tv CNN Newsroom Live CNN May 22, 2022 2:00am-3:00am PDT
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♪ hello and welcome to all of you watching here in the united states, canada and all around the world. i'm kim brunhuber. ahead this hour, u.s. president joe biden moves on to japan after wrapping up his visit to south korea. we're live in tokyo with the latest. and russia's war leaves its neighbors in ruins. bringing you the latest from ukraine. and i'll speak to one ukrainian parliament of rebuilding the infrastructure. and the much needed baby formula is on its way to the united states. we'll have a live report from
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where it was shipped. this is cnn. live from cnn center, this is "cnn newsroom." with kim brunhuber. u.s. president joe biden has arrived in japan after a three-day visit to south korea. air force one landed at the air base near tokyo, an hour ago to visit biden's first trip to asia as commander in chief. before leaving seoul, biden met the leader of hyundai. where he's tried to put focus on bolstering's america's security ties. the shadow of potential conflict is never far away. on saturday, the u.s. announced plans to expand military drills in response to north korea's nuclear threat. and how it can help to counter
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china's influence in the region. for more on that let's bring in blake essig and kevin liptak live in tokyo. kevin, a lot to get through with biden's first trip to asia. walk us through the second leg. >> reporter: yeah, trere really three components to this second leg of president biden's first trip to asia. the first is the u.s./japan relations. that's really the focus of tomorrow's meeting, that's a traditional courtesy call that u.s. presidents usually do when they arrive here in tokyo. and then he'll move on to meet with the prime minister kishida. that is the first time meeting face-to-face. and these tox be will be important, with a lat of the concerns that the president heard in south korea he'll hear in japan. concerns about north korea, china, security issues. of course, the u.s. has a significant military presence
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here in japan just as in south korea. they'll talk about economics, things like trade, the u.s. and japan have a significant trading relationship but there have been tumultuous times over tariffs and those sorts of things. the two men will certainly want to talk about that and come to some agreement. the president will also want to cultivate kishida as a key ally of his, they suspect they'll be working together for a long time. and he's someone who places a premium on interpersonal relationships. on tuesday, the meetings will turn more economic-focused. and the president plans to unveil this economic framework that he's been working on to sort of bring asian nations alongside the u.s. in a bloc to counter china's growing economic influence in the region. it's not a trade plan per se, it
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includes trade facets but also brazilian supply chains working to combat the anti-corrupt measures and there are a lot of questions surrounding that. we expect the president and his aides to answer some of the questions when they reveal the plan. one of the main oversiding questions is who will be joining it. that's something that we'll talk about. and the quad summit, u.s., japan, australia and india. that's sort of the reason that president biden is here in japan. that will take place on tuesday. >> turning to you, blake. with japan's foreign minister, what's he hoping to get with the meets with biden and indo-pacific leaders? >> reporter: well, kim, it's always a big deal when any sitting president visits a foreign country. from the japanese perspective this is huge domestic lick for the japanese prime minister fake keyuo kishida. so this is a chance to show the
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country that he's a respected international statesman and capable of taking relations with japan's most important ally the united states to that next level. from the u.s. perspective, joe biden, his first trip to asia is also incredibly important after four years of donald trump a period that many experts say undermined the faith, trust and confidence that key allies had in the united states. more recent list, the chaotic u.s. withdrawal from afghanistan. there are a lot of people in the world that question the political will of the united states to deploy troops abroad. take a listen. >> and the perception is you may not be able to count on the u.s., in that kind of a situation. for whatever reason. who knows what's going to happen in the u.s. but regardless, i think that japan has a very strong section of the population who don't want to be reliant on outside powers
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in order to be able to make its decisions that might or may not risk its serenity. >> reporter: well that being said, when president biden and prime minister kishida meet on monday for their bilateral meeting, we expect the two sides will release a joint statement pledging to deter china's military in the region. and for president biden to make it clear that the united states will defend japan including with the use of nuclear weapons if japan is attacked. it's worth noting a big part of that pledge to deter china falls on japan. as a result of the rise of territorial disputes with china and russia, a potential war in taiwan, and a nuclear-powered north korea, members of japan's ruling party realize they must do more to protect themselves and take a more proactive stance. domestically here in japan there's a push to expand the spending from 1.2% of gdp to
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improve capabilities as well within the framework of the country's constitution by developing a counterstrike capability, as posed to waiting for a fight to come to them. kim. >> we'll keep following it throughout the week. blake essig and kevin liptak live in tokyo for us. thanks so much. the president of poland reportedly has arrived in ukraine and will address the nation's parliament later today. he'll be the first foreign head of state to speak to lawmakers since the war began. ukraine's president met on saturday with portugal's prime minister. portugal has helped to rebuild 1,000 educational facilities that have been destroyed in the past three months of severodonetsk. the russians launched an attack overnight but repelled. and the russians blew up a key bridge in the city. and ukrainian cultural sites
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have been targeted repeatedly. including this sight here kharkiv. the mayor said the blast damaged more than 1,000 apartments and numerous schools. seven people were reportedly hurt. cnn's suzanne malveaux is standing by in ukraine. suzanne with the latest attacks on schools and cultural institutions, how are ukrainians responding? >> reporter: well, kim, i've met many ukrainians who are have been, very proud of their culture, educational institutions, the art, architecture, music and language so this gives them a great deal of pride. the president zelenskyy saying he believes the russians are trying to wipe out the ukrainian culture so this is very, very concerning. they're very passionate about this. president zelenskyy also making it very clear, very candid about the situation in the donbas. that the russians continue to escalate the attacks there. and i have met many ukrainians who feel they will do anything, any little thing, to help those
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fighters on the front lines. i met such a person, a young woman elliana who is donating these cars and driving the cars herself to the front lines. >> reporter: down a quiet dirt road in lviv, this small auto shop looks like any other, but it's playing a vital role in ukraine's civilian resistance. it's back breaking work helping this truck to head to the front lines. he normally works as a graphic designer is planning to drive it to the front lines herself. >> translator: every trip is full of emotions. full of hard work and also full of joy that i can be part of something bigger. i can bring at least some things that will make us closer to victory. >> reporter: she's been organizing cardone nations to the ukrainian military since
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russia invaded crimea in 2014. now, her efforts have increased with five trips so far this year. so, you're by yourself for 17 hours in this big vehicle. as petite as you are, are you afraid? are you concerned, you're going closer to the front line yourself. >> translator: it would be strange if i wasn't scared, because everyone is scared about their lives. but apart from the fear there's also love which is always stronger. it's the love of our mother land. >> reporter: civilians are desperate to help the army however they can. this truck now painted and ready, it's destined for donetsk in eastern ukraine. the russian troops have been shelling relentlessly for more than a month, injuring and killing thousands of civilians and battering the ukrainian forces. soldiers say donations like this have been invaluable as they
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brace for a long conflict. >> translator: it's really unpredictable. sometimes, the car might survive for one or two months, sometimes on the next day it can be under enemy fire and get destroyed. >> reporter: it's an 800-mile journey from lviv to slovyansk. it's filled eded with new unif and lots of fuel. as she packs she hopes the supplies will help those like her brother-in-law and other close friends now fighting in the east. >> translator: we had coffee two days before the war began. now, they're on the front lines. but the fact that i can help the soldiers makes me less worried. >> reporter: her treacherous journey hopefully paving the way to a free ukraine. and we've been in touch with
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yuliana, she's just hours away from slovyansk, military escalation there. we wish her, her very best, her safety, as she makes it there russians fors pummeling that area day after day, week after day. >> as she said, love is always stronger. that was great. moscow is considering exchanges the ukrainian prisoners for an oligarch. he was detained. medvedchuk had faced treason and under house arrest. he was a close ally of president putin. a critical shipment of baby formula is expected to land in the u.s. in the coming hours as
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we'll have a look here, u.s. troops in germany are packing up more than 1230 pallets of baby formula. the u.s. military flight son its way to indiana right now, carrying the shipment. it's the first delivery under the biden administration's operation fly formula as americans cope with a nationwide shortage. underscoring the nation's importance, the white house and the undersecretary will greet the flight when it lands layer to elizabeth cohen is at ramstein air base, elizabeth, it's so huge, i match sunny one shipment won't make much of a dent but is there more coming. >> reporter:? more is coming. hopefully, this shipment will help some families. i'm sure it will, 1.8 million
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bottlesch infant formula left here about six hours ago. and six hours more it's scheduled to arrive in indiana. as you said, 1.5 million bottles for the millions of babies who rely on infant formula, it's not going to take care of it. we're told to expect more flights, the next flight, i should say, could be as soon as midweek. we don't know much about that flight. except this time, instead of it being a military aircraft, it might be a commercial aircraft that contracts with the military. now, the formula that is on its way to the u.s. is a nestle product. it's hypoallergenic. a lot of the families facing some of the most critical times in the u.s. are parents of babies who have allergies, or a specific medical condition. and they really need specific types of formula. the hope is that this will help. abbott nutrition, that's the folks who make similac, that's the plant that had so many
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recalls for the plant in michigan being shuttered for food safety reasons. they say they will be able to get that plant up and running by the first week of june. you know what, kim, it's going to take them six to eight weeks more to start making product and getting it on to supermarket shelves. so parents in the u.s. are not going to be seeing a substantial, a huge difference. they're not going to see this turn around for many, many weeks. kim. >> many weeks. yeah, many children can't wait that long. we've already seen several babies admitted to hospital for issues related to the shortages. >> reporter: that's right, kim. actually babies and children. some children with medical issues and actually some adults, too, rely on the specialty formulas. and talking to parents of children where there was one specific formula they could take. it was in shortage. i talked to a mom. she had to ration it. just a horrible word. you're thinking about a sick child and their parents have to
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ration the formula that they depend on. that child was okay and there are other children who really can't take that. and they indeed ended up in the hospital and put on feeding tubes, kim. >> all right. thank you so much cnn senior medical correspondent elizabeth cohen in germany. thanks so much. u.s. president joe biden says everybody should be concerned about the spread of monkeypox. he made the comment to cnn's kaitlan collins just before his departure from korea. here's the centers for disease control says about monkeypox. it's similar to the now eradicated smallpox. it is flu-like, swelling of lymph nodes it can spread through contact with body fluids, sores contaminated clothing and bedding. and switzerland and israel among the latest countries confirming the first cases of monkeypox. at least one in each country.
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joining me now is dr. anne rimoin, doctor of epidemiology, joining me now from los angeles. thanks so much for being with us. i wanted to start with the obvious question which is how worried should we be about this. but looking into it the answer isn't necessarily very straightforward. i want to start with this. you've been studying monkeypox for decades. you warned year ago about the possibility of it becoming a much greater threat. let's start with the worst case scenario that many people might be imagining, considering what the world has been through and still going through with covid. could this spread widely, say, here in the u.s., with tens of thousands of cases or even become another global pandemic? >> look, thanks for having me. you're asking a very important question which how concerned should we be. we should definitely be concerned. it's very concerning to see all
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of these clusters of monkeypox outside of africa for the first time ever. but monkeypox is a very different disease than covid-19 which you're alluding to in terms of the global pandemic, we're going to see something like this happen. the answer is monkeypox is much less transmissible than sars 2. it requires something much different than person-to-person contact from what we know about studying this virus. so, my answer is, we need to be concerned. we don't need to be raising an alarm, beyond the fact that we need to be concerned. we need more data before we have more information. before we can really make a real judgment on what this actually means. >> all right. okay. let's go back a bit and put this into context. normally, the disease, as i understand it, is sort of contained to rural west and
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central africa. so, now unusual is what we're seeing now? and why do you think it's spreading globally now? >> well, there are several reasons that we're seeing monkeypox come up in the news more frequently. and why now, we're seeing cases hop up globally. the first thing is, we no longer have immunity to pox viruses because of this great achievement by public health for eradicating smallpox. when we eradicated smallpox, we stopped having to immunize populations. so the smallpox vaccine was eliminated from the normal schedules so the vast majority of the world has not been getting vaccinated. as a result, we just don't have immunity to pox viruses the way we do. that's why we've seen cases of amongky pox get imported from
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af africa. that's why we've seen cases increase. in fact, the case you're references is that increasing. go ahead. >> if there are more cases could we see something like in covid, is the disease could mutate and immunocompromised hosts to maybe be more virulent? >> well, here's the think about monkeypox, it's a very substantial virus. it's a lot more transmission for that kind of scenario to occur. now, of course, as we've discussed with sars-cov-2, viruses mutate when they have the ability to replicate. and certainly, seeing multiple transmissions over periods of time and potentially an
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immunocompromised host could lead to changes in this virus. so, it's very important to watch. >> so, you warned, i mean, years ago, when we were studying this, if we didn't monitor and control monkeypox in rural africa, it could spread get established maybe in animals and other countries. you said the public health setback would be difficult to reverse. so how difficult it might it have been? and how well would we go about doing it if it does become established in animal populations here? >> the thing about monkeypox it's a zoonotic disease. it's like we saw the virus from a prairie dog and went on to infect hosts. we were very lucky at that time that it didn't get into any wild
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species in the united states. and begin to start spreading in animals. so, we really want to make sure that this virus not -- you know, doesn't have the opportunity to spread beyond where it's already existing. it is something that we do need to be concerned about. this is why it's going to be very important to have very good disease surveillance. we have to identify all of the cases. we really have to understand where all of the introductions have come from. how the virus is spreading. and that's going to be how we're going to determine how best to control viruses. >> well, hopefully, with everything the world's been through, we've at least developed a more robust infrastructure for surveillance and responding to health structures like this. they will keep coming. still hay, joe biden pivots as air force one landed in
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well in tokyo, he is expected to meet with japan's emperor and prime minister before joining japan, india and australia for a meeting. the quad ally. biden's trip comes amid nuclear threat from north korea. u.s. officials say intelligent shows there is a chance they could launch a missile test while biden is in the region. later, he shrugged off concerns. russia's war on ukraine has raged nonstop for nearly three months and one clear pattern has emerged. cyst russians are systematically attacking ukrainian homes and infrastructure, as well as military areas. there is precip kharkiv have been destroyed. ukraine has accused russia of blowing up a key evacuation route bridge. russian missiles targeted an
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infrastructure site in the region which is near the polish border. russia claims it destroyed a system of weapons coming from the u.s. and europe. the town of, near kharkiv is reeling from this missile strike on its cardinal strike. the blast damage with a dozen schools and in educational facilities and apartments. new canadian parliament member is here with us. thanks so much for being here with us. as we have just shown here, the catalog of damage, i mean, it's so extensive. some areas, obviously, much more than others. president zelenskyy said recently that the donbas region had been completely destroyed. so, give us a sense of how things stand from your point of view. >> hello. glory to ukraine. russians try to erase towns and villages and ukraine.
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it has been mentioned. kharkiv, donetsk, unfortunately, it's the south. every day, every night, missiles from crimea and from the red affront russian federation have [inaudible] missiles, bombings civilian districts and on civilian promises. that's been done by russia, aggressive or. >> according to your president, some 1000 institutions of education have been destroyed since the start of the war. i mean, that's just one sector that's really been affected here. what is it going to take to rebuild? how long might that take? >> first of all, discussing buildings, we have to sue putin. that is why we appreciate the usa for [inaudible] and
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weaponry. we need more to get russian military troops away from our territory. educational institutions have been attacked, also around 300 hospitals, medical centers have been destroyed. that is why we appreciate when we get weapons as much as we have. also, sanctions. put the snow that europe, all these countries, are going to provide sanctions. on oil and gas. on one side, this country wants to finish the war. on the other side, they finance oil and gas. we would like them to use this opportunity, choose this opportunity, the summer, to turn to different ways and not to finance the war.
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the deutsche bank is paying russian troops and russian soldiers. you know, you cannot be sanction oil and gas, that this will not only continue, but also extend the war too muddle the and other countries. that is why we have to think strategically. >> ukrainian infrastructure is not just important for the country itself, but for the rest of the world because of how much food that ukraine produces. president zelenskyy spoke about this yesterday. here he is. >> there will be a crisis in the world. the second crisis after the energy crisis provoked by russia. now, it will make a food crisis. this will be the case if we do not block the roads for ukraine. it will not only affect the countries of europe and asia
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that need this food. >> that underscores what is at stake not just for ukraine, but for the rest of the world, as he said. >> absolutely. the president of ukraine, also the general mentioned that [inaudible] will have problems. that is why this problem is the whole world because the food crisis is not only about ukraine. it's not only for this year, but they think that all of the leaders, and i'm sure that they have discussed, we have to find a solution to provide a coalition to guarantee and provide and help ukraine export grain another products because of the convoy, on the u.s.
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convoy, another convoys, we've agreed with other partners. this is not only this year, as i we had to think strategically. unfortunately, russia, you see that they are blocking the seas. that is part of their strategy. to block the sea and part of the world because of putin and the invasion. >> that is why there's so many efforts to come to some arrangement for gray to come out of the ports their own ships. poland's president will be addressing your parliament today, the first foreign leader to do so since the start of the war. obviously, poland, a huge partner in terms of assistance, helping shelter millions of displaced ukrainians. what is the significance of this isn't? >> just behind me, the plenary hall where he is going to have a speech. we really appreciate his words
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and actions and visiting ukraine because it shows such solidarity, presence. ukrainian forces, it's very sensitive and we're grateful because of the support on the ground and in the capital of ukraine. of course, the 2.6 million ukrainians are now displaced in poland. they have social benefits, medical care. also, poland is our advocate in getting candidacy discussions in the european union. and we know that president uplands has such a plan to visit the capital, he still thinks that probably there will be some other level candidacy for ukraine that he would advocate [inaudible],,.
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that we will get candidacy in june. it must be very strong and a great decision for germany and for france. >> i know that that is an issue that you have been advocating for a long time. certainly hope you get your support that you need. maria, thank you so much. >> thank you. thank you. thank you. >> russia's war on ukraine is impacting economies around the world. farmers are coping with rising costs, struggling to produce the country's more famous and popular cheeses. >> from its picturesque shoreline,, the naxos island of is a scene of quaint beauty. but the lifeblood of this greek island is that risk, as its agricultural community suffers the impacts of the war about 1800 kilometers away.
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as the conflict in ukraine tries the rising cost of feed, fuel, and fertilizer. farms on this island can't afford to maintain their livestock. they are forced to sacrifice their most precious assets. >> i have had to start slaughtering the animals that make westbrook's that i can preserve the ones that make more, look otherwise we can't feed them because the prices of animal feet are so high >> now one of the island's most popular local product is at risk of disappearing. the famed gravity era cheese. more than 300 cows have been slaughtered. more than 3000 sheep and goats. milk has gone down 7 to 8 times a day. that could reach ten times a day. that translates into less of a final product. the graviera, a hard cheese that takes its name from swiss gruyère he is protected by the
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european union's protected designation of origin label, which means it can only be made on this island with milk from local livestock. from max owes, the distinctive cheese is exported to the mainland, as well as countries including france, germany, the u.s., and the uae. but soon, the pale yellow wheels of grab era may disappear from supermarket shelves altogether. >> under these conditions, if livestock breeding well and on our island, farmers will be forced to end up slaughtering all the animals. we are disappointed, we are desperate. >> the head of the local agriculture union estimates total production of -- could fall by 30% this year as global crisis surge. the cost to import livestock feed went up about $70 last year to $240. an insurmountable press increased for many farmers who fear could have a lasting impact. the conflict in ukraine creating an agricultural crisis on naxos island, where the flagship cheese and forms that created, then one day be a thing of the pass.
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ahead, a major power shift in australia. the voters showed scott morrison and his conservative coalition the door. we will have a look at who will be leading the country next. stay with us. based on clinical data, i recommend salonpas. agreed... my patientnts like these patches becacause they work for up to 12 hours, even on moderate pain. salonpas. it's good medicine
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you are looking at anthony albany's e, the next prime minister of australia. voters picked the labour party over scott morrison's conservative coalition to lead australia. for more on this, let's bring on cnn's dana coren. a new prime minister means plenty of challenges ahead, even just a foreign government. take us through what led to the first labor government -- >> the polls certainly suggest this is going to be a close election anthony albanese in
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the labor party will form a majority government. it looks like 76 seats of the 151 in the house of representatives. they needed 76 to go across the line informant outright majority. it's not the landslide they're hoping for, but nor is the minority government many predicted. albanese will be allowed to enforce his vision on australia, which is what people want. they want change. this is what we saw. the 59 year old, when he gave his acceptance speech, was very emotional. he talked about wanting to unify australia and represent all australians. i should mention, this election result really isn't necessarily about embracing anthony albanese, who has been a longtime veteran of australian politics, but rather a sharp rebuke of the outgoing scott
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morrison, who voters saw as pugnacious, wanted to get rid of his conservative party. >> meet anthony albanese, australia's 31st prime minister. >> tonight, the australian people will have voted for change. i am humbled by this victory and i'm honored to be given the opportunity to serve as the 31st prime minister of australia. >> many down under were fed up with scott morrison. seen as lacking empathy and integrity. >> all anthony had to do is none of the things that scott has done. >> with such a low bar, he's prevented --
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like spending more pay on higher taxes or education. >> my whole life, i believe that labor governments make positive changes. >> raised by a single mother in public housing, albanese is a working class stalwart of the parties left faction. many expected him to announce bold strategies on climate change, but instead, he's keeping to what he says is economical. a 43% mission dropped by 2030. that perceived lack of ambition has driven many voters to environmentally minded independence, who may still hold the balance of power after saturday's vote. >> a lot of people are moving towards dissatisfaction with the current political system. >> as australians gets no their new government, there's not long for the world to wait to find out about anthony albanese. his first test comes tuesday at the board meeting in tokyo,
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when he meets president joe biden and other allies. >> albanese will be sworn in on monday morning, we should also mention there's been a seismic shift towards the independence in the minor parties, whose focus is very much about climate change and integrity in governments. something that albanese ease said he will certainly be addressing. >> from heat waves to freak snowstorms extreme weather and battling the u.s. this weekend. cnn meteorologist derek van damme explains what's up just ahead, stay with us. ahead, stay with us. ihoppy hour starting at $6 at 3pm only from ihop. download the app and join the rewards program today.y. my sister's mamanaging a lot, including her type 2 diabetes. but she's found new ways to stay on top of it all. once-weekly trulicity is proven to help lower a1c and it canelp you lose up to 10 pounds. trulicity is for type 2 diabetes.
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latuda was proven to significantly reduce bipolar depression symptoms and in clinical studies, had no substantial impact on weight. this is where i want to be. call your doctor about sudden behavior changes or suicidal thoughts. antidepressants can increase these in children and young adults. elderly dementia patients have increased risk of death or stroke. report fever, confusion, stiff or uncontrollable muscle movements, which may be life threatening or permanent. these aren't all the serious side effects. now i'm back where i belong. ask your doctor if latuda is right for you. pay as little as zero dollars for your first prescription.
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extreme weather is hitting u.s. this weekend, new mexico, the largest wildfire in state history is burning into its sixth week. 300,000 acres have been charred as only 40% contained. across the rest of u.s., 170 million people have been smelting under temperatures of 90 degrees fahrenheit or higher. that's more than 32 degrees celsius. with me now to make sense of this is cnn meteorologist derek van damme. they eric, was behind all this. >> it's not even memorial day
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him talking with all this heat already. just at the direction of the wind. where is coming from? it's originating down south. let's bring in that community all the way into the coast, prompting the national weather service to place these heat advisories. we'll show you that is one second. yesterday, we had 12 or more high temperatures that were tied or shattered. here's some notable examples. virginia, 95 the first was 93. we had a record high in georgetown, delaware. 25 million americans under this heat advisory today. that means evs of outside, will feel close to 100 degrees. that's very warm. new york city, you're not exactly included in this. the downtown region of manhattan is not included in this. roughly 35 million americans in the population indices. this afternoon, the feels like temperature, the heat index, is what it feels like when you step outside. richmond, 36 philadelphia, 95.
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that's why you're included in that heat advisory. there is really, this we want to see, the mercury in the thermometer related to take a nosedive this time of year. upper 70s and lower 80s. with this collision of air masses, we have had a round of severe weather. yesterday was a tough day for many locations. 166 reports of wind damage across the eastern and central u.s.. that's thanks to this cold front drove along the eastern seaboard. that is prompting another day of some severe storms. we have a slight risk for northern new england, into vermont, as well as maine. damaging hail, more of a marginal risk stretching into the southeast u.s. including here in atlanta georgia. i'd be remiss to actually mention this. we had actually two feet of snow. what a difference. in colorado, we're talking about heat wave. on the east coast, and a winter snowstorm in colorado. that is an impressive snowfall
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total for this late in the season. i'll leave you with this incredible imagery coming out of lone tree, colorado. i'm going to kona new term here. -- derek van damme, thanks so much. >> that wraps this hour of cnn newsroom. in north america, need is next. for international viewers, living golf's -- what are you recommending for muscle pain?
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