tv Don Lemon Tonight CNN May 6, 2022 8:00pm-9:00pm PDT
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so-called victory day holiday on monday. the crkremlin pushing for a winn mariupol as they try to hold onto the steel plant. plus, the european union set to sanction vladimir putin's rumored girlfriend. she's believed to control enormous amounts of his wealth, so why isn't the u.s. announcing sanctions, too? the latest in the alabama manhunt, the police finding the get away car and a message for the officer that's been on the run for a week with a dangerous inmate. >> you know we're going to find you. hopefully, we find you safe. if you're safe right now, get out while you can. >> i'll talk to the sheriff live this hour. i want to go straight to lviv tonight. it seems like everyone in ukraine is on alert tonight. what are you hearing from officials? >> good morning, don.
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that's right, officials here in ukraine really preparing citizens for what could come on monday, may 9th, which is russia's victory day, a symbolic day for russia which under president putin has become a show of strength and military hardware. the mayor of kyiv has been urging residents to stay inside and take extra precautions from the 8th and the 9th of may because in the coming days, there could be an escalation of risk of shelling in all regions of ukraine or some sort of russian forces heading into the date and though, they're not formally imposing a curfew here, don, we've been told that events will not be hold during that time in ukraine. we know they will be enhanced patrolling in the city, as well. for weeks now, officials as well as military experts i've been talking to, they've been telling me they expect russian generals to be under pressure somewhat to provide some sort of victory to putin by this date, and as one government official told me just
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last week, this could be the city of mariupol, which you and i have been talking about at great length, which is currently of course battling for full control of it and has been besieged for weeks on end. what is left of the city of mariupol, given 95% is come memeet -- completely decimated. there are still civilians sheltering not just in mariupol but also inside the steel plant which continues, of course, to be shelled relentlessly, don. >> i understand you spoke to two former u.s. marines and a retired sergeant from canada who have been helping ukrainian forces on the front lines. what did they have to say? >> that's right, i spoke to two former u.s. marines. now, they have been in the last few days, they've came to lviv where i am from the front lines
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in the east of ukraine and i was really keened, don, to get a sense of what they saw and really what they experienced on the front lines. i was somewhat taken a back by what they told me to be completely honest. in their experience with one particular unit they've been fighting alongside with, those ukrainian forces they said are ill equipped and cut off from resources and it's important to note for our viewers, they are self-funding the mission to ukraine and doing so at great expense because they've been moved by the atrocities they've been seeing. have a look, a clip from my piece. >> it's a miracle. it's a straight up miracle. >> you basically have to be a tank or artillery or a aircraft right now to fight in the eastern front. >> reporter: so far, the u.s. has approved more than $3 billion in military assistance to ukraine. including thousands of javelins, stinger missiles, another
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critical weapon. equipment that these former u.s. marines say they haven't seen. >> the stuff from these packages need to get to the front. >> reporter: so much so, they are being teased about it. >> we would have guys coming up to us with google translates where is biden's help? or where is nato's help? >> reporter: don, this is, of course, their own experience in one unit but it does raise some questions as to where is the military hardware that has been provided by the west? as i said in the piece, including some $3 billion in military assistance to ukraine. we reached out to the ukrainian defense ministry for comments on the claims from the foreign fighters but we've yet to receive a response. we can tell you two former u.s. marines are staying in the country. as of last night, they're on their way to the front lines while the canadians will be
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staying in kyiv in lviv to help out with humanitarian courses as you just learned he'll many a father. >> thank you. appreciate that. i want to bring in retired u.s. army mike lions. thank you for joining us. >> thanks, don. >> appreciate it. the pentagon has been saying the military gear is getting to ukraine between 24 and 48 hours after it's shipped but you heard the two form erma rei mama mari. it's not making it to the front lines in their belief. we had a guest on our show that had similar sentiments about this. >> this is a long logistical supply chain. no question. 400 miles from the polish border to where they are and they're prioritizing i'd like to think, the javelins, the things that can go light and quick are getting there first. that artillery and self- self-propelled artillery will take awhile and the russian strikes on the rail lines interdicted that somewhat. there is no other way around it. the fact of the matter that
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stuff is there ready to go, i think, it's just a matter of time before it gets there. also, i'd like to know specifically where they are. the ukraine military is doing things in the northeastern part in kharkiv for example. so they're getting something. it's just that those soldiers don't appear to have the equipment. >> depends where you are? >> that's the issue. that's where logistics gets prioritized. >> president biden announced another $150 million in security assistance to ukraine including ar' ar' artillery ammunition and raiders. what difference will that make on the battle field? >> it will continue to make a difference as this is an artillery fight and where it's existing in the donbas region. the artillery we're giving the ukraine military has standoff against what russia has, they can fire at a greater distance than could be fired back at. so as -- also, every single round that the russians fire has a return address.
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so the q 36 radar' have been part of the initial package. those things will be used to precisely target them. russia conducts field artillery as its world war ii. they take a big square area and just kind of throw artillery at it and destroy it. you see from the pictures. the artillery from the west is precision. it's almost guided. they will be loitering ammunition in the air. that's why we're blowing up command and control and russian generals are getting killed because the targeting is precise. >> that is what will make -- precision artillery. >> that's the difference. that's the new kind of this century's warfare with artillery. in the old days, it was a weapon of mass deployed multiple rounds at a time and wasn't sure it would hit anything. now, it will hit the target with a lot of firepower. >> ukrainians are accusing russia of forcing people -- forcing civilians into these filtration camps and an advisor
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to the mayor released this video they claim shows one of the ghetto-like facilities they have there. you say this is right out of pu putin's playbook. >> probably the most overused term. these are concentration camps designeded to reeducate the men separate the men from their families. the women and children -- >> you called it concentration camps? >> that's what they are. they're designed -- you know, if they would have done this in kyiv if they had the opportunity, they could do it here now because they have more forces there. they would have done this in other places. they're showing off at this point. >> the assault on the steel plant in mariupol is horrific. how much worse do you expect this battle to get as we move closer to this russia victory day? >> the battalion isn't going to give that up. there is seven layers underneath the plant and the tunnels in there would make the north koreans and the vietnam blush how sophisticated it is.
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russians don't have the guts to go in the tunnels. they are restocked with equi equipment. that battle will go on for awhile. they're not going to give it up. >> do you agree with what esa said, they've got -- the russian soldiers are under pressure to get something for putin by victory day? >> absolutely. i think that they'll declare something and it's really the russian general officers that have failed miserably. they haven't put anything together that's stuck and that's given them kind of victory. they still -- the donbas region hasn't taken these towns they should have taken weeks and months ago. they'll try to find something and declare victory. it looks like it will be mariupol. they will have a parade and do something that will be a victory. >> major lions, appreciate it. >> i want to turn to matthew chance who has the latest on what the kremlin is saying about
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their victory day holiday. ♪ ♪ >> reporter: nighttime on the cobbles of red square. russia's military is plotting its next steps. this is a rehearsal for the annual victory day parade. every may 9th, commemorating the soviet defeat of nazi germany and also, a dramatic stage for the kremlin to showcase its military power and to celebrate. i'm looking forward to its grand scale says this man. we'll show the power and strength of our country he says. though, who really needs a reminder? these are the latest brutal images from ukraine where russia is continuing what it calls it's special military operation. the kremlin says this is also a fight against nazis and even though ukraine has a jewish president, it's being drilled
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into russians their country soldiers are yet again battling fascists. it's a comparison dismissed in the west but which many russians seem prepared to accept. every year i go to these rehearsals says this man who gives his name as mesha but i think this year it's more special because of the special military operation happening in ukraine he says. today, i wave the flag to support our army but i hope it will end soon he adds. a hint of awareness perhaps that the horrific cost. this is what victory day is meant to mark, the soviet union's role in the allied victory in the second world war. russia sustained millions of casualties paying an enormous sacrifice. but the power of a military
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parade to bolster national pride has never been lost on the kremlin's leaders. president putin's whose victory day parades for years heralded the resurging as a military power. the speculation this year's parade will form the backdrop for a major announcement on ukraine. victory day still marks russia's past, what the kremlin really wants is to celebrate that elusive victory in the present. don, the kremlin says this victory day parade will be somewhat smaller than in previous years. there won't be foreign dig tartar -- dig tarries invited. that said, there will be 11,000 russian troops on parade through the center of the russian capital, 131 weapon systems on
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display according to the kremlin and some 77 aircraft. so it is still going to be a spectacular show of russian force. don, back to you. >> all right. thank you, appreciate that. the get away car found. hundreds of tips from across the country. we've got the very latest on the hunt for a corrections officer and inmate on the run since last week. we'll talk to the sheriff next. when i'm on my hands and knees anand i'm digging through the dirt, i feel something in me, like a fire, that's just t growing. i feel kinder, when nature is so kind to me. find more ways to grow with miracle-gro. big ga today! everybody rey? alexa, askuick to start my enclave. starting your buick enclave. i just love our new alexa. dad, it's a buick. i love that new alexa smell.
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tonight in the hunt for an alabama corrections officer and inmate on the run for a week. u.s. marshals have found the get away car. veh vicky white and casey white, no relation, they found the escape car. it was found abandoned locked with no tags or identifying information. it may have had mechanical issues. yesterday was identified as belonging to vicky white. joining me is sheriff rick singleton. joining us again. we appreciate you joining us again. good evening to you. thank you, sir. >> yes, sir, thank you. >> any new leads before we talk about this car? >> well, not since this morning when we found that we did have the car. >> okay. so you did find the escape vehicle. i was found before authorities even knew they were gone but officials are searching for the area for -- searching that area for any leads. any more clues you can tell us
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about to where they might be? >> no, we don't -- right now we still have no idea where they might be. we know they went north when they left here on friday of course, as you mentioned, the car was found about 1:50 friday afternoon less than four hours after they left here. so, you know, we canvassed the area to see if anyone who lives in the area saw anything, saw them. we're searching to see if there are any stolen vehicle reports anywhere in the near vicinity. so we'll trying to develop our own leads and we're still depending on the public to call these into us. >> do you think they could be trying to throw you off the trail with leaving an abandoned car or, you know? >> well, that's a possibility, but i really think that, you know, that they probably just had car trouble and, you know,
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just had to abandon it. >> just ditched it. the vehicle looks like it was spray painted. you say it may have had mechanical issues but do you think something went wrong with their plan besides just the car that, you know, broke? >> well, if just leaving the car there wasn't part of the plan, then i think absolutely something went wrong with their plan. i think probably last friday when that happened, they were very nervous and very concerned about the situation they were in. obviously now, a week later they've probably overcome that and got more back into a routine. >> you say that vickye wh ewhit using her law enforcement background to stay ahead. they put out renderings what she could look like with darker hair. do you think she's monitoring the media and basing her plans based on information being put
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out? >> i think -- i don't know for sure. i hope she is. because one thing that i think they did not plan on is the extensive media coverage that this case has gotten. they can't stick their head out anywhere without somebody seeing them. so i think that's really going to cause some issues for them and i think eventually, they're going to chance it and somebody is going to see them and we're going to get them. >> sheriff, vicky white with drew $90,000 from the banks and sold her home for $95,000 days before disappearing. do you believe she has, you know, $95,000 in cash or could have more financial resources to stay hidden? >> well, we think -- we obviously know she has that much. the thing about it, she is using cash but whether she is using cash or card or whatever, she's
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going to have to get out to spend it. she can't spend it if she's hold up somewhere. she's going to have to get out in the public to get food or whatever and pay in cash but that just gives us that many more opportunities to spot her. >> this woman was in a position of authority. you say inmates helped confirm the nature of her relationship with casey white but was there some oversight here? should some officials have caught on to what was going on? >> well, you know, it's very diff difficult, you know, to say that. we looked at the foot take and on the video footage, she didn't spend any extraordinary amount of tliime there. the inmates in the cell with casey white did report they did have a relationship and said they would pass notes back and forth. that, you know, passing
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information to the inmates or whatever is not necessarily something unusual. she just didn't do anything that attracted attention i don't think from any of her co-workers that would make them think that something was going on. >> sheriff singleton, appreciate you joining us. good luck on your search. >> thank you, don. >> thank you. a new cnn poll showing two-thirds of americans don't want the supreme court to overturn roe v wade but the electoral impact may not be what you think. we're goin giing to explain. that's n next. ments, neuriva plus fuels six key indicators o of brain performan. more brain performance?? yes, please! neuriva. think bigger.
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so a brand-new cnn poll out tonight finding 66% of americans don't want the supreme court to overturn roe v wade. that after the leak of a draft opinion from the court revealed that they'll likely strike down roe. ron brownstein and staff writer for the new yorker susan glasser. good evening to both of you. ron, the supreme court is probably about to do something wildly unpopular with most americans. safe to say there are other decisions that have been unpopular but what is the impact going to be if this is -- if they do go against the majority on this? >> well, i think you have to look at both the short term and the long term.
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i mean, the short term we don't entirely know. right now, the decision if it holds comes at a moment where democrats are startling the midterm in a deep hole partly because the president's party always seemingly always does poorly in the first midterm but also because of inflation and other issues. this has the potential to narrow the enthusiasm gap over time. we see two -thirds opposing overturning roe and 60% of people under 45 are those who oppose it the most heard a great deal about the draft. one number jumped out at me. 87% of the minority who wants to overturn roe say they are voting republican in the midterm election. only 62% of the majority who want to sustain roe now say they are voting democratic. that is the task ahead for democrats to make this more relevant and better known for voters who they have a chance of
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moving into their camp. >> susan, 59% of americans support congress passing a law to protect abortion access but that seems very unlikely to happen really. do you think people out there feel defeated at this point? >> well, you know, don, it is a good question. i mean, they don't have the votes to do this in the u.s. senate. they seem to be planning to proceed anyways with essentially a political message. the bottom line is in a 50/50 senate they simply don't have the ability to pass that kind of a national law. that's one of the things democrats will campaign on in the fall campaign leading up to the midterms and say if you elect a big enough majority, this is the kind of bill that will pass. but, you know, essentially, people become accustomed to a kind of gridlock and permanent partisanship and i think that's the problem in a way that you have a situation where democrats have no choice but to make abortion more of a partisan
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issue and what ron just said pointed out the reason why. democrats need more voters to see this as a defining issue in the fall than currently they do right now. >> yeah, ron, let's talk more about what you -- some of what you mentioned about whether roe v wade will drive voters out to the midterms. the polling shows enthusiasm to vote is up. the thing is, it's up almost evenly in both parties so what does that say? >> right, well, look, it says there are rarely single issue silver bullets to the underlying dynamics in any given election. you know, don, the tendency of the party out of the white house to turn out in bigger numbers is basically unbroken since the civil war. so, you know, you have to kind of start with that understanding this is a very engrained entrenched kind of pattern. having said that, if there is anything that allows democrats to try to narrow that gap, i
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think abortion would be right at the top of that list and the reason is that one of the problems democrats have is that they have a collision that is heavily dependent on young people, young people vote less in midterms to begin with and also, joe biden's approval rating among young people is around 40%, 20 points down from his vote in 2020. there isn't a lot of enthusiasm for him. as we mentioned, that poll shows three quarters of americans under 45 do not want roe overturned. that's an overwhelming mandate. and so i think if there is anything that could help democrats motivate more of those voters to come out than we have typically seen in midterms but did by the way, they did turn out in 2018 who were a big part of the equation then, abortion does have the potential particularly with the younger cohort and younger women who have never known an america where abortion wasn't legal to try to narrow that gap. >> susan, we got to talk about your new piece out in the new
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yorker and it's titled partisanship is bitden's only choice after the supreme court leak. listen, he seems to be listening. watch. >> what are the next things that are going to be attacked? because this maga crowd is the most extreme political organization that existed in american history, in recent american history. >> gave similar sentiments is what you said. this may be the democrat's only way, biden's only way. why do you say this is his only choice now? >> well, i think our politics is such that, you know, biden campaigned as barack obama did as bill clinton did, as a uniter, not a divider. barack obama said i'll be the president of all america, not blue america, not red america. joe biden said the same thing and campaigned on the idea of restoring a kind of pretrump
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normalcy to our politics but he's found in the first two years that is not possible. and, you know, his only hope is in a turnout election to motivate democratic voters and, you know, i think that's why they're looking at this potential decision to reverse roe as possibly generating the enthusiasm that democrats have not been able to generate up to this point in the election, but that involves the president going much more hard line partisan, much more appealing to his base, much more giving up on the idea of bipartisan deals that he hasn't been able to make after the initial success with infrastructure and covid and so i think that basically, it's sort of saying is this the end of i'm going to be a uniter not just for joe biden but can any president in the system that we have right now actually aspire to unite a country that's just not uniteble?
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>> thanks, appreciate it. >> thank you. president biden taking credit for a big increase in jobs but americans are still worried about inflation and a possible recession. we'll talk to a former obama advisor what he'd tell the president next. down to the root without killing your lawn. this stuff works on dandelions, crabgrass,s, clover. this stuff works for up to three months. this stuff works guararanteed, or your money back. this stutuff works on big lawns, small lawns, and “i guess you can call that a lawn” lawns. this stuff works without killing your lawn. this stuff works without killing your weekend. this stuff works for the rookies and the seasoned pros. this stuff works in knoxville, bronxville, rockville, marysville. this is roundup for lawns. this stuff works. the unknown is not empty. it's a storm that crashes, and consumes, replacing thought with wor. but one thing can calm uncertainty. an answer. uncovered through exploration, teamwork, and innovation.
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428,000 jobs last month. it brings jobs back to near prepandemic levels. president biden taking time to tote the strong jobs report while visiting a manufacturing factory in ohio earlier today. >> today's job report shows our plans and priorities produced the strongest job creation in the modern times of the american economy. today's report shows we created 428,000 jobs last month. and that means we have now created a total of 8.3 million jobs in my first 15 months in office. >> let's discuss david axelrod is here. he's a cnn senior political commentator and former obama senior advisor. david, good to see you. thanks for joining president biden taking credit for these strong job numbers but high inflation is dragging him down. we're in an election year right now. he wants to sell the wins but also having to acknowledge the real difficulties americans are
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dealing with like prices at the gas pump or the supermarket. how does he thread this needle here? >> it is a threading of the needle. he wants to take credit and should take credit for this enormously positive job's report and the fact that 95% of the jobs lost during the recession created by the anti pandemic measures that were taken have now been recovered and that is a great accomplishment but that is not what people are feeling in their lives right now. they go to the gas pump. they go to the grocery store and they see these price increases that have eaten up substantial wage gains and they're ornery about it. so, you know, i learned this when i was working for president obama making progress during the great recession. you have to be very careful how
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you tote economic progress if people aren't feeling it. you have to continue to stress the things that you're going to do and have to do to try and bring those prices down. >> well, you know, that said, the economy does continue to rank as a top concern for americans in the latest polling from cnn shows 34% approve, 34 of president biden's handling of the economy. presidents don't typically have a lot of control over the economy but they get the blame for it. >> exactly. >> what would you tell him -- what would you be advising him to do? >> i'd be advising him -- his strength as a politician has always been the guy from scranton, the guy who understands how everyday people live and feel and right now every day people are feeling stressed about the economy and he needs to identify himself with their concerns and he needs to go after those who are
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responsible for raising prices. i mean, focussing on things like pharmaceutical prices is a good thing to do. focussing on bringing manufacturing back to the u.s. to deal with some of these supply chain issues that are very much responsible for some of the inflation that we're experiencing is a good thing to do. the problem is, don, none of them are necessarily going to yield results between now and november but you have to get caught trying and i think that's why he'll probably try and do. >> in the last couple of weeks, the president had lunches with both former president clinton and former president barack obama. what do you think these former presidents are telling biden, similar to what you're saying? >> yes, i think so. also, i think they're probably telling him that they need to -- that this can't just be a referendum on him. republicans bear responsibility here. they're not offering much in the way of solutions now you have
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the added issue of roe versus w wade. so there are things to work with and the question i think i would be posing strategically if i were him is are these republicans really about the business of trying to address the day to day concerns of everyday people or are they just promising more chaos and political vengeance which it feels like at times. i think that is a promising path to pursue and the disillusion of roe if that's what happens will add to anxiety about the approach that the republicans are taking. so i'm sure all of that is being discussed at the white house but look, i feel for him and i feel for those working very hard on these issues. they had to pull the economy out of what it was in because of the pandemic, there were permutations from the pandemic. a lot of them are out of his
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control. the war in ukraine added to some of the stress and yet, they're going to be held accountable for it and that's a tough position to be in. i know, i've been there, it's not comfortable. >> you know, this week we saw a big change in president biden's political rhetoric. he came directly for president trump and his maga followers. he called them the most extreme political group in recent history. the start of a greater reboot you think in biden's strategy and messaging heading into the mid terms that maybe, you know, there is no kumbaya let's do this bipartisan thing and they will all go along with me? >> he's by instinct a guy that spent his whole life working across the aisle with republicans. i think he still -- >> that doesn't work anymore, david. that doesn't work -- >> as an electoral matter, he needs to motivate some democratic voters who seem like or seemed before this roeish shoe like they were headed for
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the sidelines. turnout is very, very important in the election and he needs to make this a choice and not a referendum and so i think you're seeing the beginnings of the strategy. >> the reason i say that doesn't work anymore, i think there are other people who are in the senate who are in the congress who may feel the way that joe biden does but don't speak up and they just go along with the extremes of the party. so that's why i say it doesn't work anymore. it would be great if it did. >> i understand your point. >> yeah. >> you know, i mean, at the end of the day he did get this infrastructure bill done and i think he'd like to get other things done. highly unlikely that will happen as we turn the corner into a presidential race. >> have a great weekend. appreciate you joining us. >> thank you, you too. >> we'll be right back. l neuroscientist. and i love the science behind neuriva plus. unlike ordinary memory supplements, neuriva plus fueuels six key indicators of brain performance. more brain performance? yes, please! neuriva. think bigger.
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romantically to vladimir putin for more than a decade, though he's always denied it. and early photograph of them together at the time she was a decorated gymnast shows putin looking infatuated with her. tonight the eu set to level new sanctions on alina. >> this is very personal. she is not only part of his inner circle, but she also probably holds a lot of money for putin. >> reporter: she also late last month in a rare public appearance at a gymnastics event in moscow spoke out in support of putin's war in ukraine. >> translator: every family has a history of war, and we shouldn't forget about it. we should hand it over from generation to generation. >> reporter: alina kabaeva has participated in a lot of propaganda efforts to shore up the putin regime over the years. >> reporter: they have rarely been seen in public together, but analysts say she and her family have gotten rich because
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of her close ties to the russian president. >> she spends much of her time oversea, even though she has lavish properties in russia to the tune of tens of millions of dollars. >> reporter: experts say targeting putin's purported girlfriend for sanctions is a cold eyed method of punishing the former kgb colonel for the ukraine invasion. >> to make him feel some of the costs of this is to sanction those closest to him. and american officials believe that she is very close indeed. >> reporter: putin's two adult daughters from his first marriage were sanctioned by the u.s. last month. a u.s. official confirmed their names are maria putina, who also goes by the name mayoria vornsova and both are believed to be in their mid-30s. >> we know they've traveled widely, especially in the west. we know one of them, caterina, was married to russia's youngest billionaire, and we now she also tried to pursue a career in
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acrobatic rock 'n roll. the other one maria we don't know quite as much about. she has purportedly pursued a career in the medical sciences. >> reporter: as for alina, last month officials debated whether to place sanctions on her, but held off out of concerns that so personal a strike at putin would escalate tensions even more. now that the eu could soon sanction kabaeva and the u.s. has already sanctioned putin's daughters -- >> putin might take this personally and strike out against ukraine and the u.s. >> reporter: there is also putin's ex-wife ludmila, the mother who may have accounts where putin is hiding his assets. one accountant doesn't believe ludmila has been placed under sanctions yet be, thaw could be coming as the u.s. seeks to ratchet up the personal pressure on vladimir putin. don? >> thank you. we'll be right back.
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since the start of the covid-19 pandemic, anti-asian hate crimes have surged in the u.s., increasing 164% early last year in 16 of the nation's largest cities. this week, cnn heroes salutes michelle tran, a chinese and vietnamese american whose nonprofit soar over hate has provided more than 25,000 personal safety devices, as well as self-defense classes to asian americans. turnout for the organization's recent event in new york shows how worried their community is about safety. >> the day of our distribution, the line surpassed four blocks around the neighborhood where people waited almost two hours to obtain a personal safety
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device from us. >> to make the noise, you pull out the pin, and it scares people away. >> it's pretty loud. >> it alerts people around you. it was simultaneously heartbreaking, but also motiving to see so many people come out. i think it highlighted the need and the fears that many folks like me are experiencing right now. >> thank you so much. >> thank you so much. >> stay safe. bye. >> i hope that our work helps save lives. that's our only hope moving forward. >> to learn about all the ways michelle and her organization are working to combat asian hate, go to and thank you for watching, everyone. our coverage continues. this is cnn breaking news. >> and welcome to our viewers in the united states and all around the world. i'm michael holmes at cnn's world headquarters in atlanta. thanks for your company. we begin our c
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