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tv   Don Lemon Tonight  CNN  May 12, 2022 7:00pm-8:00pm PDT

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thank you for watching. don lemon tonight starts with don lemon. hey, don. >> hey, laura. to you i want to say this is unprecedented having subpoenaed the january 6th committee. five republican congressmen. i have the perfect person to talk about it. another legal miend like you. that's the former attorney general, eric holder. >> i cannot wait to watch that because he, himself, was to a contempt proceeding that he did not abide by it. i'm curious to think how he feels about the way it's being treated now. i cannot wait for that interview. >> that's one of my questions. thank you. >> of course. you're don lemon. >> thank you. see you tomorrow. this is don lemon tonight.
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the big headlines right now come frg the committee investigating the attack in the capitol on january 6th, raising the stakes really. sending unprecedented subpoena fo their lawmakers who have refused to say what they know. kevin mccarthy and four big republican names in the committee site. mo brooks, jim jordan, andy bigs, scott perry. so far nobody is saying whether they will comply. the committee is running out of time to get answers from them and their first public hearing. the chairman benny thompson saying they were forced to resort to subpoenas when the lawmakers wouldn't cooperate voluntarily. committee member saying they want to get kevin mccarthy on the record. >> with respect to kevin mccarthy, we're not sure which version of the story to believe. i think he's come down a couple times in a couple different places on there.
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i think he has an obligation to come forward to share. >> facts. this is the fact. we already heard from kevin mccarthy in that audio obtained by two new york times reporters just days after a blood thirsty mob stormed the united states cap capitol. >> let me be clear to all of you. i've been carlear to the president. he bears responsibilities for his words and actions. i asked him today does he hold responsibility for what happened. does he feel bad about what happened? he told me he does have some responsibility for what happened. we need to acknowledge that. >> the question is how did he go from that to this. the committee wants to know. we're going to dig into all of that. here tonight, obama attorney general eric holder thinks former president trump should be indicted. we'll ask him what he thinks of today's news and what soupds like another set back for slad
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miles per hour putin forces in his brutal invasion. another russian ship is on fire in the black sea. that's the ship that demanded ukrainian soldiers on snake island surrender at the beginning of the war. the soldiers responding, russian warship go f yourself. a second ship is burning and being towed from the area around snake island. ukraine hasn't said why the ship caught fire. stay tuned. there's a lot ahead. i'll begin with the new subpoenas from the january 6th committee. thank you all for joining. i really appreciate it. ja jamie, i'll go to you for the reporting. subpoenas gop leader kevin mccarthy and four other republicans. it's a bold move. why are they taking this action and do you think any of them
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will comply? >> i think it's beyond a bold move. i think it was a political tsu tsunami. i think the chances of anyone complying are slim to none. i don't think that's why the committee did it. i think the committee decided they know the hearings are happening in less than a month that they had to call out a group of republican members of congress who have refused to voluntarily testify and they laid down a marker. they said, january 6th rises to a level where we're going to do something that's really unprecedented, don. >> dana bash, i want you to look at kevin mccarthy. he went from telling the house gop this on january 10th. >> i just did have a discussion with him is i think this will pass. it will be my recommendation to he should resign.
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>> fto posing with trump later that month. we know the immediate aftermath, they directly connected trump to the insurrection and knew what trump did was wrong. what would it mean for them politically to testify? >> it would mean political -- jamie used the word tsunami. i'll use another one from mother nature, an earthquake. in any other era, the notion of any sitting member of congress, never mind somebody who is the republican leader getting a subpoena from a committee of his colleagues would have been so unbelievable that -- it wouldn't even have happened because he would have likely testified or talk to his colleague on the committee before hand. the reason why he is being so intransigent, why the other four members on the list are being so
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intransigent is because it's the politically expedient thing for them to do in today's republican party, if donald trump's republican party. that's the explanation for the shift in kevin mccarthy's stance from what he said that we now know through the tape you just played and his actions since then which is why as jamie said it's quite unimaginable that kevin mccarthy would comply with the issusubpoena. they do have options. >> those options are? >> he can just defy it. it will go do court. what's interesting to me about the subpoenas is in some ways given the timing, it probably is not going to lead to the
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compulsion of testimony. i think the committee is playing to posterity and history because the likelihood they will get there resolved and be able to get those particular members of k congress before their members is slim to none. they are trying to make a significant point here. what i think is also interesting is not withstanding what other folks on the panel have said about how it's very, very unlikely for kevin mccarthy and others to come forward, id like to reorient us a little bit. kevin mccarthy and the others have said and maintained they did nothing wrong. nothing they did was untoward. nothing they did was illegal. they acted in the best interest of the country and capitol at all times. if that's so, and i understand their argument and the principle on which they don't want to comply from their colleagues but if what they have been saying so far is true, why not respond to the voluntary request to testify
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and tell the public and the country what they know. especially since many other members of trump's circle, including his family members have come and testified. i think it's important to keep an eye on that particular focus. >> can i just add one quick thing? >> sure. >> potentially finding them in con tellltempt and maybe this we a criminal suit. the other thing to remember is that because these are sitting members of kocongress, there ar other tools, mechanisms that can be used against them like the house ethics committee or the house could vote to withhold funding for these members administratively. there are tools that the house has for sitting members that they don't have for other civilians. sd >> if they run out the clock, pretty soon the senate and the congress can change over and they would -- all of this will
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just be meaningless because you know they will not investigate january 6th, am i correct? >> well, this is january 6th, this would be a question of -- real quick. this would be a question of their -- if they don't comply. >> we have just a few more months until the mid term elections. if they don't get funding for a short amount of teem, pretty soon after that everything will be back to normal for them because they may have taken over congress and taken over the senate. jamie, jim jordan is one of the people subpoenaed. we know he talked to the president on january 6th. watch this. >> on january 6th, did you speak with him before, during or after the capitol was attacked?
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>> i'd have to -- i spoke with him that day after. i think after. i don't know if i spoke with him in morning or not. i'd have to go back. i don't know that -- when those conversations happened. what i know is spoke with him all the time. >> can we just remiepdsnd him w have records from the white house phone logs. he spoke to the president once that day. it was first thing in the morning. it lasted ten minutes. i don't know about you but i would have remembered if i had spoken to the president. >> right on. it's not just conversations with the president. the committee also wants to get more information about jordan's communications with trump allies at the willard hotel in that war room. what are they looking to find out? >> they are looking to find out
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everything that they can. they're not contemplating the drafting of an indictment or the bringing of charges. they are trying to bring transparency with respect to the big lie and the days leading up to the insurrection and the days after the insurrection because they shed lights on the things that happened on january 6th. they will want to know the involvement of him with respect to people who were dealing with fake electors. they are going to want to know the kinds of things they discussed that they would discuss with donald trump on top of the things that he discussed with donald trump on january 6th and on other dates. what i think is important to see here is this committee is being very, very thorough and very complete even though it knows in some of these instances they will not get the information they seek. further to what dana was saying earlier, i think the likelihood that in a timely fashion, they can get the justice department to bring contempt of congress charges against the five members
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of congress i think is very low. we have one indictment by the department of justice against steve bannon and three others pending. it's been a number of months. we're already at may 12th. i think the leikelihood of that being done is low. they're trying to present is fullest picture they can to the american people. >> do do you think it will be more subpoenas? >> i actually think it will be. a member of the committee said she would not rule that out. i know from multiple sources they are still collecting evidence. i will tell you a lot of people today said they were not surprised by these subpoenas. i've been talking to members of t the committee now. i was not surprised i did not
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know or think they would necessarily go here because of the political ramifications. i think between now and when the hearing start, we'll see more of this. >> all right. thank you. appreciate it. make sure you check out dana's interview with nancy pelosi. that's sunday morning at 9:00. supreme court justice meeting today behind closed doors for the first time of the bombshell leak of the draft opinion that would over turn roe v wade. there he is. he's next after the break. ♪ my name is austin jajames. as a musician living with diabetes, fingersticks can be a real challenge. that's why i use the freestyle libre 2 system. with a painless, onsecond scan i knowy glucose numbers without fingersticks.
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how you doing? >> i'm doing fine. >> five members of kcongress subpoenaed. if they refuse to comply, should they be indicted? do you expect the doj to act quickly because time is running out. >> the house can refer them to the united states department of justice for criminal contempt. we have seen the department act quickly in one instance. it's taken an extended period of time with a few others. i think that might, i don't think it's because justice is disinterested or distracted. it probably has something to do with the underlying investigation that the justice department is conducting. it's hard to say exactly what the result will be once this is referred to justice department.
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i don't expect them to come ply. >> the house voted the hold you in contempt back in 2012 for failing to turn over documents related to the fast and furious scandal. why would this be different for these members? >> well, fast and furious is different. we turned over 7,000 documents. i testified eight or niene occasions. the only thing we had dispute about were things protected by executive privilege were turned over by successor jeff sessions which proved the things we were holding back were only executive privilege and had nothing to do with the underlying matter. we know these congressmen have information that is relevant to the ongoing inquiry. things they have said in public. things that have been released. other things that showed their knowledge and interaction with people on the day of the event .
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they're not saying executive privilege because they can't. they are claiming -- i'm not sure what it is they are claiming as to why they should not. >> they haven't claimed anything yet but we heard them calling to be witnesses, i can't speak because it's executive privilege. yet they have said things in books or publicly that didn't have anything to do with executive privilege. go on. sorry for cutting you off. >> one of the things i think the american people generally and the constituents of these congressmen need to ask, what are they hiding. if you claim not to have been involved and you were appalled by what happened, why would you
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not share that information with the committee. why would you not share that information with the public. the conclusion i draw is there's something they waptnt to hide. there's manager that he don't want to share. for that, they should be held accountable. if not in court of law, i think the constituents ought to be asking the questions between now and the elections in november. >> cnn is learning that investigators issued a subpoena to the national archives for access to classified documents that trump took to mar-a-lago. would this lead to a prosecution of a former president? >> you know, who knows. there are so many things that are happening now that we never faced before as a nation. the notion of the justice department investigating an out going president who took with him classified information, that's unheard of.
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bha was his motive in taking them. i think it's possible, i'm not sure it's likely but possible and the fact that the justice department has impanelled a grand jury means they are taking this matter very seriously. >> i want to talk to you about the supreme court. the nine justices met prooifly today for first time since that astonishing leak of the draft opinion that would over turn roe v wade. we don't know what they discussed but do you think we could see changes to this draft before it becomes an firnl decision. >> i think you'll see clahangeso the opinion itself. the language of justice aleto was caustic and parts appropriate for a supreme court opinion. i'm not certain that the judgment will be different .
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two of the justices will put on the court as a result of erm republicans in denying merrick garland a hearing and putting amy coney barrett on the court while people were in the process of voting. there's some need for reform on the court. i think the court is going to come front and center to the attention of the american people if they do what appears they are likely to do which is to over turn an almost 50 year precedent. >> you say his language was unnecessary and over wrought. do you think the up rear will lead to him changing the language? >> you know, my guess would be that other justices who want to
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sign onto the opinion would probably suggest language that would be less caustic, less heated . emphasis as indicate an unfinished march held necessary supreme court reform actually is. the last poll i saw indicated that only 40% of the people in this country have faith in the supreme court or believe the court is acting in a non-political way. that's a dangerous thing for our system of government. >> you talk about the subject we have you on in your book. i want to ask you quickly about the supreme court justices. security has been beefed up since that leak. we have seen protesters gathering outside the home of several justices.
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there's federal law against that. what is the intent of a law prohibiting these protests written for circumstances like this . oim not fan of having people protest in front of the homes of public officials. i think we should have demonstrations in lots of different places that can be effective. it gives republicans something to talk about other than what ii think we should be focused on is the disappearance of the precedent that is contained in roe v wade. they're talking about the leak
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and demonstrators in front of justices houses and what america needs to be focused on is the attack on the right of privacy that's contained in that draft opinion. >> your book talks about everything we have talked about but now your book, our unfinished march focuses on gerrymandering. a judge ruled the new florida map championed is unconstitutional. it's a win for democrats but talk about the damage to democracy. is there any incentive from politicians who compromise all they have to do to win is just redraw district lines. >> yeah. jerrygerrymandering has had an t on our democracy. you can do a whole host of things inconsistent with the desires och your constituents
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not suffer any consequence. state legislatures can vote for them indcatering to the special interest and not have to worry they will be voted out of office that's inconsistent with the desires of their constituents around the issue of reproductive rights. that's a very concrete example of how jerrygerrymandering has negative impact. >> i always want to ask what's behind them writing books. i wonder if it's dismants ling of democracy, be possibility of roe v wade going away. i'm sure may not have been one of the reasons but was that an inspiration or were those for you writing this book?
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>> this book was completed months ago. we departments have the ability to anticipate the possibility of roe v wade being over turned. the book and the reason i wrote the book is to try to tell the lift of the vote and how we have struggled with who gets to vote. how easy people get to vote since the beginning of the republic. how first people to get the vote were white men who didn't have property. then i talk about how what our situation looks like and how dire it is. we offer a really concrete suggestion about hold up it is we can get back do a better place and remiend people that other people with similar concerns about our democracy but face far greater dangers. people gave their lives, sacrificed in order to move our democracy along. we can do this if we will commit
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ours ourselves, if we're prepared the fight against the special interest. >> thank you. the book is called "our unfinished march." >> thanks. russia vowing to retaliate after finland made a big move to join nato. does it strengthen the alliance or heighten the tension? that's next.
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bad news for vladmir putin today. finland's president and prime minister announcing that they support joining nato. nap nato secretary general is saying they will be warmly welcomed if they apply. general wesley clark, the perfect person to talk to about this. welcome. thanks for joining. finland president saying nato membership wouldn't be a threat to russia but that's russia's fault they want to join. is putin strengthening nato even though he wants to weaken it? >> look, finland has cooperated with nato for a long time. we always done joint exercises. we had visit s and many other th things.
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. they've always been very cautious about the soviet union and now russia. this is a big step for finland. it's a good thing for nato. it shows nato is pulling together in face of russian aggression. obviously, i don't think russia will attack finland. >> let's put up this map now because finland shares an 800 mile border with russia. nato would be required to come to finland's defense if it were
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attacked. is there a bigger risk or wider conflict if finland is in nato? >> this is always the question that's asked. yes, if finland were attacked, nato would come toi its defense. there's no doubt about it. it will be hard for russia to do much to finland. their forces are 80% committed or more in ukraine. those forces are treated. they need more forces in ukraine. it's hard to see what they could do to finland that couldn't be pretty easily defended. the real problem nato has is the defense of the baltic states. if finland and sweden join nato, it provides additional security.
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it gives them depth. it gives nato depth in the baltic sea .
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general, it's rare we see video of actual fighting on the ground. usually we see over led drone footage and new images like these we're just getting in tonight. you see the ones up on your screen. is the reality this kind of violent close combat is happening all over the front line? >> i think what you're seeing there is a scene that has been set up. there is communication still with the people in mariupol. o obviously, they can get some video out. they wanted to demonstrate they are still holding their defensive position . they are still fighting. they got ammunition and the
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ukrainians are doing everything they can to support them. those are some tough soldiers holding on. >> thank you. i appreciate it. see you soon. >> thank you. then there were three. the little known candidate, a little known candidate is blowing up what was a two man battle in the republican senate race in pennsylvania. that's creating a big rift in the maga wing of the party, next. a lot to handle. ♪ this magic momentnt ♪ but heinz knows there's plenty of magic in all that chaos. ♪ so different and so newew ♪ ♪ was like any other... ♪ hi. we're zerowater. and we believe everyone deserves the purest tasting water. that's why we strive for zero. you see, to some it means nothing. but to us, it mes everything. here, take a look. this meter showing triple zeros means our ve-stage filter did its job, and that virtually all dissolved solids or tds have been removed.
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rosy: it's the parent-teacher partnership that really makes a difference. ingrid: they know that their children are coming to a safe place. they're coming to a place where they'll be loved. kiyoko: we have a strong community of people that all look out for each other. we're all kind of taking care of the children. rosy: janitors, the teachers, the office staff. kiyoko: the cafeteria worker, the crossing guard, the bus driver. carol: because our future is in those schools. that's where the heart of our community belongs. ingrid: because teachers like me know... carol: quality public schools... kiyoko: make a better california... tmplts race for the republican senate nomination taking a big turn with less than week before the primary election. a little known candidates, her name is kathy barnett. she's surging in the polls. she's tied with her main
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opponent. trump is really nervous that barnett may win. today he put out statement attacking her. kathy barnett has her own baggage. more tonight. >> reporter: for months kathy campaigned across pennsylvania drawing attention yet remaining largely an afterthought in the republican senate race. from the outside the race played out as a vicious two man brawl. >> mammoth has flipped flopped on every single issue. >> reporter: fueled by big money and big names of tv celebrity dr. david oz.. less than a week before the primary election, barnett's late surge is sending shock waves across the gop and ro provoked s warning for trump. kathy barnett will never be able to win the general election against the radical left. tiepts she gently disagreed. >> i look forward to working
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with the president. thank you so much. >> reporter: in one of the most closely watched senate races in the country which democrats believe offer the best chance to pick up a seat to help hold their majority, a messy family feud. deep inside the maga movement is spilling out for all to see. >> maga does not belong to president trump. all though he coined the word, maga belongs to the people. our values never shifted to president trump's values. >> reporter: a compelling personal story sparked interest in her candidacy. >> i'm a little black girl from a pig farm in southern alabama kwo grew up in a home with no running water, no installation, an out house in the back and a well on the side. >> reporter: her campaign roared to life as she pushed false claims the 2020 election was stolen. she's linked her candidacy to the front-runner in the gop governor race here. as polls show a three cay won
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test, rival republicans are in a mad scramble to scrutinize barnetts background in helps of slowing her surprising rise. >> she's a mystery person. we don't know much about her. we have to be able to learn. she's not willing to share. >> reporter: an outside group backing oz weighed in. >> meet crazy kathy barnett. pennsylvania's wackiest senate candidate. >> all the odds are. >> reporter: in many tweets she spread the false conspiracy theory former president barack obama is a muslim. it's an open question whether the torrent of criticism will animate or turn off the vibrant grass roots supporters. >> kathy barnette is my girl. >> what drew you to her? >> she's authentic. >> reporter: she had this to say. >> president trump gets to be wrong and he has this one wrong.
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>> jeff, joins me now. interesting report. what's going on there in pennsylvania? talkin ing to republican voters what are they saying about herp appeal as a candidate? >> you heard the word authentic said again and again. people like what they see. they like the ad she's run but really she's been running a shoe string campaign compared to oz and mccormick kmo spent more than $12 million a piece of their own money in this race. not to mention the outside group. they view her as someone who is of the people. they said they see her as a true conservat conservative. embedded in that is they are not convinced of dr. oz conservativism and they find david mckcormick as not one of them .
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it's very rare to see republicans unite from the trump wing of the party to the establishment corner of the party. that's exactly what happened among many republicans of today. really criticizing her saying she cannot win a general election. we heard the former president really come out with a blistering statement saying she may be a nice person but she's not been vetted. she cannot win a general election. in the next few days, really four more days, a will the of questions will be raised about her past. the question is do base voter
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here care about that. she's singing their song book, their anthem about election lies. really hanging over all this is fascinating. president trump control the movement that he created. these are maga supporters who are supporting her. many of the people say they respect him but not going to follow his lead and support dr. oz. >> all right. we thought dr. oz was the interesting thing injected into the pennsylvania race and now we have this. it's going to be quite something to watch. thanks. pre appreciate it. i want to take a break from politics to look at something massive and mysterious that binds a black hole that can hold the key to space and time. i want to peak into the unfathomable. we'll show you. obviously, we got termites. well, first thing is,
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you gotta know what they're bitin' on. hey! i told you to hire a pro. i did get a pro. an orkin pro! i got is. got termites? don't call any pro, call the orkin pro. orkin. the best in pests. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ introducing the all-new infiniti qx60. take on your wild world in style. ♪ you know liberty mutual customizes your car insurance, so you only pay for what you need? like how i customized this scarf? check out this backpack i made for marco. only pay for what you need. ♪liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty.♪
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so tonight something extremely cool. for the first time ever, we have an image of the supermassive black hole at the center of the milky way, which is our galaxy. cnn's tom foreman shows it to us. tom. >> reporter: hey, don. this is very exciting news. for the first time ever, scientists have managed to capture an image of what they call the beating heart of our galaxy, the milky way galaxy. take a look. this is the supermassive black hole that they call sagittarius "a." the black hole is the dark part in the middle there. all that light around it, that's light being bent by the enormous gravity of this black hole. getting this image was really a huge challenge. it involved eight of the most advanced telescopes on earth with more than 80 different institutions, hundreds of
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scientists, and they collected these images over time, trying to shoot through these gases and things swirling around this black hole. basically what they did was composite them together to create this stunning image here. it really is a remarkable thing to accomplish. some scientists have said this is the equivalent of using a telescope to take a picture of a donut sitting on the surface of the moon. of course if there were donuts on the moon, that would be an even bigger headline. but really an amazing accomplishment here that gives more insight into the degree to which the enormous gravitational pull of this is affecting everything in the galaxy. and by the way, this has a mass roughly 4 million times that of our sun, so you have an idea of how much gravity might be at work. it's roughly 27,000 light years away. so if you want to go visit, don, pack a lunch. >> thank you, tom. i better get to it. the january 6th committee
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8:00 pm
this is "don lemon tonight." republicans subpoenaed. the january 6th committee issuing subpoenas to house gop leader kevin mccarthy and four other republican lawmakers. russian setbacks. a naval support ship on fire in the black sea, and russia's angry that its neighbor, finland, is moving to join nato. plus under covid lockdown for two months in shanghai. cnn's david culver finally able to leave. >> a few people you see out and about, most of them are head to toe in hazmat suits. as you look on the streets, the ropes are still blocking off a lot of the sidewalks, s. stores basically all closed.


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