tv Anderson Cooper 360 CNN May 27, 2022 5:00pm-6:00pm PDT
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13 years later, is perhaps a good reason to catch up. jacobs now graduating for high school so seems like a good time for catch-up with the former president. take a look. >> hello. >> is that jacob? >> yeah, it is. >> it's barack obama, man, do you remember me? >> yeah. i remember you telling me your hair was going to be gray next time. >> and i was not lying. >> jacob headed to the university of memphis where he plans to study political science. something a little more uplifting to end your week. ac 360 starts right now. >> good evening, anderson is off tonight. i want to begin by reading you a line from the active shooter training manual from the state of texas. it reads, quote, officer's first priority is to move in and confront the attacker. now today, these 21 crosses
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speak louder than words can that on tuesday at rob elementary school in uvalde texas, this first priority for every single law enforcement officer in the state did not come first. the awful truth which was confirmed today is that police officers waited to storm a classroom while children were hiding inside and calling 911 for help that would not come. for as long as an hour. now we often here police officers talk about split second decisions. this time, the decision to go into a classroom and confront the shooter took 3,600 of those seconds. a full hour. >> a bit of hindsight from where i'm sitting now, of course it's not a right decision. it was a wrong decision. very. no excuse for that. but again, i wasn't there. i'm just telling you from what we know, we believe there should
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have been an entry there as soon as you can. >> that's steven mcgraw, director of the texas department public safety with the bottom line, different from what we've been hearing all week long, different apparently from what the governor had been told. >> short answer, yes, i was misled. i am livid about what happened. i was on this very stage two days ago and i was telling the public information that had been told to me in a room just a few yards bhrnd where we're located right now. there are people who deserve answers the most and those are the families whose lives have been destroyed. they need answers that are accurate and it is inexcusable that they may have suffered from any inaccurate information whatsoever. >> they don't just need them. they deserve the accurate
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answers. and this is the governor, by the way, who just two days ago, based, he says, on the information he was given, told the public that this could have been a lot worse. well tonight, frankly, it's hard to see how it could be any worse from what we've already seen and we're, of course, going to bring you much more on the search for those answers and for the accountability in just a moment. but first, though, i just want to tell you all a little bit about the last five victims we have learned about. miranda mathis was just 11 years old, a family friend says she was bright and fun and spunky and that her best friend was her brother who was also at the school. rodriguez dreamed of becoming a marine biologist. her mother says she was sweet and charismatic and loving and funny and silly and ambitious. and her mother's best friend.
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maite was just ten years old. we don't know very much yet about rojilio torres also ten years old, except a social media post that no mother should ever have to make. she wrote, rest in peace to my son rojelio torres, we love you and miss you. alithia ramirez wanted to be an artist. she was just 10. wednesday morning, her father posted a picture of her in angel wings. jayce, says he was happy and so loved. jayce was our baby, she said. jayce leuvanos just ten years old. more of what we learned today, the police response and the
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comings of it. jason carroll starts us off. >> i was misled. i am livid about what happened. >> reporter: tonight, texas governor greg abbott aiming his ire at law enforcement. >> my expectation is the law enforcement leaders leading the investigations which includes the texas rangers and the fbi, they get to the bottom of every fact with absolute certainty. >> reporter: after damning new admission from texas authorities, the incident commander making the decision not to immediately enter the classroom the gunman was in. >> decision was made this was a barricaded subject, that there was time to retrieve the keys and wait for a tactical team with the equipment to go ahead and breach the door and take on the subject at that point. >> reporter: officials explained how the shooter got into the school. >> we knew the shooter entered,
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ramos, the door was propped open by a teacher. >> reporter: investigators clarifying the timeline as police arrived. >> the three initial police officers that arrived went right into the door and two received grazing wounds at that time from the suspect. while the door was closed. 11:37 p.m. more a.m., more rounds fired, 11:44 a.m., at 11:51 a.m., police sergeant and agents started to arrive. at 12:03 p.m., officers continue to arrive in the hallway and as many as 19 officers at that time in that hall way. >> reporter: officers did not enter the room until a janitor provided keys . >> they breached the door using keys they were able to get from the janitor because both doors were locked. both of the classrooms he shot into were locked when officers
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arrived. they killed the suspect at that time. >> reporter: in that crucial time, survivors inside both classrooms made desperate calls to 911. >> she identified herself and whispered she's in room 112. 12:10 p.m., called back, multiple dead. 12:13 p.m., again called on the phone. again, 12:16 p.m., called back, eight to nine students are alive. >> minutes later, a student called. >> student, child called back, was told to stay on the line and be very quiet, told 911 that he shot the door, approximately 12:43 and 12:47 asked 911 to please send the police now. >> reporter: says his daughter
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amerie may have been one of the students who called 911. she was killed during the shooting. >> you were wrong, what do we do now? what are we knogoing to do now? the accountability. someone's got to be responsible. >> reporter: warning signs missed. >> ramos had a sister, asked for help to buy a gun, she flatly refused in 2021. >> posts back as far as last february offering red if a flags. >> group chat was discussed of ramos being a school shooter. that was on february 28th of 2022. on march 14th, there was instagram posting by the subject, in quotations, 10 more days. the user replies, are you going
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to shoot up a school or something? the subject replied no, and stop asking dumb questions and you'll see. >> it's unbelievable to hear the timeline as it's just laid out. jason, i want to go back to your report with regard to accountability, heard the fathers say something has to be done. what do you know about investigations into why the police made this unbelievable and fateful decision not to try to break into the classroom? not to go inside yet? >> reporter: well that's going to be a key part of this going forward. what was in this incident commander's head when he made that fatal decision and, you know, the governor said as a result of what happened here, he is expecting new laws to be put in place and in addition to that, was also talking about who they're going to be looking at, i said both the fbi and texas rangers are going to be investigating everyone who was involved with what happened here at the school. but again, when you bring up
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alfred garza, i mean he's looking for accountability and at theend of the day, watch andt listening to what these officials are saying and saying, what at the end of the day, is that accountability going to look like. laura. >> jason carroll, thank you so much, poignant question and one we're all asking, next to shimon, also in uvalde, also asking tough questions about the police response. hearing you shouting at the conferences and asking the questions we all want to know. shimon, what more can you tell us about the incident commander who made the decision to hold police outside of the classroom in the hall way? >> reporter: right, laura. so he's the police chief for the school district. so there are several schools in this area, called the consolidated independent school district and he is the chief. there are four officers assigned to him and a detective. it's a small department of six
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people. his name is peter aradando. he has about 30 years of experience. he worked in another school district. interestingly enough, he recently won a seat on the city council here just a short time ago and supposed to get sworn in, according to local reports, to that seat next tuesday. so that's going to certainly be interesting to see how that works out and what the next steps there are. we have not been able to speak to him. certainly, we've been trying to talk to him. he was not here at the press conference, but kargdaccording e department of public safety director, he was in charge of this scene. it was ultimately his decision whether these officers were going to breach that door and stop the gunman. >> shimon, when you say you haven't spoken to him, are you saying he is refusing to speak to people, being shielded from talking to people? we just have not had a clear reason as to why he has not been forthright in speaking yet. >> reporter: right.
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no, we've actually been trying, we've been reaching out to him. we've been to his home, to try and get some response from him. i think this is an important part of this investigation now. his thinking of these decisions that he made, clearly wrong decisions that everyone now agrees and is saying so. but why did he make these decision and see who is going to hold him accountable? that still remains to be seen. >> speaking of that, as we've heard, there's the shifting stories from law enforcement. it had texas governor greg abbott totally frustrated at his press conference today. what more can you tell us about that? >> reporter: well that's interesting, because it's the department of public safety, the director today, steven mccraw who came out and sort of had to admit this mistake, this wrong decision. it wasn't his department that made it. as i said, it was the school police chief that made that decision, but they have been leading this investigation. they're the ones who have been
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speaking publicly and quite honestly, it is their officers who have been providing a lot of the bad information that we have received from the fact that whether or not there was a police officer, a school resource officer was on scene, other information contradicting -- yesterday, refusing to answer what was going on in that hour of when officers were inside the school. of course, we learned today, they didn't do anything. now what happens is who is going to hold this investigation on the tactics? the reaction by the police. we don't know. it may just be the dps and texas rangers, a lot of people asking for independent investigation, we'll see if that happens, laura. >> got to be curious, outside the jurisdiction, the idea of having some other independent entity looking at it to figure out and really, what comes in, as you know, shimon, when there's fundamental distrust or lack of creditability in the process, shimon porkupecz, thank you so much.
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perspective now from cnn law enforcement analyst and deputy director andrew mccabe, andrew, it's very tough to hear today and some questions you must have the timeline authorities gave today and let me say, every time i speak to you, it's a different timeline we have. a different either kernel of truth or a nugget of disbelief we are all experiencing so i want to know what does it tell you that as many as, and i can't even believe this number, as many as 19 officers stayed in the hallway while kids were calling 911 from inside the classroom who were actually begging for help. what is your reaction when you hear that. >> well laura, it's maybe the most tragically monumentally bad law enforcement decision i have ever witnessed and i saw some pretty bad ones over the years. i'll tell you, and people are very rightly thinking about
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accountability and wanting to know more from this incident comm commander we heard about and haven't been able to speak to. but i have to tell you as a career law enforcement officer, as a former swat team member, you know, it boggles my mind you had 19 officers holed up in that hallway for over an hour, now, admitedly folding some horrendous decision making from their leadership but nevertheless, every one of those officers according to the texas active shooter response for school-based law enforcement guidelines, each one of those law enforcement officer. i cannot understand how some of them didn't decide on their own to move forward and try to mount some sort of response to this horrific incident. it's just -- it's mind-blowing. >> >> i mean it's unbelievable to think there was not one among them, as far as we know now, who is willing to essentially go
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around whatever they were being told and try to breach that perimeter in some way and i want to know, because we're hearing about the 911 calls and the children who made call after call after call trying to get help and in most situations, would those 19 officers who were in the hallway have been aware these calls were being made? i wonder, what was the level of communication they may have been receiving while they were inside? it's obvious we're talking about this in many respects in hindsight and retrospect, but what would they have known theoretically on the scene while it was happening. >> in a well-developed and well executed incident response, you would have that sort of intelligence from the crime scene is absolutely vital to the tactical officers, the negotiators, anybody on set so as that information is coming into your 9 one one operators, it goes immediately to the incident command post and gets
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forwarded on to the tactical leaders on the ground so they understand how many people are alive or thought to be dead, where is the shooter located in the room. they use all that information to understand how to best make entry into that room and stop that problem. so here we see one more of the very many failures along a long list of failures in the responses to this incident, any one of which, had it gone the other way, we might be in a much different position today. so it's just incredibly tragic. >> and i heard the fbi is, quote, working alongside, but independent of, unquote, texas law enforcement. explain what that really means in terms of being able to undergo that investigation and carry it out? what does this mean, are they having their own investigation of what happened and was it mutually independent? are they relying on correspondence and sort of collaborative effort here or is it totally separate in oversight
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function? >> you know, the fbi is there to provide specific support to this investigative effort, but that, to me, reads like a very carefully-written press statement. i think what they're trying to explain is that in the investigative work that they are doing, they are doing that under their own authority, they are doing that according to their own standards, and analyzing the results of that investigation, independent of, sharing it with the department of public safety, but they are drawing their own conclusions from what they see which is, certainly, i hope, the case. >> i hope so too, hope we get some transparency and get some truth and for the parents, not continuing to trickle out, they're in the middle, well, beginning, of a very long process of grief. thank you so much, appreciate it. up next, 11-year-old girl, 11 years old talks about the horror she saw and heard inside her own classroom. and, how she managed to survive.
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(fisher investments) no. we structure our fees so we do better when clients do better. that might be why most of our clients come from other money managers. at fisher investments, we're clearly different. you know, years of mass shootings have taught us anything, it's that these tragedies leave such emotional wreckage in their wake. it takes an awful toll on the survivors. irma garcia was one of two teachers who were killed at rob elementary, just two days later, her husband joe died of a heart attack. leaving behind their four children without parents. cnn's boris sanchez joins us now, boris, unbelievable what we're hearing. what more can you tell us about irma and joe garcia? >> reporter: well, laura, they were high school sweet hearts. we spoke to members of the
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community who have known them a very long time and said they were the light of each other's lives, irma in her biography on the school's websilent wrote about how much she enjoyed barbecuing with joe, her final moments spent lunging at the gunman trying to defend her students and the news was apparently too much for joe. family members say he suffered a fatal heart attack on thursday. they believe he died of a broken heart and as you noted, they leave behind four kids, two young men and two young women. laura. >> it's heartbreaking to hear what you describe, to see the pictures and hear about the idea of just two days after her own death, you spoke to people in the community who knew them so well, tell me more about what they're sharing with you. >> reporter: yeah, one of them was actually the priest of the church they attended. he said joe and irma were fixtures in the community, they attended all sorts of church events. he was actually with the kids
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shortly after joe died and here's what he said about consoling them and sharing his message with their family and with the community as well. >> i did share with them, it was being angry, being angry with god, being angry with the perp, being angry with the world, but not let the anger turn into hate because we have so much hate in this world already and we can't let the bad of this world be stra stronger than the good of this world and their parents had so much good in them and that they would continue to live through them. >> reporter: father moreles also told me the last time he saw irma was in sunday service, greeted her as she was walking in, obviously not knowing it was the last time he was going to see her. >> it's unbelievable --
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devastating. boris sanchez, thank you so much for sharing their story. others to share. before the break, former fbi deputy director andrew mccabe called the decision not to storm the decision on tuesday mind boggling, now, we want to tell you a little of what it was like for the students inside of those classrooms. this account comes from m mia sorio, 11 years old. she's one of the students who called 911 and talked about her or deal with cnn's nora news who joins us now from uvalde. nora, who did this 11-year-old child tell you? >> reporter: mia told me that when the gunman came into her cl classroom the first thing he did was look her teacher right in the eyes, say goodnight, and then shot and killed her. and then mia says things happened pretty fast, he started open firing in the classroom, shot and killed her other
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teacher. shot a lot of mia's classmates and friends and bullet fragments his mia herself on her shoulders and back of her head, then the gunman went into an adjoining classroom where you could hear more gunshots and screams and then heard music she said the gunman put on, it was sad music and she thought she was going to die. >> i can't imagine, this is an 11-year-old music having to relay this and experience, was she able to share what it was like inside the classroom after the shooting but before the police rescued them? >> reporter: she was. and it's disturbing. she says she was scared the gunman was going to come back and kill her so her friend was laying dead next to her and she put her hands on her body and in her blood and smeared that blood all over her own body so she could play dead if the gunman came back and then one of her
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friends was shot, injured, but alive still and was screaming from the pain. and they were scared the gunman would come back so mia and a friend put their hand over this little girl's mouth to try to muffle her screams until the police came and they lay like that until the police enter the classroom and mia, you know, was saying at the time, she thought the police just hasn't shown up yet, just weren't there yet, but then after the fact overheard the grown-ups talking about how the police actually had been outside and chose not to come in and mia telling me this was just so emotional and saying why didn't they come get us, why didn't they come save us, i don't understand, why they didn't come get us. and i think that's the question we all have right now. >> it absolutely is, and what is the reason we are not hearing from her directly? i understand she was very scared to come on, but also wanted other children, possibly, to understand how they could save
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themselves in a situation like this? >> reporter: exactly. mm-hmm. she was so traumatized by what happened in that classroom she refused to speak to any men, didn't want any men around, also was so scared that someone, another shooter would come and find her, she didn't want to speak to any cameras so i spoke to her alone, just me and her and her parents but she said she really wanted to do this interview because she wanted to tell people what it was really like to live through a school shooting so that maybe other kids wouldn't have this happen to them. it was just incredible for an 11-year-old to have been through such a trauma. >> and never should have had to happen, nora, thank you so much. so the question really is, what do these children, all the families impacted by this tragedy, what are they supposed to do now? up next, i'll speak to an expert on childhood traumatic stress, helped implement services for survivors and families after the sandy hook shooting.
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heart today, jaden? >> still sad about some of my friends that died. >> reporter: who were your friends that died? >> jayce, makenna, tess, annabelle. basically almost all of them. >> reporter: what do you want people to know? >> is that just, like stay together because you never know whenever you can lose someone close to you. >> reporter: did you hear the gunfire? >> yes. what they said on the news is that it's, it was like a rifle. >> reporter: where were you hiding in your classroom? >> my, where we hang our backpack and see then there was like one, two, three, four, five of us hiding there and then the rest under table.
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but that didn't stop one of my friends getting hurt. >> my next guest works with students who have survived a school shooting, helped establish treatments and services after the 2012 sandy hook elementary shooting, joining me now, director of terrorism and disaster programs at duke national center for child traumatic stress, dr. melissa breimer, thank you for being here. you just heard jaden perez, one of so many impacted in his community. in these first days, first weeks, what sort of resources and support are they going to need? >> so i think it's important we give them space, give them comfort. some kids may want to talk as much as jaden, some may have more difficulty talking so we want to give them the space they need, the support, and when they talk to us about some of their reactions, jaden talked about hearing the gunshots, sometimes we're going to have to help him
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regulate his body when he hears sounds similar to that. we also need to make it -- sorry, laura? >> when you say regulate, thinking of your work at the community in newtown, connecticut, the sandy hook tragedy and thinking in ways which there's the short term and the long term, the regulation of the bodies, management of emotions and then the long-term prospects, these kids are awf awfully young now but doesn't stop long term and short term consequences, right? >> absolutely. right now we do want to see what are some of the short term consequences, we know someone who heard gunshots will startal. so we have fourth of july coming up, how do we prep these kids how to manage when they hear fireworks right now? and we need to map those who had more exposure and saw like within a threat, may have lost a
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loved one and make sure we set up those treatments both in the school and in the community so we make sure there's those treatment available for both trauma and grief. >> you know, we often use the terms interchangeably but the way you just delineated the two, tell us the difference of grief and trauma and how they should be treated differently. >> i'm really glad you asked me that. so we talk about trauma. trauma, we have treatments so that we can recover from them. grief, we learn to adjust, learn to make meaning of our lives, but we never forget about that loved one that was so important in our lives so we do know there are different pathways between recovery, trauma and grief. this community has both going on. so we need to make sure we spend as much time on the trauma as we deal with the grief. >> lastly, what is the message to the families dealing with the unimaginable right now. can you tell them anything?
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>> you know, the experiences from newtown, thinking about one step at a time. knowing that they are surrounded by community, by love, and that they might not know that journey right now, but they'll find that m pathway that helps them, that gives them that strength, and we're going to learn a lot from them about how we can cope in the worst of times. >> dr. melissa breimer, thank you so much, important to hear those words. up next, just a few hours drive from uvalde, the nra convention gets underway at houston. we'll take you there and you will hear what texas senator ted cruz and the former president said about this latest mass shooting when "360" continues. [zoom call] ...pivot... work bye. vacation hi!
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for state controller, only yiu will save taxpayers money. wait, who, me? me? no, not you. yvonne yiu. yvonne yiu. not me. good choice. for 25 years, yiu worked as an executive at top financial firms. managed hundreds of audits. as mayor, she saved taxpayers over $55 million. finding waste. saving money. because... yiu is for you. yiu is for you. exactly. yvonne yiu. democrat for controller. getting guns off our streets. one democrat's determined to get it done. attorney general rob bonta knows safer streets start with smarter gun control. and bonta says we must ban assault weapons. but eric early, a trump republican who goes too far defending the nra
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and would loosen laws on ammunition and gun sales. because for him, protecting the second amendment is everything. eric early. too extreme, too conservative for california. just three days after a gunman murdered 19 children, and two teachers at rob elementary school with an ar-15 style rifle, the national rifle association opened its annual convention. just a few hours away in houston, some speakers and performers, they did drop out, but the meeting? it went on. from from cnn in houston. >> reporter: in the nation's bitter divide over guns, a tale of two americas on vivid display in houston. outside a convention of the national rifle association,
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protesters of all ages, pleading for an end to the string of deadly shooting massacres. inside the hall, thousands gathering in support of the second amendment and praising the politicians who say guns are not the root cause of the evil slaughter. >> and unlike some, i didn't disappoint you by not showing up. >> reporter: as several leaders backed away not attending the meeting, former president donald trump came to voice his support. he read a lists of victims with a tolling bell between each names. trump took the stage with a classic "god bless the usa" even though choosing not to perform because of the families. the massacre only three days and 300 miles away from the nra convention in downtown houston, despite outcries of protest, the show went on with trump leading the charge to change the
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subject. >> if the united states has $40 billion to send to ukraine, we should be able to do whatever it takes to keep our children safe at home. >> reporter: texas senator ted cruz rejected new gun control measures, the call to fortify schools with armed police officers or retired service members. >> we must not react to evil or tragedy by abandoning the constitution or infringing on the rights our law abiding citizens. >> texas governor cornen refused to attend the meeting and looking for a dialogue for solutions to the epidemic of gun violence. ororick, now democratic candidate for governor said it's time for all americans to unite under a solution. >> you are not our enemies, we are not yours. we extend our hand open and unarmed in a gesture of peace and fellowship to welcome you,
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to join us, to make sure this no longer happens in this country. >> reporter: while a majority of americans support some form of tighter gun restrictions, view of former nra member listelizab tong, echos so many here. >> i certainly don't want to hurt anyone's feeling but if any of the teachers had been armed, this might have ended a lot quicker. >> reporter: so as this convention heads into the weekend here, gun manufactures from across the country arrived to set up stands, selling weaponry and ammunition but one company is not here, daniel defense, the georgia company that manufactured the gun used in the uvalde shooting. in their exhibiter's booth in the convention hall behind me, it was replaced by a popcorn stand and a soda machine. no guns for sale there, but certainly were throughout this big expo hall.
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>> thank you so much. up next, "360" garret tuckman gives us a look at the memorial for the victims in downtown uvalde, this, as the community prepares to hold funerals for some who were kilded. and a tingling in the extremities. serious thrills... may occur. the all-electric amg eqs. ♪ ♪ finding the perfect developer isn't easy. but, at upwork, we found her.
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and start enjoying rewards like these, and so much more in the xfinity app! and don't miss jurassic world:dominion in theaters june 10th. you polyphenols ominous beginning to release funeral plans for several of the victims. at least nine visitation adrenal services have been announced. some will begin early next week. the shock and grief in uvalde, texas, is immeasurable. because of the size of the city, several people who live there know someone who was killed or hurt. the city has a location for people to mourn together and support each other. cnn's gary tuchman is there and has more. gary? >> laura, here in downtown uvalde, a makeshift memorial has been set up. this memorial is so sad, but
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yet so necessary. the city is very small. it only has about 15,000 people. but thousands of people have been at the memorial site over the last two days. you can see the crosses. there are 21 crosses that are here. 19 oh for the children who were killed, two for the teachers. to give an example of what has taken place in each of the crosses, they have the child's name, flowers, candles, stuffed animals, and heart on the crosses for people to write messages. here it says we love, you miranda. forever my heart, coach watson. you are loved and will never be forgotten. and in here, mckenna tell rod, also flowers and candles and stuffed animals. i love, you will love, you are loved and will never be forgotten. you can see some of the handwriting is children's handwriting. we love you so much. we back up and we came here. leo torres, an adventure force motorcycle right here, one of the noisy obviously loved. flowers, stuffed animals that
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he had in his home. and messages also. our hearts are with you. you are a good friend. you are loved and will never be forgotten. and then we talk about the teachers. right over here. this is eva morales, one of the fourth grade teachers who was killed. lots of flowers, lots of blooms, and a very similar message throughout. you are a hero. i love you. our hearts are with you. thank you for being such a hero. you know what's happening here is just so tragic, and it's hard to stay an emotional about it. so many people who show up here our friends and family members. it is tragic watching them. they need support. unfortunately so many people are showing up from the city, from the state, from outside texas, to offer that support. laura? >> gary tuchman, thank you so much. up next, the war in ukraine through a mother's eyes as you she take shelter with her three young children. visit to find your cfp® professional.
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something that anderson in the team here have been working on. it's a picture of the war in ukraine as seen through the eyes of a mother in kyiv with three young children. her name is elena gun s. when the bombs started falling, she decided to keep a video diary of but would she, her husband, and her kids were experiencing. take a look. >> in the morning, against all odds, kyiv is still in ukrainian control. >> the latest update is that we are alive. but i am alive. this is -- but. she is sleeping. but on the floor. and some other people are in the shelter woke up. it is already morning. it's more than 7:00 in the morning. -- is sleeping on a small sulfur here. it's very important that we
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survive this night. now the day has come. at night everything looks much more scary for people. even many people left the bomb shelter right now because it's more than 7:00 in the morning. >> many in kyiv are leaving. lines of cars clogged the roads heading west. trains durations around the country fill with families trying to get out. elaina decides that she in the kids will stay. >> i feel safe here. the chances for us to die here in kyiv equal to the chances for us to die on the road. and another thing, i want my children to be alive, of course,
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both physically and spiritually. i want them to be strong. i want them to be free. >> alina's husband, survey, brings supplies for his family. you volunteered to fight despite having no military training. some [speaking foreign language] he leaves quickly to rejoin his unit. [speaking foreign language]
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>> that's from others diary of war, in airs sunday night at 8 pm, right here on cnn. the news continues. let's hand over to pamela brown and don lemon tonight. >> thank you laura. this is don them tonight. i'm pamela brown in for don lemon tonight. but we are learning tonight makes the horror of what happened in uvalde even worse. it's hard to believe that it is even possible. 19 children, two of their teachers, are dead, and now police admit waiting to enter th
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