tv CNN Newsroom Live CNN May 18, 2022 9:00pm-10:00pm PDT
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hello and welcome to our viewers in the united states and around the world. i'm john vause. ahead this hour, standstill. russia's eastern offensive appears to have stalled in ukraine. the plummet continues. stock markets in asia sharply lower following a big fall on wall street, all triggered by dismat earning reports by big retailers and fears of record high inflation. and still too early to call in the pennsylvania senate republican primary. but not too early for donald trump to urge the candidate he endorsed to declare victory. live from cnn center, this is "cnn newsroom." with john vause. vladimir putin's three-day war is now into day 85 and appears to be going nowhere, with one nato official saying
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momentum is shifting in favor of ukraine. overall, nato says the war is at a standstill for now, neither side expected to make major gains. one area of progress for ukraine is a counter offensive in the kharkiv region. ukraine's military says another settlement has been retaken and russian forces continue to be pushed back. just eight miles from the russian boarder in the kharkiv region, this video shows a russian tank on fire and was hit by ukrainian fighters. further south in the lieu hansing region, ukraine has destroyed a number of bridges to slow a russian advance. russia says nearly 1,000 fighters have surrendered pat the steel plant in mariupol. most of them now held in russian-controlled territory in donetsk. ukraine has been negotiating in the hopes of a prisoner exchange with the russians. ukrainian counter offensive around the northern city of kharkiv has driven russian troops back to within ten miles of 16 kilometers of their border. cnn's nick paton walsh is on the
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front line. >> reporter: every inch of regs pit from russian shelling here comes at grotesque cost. what once rained down on the second city of kharkiv now lands here. >> keep the distance, okay? >> let's go with me, okay? >> reporter: ukraine declared here liberated over two weeks ago. but it's never simple. these tiny villages, which before the war were places you wouldn't notice driving through, have now become the key battlegrounds to defend, vital cities like kharkiv. while the fight to protect kharkiv still ragerages, with e step fast and cautious because
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of mines, russia's border is now just nine miles away. did you ever think you'd be as close to russia in nearly three months? but russian troops are even closer. that's in the forest, across the field over this wall, that they say frequently at night, russian reconnaissance groups try and move in on the village. the next tiny hamlet is being fought over and this is where kharkiv's defense cannot fail. the u.s.'s most effective gifts in some of ukraine's youngest hands. anton says he did not expect to be at war at age 19. ever been scared, i guess?
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shelling here is a constant. even though everywhere seems to have already been hit. this is a homegrown defense. volunteers. software engineers, economists, funded mostly by our guide, a farming millionaire. russia's brief occupation never planned to leave anything of value here. a van full of tvs for looting. >> they see we are better and they do not even think that something is wrong with them, not with us, you know? they think that because america gives us everything for free and they hate us for that and they rob us and they kill us. >> reporter: men and women who have in three months learned courage only comes after knowing fear up close.
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>> the most scared moment was on the day of the war, i was at the medical center at one of the posts in kyiv and he told us russia special forces are going to come and try to attack us from behind. we were not trained to do this. we were not armed to do this. that was basically the most scary moment for me, but -- >> reporter: but you survived. >> ah, yes. we survived. everybody made it okay and i think that is that most that killed fear in me. >> reporter: here, they hold back an enemy that's slowly proving as inept as it is immoral. by policing ie placing incredib value on the smallest patches of their land. nick paton walsh, cnn, ukraine. cnn military analyst dana
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patard is coauthor of "hunting the caliphate." he joins us this hour from indianapolis. general, thank you for being with us. >> hehello, john. >> the assessment from nato is that this war in ukraine is going nowhere, but in the bigger picture, cnn is reporting the current nato discussion is that the momentum has shifted significantly in favor of ukraine and debate within nato circles is now over whether it is possible for kyiv to re-take crimea and the donbas territories. so, while ukraine has every right to try to regain its entire territorial sovereignty, is that necessarily the smartest decision at this point? could they risk losing all that they've won so far? >> well, in war, momentum often ebbs and flows and shifts and at this point, ukraine has momentum. and so, oftentimes in war, it's best to continue with that
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momentum, that offensive momentum, as much as you can. but ukraine must be careful. it must be careful with offensive overreach, which could result in at least a near term offensive culmination. they have rocked and pushed the russians on their heels, but the russians are consolidated in places like crimea and in eastern ukraine, so -- ukraine must be careful on that. so if i were to recommend anything to ukraine at this point, it would be to consolidate what they have, gain strength, gain offensive weaponry, such as the mig-29 jets and/or more tanks to help them to continue the next phase, but -- but if ukraine is not careful, they will have an overreach and end up being offensively culminated, because they are not ready to be able to take the crimea and other
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territory that the russians took in 2014. >> so, russians watching state tv on monday may have been surprised to learn the war in ukraine is not going so well, that frank assessment came from a now retired but now very senior russian military official. here it is. >> translator: i must say, let's not drink information tranquilizer, because sometimes information is spread about hearing some psychological breakdown of ukraine's armed forces, if they're nearing a crisis of morale or fracture. none of this is close to reality. >> this goes in part to that nato assessment of the morale on the ukrainian sides. but one of the risks here is it overconfidence by ukraine, being overly confident about the early successes, which does not guarantee full success? >> no.
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ukraine and russia must be prepared for a long conflict. this is just the early stages of this conflict, in my opinion. so, what the ukrainians must do, as i mentioned, is to gain offensive strength, offensive weaponry, and really plan to take back the territory that they have lost in this conflict in 2022 and then look to regain the territory they lost in 2014. but that will take a long e effort, a long, hard effort. >> are we at the point where nato and the u.s. maybe needs to have a conversation with kyiv, with president zelenskyy, maybe suggest that it's, you know, a pragmatic conversation, that it may be time to trim those war aims, you know, again, lock in those wins instead of taking this bigger gambit and trying to, you know, push russia out of all of ukraine? because of regardless, if putin is pushed out or stays, i mean,
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he will continue to fight on. >> that's true, but the ukrainians have the will to fight. they want to regain their territory. that's like some outside country telling the united states, it's okay that you lost the eastern united states, just be satisfied with what you have. i don't think the ukrainians will ever be satisfied that the russians have taken their territory. so, they will want to move to gain back that territory, either militarily or diplomatically, but they'll want to get back that territory. >> dana pittard, thank you for being with us, sir. >> thank you, john. now that both finland and sweden have formally applied for nato membership, the leaders of both countries will travel to washington to meet with the u.s. president. the white house says this is a watershed moment in european security. turkey, though, is the lone nato voice against them joining.
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president biden remains optimistic that those objections by turkey can be resolved. >> the leader and finland and sweden are coming to see me on thursday. i think we're going to be okay. >> you can convince turkey to accept their bid? >> i think -- i'm not going to turkey, but i think we're going to be okay. a dismal day for wall street wednesday, as the roller coaster ride on the u.s. stock markets continued. the dow tumbled more than 1,100 points, its worsted trading day since june 2020. the s&p was down 4%, putting it on the precipice of bear market territory. and the nasdaq lost almost 4.8%. markets in asia also trending downwards this thursday, with concerns over china's zero-covid policy, worldride ewild economi
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slowdown. everyone in the red. cnn economics an political commentator katherine rappel joins us now from new york. >> great to be here. >> okay, so, the results of corporate earnings are coming in and the numbers are not looking good. here's our cnn's matt eagan has been reporting the news. >> the big concern here is that high inflation isn't just bad for consumers, it's starting to eat into corporate profits. that perhaps very fast profit margins may have peaked here. and that is starting to unnerve investors. >> this is what he's talking about. retailer target reported profits down by more than 50% for the first quarter, badly missing forecasts and blaming high kos caused by supply chain problems and consumers holding back on buying nonessentials because of inflation. just a day earlier, walmart missed expectations in terms of revenue, which saw the stock price fall more than 11% tuesday, its worst day in more than 30 years and fall again 7% wednesday. it does seem, however, that this day of reckoning for corporate
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profits, megacorporate profits has been long in the making. so, how much of the volatility now is being driven by a lack of confidence that the federal reserve cannot battle inflation without sparking a recession? >> well, businesses now are dealing with multiple risks, of which the fed is involved and is trying to control, but will have its work cut out for it. one, of course, is the fact that prices are very high, their costs are very high. shipping, all their fulfillment and logistics are high, labor costs are high, so that's eating into the company's profits. and the other major risk is that consumption may slow down. consumers may eventually decide, hey, i don't really want to buy as much stuff right now, because prices have gone up, because interest rates have gone up, as well, and so it's more expensive to borrow, it's more expensive to load up your credit card if you're not paying it off every month. >> the head of global oil and
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commodities research at jpmorgan had this outlook for gasoline prices. quote, there is a real risk the price could reach $6 plus a gallon by august. well, california is already there, with aaa reporting the statewide average just over $6. $6.05 for regular. look at the prices. that's incredible. that's a 19% increase in a week. okay, so, right now, the national average is around 4.60s the, but what happens when that national average hits $6 in august? >> well, again, going to weigh on consumer spending. with a lot of other kinds of goods, when prices go up, consumers might be able to cut back, right? if the cost of going out gets more expensive, you can substitute it away with more food at home, but your commute is your commute. your kids' trip to school, if you are driving your child rather than having them on the bus, that is a fixed cost that you can't really cut back on. so, what's going to happen is, it's going to eat into consumers' budgets. they're going to have to spend more on gas and less on everything else that they buy,
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if they can, cut back on all sorts of discretionary spending. and that goes back to what we're seeing with these retailers, right? that as long as consumers are really feeling the pain of higher energy prices, higher gas prices, that's going to make them much more reluctant to spend on discretionary items like clothing and toys and sports equipment and all the things they've been gobbling up for the last two years. >> okay, so, the white house, like any white house, has limited options here in trying to bring down inflation, but it is not helpless. and on wednesday, the treasury secretary janet yellen was talking tariffs. some of the tariffs imposed by president trump, some of them, to me, she says, seem as though they imposed more harm on consumers and businesses. so, what would be the effect of lifting all of those trump-era tariffs right now? >> it would have a modest one-time effect on prices. so, it's not going to, you know, bring down price growth month after month, but remember, all of -- a lot of goods that we're buying from china have a 25%
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tariff, so, if you just repealed that, you would have this one-time cut in the cost of the things from china. now, some of that might be captured by the producers, some of it might be captured by businesses, some of it by consumers, so, you wouldn't actually see a one for one decrease, but you would see some drop. and we're not just tariffing things from china. steel, aluminum, washing machines, all the tariffs that trump put in place that, recall, democrats gave him hell for, essentially, when trump put them in place and then for some reason, biden has kept most of them around, despite the fact that inflation, price increases, in my view, represent the number one economic and political risk to democrats control of the economic agenda. >> thank you, good to see you. >> good to see you. well, pennsylvania's biggest primary race, the trump-endorsed kpd leads by just a handful of
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lemons. lemons. lemons. lemons. look how nice they are. the moment you become an expedia member, you can instantly start saving on your travels. so you can go and see all those, lovely, lemony, lemons. and never wonder if you got a good deal. because you did. as owner of mint mobile, i always want to find ways to save you money. so, let's meet the barely paid spokesperson for the new mint family plan my mom. you look thin sweetheart are you eating? ok let's... focus. stick to the script there. uhhh... right there the new mint family plan is only $15 a month per person. and the other line right there. just one of the many reasons i love ryan more than his dumb brother, terry. ok cut please! perfect moving on!
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you suck terry! it's still too close to call in the race for the republican nomination for a senate seat in pennsylvania. and could be days before a winner is actually known. tv doctor mehmet oz has a razor-thin lead over former hedge fund executive david mccormack. but former u.s. president donald trump, who endorsed dr. oz, is urging him not to wait for those official results, just go ahead, declare victory anyway. cnn's athena jones has details. >> we can see the path ahead, we can see victory ahead and it's all because of you, so thank you, pennsylvania. >> reporter: a fight to the finish in the republican senate primary in pennsylvania, with thousands of votes still left to be counted. >> when it's this close, what else would you expect?
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everything about this campaign has been tight. >> reporter: the deadlock between david mccormick and mehmet oz could trigger an automatic recount. >> we want to make sure we have integrity and transparency. we have teams of three people each. >> reporter: ballots remain to be counted across the state and in lancaster county, about 22,000 mail-in ballots were misprinted and are now being remarked by hand in order to be sca scanned. >> by next tuesday, we'll have a good sense as far as whether or not there will be an all mautic recount. >> reporter: the now two-way fight for the republican nomination will see a nasty primary battle extended. but without kathy barnette. she saw a late surge in the race, but fell short of her rivals in tuesday's results. >> i'm so grateful, so, do not be discouraged, because we have a country to save. >> reporter: all three candidates aligned themselves with donald trump, but it was oz
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who scored the coveted endorsement from the former president. >> do we love president trump, pennsylvania? >> reporter: even while votes were still being counted -- >> when all the votes are tallied, i am confident we will win. >> reporter: trump today encouraging oz to declare victory. the eventual winner will face john fetterman who cruised to victory from a hospital bed after suffering a stroke late last week and having a defibrillator implanted on election day. >> now, you may have noticed, i am not john fetter mann. the next senator of our great state. >> reporter: the ballot counting here in lancaster is over for now and will pick back up at 9:00 a.m. thursday. right around 4,000 ballots still remain to be counted and officials expect to finish that count at some point thursday. athena jones, cnn, lancaster, pennsylvania. we'll take a short break. when we come back, a funny thing
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happened on russian state tv this week. a former senior russian man military official turned defense analyst had a brutal assessment of the war in ukraine and a stark warning of much worse to come. you're a one-man stitchwork master. but your staffing plan needs to go up a size. you need to hire. i need indeed.
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the first russian soldier to stand trial for war crimes in ukraine has pleaded guilty to shooting and killing a 62-year-old civilian. the 21-year-old, a tank commander, appeared in a district court in kyiv on wednesday. his unit, at the time, were trying to escape a ukrainian attack. the court will hear from the widow of the victim, as well as the russian soldier himself, who faces a maximum of life in prison. so far, ukraine has recorded more than 12,000 possible war
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crimes committed by russian troops. well, to the surprise of absolutely no one, a retired russian colonel who made some statements on state television about the war not going so well for moscow is now backtracking on those comments. he returned to state tv wednesday to say any talk about ukraine being able to counterattack is just a big exaggeration. he also said russia still has air and naval supremacy, but as cnn's matthew chance reports, that's a different story from two days ago, when the colonel deflated russia's information bubble. >> reporter: defenders of ukraine turned prisoners of war. latest images released by the russian military of ukrainian forces surrendering after their defiant stand. some limping with wounds or exhaustion. as one of this conflict's most grueling battles at the azovstal steel works in mariupol finally draws to a close.
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nearly 1,000 ukrainians have surrendered so far, russia's defense ministry spokesman announces triumphantly. before detailing russia's latest rocket attacks and what he says are u.s.-supplied weapons on the battlefield. as ever, no hint of any problems or setbacks in what russia still refuses to even call a war. shocking, then, that kremlin-controlled television, would allow russia's special military operation to be ripped apart on air by a respected military commentator and former russian colonel. he pulls no punches. "let's not take information tranquilizers," the retired colonel eadvises, "and pretend ukraine's armed forces are nearing a crisis of morale, because that's not even close to
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reality," he says. the pro-kremlin anchor pushes back, saying there have been individual cases that show otherwise. but the colonel is insistent. "with european military aid now coming into full effect," he says, "a million ukrainian soldiers could soon join the fight." while frankly the situation for russia, he says, will get worse. it is scathing. but he went on. "we are geopolitically isolated. the whole world is against us. even if we don't want to admit it," he says. tells millions of russians who get their news from this state channel what many of them given the international sanctions on russia, must already suspect. recent days have seen the official veil of denial slip, too. like when the pro-kremlin
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chechen leader tried to tell russian students what's really going on there. "we're fighting ukrainian nationalists backed by nato and the west is arming them," he says. "that's why our country is finding it so difficult there," he reveals. "though it's a good experience," he says. not the experience, though, vladimir putin, who presided over a slightly muted annual victory parade earlier this month, is likely to have expected when he sent his troops across the border. russia hasn't lost its latest war, but expectations of a quick and easy win are being rowed back. matthew chance, cnn, london. well, the u.s. embassy has reopened in the ukrainian capital after closing three months ago ahead of the russian
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invasion. this was a symbolic moment and a sign of confidence in ukraine's continued military success. the announcement came from the u.s. secretary of state, insisting the u.s. will continue to support and stand with the ukrainian government and people as they defend their country. still to come, new evidence suggesting a china eastern flight was deliberately crashed back in march. we'll have the latest on the investigation in just a moment. . she's in pragugue between the ideal cup of coffee and a truly impressive synthehesizer collection. and you can find her riright now (lepsi?) on (lepsi.) when the world is your workforce, finding the perfect project manager, designer, developer, or whomever you may need... tends to fall right into place. find top-rated talent who can start today on to help prevent bleeding gums, try saying hello gumwash with parodontax active gum health. it kills 99% of plaque bacteria and forms an antibacteal shield.
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there's new reporting about a china eastern flight which crashed back in march after losing contact with air traffic control. according to "the wall street journal," data from the black box says this may have been no accident. cnn's pete mon teen has our report. >> reporter: these are the deadly final moments of china eastern flight 5735. now new details suggest this vertical dive was done on purpose. "the wall street journal" says an early review of data recovered from the crash site suggests inputs from the controls pushed the plane into the fatal dive. "the journal" sites those familiar with the american assessment of the flight's data
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recorder sent by the chinese to washington for analysis. >> it's not surprising. >> reporter: former ntsb managing director says the new details only confirm his suspicions. initial flight tracking data showed the boeing 737-800 leveling off at 29,000 feet, then starting a dive at extreme speed. less than two minutes later, all 132 people onboard were killed. >> you've really got to make it do that. ordinarily, the plane's nose wants to come up. it doesn't want to dive into the ground. and it takes a lot of energy and a lot of concentration to keep a plane in that kind of suicidal dive. this is what they would have heard in the cockpit. >> reporter: the boeing 737-800 is replicated at the montgomery mall in maryland. retired captain mark weiss says it's notable that since the crash, there have been no major safety directives or groundings issued for the boeing 737-800.
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>> airplanes don't fall out of the sky. i mean, wings are made to generate lift. that airplane, even if it had lost both of its engines, would have glided, it would not have come down in the trajectory that apparently it had. >> reporter: one source said the china eastern plane did what it was told to do by someone in the coc cockpit. the question now, whether that person was a passenger or one of the pilots. china is still investigating. >> i believe that unless some dramatic piece of new evidence appears, this was an intentional act. >> reporter: china eastern airlines insists its pilots were in good health before the crash and there was no family or financial drama for them at home. of course, there's the international element to all of this. the chinese are leading this investigation and the black boxes are only a part of it. the civil aviation authority of china says its process is rigorous and scientific and cooperating with all parties
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involved. pete muntean, cnn, reagan national airport. coming up next for our viewers in north america, a suspect in the racist shooting in buffalo, what was he doing be befofore? details on that. it's 5:00 a.m., and i feel like i can do anything. we've got apples and cabbage. 7,000 dahlias, vegetables, and briskefor dinner. this is my happy pla. we've been coming here, since 1868. my grandmother used to say, don't call me, don't bother me. i'm going out to mow. there's a lot of cushy desk jobs out there, but i make the earth take the shape that i want it to take. there are millions of ways to make the most of your land. learn how to make the most of yours at
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aspen dental. anything to make you smile. book today at, walk in, or call 1-800-aspendental. wealth is breaking ground on your biggest project yet. worth is giving the people who build it a solid foundation. wealth is shutting down the office for mike's retirement party. worth is giving the employee who spent half his life with you, the party of a lifetime. ♪ ♪ wealth is watching your business grow. worth is watching your employees grow with it. ♪ ♪
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fanduel and draftkings, two out of state corporations making big promises to californians. what's the real math behind their ballot measure for online sports betting? 90% of profits go to the out of state corporations permanently. only eight and a half cents is left for the homeless. and in virginia, arizona, and other states, fanduel and draftkings use loopholes to pay far less than was promised. sound familiar? it should. it's another bad scheme for california. jackie speier leaves big shoes to fill. i rose through the ranks to captain in the army. expanded access to education as a nonprofit leader. had a successful career in business. and as burlingame mayor during the pandemic, raised the minimum wage, increased affordable housing, and preserved our bayfront open space.
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i am emily beach. i'll take my real-life experience to get things done for us. i approve this message, and all these shoes too. welcome back, everybody. an investigation will be under way into social media sites used by the suspect in saturday's mass shooting in buffalo. the attorney general for new york state says that includes discord. it's believed the alleged gunman revealed his plan in a private chat room on that site just 30 minutes before the killing spree. cnn's thshimon prokupecz spoke with one survivor. did you think you were going to die when you were in the break
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room and you're hearing all these gunshots? >> yes, i did. >> reporter: jerome bridges, an employee at the tops market, was inside the store when the suspected gunman opened fire and ran for the break room. >> i thought to myself, he might come busting through the door, so there's an old oak table back there that i pull up to the door with one arm and barricaded the door. >> reporter: you grabbed customers? >> actually, i told the customers to get inside, some customers to get inside the break room. i had to tell them to be quiet and just lay down on the ground, because he was getting closer and closer to the back, to the point where he was actual ly shooting at the displays. >> reporter: according to posts on social media, the 18-year-old suspected gunman publicly revealed his attack plans on the communication app discord shortly before the shooting on saturday. in a statement to cnn, a spokesperson for discord says his online chat logs were
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visible to some people about 30 minutes before the shooting began. saying, quote, "what we know at this time is that a private invite-only server was created by the suspect to serve as a personal diary chat log." cnn analyzed the posts shared on discord and other social media sites, revealing troubling w warning signs. they show the suspect made three visits to the supermarket in buffalo in march, doing reconnaissance and writing about the activity inside the store, including how many black and white people were inside. do you remember seeing him in march? >> yes. he had on the same exact clothes. them ugly green pants and them ugly -- that ugly green fatigues. >> reporter: and no one thought -- just no one thought anything of it or people did or? >> no, i didn't think nothing of it. i thought he was a shopper. i didn't realize he was sitting up there sconing out the store
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for something like this. >> reporter: days after the massacre, jerome bridges can't bring himself to remove his name tag. the buffalo, new york, supermarket, just a flew blocks from his home, was more than a job, he says. you still wear this? >> yes. because i'm going eventually, if they do decide to open up the store, i'm going back. i'm not going to let nobody scare me. we're all family. >> reporter: you lost them. >> yes. >> reporter: tonight, the new york state attorney general says she's launching an investigation into the social media companies used by the suspect to plan, promote, and stream his attack, as authorities search for answers. >> he killed so many innocent people. every night, i've been going in the house crying for hours and hours and hours. >> reporter: he could potentially face the death penalty. >> if he gets the death penalty, i will clap. i would be happy. and everybody can go on about they -- go on about they lives knowing that justice was served, because he wasn'ted to be an
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idiot. >> reporter: jerome tells us that his 15-year-old son was calling him on the day of the shooting while he was trapped inside that room and that he was afraid to answer the phone, because he thought the gunman would hear him. think moan prokupecz, cnn, buffalo, new york. public health officials in the u.s. are investigating the first case of the rare potentially serious monkeypox virus in the country this year. it was detected in a massachusetts man . here's now more about the disease from a health official. >> it is a rare infection. originally identified in the 1950s in monkeys and then the first human case in 1970. most of the cases have been reported really out of west africa or central africa. the cases that have been outside of that area have been reported to be related to travel or to animals. >> the cdc also tracking
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multiple clusters of monkeypox reported in portugal, spain, and the united kingdom. a cdc spokesperson said it is monitoring six more patients with possible exposure. the white house is addressing the baby formula shortage in the u.s. on over the production of formula and more ways to import formula from abroad. more now reporting in from the white house. >> president biden is invoking the defense production act to alleviate the baby formula shortage, a major step as the white house scrambled to address this issue causing so much anxiety for american families. the defense production act is a 1950s era law that allows the federal government to have more control over industrial domestic prod
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production. the president is directing suppliers to provide the resources needed to manufacture formula, things like ingredients. additionally, the administration is starting operation fly formula. the president sending a letter to the secretaries of agriculture as well as health and human services telling them to utilize commercial defense department planes to try to import formula product from overseas into the u.s. the fda already announced they were making it easier for overseas companies to send their formula to the united states, but those approval processes are still underway. now, this comes as the administration over the past two weeks has really been scrambling to try to address this crunch that american families are feeling with lack of access in some areas to baby formula. on thursday, the fda commissioner will be up on capitol hill testifying before a house committee talking about the overnight of infant formula as the administration still faces so many questions about
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how the shortage came to be and the steps they are taking to alleviate it. now, officials have said they expect the shortage to really begin to gradually improve over the course of the next few weeks. but they have yet to offer a definitive time line of when things will get back to normal. cnn, the white house. the latest on the coronavirus pandemic in the u.s. the cdc reporting one-third of americans are living in areas with medium to high levels of covid-19. wednesday they urged those communities tos mask up. >> everyone should be using prevention measures and wearing a mask in public indoor settings. in areas with medium covid-19 levels in yellow, individuals should consider taking prevention measures based on their own risk like avoiding crowds, wearing a mask, increasing their testing especially before gathering with others indoors.
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>> even though cases are still much lower than during the omicron surge this past winter, the number of infections have tripled in just the past month. u.s. women's soccer scored a major victory in its fight for equal pay. the u.s. soccer federation announced a new deal wednesday saying women will be paid the same as men. more on what is a historic agreement. >> it's a game changing deal. >> i am just so incredibly proud of what we have achieved. >> reporter: in a new contract, u.s. somer women and men's player associations agreeing to equal pay for all players. >> this is just a really historic moment that will hopefully lead to meaningful changes and progress not only here at home in the u.s. but around the world. >> reporter: both men and women will now get around $450,000 a year. commercial and event revenue will be divvied up. the teams shaking hands on
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sharing world cup prize money, a first of any soccer organization in the world. that part of today's agreement especially notable as the women's team clinched the last two world cups where overall the men haven't won yet but were still making more money just for playing. the women's 2015 win netted less than $2 million, while the men made more than $5 million losing in the round of 16 the year before. that propelled a movement for equal film captured in the cnn film, "lfg". >> we heard people chanting -- >> equal pay! equal pay! >> oh, my gosh. that's when i felt the movement. it is not just us, but it looks as if the world is on our side. >> reporter: today's deal is the culmination of that battle between the u.s. soccer federation and prominent women of the women's team who filed a federal wage complaint in 2016
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and a gender discrimination lawsuit in 2019. >> every time a woman is not paid equally, everybody is not and no one's potential is able to be reached. >> reporter: players settled the suit for $24 million. >> it is a huge win for us, for women's sports, for women in general. and it's a moment that we can all celebrate. >> reporter: the men's team backed the women's efforts in that lawsuit and today player walker zimmerman saying. >> sure, there was a potential chance of making less money. no doubt about it. but we also believe in the women's team. we believe in the whole premise of equal pay. and ultimately that was a big driving force for us. >> reporter: this comes as a pivotal time as the men head to the 2022 world cup. the hope is this deal sets precedent in international sports and beyond. cnn new york. i'm at the cnn center in atlanta. i will be back with a lot more
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