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tv   CNN Newsroom Live  CNN  May 27, 2022 12:00am-1:00am PDT

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hello, welcome to our viewers joining us in the united states and all around the world. you are watching cnn "newsroom." texas police are facing intense scrutiny over their response to the uvalde school massacre as we learn the gunman entered the school without any resistance. and it took more than an hour for officers to shoot and kill him. authorities say during that incredibly painful 60 minutes, police were calling for back up.
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evacuating students and teachers from other parts of the school. even negotiating with the suspect. but they didn't have enough information on his exact location for an immediate take down. video from the school from outside the school meantime shows parents screaming at police to storm the school. the "wall street journal" talked to one parent who says she was put in handcuffs. police tackled another parent and threw them to the ground. and a third was pepper sprayed. police insist their actions inside the school did save lives. >> the american people need to understand that officers are making entry into the building. they do not know where the gunman is. they're hearing gunshots, they're receiving gunshots. at that point, if they proceeded any further not knowing where this suspect was at, they could have been shot. they could have been killed. at that point that gunman would
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have the opportunity to kill other people inside the school. >> video posted oen facebook shows the gunman, 18-year-old salvador ramos entering the school on tuesday. the source tells cnn the teacher confirms the school was not on lock down before ramos got inside. that is significant. he fired shots ot two people outside a full 12 minutes earlier. still no lock down. more now on the investigation from cnn. >> reporter: two days after the mass shooting at rob elementary the story of what happened when the gunman arrived on campus has changed. >> there's a will the of possibilities. i don't have enough information to answer the question. just yet. >> the new details revealed in the bewildering press conference with the public safety. >> he walked in unobstructed initially. he was not confronted by anybody. >> police revised earlier reports that the gunman engaged
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with a school resource officer. according to investigators, 12 minutes passed when the suspect crashed his grandmother's truck on tuesday morning and when he entered the school through an unlocked back door. >> he went in at 11:40. he walked approximate 20 feet, 30 feet. he makes a right. walks into the hall way, he makes a right. walks another 20 feet. turns left into a school room. into a classroom. that has doors open in the middle. officers were there, the initial officers received gunfire. they don't make entry because of the gunfire. >> police say most of the gunfire was in the initial minutes. there was a stand off. for almost an hour before police forced their way into a classroom and killed him. the question remains, why they couldn't get to the gunman sooner? >> can you explain how he was barricaded. we have been given bad
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information. clear it all up. >> the bullets were hitting from where. >> i guess he was coming from the school this way. >> parents were frustrated police wouldn't let them save their children. despite safety procedures that keep people away from an active crime scene. he lost his daughter. he's angered by what he saw officers doing outside the school. >> they should have moved in. they didn't have a right to sit on their ass waiting. they should have moved in faster. >> in all more than 100 federal officers responded to the shooting. in addition to local police. for one young third grader hiding from the gunman, it seemed like even more. >> we saw were thousands of police and coming in to the cafeteria. and we were all hiding behind a stage. in the cafeteria when it happened. >> the uvalde school district did have a safety plan with a
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system in place to provide a safe and secure environment. 21 measures including a lock door policy. >> we're trying to establish if there was any type of locking mechanism on the door way from the inside of the classroom. because the gunman was able to barricade himself. >> the changing details over what happened when the gunman went inside the elementary is frustrating and angering many parents here and what is still not clear is what the responding officers inside the school were doing during the hour that the gunman was barricaded inside the classroom. >> so many questions still. now the families of those who were shot and killed have already endured days of pain and incredible grief. and now it gets harder. they prepare funeral arrangements for their lost loved ones. it comes as another victim has been identified. the family of layla confirms to cnn that the 11-year-old died in
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tuesday's horrific shooting. her parents say she was an active child who loved to run, film tiktok videos and dance. her grandfather says our hearts are shattered. cnn has more now on the victims whose lives were cut far too short. >> reporter: look at their faces. fourth grader jackie had her first baptism and first communion. >> full of love and life. >> 9-year-old garcia a week from her tenth birthday. >> sweetest girl you have ever had the chance to meet. >> 10-year-old her first name spelled backwards is heaven. angels to her family. 19 children and two teachers. this is the pain of their loss.
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>> i miss you my baby. >> angel who raised wants you to know she tried to call 911 to save her classmates and teachers. >> she was the sweetest little girl who did nothing wrong. she listened to her mom and dad. she always brushed her teeth. she was creative. she made things for us. she never got in trouble in school. >> lexi loved sports and a at just 10 years old she dreamed of traveling the world. >> she wanted to go australia. >> law school. yeah. >> anna bell also ten loved to dance. and was in the same class as her cousin. jackie. her father called her a fire cracker. posting his range of emotion, first at the cowardly way his daughter was killed. it hurts us to our souls.
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then, a note to his daughter. be in peace with the rest of the angels, sweetheart. baby girl, we all love you with all our hearts. >> at a community vigil in uvalde, the dead are mourned. they include teacher irma garcia in her fifth year teaching alongside eva. both died their families say shielding students from gunfire. not lost here, the children's still being treated in the hospital. a pediatric trama director describes them as critical but stable. wishing there were more lives she could save. >> i think that's what hit us the most. the patients we did receive and we are honored to treat them. but the patients that we did not receive. that is the most challenging aspect of our job. >> the flores family rushed to hospitals in search of their children. it was there he lived the moment
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that would befall 21 families in the close nit community. >> i didn't get to -- i didn't get to see him. >> a tragic footnote to the piece you just watched, you saw the images of irma the schoolteacher gunned down tuesday. cnn sadly learned that her husband joe garcia collapsed and died on thursday morning. he was preparing for her funeral. he suffered a heart attack but his family says they believe he died of a broken heart. after losing the love of his life for more than 25 years. >> now the uvalde community is feeling a sense of loss. this is the type of town you can feature it, everybody knows someone impacted by this tragedy.
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a teacher at a nearby high school whose niece survived tuesday. she talked to cnn about her niece and described the fear her own students felt when their school went into hock down. -- lock down. >> she's sad about losing her friends. she's safe now but sad. she learned on the news that her friends that were missing are gone. they're in heaven. that's the way she understands it. she's going miss them. i had to reassure them we were going to get through this together. i promised them that i would take the bullet for them before anything happened. i told them just to stay quiet. pray together, we hugged each other. we stayed on the floor for almost it felt like five hours. >> incredible what they went through. despite the shooting in the tragic loss of life, the national rifle association says it plans to move ahead with the scheduled convention this weekend.
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now the powerful gun lobby meets friday in the same state of course as the uvalde school shooting. they're having it in houston, texas. according to the lobbying research group open secret. the group spent $29 million in the 2020 election cycle alone. former president trump is among those scheduled to speak. texas governor will send a prerecorded video. but canceled his in person appearance so he could attend a news conference in uvalde. but not all texas officials think the timing of this event is a good idea. >> i think it's shameful and it's more shameful for some of the elected officials to side with the nra and their interests rather than the interest of the grieving families and the children that died in uvalde. our hearts are aching and our minds are questioning why are they still having an nra
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convention here at a time when texas is going through such a difficult time? >> now at least four musicians canceled the performances at the convention. following tuesday's deadly shooting. earlier i spoke with republican strategist doug high about how both sides of the political aisle can meet in the middle and pass productive gun reform. here's what he said. >> we're not going to get probably grand bargain size bills. what we'll see is senate democrats and republicans the working group there is together so far, try to figure out a few specific things they can do where each side will be able to claim some victory and reassure their base. it's not something that necessarily will make every side happy. it might make some sides difficult. that's also what we are upset. that's also what we see when we negotiate legislation and in the senate and house. is that's what negotiation is supposed to be. it looks like looking at red
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lines would be a good way to start and an area of agreement. and in washington, we haven't seen a lot of bipartisan agreement for a long time. where we can get agreements is usually on specific things that members in and senators in discussions together can get each other incentives to say yes instead of reasons to say no. if not being overly optimistic at least tli some hope of getting something done. >> meanwhile the u.s. president is hoping something will get done. as he gets ready fo meet with victims families. joe biden is heading to uvalde this weekend. cnn tells us. >> was the country continues to try and grapple with the horrors that cost the lives of 21 people in uvalde, texas. 19 children. president biden will soon be down there himself with the first lady to meet with the families. to grieve with the families. to let them know the entire country is thinking about them in this moment.
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this was how the white house press secretary framed that visit. >> while he's there the president will meet with the community leaders, religious leaders and the families of the victims. the president and first lady believe it is important to show support for the community during this devastating time and to be there for the families of the victims. >> now the visit is set the president will arrive on sunday. what happens next from a policy perspective in a country where the shootings the mass shootings and shootings in schools are grocery store, places of worship, that remains very much an open question. it's been an open question for years, decades even. efforts on capitol hill started and failed. repeatedly. once again, an effort has started. whether or not it will get anything akros the finish line to the president's desk is an open question. there's a group of nine republicans and democrats in the u.s. senate that have their first meeting thursday trying to figure out some type of bipartisan compromise.
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senator minority leader mcconnell a long time gun rights advocate has given the green light to his members in the republican caucus to try to find some bipartisan compromise. when you talk to white house officials here behind the scenes they made clear they're skeptical this time will be different. despite the fact president biden repeatedly said in the wake of the shooting that this time has to be different. the white house itself not deeply engaged at this point in time in the negotiations, waiting to see what happens in the talks over the course of the next several days. making clear the president will continue to urge lawmakers to do something. one official saying earlier today the president can't do this himself. congress has to do its job. that process has started. whether anything changes when it comes to legislation, whether anything gets to the president's desk, that process failing so many times up to this point. certainly has a long road ahead. >> the u.s. is considering supplying ukraine with one of
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the most powerful weapons. russian forces slowly advance in parts of eastern ukraine. the latest on the war when we return.
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ukraine military says it continues to slow a russian advance in donbas from the north. still russian forces have made some modest gains in recent days. donbas region has been under constant and intense russian assault for weeks now. on thursday, ukrainian officials reported at least nine people including an infant were killed by what they described as dense shelling of residential areas of kharkiv. multiple sources now say the biden administration is considering ukraine's request
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for advanced rockets. now those have a much greater range than the recently deployed. and new video from mariupol shows one of the russia's so called filtration centers in a supermarket. believed hundreds of thousands of people in ukraine in eastern ukraine have been processed through such screening facilities and forcibly sent into russia. president zelenskyy has accused moscow of genocide since the early days of the war. right throughout the war and again on thursday. now those claims are backed up by more than 30 international experts who compiled a damming new report. they conclude that russian forces in ukraine pose a serious risk of genocide. triggering all states obligation to act in order to prevent under article 1 of the genocide convention. cnn joins us live from lviv
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ukraine. good to see you this friday morning. the detail of the report are quite chilling obviously. and yet have we heard from ukrainians, we keep saying all the time, we hear the stories. literally from the first days of the war. but in terms of what is happening and are they to know what russia's objective is and the fact that this is still going on. it goes on according to president zelenskyy to this hour. >> it is still going on. and you bring up a good point about the ukrainian people themselves. the kind of stories they are revealing and really why it is that we have met so many people who are desperately have fled their homes, their hometowns and villages and are now set up here in lviv to try to create a new life if you will. president zelenskyy from the very beginning saying that this is a campaign of genocide. that they have targeted and killed so many ukrainian
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civilians. that they are deporting them and they are going through the dehumanizing process of this filtration if you will, beating them down mentally and emotionally. as well as physically. human rights weighing in saying this is sign of genocide. a spokesperson saying this morning the ukrainians do not necessarily have to be thrown on a back of a truck, but many are put in a situation where they don't have a choice. you get on the bus and go to filtration and then to russia or you die in the shelling. these are forced transfers forbidden under the laws of war. so, you can see here that they are backing up what so many people on the ground have been saying and the president himself that there are hundreds of thousands of ukrainian civilians who are if they're not being killed, they are being moved. deported and filtrated. and they essentially are the victims of these crimes of war.
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>> unbelievable scenes from ukrainians who as you said, desperate to get out of the way of shelling and forced to go into russia to god knows what's next. live from lviv, appreciate it. now the emotional toll on children in the after math of the horrific school shooting in texas, still ahead. we get advice from a child psychologist about how to talk to kids about violence in schools. through the challenges, the hurt, the doubt, the pain. no matter what, we go on. biofreeze. she's feeleling the power of listerine. he's feeling it. yep, them too. it's an invigorating rush... ...zapping millions of germs in seconds. for that one-of-a-kind whoa... ..hich leaves you feeling... ahhhhhhh listerine. feel the whoa!
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welcome back to our viewers here in the united states and all around the world. you are watching cnn "newsroom." texas authorities are facing unsettling questions now after giving conflicting accounts about how the uvalde school shooting unfolded. now why did it take an hour for the gunman to be killed? and why was he able to barge into the school through an unlocked door? now the drawn out response time, the lack of information triggered of course as you can imagine tremendous confusion outside the school. panicked parents desperate to know if their kids were alive. shouting for officers to stop the shooter. or at least let the parents go in themselves. meantime, the mother of the 18-year-old gunman is asking for
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forgiveness for her son and hopes the children who died forgive her. we want to go beyond the numbers in the horrific tragedy and show you the face of one of the victims. layla was 11 years old. when her life was cut short. she was a passionate school athlete who loved animals, dance and tiktok videos. her family now tells us they still cannot imagine a life without her. >> the girl wearing the gray shirt is 11-year-old fourth grader. about to win this race at last months elementary school field day. her family was there. but today they mourn. her parents two brothers and grandparents have lost their little girl. >> she loved to run. her favorite thing was tiktok. doing little dances and -- >> i can't.
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>> she liked to dance. she was just a tomboy/anything. she knew how to climb a tree and jump off. >> she loved the river. she loved to swim. >> your husband was telling me she loves gun ands roses song, sweet child of mine. which i love too. you play that for her. >> every morning on the way to school we sung it together. >> what an appropriate song. sweet child. >> it hurts now. >> earlier this month on mother's day, she took to tiktok. >> hey, guys. today is mother's day. okay and if what are you doing go say it right now. and i just want to wish all the moms out there happy mother's day. even though you're not my mom and i also want to say i hope all the moms out there have an
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awesome and blessed day. >> this is my only princess. she's my everything. we went together everywhere. she was stuck on me like glue. she always laid with me, we did everything together. everything. we had so much plans for her. >> she liked to feed the ducks. >> so excited about her last few days of school. >> everyone doted on her. particularly her grandparents. >> she's our world. she was our world. we can't speak up our hearts are shattered. >> there was a sense of disbelief among the family members that this happened. how can she no longer be here? how can they cope with never seeing her again? >> the hardest is i'm her father and i wasn't there.
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i wasn't there to protect her. >> for now the family leans on each other for support. >> i hope you know that so many of us, not just us here in the yard but around this country and around the world are thinking of you. does that give you strength? >> it helps. it helps to know so many people care. >> cnn, uvalde, texas. >> joining me from miami, florida. a clinical psychologist specializing in children. it's good to have your expertise to lean on on what's been an incredible few days for families. i want to ask you first, how do you approach these topics with children, do you have to approach it and what are they hearing in taking in from social media that might be distressing to them? >> first of all, thank you so much for having me. i i think the most important
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factor is to provide children a space that they feel comfortable in expressing themselves. as adults we tend to overprotect children and we might think that not talking about a certain subject will protect them. in reality, children now days have access to so much media and news. whether it's from social media or tv. so not because you're not talking about doesn't necessarily mean they don't know what's going on. so, as adults we need to be that beacon of hope where people can come and express how they feel and be acknowledged and validated. and work through the problem. >> we have had two shooters described as troubled 18-year-old men. i think there's so many families right around the world telling themselves how does this happen? how do you have these were two people not living independently. they were with families. so what are red flags? what do you know if you are
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dealing with something serious and should have a clinical diagnosis attached to it? >> so each child in each individual is very different of course. different backgrounds and things like that. i think as care givers we need to be vigilant with changes in behavior, such as social withdrawal. interest in things like death and guns or morbid things or also like listening to the village. the teachers and those around us that can give us information if there there's changes or significant things to know to whether or not this child is in distress. sometimes parents are care givers think everything is okay because they don't listen or don't hear negative feed back. it's our job as care givers to provide them with space to talk about things and monitor their mood and behavior, we check in with teachers. even if teachers don't have anything to say it's good to check in.
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also check in with friends and family members. to know that that child is okay. just because a child doesn't necessarily come out and say it, i'm not okay, doesn't mean that something is not wrong. >> when you have troubled teenagers in that category, how dangerous is it then they have access to weapons of any kind? >> it's dangerous because children and adolescents. your frontal lobe is not developed yet. it's the functioning skill. our logic and understanding of long or short term consequences of behavior. planning, etc. that's not fully developed imagine if you have emotional distress or compulsivity problem. and can't cope or handle, it's setting request child up to fail. if they have access to things that can be dangerous. >> it's been a really tough few
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years for children and their families. they are clearly struggling, many are in terms of their mental health. how best to help them move forward? >> the best thing we can do as adults is number one to check with ourselves before having conversations. we're going through a lot. check on ourselves and what we're feeling about situation, we're not better equip to help children. check in on ourself and acknowledge when they come to you with negative feelings or thoughts about a situation. i know sometimes care givers go into fixing mode. it's important to acknowledge how they feel and it's a normal reaction to an ab normal situation. and help them problem solve. make them part of the solution. young children from young ages will have the need to this really bad thing happened, i don't feel safe. i talked to my care giver and worked it out. what can we do about it. it's powerful to give children
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the opportunity to express creativity in regards to problem solving in their schools and communities. they can help advocate for themselves. they can help to increase for example things that mindfulness training at schools that's so important to help them regulate their emotion and impulsivity. little things like that can make a world of difference. >> definitely empowering them. it helps them to get through it. doctor, thank you so much. really good information for all of us. >> thank you. now if you would like to provide blood donations or to communities, go to you'll find several way ts you can help. we'll be right back.
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convenient tools. one bank with the power of both. chase. make more of what's yours. closing arguments in johnny depp's $50 million defamation case against his ex-wife amber heard are set to happen later today. the jury will begin deliberation friday afternoon. after hearing more than 100 hours of painful testimony over six weeks. heard herself was the final
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witness. she told the jury about the personal impact of accusations that her claims of abuse are fake. >> i am harassed, humiliated. threatened, every single day. even just walking into this courtroom, sitting here in front of the world, having the worst parts of my life, things i have lived through, used to humiliate me. >> depp is suing heard over a 2018 opinion piece in the "washington post" in it heard presented herself as a survivor of domestic abuse. depp says she defamed him and caused him to lose work. heard has counter sued for $100 million. british prosecutors authorized criminal charges against actor kevin spacey. the double oscar winner faces four counts of sexual assault
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that allegedly took place between 2005 and 2013. he also faces a possible fifth accusation. the american performer cannot be formally charged until he enters england or whales. we have more from london old theater and many people remember where spacey was the artistic director. a celebrated director. the charges relate to incidents that happened in england. so what happens now? we all know spacey is no longer living there. >> absolutely. now this is a very lengthily and complicated legal proceeding. ongoing for years. let's start with the off authorized criminal charges here. you have four counts of sexual assault against three men. and a serious allegation here of causing a person to engage in penetrative sexual activity
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without consent. that's the fifth potential count. the important thing as you said is that the prosecution services, british prosecutors authorized the charges. they have yet to formally charge the actor because as you said he's not here in england or london. what can happen in general in these cases? the accused has the rite to come back to london and face the charges. but if spacey does not do that, prosecution services here can pursue extradition proceedings with the united states. now, again, in his specific case, the authorities here refuse to answer the question. they refused to answer whether or not they would try to extradite or pursue the extradition proceedings when it comes to the actor. they said that there will be a later update from the police when they will fix a date to formally charge the actor. but again this is a very complicated case. spacey was first accused of the
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sexual assaults during the me too movement in 2017. the allegations first surfaced in the united states. but as you said, here at the old vic where he was the artistic director for eleven years, from 2004 to 2015. the same window of time in which the allegations the alleged incidents took place at the old vic. after the me too movement after the allegations carried out their own investigation. they say they found at least 20 allegations. police the london police have been pursuing these for years. you are looking at two different countries, united states and here. where he is being accused. now cnn has reached out to his representatives for comment. he has yet to respond to that. you can expect this is an update in what will be a long process for the victims. >> if there's extradition that will require due process of course. thanks for going through that for us. he made a name for himself
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in classic movies like field of dreams and good fellas. actor ray liotta passed thursday in the dominican republic. a report ahead.
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u.s. food and drug administration predicts it maybe july before the nationwide baby formula shortage is resolved. during a heated senate hearing thursday, the fda commissioner said the agency didn't reveal
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problems sooner because of concerns of panic buying. panic buying recently has contributed to empty shelves. right across the country. the commissioner also said the fda needs more money and authority to conduct inspections. and the u.s. may need to stockpile baby formula to prevent shortages in the future. actor ray liotta who played the role of henry hill in the iconic crime film good fellas died on thursday. >> what do you do? >> construction. >> if we wanted something we just took it. you didn't think about it. >> according to to his public cyst the 67-year-old died in his sleep as a hotel in the dominican republic where he was filming a movie. we have the report. >> we're standing outside the morgue where the remains of american actor ray liotta were
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transported after his death this thursday. according to police, the 67-year-old actor was found unresponsive in a hotel in the clon yal city this morning. authorities say the call for help was received at 5:59 a.m. local time. from a woman who spoke english and had a foreign number. a source at the dominican republic 9191 emergency system indicated the woman just kept saying, oh my god, he is not breathing. 13 minutes later, the ambulance arrived at 6:12 a.m. local time to the hotel where the actor was staying during the days of filming in the dominican republic. of the movie, dangerous waters. that same source added that paramedics reported that he had no vital signs when they arrived. however, four cycles of
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resuscitation were performed. he did not respond. he's known for his role in field of dreams and good fellas. he died in his sleep. the actor is survived by his daughter carson and his fiancee. our condolences to his friends and family. thank you for joining us. cnn "newsroom" continues next with my friend and colleague.
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tough questions and growing criticism over the mass shooting that claimed the lives of 19 children and two teachers. the latest time line shows that no one confronted the gunman outside the school. he barricaded himself inside classrooms for nearly an hour before he was shot and killed. media posted on facebook shows him entering the building. a source tells cnn a teacher confirmed in a texas that the school was not locked down even though ramos fired s


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