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tv   Don Lemon Tonight  CNN  May 17, 2022 9:00pm-10:00pm PDT

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the unofficial wedding photos. portrait of an artist. the top of kilimanjaro. a million custom framed pieces and counting. you can framebridge just about anything. framebridge. live life, frame more. hello, everyone, and welcome. there you see we are all here. the big panel of experts. the dream team joining me here in new york. i'm don lemon. we have breaking news on this election night in america. results are coming in on a big night. of big primaries. in five states, as a matter of fact. plenty of election drama. so make sure you fasten your seat belts. some of the hottest races, pennsylvania of course and that
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commonwealth. the senate gop primary. hedge fund guy dave mccormick and trump-endorsed tv doc dr. mehmet oz locked in a tighter than tight battle. look at that. just 2,600 votes apart. the trumpiest candidate really not endorsed by him kathy barnette trailing despite what looked like a late surge and people were concerned she might actually win, or could win. cnn projects doug mastriano, a champion of the bogus big lie of election fraud, in 2020 has won the gop governor's primary there. and talk about high drama. as cnn projects john fetterman wins pennsylvania's democratic senate primary. he is exactly where he didn't expect to be right now, though, watching from his hospital bed. he's recovering from surgery to get a pacemaker today after he suffered a stroke on friday. and then there is north carolina. that's where madison cawthorn has conceded to chuck edwards.
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the 26-year-old cawthorn conceding after multiple scandals, everything from bringing a loaded handgun through a tsa checkpoint to accusing his own gop colleagues of using cocaine and inviting him to an orgy. a lot that happened there. we're going to discuss that -- i know. crazy, right? >> do not look this way. keep talking. >> there's a lot, right? you don't want to talk. let's talk about what's happening in oregon. the polls are closing in idaho and oregon and they are counting the ballots in races including one testing the former president's power and one that will be a test of president joe biden's endorsement power. we're going to bring you all those results as soon as they come in. so here with me, charlie dent, can i say bakari sellers now? because you said don't get here. alice stewart. and mark preston. but seriously, though, it's good to have you here. hs an amazing and unusual evening. we're going to speak to all of you. but i want to get to where it's happening on the ground. cnn's jeff zeleny is at oz campaign headquarters in newtown, pennsylvania and
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kristen holmes with the mccormick campaign in pittsburgh. hello to both of you. good evening. good morning. it's good to see you. i'm going to start with you, kristen because this race is as tight as it gets. we just heard from dave mccormick. what is he saying tonight? i see you looking over your shoulders. something's going on. >> reporter: yeah, i was just seeing who's left here. they basically cleared out the entire area. mccormick coming out and telling everyone to go home, that the race was not going to be called today, is that there were tens of thousands of mail-in ballots still needing to be counted. one adviser telling me they believe it's roughly 80,000 ballots that still need to be counted. of course that's yet to be seen. i will tell you that advisers still feel very optimistic about the way the math is trending. they say they believe they are overperforming in areas they thought oz was going to do better. the areas they're doing well in they expected to do well in. and the areas that oz is actually doing very well in they also anticipated that. so they like the way this map is trending. they are specifically looking at counties outside of philadelphia
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including delaware county as well as votes coming in in bucks county and lancaster county. now, that's going to be interesting because there are roughly around 7,000 to 8,000 votes there that they're going to have to hand count due to a clerical error. so all of this might take quite a while. that's exactly what david mccormick said tonight. but again, he's saying he feels very, very good about it, as are his advisers as they cleared out this room tonight, don. >> all right. listen, i want to get now to jeff zeleny. jeff, from kristen to you, it's only 2,600 votes between mccormack and oz right now. he still believes he can pull it off. can he? what are they thinking? >> reporter: without question. i mean, don, this is absolutely -- it is more than too close to call. the votes simply have not all been counted yet. so we are going to have to take a collective deep breath, that election day is going to turn into a second day, perhaps an election week. this is something that happens in close elections. so dr. mehmet oz addressed his supporters behind me just a
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short time ago. there are still a few of them milling around here. he also predicted victory. he thanked former president donald trump, whose endorsement of course helped pull him toward the finish line. we'll see if it pulls him across the finish line. but he said this will not be settled this evening, it will be settled in the coming hours, perhaps days. so don, this is what is happening at this hour. we are in newtown, pennsylvania outside of philadelphia in bucks county. and as kristen was just saying, this is one of the many places where there are a lot of votes yet to be counted. this is a strong area for dr. oz but also dave mccormick performed pretty strongly as well. and one thing that will be a distinction to keep an eye on going forward, early votes versus election day voting. the mccormick campaign had more of an early vote strategy. they did well on early votes, at least anecdotally, and if there are more early votes to be counted that could benefit them. however, dr. oz throughout the course of the evening really ticked off some pretty impressive victories in trump
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country, if you will. the area between philadelphia and pittsburgh. winning some counties along the border with west virginia, ohio, maryland. so this is a campaign that is end ending as it began and it has traveled throughout these many expensive vicious months here, a battle between dr. oz and david mckorm eck. but even though kathy barnette is no longer in the running, her performance in many of these counties is going to be key as well. did she fall off in recent days when there became more scrutiny of her candidacy? that could impact the race for both of those gentlemen as well. so don, this is going to continue tomorrow and perhaps after that. we will just have to be patient and see how these votes are counted. >> you're right. trump and trump supporters really hitting kathy barnette hard over the last couple days. you saw it on conservative media. thank you both. i appreciate it. we'll check back in with you. i want to get to the man of the moment who can give us the breakdown on all of this. john avlon is at the magic wall for us.
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john, i asked jeff zeleny, mehmet oz is hopeful. he believes he can pull it off. can he? >> he sure can. look, this thing is tight as a tick. take a look at this. 2,600 votes. 86% in. votes outstanding all over the place. but if you want evidence that kathy barnette could be acting as a spoiler for oz after the trump endorsement, take a look at places where kathy barnette's in first place, like montgomery county. now this is her home county. it's the third largest county in pennsylvania. oz is in second place. so you see there's evidence that they're eating into each other's bases. and if you add those two numbers up of course mccormick's in a distant third. but mccormick may have been able to come through the middle. take a look where he's rising which is surprising. rural counties. traditionally rural counties are the heart of trump country, especially in a state like pennsylvania. mccormick outperforming in a lot of these rural counties. also something interesting to take a look at. this is coal country. now, dr. oz is performing particularly well in coal country.
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however, mccormick is doing pretty well in suburban counties and also this base of pittsburgh where he grew up. so you see mccormick has a lot of room to grow in some of the bigger counties in the state but it's pretty clear that barnette ate into oz and that's got to be driving the trump folks crazy tonight. >> listen, that was one of my first stations that i worked at in philadelphia and we used to cover all these elections. you never know in pennsylvania. it goes blue, red, blue, red. so you never know what's going to happen. if not for barnette, where would mehmet oz be right now, do you think? >> you've got to say, again, for reasons i just showed, that kathy barnette has taken away from oz's total. if kathy barnette hadn't been eating into odds's position you'd guess he'd be in pole position. i want to contrast how tight this race is. we could be heading to recount territory. with for example what happened in the governor's race. the governor's race tonight mastriano basically sweeps except for coal country. this is a decisive win. and on the democratic side where some folks thought there would be a competitive race between conor lamb and john fetterman, fetterman sweeps the state.
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>> what happened to conor lamb? >> this is one of the fascinating -- >> they thought he was the wunderkind. >> a centrist candidate tailor made to win a general election in a swing state. fetterman big personality, lieutenant governor, just took all the momentum. not a lot of enthusiasm behind conor lamb tonight. fetterman winning this from a hospital bed. >> right. and kenyatta did well, what, in philadelphia or -- >> philadelphia. that's what you've got to look at. it's still, though, fetterman territory. but he got 53,000 votes there. really the story tonight, the thing to watch, the thing the country and possibly control of the senate holding on to, is the senate. >> let's go back to this. there's 1,0 other 1,020 now. >> you see that getting titler. >> mehmet oz when he's addressing folks at his campaign headquarters saying we can still pull this off, this isn't going to be decided until tomorrow, he's right. >> 1,000 votes right now. .1%. >> is that a runoff? >> .5% or less is a -- sorry, is
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a recount. there is no runoff. >> that's what i meant. recount. >> but recount. we're very much in recount territory right now. this is going to go on for days, plural, potentially. this is as tight as it gets. >> wow. so you can see it's still coming in, it's razor thin, and it can happen now, but we shall see at least within the next couple of hours. cnn is ready to project the republican idaho republican primary for governor. brad little, who's the incumbent, is projected to win over janice mcgee in the lieutenant governor's race there -- the lieutenant governor i should say. i want to bring in harry enten and ron brownstein to talk about that. hello to both of you. what is happening? let's talk about the senate race here. it is unbelievably tight race. what do you know? >> i'll take it from here.
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i would say this essentially, and that is that this race is going to take a while to count. but you know, jeff got at something, which is there's a real difference that we have seen between the early vote and then the election day vote. if in fact there is still some absentee ballots to be counted what you saw earlier on in the evening was that oz was trailing in that race. he caught up as we went on. so mccormick was doing better in that early vote. if there's still a lot of that vote left, yes we're seeing some squeezing right now, yes it is too close to call. but the fact is dave mccormick has led at every point in this evening. you'd rather be him than mehmet oz. but again, there's a reason why we haven't called it. this thing is tight as a tick. it's ridiculously close. >> everybody channeling their inner dan rather, tight as a tick tonight. look, what really struck me about this race was even after donald trump called mccormack a liberal wall street republican what was mccormick's response? he didn't criticize trump.
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he wrapped himself around trump. he went on breitbart radio yesterday and said donald trump did what no republican had done before, he crafted an agenda to deal with the problems of forgotten americans and i will go to washington and implement that agenda. and his behavior really underscores the point, we talked about this earlier this week, don. to me the issue tonight is not so much who donald trump endorsed and what happened to them. it's who endorsed donald trump. i mean, all of the major candidates are positioning themselves in this race as officials who will keep the republican party moving in the trump direction. and i think that is the overwhelming story of the night. there are gradations, obviously, and who he personally endorses matters to some extent. but the real message as in ohio is that there simply is not a big constituency anymore in the republican electorate for an
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alternative direction. and that has enormous implications both for the competition between the parties but also for the very structure of american democracy as we're going to see highlighted i think by this governor's race in pennsylvania as clearly as any with an election denier who wants to make it much harder to vote in pennsylvania as the republican nominee, and someone who might in fact be a genuine threat not to certify even a clear democratic win in two years. >> thank you, gentlemen. we'll get back to you. please stand by. here with me now, political commentators charlie dent, bakari sellers, alice stewart, along with cnn senior political analyst mr. mark preston. okay. let's just slow it down a little bit because we had a lot going on in the beginning. the race tightened up in pennsylvania. then i just want to make sure i get that projection that we have. the key race alert, so to speak. projection, idaho republican primary for governor brad little, the incumbent is projected to win over janice mcgee. she's the lieutenant governor. now i want to bring in these guys to discuss everything that is happening. you've got pennsylvania now,
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which is where you're from. less than 1,000 votes or about 1,000 votes that separate plk kormic and dr. oz. what the heck is going on will? >> we knew this was going to be a tight race between oz and mccormick. and certainly barnette was surging but they tamped her down pretty well over the last few days. so i'm not at all surprised by this. it's interesting that none of the candidates who ran for the senate, there were seven republican candidates i believe for senate in pennsylvania, not one has ever held elected office. and the two leaders, oz and mccormick, haven't lived in the state for a very long time. >> it's 920 votes. can we get the tally on the big wall? down to 900 and about 20 votes here. >> it's too close to call. some of these counties aren't going to get into some of these mail-in votes until tomorrow. and some -- i think cumberland county and a few others. but bottom line is we knew this was going to be a tight race and it just seems to me that mccormick has performed well.
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i mean, they all embrace trump. but if you ask my opinion, i would tell you that i think mccormick is a much stronger general election candidate than oz against fetterman. and i think he would actually beat fetterman. against oz i think it's a more competitive race. but i think mccormick has a good profile, particularly for the suburban areas of pennsylvania for a general election. >> and charlie hits on the important takeaway of the night, is the republican party needs to look at nominating candidates that will win the general election as opposed to just the primary. he wi we need to elect candidates that are reflective of the republican party not trump's wing of the republican party. >> you think mccormick can win a general election? >> absolutely. against fetterman certainly he can. he's certainly a lot more moderate than oz and barnette as well. and look, this is obviously close. in speaking with mccormick's campaign tonight, they're looking at the absentee ballots, the ones that are still out, are in places where he is favored to win, a majority of those votes. they're very optimistic. obviously, oz is as well.
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but without a doubt we're going to probably have a recount in a lot of these -- count these votes because it's going to be so close and we're going to find out that barnette has come from the sleeper candidate of this race to the spoiler candidate for oz because she has been just zapping votes from him. >> the unique thing about this, though, and what many people and my good friends on the republican party don't want to acknowledge, is that there's nothing real about dave mccormick. a hedge fund guy who all of a sudden becomes a tea party guy who all of a sudden becomes a maga guy who yesterday was on breitbart radio. that is not who dave mccormick is. so he's going to waffle and wharf -- >> so what are you saying? >> i'm saying it's going to be very difficult for someone who is not true to themselves toog to be able to go throughout the different portions of pennsylvania. i will admit charlie knows this have i v way better than i do. and win this race. you have to have somebody who is at least honest to themselves. and dave mccormick has become so many different things. the unique thing about fetterman
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in the democratic party is simply this. the democratic party, you saw malcolm kenyatta tonight, who ran an amazing race even though he got 10% of the vote. malcolm kenyatta is a very, very young candidate. he's an awe-inspiring candidate. gay black man who ran extremely strong in philadelphia. what's happening is the democratic party has already consolidated around fetterman. we're going to go out there and do whatever we can around fetterman. this race is going to boil down to whether or not black folk can come out and vote in philadelphia and the surrounding areas. and i believe they will. the difference, though, is fetterman can do something that other candidates in pennsylvania have not been able to do, which is that fetterman can speak to rural white voters. he simply can. and i think dave mccormick's going to have a problem because a hedge fund guy who all of a sudden is a common man? that's a hard sell. regardless of what people are saying. >> it isn't that -- hang on. go ahead. >> i was going to say look, i think fetterman's problem against mccormick will be the
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collar counties of philadelphia and lehigh county. fetterman, let's face it, he's an unconventional guy. i'm being very kind. but in those upscale counties around philadelphia, i think mccormick has a very good profile for that area. and he is going to return to his bio. he was born in pittsburgh. he lived in bloomsberg and he had a tree farm -- >> you just said the key word. he's going to return to his bio. yesterday he was maga. tomorrow he's going to return to his bio. like look, it's cute. i appreciate it. but i mean this duty is a butterfly. >> isn't that the issue, though? it's the same issue with mehmet oz as with mccormick, right? the lack of authenticity. and that's why -- >> that's why fetterman has an advantage. because fetterman is who fetterman is. these guys are something special every day. >> but he's a bernie sanders guy too. >> fetterman is who he is. i actually think that the profile that he cuts is very interesting and is going to make him extremely competitive in
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this state. in this race to charlie's point that the republicans should win. i mean, the republican should win it. the fact that the candidate right now, mccormick, is maga but yet is republican establishment, the likes of the senate, of mitch mcconnell, all this inside d.c. money is all going to go to mccormick anyway because they're going to be supportive of him because they know deep down inside that he is more like him and donald trump, let's not rule out the fact that donald trump is going to come out in the next couple days assuming that mccormick wins and say i love this guy, deana powell was such a great member of my staff. >> he doesn't believe in the election lie. he has not run on the election lie, right? and other parts of maga -- he ceremony did not embrace donald trump at all. >> makes him more acceptable for more centrist republicans like charlie. >> you also had the america first agenda was more of his
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platform. i love you, bakari, but you've talked about fetarman a lot. you haven't said what he really is. he's the progressive wing of the democratic party. his views are very progressive. i just don't see how that's going to play overall in the state of pennsylvania. >> i need to get back to john avlon at the magic wall. dr. oz has taken the lead in the pennsylvania race. what's going on? >> take a look what's going on here. oz for the first time tonight pulling ahead. now, let's be real. this is 714 votes, folks. >> a lead is a lead. >> and it is a momentum shift. as harry enten was saying earlier tonight, you want to be where dave mccormick's been all night, up until this point. this could be a tipping point for the race. again, we got 90% in now. still 10% out lancaster, major x factor with the outstanding votes. >> lancaster. >> yeah. but take a look at this. oz getting the momentum he was telling his team he would see. finally pulling ahead out of a long night.
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so nobody should be breathing easy in either camp. but at least a little bit of big mo heading toward dr. oz. >> 31.2%, 31.2%. as a local anchor and reporter in pennsylvania, charlie, you know, that was one of the first things they told me, it's lancaster, not lancaster. >> lancaster county. and i'm happy to speak pennsylvania dutch to you too don lemon. i know how to do that. >> we've got a long way to go. we just got started. thank you. we're going to take a quick break here but we've got lots more election results to come in tonight including the governor's race in pennsylvania and how it can impact the 2024 election. and madison cawthorn conceding. stay with us.
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31.2% to 31.2%. mehmet oz is 714 votes ahead right now. here with me charlie dent, bakari sellers, alice stewart along with cnn's senior political analyst mr. mark preston. so charlie, let's talk about pennsylvania has this important -- we're going to get back to the senate race. they've got this important governor's race as well as democrat and attorney general josh shapiro is going to face off with doug mastriano there. what do you think -- how do you think he's going to shape up against mastriano and shapiro? what do you think that race is -- >> i think that josh shapiro is probably the happiest guy in pennsylvania tonight. >> why is that? >> he got exactly what he wanted. he invaded the republican primary by running ads that were very -- statements about he's the most pro-trump guy in the race and basically building up mastriano for republican voters. and mastriano, many believe, he
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is unelectable. unelectable. and i suspect -- i used to serve in the state senate. i don't think that mastriano could beat shapiro in the senate republican caucus in harrisburg. >> okay. i think everyone learned after 2016 don't count anyone out, right? and i hear people saying that all the time, why are you saying that, because look, he ran away with it. >> the collar counties of philadelphia and the lehigh valley. 35% of the vote is probably going to come out of those five counties in philadelphia plus the four collar counties, you extend it up to the lehigh valley. that's a lot of of votes. and it's a more moderate area of the state, and i think this stolen election business is going to turn off a lot of swing voting republicans and independents and he's really going to have to make a lot of votes up in other parts of the state. shapiro hasn't had to run hard left. he didn't have a primary. and josh is a pretty popular attorney general. let's face it. so i think that he's well positioned. now, mastriano will make a race of it? perhaps because it could be a very good republican year. i just don't flow how he gets over the top. >> so listen, mark, trump
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endorsed doug mastriano. he's been a fierce proponent of the big lie, for election fraud in 2020. i just want to remind everyone that the pennsylvania governor appoints the secretary of state, who oversees elections. i mean, this new match-up just became even more important. >> i hate to say that what happened on january 6th and the months leading up to it is the new normal but it is the new normal. earlier this evening jake tapper said my gosh, i don't think we've ever seen anything like this. and i can tell you i don't think we've seen anything like this in politics, what we've seen over the past few years. look, mastriano is going to play to a certain element of the maga base. but to charlie's point, especially in a state like pennsylvania, he's not going to have that opportunity, at least on paper right now there's not a chance that he's going to have the opportunity to do it. but you do have to ask yourself, though, what were the republican voters thinking when they decided to make him their
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nominee? >> interesting. you said we're going to get to north carolina. we're going to do that. but we've got to get back to john avlon first because john, things just tightened up even more in the pennsylvania senate race. what do you have for us? >> mehmet oz was just around 700 votes up. now that shrunk 200. it shows just how much this is a game of inches. every ballot counting. and with 91% who knows which way this is going to go. but oz has had the big mo, pulling back a little bit. mccormick still very much -- i mean, look, they are tied. 31.2 to 31.2. so the reason oz jumped ahead just a little bit, seems to be a lot of ballots in bucks county. and that seems to be -- it's where his headquarters is and where his wife's family is from. so him getting the edge there made the difference. but every vote is counting right now and this is just a stunning race to watch. is now 502 ahead. in the last minutes changing from 700 to 500. >> i think this just made our night a little bit longer. bakari and i are looking at each other like it's 400, 300 -- 400,
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welcome back, everyone. a lot going on. i want to bring in now harry enten and ron brownstein. we're going to talk about madison cawthorn. gentlemen, hello to you once again. so ron, madison cawthorn lost. trump appealed for a second chance for him. to lose this race, i mean, it doesn't normally happen to an incumbent in a safe seat. with all the scandals and political blunders, he really got in his own way. he lost this race. >> yeah. absolutely. he got in his own way.
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trump's endorsement is a powerful force in republican primaries, but it's not a complete get out of jail free card. no president has that capacity. we're going to see biden tested in oregon tonight. the most famous example, franklin roosevelt in 1938 tried to purge the democratic party of the southern senators who opposed him. all of them lost. so no one has the ability to simply command all voters. and cawthorn i think just, you know, out -- he put more on the camel's back than it could bear. and the voters there were just kind of tired of the antics, and i think that was a pretty clear -- it was a personal repudiation more than any kind of shift in direction in terms of the party. >> well, i said he lost this race. i mean, he lost it more than the other guy won the race. right? >> yep. >> he was really his own opponent there. harry, what do you think this reveals about donald trump's hold on the gop? >> look, donald trump still has a hold on the gop, right? you look at the north carolina senate race. ted budd easily won there. he was of course trump endorsed and basically went from 9% in
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the polls before trump endorsed him up to 55%. but i would say this. which is the trump endorsement can only go so far. you saw last week charles herbster in nebraska, the gubernatorial rate there, had sexual harassment allegations, numerous ones against him. you go here, you have multiple scandals going on with madison cawthorn. and to get to the point you asked earlier on, don, just how rare this is, only 2% of incumbents who ran for election in 2020 lost in a primary. just 2%. so clearly madison cawthorn did something very, very, very wrong. and the fact is all of this garbage, this personal stuff, they're going to accept trump -- they'll accept basically anything on trump. but when you add in the personal stuff, the orgy talk, all this garbage that just kept coming and coming and coming, republican voters said you know, let's go with chuck edwards. he was endorsed by thom tillis. he was endorsed by the head of the north carolina senate on the republican side and in the lower house there. so the fact is kaug orn lost but
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i don't think this says anything larger about trump perhaps v except perhaps maybe he should be more careful with his endorsements because he endorsed the loser in this case. >> i want to bring in some of the other folks in the room with me. he with were having this conversation, guys, actually in the break. this is not the end of madison cawthorn, is it? of his political career. >> no. listen, madison cawthorn will be a political commentator at cnn -- i mean at fox news. excuse me. he'll do that. [ laughter ] can we rewind the tape? that was a slip. it's late. >> he's going to replace charlie dent. welcome to our new president. no, he's going to be a new political commentator at fox news. he's going to have -- it's charlie kirk, it's ben shapiro, it's matt gaetz, it's marjorie taylor greene. it's this new wing of the party that he speaks for. >> charlie said no way. >> well, charlie's here with me
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now. this is where we are. but let me say this. the number one rule of fight club is you don't talk about fight club. and madison cawthorn broke all of those rules. and it was very obvious from the beginning that the republican party was out to get him. and all i say is that you saw what happened with madison cawthorn. the trump endorsement only goes so far. >> well, there are many rational republicans across this country that are saying thank goodness, that this was the way this race ended. and thank goodness for thom tillis for putting the money and the message behind getting rid of someone that really is a black eye on the republican party. to bakari's point, he not only went after his colleagues in the house by saying they had orgies and were doing drugs, he also turned on the voters in his district. certainly by doing embarrassing things, saying a lot of outlandish things. but district shopping. he was running in the 11th and in the 13th, back in the 11th. he really turned his back on the people of his district. look, he needs to go away.
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i think he'll probably get some television gig. i think he's young. i think he's -- certainly has a lot of growing up to do. we have not seen the last of madison cawthorn but hopefully we've seen the end right now of the damage he can do in the house right now and it's time to get in some new blood, and i think edwards is a good person to do that. >> ron, i just want to ask you before i get to the democrats on the other side here, madison cawthorn has obviously gone through a lot. having that accident when he was 18 years old. he probably needs more than just to go away. he has issues he needs to deal with. >> yeah. we're watching someone, you know, kind of deal with their own personal demons in a modern media environment and political polarization. i mean, it's kind of frightening and horrifying to watch as well as all the points that bakari was making about how he's kind of immediately inserted himself in kind of the celebrity
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conservative provocateur wing of the republican party. like beneath all of that is an actual person who is obviously having some serious issues that are playing out under the brightest spotlight imaginable. >> gentlemen, stand by. stand by, folks here in the studio with me as well. we're going to talk about the democrats on the other side. and so much more. don't forget, pennsylvania's senate race, gop senate race. dr. oz, dave mccormick. i mean, wow. 637 votes right now separate the two men. we've got a long night ahead of us. line accounts were hacked! he uses the same password for everything. i didn't want to deal wiwith i. but t aura digital security just dealt with it. what w were we worried about again? shopping on public wifi is sketchy. but with aura digital security, my devices are protected in like 3 minutes. it's time to protect your life online with aura's all-in-one digital security. try for free today at what was that password anyway?
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are you a christian author with a book that you're ready to share with the world? get published now, call for your free publisher kit today! back now with cnn's continuing election coverage. cnn projecting lieutenant governor john fetterman has won pennsylvania's gop senate primary. back with me now charlie dent, bakari sellers, alice stewart and mark preston. i said we were going to talk about the democrats. bakari sellers, here's your chance. what do you see? fetterman -- fetterman winning from a hospital bed. >> fetterman won from the beginning.
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i mean, conor lamb ran a campaign which was -- it left a lot of questions from when he got into the race to what he was actually doing in the race. and conor lamb couldn't even tell you why he was running today. he's a great candidate. right? i mean, i think we saw the fact that he won that trump seat, he's a great candidate, can be, but he never really carved his way or his lane. i think he thought he was supposed to be ordained. >> wasn't he the chosen one? >> he thought he was. you know, malcolm kenyatta ran a great race. and i said it off air and i'll say it, and i can't wait for my phone to blow up. the republicans are going to try to paint fetterman out to be bernie sanders. that ain't going to work. fetterman's a great candidate for rural white democratic voters, those voters who have left the democratic party. i mean, we have this obsession with those diner voters, you know, we do all of those kind of one-offs where you go to a diner and find those people who voted for barack obama and then voted for donald trump. fetterman's going to get those people. the question is can you pull a gun out on a black kid and still
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get votes in philadelphia as what is a stain on fetterman's record? he is going to have to figure out, and he has not proven himself to be someone who necessarily listens to this, but he is going to have to ingratiate himself and spend time in communities in and around black communities in pittsburgh, but definitely in philadelphia and figure out why would he -- he can't even apologize -- there is a scene in the debate, and don't ask me why i'm watching debates between pennsylvania democratic primary candidates, but malcolm kenyatta asked fetterman to simply apologize for what he did and fetterman couldn't do it. like that's not going to fly. >> i watched the primaries in pennsylvania. because i used to live there. i watched the debates i should say. it's interesting. >> i think that fetterman's going to have to have a -- as we say, come to jesus. and he's going to have to spend time in the a.m.e. churches, in the black churches, in the hbcus and be able to -- regardless of whether or not they're going to
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be able to paint him as bernie sanders, his biggest problem is whether or not black folks are going to trust him. there is time but right now he has to be willing to do the work. >> i used to, you live there now. >> i think john fetterman's going to get crushed in these rural areas. it's a question by how much. can he keep the margins down a little bit? he's going to get destroyed there. i know he's spending time out there but that's not going to get him a lot of votes. >> what if it's mehmet oz -- >> what's that? >> talking about -- >> what's that? >> i said i forgot about oz. >> oz is kind of a wild card. if i'm a democrat, what i'll do to oz is i'll hit him on the carpet bagger issue. where have you been for 30 years, your whole life for that matter? >> i hear you. but i think mccormick is again -- the only way i can describe him is a butterfly. he morphs into different things depending on the season. but oz actually has been in our television screens for a very long period of time. you talk about from whether or not it's oprah to the breakfast club and charlamagne tha god.
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oz is someone who's been there. i think to alice's point and this is probably going to drive alice crazy, i think he was pro choice yesterday. i don't know what he is today. that's the problem with mccormick and oz. the problem with the republican party and donald trump is you end up with these candidates who don't stand for anything. >> okay. hold that thought. on the other side of the break, don't go anywhere. we'll be right back. ♪ i may be close t to retirement, but i'm as busy as ever. careful nonow. - thanks. -you gotot it. and thanks to voya, i'm confident about my future. -oh dad, the twins are now... -vegan. i know. i got 'em some of those plant burgers. -nice. -yeah. voya provides guidance for the right instments, and helps me be prepared for unexpected eves. they make me feel like i've got iall under control. [crowd cheers] because i do okay, th was awesome.
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for pennsylvania. he has a few things to answer for. fist of all, he is a progressive democrat. he has supported universal health care. he supported the wealth tax, $15 minimum wage, legalizing pot. he is a very progressive candidate. i don't see that fitting the stitt of pennsylvania. it's a purple state, but it's not that blue. he also needs to answer to the event of racially profiling an african american young man and not apologizing for it, not owning up to it. he is going to have to explain, that because that is going to be the first ad out of the republican party is going after him on that issue. and another thing, i pray he is doing well in the hospital. he does need to explain exactly what happened and the timeline and have doctors come out and explain here's his condition. here's how he's doing. so he has a lot of things that he needs to explain to the people of pennsylvania if he is going to make headway. >> the health issue help or hurt him? >> the health issue? >> yeah. >> he was up by 40 points in the polling going into it.
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i would take a couple of days off from the hospital and go into the election day with a 40-point lead, which he did. i guess my question with fetterman is, but i'll say it now, what happens to the african american community? they're not going to back mehmet oz or maybe they will. they're not going to back mccormick. aren't they traditionally going to stay with fetterman? >> that's not enough, though. so what has to happen, the community has to -- and let me also say this. i don't speak for all black folk. >> you don't? >> i just don't. that black guy speaks for everybody, i do not. what i can tell you is african american voters have to come out in bunches in large amounts in that philadelphia and five-county area for fetterman to have a chance to win. and your point, listen, the progressive bona fides that you named like legalizing marijuana, raising the minimum wage, universal health care, that ain't going to scare nobody.
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actually, if that's progressive, then put that title on me. i would wear it. but the fact that he does have some issues in his past that he has refused and been too stubborn to acknowledge and apologize for, particularly the incident with the young black man. i'm not beating a dead horse. this is an issue in the primary that he needs to say something about. that is an impediment i think to dr. oz cuts into that more than the social butterfly. >> dr. oz has name recognition. >> he has name recognition and he has validators. i didn't expect to name-drop oprah, but he has validators. he has oprah. and by no means do they speak for the african american community, but he will have the ability to cut into a base than -- >> you think that dr. mehmet oz will cut into the base because of oprah? oprah does not support the doctor. >> or dampen the turnout. >> oprah doesn't support dr. oz. >> it doesn't matter. my point is that that is the relationship that people understand him and know him from. that's my only point.
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>> all right. they are counting the votes in that senate race, and pennsylvania is getting tighter and tighter. the latest results. that's next. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ at, finding perfect isn't rocket science. kitchen? sorted. t tub, why not? and of course, puppy-friendly. we don't like to say perfect, but it's pretty perfect., booking.yea since i left for college, my dad has gotten back into some of his old hobbies. and now he's taking trulicity, and it looks like he's gotten into some new healthier habits, too. what changes are you making for your type 2 diabetes?
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who can start today on ah, you know what that music means. it is election night in america, and we are following all the breaking news results coming in from big primary races in five states. one of the hottest races, the nail-biter pennsylvania. look at your screen. former hedge fund ceo david mccormick neck and neck with trump-endorsed tv doc dr. mehmet oz. and the race is getting tighter by the minute. straight now to cnn's john avlon with me over here at the magic wall. i should say i'm joining him at the magic wall. pennsylvania. >> look, this is just a stunner. mehmet oz no


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