tv Erin Burnett Out Front CNN May 20, 2022 4:00pm-5:00pm PDT
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called for june 1st and happen a week later, so we'll know in the coming days, wolf. >> thank you very much, cnn's melanie zanona and to our viewers, thank you very much for watching. i'm wolf blitzer in "the situation room," follow me on instagram at wolf blitzer, erin burnett "outfront" starts right now. "outfront" next, on the front lines, terrifying new body cam video from ukrainian soldiers reveals a fierce firefight taking place just outside kharkiv as putin is said to be firing some of his top commanders. plus the dow suffering eighth straight week of losses, longest streak in 100 years since before the great depression. is a recession not a question of if, not now, but when, and news blocking president biden from lifting title 42? that has been used almost 2
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million times to turn migrants away from the u.s. border, they say they'll appeal it but was the resuming a big political gift to biden? let's go "outfront." and good evening, i'm erin burnett, "outfront" tonight, absolute evil, absolute stupidity, those are the exact words of ukraine's president volodomyr zelenskyy after a cultural center outside kharkiv destroyed by a missile, you can see the strike there, debris raining down. ukrainians driving by at the time of the strike later seen running for their lives as the cloud of black smoke rises behind them. and today's attack coming as ukraine's forces have been successful overall in pushing russian forces back, specifically from kharkiv, and tonight we have dramatic new body cam footage that shows the fierce fight taking place outside what is the second biggest city in ukraine.
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[ speaking in foreign language ] those battles that russia continues to lose is part of why putin's top commanders have been fired, because they've been considered to have, quote, performed poorly during the initial stages of the invasion, which failed to capture kyiv and gone downhill in many areas from there, antiwar protests becoming more fearless although the united states still says tonight the u.s. does not believe public opinion in russia will persuade putin to end his invasion, even when criticism is from a former
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russian colonel. >> translator: i must say, let's not drink information tranquilizers, because some information is spread about some psychological crackdown of ukraine's armed forces, as if there's break in morale or fracture, none of this is close to reality. >> that colonel said these things in russian state tv, but then back tracked. nick payton walsh live in kharkiv tonight, nick, what is the latest on the ground there? >> reporter: yeah, certainly interesting news today about the asovstal steel plant in mariupol which russia claims it has now completed the liberation of, obviously ridiculous term for the did he say cestruction and of those there. obviously that ongoing, heroic
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frankly stance of the ukrainian forces in that port city may be coming to an end. around the country and in the east to donbas and luhansk seeing possible slight incremental russian advances and ukraine pushing russian forces back around the second largest city of kharkiv, still, as russia retreats, extraordinary destruction unleashed in its wake as we saw just outside the city over the last two days. putin would choke the life and light out of here. we're driving into the smoke of an incendiary munitions attack we're told here against this civilian village. homes, fields, even the air itself torched. she says she saw it falling from the sky and her neighbor hid.
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incendiary munition which burns hot through everything in its path came after heavy normal shelling which makes you question like so much here, exactly why russia needed to heep fire on top of heavy explosive. hit just 10 minutes ago, this man says, pointing away. some left bewildered, others in the first moments of shock. valentina is very matter of fact as she describes what happened to victor in her neighbor's house. she shows us the courtyard where
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a dead man lies, his ear torn off. points the body just behind the tree then says, there he is. victor had rushed to check on their neighbor's home. russia occupied here for weeks and as it retreats, these tiny corners of green are where it visits its anger. on the road towards russia's last positions before the border, the shells land even closer. her husband died weeks ago and houses like everything here, ruined.
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for weeks, where she was occupied, she lived across the street from an enormous russian base. our guides from ukrainian rapid response unit approach us, fighting is intensifying up the road and they know the russians got comfortable here. their base, even needed this aircraft warning device up high to tell russian jets it was friendly. this is their problem each time they move forward, here they were in once a russian position and look around you, impossible to know who is really in control of this area with a fight happening just on the other side of the hill. the smell of corpses among the pines. under every footstep, the threat of mines. everywhere you look, foxholes, ammunition boxes, clearly a significant russian base here. they're calling it a little town, using this forest as
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cover, but clearly, hit really hard. the tomb of the unknown russian soldiers, this says. ghoulish relics here where it once buzzed with the brutish clumsy task of besieging the city. smoldering in the trees here, but swallowed in their total silence. it's important to remember, erin, as we hear the story around ukraine talk more about the stalemate here, about the tiny gains made, about how possibly ukraine will essentially, through better nato weaponry, maybe begin to feel it's coming out on top, none of that reduces the kind of damage that we're seeing russia do in its retreat when it feels it's losing, when it feels frustrated. even here in kharkiv been breathing so much more easily over the past weeks. each night we hear heavy explosions in the distance, just now, in fact, and that is essentially what people fear
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here, moscow is going to do even if it loses, cause as much damage as it possibly can to ordinary life here, erin. >> all right. thank you very much, nick, for that incredible report. now i go to retired army general mark hertling, commander of europe in the seventh army. when you see this destruction with russia attack on phosphorus on top of shelling and as they leave, saw places where they put mines under the carpet in peoples' homes so they can try to kill innocent people when they return. it's a scorched earth retreat. and some areas you heard nick say impossible to know who is even in control with this back and forth. what is happening here as you see it? >> what you're seeing, erin, is an attempt by russia to expand the area that they hold in the donbas and truthfully, it's failing. they will come out of there, conduct reconnaissance and forced maneuver elements will try to go forward but they than
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find themselves being attacked by ukraine. this is a scene from 1916 and the western front. it is -- nick used the word stalemate, it is less than that because there is maneuver attempts on both sides. the russians come forward, try to occupy a bit of land, ukrainian forces which don't have the mobility as the russians do will attack them and then the russians will withdraw. and then it's relegated to an artillery duel back and forth. that's what we're seeing and seeing by all accounts, that russia is suffering quite a bit of casualties and quite a bit of equipment damage. so this is really boiling down to a war of attrition which many of us predicted weeks ago between the two forces and in my view, ukraine has the upper hands, they have the better weapons and are going up against a force with low morale and the inability to maneuver outside of the donbas area. >> so according to british intelligence, general hertling,
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putin now fired senior commanders that were considered to have, quote-unquote, performed poorly during the initial stages of the invasion and we also learned that putin is directly participating in decision-making that most western armies would be reserved for lower-ranking officers. as you start to hear this confirmation coming in from intelligence agencies, how does this impact putin's army? >> it's a great question, erin, because it severely affects it in several ways with second and third order effects. when you relieve the generals in charge, the generals that take over for them are then afraid to talk to their senior commanders about what's going wrong so it becomes a toxic leadership environment. not only that, you got the subordinate leader whose are used to a very autocratic system of reporting up the chain of command and not doing anything they're not told to do so the ranks below them, the maneuver units, movement units are frozen in place and don't have the
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initiative or adaptability to conduct maneuver operations and again, this is where ukraine, which has been studying more western approaches to warfare over the last ten years, has the advantage. because they will use that -- they're frozen. the russians are frozen in place. they will move slightly but then counterattacks will come and push them back while destroying their equipment and russia has a great deal more equipment and that equipment is manned by soldiers so when that equipment is attacked by infantry soldiers, it just frankly gives the ukrainians the advantage. >> well it's incredible and you drive through the ukrainian country-side all you see is burned out tanks and artillery vehicles, it's jarring, they're everywhere. they litter the landscape. so trevor reed, as you know, the u.s. citizen and former marine just recently freed after two years in a russian prison just sat down and spoke exclusively with my colleague jake tapper and explained to jake what it
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was like in prison, i want to play one of their exchanges. >> what was the worst conditions that you had, that you experienced during that time? >> the psychiatric treatment facility, i was in there with seven other prisoners in the cell, all had severe psychological health issues. most of them, so over 50% of them in that cell were in there for murder or like multiple murders, sexual assault and murder, just really disturbed individuals, and inside of that cell, you know, that was not a good place. there was blood all over the walls there where prisoners had killed themselves, had killed other prisoners, or attempted to do that. the toilet's just a hole in the floor and there's, you know, crap everywhere, all over the floor, on the walls. there's people in there also
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that walk around, they look like zombies. >> were you afraid for your life? >> i mean, i did not sleep there for a couple of days. so i was too worried about, you know, who was in the cell with me to actually sleep. >> you thought they might kill you. >> yeah, i thought that was a possibility. >> now russian officials have defended the conditions that was kept in satisfactory line with russian law so i have to say that general, but does reed's description surprise you at all? >> not a bit, erin, these are the kind of conditions you will find in any kind of gulag in any kinds of camps, in any kind of facility where there's ex extra-judicial approaches and can go back even further and say this is the kind of conditions you would find in camps during world war ii where the holocaust occurred. so what you're talking about is a continual approach to try and dehumanize these individuals and
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take their soul away from them and that's the way the russians conduct business, it's in all the books about their gulags so there's no surprises to me about any of this. >> consistent. thank you, general, very much. so everyone knows you can see the full interview with trevor reed and jake sunday night at 8:00. and next, s&p today briefly entering bear market territory, dow posting eighth weekly decline day in a row, long' in the century. plus, news, just blocked president biden's plan to lift restrictions at the border, restricts that prevent migrants entering the united states. and more suspected cases of monkey pox as we learn new details of the man in massachusetts being g treated tonight for the virus.
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at 39%, lowest it's been in his presidency. mj lee "outfront" in seoul, with president biden, we see panic in the economy, is there panic at the white house? >> reporter: well there's no question, erin, this is very tough economic news for president biden coming at the middle of a major foreign trip where he wanted to focus at the health of the u.s. economy and global economy, exhibit a is as soon as the president landed here in korea, the first place he went to was a samsung semiconductor plant. he wanted to see the chips being produced there and really talk about how they're trying to resolve supply chain issues and try to sort of talk in a rosy way about what can happen when different nations work together and then, a couple of hours ago, we saw that statement coming out from the white house where they touted low unemployment numbers across the country and low
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record jobs growth, data the white house has wanted to talk about a number of months now, but contrast all of that, erin, with this news happening back home for president biden with the s&p 500, venturing into bear market territory and you know when the stock market falls, that hurts american investors, hurts people who have savings tied up in the stock market and all of that is exacerbated by the fact that inflation is at record highs with everything costing so much more so the bottom line is that this is a president who certainly does not want to be seeing more bad economic news. i just want to quickly point to two recent polls we've seen coming out out of the u.s. shows two in 10 americans believe the u.s. is on the right track, only 4% of people say they are excited about the way things are going. so we'll see whether this is an issue that the president talks about and how he talks about this issue when he is set to have a bilateral meeting with president yoon of south korea just a matter of hours from now,
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erin. >> all right, mj, thank you very much. i want to bring to jim bianco now, president of bianco research. so the dow losing streak, worst since the great depression, dow tipping into territory first since the start of the pandemic, look, the indicators are flashing bright red no matter what you look at now. is the u.s. headed for pretty deep recession? >> well it seems to be headed towards a recession. that's what the markets are trying to tell you and you can also throw in the big rise in interest rates which by some measures is the biggest and record we have 200 years data in the bond market and never seen a sell-off to this degree before and you can throw in that the conference board put out a survey yesterday of ceos and 60% of them think that the u.s. is headed for a recession. so the market is consistent with all of this belief to use the fed term, they were hoping they
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could bring the economy in for a soft landing to reduce the inflation rate but we're getting more and more worried it's going to be a hard landing which is a nice way of saying recession. >> right, will said, right, hard landing means recession and you talk about interest rates surging, the biggest increase you're talking about in 200 years, well that's coming because we've seen prices surge, food price up 10%, gas prices at a new record, $4 desig.59 a ga home prices even up from a year ago as so many are looking for housing. where does this go, does it just keep rising? >> ironically, this is part of the fed's plan in their terms to tighten financial conditions which means to lower risk markets like the stock market, like the bond market, and
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hopefully set demand of people who own stocks and bonds which is again another nice way of saying you'll buy less things and that should bring inflation off the boil and hopefully bring it down so this is part of the plan. it's a dangerous high wire act. it's one thing to say tightening policy to bring down interest, to bring down inflation, but not let it get out of hand. so hopefully, they can kind of keep it intact but the market's losing confidence. >> yeah, certainly so, jim bianco, thank you very much, sobering situation, one must wonder who are the 4% excited about the direction in which the country is going. "outfront" next, breaking news, federal judge blocking biden from lifting a pandemic policy that turns migrants away. was this decision though, a huge political gift for biden. plus a mother confronts another woman filling her cart with baby formula. >> look at this. look at all this.
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breaking news, federal judge blocked the biden administration from lifting title 42, that's the trump era policy allowing the u.s. to turn migrants away at the border and put in place at the start of the pandemic, set to expire monday which could have meant up to 18,000 migrants starting to flood over the u.s. border every single day, "outfront" in texas and rosa, major decision impacting, well, thousands of people where you are tonight. this is a huge ruling. >> reporter: you know, and it's very complicated, erin, because on the mexican side, six to seven thousand migrants waiting for title 42 to lift, i'm told the anxiety there building, on the u.s. side, talked to law enforcement and officials wanting title 42 to stay in place so probably breathing a sigh of relief and then activism and immigration attorneys
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condemning the decision from this judge, similarly to this, tracking a new pattern of homelessness of newly arrived migrants. this 27-year-old haitian woman seven months pregnant, she and her husband been at the south texas shelter for days. they say the situation in haiti was very dangerous. they are part of an unprecedented surge in migrants at the southern border. more than 1.2 million people attempted to enter through mexico since october, about half expelled under title 42, the pandemic public health order that allows immigration agent to see return migrants to mexico without a hearing. the other half have been allowed into the u.s., pending their immigration cases. where are you going? >> bridge port. >> bridgeport, connecticut. they want to go by first names for their safety and say they have no money to go to their
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final destination, part of a new pattern happening at the border, migrants entering the u.s. with no money or immediate family to stay with or the family and friends they did have backed out. that was the case with this group of migrant men in san antonio. how many of you had money to buy a ticket to get to your destination? >> no. >> reporter: the result? a growing homeless population that could only get bigger when title 42 lifts. and up to 18,000 migrants attempt to enter the u.s. everyday. in miami, milena says she has already helped hundreds of homeless migrants. >> have been 60 families we helped since december. 280, almost 300 people. wurn hundred are under 18. >> reporter: she runs a small nonprofit and says she's housing about 15 migrant families, including josie and her three
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children, the couple asked cnn to use their first names only and says they'd be on the street if it wasn't for her. migrants continue to call for help and she says housing capacity is maxed out. >> so we are offering relocation. >> reporter: to wichita, cincinnati, detroit, she says. >> hola. >> reporter: martinez is an artist from venezuela, from a group we spoke with in san antonio last month. he said after two days, girlfrie girlfriend aunt told him to leave the home. now homeless in new york city. nai says she's homeless too along with her two children. she asked cnn not to show her face nor share her full name. a month into living with her cousin in new york city.
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she told you you had to leave? she said she ended up on the street and now lives in a homeless shelter. >> we are addressing the challenge of regular migration. >> reporter: the biden administration issued a 20 page border plan for the end of title 42, people like ron book, from miami homeless trust are sounding the alarm about the increase in homeless migrants. >> i cannot be responsible for the cost from a flawed immigration policy that has no legitimate plan. >> reporter: as for the haitian couple? he said his cousin is willing to take him into their home. that's what they were told, but the situation changed dramatically, and now they're homeless. we asked the white house and dhs about this story and the administration directed us to the border plan that was issued by dhs specifically to the portion of the plan where it said that the administration is going to bolster the capacity for nonprofit.
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so we followed up, asking what is the plan for the interior of the country where we're seeing this pattern of homelessness, and erin, we were directed back to the border plan. >> wow. all right, rosa, thank you very much. just sort of the shocking on so many levels. joining me now, scott jennings, former adviser to senate majority leader mitch mcconnell and former mayor of atlanta. so talk about the breaking news here, judge comes out and title 42, you'll have 18,000 they say migrants coming over the border, you heard rosa, half a million people waiting and that is not going to happen, they're not going to come. now the biden administration says they're going to appeal it but we understand look act this, could take months. so did the biden administration just get saved from a political disaster? >> well, it's a humanitarian crisis. it's a policy crisis and it is a political crisis for biden. yeah, i would say this judge
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stepped in and saved him just the way the federal judge did on the mask mandates for airlines but then joe biden immediately said he's going to appeal the ruling. it's never made any sense here. the biden administration's position was that the pandemic was over i dpes for illegal immigrants but it's not over for american citizen whose want to move freely around their own country. that's the position they were on and now, based on their appeal, the position they're still on, apart from all the humanitarian and policy problems here, just as a political matter, erin, this is a major drag on biden. it is a full-blown political crisis and you got even democrats, it's not republican on democrat violence here, this is democrats and republicans in the congress both screaming at the biden administration to get a handle on this border situation. everybody knows what a disaster it is. >> former doj and expert harry litman telling us, looking at the white house press release where they're saying they're going to appeal this, will appeal it on merit how he sees
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it so this could happen in months, the question, is are they trying to fget it through the midterms is not clear. to scott's point, this isn't actually a republican versus democrat issue, a lot of elected democrats in congress have said what's going on and just allowing the migrants to flood over the border is a crisis. here's what democrats have said about the crpresident's decisio to lift title 42 and allow that immigration. >> right now, this administration does not have a plan. i've warned them about this months ago. to be honest, it's going to be a crisis on top of a crisis. >> i'm going to keep pushing the administration to develop a really strong, strategic plan for how we will secure our borders when title 42 is lifted and i'm going to keep pushing them to delay with the title 42 until that plan is in place. >> again, a judge is forcing that, but that's not where the administration is. should the president listen to
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members of his own party on this, mayor? >> well there are many members of the party who support the president's position in lifting title 42. we know there are several democrats who have expressed concern. but isn't that the beauty of the democratic party? that you can disagree with the leader of the party and he not try to slash your throat, unlike what's happening with the republican party. so the president has said and the white house has said that they will appeal this. the white house stuck with what it would said it would do, that it would try to lift title 42, tried to do just that. there is a process and that process will play out in the courts. this was, this injunction was based on procedural matters from my understanding and there is a comment process that is required and there, that may take several weeks or months. so the white house has been true to its word, will appeal and i
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think that's the beauty of the democratic party that we can agree to disagree. >> so scott, when you talk about the timing here, that mayor is laying out and as harry litman saw this you may not see the pictures of 10ives thousands of migrants coming over the border that many republicans were banking on in the midterms, we may or may not, timing is in question. does that take away a major point for the g.o.p. in the midterms? >> well people are still coming over. i mean illegal immigration is still a crisis, even with title 42 in place, one of the few policies that was actually working, you still have a massive surge, reporter just said over a million crossing since october so it's still a major problem and all that comes with it, including the drug problem, the fentanyl problem that's flooding states all over the country. to mayor bottom's point, if this is the beauty of the democratic party, i hate to see the ugly parts. this democratic party under democratic president and
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democratic congress is residing over a massive crisis. one of the things in the report that struck me the most was the housing issue. we had a housing shortage in this country and it's already affecting people who live here already, not to mention the folks who are coming so krcrisi on top of crisis. >> and final word on that point, rosa said they kept addressing saying go to the report, but are any of these democrats saying they're for all this doing anything about that? >> well what scott wants to do is just ignore the past several years under the trump action that helped create a lot of the issues that we are now experiencing. so when you talk about a housing crisis, there's also as many would say a labor shortage that scott related to our ability to have effective immigration policies, policies that were made worse, not made any better under the trump administration, so what we know is that a vast majority of americans want to see title 42 ended and also the
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economy, not immigration, seems to be top of the mind for voters radio immigrant now. >> all right, thank you both very much appreciate your time. next, supreme court justice clarence thomas taking a wipe sat supreme court justice tom roberts. >> the court that was together 11 years was a fabulous court. we may have been a disfunctional family, but we were a family. plus i talk to a new mother looking for baby formula who confronts another woman who was bulking up and hoarding g it. ♪ ready to style in just one step? introducing new tresemme one step stylers. five professional benefits. one simple step. totally effoless. styling has never been easier. tresemme. do it with style. life... doesn't stop for diabetes.
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raised the minimum wage, increased affordable housing, and preserved our bayfront open space. i am emily beach. i'll take my real-life experience to get things done for us. i approve this message, and all these shoes too. tonight new email showing how far supreme court justice clarence thomas's wife went to uphold the election. went to two arizona lawmakers with the subject line, please do your constitutional duty, email then says in part, article two of the united states constitution gives you awesome responsible, to choose our state's electors, this means you have the power to fight back
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against fraud, the responsibility is yours and yours alone. incredible advocacy coming from a supreme court justice's wife and just a day before the electoral college met, ginny sent lawmakers another email, please consider what will happen to the nation we love if you don't stand up, up now, cnn legal analyst who covered the supreme court substantials for 25 years. this comes as ginny thomas attended the stop the steal rally on the 26th, sent messages to chief mark meadows about the election, and this coming on top of it and growing calls for justice thomas to recuse himself from any cases involving january 6th as this all comes to light. can any indication he will do that? >> no, no erin, there is not. today he was silent when we asked for any kind of comment. he has been quiet through all of this, starting earlier this year when some of those texts to mark meadows first came to light, when it came to light she was
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there on january 6th at the rally, of course not the capitol for the rampage but all these things are part in piece and justice thomas has sat on 2020 election cases and january 6th committee case. at that point, now, we didn't know the extent of ginni thomas's involvement, now if another case comes up related to that, i'm sure there will be calls for him to recuse in a specific case but what you should know, the federal law says any judge or justice should recuse if his or her impartiality might be questioned but you know what? that issue is solely in the hands of the justice to decide. chief justice john roberts says, you know, we do not sit in judgment of each other and it has never been tested in the courts whether anyone could then challenge if someone has, someone at the supreme court level has wrongly decided not to
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recuse. >> and you mentioned chief justice thomas took a stunning and very public swipe at chief justice roberts. here is what he said. >> the court that was together 11 year was a fabulous court. it was one you looked forward to being a part of. we actually trusted -- we may have a been a dysfunctional family but we were a family, and we loved it. >> and that court he is referring to is the court with the prior chief justice, right, and then, you know, that was the contrast he was making. what does it say to you that he would say that publicly? >> well, erin, he might have thought that before, but he never said it publicly, and i think it reflects exactly what's going on right now with the fight over the abortion case. clarence thomas is so close to realizing his goal of completely reversing roe v wade. we know from the political draft that the at one point were five justices on that but the person
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to thwart that goal is chief justice john roberts if he is able to broker any kind of compromise. it's a very steep hill the chief has to climb but he might be able to do it and we'll know at the end of june, erin. >> wow, joan, thank you very much, incredible to see this from the court in public. i think we can probably all agree we wish we weren't, it's not good to see the court, this ugly side exposed. and next, a sign of the times. i'll talk to a mother who filmed her confrontation with another woman at target over formula. and just in, new york city health officials reporting what they're calling a presumptive positive case of monkey pox. n't. ...a.add finish jet dry 3 in 1. to dry, prevent spotots, and protect glasses against cloudiness. the disheses aren't done without finish jet dry 3 in 1.
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new tonight, the white house says it will transport its first batch of baby formula from overseas this weekend, which comes amid growing rooutrage because its shortage is stretching into its third month. parents are desperate with scenes like this playing out in stores. >> look at this. look at all this. look at the shelves. you don't think i need it for my baby too? >> this is the whole reason why there's a formula shortage. you take all the formula off the shelf and buy all this at once? >> you get this one. >> this is the whole reason why there's a formula shortage. you come and you buy all the formula at once and there's kids who need formula today who won't be able to get it because you just bought it to stock up.
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>> outfront now, the mother who recorded that video who's been struggling to find formula for her 3-month-old baby, colton, who we're showing there, autumn. i know you're making a point with the video and obviously you didn't film the other mother's face. you were just trying to show the incident and not castigate the person individually. but tell me what led up to this video and what you saw when you got to the baby formula aisle. >> so originally when i got to the baby formula aisle, i expected to see what i have seen since the beginning of may, which is -- i know the formula shortage has been going on for a while more than that, but with colton's formula specifically, it's just been out since around the beginning of may. so i've been going to target almost every day out of the week for the past about three weeks now and checking for formula, checking for the next best thing to his formula. and that's what i was doing that day. i went there. i saw that they had in stock the
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closest thing to his formula. he is on a special formula, which he doesn't take well to any other formula, not even the one he's on right now. but when i got there, i stood behind the lady from the moment she had an empty shopping cart. she turned around, we made eye contact. i gave her a smile. i let her know with body language that i was waiting patiently. i wasn't saying anything, anything like that. she was also on the phone. she was on facetime. and i proceeded to wait and she looked back at me a few more times. she started to walk away with the cart. i said, excuse me. and i proceeded to ask her for one can of formula. >> so as you're standing there clearly waiting, she just takes every can off the shelves? >> yes. and clear as day, there was no other formula around her like on the shelves, top or bottom, that i could have been waiting for. but yes, clear as day she just
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cleared the entire shelf into her cart. >> so when you asked for the bottle just for one bottle, what did she say? >> she said no, this is for my baby. i need to feed my baby. that's when i started to record, which luckily i had my camera out all right because i was ready to take picture of the formula aisles. and so i just swiped over and started recording so i could kind of -- i wanted other people to see what it's like to feel find of hopeless as a mother when you go to the store with high hopes and knowing, okay, they have this one thing that i can get, i can at least feed by baby with this, and leave with nothing. >> you spent every day going to target and doing this and just the exhaustion and the stress. how did this situation resolve itself? >> it really -- it has not. i have yet to find formula. i haven't got my hands on any of it whatsoever. i've put pleas out on facebook to try to find some. right now i'm supplementing with
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the only formula that they had left in the store that day, which was similac advanced. it's nothing close to what he needs. so it's very rough nights and rough days over here with the baby. he's not taking well to it, but i've called his pediatrician, there's nothing anybody can do. >> autumn, thank you very much for sharing this story. my heart goes out to you. i know that's stress with him taking it. i'm so glad you filmed that and obviously you didn't show her face, but i hope people -- anyone out there who can understand who was in the other seat, not yours there, will think differently, because it's just horrible. thank you so much. >> right. thank you. you have a wonderful night. >> you too, autumn. next, why a doctor working at the hospital treating a man with monkeypox is calling his infection concerning. we alth pln across your full financial picture. a a plan with tax-smart investing strategies dedesigned to help you keep more of what you earn.
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in inger the massachusetts patient had been hospitalized since may 12th but he did not have a travel history to west or central africa. he tells outfront, quote, what we have known from previous cases is they are typically associated with travel to africa and places with illness is endemic. now we are seeing a significant number of cases without this history of travel, so something is different about the transmission right now. and that's why a lot more studies and work is needed. thanks for joining us. "a.c. 360" starts now. good evening. we begin tonight with your money. inflated costs, a falling stock market and concern about recession. if you have a 401(k) you've likely seen it drop. the dow industrials just capped their eighth straight losing week, the worst since 1923. here's what all three major indices look like for the year, down 15 to 30%. on top of that the price o
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