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tv   CNN Newsroom Live  CNN  May 16, 2022 11:00pm-12:00am PDT

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heroic months long fight for mariupol appears to be over and it's a major win for russia and major twists in races, as five states go to the polls. ♪ ♪ good to have you with us, u.s. president joe biden will travel to buffalo new york in the hours ahead, where he will meet with families of the victims of saturday's racially motivated shooting. a white house official tells cnn, mr. biden will make remarks in buffalo and condemn the shooting as terrorism motivated by a hateful and perverse ideology, this comes as we learn new details about the 18-year-old accused in the
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attack. the gunman opening fire in the supermarket, traveled 200 miles to the predominantly black neighborhood two months ago and he was there this past friday. authorities believe, carrying out reconnaissance a day before the massacre. they are investigating the shooting as a hate crimes and a case of racially motivated violent extremism. the latest now from omar jimenez. >> reporter: new details show the gunman planned the attack months in advance. investigators saying he is believed to have scouted the store in early march in prepare for a gun fight. >> because of the body armor he had on, he could have retreated back in the store where there were dozens of other customers in the store fleeing for their lives that could have turned that in to another barricade and further slaughter.
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>> reporter: the investigators were putting together what they say was a racially motivated attack. the district attorney tells cnn, the suspect seemed to kill more black people if he could. >> it appears that way. again, we need to drill down further. >> reporter: federal investigators drilling down further. going to the home where the 18-year-old suspect lived with hits parents. as well as the gun store where the suspect purchased the bush master assault rifle. they are looking in to his planning ahead of the attack. including illegally modifying his gun to carry 30 round magazines. >> we are going to look in to everything that this young man was doing and thinking. >> reporter: including analyzing the alleged shooter's past. how last year, police paid him a visit after he did a high school project on murder/suicides according to the erie county sheriff. and analyzing his state of mind market, he proudly labeled
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himself a white supremacist and outlined the attack. the buffalo police commissioner said he live streamed the attack. one of the women was 86 years old and stopped for grocery on her way back from visiting her husband in a nursing home. her son called and called, and no one answered you are looking for her, find out and go home. what's going through your head? >> i'm angry. i'm hurt. she was a beautiful person. we are still, we are still in the midst of this thing. one of the things that we as a family wanted to ensure is that we call it what it is. it is white supremacy. it's hate, and racism and bigotry. and we have to call it what it is. stop beating around the bush and
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take it head on. because it's proliferating. and it's not getting better. >> reporter: now, buffalo's police chief said that the suspect was doing rekreconleadi up to the shooting, as early as months ago back in march. over the weekend, he pleaded not guilty to first degree murder but no word yet on whether or not he will face federal charges. meanwhile, president biden is expected to visit tuesday here to meet with the families of victims. omar jimenez, cnn. >> in another part of the country, a doctor who was killed in sunday's church shooting in southern california is being hailed for his bravery. the gunman opened fire in a taiwan church service, wounding five people and killing the 52-year-old doctor. they say he charged at the shooter giving others time to help subdue him.
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they say his actions helped to save lives. the investigators have identified the gunman as 68 david chou, a u.s. citizen born in china. they believe the shooting was politically motivated and chou was upset over the tensions between china and taiwan. he is not thought to have any connection to the church or its members. well, russia's invasion has left mariupol in ruins. but after 82 days of fighting, the long-standoff at the city's steel plant may finally be coming to an end. ukraine said that more than 260 people at the steel plant have been evacuated. the country has declared the combat mission fulfilled and the military has been told to pull
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back. a ukrainian deputy defense minister said an exchange will see those evacuating taken home and russia is calling their soldiers heroes. >> this is our principal. i think that every adequate person will understand these words. the operation to rescue the defenders of mariupol was started by our military and intelligence officers to bring the boys home, the work continues. and this work needs delicacy and time. >> elsewhere in ukraine, a local official said that a military base outside of lviv was targeted by another russian missile attack. later a member of cnn's team in lviv saw air defenses lighting up to the northwest toward the military base. well, a few weeks in to the war, three brothers were taken from their home by russian soldiers
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interrogated, buried and left for dead, one survived. now, there's war crimes being prosecuted by prosecutors. here's the story. >> reporter: this is where he was buried alive. the blind folds he said that he and his two brothers were made to wear by russian soldiers still strewn by the shallow grave. he shows us where the bullet entered his cheek. his brothers were killed but he managed to escape their tomb. i had to live to tell this story, not to ukrainians, but to the world, he said. the regional prosecutors's offie said a war crimes investigation has been opened. this is his house where he lived with his two brothers and their
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sister. on march 18th, he said, russian soldiers came in to the village looking for men they believed were responsible for an attack on one of their convoys and that is when the family's nightmare began. three soldiers entered the house looking for anything that might link the brothers to the attack on the convoy. they found nothing. but what they did find was something to link the family to the military. the shape of their grandfather's military medal. they also found the military bag. since as a reservist in the ukrainian army, he was preparing to go and fight. for four days their sister heard nothing from her brothers until mikola came back from the dead. i came home and there was mikola, i looked at his eyes and asked where are the others? and he said, they are no others.
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mikola said after being taken from their home, the three brothers were blind folded and interrogated in a cellar for four days and then they were beaten and taken to the site of their execution. two months on, he struggles to speak still. what do i think of the russians? i hate them with all of my soul. they are animals. they should burn in hell. it was only after the russian withdrawal that a month after their execution the two brothers were given a proper burial, a tomb stone and the peace that mikola has been denied. cnn. >> well, russia's war is bringing an historic change for european security. on monday, sweden formally announced that it would join
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neighboring finland in seeking nato membership. the move will mark a major expansion of the nato alliance right on russia's doorstep. sw sw swedens prime minister said it's the best way to ensure security. vladimir putin said that expansion would not be an immediate threat, but warned that moving weapons in the territories would provoke a response. we are approaching what may be the most contentious u.s. primary so far this year. the pennsylvania senate race, can donald trump's pick fend off an establishment republican and a surging longshot. we will have the details after the break.
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voters in five u.s. states are getting ready to choose their candidates for november's mid term elections, north carolina and pennsylvania are among those holding contests. and dr. oz surprised voters at
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his town hall with a phone call from his most important supporter. >> i would like each of you to get out and vote for dr. oz, winning this senate seat is a must, it's a absolute must win and he will be able to do it. >> one of his challengers is conservative kathy barnett, who has been shaking up the race. but cnn unearthed previously unreported comments that she made ahead of the january 6th attack. in this comments she vowed to bring buses of pissed off patriots to the so-called stop the steal rally that wound up fueling the riot. analysts say they have no idea which way the race will go. >> reporter: a chaotic close to the pennsylvania senate primary. the leading democratic candidate, john fedderman will
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spend election day in the hospital recovering from a stroke that his campaign did not reveal until sunday, in the video with his wife by his side. >> we hit a little bump on the campaign trail. >> it was on friday, i was not feeling very well. so i decided you know i need to get checked out. >> i made you get checked out. >> on the eve of the primary in one of the most closely watched races. a three-way fight to the finish. ity a late grassroots surge from kathy barnett is threatening to up end the competition. they are all three trying to win over undecided voters. >> i believe 13 months ago if pennsylvanians knew they had a better option, you would have the good sense to take it. >> reporter: donald trump hangs over the race. where his endorsement of oz has
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upset many of the hard core maga movement, who are turning to barnett, her story caught fire, and also had claims of the election being stolen. >> we don't have room to just pick a warm body with an "r" next to their name and call it a win for us. >> reporter: do you believe it dangerous for the party given how important the seat is? >> i believe the stakes are so high, i think we as republicans have to win the seat. i believe i'm going to win this primary. but if i were not to win, i would support whoever the candidate was that was selected by the voters. ♪ ♪ >> reporter: republicans are not deciding whether to choose a candidate in trump's mold, that's been settled. but how trumpian the next senator will be. >> the 45th president of the united states, donald trump is going to call in. >> he is a loyal maga person,
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and again, i have known him for a long time. he is going to be the next senator. he will win it all. >> reporter: he has struggled to close the sale with conservatives. >> donald trump is not jesus. he is capable of making a mistake. the stuff about oz, he does not come across as a conservative. >> reporter: even donald trump's endorsement is not enough for you? >> no, it's not. >> reporter: dr. oz is making the case one voter at a time that he is a conservative candidate. that is what he is trying to cross. donald trump called in trying to make the case. his prestige on the line. it's a closely watched race, and democrats feel they can fill the sit of a retired republican senator pat toomey, all eyes will be on pennsylvania come november. cnn, blue belt about a about a.
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>> from los angeles, political analyst who is the president of the global policy institute at loyola joins us now. great to have you with us. >> thank you, rosemary. >> so tuesday marks the biggest primary night of the year so far with voters heading out just a few hours from now to select their candidates for the mid terms. so, let's start with the swing state of pennsylvania. we saw a bit of it there, where the trump endorsed republican senate candidate, dr. oz, is taking heat from his opponent, conservative, activist, ka kath who is enjoying the late surge in the race. it is another test of donald trump's king-maker skills. we heard some disgruntled trump supporters there saying he has made a mistake here. what do you expect the outcome
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to be? could kathy barnett push oz out, do you think? >> yeah, you are right, it's a major test for donald trump. he endorsed an inexperienced novice, tv celebrity doctor, dr. oz. and a lot of conservatives found that to be objectable because oz does not have real conservative credentials. coming up in the last two weeks, as an outsider and virtually unknown candidate, kathy barnett, she is very right wing. she was, she marched in the january 6th insurrection. she believes in the big lie. she said a lot of anti-muslim things and anti-gay things. she has captured the imagination of conservatives in the state. and so, if donald trump loses this, this is a very visible one, a headline endorsement. if he looses this, he is weakened.
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>> right and of course on the other side of the political spectrum, the numbers look, they look very good, actually, for pennsylvania democratic senate candidate john fedderman, he is the clear favorite, but we learned sunday that he is recovering from a stroke. so, how problematic could it prove to be for him and his party going forward? because this is going to take a lot of energy, you need to be pretty healthy to be doing all of this. >> well, john fedderman is the incumbent lieutenant government. he is popular in the state, he is a regular guy, not a slick professional politician . an every day kind of politician. he had the clear path, many people think to win in pennsylvania. that's the 50/50 tie in the senate between democrats and republicans. so, right now, it's a republican control seat. the democrats could win this one. his stroke which appears to be a mild stroke, with very, very sort of limited consequences we
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think. he may be able to over come it. if he is at all weakened it put the state back in to play and gives the republicans a leg up. >> right, absolutely and what about the other swing state, north carolina, where the very controversial and embattled trump candidate, madison cawthorns that his own party turning on him after a number or missteps there and except, we see donald trump coming out yet again, saying that cawthorn should be given a second chance. what do you expect to happen in this race with trump backing a very flawed candidate in another crucial test of his power in the party? >> well, in the race, you need a 30% threshold to win. in a crowded race which is what it is, a known candidate with name recognition has a bit of an advantage, also, the trump endorsement might help. but here's an example of trump endorsing someone who was thought to be a rising star in the republican party.
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but he has fallen from grace and he is an embarrassment to the party. monumentally flawed. he has been accused -- he accused the republicans of inviting him to sex orgies and cocaine parties. we have seen pictures of him in women's lingerie and videos that are embarrassing floating around. trump has picked an odd person to put his reputation on. it may help cawthorn. he may be able to pull it through. but it's a long shot. because the republican establishment is not happy with him. >> always a pleasure to get your analysis and perspective. many thanks. >> thank you, rosemary. >> well, still to come from loving it to leaving it, russians are waving goodbye to mcdonald's for good, as vladimir putin's war in ukraine, costs
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his country yet another major global brand. we will take a look at that on the other side of the break, stay with us. is the planning effect. this is how it feels to have a dedicated fifidelity advisr looking g at your full financial picture. this is what it's like to have a comprerehensive wealth plan with tax-smart ininvesting strategies designed to help you keep more of what you earn. and set aside more for things like healthcare, or whatever comes down the road. this is "the planning effect" from fidelity.
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it said that russian ground attacks in the east have been repelled and we will of course update you as details become available. well, 32 years ago, mcdonald's opened its first franchise in moscow to much fanfare, a symbol of change. a thawing of the cold war as the soviet union began to crumble. 32 years later, mcdonald's is pulling out of russia for good. just the latest major brand to reject putin and his war of choice in ukraine. we report on an economy that is going nowhere but backwards. >> reporter: now, often unreliable and always boxy, the lada was a symbol of the soviet union's self reliance.
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it was a symbol of russia's global integration that integration now unraveling because of the war on ukraine and western sanctions. renault has announced the selling of the stake, with an option to buy it back in six years. after it was announced in march, it would have to redesign the cars to make due without foreign parts. initially that will mean no special features like anti-lock brake systems according to one expert. and that's just the beginning. >> we will have no new cars. we will be with just only used cars. in my opinion. >> reporter: and it's not just the car industry in reverse. >> we are going to go to chemical production, paper, textiles and foods. every industry is now either cutting their production by half
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or at least looking for the new ways to import and ways to export. >> westernizing the economy was one of the hallmarks of putin's russia. this policy helped to bring prosperity, hope and a taste of something new. now, shutters and plastic sheets barely obscuring the remains of what was. even mcdonald's which opened the first restaurant in 1990 said it's now starting the process of selling the business and quote, dearching the restaurants. putin himself has played down the idea that his war and the resulting sanctions have undone 30 years of progress. the soviet union, lived under sanctions and achieved success, rhetoric designed to strengthen his grip on power as he prepares russia for a potentially painful economic transition. >> translator: the economy will adapt to the new situation.
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if we cannot go to one ship, we will try another, if we cannot go to one country, we will go to a third, if we cannot buy it here, we will buy it in a fourth country. >> reporter: in the soviet union in the decade following the collapse, isolation -- experts say it will if the war drags on. how much of a mess is this going to be do you think? >> i think it's the worst crisis that most people in russia will experience in their recent history. so, we invented the time machine and it's the pain of the 90s but the other way. we are going towards darkness. >> reporter: the cold war did not just cement the soviet union's isolation, it required ever increasing defense mandates the true scale only emerged in the final years. russia's war in ukraine could deal a similar double economic
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blow. >> reporter: so on the one hand the exits of the companies like mcdoncdonald's show the increas risks of the sanctions, but the other hand, they have shown remarkable economic resilience. they can still afford the war, mainly because they are exporting energy. while the eu struggles to find consistent. they are making more money because of the disruption that it's causing to the market and the resulting higher prices. >> unbelievable. that report from london. many thanks. there's a $10 million bounty on the head of the deputy leader of the taliban, the u.s. calls him a specially designated terrorist, he has scherff known his face or spoken until now. e t without killing your lawn. this stuff works on dandndelions, crabgrass, clover.
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now, to an exclusive. this is the acting interior minister and a deputy leader of the taliban. he has a ten million dollars bounty on his head. the u.s. said he orchestrated many deadly attacks. he has never spoken with a western journalist until now. we asked him whether he considers america the enemy of the afghan government. >> translator: in the future, we would like to have good relations with the united states and the international community. based on rules and principals that exist in the rest of the world and based on that arrangement, we have made commitment with them and currently we do not look at them as enemies.
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but based on their conduct the afghans have reservations about their intentions. from our side, the freedom of the country and struggling for the country's defense is a legitimate right in accordance with the international rules. currently, we do not look at them as enemies, and we have time and again spoken about diplomacy. we are committed to the doha agreement, like the rest of the world, we want relations with them. >> find the rest of the interview at and viewers at cnn international can watch part two of that exclusive interview with the deputy taliban leader. well, for our international viewers, world sport is up next and for everyone here in the
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u.s. and canada, i will be back with more news after a short break, stay with us. ty mutual customizes your car insurance, so you only pay for what you need? like how i customized this scarf? check out this backpack i made for marco.. only pay for what you need. ♪liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty.♪ ♪("i've been everywhere" by jojohnny cash) ♪ ♪i've traveled every road in this here land!♪ ♪i've been everywhere, man.♪ ♪i've been everywhere, man.♪ ♪of travel i've had my share, man.♪ ♪i've been everywhere.♪ ♪ it's:00 a.m., we've been coming re, since 1868. there's a lot of cushy desk jobs out there, but this is my happy place. there are millions of ways to make the most of your land. learn more at meet apartment 2a, 2b and 2c. 2a's monitoring his money with a simple text. like what you see abe? yes! 2b's covered with zero overdraft fees when he overdraws his account by fifty bucks or less.
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clearchoice dental implants solved her dental issues. [ kimberly ] i feel so much better. i feel energized to go outside and play with my daughter. i can ate anything. like, i don't have to worry. clearchoice changed my life. shanghai said it has eliminated the community spread of covid outside quarantined areas and all 16 districts have achieved zero covid at the community level. this means infections are no longer found outside quarantine facilities or neighborhoods under the strictest level of lockdown and it comes a day after officials announced a three-step plan to return to normalcy next month after weeks of lockdown.
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well the united states is about to reach a devastating milestone, the country is less than 200 deaths away from reaching 1 million killed by the pandemic. that is according to john's hopkins university. meanwhile the u.s. food and drug administration is expected to authorize a boosted dose for kids ages 5-11. this comes as the number of new cases among children in the u.s. grew nearly 76% last week from two weeks prior, that is according to the american academy of pediatrics. this is the fifth consecutive week in which child cases have increased. and now, kids make up about 18% of all the weekly reported cases in this country. well, joining me now from los angeles is dr. rodriguez, he is an internal medicine specialist and viral research, always good to have you with us, doctor.
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>> always grateful to be here. >> let's start with the horrifying fact that the u.s. is very close to reaching 1 million covid deaths and as that happens, we are also seeing surging cases across the country, how many more deaths could we see if people don't get all their eligible shots, including boosters, and if they don't start wearing masks again in public places is that what we need to see? >> well, rosemary, i think so. the number is staggering and tragic and i think so many people have become numb to that number. it's more than world war ii, the korean war and the vietnam war put together almost by double. and one of the greatest failures we have done is we have been too eager to drop defenses thinking it's over and it really, and i'm not trying to be a downer but it is far from over. as we see now, there's surges
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with the new variant, certain states are 25% higher this week than last. so, we can never, until this is gone, let our guard down. >> yeah, very true. and of course, good news at last for kids ages 5-11, with the u.s. food and drug administration expected to authorize a booster shot of pfizer's covid vaccine. once authorized how soon do you expect that booster to be made available to all those kids and their parents who have been eagerly waiting for this added protection as new cases in the u.s. among children have been increasing significantly in the last five weeks or so? >> if true for course, it will be available in a couple of weeks of the fda and then the cdc approving it and i'm just going to put a plug in here. i have a 1--year-old niece-in-law, we also need to move ahead and try to vaccinate those children under 5 years of
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age. but this is great news for kids. great news. >> it is great for that age group, but as you say, i mean, there's a lot of parents they cannot do very much in their families with those younger kiddies who are vulnerable at this time, how much longer do you think they will be waiting to get their kiddies the shots? >> i'm hoping, the information is out there, it's been presented. they need to get more data. nothing would be more tragic to give an infant or a child that age something that is detr detrimental to them. i'm hopeful it will be in the next 3-6 months. if not sooner, god willing. >> yeah, that is hopeful. and doctor the cdc has updated some of their travel guideline appro s, they are encouraging domestic travelers to get tested as close to their departure date as possible and tested again on the return home. of course, we know encouraging people to do the right thing is very different than telling them they have to do it.
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so, how likely is it that people will follow this advice and how necessary is it given most people probably won't be wearing masks on the planes? should that change perhaps as well? >> i think it should change. i think it should not have changed. i have been traveling quite a bit this month both for business and for family. and i'm not saying that you know, well, i'm saying it. i think that i'm doing the right thing. you know, by wearing masks at airports. especially at airports and even though planes are safe when someone is walking up and down the aisle, it's when you are in the greatest danger and listen, we are too quick to want to put our defenses down and pretend, because all we are doing is pretending that everything is okay. we still need to be vigilant and i know it's tiresome and we are fatigued, but come on, we need to buckle up and be courageous and protect ourselves and everyone around us. >> yeah, i think people are just
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so sick of the masks, so sick of all of it, aren't they? it's not sick of us, that's the main point here. >> correct. >> a quick question, we know that some people don't ever get covid or they have not so far. others do get it. recurring. how often can you get it? can some people just keep getting it every few months, is it possible? >> it's a great question and i believe it is possible. i mean, this whole theory of herd immunity, that once you get it, you will never get it. it's not playing out. you know, there's people and i'm going no knock on wood, you know, like myself who have not gotten it again. who have never gotten and some people that i know have gotten it two or three times. it thas to be a lot to do with ag genetics and exposeure, the information about long covid is actually, very, very
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frightening. so, we can't let our guard down. we really don't know enough about this and what's going to happen in the long-term for people who have gotten it. >> yep. such an important advice there. dr. rodriguez, many thanks as always. >> always a pleasure. >> a new detail between formula maker abbot and the u.s. food and drug administration could help resolve the baby formula shortage in the united states. pending court approval, abbott could resume production and have product in stores from 6-8 weeks ti time. bacterial contamination was found in the michigan plant, but no formula from the plant distributed to consumers tested positive for cobacteria. president biden is sending troops back to somalia to counter the terror group,
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al-shabaab, donald trump with drew all u.s. troops from the country in late 2020. a senior u.s. official tells cnn, less than 500 troops will be deployed in consultation with the solmali government. we are joined with more on this with david, good to see you, david. what more are you learning about the likely role of the u.s. troops and what is the situation on the ground in somalia right now? >> reporter: let's start with the last part of the question, rose rosemary. the situation on the ground is volatile. i think this decision by the biden administration is part an acknowledgment that the security situation continues to deteriorate and those gains are under threat. a senior u.s. administration official telling cnn, that the
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decision by president trump to withdrawal those special operation forces at the very end of his tenure was irrational and what you have had over the past few years, since biden has come in, is special ops forces cycling in and out of the country for operations, they say that this is for a training advisory and equipping mission in somalia, and they were pushing the point at the pentagon briefing. >> our forces are not now, nor will they be directly engaged in combat operations. the purpose here is to enable a more effective fight against al-shabaab by local forces and al-shabaab has increased in their forces and a heightened threat. >> reporter: there's been u.s.
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forces and intelligence forces very close to the action though, tragically, a special operations sergeant was killed in 2019. and that shows the proximity of u.s. forces to the conflict zone when taking on al-shabaab, another u.s. official stressed that it's important to get the boots on the ground in the advisory capacity. al-shabaab has the capacity to attack soft targets. we have seen it in the past few years, including targeting americans. so, this is a redeployment of troops in somalia. the bigger issue is here, and you see the pictures of u.s. forces in the '90s in mogadishu, the u.s. and other actors have been involved for decades in somalia and still has not fully secured the country and the
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instability. rosemary? >> all right, many thanks. and thank you for your company, i'm rosemary church, i will be back with more news after a short break. you are watching cnn, do stay with us.
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♪ ♪ hello, and welcome to our viewers joining us here in the united states and all around the world, you are watching cnn newsroom, and i'm rosemary church, coming up a mass shooting fueled by racism and hate was months in the making. the latest on the supermarket massacre in buffalo, as the community begins to mourn the loss of ten innocent lives. plus, the battle


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