tv Anderson Cooper 360 CNN May 18, 2022 5:00pm-6:00pm PDT
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formula. among the resources on the site are manufacturing hotlines for customers. do they work? our white house reporter, mj lee tested one out. she was on hold for over an hour before she got a human being. the fda is expected to testify on capitol hill tomorrow morning. thanks for joining us. "ac 360" starts now. good evening. now for the first time, election night in this country did not end on election night. we've got live reporting in just a moment on the counting of the votes in pennsylvania in the republican primary. the former president, donald trump, is not waiting for the votes to be counted. he's telling the pennsylvania senate candidate he endorsed, mehmet oz to declare victory, in his odds. he's also making baseless claims about cheating in the race. what is for the first time is a 2020 election denier, doug mastriano is now one step away
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from becoming governor of pennsylvania, just a general election away from overseeing the presidential vote there in 2024. senator lindsey graham telling cnn voters don't want to think about the last election. senator john thune said his past words aren't ideal. pat tu mee, who says he did not vote for mastriano, didn't say much more than that. >> what do you think about mastriano winning? are you concerned at all about his candidacy? >> so, i don't know doug mastriano at all. i've never met him. i don't think i've even had a conversation with him. so, i will suspend judgment until i get a chance to get to know him a little bit. >> reporter: he's said the election is stolen. does that concern you? >> i'm aware he has said things that i would disagree with. but, like i said, until i actually meet the guy, get to know him a little bit, i'm going to suspend judgment. >> we'll talk more about the implications of his candidacy
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for the state for 2024 and also for whoever wins the senate nomination. also tonight, much more in the other race -- races, i should say -- including the defeat of madison cawthorn, both the youngest republican ever elected to the house and now the youngest republican to lose his seat. first, a late development in pennsylvania, where they're still counting votes. jeff zeleny joins us with chester, just outside philadelphia. jeff, how has the race changed today for these candidates? >> reporter: anderson, really hour-by-hour, county-by-county, the race has tightened. the oz campaign woke up this morning and they were in a much stronger position than they are now as the sun goes down in pennsylvania. the latest count really at this moment is about 1243 votes. that is the lead the oz campaign has over-dave mccormick. this is far from over. talking to advisers from both sides tonight, they believe this will be won or lost by hundreds, not thousands of votes, as election day clearly now becomes
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election week. >> reporter: overtime in pennsylvania. dave mccormick -- >> we're going to win this campaign. >> reporter: -- and dr. mehmet oz. >> when all the votes are tallied, i am confident we will win. >> reporter: locked in an extraordinarily tight battle for the republican senate nomination with a razor thin margin from a field of 1.3 million votes cast. a day after the election, both campaigns tell cnn they see a path to victory, with mccormick relying on mail-in votes still being counted. and oz hoping his strength at the polls holds. in lancaster county, election workers scrambled throughout the day to sort through about 22,000 mail-in ballots, which were printed with an incorrect code that could not be scanned n. delaware county, 4,800 mail-in ballots were being fed one-by-one into a machine. kathy barnette, who's candidacy surged in the final week, fell short. but her input on the race was a
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factor in the bitter duel between mccormick and oz. >> by next tuesday, we'll have a good sense as far as whether or not there will be an automatic recount. >> reporter: donald trump, who loomed large in the race, weighed in today saying, dr. oz should declare victory. the winning republican will face john fetterman, who won the democratic senate race, but is still recovering from a stroke, with a defibrillator implanted on election day. >> john is going to be back on his feet in no time. >> reporter: the stage is set for a ruckus general election in pennsylvania, with doug mastriano winning the republican governor's race, campaigning on a platform of lies about the 2020 election. >> there's this movement here that's going to shock the state here on november 8th. >> reporter: trump picked a winner in mastriano, who many republicans believe is too extreme to win in november. he will face the democratic nominee, attorney general josh shapiro. in pennsylvania, it is the
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governor who ultimately selects the top election officials, a critical post with the 2024 presidential campaign just around the corner. >> so, jeff, the campaigns, are they bracing now for a recount? >> reporter: they are, anderson. and they believe it's likely to happen next week, perhaps on tuesday, when state election officials say that this is within the margin, again a half of a percentage point. but talking to advisers, again, on both sides of the race, they both say the counting underway right now is more important than the recount because recounts do not usually change the trajectory of the race. so, the count going in is virtually -- is virtually important. but in the last hour, anderson, in lancaster county, 1,500 new ballots have come in. and the counts are largely staying the same. so, that is what generally happens. they follow the same pattern. but, again, the mccormick campaign keeping an eye on those early votes that are being counted today. they like how this race is moving. the oz campaign says they also
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believe they are seeing pockets out there. the reality is, anderson, the bottom line, neither side is confident of winning. but you have to give a little bit of an edge to the mccormick campaign in terms of how things moved all day long. >> we want to check in with john king. what are you watching in pennsylvania, john? >> we start with john left off. these are the 17 counties below 98% reporting, meaning they are shy of the 98% of the vote. every other county is 99 or 100. you see 17 counties. that's dave mccormicks counties. you see mehmet oz. he's the pink color here. and you see kathy barnette around philadelphia here. the question is where are the most of them. if you look at allegheny county, this is where dave mccormick did well. there's still some votes to count here. some are higher than that. up here in the northern part of the state, you pick bradford county, smaller population. but dave mccormick running ahead
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here by five or six points. they are only at 80%. so, that's why the mccormick campaign says let's count them all. there are places on the map where they think they can catch up. let me bring you back to the full map of the state as we come back in. you see now this is how it played out. i want to show you the counties where the most ballots are outstanding. i just showed you 17 where the ballots are outstanding. it is allegheny, bradford, and lancaster where we believe the most ballots are outstanding. how much progress could they make tomorrow, anderson? and of course if it's very, very close -- again we're at 1,243 votes now, a smaller lead for dr. oz than when he woke up this morning. if they're that close, you have to worry about provinceal ballots and military and overseas ballots. tuesday we'll have a better sense but i think by the end of the day tomorrow, the question is, does that hold up? to jeff's point, if you get to a recount, they've had six of them in pennsylvania in modern times,
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never changed the results. so, watch that number tomorrow night. >> what else stood out to you about last night? >> it's fascinating if you look at it. if you walk through the timeline, this is one of the reasons the mccormick campaign does have some optimism. if you watch how it played out, this is 9:00 at night. in most of these counties that are mccormick red, you were getting early mail-in ballots. so, in places that are still counting mail-in ballots, the mccormick campaign believes he did do a better job with the mail-in ballots. what went on through the night? mccormick leads. 11:00, mccormick leads. very close the race throughout. midnight, mccormick leads by a little bit. it was overnight when they started counting votes in this part of the state here, 12:30 a.m., oz takes the lead. at 5:00 a.m., that's up to 1,000 votes. we began the day with oz at 2,686 and end the evening at 1,283. so, dr. oz at breakfast felt for
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m confident than inner. >> perspective now from abby phillip and david axelrod. so, david, what is this tight race between oz and mccormick say to you about the former president's influence on the party? >> well, i think he exerts influence on the -- great influence on the party. i don't think oz would be in contention. and he may well win this race -- without donald trump. you know, he is probably going win with about a third of the vote. there are -- obviously it wasn't determinative for a majority of voters there, but he's still -- look, even, anderson, the people who don't get his endorsement are trying to position themselves as trump friendly, which tells you that he still wields a great deal of influence in this party. >> yeah, i mean, abby, if you
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add up the supporters of oz who the president endorsed and the supporters of barnette, who the president said she's untested and couldn't win in a general, are people who clearly probably would have voted for -- for trump or for any -- for oz if barnett was not in the race. >> yeah, and it adds up to over 50% of the electorate in pennsylvania. you know, i think the other thing about this is that, i mean, really all three of them were trying to be the heirs of trump's political legacy. so, it isn't even those two. but there is something happening in a lot of those primaries where you are seeing the republican electorate splitting in interesting ways. there are the fundamentalist, which i think in this case would be the barnett supporters. there are those who are kind of just willing to go where trump leads them. they would go to oz. and then there are those who are supportive of trump but maybe want a candidate who they think
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has broader appeal. and that's where perhaps mccormick is. and i think you're seeing that not just in pennsylvania but also in states like ohio and of course in georgia. that will really be tested when you have this huge matchup between a candidate that trump despises who doesn't actually try to demonize trump but just isn't as closely aligned with him as maybe the other candidate in the race, david perdue, is. >> david, the advice from former president trump to dr. oz to just declare victory, even as the votes are being counted, is this the template for trump-aligned candidates moving forward? >> well, we'll see. it is a familiar tune from trump, obviously, which is, if you don't win, claim that it was stolen from you. and you know, it is kind of ironic that you're ending up in this race so hotly contested in a situation where mail-in ballots yet to be counted could
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determine the outcome. so, it lines up neatly with his theory that somehow there's something wrong with these ballots, which there's no evidence to support. but this issue of the legitimacy of the elections is very much the dividing line. you know, even mccormick was not willing to say whether or not the last election was legitimate. so, you know, what we see around the country is table stakes for republican candidates generally is whether they're willing to at least show some nodding, you know, sent to the idea that there was something amiss in the last election. now, in georgia, there's a different story because governor kemp angered the president by certifying the election in georgia, when the president didn't want it certified. and that's the whole root of their problem. in every other way, kemp is a trump republican.
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and he's a damn good politician. and right now he's sitting with a 2-1 lead over former senator david perdue, the candidate trump has endorsed. so, that's going to be an interesting race next week. >> also now, abby, in pennsylvania, the governor's race, doug mastriano is the republican nominee. he was obviously endorsed by the former president. he was all in on the big lie, ran talking a lot about the last election. he would -- if he became governor, he would appoint the secretary of state, who would oversee the 2024 election in that state. >> yeah, that's why the stakes are high in pennsylvania for so many reasons. but that's a huge one. that person has the ability to basically oversee the next presidential election, which people like mastriano have made it clear that they are willing to do things like, for example, allowing the state legislature to overrule the will of the voters in a particular state for any reason, i mean, including
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that they just simply didn't like the outcome of the votes. that's so dangerous. but this is the kind of politics that is not just prevalent in pennsylvania but in a lot of states around the country, in places like michigan and arizona, where you're seeing officials running on not just the big lie of times past but also on ideas, on, you know, legislative proposals that would basically implement those ideas in the future for future elections. >> and we should point out, anderson, that next week another race in georgia is the primary for secretary of state where brad raffensperger, who also enraged the president, by refusing his request to find the requisite number of votes to allow him to win is on the ballot. the president is strongly supporting congressman jody hice, who is trying to replace raffensperger and is a big lie proponent and would be more
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compliant if trump were to run for election again. >> yeah. david axelrod, abby phillip. thank you so much. appreciate it. there's more primary news ahead, including the political downfall and defeat of republican madison cawthorn and why some of his fellow republicans on capitol hill appear relieved. more on the massacre in buffalo, we'll learn more about a family's incalculable loss. cal: our confident forever plan is possible with a cfp® professional. a cfp® professionall can help y you build a complete financial plan. visit to find your cfp® professional. ♪
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how much trust matters. political success often hinges on not breaking faith with the people who put you in office. sometimes, though, politicians come undone by losing the trust of their colleagues. enter north carolina republican madison cawthorn. more from randi kaye. >> i'm a fighter, and i'll be a strong voice for faith, family, and freedom. >> reporter: big promises from madison cawthorn. but that was 2020 when the congressman from north carolina was running for office. >> focused on caring about the people i want to represent. >> reporter: but at some point after his stunning political victory, everything changed, and cawthorn's political future unravelled. his message turned from caring to chaos. this was on january 6th last year just before rioters stormed the capitol. >> my friends, i want you to chant with me so loud that the cowards in washington, d.c. i
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serve with can hear you. >> reporter: there was also this behavior of cawthorn, this video of him punching a tree with millions of people just trying to figure out why. after russia attacked ukraine, cawthorn said this about volodymyr zelenskyy. >> remember that zelenskyy is a punk. >> reporter: the blowback from his fellow republicans is fierce. >> madison is wrong. >> reporter: cawthorn also wracked up a number of questionable incidents, driving with a revoked license, and carrying hand guns through tsa airport security twice. >> i made a mistake. i forgot to disarm before i went through a tsa check point, and that's my bad. >> reporter: still, perhaps nothing cawthorn did or said was as stunning as his accusations in march, claiming he'd been invited to a cocaine-fuelled
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orgy in washington. >> we're going to have a sexual get together at one of our homes. >> then you realized they're asking you to do an orgy and keep up with cocaine in front of you. >> the comments on the podcast sent republicans in washington and his home state of north carolina reeling. many were already losing patience with the freshman congressman, claiming his problematic behavior was t dragging down the party. house minority leader kevin mccarthy. >> mccarthy later said he admitted his remarks about the orgy were not true. he told cnn he's an embarrassment on any day that ends in y. then just this month, with cawthorn already in jeopardy of losing his re-election bid, an opposition group posted a video of him online. that video appeared to show cawthorn naked in bed with another person.
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cawthorn confirmed it was him in the video and tried to explain it away on twitter writing, years ago i was being crass with a friend, trying to be funny. we were acting foolish and joking. north carolina republican senator, thom tillis, who chose to support cawthorn's opponent in the primary described the video like this. >> absurd to embarrassing. >> and randi joins us now. do we know what's next for mr. cawthorn? >> reporter: we don't, anderson. we know that he conceded last night to chuck edwards. edwards described cawthorn's behavior on that phone call in which he conceded as classy and humble. he said that cawthorn offered to support his campaign. but he's 26 years old, cawthorn, so he has time and decisions to make about his future. just today the house republican leader kevin mccarthy telling manu raju that cawthorn has a very bright future. he has some issues but he wants to help him. he's young and his career is not
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over. we'll see if madison cawthorn returns to washington, continues his political career, maybe takes a second round of politics. and we'll also see if he learned anything the first time in the first go around. ahead, breaking news on the investigation in the buffalo mass shooting, the social media platform the accused shooter allegedly used to plan the attack. and we'll look at the remarkable life and legacy of one of the victims of the shooting. skip the rinse with finish quantum. its activelift technology provides an unbeatablele clean on 24 hour dried-on stains. skip thehe rinse with finish to save our water. [bushes rustling] [door opening] ♪dramatic music♪ yes! hon! the weathertech's here. ♪ weathertech is the ultimate protection f your vehicle. laser-measured floorliners.. no drill mudflaps... cargoliner... bumpstep... seat protector... and cupfone. ♪
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as police continue to investigate the mass murder of ten people in buffalo this weekend, the buffalo bills delivered food to residents in need near the supermarket where the shooting happened and laid flowers at the memorial for the victims. the bills have teamed up to contribute $400,000 to local response efforts. there are also new details on the investigation itself. executive order establishing a dedicated domestic terrorism unit within the new york state intelligence center that will focus on monitoring social media. this, as the new york attorney general launches an investigation into the social media platforms the shooter used to plan, promote, and live stream the attack. brian todd joins us from buffalo. i understand the shooter was posting about the shooting online as recently as 30 minutes before opening fire. >> reporter: that's right. that's what investigators have
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just found out. 30 minutes before this attack occurred, the suspect opened up a private chat forum on discord. he invited only a select few people to join that chatting platform and look at his plans. this was kind of a diary of the plans that he had been making for the past roughly six months. and that includes the fact that he chose the zip code here because of its high percentage of black people in this area, that he visited the store three times on the date of march 8th, surveilling the store and even drawing a map of the inside of the store. then he took note of how many black or white people were in the store at a given time on that date. also that he planned for this attack to occur on march 15th but delayed it several times. i spoke to former fbi special agent in buffalo jonathan laci. he said he believes it's possible the suspect used the private chat forum 30 minutes before the attack to try to
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radicalize others to maybe follow in his footsteps. he says that fbi personnel are going to be going after the people who viewed those plans in those 30 minutes prior to the attack, trying to find out who they are, what they knew, what they saw in those -- you know, in that forum, and whether they might have even been complicit in this, anderson. so, there's a lot for the fbi to scrub regarding those plans revealed just 30 minutes before the massacre. one of the victim's of saturday's shooting was ruth whitfield. she was a mom, a wife, a grand mother, and her life was taken while stopping for groceries after visiting her husband in a nursing home. what do you want them to know about your mom? >> i want people to remember her for the way she was able to love, not just us, but anybody that was in need.
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she sacrificed her entire life for our family, loved us unconditionally, supported us in everything we endeavored. and she was married to my father for 68 years. throughout that time she was faithful and loved him, especially over the last eight years. he was interned in a nursing home. he had dementia. and she provided daily care to him to ensure he maintained his dignity and quality of life. she provided on a daily basis. and on last saturday, she got up, she went to the nursing home and did what she did every day. she left there to go to grocery store on the way home and encountered this individual. >> have you told your dad what happened to her? >> we've not -- we visited with my father for the first time.
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as you might imagine we've been just overwhelmed with this. we visited. we checked on him, but we visited him fisphysically for t first time yesterday. we had a wonderful visit with him. we're trying to tread lightly. we're not sure what this will do to him. we want to be careful. we had a wonderful visit yesterday. and we intend to take him to the memorial service. so, in the next few days we will talk. >> guard nell, you actually went to the supermarket on saturday looking for your mom. >> yes, sir, i did. i called my mother a couple of times after i heard something had happened in the city, there was a shooting. didn't know what the -- what it was all about. but i heard there was a shooting. so, i picked up the phone. i called her a couple of times. she didn't answer the phone. and i waited a little while and thought that i might go and, you know, check on her. she may have been in the house and not had her phone next to her.
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she didn't like to wear her hearing aids, so there's a chance she didn't hear the phone. i went to the house twice and did not find her there, and i immediately went down to the scene at the tops market. >> were you told by police what had happened to her there? >> eventually, i was. knowing most of the responders in the city, having worked with them over my career, i was able to talk to them. i got some escorts and walked the perimeter of the scene looking for her car in the parking lot. and once we knew the car was there, it was just a matter of finding out where she was. we had hoped against hope that she was one of the witnesses that had been evacuated to police headquarters to be interviewed and debriefed. so, we set about trying to find if she was there. obviously she was not there but had gone into the store. >> benjamin, i know you're planning legal action on behalf of the whitfield family.
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what are you looking at here? >> well, anderson, one of the things i know, this family, garnell and his siblings, have told me is that their mother was a woman of love and that her legacy will not be defined by this act of hate. so, what we're doing is looking to be able to transform this tragedy into some positive change. and we're going to use everything in our power to do that, whether it is bringing lawsuits again gun manufacturers and gun distributers so that this won't happen again or looking at the root of the problem, anderson, not just trying to hold accountable this sick individual and this heinous act of hate. but getting to the root of the hate, those who inspire these
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young, insecure people to go out and commit senseless acts of violence. >> what happens now, as a family? >> what happens now is we're going to draw on all of the things -- all of the love, all the lessons she taught us, everything she poured into us, we're going to tap that. and we're going to come together as a family. we're going to rally around each other. we're going to rally around my father. but make no mistake about it. we can't take her place. we can't replace her in each other's lives, and particularly in our father's life. so, we have a very difficult road ahead where we have to try to do the best we can to maintain his continuity of care, maintain his level of dignity, and maintain her memory in such a manner befitting a person of this stature. i'm very, very concerned about
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all of the things that people are talking about, the side shows, all of these other thing. my mother is gone. nobody can give her back to me. so, we want to do whatever we can to make sure that people remember her for the woman she was. she was a strong, proud, black woman. she was raised her family. she abided in the law. she loved people. she loved her community. and we're very thankful for that, and we're thankful for this opportunity to share that with the world. >> what a blessing that meant, you had her in your life for this length of time and learned from her and received and gave love to her. garnell whitfield, jr., i'm so sorry for your loss. and ben crump, thank you so much. up next, the latest on the war in ukraine. with american diplomats returning to kyiv and nato signaling that ukraine could
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have the battlefield momentum. we'll take you to the front lines for the battle of kharkiv, where the fight is raging just a few miles from the russianan border. (fisher investments) it's easy to think that all money managers are pretty much the same, but at fisher investments we're clearly different. (other money manager) different how? you sell high commission investnt products, right? (fisher investments) nope.. (other money manager) well, you mustarn commissions on trades. (fisher investments) never at fisher. (other money manager) ok, then you probably sneak in some hidden and layered fees. (fisher investments) no. we structure our fees so we do better when clients do better. that might be why most of our clients come from other money managers. at fisher investments, we're clearly different. do your eyes bother you? because after all these emails my eyes feel like a combo of stressed, dry and sandpaper. luckily, there's biotrue hydration boost eye drops for instant moisture. biotrue uses naturally inspired ingredients. and no preservatives.
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jackie speier leaves big shoes to fill. i rose through the ranks to captain in the army. expanded access to education as a nonprofit leader. had a successful career in business. and as burlingame mayor during the pandemic, raised the minimum wage, increased affordable housing, and preserved our bayfront open space. i am emily beach. i'll take my real-life experience to get things done for us. i approve this message, and all these shoes too.
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for state controller, to ge only yiu will saves. taxpayers money. wait, who, me? me? no, not you. yvonne yiu. yvonne yiu. not me. good choice. for 25 years, yiu worked as an executive at top financial firms. managed hundreds of audits. as mayor, she saved taxpayers over $55 million. finding waste. saving money. because... yiu is for you. yiu is for you. exactly. yvonne yiu. democrat for controller. u.s. embassy in kyiv reopened today with the american flag being raised for the first time since it closed three months ago, ahead of russia's invasion. as american diplomats return to that city, the white house is confirming its support for
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finland and sweden to join nato, saying they're confident it will be approved. momentum has shifted significantly in favor of ukraine, and the debate is now over whether it's possible for kyiv to retake crimea and the donbas territories. cnn international security editor nick paton walsh joins me now from kharkiv. what's the latest been there on fighting? >> reporter: certainly we are seeing signs of ukrainian progress, but they're also sadly balanced by ukraine losing territory that it had seemed more optimistic about. certainly in the place we're about to see our report from from the outskirts of kharkiv, a city significantly more relaxed because of the success ukrainian forces have had pushing russian forces back, you do occasionally hear blasts here. but certainly today ukraine has said they've pushed yet further north away from the city here. the report you're about to see
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from the sort of outskirt road that goes around the city, a matter of 20 minutes drive from where i'm standing here where ukraine says today it had about two or three miles more success pushing the russians away. here's what we saw. >> reporter: every inch of respite from russian shelling here comes at grotesque cost. what once rained down on the second city of kharkiv now lands here. >> keep the distance, okay? >> reporter: ukraine declared here, liberated over two weeks ago, but it's never simple. these tiny villages which before the war were places you wouldn't notice driving through have now become the key battlegrounds to defend vital cities like
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kharkiv. while the fight to protect kharkiv still rages with every step fast and cautious because of mines, russia's border is now just nine miles away. >> did you ever think you would be so close to the russians? [speaking foreign language] >> reporter: but russian troops are even closer. that's in the forest across the field over this wall that they say frequently at night russian reconnaissance groups try and move in on the village. the next tiny hamlet is being fought over, and this is where kharkiv's defense cannot fail. the u.s.'s most effective gifts
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in some of ukraine's youngest hands. this is a home grown defense. volunteers, software engineers, economists, funded mostly. russia's brief occupation never planned to leave anything of value here. >> they see that we'll be better, and something is wrong with them, not with us, you know? they think that because america gives us everything for free and they hate us for that. and they rob us and they kill us. >> reporter: they hold back an enemy that's slowly proving as inept as it is immoral by placing incredible value on the smallest patches of their land. >> it's fascinating to see how close the russian forces are
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there. what else did you learn from the ukrainians you talked to? >> reporter: i think more startling, anderson, is how utterly different these two sides are. what we understand from those ukrainian troops is they were mostly facing luhansk separatists, men frankly with experience over the last eight years fighting the proxy war backed by russia, paid by russia to maintain the frontlines. they're desperate because they're not sure what kind of a treat they could even make if they chose to pull back. on the ukrainian side, these are volunteers. as you heard, they're software engineers who are versed in microsoft, an agricultural millionaire who funded that particular crowd. he spent his 50th birthday on the front line a few days ago. a medic who talked about a period he had when he was most scared near kyiv when they were told special forces were about to encircle them.
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his entire group survived despite being volunteers who were barely familiar with the arms they were carrying. so, if you're looking at the longevity here of ukrainian forces and their morale, that speaks so clearly to why nato officials may be thinking momentum's going in kyiv's favor. >> so interesting that killed the fear in him and that's continued. coming up, while we wait to see how the pennsylvania senate race turns out, we want to look ahead to next tuesday, to georgia, where incumbent, who upheld the state's 2020 election results is facing off against trump-backed senator david perdue. harry inton has that next. it kills 99% of plaque bacteria and forms an antibacterial shield. try parodontax active gum health mouthwash. (girls giggling) ♪ (fun music) ♪ the cocomfortmat from weathertech
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as they still count votes in the too close to call republican senate race in pennsylvania, mehmet oz's edge has narrowed. while we may not get a result for days, there's predictive data that could be predictive of how voters are feeling heading into the next big primary in georgia. >> i feel bad because i must have yelled so loudly last week that you had to separate me from you in a different flash. my apologies on that. i'm going to try to keep my voice perhaps a little bit lower for you and the audience. >> no, just, you be yourself. so, what are some of the key take aways from the last 24 hours? >> we'll look at the republican side first. i think we're all interested in this trump factor right. i would say he had a mentioned evening. he won in the north carolina senate race with ted budd. doug mastriano won, although granted, trump endorsed late in that race. he had losses in the idaho
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governor race, madison cawthorn, and it's too close to call in the pennsylvania senate race. on the democratic side, i think it's a mixed night for progressives. projected to win or lead, you know, pennsylvania senate obviously, fetterman, the production that he'll win. also look at oregon 5, right? kurt schrader, long-time incumbent, he is trailing. incumbents rarely ever lose. they only lose about 2% of the time in primaries in house races. that was the case in 2020. so, the word i'd use the mixed. >> what trends are you seeing? >> look, on the republican side, the thing that i think is really interesting is this question. this kind of gets at it. are you more of a supporter of donald trump or the republican party? now look at the nbc poll that was out this past weekend. look at that. 58% say they are more a supporter of the republican
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party than donald trump. that is vastly different when the numbers are basically reversed on election day 2020 when it was just 38% who said they were a support of the republican party donald trump and 58% said they were supportive of donald trump versus the republican party. i think we saw that last night where trump didn't do that great. he did perfectly fine. on the democratic side, i think a key number we can look at is congressional approval rating among democrats. back in february, 2021, democrats loved what was going on in congress. 61% approved of congress doing a good job. now look march of '22, democrats don't like congress very much. and i think that is part of the reason someone like kurt schrader is in trouble because democrats are fed up with the moderation and begging and pleading with republicans to work with them. >> and there's some big primaries next week, especially in georgia.
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what do these trends predict about that? >> well, i would say that donald trump doesn't exactly like what's going on in the state of georgia. a place i was just at by the way last week. i was seeing my second cousin once removed for his bar matz voir dire. >> >> unless the polls are way off, he's going to win the primary. this is a fox news poll that broke at 6:00. i thought it was a great idea. look at the trend line here. brian kemp was only at 50% in march. he's now at 60% now. and david perdue, who is endorsed by donald trump falling through the wayside. and this is part of the reason why, if you look at the newspapers, say where is david pursue. it looks like he's basically giving up and donald trump has basically given up on the race. and it's not the only southern primary that's occurring next week where donald trump's, perhaps his name isn't worth as
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much as he thought it was. mo brooks was endorsed by donald trump. then all of a sudden, mo brooks was doing poorly. then trump was like, you know what? i'm going to withdraw that endorsement so i don't get a loss in my column. guess what happened since he withdrew that endorsement? mo brooks started to gain momentum, and he's basically tied for the runoff spot. i would honestly argue if this past week was a mixed bag for donald trump, this upcoming week could be his worse night so far this primary season in the south, which has normally delivered for donald trump, looks like it may do the exact opposite this upcoming tuesday. i'm looking forward to it. maybe we can be in the same room next time. >> absolutely. promise. >> thank you. thank you very much. >> harry enton. >> bye. next up, security cautions ahead on the supreme court abortion ruling.
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fencing is already up around the supreme court with a ruling expected soon. the u.s. marshal service is working to provide around the clock security at the justices' homes. the department of homeland security is warning law enforcement partners of potential danger to the public and members of the court. the news continues. let's hand it over to laura coates and cnn tonight. anderson, thank you. that interview you had with the family of the woman whose husband was in the nursing home. it was empowering to know their true story and just so tragic. thank you for that interview. >> married more than 60 years. just incredible. >> just trying to preserve the dignity and going every day and him not knowing. my heartbreaks and it still does. i'm laura coates, and this is cnn tonight. the great cliff hanger remains just tha
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