of hope that she was threatened and did this
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under coercion. >> reporter: casey white was already serving 75 years for a rash of crimes. next month he's scheduled to go on trial on two counts of capital murder for the stabbing death of connie ridgeway in 2015. investigators are hopeful he'll soon be behind bars. >> keep in mind that casey white is a large individual. he is 6'9". he will stand out. >> ryan young joins us now in the lauderdale county detention center. what is the latest on the manhunt right now? >> reporter: well, anderson, all this news and all this coverage has really helped them out today. what we were told is a lot of tips are coming in to the tipline about where they may have seen these two. but the sheriff was telling me from different states, florida, kentucky, tennessee. so, they're trying to narrow down where they may be. the marshal service is also involved in the search. and we're told the canadian boarder and the mexican border have been notified about these two being on the run.
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i can tell you after walking through that jail today and talking to several jail employees, they tell us they are shell shocked about this. this is a second in command here who basically got this guy out of jail. they're hoping that his size alone will be something that will help get people to give more tips. if you look at this guy, he's 6'9", probably over 250 pounds. so, it's not someone who's just going to sort of slip by the wayside in terms of when someone sees him. but at this point, they have several hours head start on this search. so, what they're hoping is the doubling of the public and people seeing this will make more people call in and give them the tips they need to catch these two. anderson? >> ryan young, appreciate it. thanks. coming up, a look at a battered village just outside of kyiv where some of the most intense fighting of the war has occurred and people are trying to pick up the pieces to build after. do dinner? who said only this is good? and this is bad? i'm m doing it my way. memeet plenity. an fda -cleared
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