tv Don Lemon Tonight CNN May 27, 2022 6:00pm-7:00pm PDT
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war, in airs sunday night at 8 pm, right here on cnn. the news continues. let's hand over to pamela brown and don lemon tonight. >> thank you laura. this is don them tonight. i'm pamela brown in for don lemon tonight. but we are learning tonight makes the horror of what happened in uvalde even worse. it's hard to believe that it is even possible. 19 children, two of their teachers, are dead, and now police admit waiting to enter the classroom, waiting for more
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than an hour while children inside were calling 9-1-1, begging for help. waiting because they apparently believed it was a barricaded subject situation. the police, not an active shooter. that was the wrong decision. texas officials say. >> a bit of hindsight, where i'm sitting now, of course it was not the right decision. it was the wrong decision. very wrong. there's no excuse for that. >> there are so many unanswered questions tonight. but let's not lose sight about what this is all about. 19 children shot to death in their classroom, to teachers losing their lives as they try to save their students. and a country demanding to know how we stop this. cnn's 11 errors in uvalde tonight. ed, this is absolutely horrifying, this admission. what is the latest? >> one thing you need to remember is that for officers
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to work on school campuses, they go through a training mission. part of that, essentially outlines that if officers in these situations are not willing to go into these rooms, confront active shooters, and basically risk their own lives, it simply tells them, the training manual tells them, they should find another line of work. so three days after this tragedy at this elementary school, that is the reality that so many of these families are dealing with, how drastically this story has changed. >> i was misled. i am livid about what happened. >> explosive reaction from the texas governor to new information about long forsman's response on the day of the uvalde shooting's. >> the information i was given turned out in part to be an accurate. i'm absolutely livid about that. it is imperative that the
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leaders of the investigations about exactly what happened to get down to the very second of exactly what happened with 100% accuracy. >> the governor's press conference coming after the texas department of public safety said police were wrong in waiting to go in and eliminated an active shooter after he had started killing students and eaters. >> it was a wrong decision. there's no excuse for that. texas embraces active shooter training, active shooter certification. every officer lines up, stacks up, goes and finds where those rounds are being fired and keeps shooting into the subject is dead, period. >> the decision to back down from an active shooter was, according to officials, made by the school districts chief of police. >> the commander of the time it was believed that in fact it was a barricaded subject. at the time he there were no kids at risk. >> the initial comes after he laid out the timeline that day. 11:27 am a teacher, he said,
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had propped open the door to go outside and grabbers l phone. then the gunman fired shots at two people near the school ground. >> multiple shots fired in the school little evan 32. 11:33, the shove jack begins shooting at room 1:11. 1:12. 11:35, three police officers into the same door as the suspect entered. >> gunfire continued while as many as 19 agents were still on the highway aisleway. they didn't go into the classroom until a janitor brought the keys. second grader edward silver was in his class room when the shooting started. >> at first it started like something was popping. kind of like fireworks. >> just after 12:00 the 9-1-1 calls began from a child inside the classroom where shots were fired. >> she didn't find herself and whispered, she was in room 1:12. in 12:10 she called back and in room 12 advise multiple. did she called again on the phone, later and again it
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12:16. she called back and said there were 8 to 9 students alive. 12:21, you could hear over the 9-1-1 call, three shots fired. 12:36, 9-1-1 call that lasted for 21 seconds, the initial color called back, student, child, was told to stay on the line to be very quiet. she told 9-1-1 that he shot the door. at 12:43 and 12:47 she asked 9-1-1 to police and the police now. >> 11-year-old bias of rio was inside the classroom with a giant gunman. her aunt said she had to save herself. >> media got some blood and put it on herself so she could potentially was dead. >> by the time the tactical team reach the classroom and killed the shooter he had been in the room for more than an hour. and pamela, while texas governor greg abbott said he was misled, he would not say exactly who misled him when he was briefed the day after the tragedy here in uvalde. we also made multiple attempts
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to reach out to the uvalde i asleep least she. we have not been able to reach him today. i was able to ask the superintendent and the mayor here in uvalde if he thought, if they thought, that these police chiefs, and i asleep please chief should resign or be fired. they refused to answer the questions as they walked away. >> we are also getting this new disturbing information tonight about threats the gunman made on social media. it seems like huge red flags here. what can you tell us? >> cnn has spoken with three different social media users of an app called yuval, popular among teenagers. in according to the three people, the shooter here made threatening comments threatening to sexually assault female teenagers that he was talking to on this live streaming threats to shoot
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schools. those users also tell us that as far as they can tell the account stayed up and was not taken down. we have reached out to uvo, and they say they are cooperating with investigators in this case and also investigating account that has since been taken down and monitoring that and checking what exactly what was said on their. but clearly signals that this danger was lurking out there, for sure. >> and you know, ed, you know as well as i do this happens so often with these mass shootings. when they go back and retrace their digital footprint, the warning signs are there online. and, thank you. i want to bring in jennifer guide on, one of the parents waiting outside robb elementary school and pleading with police to do something, anything, while the gunman was inside. thankfully, her daughter survived. jennifer, i am so sorry for
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what you and your entire community are going through. i know you are still going through extreme trauma right now, as well as your daughter having experienced what she experienced. you live just a few blocks from the school. when did you realize something was wrong? >> i realized something was wrong when i saw a cop coming down every street for the past three blocks. i'm right down the street from my daughters elementary school. i had a gut feeling that something was wrong. i came and sure enough, i was probably one of the first parents that was on site that got here first. i stayed and i witnessed so much. it was a horrible moment. horrible. >> and you are outside of the school not knowing how your daughter is doing inside the school. you are trying to get information. meantime, you say your daughter
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jasmine survived because our great substitute teacher. explain what happened. >> yes, my daughter had let me know that they heard shootings outside, they were hitting the windows, but they didn't break. so the teacher quickly told them, hurry, get behind tables, shut off the lights, and that's exactly what they did. apparently heeded open the door. he thought nobody was in there. he went on. it is amazing to know that if she thought so quick to want to do in, and it's amazing. it's amazing how she thought so quick in a moment of trauma. but she saved that classrooms life. but >> it's just remarkable to think he opened the door to your daughters classroom.
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>> i had asked her, where was she when he restarted? she said she was by the doors, sharpening her pencil. she just remembers that she got down and that they hid behind the table. she was like, i was right by the front door. and i said jazzy, don't orders automatically lock? she says, no mom, we had a substitute. she didn't even have the key to lock the door. that just made it even more horrifying to know that even substitute teacher couldn't protect the students of that classroom with the right resources because of the lack of information, or just to let them know how to be prepared for that. it's sad that she couldn't. but i glad she acted the way she did, because she did save those kids in that class. >> that's amazing. she did what she, could right? even the fact that she couldn't lock the door and all these other issues. how long did it take before you learned that your daughter was
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okay? >> we got here about 11, between 11:28 and 11:36. the cops were getting out with their guns. i want to say maybe about two hours. if anybody had started raising kids they release three classrooms before they started bringing out anybody from the room where the shooter was at. >> wow. so two hours, you're standing outside the school not knowing if your daughter is alive. and here is a video that you took. >> i was just going to say, it was tragedy, because i wasn't just thinking of my own. i was trying to help kids, guide them, and help them because they were terrified, coming out crying, hysterical. we were just trying to help the
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kids get safe. it was unimaginable. >> unimaginable is the right word for that. you took a video, actually, of the desperate parents pleading to go into the school and get their children out. how did police respond? >> honestly, i think it was probably the worst. we were behind and we were asking them, begging them to do something. as you can see in one of the videos, the cop gives me a thumbs up. that's after he has already had a physical confrontation with me and try to put me down. i feel like it was totally, they were not concerned about the real trauma that was happening inside. parents didn't start doing any type of outrageous actions until they saw kids getting cpr outside. that's because they know that
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we waited almost an hour, maybe more than an hour, and finally seeing kids. you can be out in a matter of seconds, and they honestly, they waited too long. i was out here. i'm not the only parent. a lot of parents witnessed it. and then to see that they are saying that they got here quick. and handled it. that is not the way that happened. >> and now the governor is saying that he was misled. he says that he was misled and we are finding out today that in fact 19 police officers at least waited outside the hallway for an hour for more resources and back up to come in where the gunman was killed. we reached out to the uvalde police department about the rough treatment you described. we have not heard back. you also took this video of a parent being restrained by an officer. i want to play some of that.
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[inaudible] >>. this is so disturbing to watch. do you know what led to this specifically? look at this. so jennifer, if you can hear me, we just watched that video and it is so disturbing. what can you tell us about what led to that? >> when that man took off running it's because, i don't know if his his child, or somebody he knew, he ran out that way because they were giving kids cpr on the sidewalk. that is the moment when parents started to flip because we knew how long it was. we knew that kids were already being released and he was already shot long before they took anybody out of that room. that is where the chaos
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started. how do you blame apparent for acting like that when it's not their fault why this happened and they are trying their best? so many parents were out here with their own weapons ready to go into the building, and these cops were, i'm mean i understand they weren't trained, this doesn't happen year, they're not trained for this type of massacre, but i honestly don't, that's their job. i honestly say that if i can remember anything, most of the uvalde police department was outside the windows. >> and you said even after the gunman was killed, in your understanding there was a gap of time, a long gap of time before the wounded were brought out and given cpr. how much time? >> yes, it was, okay, when kids started coming out and that was happening, parents are going
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chaotic, they start moving the ella tate back. we all moved back, or whatever. i was about ten yards from the tape. this, i think it was a state trooper, he kept picking at me and i'm crying and i'm saying go save the kids. don't worry about us. we are not doing anything. we are not trying to cross that tape. it was just so sad that we couldn't do anything but stand there and watch. because if somebody did tried to do anything they were pulling out tasers. to tase these parents because they were concerned about their family. that was wrong. it was very wrong. like i said, there was more than a few parents that witnessed how long it actually took for them to even start bringing anybody. it was horrible, and i just feel like they didn't take this
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complaint, the beginning of the situation, i felt like they didn't take it a serious as it got. it's the lack of, like -- >> urgency -- >> that door should never have been unlocked. that should have been the school. schools are strict when it comes to a lot of things, but that should've been a mandatory thing they should have been done every morning when over 150 kids are in those buildings. it's ridiculous. >> my heart goes out he was apparent. myself i cannot imagine desperately waiting outside the school and having been in your shoes under those circumstances and i'm so sorry for all that you now have to process and your daughter has to process in the wake of this. but thank you for coming on to share your story, jennifer. we appreciate your time tonight, and we wish you the best. >> thank you for having me, thank you. >> the more we learn about what
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prepares for the funerals of 19 children and teachers killed in tuesday's horrific elementary school shooting, we're learning more about how loud forsman responded. a texas official now saying the incident commander made the, quote, wrong decision in not immediately sending officers into the classroom to confront the shooter. the classroom that was filled with children calling 9-1-1. according to the u.s. border patrol, when they're agents arrived on the scene, it had already been determined it was
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a, quote, barricaded subject situation. jude remain holed up in that classroom for 35 minutes before he was killed. let's bring in chris sweatshirt, former fbi assistant director of the criminal investigative division. hi, chris. i want to ask you first. we're learning that the uvalde gunman threatened girls with rape, but none of the users took him seriously. some said, though, that they did report. do you see this as a huge missed opportunity for authorities? >> absolutely. i've always said the first line of defense are the people that are in contact with someone who is later shooter. they are also flashing red. they are manifesting and demonstrating what they want to do. they are exhibiting signs and behaviors that people ought to pick up on and report. when we say see something, say
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something, i think a lot of people were well, what does that mean? if the hair on the back of your neck is up and people are saying and doing things that you think are suspicious and could result in actual action, then you need to report it. lauren forsman can't just serve the internet and social media looking for travel. they don't have authority to do that. they rely on chips and leads. this is a missed opportunity. >> never discarded. take it seriously, is what i'm hearing from you. so we're learning some more details about the investigation. we learn the gunman emerge from a classroom closet and began firing wimbledon patrol agents entered the room. when agent held a shield into others engage the shooter. the big question, why didn't they do this sooner? >> since columbine, is everyone knows, the protocol is to go straight to the shooter. every second is a life.
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and you have a classroom full of helpless kids. these aren't highschoolers the can get up and run or possibly even fight. if they have to. these are third, fourth, and fifth graders, very young. hard to evacuate. they rely on their teachers and the adults in the room to get them either lockdown or in a safe position. nolan forsman's role is to come in. we knew this from parkland where it didn't happen, and go straight to the sound of gunfire. unfortunately that didn't happen. whether it was because of lack of training or whether the two officers went down the simply fell back and frankly, i think the fear factor kicked in, shock, and they didn't regroup quickly enough. no one major decision. the commander was the school district chief police chief. he apparently said don't go in. this was a lot of things that went wrong. i am proud of my former colleague, steve mcgraw, for
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saying that today. it was difficult for him to do. >> absolutely. we need to know the truth. it was very important to hear that truth today, three days after the shooting. but i guess i can't get over the idea that there were 19, at least 19 officers in the hallway. even though the incident commander was saying don't go in, no one said, okay, screw this, i'm going into that room to save these children. or to see if there are any children there to rescue. the understanding is, he believed that there were no children at risk, or people at risk inside that room. what do you make of that? >> i can only think of one thing. well, actually, two things. one is they had no communication with a 9-1-1 center. that's inexcusable in and of itself. if they weren't aware and weren't getting communications from the 9-1-1 center, that is
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in exclude excusable. it's a flaw. it's not a minor flaw. or, they knew it in the chose not to go. and that's even worse. so they're no good scenario here. there's no good explanation for what happened. if they're not in communication with 9-1-1, it might cut him a break. if there weren't sounds of gunfire coming from inside the room, but it sounds to me like that wasn't the case. >> there was sporadic gunfire. >> right. >> and also you would think you would just want to play it safe. again, i know it's much easier to sit here and do monday morning quarterback when you're not in their shoes, but you're the expert here. i would think that you would assume that, hey, there could be children in that room that are still in a live or wounded any medical attention immediately. >> it should have been the charge of the light brigade. i'm sorry, two officers are down, just keep on coming. because every second is a life,
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and these are, again, small children who can't to evacuate themselves. they can't protect themselves. you have to go in. if you can't do that you shouldn't be a law enforcement officer. i hate to make a harsh judgment like that, but that's where we are. parkland was a case in point. i thought we had learned something from that. perhaps not. >> well, you have to make the judgment the way you see it, and this is the way you see, it chris. thank you for coming on. >> thank you. >> 21 people dead, 19 of them children. the nra is convening their annual meeting just days later in the same state. stay with us.
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attorney's office to pursue justice for everyone. but like so many of my colleagues, i resigned in protest because chesa boudin interfered in every single case and failed to do his job. the office is absolutely in disarray right now. chesa dissolved my unit prosecuting car break-ins. now criminals flock to san francisco because there are no consequences. we can't wait. recall chesa boudin now.
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from the site of the uvalde massacre, trump defended the rights of gun owners at the nra's convention in houston. he did so along with ted cruz and christy known as texas governor greg abbott sent taped remarks. 's lieutenant governor, backed out of his in-person experience a lot along with two other gop lawmakers and several musicians. this is hundreds of protesters gathered outside the convention center, among them, beto or kick, who had this message. >> to those who are attending the nra convection across the street, you are not our enemies. we are not yours. we extend our hand, open an unarmed, in a gesture of peace and fellowship, to welcome you to join us, those who will be
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the victims of the next mass shooting unless we act. please join us now or be left behind. >> there's no sign, however, that his message is getting through to the nra. so what will? i'm gonna bring in a former firearms executive and gun industry insider, ryan bossy, who was also the author of gunfight, my battle against the industry the radicalized america. the overwhelming message from the nra is not gonna laws that we need to worry about, it's security and people with mental health issues. it's never about the guns. a familiar pattern, right? >> yes. a pretty tired message. i worked in the industry long enough, i entered the industry 90 95, and for the first few years of my career everybody than history knew that proliferating this kind of stuff, this tactical gear, these tactical guns, in fact, for most of the first part of my career, these things
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couldn't even be displayed in the industry trade shows. it wasn't a law. the industry knew that these were dangerous. here we are today, they've broken all those norms. they've gone against the things that they knew were right. i think -- was on the money, it's time for responsible gun owners to cast of the nra radicalization and do the right thing. >> so i do you think they have broken the norms, that they have done all those things that you say? >> two things happened. the air a figured out that fear and conspiracy theory and racism and hatred could drive our nation into a fewer, could keep it just one degree below boiling, could make a group of people do and vote in irrational ways, and we have seen that happen. those are also the exact same things that sell guns. and so as we have experienced
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the rise in division, tearing our families apart and our workplaces apart, gun sales have skyrocketed right along with. that fear and division, conspiracy and hatred sell guns. >> so in your view, the bottom line is, is that it's about the money. >> it's about the money. it's about the money, it's about the cocktail parties after the election winds. it's about power and money, yep. >> the nra has been substantially weakened as an organization of the past two years duty internal power struggles and financial issues. how much power does it actually have now? i'm curious about what you think. are we artificially propping up this organization when they assert their power over politicians? >> i think now is not time to underestimate the power of the nra. i tell people that this is much like a brush fire. regardless of how strong the nra is right now, they have led
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a brush fire across the country, and so now is not the time for people to be complacent. you need to call. you need to stand up. you need to be decent and responsible. you need to protest. you need to call your senators. and you need to demand that we do necessary steps. we are never going to wipe this out. people who say we're going to solve this stuff all the time, we're not going to solve. it we're going to do what's normal, reasonable people do. we're going to take steps to make it better instead of making it worse. this is not a lot different from cigarettes 25 years ago. we still have lung cancer. we still have people who smoke cigarettes, but we took steps to make it better. we can do that with guns. i own guns. i want to keep owning guns. i shoot with my boys. but this stuff is out of control. we have to stand up and say that. >> it's an important point, though, that even though not every life will be saved moving forward of concrete change happens, if some lives are changed, is it worth it, is your point.
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>> it's a complex democracy. democracy happens in the gray areas. it doesn't happen in the polls. nra wants you to think that there are simple answers and pithy bumper stickers and angry statements, and the second amendment can be absolutist and apparently we can all own air fifteens and warthogs and abrams tanks and drones the kill people from 35,000 feet. but come on. that's silly. we can do the same thing we do in every other area of our lives, and we can balance our freedoms with responsibility. this is not rocket science. >> all right. thank you so much, ryan -- , thank you so much for joining the show. >> 1657 rounds. the shooter had that much ammunition. and no red flags are raised. that's next.
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from the massacre at robb elementary adds to the war. that includes this account of a school seemingly littered with bullets. >> additional information that we have is that the route 15 total magazines at the school that led to the climbs teen. 11 of those magazines were inside the school. three run suspect body. two in room 1:12. six inside room 11. five or on the ground. one was in the rifle. 32 magazines outside the school, but on school property, one just outside the school building and one suspect backpack that he did not take into the classrooms with him. there are 15 magazines of the crash site. there are two magazines the suspect's residence, for a total of 60 magazines. he had purchased and had a
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total of 1657 total rounds of ammunition. >> the state senator who represents uvalde so the weapons to find those rounds were the first thing the killer blot on his 18th birthday. his 18th birthday. my next guest says people should not have guns until at least 25. he has got the science to back that up. stay with us for that conversation. allergies don't have to be scscary. spraying flonase daily stops your body from overreacting to allergens all season long. psstst! psst! flonase all goo. ♪ if i could be you and you could be me ♪ ♪ for just one hour ♪ ♪ walk a mile in my shoes ♪ ♪ for just one hour ♪ ♪alk a mile in my shoes ♪
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>> as families in texas grieve for the 19 children into teachers shot to death in their classroom, we're learning the gunmen legally purchased two assault rifles and hundreds of rounds of ammunition just last week for his 18th birthday. let that sink in. an 18 year old, legally not allowed to purchase a bottle of beer, can buy weapons designed to kill people. is it time to set new age rules
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for people buying guns? let's discuss with withdrew weston, professor of psychology at emory university. he's author of the political brain. so you believe people under 18 should be restricted from purchasing a gun. tell us why. >> for two or three reason. one of them is the founders actually got right. you should be able to vote at 21, but you shouldn't be able to run for house of representatives until your 25. they then said, of course, you can't run for senate till your 30, and president until you're 75, i'm kidding on the last one. the point of it is that they actually got it right in terms of what we now know about the brain. by age 25 is about when our frontal lobe's are mature enough to be able to allow us to do the kind of complex
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thinking to regulate our impulses, to regulator emotions, that we don't have fully developed until about that point. >> and if you look at some the shooters are male, between the ages of 17 and 24. what do you attribute that to? is it what you just described? is it more? what do you dhi? >> so there is a couple factors that seem to be involved. one every them obviously is that we have access, ready access to gun guns which, you know, one of the reasons i -- i would with be asking changing the age to 25, instead of an assault-weapons ban restanting it like we have before simply because the latter is not going to happen anytime soon, whereas i think there could be bipartisan support on an age change. but so -- the -- the one reason has to do with normal brain development. that -- that's what i just described about development of the frontal lobes appear. but there is another reason that has to do with development that is off the normal pathway of -- of -- of brain development.
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and that -- that is in dpsh in people who are going to develop a psychotic disorder, that is, a dis d disorder in which they have a complete break from reality. three-quarters of the people who are going to develop one will develop one by age 25. and in fact, if you look at the data on who -- who kills, and splishl who becomes a mass shooter, it's closely associated with the data on the age of between 14 and 25 which is when most first sigh psychotic break happen. >> but why is it males and not females? >> it is a really good question. probably my -- my -- my answer will probably send snarky but it is probably the most accurate, which is that testosterone's a nasty drug. probably shouldn't be available, except by prescription. but what i mean by that really is that -- that in humans and in other primates, males commit the vast majority of violent crimes. in the united states, they
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commit the vast majority of murders. we just have to look over in ukraine to see what they are doing over there and chimpanzees and gorillas are the same way. just there is a -- there is a -- there is a component of the socialization, which is, we do -- we do train boys, whether we are conscious of it or not, to be ready to be warriors as adults. and on one hand, that has negative effects and on the other hand, it has the positive effect if you look at, again, in ukraine, the fact that -- the fact that how many men were prepared to fight even though they didn't know how. >> yeah. getting back to the age, um, 18 years old. i was also meeting to governor abbott of texasing today, and he said, look, in texas, 18-year-olds have been able to buy assault rifles since the very beginning. it hasn't been until recently we have been seeing shootings with young people witwith assault ri. bake basically making the case
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this is a mental health crisis we are dealing with right now. so what do you make of what i tried to argue today? >> two things -- one is -- one is it is not true. the only reason we didn't see -- we saw a break of about ten years where he we did not have the number of mass shootings that we have had since the last -- since 2004 and that is because bill clinton passed an assault weapons ban, with the help of a democratic and republican congress. and during that time- the rates of mass shootings dropped substantially. but the other is if you look across cultures, you know, the countries in canada above us has -- has just infinite rates of murders of any kind, but certainly of serial killings, you just don't see anything like this. europe, you don't see anything like it. they have the same percent of people who are seriously mental ill that we do so if it was a mental illness problem, they would have it all over the world.
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>> all right. thank you so much, drew. >> you bet. thanks for having me on. police telling a whole different story about what happened in uvalde and the fallout is just beginning. we have got much more on the tragedy in texas right after this. enjoying chocolate cake. now, she can have her cake and eat it too. nexium 24hr stops acid before it starts for all-day, all-nighght protection. can you imagine 24 hours without heartburn?n? i love being outside. my eyes...not so much. until i found new clear eyes® allergy. ju one drop means all day relief, and my eyes...feel amazing. new clear eyes allergy. your eyes deserve the best™. kamauu: there is the therapeutic aspect of music, just expressing how you feel. howie: talking about my feelings with my mother, like, i'd just be quiet, in the back of my head i'd be like man this ain't it. like pulsing, electric shocks, sharp, stabbing pains,
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with the nation's largest ip network. from the most innovative company. bring on today with comcast business. powering possibilities.™ this is "don lemon tonight." i am pamela brown in for done on this this friday. a stunning development tonight in the texas school shooting that killed 19 children and two teachers. police waited out in the hallway for more than an hour, while the gunman was holed up inside that classroom. some students calls 911 back begging for help. let's get to jason carroll, shimon prokupecz, who are in uvalde, texas. and also, joined by cnn senior law enforcement andrew mccabe, former deputy district director.
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let's begin with you, though, jason on the scene, and more on the fateful decision to wait. what more do you know he? >> a decision, pamela, the governor called quote inexcusable. he also said it was unacceptable. he says he was, like the rest of the public, misled about exactly what happened here at the school with law enforcement. >> it was a of the wrong decision, period. >> tonight, a damning new admission from texas' authorities. the incident commander made the decision not to immediately enter the classroom where the gunman was hiding. >> a decision was made that this was a barricaded subject. situation, there was time to retrieve the keys and wait for a tactical team with the equipment to -- to go ahead and breach the door and take on the subject at that point. >> reporter: officials explained how the shooter got into the school. >> where we know the -- the shooter entered -- ramos -- was propped open by a teacher. >> reporter: investigators clarifying the time lien as
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police arrived. >> the three initial police officers that arrived went directly to the door and two received grazing wounds at that time from the suspect while the door was closed. 11:37, there was more gunfire. another 16 rounds was fired at 11:37. one at 11:37 and 16 seconds, 11:38, 11:40, 11:44. at 11:51, police sergeant and usb agents started to arrive. at 12:03, you know, officers continue to arrive in the hallway, and there was as many as 19 officers in the hallway. >> officers did not enter the room, until a janitor provided keys. >> they breached the door using keys that thery were able to ge from the janitor because both doors were locked. both the classrooms he shot into were locked when officers arrived. they killed the suspect. at that time.
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