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tv   Don Lemon Tonight  CNN  May 17, 2022 10:00pm-11:00pm PDT

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on ah, you know what that music means. it is election night in america, and we are following all the breaking news results coming in from big primary races in five states. one of the hottest races, the nail-biter pennsylvania. look at your screen. former hedge fund ceo david mccormick neck and neck with trump-endorsed tv doc dr. mehmet oz. and the race is getting tighter by the minute. straight now to cnn's john avlon with me over here at the magic wall. i should say i'm joining him at the magic wall. pennsylvania. >> look, this is just a stunner. mehmet oz now 851 up.
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he took the lead for the first time tonight around a half hour ago. >> okay. >> and the big dynamic here is kathy barnette had been eating into what might have been a clear win for him. david mccormick coming up the middle as the more moderate, traditional republican candidate, ie not election denying. look, this thing is still tight. it's a o1.1 race. bucks county are coming in with a slight edge to oz right now. but this thing is well within recount territory. this isn't going away. >> what do row think is happening that there is a slight inch for him? >> i think trump's endorsement is making a difference. oz doing really well in coal country. something to really pay attention to. mccormick's strength is the suburbs in pittsburgh, where he grew up. but right now you see oz just edging ahead. but this isn't going to be over. this is going to be days. this is in recount territory.
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every ballot counts right now. 851. >> did you say days? >> possibly. >> we thought hours, maybe. >> hours, maybe days. look, they do not get tighter than. this 851 votes. >> all right. to idaho and oregon now. where do you want to go first? >> let's take a trip over to our friends in idaho. now here what's important to take a look at. the republican governor here is brad little. he is a conservative guy. he backed the lawsuits to try to overturn the election for donald trump. not conservative enough for donald trump. backing instead his own lieutenant governor. this is a fratricidal race here. what you see is that trump endorsement not helping the lieutenant governor. incumbent brad little seeming to run away with it so far. 45% in. even in the most conservative part of the state, incumbent brad little. >> i butchered her name earlier. i know it's mcgeachin. but it's mcgeachin. >> donald trump's endorsement doesn't always take you over the top. even in a republican primary.
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>> all right. >> i want to bring one other thing back to folks' attention because it's really interesting. north carolina. right? this is something where donald trump endorsed ted budd. this guy had had no support in the state convention. trump endorses him. he is walking away with this thing. what is so extraordinary, see pat mccrory there, one county, mecklenburg, charlotte. this is a two-time governor, and donald trump's endorsement pushed way into poll position. and a conservative governor, former mayor can only pull one county in the entire state. that's extraordinary. that is extraordinary. thank you, sir. we'll get back to you. wait a minute, pennsylvania -- just kidding! we're keeping an eye on pennsylvania. let's get to harry enten and ron brown. bring these folks into the conversation. hello once again. ron, you see the suburban vote is shrinking tonight, right? shrinking. tell me about that. what's up with it? >> yeah, i think you see in
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these results how the trump direction for the party is self-perpetuating. because the kind of voters who are the most resistant to it are becoming less likely to participate in republican primaries, leaving what's there the core that remains more trumpy than before. you know, charlie was mentioning before that the southeast philadelphia, southeast pennsylvania, philadelphia and the four surrounding counties are about 30% of the population. back this the '90s, they cast a third of the republican vote. well, i did a quick back of the envelope here tonight. it's only about 1/5 of the primary republican vote was cast in philadelphia and the four suburban counties tonight, which reflects the movement of those counties towards the democrats. we saw in ohio a few weeks ago the share of the vote cast in franklin, cuyahoga and hamilton counties, the three biggest counties in the state was significantly lower than it was 15 years ago in the republican primary. in north carolina tonight, wake and mecklenburg, whose inner
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suburbs was where republicans were born in the south cast only about 1/5 of the vote in the republican primaries. again, back to the envelope calculation. and what that means is all of these candidates are competing more for nonurban, increasingly noncollege, culturally conservative voters. and that has a magnetic pole on the entire republican field. where you see even someone like mccormick where in the past might have been the establishment republican candidate saying on breitbart radio yesterday he is going to go be a warrior for the donald trump agenda in washington, even after trump had criticized him. the real story here is how the whole center of gravity in the republican party continues to be pulled in a trumpian direction, whether or not his personal choices are winning. >> i want to go to harry enten. harry, i would have a question for you but you are, as my mom would say, sitting there looking wise and otherwise. >> i'm looking at two great looking gentlemen at 1:05 in the east. what's on my mind is pretty
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simple is a suburban vote is worth as much as an urban vote which is worth as much as a rural vote. it's true. republicans are struggling in areas where they were say 20, 30 years ago. but if you look at the turnout in pennsylvania, for example, republican turnout to 2018 is up compared to where the democrats were. that is where republicans are turning out more in pennsylvania. we saw the same thing in ohio. we saw the same thing in nebraska. seeing the same thing in north carolina. you keep projecting it forward. and what i'm essentially saying is that republicans are trading votes. and at this particular point the votes they are trading, they seem to be getting enough votes in other areas. so as we project forward towards the fall, while primary turnout doesn't necessarily foretell what will happen in a general election, i would be very happy if i were the republicans at this point in seeing how many of our voters are coming out and voting in these primaries versus the democrats who are clearly struggling versus 2018. >> i see some -- you got a yes
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and a know here. charlie's go yes. >> respectfully, harry and ron probably have higher s.a.t. scores -- not probably. >> i didn't take the s.a.t. >> he didn't even have to take it. what they're saying is offset by the practicality and the reality of the fact that candidates win elections, right? and what you're seeing in this progression of primary season is a lot like when you had todd akin and the young lady who said she wasn't a witch. i can't remember her name. >> christine o'donnell. >> christine o'donnell. i get it. i understand where the trends are. but when you have a herschel walkerton ticket, when you have a conversation between mccormick and mehmet oz, when you're talking about ted budd, even charlie dent will tell you, i believe, that mehmet oz and mccormick are not the strongest general election candidates who ran for the united states senate tonight. ted budd is not a stronger candidate than mccrory.
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you have a thousand candidates better than her shall walker, but this is the impact. >> let's let him in. >> what harry just said i agree with. >> do you agree with me too, though? >> let me get to harry first. harry is right. republican anger and energy is high. it's the midterm dynamic. and what you're seeing is republican enthusiasm is higher than the democrats. just as democrats were in 2018. you don't need to be a statistician to figure this out. it's a midterm. democrats are on their heels. and nothing surprising. now you're right. i think you could make a case that there could have been stronger candidates on the republican side, but you don't have to be the strongest candidate to win when the wind is at your back. >> yes, yes, yes. go! go. >> i'm going to take it right here and say look, there is a difference between federal elections that ted budd is running and whoever the republican nominee who we'll find out some time in the next 45 years, who that will be, versus if you're running in the pennsylvania gubernatorial race and you're mastriano.
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there is a real example of that in 2014 where tom wolf came in and took the seat. i think josh shapiro is lighting the fireworks. he very happy about it. and the senate race? let's see what happens. >> good run. >> there are a couple of separate issues. the first issue i was trying to raise is the balance of power inside the republican party. >> yes. >> is clearly changing as a result of the way trump has changed the coalition. and by alienating the voters who are most resistant to it, he is creating a republican primary elective that is going to produce more trumpy candidates as a general proposition as some of them are going to be weaker candidates. as harry and charlie says, that may not matter much. 75% of americans saying we're on the wrong track. 65% say they are losing ground because of inflation. and in that kind of headwind, a lot of candidates who would lose in a more neutral environment are going to get over the top. eventually you will get back to a more neutral environment. and the question will be i think
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in that kind of landscape whether the consistent tilt now in republican primaries for candidates who are very trumpy, who are denying the election, who are running on banning abortion without exceptions for rape and incest at six week, whether you can win when you don't have this giant tailwind at your back, even in a year when there is a tailwind at your back, there will be candidates as in 2010 and 2014 who are simply a bridge too far. mastriano may be one. you can see them in arizona and other states as well. >> okay. so let me just say that i pay attention and i am listening to the lady to my left, alice stewart, who made this point earlier, and now the guys are making all the same points that alice stewart made earlier, except they went like this. >> they said it with more authority, and they're certainly much more handsome than i am. >> never. >> i think what you're paraphrasing is candidates need to run candidates who can win in a general. >> absolutely.
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we need to nominate people that are reflective of the republican party, not the trump wing of the party. and look, ron knows the crass tabs. suburban, urban, all these voter, and harry knowns republican and democrat. the cnn poll that came out last week showing that the enthusiasm amongst registered voters is 9 points higher for republicans than the last poll and 6 points higher for democrats. you know those numbers. but the key here is the independent and undecided voters, those in the middle. those people are pissed off with the inflation, with the economy the way it is, with what's going on at the border, with what's going on at foreign points, and with all of those aspects in the toilet, that is motivating these independent voters. and i think if i could put one button on the ted budd story, donald trump is going the claim victory for that. he does deserve a lot of credit future that. but also, the club for growth went full speed ahead going after mccrory, painting him as a liberal, which he is not. so there is also a lot of money
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going against these candidates, in addition to trump that it's not just trump. in that specific case, ted budd benefitted for trump and club for growth going against his opponent. >> mark, if you were who is it that ron said -- ron or harry, i forget, correct me whoever it was, if i were a republican tonight i would be very happy about the enthusiasm and moving forward. we're going talk about what happens next week in primaries. >> right. >> would you be very happy than? >> yes. but i do think we have to say this. the republican party that we knew when charlie was in congress, you know, for the many years, and the republican party that is now is no more. so while i do take to heart what alice is saying, and there are a lot of republicans that are saying that, the fact of the matter is the republican party has now evolved, and it's now become a mixture of -- let's take donald trump out of it. because at some point he is not going to be here anymore. but trumpism is still going to be here. and what is is trumpism?
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it's a whole lot of things. it's conservatism to the nth degree, it's the christian nationalist agenda they're pushing. if you look at who trump is surrounding himself with, and if you look at those who trump is aligning with, that is the power base of the republican party. >> i'm getting way ahead of myself. i think it's going to be interesting to sow what happens if trump does decide to run in 2024. i'm not sure that he can stand another loss, right? he likes to be the king maker. and i think he has a better chance of being a king maker than being a king once again. but i'm getting ahead of myself. i don't know. i don't know, i don't know. charlie dent -- ron? >> can i mention a name? >> go on. >> we only mentioned the name one time and john avlon said it. i know republicans are supposed to be jumping up and down and doing cartwheels and drinking moet tonight, probably the rose flavor kind. but the fact is sheri bee should be so excited tonight.
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we're talking this headwind. but i'm excited to give money to a candidate who can win a purple state. sheri beesly is the former chief justice of the north carolina supreme court. she lost her last race by three votes. she is a formidable candidate. and ted budd is as closest thing to mastriano as you can get. while we're talking about the fringes of the party, in this race in north carolina, the fringe is you cannot paint cheri beasley out to be sanders. you cannot. she is as close to center moderate democrat as you can get. ted budd is the fringe. ted budd is everything that represents trumpism and everything else. while you may be jumping for joy, what i'm saying is democrats are excited not only about fetterman, because we believe he has a chance. but i guarantee if you talk to a democrat tonight who is in the know who is fundling money who wans to bundle money and dollars, they're going to say the name cheri beasley over and
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over and over again. >> i'm glad you butted your way in. that was a very good point. even with the chicken wing sauce on your tie. >> hey! i had calamari with the -- what's the sauce called? >> sriracha. >> tried to hide it. >> it's late, y'all. >> now i'm self-conscious. >> your tie -- >> it's not on the west coast. people in l.a. are judging me right now. let me button up. >> the race in pennsylvania may be the hottest thing going this election night. but there is a race in oregon tonight that is a big test for president joe biden. that's next. all you need is a phone and a finger. just go to, scroll through thousands s of cars. then, tap to buy. that's it. no sales speak. no wasted time. just, straight up greaeat cars. right from your phone to your driveway. go to and pick your favorite. wooo. oh yeah, she digs it. buy your car on
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votes. still statistically tied, 31.2 to 31.2 with mccormick. here's what's happening. oz seems to be gaining in some of these counties, suburban philadelphia, bucks county in particular. he is making incremental gains. he switched into the poll position. but really, we're talking a thousand votes here. here is a major x factor to pay attention to, okay. kathy barnette in first place. mccormick second. the key issue to watch here, this is getting into the weeds, but this is what we're doing this time of the hour, it's 7,000 outstanding votes that are going to have to be reprocessed. they are primarily mail-in votes. mccormick could have a real edge in that. that's one more reason why this thing is far from over, and it could be not hours but days because we're well within recount territory. now i want to bring your attention to a democratic race. not a lot of them going on right now, but this house race in oregon is really key. take a look at this house race
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for district 5 in oregon. okay. you say why are we paying attention to this? here you have a centrist incumbent, kurt schrader, endorsed by the president of the united states. right now 40% in, he is being beaten handily by a progressive candidate jamie mcleod skinner who he outspint 6-1. it's a more liberal district than when he held it in past. he has held this in 2009. this is the president's prestige coming on the line. a lot of money coming in for schrader. right now progressives in poll position in oregon 5. the center is under attack in both parties right now. this is a cautionary sign for some democrats. >> john avlon, you're amazing. how do you say that again? >> lancaster? >> lancaster. thanks, john. would you say pennsylvania dutch? >> if you're don lemon, he is a nice fellow. that's what they'd say.
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>> the oregon race is an example of if i was a democrat running right now, i'd have alligator arms around joe biden. i would not want to be hugging on to him because of the way the economy is and all of the issues that are dragging down the ticket. >> but it's oregon. that's not like indicative of the rest of the electoral field. that is one of the more liberal places in the entire union. >> but not when it comes to pocketbook issues. people are still concerned when they're paying $5 a gallon of gas. >> i guess i don't disagree with you. i do think inflation -- >> but isn't that what she made about running the right republicans, it's running the right democrat in oregon. >> you can't extrapolate. and harry and ron can probably. be you can't extrapolate a schrader loss across the democratic field. i don't think that's fair or accurate. >> the democrats are probably going to lose that seat. kurt slader is a moderate democrat. he is a veterinarian. that seat can easily go republican. and i get if this mcleod skinner, if she is the nominee,
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republicans are going to target that seat. >> republicans won't win that seat. and i'll bet you whatever you want to. >> it's a pretty competitive seat. >> i'll bet you whatever you want, republicans will not win that seat. this is not indicative. what you have is -- what you have in the democratic party is you have a changeover because people feel as if leadership -- this is more of an outsider versus insider type of election than a referendum on where we are. republicans aren't going to win this seat. and jamie mcleod skinner ran a great race. >> mark preston, they're not going to win. >> we're diving deep into oregon politics. >> cnn polling shows 53% of americans are burned out with politics right now. 23% mark they are fired up. what kind of political figure with break through in this climate? someone's got to be able really to channel that, whatever that is. >> unfortunately, i don't think that you're going to have somebody -- we're talking about running up the middle in these race. someone is going to come and run up the middle and save the
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republic as it stands right now. i think that -- by the way, i'm surprised that it's only 53% of americans that really tired by politics. when you think about politics, all you do right now is think about strife, anger, arguments. i mean, i don't know about anyone in the panel, but when i go out socially, i got to kind of try to make a pint of saying i don't want to talk politics tonight because it has really poisoned the national conversation. but as i was saying before the break about the republican party not being the same, the democratic party is not the same as it with was five years ago, six years ago, and it's never going to go back as well. to the point of fetterman's wife tonight on our own air saying, you know, i will embrace the progressive title if you want to talk about minimum wage at $15, if you want to talk about health care for all and what have you. but what that's going to do, though, is it's going to squeeze out the linebackers of conor lamb and the centrist democrat. and i know bakari doesn't want to hear, they i have to
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fundamentally disagree with you, because i don't think the facts don't bear out what you're saying. your saying it's not the same democratic party five years ago. >> it's not. >> who was vice president in barack obama? who was speaker of the house? nancy pelosi. the number two in charge was chuck schumer. we had jim blclyburn. >> who is driving national conversation right now? it's not chuck schumer and nancy pelosi. it is the more liberal wing of the water. >> it's not true. >> aoc, where a one-term -- excuse me, two-term congresswoman who just gets elected and is immediately looked to as a soothsayer -- >> but that's fundamentally not true. >> it is. >> i can ask you right now who is driving the conversation. and if i were to say the person driving the conversation even to my chagrin is joe manchin. that is a fact. joe manchin is driving the conversation along with joe biden. that is a fact. and joe manchin is anything but the center. >> he is only driving
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conversation, though, bakari because he has the power and the ability to stop what democrats are trying to -- because there are other democrats. >> i thought you said he wasn't. joe manchin is driving the conversation. >> there is a difference between driving the conversation and driving politics. joe manchin may be driving the politics, but i don't think joe manchin is driving the conversation. >> yes. >> i honestly think think that trump is driving the conversation and not joe biden or joe manchin. >> but what trump has done, it forces us to talk about trump all the time because he takes all the oxygen out of the room. but the fact of the matter is that the democratic party has dramatically changed, you know, since 2016. yes, barack obama made history and what have you. but let's go back to bernie sanders and hillary clinton and go over all those issues and how hillary clinton -- >> but mark -- >> hold on. the polling doesn't show that that the party has dramatically changed. the polling shows the republican party has dramatically changed. the republican party has moved further to the right than democrats have moved to the left. >> because there has been -- >> but donald trump is driving
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the conversation, not because he takes the oxygen out of the room. because all of these really far extremist candidates are somehow winning because of donald trump, not because he takes the oxygen out of the room. that's why i think he is driving the political conversation. >> at the same time, you also have on the democratic side, the far left wing of that party, the aocs and the squad, they are dominating the conversation. they are dictating what a lot of the platform. the only difference with joe manchin is he is affect to affect the politics in the senate. that's the difference. there is a difference between what's going on -- >> other people talking about aoc. i hear conservatives. >> look what's happening. after this 2022 election, the republican party in congress will become much more trumpian. and the democratic party is going to become much more progressive. because the democrats are going to lose are going to be people like kurt slader in the general elections. the more moderate ones, many are going to be cleared out and you're going to have a more progressive. >> listen, this is the
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conversation. i think democrats are dis disappointed in the president, right, in the current president. this is what the polling shows for everybody. the majority of americans are concerned or scared about the way things are going in the u.s. right now. and mainly, that is on joe biden. he is the leader of the country. >> i hate these polls and the way that they frame the questions because what we're doing here is what we should not do on tv, which is a both sides argument. and i will utterly and outward reject both sides argument. these parties are not the same. they're not going -- >> i just said the polling shows that democrats have -- republicans have moved further to the right. it's not the same thing. >> i hear you. >> and democrats mostly argue about policy. republicans are arguing about crazy, just loony things. >> that is my point. what we're not talking about here is the elephant in the room which is buffalo, new york. and we're not talking about the fact that you have a party, and for whatever you may say about the democratic party, we're talking about the way that we get -- the way that we remedy inflation, the way that we deal with criminal justice reform.
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we're talking about voting rights. we're talking about abortion. what we're not doing, though, however, and we may talk about issues in an inappropriate way, but what we're not doing, though, is like elise stefanik who is stalk about the great replacement theory. what we're not doing is talking about a party who is running on xenophobia and bigotry and all these other things. look, while we're having this conversation, doe have to acknowledge that there are other factors in the room, and this is not a both sides thing. and unless the republican party carves out that cancer, then they're going to have a hard time in november. >> i acknowledge that the republican party has all kinds of problems. but i think so it's fair to say, though, i've always felt that donald trump and bernie sanders are two different sides of the same coin. they both appeal to anger. trump on a cultural level. it was the mexicans, the muslims, the chinese. they're the reason why you're miserable. bernie sanders, it's an economic anger. it's the rich guy. it's the chemistry. it's the oil industry. it's the gas industry. it's pharmaceuticals. these are a lot of ordinary americans, democrats are struggling in an industrial america because industrial america thinks many in the democratic party in the far left
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are at war with them. part of them disrespect what they do. there is a big difference. one of them traffics in lies and racism and bigotry, right, especially when you look at the big election lie and what one says about immigrants. and the other one does not do that. there is a big difference there. >> right now, we're not doing -- >> both sides. >> equal sides. we're not doing that. we're just simply saying if you look at where we are now, and where these parties were, they are in a much different place. structurally, which you know isn't talk about on tv, they're not in the same place as far as raising money, who controls it, what corporations are really big. i'm just saying. things are changing. >> hold that thought. i got to get to the break. hold that thought. i got to get to the break. i'm sorry. cnn is projecting that john fetterman has won the pennsylvania primary, and it's been a traumatic few days after he suffered a stroke just last week. we have an update on that coming up right after this.
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back now with our continuing election coverage. cnn projects pennsylvania lieutenant governor john fetterman has won the democratic nomination for senate. let's go straight to mr. john avlon at the magic wall. john, what do you have for us? >> i just want to hammer home what a crushing this is. we've been looking at the republican race for senate all night. it's too close to call. three candidates splitting it up. john fetterman from a hospital bedouining almost 60% of the vote. conor lamb, centrist congressman around allegheny county, beaver county that fetterman is from, people thought he would make a classic general election candidate. fetterman knocked him across the board. so you got basically a unified democratic party around fetterman for senate, around shapiro for governor. in contrast to this very fractured republican party. fetterman doesn't neatly fit the
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boxes. he is very progressive on policy, but he has this kind of blue collar populist persona. it's going to be a fascinating race. you got to say fetterman's team crushed it tonight. this is a pretty unified democratic party heading into the fall against the tough headwinds of a pendulum swing towards the republican party in midterms. >> thank you there, sir. let's get to ron brownstein and harry enten. ron brownstein is here. he obviously got sick. his wife noticed, right, and saved his life. what would we do without women saving us here. how do you think this plays out in that campaign? >> well, first of all, i think one aspect of this that's really important hasn't been discussed much, and is also present in that oregon race that we were talking about in the earlier segment is that joe manchin and kerstin sinema have discredited centrism for a lot of the
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voters. the historical calling card of the centrist is they are the ones in the end who can get things done, who can make deals, who can work across-party lines. manchin and sinema haven't really advanced that vision of centrism. they've really been saying no to their own party. tripp gabriel of "the new york times" really captured this on a terrific piece on the pennsylvania senate race. all of the voters he talked to said look, i don't want another manchin. even though conor lamb said he would end the filibuster for voting rights, i think too many voters felt that what the party needs, especially given what is going on in all of the red states right now with this kind of wave of socially regressive legislation is someone who will more kind of take it to the republicans. and the price that manchin and cinema have imposed on the image of centrists in the democratic party among democratic voter, i think you can't underestimate. and you're seeing a reflection
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of it tonight. now, look, fetterman has ideological vulnerabilities. but as john avlon correctly noted, his persona is very different from the kind of ideological caricature of an ivory tower liberal, which is what usually guess along with that. and the question is whether he can -- as bakari said, can he get the african american turnout in fthd? can he slightly reduce the cavernous deficits in the middle of the state, the part what james carville used to call the alabama between pittsburgh and philadelphia. you know we don't know. and it's a very different raise against oz where oz he can portray as a carpetbagger. mccormick he can portray as an out of touch rich guy. when can be a formidable candidate. he is also indispensable candidate for democrats. they've got four really tough senate incumbents to defend in georgia, arizona, nevada, and new hampshire.
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and their odds of winning all of them in this environment ain't great, which means that they're going to hold the senate, that uprobably have to pick up at least one republican seat, and their best chance is clearly pennsylvania. >> harry, i want you to weigh in here. listen, different people show up for primaries and the general. so we may see more people come out in the suburbs, more people come out in the stwharks have you. but i've been watching you talk about john fetterman as well. and unusual candidate in many ways. have casual. i'm not sure if i've ever seen the guy in a suit. but go on here. >> no, i would say i know something about casual busy the only gentleman here without a tie. look, here is the situation. ron hit it very well. which is democrats need a win here. >> yeah. >> i don't really see a situation where democrats hold the senate if they don't win in the state of pennsylvania. wisconsin was spoken about earlier on in the program. but the fact is ron johnson is running for reelection in wisconsin. you don't defeat incumbents of the opposition party when the president's approval rating is at 40% in a midterm election.
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now look, john fetterman really doesn't have much of a track record running statewide in a general election. he ran as the lieutenant governor for tom wolf. but we don't really know how voters will react to him. i honestly, you know, a phrase i use last night on erin burnett's program is this is going to be a lot of fun, at least in terms of people like myself who watch electoral politics. because whoever the republican nominee is, john fetterman is so unusual and dresses so oddly and talks in a way that a lot of democrats don't really talk, but will that be able to get him over the top given that he is seen as this more progressive candidate? i don't know. >> that's why i say he has sort of an every man appeal about him. when i say what happens, how does his illness play? does that help or hurt him? i mean that he is more relatable to people now. and also, america loves a comeback story. if he comes back and he heals, right. so that's why i raise that question. i think it's legit.
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i think it's a legit question. and we're going see how the candidates sort of play it out. everyone has someone in their family who has had illness at one time or another. i don't think this is something that keeps him down. as long as he shows he is able to be up to the task. and we have no reason to believe he isn't at this particular point. i think it's going to be a very interesting fall campaign regardless who have the nominee is. okay. stand by, everyone. president biden paying his respects a the sight of the racist massacre and mostly black neighborhood where ten people were shot to death while shopping for groceries over the weekend, and slamming what he calls the poison of white supremacy. airflow to fill your space with lasting fragrance inspired by the scents of n nature you love. air wick. connect to nature.
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so listen. we had a key race alert. look at that. dr. mehmet oz increasing his lead over david mccormick in the senate republican primary in pennsylvania.
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ahead by 2,741 votes at this point. boy, this is a nail-biter, and it won't be decided tonight. it will probably be decided in the morning. who knows. maybe it will be decided the next few minutes while we're on the air. what do you think? >> well, i don't think it's going to be decided tonight, no. >> i'd rather be dr. oz than mccormick right now. when you're at a race like this with 94% of the vote in and you're up 2700 votes, that's where you want to be. >> right now i'd rather be oz than mccormick. >> you always want to be ahead. we also want to talk about something really important today. president joe biden not hesitating to call this deadly mass shooting in buffalo, new york an act of domestic terrorism. and he did not hesitate to call out the hateful ideology behind the shooting either. >> we're seeing the mass shootings in charleston, south carolina, el paso, texas, and pittsburgh. last year in atlanta, this week in dallas, texas, and now in buffalo.
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buffalo, new york. white supremacy is a poison. it's a poison running through our -- it really is. running through our body politic. it's been allowed to fester and grow right in front of our eyes. no more. i mean, no more. we need to say as clearly and forcibly as we can that the ideology of white supremacy has no place in america. >> bakari, let's get back to the folks here in the studio. was it important for him to give that speech and to call it is what it is? >> i think it was very important. and i think that the person who displays empathy most is joe biden. and part of the reason that joe biden is president of the united states and not donald trump is because donald trump is fundamentally incapable of doing what joe biden did today. but in the larger, if you take a step back in the 50,000 foot view analyzing what happened in charleston, analyzing what
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happened in atlanta or looking at what happened in buffalo this week, you realize that there is a void that's not being filled. and we've had a lot of conversation about demographics, ron and harry. we've had a lot of conversations about democrats and republicans, myself and charlie and mark and alice. but it's weird to me that white evangelical christians are quiet. it's weird to me that there is a group of individuals in this country who when these things happen take a step back. and until we really begin to look deep at what the original sins of our country are and have a conversation that's not rooted in politics, we're all political commentators, and mark actually has one of those sophisticated titles like senior political analyst. >> that's not even the best one. i got a better one. we'll talk about that in the 3:00 hour. >> if we drop those titles and we drop democrat and republican, i'd sit back and just look at my colleagues and be like what are
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white folk going to do. >> listen, alice, let's talk about that. because you have republicans who -- lawmakers who have promoted this great -- racist replacement theory, matt gaetz, scott berry. what do you think is the responsibility of republican leaders to get their members to stop trafficking in racism and hate? >> to say stop trafficking in racism and hate. >> but what does it take for them to get them to do that? >> but they haven't even done that, to alice's point. >> they need to talk the talk and walk the walk. they need to go out there and condemn this type of activity. and i agree with bakari commenting on no one better to console these victims and console the family members and the first responder than joe biden. he's been there. he's felt pain before, and he did a tremendous job showing empathy to them. and making it a clear point that this is an act of domestic terrorism should be punished accordingly. but also talking about this
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being a racially motivated hate crime and doing so in a way or talking about this is the act racial hatred of a minority of people of this country that should not be dominate and dictate how the rest of this country acts. we cannot tolerate this. this is a situation where we need to take the politics out of this and go against people that are engaging and acting out on such racial hatred. it is not a partisan issue. it is an issue that needs to stop. >> it is hard to say it is not a partisan issue. but the people that are trafficking in it, and this goes back to the democratic party has changed. the ran party has changed. people that you might think are far left don't get elected to office as much as the far right extremist people that traffic in
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this stitch on the right side to the point you were trying to make. this is different. the moderates in the party are not saying anything. >> what has happened and i think it is for alice and charlie and republicans that i grew up with in washington. a good, hard, you know, policies may not agree but can go out and have a beer after. some republican leaders lost control of the party. some have embraced it. they are using it to their advantage. is infused with hyaluronic and peptide serums
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10:56 pm
>> a night of major drama, this election night. pennsylvania's gopmehmet oz increasing his lead over dave mccormick. stay tuned to cnn for all of the latest. our live coverage continues with rosemary church. what about the body? new dove shower collection is infused with hyaluronic and peptide serums to make your skin feel smoother andnd more radiant. new dove body love. face care ingredients now in thehe shower.
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