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tv   Don Lemon Tonight  CNN  May 2, 2022 8:00pm-9:00pm PDT

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for many institutional and other reasons, the chief was not planning to join this opinion as far as we know. he was, however, don, ready to uphold the mississippi law that was in dispute before the justices, which is a 15-week ban on abortion, ban on abortion at 5 weeks of pregnancy, so what politico has gotten its hands on and published and just, you know, a real earthquake of news in women's rights and court protocol, i mean, i'm sure the court right now, the nine justices are just so shaken by having this information out here in this draft form, before everything is completely resolved is that this court is ready to roll back rights by a narrow 5-4 vote, which would be
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stunning nationwide because what roe v. wade said in 1973 is that women have a constitutional right to end a pregnancy before about 23 weeks. and then just to give to what you asked again about the chief, you know, the chief justice likely was going to separate himself from this opinion for institutional reasons, and just think, don, how he must feel right now about the institution and integrity of the supreme court to have news of what's coming likely by the end of june to be -- to burst on the scene like this and so disturb so many women, so many people on both sides of this debate to see this haphazard announcement of sorts or release of sorts of information that's going to affect so many lives, the political scene across america, and how the court operates going forward, don. >> you know, john, this is going to mean really immediate
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repercussions, have immediate repercussions, what are some of the conservative states going to do the minute roe is gone. >> there are as many as 26 states that seem to be ready to overturn roe and ban abortion, some at 12 weeks, some at 6 weeks. many of the recent laws that have been passed in states like ohio don't have an exception for rape or incest. this is a draconian future for people living in states. it's a backdrop of a lot of conservative states passing laws in anticipation of this kind of a decision. but as joan said, this will further damage the court in terms of its undermining its reputation by making it seem more political. conservatives for a long time. remember, roe v. wade was passed 7-2 with republican justice writing that decision. it was reaffirmed. this is something that brett kavanaugh said was precedent upon precedent. now, if this report is accurate, that would be precedent upon precedent would be overturned and the reality has political ramifications, not only for the
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court, not only for the midterms, but for basic consensuses that it existed. this is not simply going to be deinvolv devolved that people said let's take it off the culture menu. some republican senators are talking about a heart beat bill that would trying to nationalize a ban on abortion the past six weeks. this is going to inflame the culture wars, massive implica implications, a position that's unpopular. 20% of americans say they should ban abortion entirely in this country. watch out. this is going to be fuel on the fire unfortunately. >> we know what the justices, at least when they were nominees what they said during their confirmation hearings, that don't jive with what they're saying now. would this have happened without the three justices, and weigh in on what they said in the confirmation hearings as well. >> absolutely not, don.
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it's cliche that elections have consequences. donald trump said when he was a candidate in 2016 that he was going to name individuals to the supreme court who would roll back roe v. wade and leave it to the states, and guess what, he did. he appointed neil gorsuch, brett kavanaugh, and amy coney barrett, and you know, you quoted at the top of the hour, you know, just exactly how they had vowed, you know, to have an open mind on abortion rights but this draft document, it appears to be as i say in sync with what we had been hearing, shows that despite what they told senators, despite whatever vow they said about neutrally looking at this and showing regard for precedent, and this is a precedent that's a half century old, that they have gone in completely the opposite direction, and again, it just goes to show, donald trump promised something, and donald trump delivered, and one other
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thing, don, when you think back to 2016 of how many republicans were initially suspicious of donald trump and what got the republican establishment to accept donald trump as the gop nominee was the fact that the supreme court had a vacancy then, and they believed that he would deliver justices that would vote for, you know, socially conservative outcomes and this is exactly what we appear to be headed for, and i just want to add one caveat. what politico obtained was a first draft. these things go through many drafts. i have watched these justices closely, and sometimes there could be as many as you know, ten different drafts going back and forth. there's usually about five on a major battle such as this, and each justice then gives some feedback, and occasionally, occasionally, don and john, a
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justice in the dissent can pick off someone from the majority, and i think that's what the chief was trying to do with justices barrett and kavanaugh. those two who seemed might be in the middle, such as there is a middle on the supreme court anymore. and he clearly was not successful at that. he did not succeed in any kind of compromise. and now with this so public, it looks like things are locked in. >> john, i want to ask you, you said it looks like this is when she mentioned donald trump and his appointment. >> because this is, i think, goes beyond simply elections have consequences. the context for the politicalization of the court which creates this coalition, is based upon the refusal to have a vote for merrick garland for that open seat. >> that's right. >> and then reversing that alleged principle of not having justices voted on before an election to push through amy coney barrett. this is something republicans own and social conservatives will cheer it but it will not
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have the effect of decreasing the pace and the tone and the tenor of the culture wars in this country, and it will certainly not remove any idea that the court is not political. this is going to be a very divisive decision if it holds as anything resembling current written by this apparent draft but justice alito. >> thank you. thank you, john, i appreciate it. i want to bring in cnn contributor, steve vladack, professor of law at the university of texas school of law, and cnn legal analyst, jennifer rogers, a former assistant for the southern district of new york. i'm so glad both of you could join us. thank you very much on our breaking news here. steve, i want to start with you, what is the legal argument justice alito is making to overturn roe v. wade. . >> don, it's an argument i think a lot of us having expecting, the conservatives have been previewing for a few years now, and the argument is basically that the constitution does not
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protect a right to abortion, that the supreme court errored in 1973 when it recognized under the due process cause of the 14th amendment a right for pregnant individuals, pregnant women to obtain previability abortions and the court is righting the wrong, that its predecessors made 49 years ago. don, i think one of the many, many, many layers here is not just what this opinion, if it becomes the law of the land means for abortion in america, but what it means for other rights that the supreme court has tied to the same constitutional provision, to the due process clause of the 14th amendment. rights that we take for granted, rights to contraception. rights on the part of same sex couples to get married. this is such a bomb shell for what it portends beyond abortion, if it court continues to exercise this kind of power going forward. >> jennifer, alito said the
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notion of stairr starry -- star decisis, the court's adherence to precedent, it's the notion that once the court makes a decision on a matter of law that it will continue with that decision and subsequent decisions and considerations so throwing stare decisis out the window, this court says it wasn't right in the first place, really is kind of a thumb in the eye towards this notion of judicial precedent and judicial restraint, and the fact that the examples that justice alito gives are almost offensive. he talks about plus si versus ferguson which is the famous separate but equal decision saying that african-americans, as long as they had a space for doing whatever it was, traveling, eating, et cetera,
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that has good enough as being in the same space as everyone else. that was overturned by brown versus board of education. he says sometimes we get it right in the end. taking something like that, and equating it to this, you have a progr progression across the years and decades where women couldn't, you know, vote at the start of our country. they at one point couldn't enter into contracts or they couldn't own property. i mean, we have progressed, and so the notion that we progress and women have rights now, and those rights are now being taken away, and that's to be equated with the overturning of a decision that was clearly wrong from the get-go like plessy v. ferguson is frankly offensive. >> i want to hear from the three trump justices during their confirmation hearing. here it is. >> is roe a super precedent? >> how would you define super precedent? and i'm answering a lot of questions about roe indicates that roe doesn't fall in that
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category, and scholars across the spectrum say that doesn't mean roe should be overruled but descriptively it's not a case everyone has accepted. >> as a judge it is an important precedent of the supreme court. by it, i mean roe v. wade and planned parenthood versus casey, been reaffirmed many times, casey is precedent on precedent, which itself is an important factor. >> senator, as the book explains, the supreme court of the united states is held in roe v. wade that a fetus is not a person for the purposes of the 14th amendment, and the book explains that. >> do you accept that? >> that's the law of the land. i accept the law of the land, senator, yes. >> steve, i want to get your response to that, but as we are looking at, as you respond, i want our viewers to take a look at the screen because this is what's happening outside of the
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supreme court in the united states, there are protests going on right now. so they said one thing during their confirmation hearings, steve, and now that you see this draft, if it indeed holds up, what do you make of it? >> well, you know, don, i mean, i think not to parse the words too finely. i don't think any of the three, you know, most recent justices ever actually said and if i'm on the supreme court, i will vote to uphold roe and casey, they would say we were not dishonest. we knew this was a parlor game. this is a big part of why these were president trump's pick for the supreme court, with the possible exception of senator collins, folks understood exactly what the implications were. if i can go back for a moment, i think this is why, you know, it wasn't just such a big deal when justice kavanaugh replaced justice kennedy in 2018, but why when justice ginsberg died in 2020, and was replaced by justice barrett, this is the
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result that so many folks looked to as to where this was going to end, and you know, to me, don, one of the most revealing pieces of reporting is it's not a 6-3 vote, the reporting by politico is it's 5-4, which as you were discussing with joe at the top of the show, suggests chief justice roberts is no fan of the court us abortion jurisprudence, wasn't willing to go as far as this draft. that's a pretty damming indictment of his fellow conservatives. it's not typical for the chief to split from them in a highly divisive, visible case, and it's one of the many many ways in which this decision whenever it comes down is really going to break so many precedents. both literally and directly and indirectly. not just for the court's jurisprudence but how the court operates as an institution, and frankly how it's perceived by the public! i would like to get more of a readout of exactly they were asked a question that you were asked. i think especially when it comes
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to dick durbin who was questioning neil sgorsuch, and e said do you accept that. he said that's the law of the land, i accept the law of the land. that's close to saying it is what it is, but to your specific word words i'm not sure if they were asked that or not. i would like to see a full transcript. steve, thank you, and thank you, jennifer. i want to bring in j.b. pritzker, governor, thank you so much. you responded on twitter, saying hell no, in illinois, we trust women. how are you feeling tonight? >> well, if this leak is true, this is a terrible day for our nation and a disgraceful decision. it's a scary day for women. in illinois, we took steps to protect women's reproductive health because we feared that this day would come. and let's be clear, after the supreme court decision, women will still be getting abortions
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but in 26 out of 50 states, those abortions will be unsafe, and potentially deadly. and in my opinion, republicans should be ashamed of themselves. for a party that says that they're all about individual freedom, they're hell bent on taking away freedoms from so many women, and remember, if they come after roe, they're going to come after everything. gay marriage is next, and they'll come after protections for minority and marginalized communities. if this stands it won't end here. >> you know, listen, you bring up a very good point because, you know, i think even i and many others, especially those of us who are reporting every night and commenting and talking about these issues have thought that roe v. wade, that it was a long shot, and probably never would be overturned, there had been precedent, and that it was a battle or a fight that had been won, i should say a battle that had been fought and won already, but when you bring up the next
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possibility of same-sex marriage, that tonight is indeed as we look at these pictures of the protests outside the supreme court in washington, d.c., that is a real possibility, governor. among other things. >> well, when donald trump was elected, the writing was on the wall. they zeroed in first on women's reproductive rights. this has been their ultimate sinister goal, their entire series of taking away people's rights. illinois is already an island in the midwest that protects women and protects minority rights. and we've seen thousands of women here who have been left with no other choice than to cross state lines into illinois to exercise their rights. and i think now what you're going to see is every candidate for governor, every candidate for state house or state senate needs to be asked where they stand on this. do you intend to be like oklahoma or texas or will you be like illinois where we trust women to make their own
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decisions about their own bodies and what about the next set of rights that are going to be under attack. >> is this a galvanizing factor for democrats who believe, especially when comes to the upcoming midterm elections and the enthusiasm that democrats need so much. there is a lack of enthusiasm, the polling shows, by democratic voters. >> look, i think there are people like as you described yourself who didn't think this day would come. and who tonight are realizing that it's coming. it's here. and so i think that the protests that you're seeing in front of the supreme court is just the beginning. i think, you know, you saw the women's march in january 21 of 2017, i think it's going to be like that. >> governor pritzker, thank you so much. be well. >> thank you. we have a lot more to come on our breaking news tonight. the supreme court draft opinion that would overturn roe v. wade
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. you're looking at live pictures outside of the supreme court. >> politico obtaining what it calls a draft of a majority opinion written by justice samuel alito that would strike down roe v. wade. the leak a stunning breach of
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supreme court confidentiality and secrecy. house speaker nancy pelosi and chuck schumer putting out a joint statement, and i quote here, the republican appointed justices reported votes to overturn roe v. wade would go down as an abomination, one of the worst and most damaging decisions in modern history. several of these conservative justices who are in no way accountable to the american people have lied to the u.s. senate, ripped up the constitution, and defiled both precedent and supreme court's reputation, all at the expense of tens of millions of women who could soon be stripped of their body autonomy and the constitutional rights they have relied on for half a century. let's discuss now. cnn senior political analyst, kyrsten powers and ron brownstein, as well as cnn political commentator, s.e. cupp.
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i'm having to have you on, you bring an important perspective. we heard from the democratic leaders but there are millions of pro life americans who are going to be thrilled in this draft opinion if this draft opinion becomes reality. a lot of people have moral objections to abortion or religious objections and for them, this will be very welcome news. can you speak to that, please. >> first, i would say to my friends on the right, what would you think if the supreme court overturned d.c. versus heller, citizens united, hobby lobby. if you can't count on the supreme court to rule on landmark cases and be quote unquote settled law, then i don't think you can have much faith in the judicial branch of our government. to the other point, i am pro life, i don't like abortion, but i have never lived in a country, since 1979, i have never lived in a country where abortion wasn't legal, where roe v. wade
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wasn't settled law. i accept settled law because i believe in democracy, and the judicial branch. so i have fought for abortion to be legal, safe and rare. the majority of the country believes that abortion should be legal but with restrictions, so the far left wants no restrictions, the far right wants no abortions. the majority of the country believes that abortion should be legal, safe and rare. if you are the majority of the country, your rights were just overturned perhaps, as indicated by this brief. that's going to be very unpopular. and lastly, just to get to the politics, i think very good news for democrats who were looking at a blood bath in november, and now might have a fighting chance because this ruling might give them everything they need to get
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turn out where mthey needed to be. >> you believe that. david axelrod was on earlier, making that point. gloria weighed in and you believe this could actually galvanize democrats and actually help them come midterms? >> like all of the republican draconian abortion laws in various states that essentially banned abortion, which weren't even popular in some of those states, i think that took a big issue off the table for republicans. so they can't really run on those successes because they have quote unquote won them. and for democrats, i mean, to have the supreme court indicate they might overturn roe v. wade is the biggest galvanizer of votes that i can imagine, that i couldn't literally three hours
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ago. turning a lot of voters out to the polls, so i think this -- i don't want to be crass about it, because this is actually devastating, but, you know, for politics this is good news for democrats. >> kyrsten. >> yeah, i mean, i think the most important thing right now, separate from the politics is just to acknowledge how shocking this is and how extremist it is. this is really extreme behavior from the supreme court if this is accurate, i don't know how the reputation survives this frankly. it's wildly out of the mainstream. most americans support roe v. wade, they do not want it overturned. even pro life americans want it
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that away as s.e. just articulated. what they're doing is extremely radical. it's not just about abortion. it's about quality. that's what a lot of people don't understand about the fight for reproductive rights. it's about as fundamentally a question about whether or not women in this country are full human beings who have control over their bodies and their abilities to make their own decisions about their reproductive choices regardless of what other people think about them. it is fine to be pro life. be pro life. don't have an abortion. it is not fine to say that women are not full human beings, people. they're so obsessed with how a fetus or an embryo is a person. well, guess what, women are people. and women are people that have the full rights in this country, and that's what this is about. it's not just some culture war
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issue which we want to turn it into. it is about women's fundamental rights. >> let's put this up, ron, and have you weigh in, to both s.e. and kyrsten's point. 70% of americans, this is a cnn poll, found that 70% of americans do not want roe overturned. democrats hoping this is going to push people to the polls in fall. republicans have been promising to do this for decades, right, if it didn't motivate pro choice voters before, why will it now? >> a couple of thoughts, don. first of all, s.e. was kind of quoting the famous bill clinton mantra that abortion should be safe, legal, and rare, i think the most powerful word of those three is legal, as you point out, 2/3 of the country believes roe should not be overturned. when you look at the specifics of the kinds of bans that are being passed in red states.
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as i wrote recently of the dozen abortion restrictions that have been approved in this legislative session in 2021, and 2022 in red states, nine of them have no exception for rape and incest, and that is a proposition that probably has support from about 15% of the country, banning organization even in cases of rape and incest. what republicans have been betting, this is what the nra said about gun issue, the only people who cared about it were the people who opposed gun control, and for many years that s seemed to be the case on abortion because roe has been the law of the land for two generations, and the thought that it could be removed really was abstract and immaterial to most voters. this is very different. it is not clear, it will erase the turnout enthusiasm gap the white house faces in the midterm. i agree, there's nothing that could have the effect more
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powerfully than this. alito and his draft opinion, according to politico, as i read the decision or the decision compares it to plessy, the real comparison is dread scott, you have a supreme court appointed by an earlier majority trying to block the agenda of a new emerging social majority. 77% of people under 35 opposed overturning roe in that cnn poll, and that is generations that the supreme court has puttput itself on a collision course with. >> fascinating conversation, i loved having this conversation, and i loved hearing from someone who's pro life and conservative. a good point of view to have. thank you all, i really appreciate it. >> thank you. >> we'll be right back. ["only wanna be with you" by hootie & the blowfish] ready to turn your dreams into plans
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starz, and peacock. just say watchathon into your voice remote and get ready to watch. i love you. i love you. i love you all. in ukraine tonight, the battle in the east is heating up with both sides pressing forward and with russia pouring more troops into ukraine, their possible end game for the donbas is becoming clearer. i want to bring in cnn military analyst, and retired air force colonel, cedric leighton. good evening to you. ukrainian forces have pushed the russians back roughly 25 miles east of kharkiv in the last two days. we know this battlefield is fluid, will ukraine be able to hold until these gains in the northeast and build on them?
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>> they might be able to do so, don, it's really interesting to be able to see this because when you look at what has happened here, this is the area in which the ukrainians have been able to push the russians back a bit. now, there's some danger for these ukrainian forces because they have russians on three sides of them, but they may be able to bring this out this way and move the russians back. we'll see what they do, of course the russian border is right here. so it's going to be difficult for them. but it's certainly possible for them to move the russians back, especially from kharkiv. >> so colonel, we're getting this new video of a missile attack on odesa tonight that officials there say killed at least one person, according to the regional head, this was an attack on an infrastructure target. is russia zeroing in on odesa? >> yes, in part, i think they are. and the reason they're doing this is because they believe that this is a critical area for
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them to capture. when you look at the big maps here and especially here in the south, you see that odesa really guards this part of the coastline. that's the remaining part that ukraine has. so it's important for the russians to capture it. it's also important for the ukrainians to hold on to it. if they can hold on to it, the russian ambitions to make ukraine a landlocked country stopped in their tracks. >> colonel, thank you so much, i appreciate it. we'll see you soon. remember this? >> so look, all i want to do is this, i just want to find 11,780 votes. >> now, a special grand jury in georgia is being convened to see if the then president illegally interfered in the 2020 election. that's next.
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remember when then president trump called up georgia secretary of state to quote unquote find votes needed for him to win the election? >> so, look, all i want to do is this, i just want to find 11,780
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votes, which is one more than we have because we won the state. >> now, 26 people in fulton county, georgia, have officially been picked to serve on an investigative special grand jury to determine if the former president and his allies committed any crimes in their efforts to overturn the 2020 election in georgia. joining me now to discuss a former u.s. attorney for the middle district of georgia, and that is michael moore. michael, here we are, good evening to you, some experts are saying all of the legal cases the former president is facing, this is the one that he should be worried about. what do you think? >> you know, he's had a remarkable way to escape some pretty tight traps. this is a little different in the sense that there is a georgia statute that prevents somebody from trying to solicit election fraud. the question here really i think is going to boil down to a lot of the same arguments we have heard before in a little bit
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different context, things like executive privilege, presidential immunity, you know, whether or not the state actually ought to hear these charges as opposed to having them removed to federal court. we'll see that. the one thing i would remind everyone that's watching is simply this, this is just the start. this is an investigative grand jury that has the ability to hear witnesses, to issue subpoenas, to take in evidence but they can't issue an indictment, so this just advises the district attorney on whether or not she wants to move forward with the case or has the ability to move forward with the case, and ultimately then she can present the case to a regular grand jury. if she gets an indictment, the flood gates are going to open on the appellate work. >> the district attorney was on cnn just a short while ago, and spoke about the unique powers o. special garage has. listen to this. >> special purpose grand jury does have some special powers, and one of those is that they can on their own ask for certain documents to be subpoenaed or
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they can say that they'd like to hear from certain witnesses, if one witness comes in and they think it's relevant, they can request those people be brought in and not request but have a subpoena issued to thing those in. that's an awesome power and responsibility. >> michael, so willis said more than 50 people have declined to talk voluntarily. how could the grand jury help prosecutors finally get some answers that they have been looking for? >> well, she's bringing the investigation to this point at a time when we're in political season, and so you've got people who are both in office, maybe who are running for office, folks who are associated with candidates for office who are thinking i don't want to have to come forward right now and talk without a subpoena. i'm not talking to you. i don't want to give the appearance i'm cooperating. i don't want to give the appearance i'm republican in name only and willing to come and talk about the election or acknowledge that it wasn't stolen. so the subpoenas that the grand jury can issue can help that and
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maybe give them a little bit of cover. as we go through. it's not unusual to have people who don't want to talk. the special purpose grand jury, though, when we talk about the powers that it has, it's like a federal grand jury. that's typically the difference between the state and federal system. the federal grand juries have investigative powers. state grand juries typically don't. most of the time there has to be an indictment laid on the table we call it, that is the charges have to be laid out and the grand jury votes on those charges. this is a case that the situation where the grand jury can sort of the say, look, it's like an octopus, this tentacle, i might want to move it around here, hear from this person, might want to do that, might want to think about this. have you thought about this crime, but that's not something that's anomaly when you compare it with the federal system. you just don't see it a lot in the state prosecutions at all. you see it sometimes, but not very often. just another unique factor in this case, and when you complicate things, when you make cases more involved, when you do
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things that are out of the norm, that's when you also create issues that could be heard by courts of appeal, and in this state, those courts are controlled by republican appointees. >> michael moore, thank you much, michael moore, not the film maker. thank you. >> i appreciate that. >> i saw someone refer to you that way the other night, and it gave me a chuckle. thank you very much, michael, i appreciate it. >> good to be with you. >> you as well. an alabama corrections officer said she was taking an inmate charged with murder for a mental health evaluation. now both are missing. investigators say she may have helped the inmate escape. she'll get some help from fidelity to e envision what's possible. fidelity can help her prioritize her goals by looking at her full financial picture. plus they'll help her pick an investment strategy, one she's comfortable with. and with a clear plan to get to retirement, rayna can enjoy wherever she's headed next. that's the planning effect, from fidelity.
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tonight, a manhunt is under way for an alabama corrections officer and an inmate charged with murder. they disappeared friday after the officer checked the inmate out of jail, claiming she was taking him to the county courthouse. an arrest warrant has been issued for officer vicky white and authorities say it appears she acted willingly. we get more on this developing st story from cnn's ryan young. >> i'd be surprised if they're still in alabama. >> reporter: tonight, a search is under way for officer vicky white. >> if she did this willingly, all indications are that she did. i guess we're trying to hold onto that last straw of hope that maybe for some reason she was threatened and did this under coercion, but absolutely
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you feel betrayed. >> reporter: friday morning, the lauderdale county sheriff's office assistant director vicky white told her coworkers she was taking inmate casey white to the county courthouse for a mental health evaluation. security camera shows the pair never arrived at the courthouse and no evaluation or court appearance was even scheduled. white's patrol car was found abandoned in a shopping center parking lot less than a mile away from the detention facility. >> we've gotten a couple of tips on the possible vehicle, we're still pursuing that. >> reporter: investigators say they still have no evidence of a relationship between them. >> we're still looking into that, reviewing phone calls, reviewing video from the jail. >> reporter: cnn got a first-hand look at security procedures inside the detention center. >> you can see how all this works, there's security at every single level. they have to radio in. >> reporter: the sheriff says vicky white actually violated protocol when she removed casey
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white from the detention facility. >> this is the hallway where the inmate would walk down, go through this door where they would be loaded into a car. normally, it's two deputies per van, but this time, it was just the deputy and the inmate. the sheriff says since vicky white is in charge of the detention center, no one questioned her. the sheriff's office says last week, after about two decades with the department, vicky white put in her retirement papers. friday was supposed to be her last day. casey white was already serving 75 years for a rash of crimes. next month, he's scheduled to go on trial on two counts of capital murder for the strapping death of connie ridgway in 2015. >> keep in mind that casey white is a large individual, he is 6'9". he will stand out. >> reporter: don, the story is getting a lot of attention, in fact, the sheriff was telling me that the attention has helped turn things up when it comes to
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the tip line. so many phone calls are coming in from as far away as kentucky, florida, and tennessee, people saying they think they've seen these two. investigators will have to try to track down which calls are real or not. you have to think about the people who work inside this facility that's behind me. they are so very upset. you're talking about the second in command here who has worked nearly 17 years at this facility. no one ever saw this coming, and to walk someone out of this jail, you had to go through all the proper steps and then she drove a mile and a half away from this location before switching into another car. we believe there may be more evidence from the sheriff's department tomorrow, because they do have video surveillance they may share with us, but at this point, it's anyone's guess where these two are. don? >> ryan young, thank you so much. i want to bring this chris we wecker. chris, good evening, thank you for joining us. so, this arrest warrant is now out for vicky white. the sheriff says all indications
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are that she did this willingly. is that how it looks to you? >> sure does. i think she -- sounds like she set up a phony doctor's appointment to take him to. she sold her house, put in her retirement papers. this is all looking extremely collusive, if you will, between her and him. >> she was known as an exemplary employee with an unblemished record. she was just about to retire and she helped in this escape. how does a corrections officer with almost two decades of experience go down this path, chris? >> yeah, this is not -- i mean, it's not an every day occurrence, but it's not terribly unusual. we saw this with the escape a couple years ago with dana morra, which cnn covered pretty aggressively. it happened from time to time. exposure to inmates, she was in a position where she was, i guess coordinating
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transportation, that put her in direct contact with inmates. they established a relationship and, you know, some people get compromised at that point. >> so, we understand that authorities currently do not have a description of the vehicle they may be traveling in, but casey white is 6'9", i mean, he can't exactly hide in a crowd, right? so, looking in the car, they won't know, be if he's out and about, has to go to the restroom, whatever. what do you think officials are doing to find them? >> yeah, this is a marshal's fugitive task force operating out of alabama. they do this day in and day out. they will go into communications, cell phone coverage, if he or she has a cell phone, they'll look into their past communications, what's up in the cloud, emails, texts, their social network, if you will, both of them, because people tend to work their own networks when they're on the run. credit cards, financial transactions, tracking, if they can get a vehicle, if they can
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track a vehicle, as you pointed out, don, the mere fact that he's 6'9", traveling with a blond female is going to get the public's attention. the press is covering it pretty well. i don't see this couple being out there very long. >> you know, casey white is considered armed and dangerous, since vicky white had a gun, i mean, he had already been serving 75 years for various charges, awaiting capital murder trial. how dangerous is he, do you think? >> armed and dangerous, absolutely. this guy presents a danger to her, even if she willingly did this, which it looks like she did, she's still very much in danger, you know, she may love this person, may have a relationship with this person, but she -- this guy's capable of anything and, you know, very possible along the way that he may dispose of her. she is a witness. >> chris wecker, thank you so much, i appreciate you joining us. >> thank you, don.
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and thank you for watching, everyone, our live coverage continues. this is cnn breaking news. >> hello and welcome to our viewers in the united states and all around the world, i'm paula newton at cnn world headquarters following the latest developments in ukraine, where a civilian evacuation of mariupol's citizens is set to get under way this hour, but first, to the breaking news out of washington, where a bombshell report indicates american women could soon lose their constitutional right to a safe and legal abortion. the news website politico has published a draft of what it calls a supreme court majority opinion that would strike down the landmark ruling roe versus wade, which legalized abortion nationwide in 1973. now, to be clear, the final opinion has not yet been released, but alad


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