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tv   Don Lemon Tonight  CNN  May 24, 2022 9:00pm-10:00pm PDT

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point. there's also been churches opening statement their doors offering prayer services throughout this evening tonight. we do know tomorrow night at the fairplex just up the road three miles from where we are there's going to be a mass vigil. they're expecting around 1,000 people to be showing up at 7:00 tomorrow. that will be another opportunity for families who've been aff affected, this community to come together. >> lee walden on the scene from our affiliate ksat. thank you, lee. i want to bring in ed lavandera and evan perez. they both join us. ed, good evening to both of you. evan, let's start with evan first. evan, you have been talking i don't your sources about this investigation. i understand you're getting some information. what do you have for us? >> reporter: don, you know, one of the things we're still trying to gather from federal law enforcement that is over there is a little bit more about this time line of how this shooting occurs. at this point we only know from
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the department of public safety that he drives into a ditch. this is after the shooting where the grandmother is shot. sometime after that he's in this incident where the car ends up in a ditch, and then somehow manages to get past the shootout with law enforcement there to get into the school and kills these 19 kids. so that's what we know at this point. we don't know very much about the motivation. we know from law enforcement that that is focus right now, talking to people who are in touch with him on some of the social media. we heard now from some people who were in touch with him who talked about him being a quiet person, a loner, so to speak,
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and he was able to purchase these firearms legally. that's now the focus of federal law enforcement to try to support the work there of the local authorities that are doing this investigation. >> we're learning about the shooter. according to a classmate, he had been bullied, that he worked at a local fast food place. what else are you learning about him? >> right, yeah. that's right. one of his classmates says that that he worked at a wendy's, a former classmate talked about him being quiet and he was bullied. it's not clear what exactly he was being bullied over. he describes a very tough home life for the shooter. there is a coworker who describes that he, again, worked at a local wendy's, didn't interact very much with his coworkers. again, what we're getting a picture of, don, is somebody who perhaps kept to himself and had
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some kind of obsession with firearms recently. that doesn't exactly explain what happened today and how this incident goes from, again, a shooting at the grandmother's house to a shooting that kills all of these kids and their classrooms there today. that doesn't quite explain what happened today. >> evan, also the fbi is warning about a rise in roving shooters. explain what this is and how it applies to this attack? >> just in the last 24 hours, the fbi released this report. 61 active shooter incidents in 2021. that's up more than 50% compared to 2020, don. one phenomenon that the fbi identifies in this report that they issued yesterday is this concept of roving shooters, people who not only carry out shooting in one location, but multiple locations. that's kind of what happened here today, according to police.
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carries out a shooting in the grandmother's home and then goes to another location and this is where the mass casualty happens today. so it fits into the pattern that the fbi is seeing. it's very, very concerning, obviously. it's much harder for law enforcement to do anything about it if you are doing multiple locations for these types of incidents. again, something that only happens in america. >> ed, to you. similar question to what i asked to evan there. again, a classmate of the shooter saying that he was bullied about the way he dressed and his family's financial situation. and then there's a coworker apparently from the fast food place where he worked who was speaking out as well. >> yeah. probably that coworker was talking about how this shooter had worked a day shift. he's supposed to be a senior in high school but had been working a day shift as far as she knew dating back until february.
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so raises real questions as to whether or not this suspect was even attending classes and what kind of way was he attending school and what kind of supervision that he had before he turned 18 just a short while ago. and then that really kind of leads to the questions of what the state senator from the uvalde area was telling us, that this gunman went on his 18th birthday and bought these assault-style rifles almost as a way of celebrating his 18th birthday. when we had those pictures of that weaponry, which could very well be the weapons that were used in the attack at the school today. >> we're also learning, ed, about officers and border agents being injured responding to the shooting. what do you know about that? >> we understand that a number of customs and border protection officers were some of the first agents and officers in law enforcement to respond there to
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the scene at the shooting. this isn't totally out of the norm. remember, uvalde is a town halfway between san antonio basically and the u.s./mexico border. this is an area that is swarming with all different types of law enforcement agencies. so it is not out of the ordinary to be driving through the streets of uvalde and see border patrol agents or federal agents. so when the alert goes out that something like this is happening, it's not uncommon to see state troopers, border patrol agents respond to the scene. we were told one of the border patrol agents was shot in the head, but is going to be okay, that it is not a life-threatening injury. >> ed, evan, thank you so much. appreciate that. i want to bring in cnn national security analyst anthony barksdale. anthony and juliet, good evening to both of you. anthony, what are the most important things that law enforcement officials are doing tonight to determine why this gunman opened fire in that
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elementary school? >> well, they have to execute search warrants, gather as much evidence as they can. what computer was he on, social media, they can go into social media and figure out the conversations he was having. we're only looking for motive. they also have to take a look at the fact that now this is the second incident that we know of where the shooters, these young shooters are coming in -- and killing elderly black people. they're killing kids and wearing body armor. so this is something where law enforcement executives have to say, look, if these shooters are coming in and taking this many lives this fast and now officers are shooting them, making contact with them, or the off-duty officer in buffalo actually hit the suspect but he didn't stop him, then what are
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we doing to stop these individuals when we confront them the next time? because there's going to be a next time. >> juliet, you want to respond? i see that -- i think you're shaking your head in agreement with what anthony is saying? >> yeah that's exactly right. there's no amount of preparation, training, exercises, all the things that law enforcement does, guns, arming more people that would stop this. i mean, it's just -- the facts are clear. you could have armed -- evacuated former police officer, as they had in buffalo, who actually shoots the perpetrator and still can't stop the murders in time. you have totally vulnerable young children at a school that may or may not have had someone actively engaged with. we're still learning how many police officers may have been there. this kind of weaponry is intended to kill, kill, and then
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kill quickly. until we sort of -- you know. the motive is going to be important. everything else is important, but we just have to get to the basic fact. as anthony was saying, they're still engaging with guns and it's still not working. so the idea of arming more people, the burden is on those saying this to say how is that going to be helpful. >> anthony, based on what you are learning about the time line here, about how he crashed his car in a ditch by the school, does it seem like he intended to go there? >> i'm really not sure at this point, don. but the point is, whether he intended to go there or not, we see the horrible results. if he was heading to another location, could he have done even more damage? could he have taken more lives? i don't know. but we do know what he did there
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at that location. i do think about what could have been possibly changed if the school had a drill for this type of incident. did the cops know how to form what we call the package where they all come together to go in and get him? but we're seeing the cops were wounded. those poor little kids, the teachers, the grandmother. this is a crisis, and we're just not seeing enough from leadership on this issue at this time. >> listen, it's refreshing to hear both of you earlier and the candor you have been speaking about this with. >> yeah. >> and i can see that it's deeply affecting you, anthony, and you, juliet. when you said earlier, look, this is a reality that parents were identifying the bodies of their little kids, i was like it's a exactly what is happening. you said the word shooting is too sanitary for what happened. >> it's too sanitized.
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so here's what we know where we are right now. and i'm going to just be graphic for obvious reasons. so the families now know that they lost a child. we heard the reporting. because all the children in hospitals have been identified and their parents are with them. so all family unification is done at this stage. there are 18 family doies that their child has died. >> 19 now. >> excuse me, 19 bodies that are -- that are -- that have -- have been shot by a gun, that destroys adult males. and you can only imagine what it does to kids. so you got the 19 bodies and the 19 families. but no definite match yet. you got to get those bodies and the parents are now getting dna from hair brushes, from tooth brushes, from hair, whatever they have at home, because now you're going to have to get that identification.
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that is what is going on overnight now. it is past midnight now, and all the family knows is that my child is dead and the bodies have not been removed. and so we just -- we have to be graphic about it because otherwise then, oh, it's another one, oh, it's another one, and i think it's important. i was thinking i had to move places. i came to the studio and i was thinking i have three children. like, what feature of each of them would i be able to know that only a parent knows that would let me identify them? the birthmark on the thigh, the scar on a wrist because of a biking accident, whatever it is. that's what these parents are going through. what identification -- because they may not be able to identified simply by facial features. that's -- that's the reality of what those families are going through. >> what are you thinking, anthony? >> i think that what juliet has said throughout these horrible
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tragedies, it's been absolutely true from there's no lone wolf to the damage that a 5.56 round or 223 round can do to a small child. the damage is so significant. i've seen it in adults, and to think that this happens to little kids, it's -- it's -- it's just too much. so that's what i'm thinking, don. >> thank you both. be well. >> thank you. >> thank you. just three days ago, this photo of two ar15-style rifles appeared on the instagram account of the suspected gunman. scott, thank you for joining us. >> thank you, don. i appreciate the invitation. >> we don't know yet if these
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weapons were the exact guns used in the attack today, but lots of these ar15-style weapons have been used of late in these shootings. talk about that. >> so the ar15 is incredibly common. there are probably anin excess 100 companies that manufacture that rifle and people refer to them as ar15s. as some of your other guests discussed, it's magazine-fed rifle that uses 5.56 millimeter .223 caliber bullet. you can get anything from five-round magazines all the way up to 100-round drum magazines. so they have a lot of fire power. they can be bought fairly cheaply. you can pick up an ar15 clone for as little as $500 or $600, all the way up to, you know, well in excess of $1,500 for
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some varieties. but it's very popular for people to use, and unfortunately it's becoming very popular in some of these shootings. >> yeah. why? why is a weapon like that available? do you think it should be available? >> so without getting into the politics of this because that's obviously a fraught discussion, i can tell you that the government did try to ban these back in 1994. they had what's commonly called colloquially called the assault rifle ban. and that bill , that law sunseted automatically in 2004. there were some efforts to resurrect it, but really it was based on cosmetic features, things that could be very quickly modified by firearms manufacturers. in fact, they were immediately
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modified, so really even before the law was established, it was largely ineffective. and i want to say, don, there were ten prosecutions naattempt in ten years. >> how long do you think it may have taken for the suspect to cause this type of carnage with this assault-style weapon? >> it was all over in minutes. that's really one of the reasons why law enforcement had to change their tactics. so back in the day, it used to be people would -- law enforcement would try to 2008 suspect out or try and negotiate with him. that is not effective, and right now -- and you've seen this, don, for several years. whether you're a single police officer there or you have
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backup, you have to go in and you have to try to stop the killing because when you have a magazine-fed rifle, as it appears this shooter has, and you also have a handgun, you can kill a tremendous number of people very, very quickly. so they've really got to get in there and stop the person. but obviously, even though they were there incredibly fast, it was not enough to prevent this -- this tragedy that keeps occurring in the united states. >> that was the reason that i asked you the previous question about should these be available to everyone besides law enforcement. or members of the military. let's move on and talk about something else. authorities say that the suspected gunman was also wearing body armor during this shooting. you say that used to be unheard of. why? >> it did used to be unheard of.
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i was an agent in los angeles in the '90s when the infamous hollywood shootout happened. that was a scary moment for law enforcement because lapd was not expecting to encounter people armed with machine guns and really from head to toe in body armor. those sorts of things have been very rare, but unfortunately they have started to pick up recently. the buffalo shooter, for instance, who murdered ten people or is accused of murdering ten people, he was wearing body armor. the aurora theater shooting, he had body armor. san bernardino. so it appears that this is becoming somewhat more common, and that's going to make it even tougher for law enforcement to go in and try to stop these killers when they're terrorizing our schools. >> so they are literally -- this
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type of tactical gear, they're literally outgunned, law enforcement, and sort of -- it puts them in a position when they can't even put down the suspect in these kinds of attacks. >> it sure makes it difficult. typical police body armor, like what i used to wear as an atf agent is signed the to stop pistol rounds. so what happened in the case of buffalo is apparently the shooter had rifle plates. he had military-type plates that some law enforcement agencies use as well, which then makes it almost impossible to take them down unless you incapacitate them by hitting them in the head or hitting them somewhere else. and that's a scary thing for law enforcement to encounter because literally the type of weapons that most law enforcement are carrying when they first get on these scenes is unable to stop
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that person unless they hit them somewhere where they're not wearing body armor. and i will say it appears the border patrol tactical agent, the bore tack guy that showed up, bore tack is very often armed with m 4 carvings, which a select version of the ar-15 and they were able to stop this person before he killed even more people. >> just so people -- you know, the question is, scott, what is the solution? what can stop this? if the country won't do anything or lawmakers won't do anything at these assault-style weapons -- we talked about the assault weapons ban and that was sunseted and so on and so forth. what is the solution as someone who should be able to answer, what do we do? >> i've been talking to friends of mine both in law enforcement and outside of law enforcement since this happened.
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and i'll be honest with you, i don't think anybody has a good reason to be optimistic that we're going to be able to solve this. there are 400 million firearms in the united states. the vast majority of them are not criminally misused. but when you have people willing to criminally misuse them, as was the case here, they can cause absolute carnage with them. so you can -- there's been talk of putting armed personnel, off-duty or retired police or military in the schools to kind of act as a sheepdog to be there to prevent these shootings because there's simply not enough law enforcement, active due to law duty law enforcement to cover all these schools. i think hardening the schools by putting fencing around them so that you control the access is something else. but i think more than anything, don, you're talking about a
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mental health crisis in this country where, you know, young men who have a propensity for violence and easy access to guns are able to act out on these crazed fantasies or plans that they have, and they're able to do wit with increasing lethality. so i don't think it's going to be any one thing that's a silver bullet that stops this carnage. >> oh, boy. so the schools become prison like. when i was in elementary school, it was just us and the nuns, not even a fence. >> i was telling someone earlier today, the high school i went to was a completely open campus. you could come and go as you please. last time i saw it it looked like a penitentiary. people don't want the schools to look like a jail. >> maybe a fence, but there was no gate to lock it. it was just a border.
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thank you very much. i appreciate it, scott, thank you. >> thank you, don, pri. america in mourning for 19 little kids and two adults shot to death in their elementary school and if we don't do something, it's going to keep happening. >> we have to have the courage to take action, and understand the nexus between what makes for reasonable and sensible public policy to ensure something like this never happens again.
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19 children, two adults dead after a shooting at a small town texas elementary school. earlier tonight i spoke with kim hammond, an uvalde resident who lives just houses away from the school. i just want you to hear what she told me about her community and what can be done to stop anything like this from happening again. >> let's talk about your experience because the school is just two houses over from where you live, close enough, in fact, that you usually hear the kids when they're out at p.e.. can you walk me through what you heard and saw unfold around your
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house this afternoon? >> sure. i just sat down for lunch. i don't know the exact time. i didn't look at the clock. but it must have been around 11:25, 11:30. and something just didn't feel right. i don't know if i had, like, sensed something or i heard something. and i just dismissed it. but when i sat down, i thought i heard a couple pop, pops. in my brain i said that sounds like gunfire. and then i thought maybe the neighbor just dropped some 2 x 4s or something, and i just dismissed it. i went about eating my lunch. and then my living room started to shake. and then there was a helicopter right above my house and i thought, oh, okay, there must be something going on. so i went outside and there was a helicopter just circling over the house and around the school. and i thought maybe it was border patrol and i thought, well, we must have some human trafficking runners again.
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they've hidden in the backyards here before. and so i just locked my screen door and as i was coming in, i saw all this action out in front of the house. so i ran out front and that's when i saw guys in tactical gear. the first vehicles i saw were border patrol vehicles. then i saw that there was texas state trooper vehicles. and then i saw uvalde county police vehicles and uvalde city police vehicles. it was a lot of law enforcement converging on this neighborhood. so i walked back inside, locked my door, and got on facebook. got on the uvalde city police department facebook and it said safety alert, large police presence at robb elementary school. and i thought, oh, my gosh. so they were gesture warning the public to stay away, and that's basically the only information that we had until they updated
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again and said that this was an active shooter situation. i had folks texting me asking me if i was okay because they said that they had arrested one guy, but there was another guy that was -- his accomplice was out loose, you know, how bad news travels fast. it was fortunate that it was wrong news. but we still didn't know that this guy was actually in the school. and then i started counting the ambulances. that's when i thought, oh, this is really grave because if they only shot the shooter, why did they need seven, then eight, then nine ambulances? and then -- yeah, that was that. >> reality set in. >> yeah. yeah, it did. you know, it's just -- it's an emotional thing that when sandy
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hook happened, i think the whole nation took it hard because these were little kids, you know. who is going to kill little kids like this on purpose? and then to have it happen again, don, it's just -- what the hell are we doing, you know? if every red-blooded american is not just p.o.'ed right now, there's something gravely wrong. so yesterday i got back from the grocery store, and they were playing on the speakers at this school pomp and c"pomp and circ they were having a celebration for these kids and i didn't know what it was, but i was humming the song all day. and then today this blew into my driveway out of one of the parents' cars. they were having a celebration of perfect attendance and awards, and you know those little kids were so proud to be able to get those awards yesterday.
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and then today -- today they're just happy to get on the school bus and get out of that school. >> you're going to stay? >> oh, yeah. yeah, i'll stay and do everything i can to help in any way i can help. they said they got everything they need right now, but there is a blood drive tomorrow, so i will go participate in that. and just do whatever i can. might even just hug a neighbor i never introduced myself to before. >> listen, we've been talking about sandy hook. earlier you told my producers after the massacre at sandy hook that you vowed never to own a high-powered rifle. >> i did. >> why? >> oh. i'm an army veteran. i packed around an m16 during desert storm. and i had a reason to pack that weapon around. i don't have any desire for myself anymore to have anything
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to do with those now that i'm in the civilian world. i just really adamantly disagree with the sale of these to anybody but law enforcement or military or, you know, anybody in law enforcement, somebody in the line of duty, in your job that you need to protect yourself and the public, absolutely. what do we need to go hunting with an ar-15 for? you know? it's a .22 caliber weapon. you have to shoot something three times and it's going to bleed out. oh, it's my right. well, yeah, sure, it's your right. but unfortunately your right is putting these guns in the wrong hands. that's my opinion, my opinion only. i'll take a lot of flak for that. i really don't care at this point. yeah.
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our rights are just getting -- it's just -- honestly, don, it's stupid. it's stupid. i believe in the second amendment, i absolutely do, and people are going to say how can you believe in the -- but i don't believe in assault rifles. the only reason they're manufactured is to be able to squeeze out as many bullets as you can squeeze out of that trigger. so if you're shooting at targets, that's great, but when you're shooting at little kids, it really ticks me off. >> that was kim earlier this evening. she also told me that if you know someone who may be suffering from their mental health and they have access to firearms, to say something and to just let somebody know. doing that could save lives. so what did former president barack obama have to say tonight? we'll talk about next.
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former president barack obama responding to the massacre in the texas elementary school tonight, saying, quote, nearly ten years after sandy hook and step days after buffalo, our country is paralyzed, not by fear, but by a gun lobby and the political party that have shown no willingness to act in any way that might help prevent these tragedies. let's discuss now. cnn's senior political analysts
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john avlon and ron brownstein join me. gentlemen, good evening to you. 19 children now dead nearly a decade after sandy hook, nothing has changed. if not now, when? >> that was the frustration you heard from president biden. raw pain and frustration. that's what we heard from senator chris murphy. what are we doing? what are we doing as a nation when we see in effect another sandy hook? i got kids this age. and the fact that we have become numb to the. a -- amount of violence, that gun violence is the leading cause of death for children in america and we feel there is nothing that can be done. and there are areas that have super majority report that would make a dent. preventing people from getting guns, national background checks, more red flag laws,
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things we can and should do. and that's the test. are we going to be indifferent to this slaughter of children again? >> when you look at it, the last pew research poll that shows 60% of americans back assault-style weapons and 90% are in favor of extended background checks. why isn't anything change, ron, if the majority of americans want some sort of sensible legislation? >> gun control has clearly as any other issues, don, really underscores the crisis of majority rule that we are facing. after sandy hook, president obama proposed your life background checks. it came to a vote in the senate. half of each state's population to a senator. it represented 194 million people. the senators who opposed it represented 118 million people. that's as decisive a split you
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can get, yet the 118 million prevailed because of the filibuster. if you look at the 20 states where gun ownership is the highest per capita, they account for two-thirds of republicans in the senate. 20 states where gun ownership is the lowest per capita account for two-thirds of the democrats in the senate. the low gun ownership states have about 130 more million people than the high gun ownership states. but because of the senate rules, the two senators per state, they have equal power in the senate, and the filibuster in effect gives a veto to small, rural, heavily gun owning states over a national policy that as you know is clearly supported by a majority of the population. it's true on other issues, climate, abortion, and immigration. but on gun control it may be the most pointed and consequential.
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>> i don't know how you feel about abortion rights, but on this issue the right to life, the sanctity of life wouldn't matter? >> it would not to see consistency of that. life, liberality, the pursuit of he wants a, those are things when a gun goes into a child. the mass shootings that have outnumbered days so far, that we have become numb to this. as ron points out, we don't need to be paralyzed this way, but it's people putting ideology over individual life. that's the sanctity of life we should be focusing on. i don't want to get into arcane conversations about the filibuster or anything else right now, but we cannot feel as a self-governing society that we're unable to confront these problems. that's where we are right now. but that's on us. that's on the senators and members of congress who've been
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cowed by an nra. >> is this whole issue of mental health -- do you think that's a copout? >> yeah because it's only part of the answer, right? as others have said, other countries have people dealing with mental health issues. what they don't have is comparable access to guns that allows people with mental health issues to wreck this kind of carnage in the society. one does not preclude the other. you can talk about more red flag laws and better mental health treatment and also make it harder for people to acquire weapons of war that they can use to kill this many innocents this fast. i mean, really, you know, when former president obama used the word paralyzed, that's exactly the right word, we're immobilized. the question is on so many fronts -- and gun control as clear as any -- can we get around structures in our system, rules in the senate that allow a
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clear minority to block action on issues year after year despite the opinions of the majority? and that is the broader crisis we face that has paralyzed and prevented us from dealing with this epidemic of gun violence. >> gentlemen, thank you so much. i appreciate it. golden state warriors coach steve kerr refusing to talk about basketball tonight. what he is talking about instead, next. >> i'm so tired of -- excuse me. i'm sorry. i'm tired of the moments of silence. enough.
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what's it like having xfinity internet? it's beyond gig-speed fast. so gaming with your niece, has never felt more intense. hey what does this button do? no, don't! we're talking supersonic wi-fi. three times the bandwidth and the power to connect hundreds of devices at once. that's powerful. couldn't said it better myself. you just did. unbeatable internet from xfinity. made to do anything so you can do anything. whoa.
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another unspeakable loss of innocent life to gun violence in america. and for millions around the country, the news from texas has been met not just with heartbreak, but with anger. a boiling disbelief that nearly a decade after 20 children and six adults were killed in sandy hook, this could happen over and over again. and a feeling that the words, thoughts, and prayers are nowhere near enough for our leaders anymore. golden state warriors coach steve kerr subjmming up that feeling in a powerful speech
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tonight. >> when are we going to do something? i'm tired. i'm so tired of getting up here and offering condolences to the devastated families that are out there. i'm so tired of -- excuse me. i'm sorry. i'm tired of the moments of silence. enough. and i want every person here, every person listening to this to think about your own child or grandchild or mother or father, sister, or brother. how would you feel if this happened you to today? we can't get numb to this. we can't sit here and just read about it and go, well, let's have a moment of silence. yeah, go dubs. come on, mavs, let's go. that's what we're going to do, and 50 summers are going to hold us hostage. do you realize 90% of americans regardless of political party
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want universal background checks? 90% of us are being held hostage by 50 senators in washington who refuse to even put it to a vote despite what we, the american people, want. they won't vote on it because they want to hold on to their own power. it's pathetic. i've had enough. >> not the only one who has had enough. americans keep dying and they deserve better. and steve kerr is not alone in having to change the subject. sesame street having to step away from abcs tonight, instead havingng to give your kids advi how to talk about shooting. ♪ my relationship with my credit cards wasn't good. i got into debt in college and, no matter how much i paid, it followed me everywhere. between e high interest, the fees...
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9:53 pm
for state controller, only yiu will save taxpayers money. wait, who, me? me? no, not you. yvonne yiu. yvonne yiu. not me. good choice. for 25 years, yiu worked as an executive at top financial firms. managed hundreds of audits. as mayor, she saved taxpayers over $55 million. finding waste. saving money. because... yiu is for you. yiu is for you. exactly. yvonne yiu. democrat for controller. fanduel and draftkings, two out of state corporations making big promises to californians. what's the real math behind their ballot measure for online sports betting? 90% of profits
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go to the out of state corporations permanently. only eight and a half cents is left for the homeless. and in virginia, arizona, and other states, fanduel and draftkings use loopholes to pay far less than was promised. sound familiar? it should. it's another bad scheme for california. mass shootings devastate communities but they take an especially grim toll when children are targeted like they were in that texas elementary school today. it can be hard for your kids in your life to understand what is happening at a time like this, so the folks at sesame street trying to help. tweeting out this message and i quote, our thoughts are with our friends in texas.
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you are not alone. for caregivers it can be hard to help little ones understand and cope with the effects of violence. but limiting social media exposure is a good place to start. unfortunately, it's not the first time they've felt the need to give children advice to help process the violence happening in the world around them. like this clip from 2021. >> these are tough issues and they might come to you with tough questions. you can start by letting them tell you and encouraging them to talk and share and most of all you keep them safe and be there to listen. >> we all wish children never needed to talk about something like this, but violence keeps finding its way into our school. and tomorrow in texas grade schoolers will be waking up missing their friends. so that community and this country will need to find a way to be there for them.
9:56 pm
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10:00 pm
this is cnn breaking news. hello. i'm john vause at the cnn center in atlanta. in southwest texas a lone gunman has shot and killed at least 19 children and two adults. the gunman is also among the dead killed by law enforcement with an investigation now under way to try and find a motive in his killing spree. he's been identified by police as 18-year-old salvador ramos. three sources telling cnn his first victim was his grandmother. she was airlifted to the hospital in critical condition. in texas about 90 minutes west of san antonio not far from the mexico border. 90% of


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