tv Smerconish CNN May 21, 2022 6:00am-7:00am PDT
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ts go to the out of state corporations permanently. only eight and a half cents is left for the homeless. and in virginia, arizona, and other states, fanduel and draftkings use loopholes to pay far less than was promised. sound familiar? it should. it's another bad scheme for california. should j.r.b. go the way of lbj? i'm michael smerconish in philadelphia. presidents always have a full plate. but joe biden is now carrying the weight of the full buffet. inflation, record gas prices, covid back in some areas, potential mass migration event
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at the border, power outages said to be coming. and of course the russian invasion of ukraine which just added $40 billion to america's tab. we could debate whether any one of these items is truly the fault of the president. but the reality is they are all unfolding on his watch. and here come the midterms. typically the party in the white house sees the loss of two dozen of its congressional seats. this year democrats seem headed for much worse. there just aren't enough ultra maga doug mastrianos that could allow focus next november to be taken off this national funk. a few an moreent tkweurgzs to be sure, but too few to stop the tidal wave in the forecast. americans are really feeling the pinch with inflation at a 40-year high. until recently, there had pwhrpb some consolation for the 58 million americans in the stock market because it was still doing well. but that's no longer the case.
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this week the s&p and dow had historic down days. friday the s&p 500 briefly fell into bear market territory, slipping more than 20% from its record high. target reported a stunning 52% drop in profit for the first quarter. shares plunged 25% in one day, its worst day since 1987's blackmon. the retail giant blamed higher expenses due to continued supply chain disruptions and inflation making consumers hold off on non-essential purposes. gas prices, which affect all of us, are hitting new highs with a record average of $4.59 per gallon, already $6 in california. by august, jpmorgan predicts the national average will be $6 a gallon. in washington state, the national gas chain 76 already reprogramming its pumps to accommodate the possibility of prices exceeding $10 a gallon. meanwhile, runaway diesel prices
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threatening mesh's infrastructure because of how the costs hurt farmers and truckers and trucking companies. and then there's the fragile power grid, fossil fuel sources being cut back faster than new ecological alternatives can replace them. this week, regulators warned this summer's temperatures and ongoing drought could cause the grid to buckle across vast areas of the country, potentially leading to electricity shortages and blackouts. looking beyond the economic issues, how about immigration. in the month of april, a record 234,000 people were encountered at the mexican border. though a federal judge blocked monday's lifting of title 42, if and when it does end, there are estimates that as many as 18,000 will show up every day. in other international crises, there's our complicated involvement with ukraine fighting russia's invasion, which, by the way, feels like it's slipping lower and lower into public consciousness. even as thomas friedman of the "new york times" warned us here
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last week that we are edging toward actual war with russia. this week as president biden is visiting south korea, north korea may be ready to fuel an intercontinental ballistic missile. if you thought covid was in the rear-view mirror, think again. cases are rising and could get worse in the coming months. about a third of americans are living in areas where the rates of covid are so high officials are recommending masking in indoor public plates. and now we have to worry about monkeypox? so, what could be even worse than all the above? how about empty shelves for baby formula. could there be any worse political optics that moms not able to feed their babies? as i said, it's a category 5 political s storm. no wonder in a recent poll, president biden scored his lowest ever, a mere 39%, job approval rating with 60%
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disapproving. and i don't see an opportunity for a reset on the horizon. with the senate deadlocked 50/50, plus vice president kamala harris, let's stop kidding ourselves. the republicans won't give this administration the satisfaction of passing anything of consequence between now and the midterms. so there's just not a prospect of rescue legislatively. god forbid there is some catastrophe that makes us rally around the flag. though i don't know if we would do that these days. it is the bleakest of pictures for the white house. so what is the president to do? this week, amy pans and hannah trudeau published a piece in cote the hill" saying everywhere you go in washington people are wondering the same thing, will joe biden run for re-election? clearly they are not taking him at face value because he has said he will. no doubt the fact that he will be 81 in november of 2024 is a major reason that some people
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are disbelieving. and i'm among the skeptical. now, listen, i don't say that with any animas. to the contrary, i wish good things for the president's leadership and his personal health. he's a patriot, a decent and honorable man. but i can't see him running again. and maybe he needs to deal with that reality sooner than later. there's precedent. in 1968, lyndon johnson, who in 1964 had won the biggest political landslide in american history when he defeated barry gold water, found himself weighted down by the war in vietnam. on on march 31, 1968, he scheduled an oval office address about the war. after speaking for 40 minutes, president johnson then stunned even his closest associates by reading a statement that had not been included in the printed text and which he had written himself. the president said that there was, quote, division in the american house.
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he said he was withdrawing in the race in the name of national unity which he said was, quote, the ultimate strength of our country. >> i do not believe that i should devote an hour or a day of my time to any personal partisan causes or to any duties other than the awesome duties of this office. , the president of your country. accordingly, i shall not seek and i will not accept the nomination of my party for another term. >> imagine if president biden decided likewise and said so now. some will no doubt argue he would make himself a lame duck. but i would say in this divided environment, that's a relative expression. the filibuster pro includes any
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legislative achievement now and certainly even more so after the midterms. i don't think he would be sacrificing any real power that he holds today. in fact, he might just strengthen his hand. the president has told us that he ran for office after charlottesville, calling it a battle for the soul of the nation. he ran in a bid to stop donald trump from a second consecutive term, and he succeeded. he can announce with his head held high that the totality of calamity faced by the nation demands that his every waking moment applies to those programs. and he doesn't think it appropriate for him to divert his attention to his own re-election. think about the alternative. the alternative is to be the face of the shell lacking democrats will likely take in november. then he will have to endure pressure within his own party to reevaluate his future plans. may be better to do it on his terms more immediately. i want to know what you think.
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go to my website at and vote on this question. should joe biden announce now that he is not running for re-election? joining me now is senior correspondent for the hill, co-author with jonathan hill, unlucky, how joe biden won the presidency. your piece in the hill inspired my thought process. you have been sitting there listening. what do you think of what i just said? >> i happen to agree with a lot of it. more importantly, it is a lot of washington is kind of wondering. that's why we penned this piece. everyone is asking me, even outside of washington, do you think the president will run again? he's going to be in his 80s. is that really appropriate, will the country be in okay terms. and so i think this is the big question that's haunting people right now. and the big thing is he wants to run for president. people close to him have told me that. he's told former president obama
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he wants to run. it's serious. he thinks he's the only person who can beat donald trump or governor desantis in 2024. that's the big -- that is what he is thinking about right now. >> okay. you reference former president trump who is sitting on about $100 million in campaign crash. has president biden undertaken any steps, apart from telling president obama or telling the public, i'm going to run, is he doing the sort of things that a candidate at two years out needs to be doing? >> he is -- i think he's basically frozen the democratic establishment right now. because everyone thinks, everyone is waiting on him to decide whether or not he's running. because people assume that he is. and they look at kamala harris, the vice president, and they say, she's not quite ready yet. she's not quite ready for primetime. there were big expectations for her coming in, and she hasn't really met them. they're looking at the democratic field and saying,
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well, who else? pete buttigieg maybe? someone else? but a lot of people think that the democratic party bench is very weak right now. so it might be buying a little bit of time for other people to kind of come to the fold. but i think a lot of people look to the president as someone who is the only person who can do this again. he did it the first time. a lot of people said, okay, all these doubters thought he couldn't beat donald trump the first time. look, he did it. and he can do it again. >> i'm anticipating critics who will say to me, why would he possibly surrender his power? but you heard my explanation. i don't see him doing as such. in fact, i think there's an argument that he actually enhances his standing. you remember maybe in the '80s, let reagan be reagan. imagine joe biden can be the authentic joe biden. doesn't have to worry about the squad, doesn't have to worry about bernie. he can be the more centrist "d" that many of us continue to
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believe he is. >> a lot of people agree with you, michael. he has been a little bit hindered, a little bit held back. he hasn't been able to be himself in the presidency. his aides have kind of kept him shackled, for lack of a better term, because they don't think he can say the things he wants to say without putting his foot in his mouth. so all of this -- i think you have a point and a lot of people agree with you, but who can actually win in 2024? that is the bigger question. >> right. but he's going to get sucked into that as soon as the midterms are over. that's when i think he will be facing pressure like i'm discussing. well, you have heard my pitch, get out in front of it now. i find your assessment vis-a-vis kamala harris is interesting, and i recommend everybody read your piece. i'll put it in social media again. thank you, amie. >> thank you. what are your thoughts? tweet me at smerconish.
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go to my facebook page. smerconish doesn't even pretend to be independent. he is hostile to joe biden. bluebaycrab, to the contrary. i said i'm coming at this with his best interest and that of the nation at heart. you heard me say, i hope that i wish good things for the president, for his health. i regard him as a patriot. i think that he is a decent and honorable man. did you not hear me say every one of those things? and so because i'm willing to address the subject that is the elephant in the room, you think that i'm here to cheap shot him? to the contrary. but i want to hear from everybody else by going to my website at and answer this week's survey question, should joe biden announce now that he is not running for re-election? up ahead, in the wake of the buffalo mass shooting, we have heard a lot about great replacement theory. some people want social media to
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ban the topic altogether. is that desirable? is it even possible? fentanyl killed san franciscoans and not even was convicted by the d.a. will it cost him his job in the recall election on january 7th? a landscaper. a hunter. because you didn't settle for ordinary. same goes for yoyour equipmen. versatile, powerful, durable kubota equipment. more goes into it. so you get more out of it. with age comes more... get more with neutrogena® retinol pro plus. a powerf .5% retinol that's also gentle on skin. for wrinkle results in one week. neutrogena. for people with skin. open talenti and raise the jar.
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should social media clamp down on the spread of siriuss like the great replacement theory? that question arose again in the wake of last weekend's mass shooting in buffalo, new york because of a 180-page screed posted by the gunman before the shooting that referred to that dogma several times. in short, it's the claim that there's a nefarious effort to replace white people with. the shooter live-streamed his kills of 51 in a mosque in christchurch, new zealand in 2019. the same theory has been cited
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as justification by several other mass shooters, including the 2019 walmart incident in el paso, texas, that killed 23, the 2018 pittsburgh's tree of life synagogue shooting that killed 11, the shooting at a south carolina church that killed 9, a congregant in poway, california. it is not just deranged gunmen who believed the theory. you also remember the rallying cry in charlottesville 2017. roll that audio. >> jes will not replace us. jews will not replace us. >> according to a recent poll, when presented with the statement there is a group of people in this country trying to replace native born americans with immigrants who agree with their political views, 32% of americans agreed. on most of the big social platforms hate speech directed at a specific group and related
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threats of violence are viewed as a violation of terms and service, this week the "washington post" reported that the buffalo shooter set up a chat room on a social media platform before he live streamed and 15 people had joined when the shooting began. a new texas law calls into question if platforms can moderate at all. and in the name of free speech, house bill 20 prohibits companies from blocker, banning user accounts and enables texans to sue the platforms if they believe they have been silenced. it must be up to the supreme court as to whether the law violates tech platform's first amendment rights. is it desirable, is it possible to scrub the, quote, replacement theory from social media? joining me now is courtney raj, a fellow at the ucla institute for technology, law and policy. dr. raj, thank you for being here. we refer to the first amendment, but it's really not a first
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amendment issue per se, right? these are private platforms. they can establish their own rules. >> that's right. platforms have their own first amendment rights and they have the right to what they said to be said as well as that they don't want to be said on their platforms. . >> what sort of things are banned from the better known social media platforms as of now? >> so there has been a convergence around the community standards in terms of service of the major social media platforms where they prohibit graphic violence, promotion of hate speech, in some cases racist speech, nudity. so there is this convergence around that. but i think one of the problems is we're talking about, you know, a lot of this being done on alternative media platforms and of course you can't undercut the role that the mainstream media plays in all of this. . >> well, and isn't some of it
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rather subjective? i mean, of course we all remember in the 11th hour of the campaign that the dissemination of disinformation about hunter's laptop was skill muched. that was quote-unquote disinformation but it really wasn't disinformation. >> that was a very particular news story. it was a political, during an election. i think that was a problematic intervention from the platforms. i think what we are talking about is can a social media platform ban discussion of an ideology. and i think there are different gradations of how phralt forms can deal with discussion. no, they should not ban discussions. however, they don't have to promote the accounts. they can prohibit the glorification of this theory, the promotion of this theory, they have done that with jihadist terrorism, with holocaust denial. they could add this in. they will not be able to ban discussion of it because
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fundamentally there are political issues there and you have politicians themselves speaking about this every day. >> well, not just politicians, but some of the mouthpieces, you know who i'm talking about, that politicians follow. it would be kind offed odd, wouldn't it that you could go to a particular cable outlet and thatter them espoused but you couldn't go on tiktok or twitter and see the same viewpoint. >> it would be odd. fox news at its own agenda. cnn has its own approach. luckily, i think a lot of mainstream media is trying to do good journalism, they want to do fact check journalism. social platforms are not going to amplify or feed fuel to the fire. they can make it harder to find these videos, manifest toes. four chan is not part of this collaboration. you do see, for example, twitch reacted against the video right away. there are platforms for
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collaboration. we should also be concerned if we hear about the discussions to ban discussion of a theory. we have already seen that tried in legislation to ban discussion of critical race theory in classrooms. we shouldn't be seeing ban bands of theories says. we need to see demotion of accounts and content that promotes vial, genocide al ideologies. >> i don't want to drag them under tkpwroubld. i would rather deal with them and confront them. you get the final word but you have to make them quick. >> not only because they can propel their accounts into the mainstream is they are going to go underground. there are still plenty of ways for them to connect. we should try to get them out of the mainstream >> thank you so much for being here. i appreciate your expertise. >> thank you. my pleasure, michael. . >> what are you saying via social media? my youtube pages. always with the communist
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playbook, censorship. christopher james, it's a tough problem to confront because we don't want lies and hate speech circulated among us. by the same token, though, sometimes you give strength to so-called movements when you do ban it. you heard me say to my guest, dr. raj. but it's a tough area to police. i happen to believe immigration policy impacts electoral politics. how could it not? i don't think there's a cabal where people are setting policy because they want to turn the country blue in red states. would i be able to say that if that sort of speech were censored? i hope i would be able to. go to people are pretty hot about me even asking the question. should joe biden announce now that he is not running for re-election? up ahead, one big reason for san francisco d.a. chess sa
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pwaou dean facing a re-election in the city's surging fentanyl crisis that last year killed 500 people. his office did not get a single conviction for dealing the drug. a different way of looking at the dualing johnny depp/amber heard defamation lawsuits. what does their body language tell us about their testimony? rg like the new honey mustard rotisserie-style chicken. it's sweet, it's tangy, it's tender, it never misses.. you cocould say it's the steph curry of footlongs. you could, but i'm not gonna. subway keeps refreshshing and refreshing and re... you love rich, delicious ice cream. but your stomach doesn't. that disagreement ends right now. lactaid ice cream is the crmy, real ice cream you love th will never mess with your stomach. lactaid ice cream. ready to turn your dreamsnto plans and your actions into achievements?
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whether to rerecall the man who is arguably the best known progressive prosecutor. san francisco district attorney chess sa pwaou dean is defending that he has been too soft on crime as crimes continue to plague the city. the recall is set for june 7th. it's being watched all across the country. pwaou dean is the highest profile of this new breed of prosecutor. the effort has a new chance of succeeding. a new poll by emc research shows 7 in 10 city residents would vote for his recall. now an interesting new analysis of court documents by the san francisco standard could worsen an already tough situation or to the beleaguered d.a. the lead of their report reads as follows, despite a surging fentanyl crisis that killed nearly 500 people last year in san francisco, the office of district attorney chess sa pwaou dean did not secure a single conviction for dealing the deadly opioid or aces filed
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during 2021 according to a review of court data. the office has hit them with the lesser accessory after the fact charge. the explanation for this, immigration policy. because most drug dealers arrested in san francisco are undocumented. the standard says, quote, prosecutors examine criminal defense attorneys point out drug dealing convictions are grounds for deportation. and a substantial number of drug dealers in the city are honduran nationals who could face deadly consequences if deported. the accessory charge still gives them and their families a path toward eventual citizenship. honest to god, it's like i'm reading from the onion. california state law does require prosecutors to take immigration status as a consideration when asking for conviction. but pwaou dean has expanded this process aggressively. the san francisco district attorney's office said in a statement to cnn that the premise of the standard's story
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was 2358s. here's what they said. district attorney boudin has achieved hundreds of drug convictions, including fentanyl cases. 9 article is focused on what kind of conviction is achieved, which is highly misleading. the d.a. has a high conviction rate for drug crimes and is implying with california law that requires prosecutors to consider immigration consequences in plea negotiations. here to discuss is the author of the new book entitled" san fran sick-o" why progressives ruin cities. michael shellen berger joins me. he is an independent running to be governor newsom's opponent. so, michael, homelessness, the label we affix to the fentanyl addicted in san francisco, you think there is a semantic issue here of importance that sets policy. what am i making reference to? >> good to be with you, maichae. it's a pleasure to be back on
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cnn. when we refer to homelessness, people are describing the open-air drug markets or what open drug scenes where people in such late stage addiction end up living in the open air drug markets right near the dealers. with that comes the shoplifting addicts are often doing in order to support their habit. the sex work. a huge amount of sexual assault i've documented and others have documented living on the street. there is one thing all civilized society must do, you must shut down the open air market, prrg the dealers, it requires getting the addicts in drug treatment programs. this i late 1980s and 1990s. in california, the situation is so out of control it actually is going to require the governor to be involved, the mayors to be involved, and maybe even the national guard in order to long-term suppress this open air
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drug dealing. >> in other words, i read your book, and what i took away, among other things, when you cast this as homelessness, it is thought of in a shelter context when in fact, it's drug addiction and mental health that is driving the equation. you cited a study by a ucla associateologist who looked at skid row in los angeles and one in malibu. what am i making reference to? >> well, it's very interesting. because of course these very expensive drug rehab programs for wealthy celebrities, they actually use tough love. people that pay $50,000 a month for rehab are getting very strict discipline-oriented rehab to get into recovery. what we find for low-income people, poor people, people using public services, it is much more hands-off attitude. it is la swraeu fair.
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people don't get the help they need. we have dealt with addiction for at least 150 years, when people after the civil war became addicted to morphine. when friends and family are no longer able to make an intervention with their loved ones suffering from addiction, people often break laws, they become the responsibility of societies. some amount of coercion is required for some people to get into recovery. that's what europe has discovered, what japan has discovered. we have just gone too far in one direction in california, which is this hands-off approach, and it's really destroyed obviously thousands of people are dying. >> michael -- >> it has destroyed the fabric of the city. . >> michael, quickly, should immigration status be something that holds back via state law or by decision from a prosecutor, how you treat a drug dealer? take 30 seconds and address what i referenced in your introduction. >>. >> absolutely not. we have the sanctuary law which
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is supposed to be for refugees from central america, latin america. it's an important protection of refugees. but it's being grossly abused by the district attorney, by other politicians in california. they're letting violent and dangerous drug dealers who are killing our citizens off the hook by abusing that sanctuary law. as governor of california, i will put an end to that. we're going to shut down the open air drug scenes, open air drug markets and get the people the help that they need, that they deserve. . >> it seems to me if i'm a prosecutor, my consideration might be, and i don't wish for bad things to happen to anybody. but maybe if this guy gets sent back to honduras and something bad happens to him, the word comes back to san francisco and no more of the honduran migrants deal drugs because they don't want to be like that guy. thank you, michael. appreciate you being here. >> thanks for having me, michael. . >> checking on your tweets and facebook comments and youtube, et cetera, et cetera. what do we have? how about we make drugs legal
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and focus on rehabilitation. carl white. carl white, 20 years ago, if you said that to me, i would have scoffed and said how ridiculous. all of a sudden we're going to open up drug addiction to all of society where at least right now where it's relegated to a small few. i'm no longer scoffing. i think we should absolutely give serious consideration to exactly that. and i think that shellenberger is also onto something when he said casting this as a homeless issue really doesn't address what's driving it. with a philadelphia city councilman, i'll give him a shotout, allen dom is his name, i was in the kenning ton city, the it is not a homeless issue. it is so damn sad. to think as the crow flies a quarter mile away, a half a mile away, you have new millennials eating at shishi restaurants. how the hell did we let it happen in the united states?
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i want to remind you. answer the survey question at should joe biden announce now that he is not running for re-election? still to come, so many opinions are flying around about the johnny depp and amber heard defamation in the courtroom. apart from what they are saying in their testimony, what about their body language? i'm about to ask an expert. get more with neutrogena® retinol pro plus. a powerful .5% retinol that's also gentle on s skin. for wrinkle results in one week. neututrogena®. for people with skin. welcome to allstate where the safer you drive, e like rachel here how am i looking? looking good! the most cautious driver we got am i there? no keep going
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read from the body language of johnny depp and amber heard. in this top reality show, jurors heard testimony from former depp friends and associates who described strain on their relationship with the actor and his alleged substance abuse as it increased. you likely already know that depp has sued heard for $50 million alleging an op-ed about being a survivor in abuse defamed him, though it did not mention him by name. heard then counter sued depp for $100 million saying statements calling her abuse claims a hoax were themselves defame tore. joining me is a body language expert, president of the body language institute, author of the book "you can't lie to me." janine, i can't get enough of you on court tv. that is why you are here. give my audience 30 seconds as to what qualifies you to read body language. >> a little shy of two decades with federal law enforcement,
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the bureau of alcohol, tobacco and firearms. drinking, smoking and shooting. firearms trafficking. i interviewed thousands of people. i have trained agents from the cia, fbi. i have trained clan dez tine spice. and hiring mistakes, hr events by 89% and i help companies and train sales team from coca-cola, lockheed martin, abbott, adp, crow knows. the list goes on and on. . >> all right. i accept, i accept, i accept your credentials. let's go to the tape. i am a trial lawyer. i never hugged any of my clients in a courtroom like this. what is going on with johnny depp and his lawyer? . >> you know, michael, a lot of people think they're hooking up. i trained 2e federal law enforcement center in georgia. we call it flexy. if you saw flirting and it stopped week two, you knew they were they are hooking up.
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if in fact, a relationship here, it would not be happening. it would be in clan dez tine mode. it is to get amber's goat. he has this with everyone. they're all touching and hugging him. it could be strategic to say, listen, this beautiful, young woman voted as one of the top lawyers to watch this year and last year in the country of the united states of america is touching him, patting him, looking at him, adoring him, that if she likes him, and she's smart and beautiful, maybe he's not that bad. . >> right. in other words, is it for the jurors to think, hey, he's a good guy. look at the relationship he has with his own lawyer? . >> i think it is genuine relationship where they like each other respectfully. she has a boyfriend, evidently, out of the uk. johnny told one of the people in the courtroom, they're just an attorney/client that get along really well. i think, yeah, they kick it up a notch 206 the jury. this jury is a little disengaged, in my opinion, most of them. >> disengaged?
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how could you be disengaged? i'm at home watching all that my schedule allows. all right. something else. of his it comes down. it's a he said, she said. i want to show amber heard's emotional testimony. to or this i want the audio and video. let's listen and watch. >> i don't want to do this. i don't want to do this. what are you seeing? what are you hearing? >> this is fake. this is bad acting. and i do believe her, though. i think she is telling the truth when she said she doesn't want to do it. even her acting coach said she's bad at fake crying. when we cry and it's authentic our eyes have things called tears. she breathes in instead of breathing out. we see deep swallows. sadness comes at a slow roll. we saw his artist friend get sad. this is fake sadness. her inner eyebrows aren't pulled together and up.
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this is bad, bad acting. >> okay. let me show third clip if we can quickly. johnny depp, while she's testifying, he won't even look at her. what's going on with this? . >> a lot of people think that, you know, what is this? is this some strategy? maybe it is. in the courtroom, amber's lawyer said it's because -- or amber said itself it's because he knows he's guilty. i am a battered women survivor. most battered woman won't look at the abuser in the courtroom. every now and then it won't happen. we do see johnny look up every once in a while. johnny's lawyer said you'll never look at me in the eyes ever again. >> here's my prediction,yen nine. the jury concludes they deserve each other. your thought? >> i think this case is nuttier than a snickers bar. it is crazy. and i love every second of it. >> jeanine, thank you for being here. i sadly agree with you. >> thanks, michael. . >> checking on your tweets and facebook skphepbts. from the world of twitter what
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do we have? >> amber is doing a lot of acting. a piece written this week that said the whole thing is just a giant hookup. honest to god, it's like a tinder -- you know what, i shouldn't even expand on my theory. it wasn't my original theory, by the way, but you couldn't make it up. best i end the segment. still to come, more of your best and worst tweets and facebook comments. we'll give you the final result of the survey question. make sure you register for the daily newsletter and answer this question. should joe biden announce now that he is not running for re-election? down to the root without killing your lawn. this stuff works on dandelions, crabgrass, clover. this stuff works for up toto three months. this stuff works guaranteed, or your money back. this is roundup for lawns. this stuff works. waxed. natural. sensitive. new dove ultimate antiperspirant. our unique water based formula and 6x more glycerin. helps restorskin to its best condition. new dove ultimate.
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6:54 am
eleanor wrote for the spectator about amber heard and johnny depp. quote at certain points it almost seems as one captures the others two and you as the viewers can see the squeak of sexuality that appears to be inperceptible to the court. i concur. should joe biden announce now he's not running for re-election, survey says. wow. let me tell you what surprises me about this. a lot of votes. the closeness of the marmgen because i fully expected with the cnn audience offering my perspective i would be in a distinctive minority, but that's not the case, pretty close result. continue to vote and subscribe to the newsletter. what came in from social media
6:55 am
let's take a quick look. smerconish, trump first biden should not announce -- yeah, let trump say he's not running and then biden can announce he's not either. if joe biden is serious about running you'd think he'd be raising funds already. another from social media. what do we have, catherine? last week i observed if it's the contest of the visual the nun looking white came off looking much better than the johnny man bun. based on conversation with my sirius xm radio audience my guess is the jury thinks they deserve each other, has had enough of both of them and i'd be shocked if he was successful in this case, but who the hell knows. you just couldn't make it up. thank you for watching.
6:56 am
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7:00 am
good morning to you. it is saturday, may 21st. i'm amara walker. >> great to be with you, amara. i'm boris sanchez. you are live in the "cnn newsroom." and we begin this saturday with new developments in the nationwide frenzy for baby formula and the efforts to ease a severe shortage. this is brand new video into cnn of the first batch of formula the biden administration has
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