tv CNN Newsroom Live CNN May 27, 2022 11:00pm-12:00am PDT
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unbeatable internet from xfinity. made to do anything so you can do anything. whoa. hello and welcome to our viewers here in the united states and all around the world. i'm michael holmes. appreciate your company. another day, another frustrating revision to the police account of how the texas mass shooting that left 19 children and two teachers dead actually unfolded. now officials say officers were on the scene for more than an hour before finally confronting and killing the gunman. for much of that time police waited in the hallway even as the gunman fired more shots and children inside the classroom he
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was holed up frantically called 911. top police officials now admit it was a mistake to not engage the shooter earlier. have a listen. >> why was this decision made not to go in and rescue these children? >> you know the on scene commander considered a barricaded subject and that there was time and there were no children at risk. of course it was not the right decision. it was the wrong decision. >> parents of the victims obviously outraged at these missteps with one father telling cnn he wonders if his daughter and others might have survived if authorities had actually acted more quickly. and we now know the names and the faces of all 21 lives cut short with funerals set to begin next week. the texas governor says police have a lot to answer for. cnn's ed lavandera picks up the story from here.
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>> i was misled. i am livid about what happened. >> reporter: explosive reaction from the texas governor to new information about law enforcement's response on the day of the uvalde shootings. >> the information i was given turned out in part to be inaccurate, and i'm absolutely livid about that. and it is imperative that the leaders of the investigations about exactly what happened get down to the very seconds of exactly what happened with 100% accuracy. >> reporter: the governor's press conference coming after the texas department of public safety said police were wrong in waiting to go in and eliminate an active shooter. after he started killing students and teachers. >> it was a wrong decision, very. there's no excuse for that. texas embraces active shooter training, active shooter certification. every officer lines up, stacks up, goes where those rounds are being fired at and keeps
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shooting until the subject is dead, period. >> reporter: the decision to back down from an active shooter was according to officials made by the school district's chief of police. >> the incident commander at the time believed that in fact it was a barricaded subject, that we had time,thrust no kids at risk. >> reporter: the admission comes after he laid out the time line that day at 11:27 a.m. a teacher he said had propped open a door to go outside and grab her cellphone, then the gunman fired shots at two people near the school ground. >> there was multiple shots fired at the school at 11:32. 11:33 suspect begins shooting at theoom. 11:35 three police officers entered the same door the suspect entered. >> reporter: gunfire continued while as many as 19 agents were still in the hallway, but they didn't go in the classroom until a janitor brought the keys. a second grader edward was in his classroom when the shooting started. >> at first it sounded like
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something was popping, like kind of like fireworks. >> reporter: just after 12:00 the 911 calls began from a child inside the classroom where shots were fired. >> she identified herself and whispered she's in room 112. 12:13 again she called on the phone. again at 12:16 she called back and said there were 8 to 9 students alive. at 8:21 on the 911 call three shots were fired. 12:26 it lasted for 21 seconds. the initial caller called back, the student child called back and was told to stay on the line and be very quiet. she told 911 he shot the door. at 12:47 she asked 911 to please send the police now. >> reporter: 11-year-old mia was inside the classroom with the gunman. her aunt said she had to save herself. >> mia got some blood and put it
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on herself and pretended she was dead. >> reporter: by the time the tactical team reached the classroom and killed the shooter, he had bip in the room for more than an hour. while the texas governor says he was misled, he would not say who gave him the bad information. cnn has also made multiple attempts throughout the day to reach the uvalde isd police chief. we've not been able to find him. we did ask the superintendent of the schools and city mayor if they thought the isd police chief or the city police chief should be resigned or fired. both men refused to answer that question. ed lavandera, cnn, uvalde, texas. >> and joining me now retired supervisory special agent steve moore. it's hard to know where to begin on this. police saying they thought there were no more children alive in the classroom so they waited outside. you've got 911 calls coming from the kids, gunshots going on, kids still alive.
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how could that even happen? >> it can't. if they had followed active shooter protocol, i mean none of that would have been true. when you have three officers in the hall -- the minimum you go with is one. if you get two you feel good, and if you get three you're doing well. those officers should have continued down toward the sound of the shots and eliminated the shooter. the problem with him saying we didn't think anymore kids were alive, that was 45 minutes after they stopped doing what they should have done. >> yeah, exactly. that wasn't the last of the shooting. do you think the children actually died because law enforcement didn't act properly? it certainly looks that way, the ones still being shot of course but also wounded in there not being helped, bled out. >> let me tell you i spblded to one active shooter at a school and the shooting was over and
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the shooter had gotten off the property almost immediately, and there were i believe 5 to 7 people shot, 5 who were 5 years old and one wouldn't have lasted five minutes. the rest of them i doubt would have lasted 30 minutes. so for them to delay an hour, i find it hard to believe that lives couldn't have been saved. and as you say there was another round of shots at 12:20 or so. those kids would not have even been injured. >> it really defies belief. it's interesting, you know, the press conference today as we all listened to it, it was lengthy. but the sobering fact is it was shorter than the time the shooter was in those classrooms shooting kids where for much of that time police were literally outside. i mean, what failures do you see with how law enforcement responded, and what needs to change? >> well, like you said earlier i
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don't even know where to start. there is a policy -- oh, by the way, i want to say to steve mccraw, the director of dps for texas, thank you for finally being honest. thank you for being brutally honest and painfully honest. that took courage. but everything was -- everything was wrong. they're all trained. they're all trained on active shooter response. you go to the sound of the shooting and you stop the shooting. what do we do if the people we've trained won't go in? that's the main thing. why have a policy if you're not going to follow it? i -- secondarily you could put higher powered guns in the car, maybe some better ballistic protection, but the main thing is do your job. >> texas governor dan patrick said the massacre, he said evil will always walk amongst us. that is true, and mental health
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is almost always raised in this situation. but only in the united states does evil and the mentally ill have virtually unfettered access to military-style high powered rifle, high powered ammunition. can you see a need for that to change in the u.s.? you know, he was equally matched with the cops. >> it's -- he was -- except for numbers, he had firepower superiority over them. but no reasonable person can look you in the face without -- without giggling and say we don't need to change this. obviously the mentally ill, the schizophrenic, the violent people, the felons, they can't have access to these -- any type of weapons much less stuff like this. that has to change. we as a nation has to find middle ground. both sides have to move towards
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the middle and we're going to have to invept some ways of finding threats that are out there and prohibiting and sequestering them from having firearms. >> there's more mental illness in the u.s. than anywhere else in the world, it's just they have access to gun. to that point we're going to air here in the united states as well but all around the world as well and those outside this country do not understand the ease of gun access and the lack of rules on things like concealed carry. there are no rules enmany states, teenagers buying weapons like ar-15s at 14, of course more legal to have a beer. the rest of the world shakes their head. >> yeah, i can understand that. i don't think i could adequately explain it to somebody who hasn't lived in the united states and learned -- learned what our culture is like. i can't explain pickup trucks.
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i can't explain so much of the american society, but this is ingrained. it is interwoven into american culture. it's part of what many americans consider the thing that makes america free for them. it is part of their view of america. and it is ingrained into society. everybody around the world seeing westerns those are just fiction based on the real world back then. >> so many of these mass shootings i tweeted out at the time, i'm not shocked anymore. i'm horrified, but i'm just not shocked anymore. there'll be another one. steve, we've got to leave it there, unfortunately. a fourth grader who survived the massacre is now sharing chilling details of what she saw that day. listen as she describes her
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exclusive conversation of 11-year-old mia. >> she said the shooter looked one of her teachers in the eye and said good-bye and shot her. and she heard screams and heard him shooting in that class, heard a lot of gunshots. after the shots stopped, though, she says he started playing music, sad music. asked how would you describe it, and she said it just was sad, like you want people to die. she said she actually put her hands in the blood from her friends who lay next to her. she was already dead, and then smeared the blood all over herself, all over her body so that she could play dead. she told me she assumed the police just weren't there yet, but then afterwards she heard the grown ups say that the police were there but waiting outside. and that's the first time he really started crying in the interview. she'd been pretty stoic up until
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then, but that's when she started crying saying she didn't understand why they didn't come in and get her. why wouldn't they come in, why wouldn't they come in? >> mia was too scared to speak on camera or to a man for that matter after her horrific experience. but she did want to share her story and hopefully she said help prevent this from happening to other children. ukraine's president says even if the russian army destroys everything the donbas will remain ukrainian, and it will be rebuilt. we'll bring you his latest message after the break. also russian troops might be gone from some villages but they're not forgotten. cnn visits one town for a notorious russian brigade terrorizes residents for weeks. connected, cututting downtime, d delivering on time depends on t-mobile 5g. . and wh coverage of over 96% of interstate highway miles, ththey've got us covered.
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can't go any further. ukraine also says russian crews are repairing damaged rail lines near kharkiv to facilitate the shipment of russian supplies to the donbas. they're urgently asking the west for multi-launch weapon systems that have far greater range than h howwitzers. ukraine's president remains confident his military will prevail. >> translator: that's why we have to increase our defense, increase our resistance and donbas will be ukraine again even if russia will bring all suffering and ruination to donbas, we'll rebuild every town, every community. there is no real alternative.
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>> the withdrawal of russian forces near kyiv is revealing more evidence of war crimes. cnn's melissa bell with our report. >> reporter: russian tanks entering the village in late february. now in charge here of life and of death. six weeks later now back in control of the village ukrainian authorities begin counting the dead. i can't look, says one mother. it was only after the tanks had withdrawn that ukrainian prosecutors were able to start piecing together what had happened. they now suspect these men of crimes in violation of the rules and customs of war.
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>> translator: on this street nine soldiers of the 64th brigade imprisoned unarmed civilians. they detained and tortured them for ten days, inflicting bodily harm and carried out mock executions. >> reporter: we wanted to see for ourselves where some of these alleged crimes might have been committed. going door-to-door with pictures of the soldiers we meet andry who recognizes one of them. he leads us down to a cellar where he says russian soldiers try to kill a group of men and women who had been hidingch they use grenades and rifles, he says. but the civilians manage to survive by heading further into the darkness. this is the scene of just one of the alleged crimes of the men of the 64th brigade. it is littered with cigarettes and bullet casings. back in the village we show a
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local resident a picture of the commander. he recognizes him immediately and invites us into what's left of his home. he and his family hid in the woods, he says, while his home was destroyed by the russian artillery that killed his neighbor. when he tried to come back he says the commander seemed surprised. he said, what are you doing here, you should have been burnt alive. he still don't know why he decided to let him live. >> torturing people for what? because they want to scare civilians, scare our citizens of towns, villages, cities. >> reporter: after withdrawing from the bucha area the brur brigades men were promoted. the kremlin denies any involvement in the mass killings. the 64th brigade was created after the georgian war,
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according to ukrainian intelligence. the soldiers of this brigade, he says, were noted for their robberies and rapes. but instead of bringing order to the brigade the russian commander armed he explains with modern weapons and sent it into ukraine. beyond working out exactly what the russian soldiers who occupy this area north of kyiv might have been responsible for the big question for ukrainian prosecutors now is where they are. melissa bell, cnn, kyiv. the nra is taking heat for holding its convention in texas just days after the uvalde shooting. protesters are making their voices heard outside the venue. we'll have a report when we come back.
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so you can be ready for what's next. get started with a great deal on internet and voice for just $49.99 a month for 24 months with a 2 -year price guarantee. call today. and returning now to our top story. there's outrage and confusion in uvalde in texas after officials again revised the details and time line of tuesday's horrific shooting at robb elementary school. on friday authorities revealed 77 minutes passed between the time the gunman entered the school to when a tactical team finally entered the classroom where the 18-year-old gunman was holed up with children and two teachers. we've also learned that while officers were waiting in the
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hallway, students locked inside the room with the shooter called 911 pleading for help. officials now admit that major mistakes were made. meanwhile the two funerals homes in uvalde say they will cover arrangements for all 21 victims at no cost to the families. 19 children and two teachers whose lives were cut far too short by gun violence. u.s. president joe biden has developed a reputation as a comforter in chief after recent tragedies, and he'll be lending a sympathetic ear again this weekend when he meet with the families of the victims of this massacre. but he's also bringing a tough message about the needs of gun reform. cnn's phil mattingly reports from the white house. >> the uvalde, texas, community is still grappling with the devastating, horrifying events that transpired on tuesday. it feels like weeks or months given how much has come out in
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that time. but they will receive a visit from the president of the united states and first lady on sunday. president biden will travel to uvalde, will travel to the scene of the horrific murder of 21 individuals. 189 of those individuals children. he's expected to meet with community leaders, religious leaders, but most importantly when you talk to officials the president and first lady are expected to meet privately with the family members of those murdered. it's the type of event the president has lamented many times divergent his time in office happens too often. it was in a buffalo grocery store a little bit more than a week ago. there have been shootings at parishes, shootings at schools, shootings at grocery stores. and once again the president has to come and try and show compassion, empathy, to listen, to grieve with those families, try and provide some sense of that support. that is exactly what he'll be planning to do when he arrives at the scene on sunday. white house officials made clear this is happening with the backdrop of ongoing negotiations about potential new gun
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restrictions, something many lawmakers, many presidents have tried and failed over the course of the last several years. there's no sense anything is imminent or this time is different despite president biden's urging repeatedly in public comments this time must be different. however, bipartisan negotiations are under way. the president is expected to address those negotiations in his push to get something done while he's down in texas. but the real question remains as the president goes down to try and give some sense of comfort to families dealing the most horrific of tragedies whether or not anything from a policy perspective after years of failings can actually come from it. phil mattingly, cnn, the white house. >> while the shock of the shooting in texas is still fresh in the minds of uvalde's residents, buffalo, new york, hasn't even finished burying the victims of its mass shooting two weeks later.
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funerals were held yesterday. and in the coming days vice president kamala harris and her husband will attend the memorial service for one of the victims, 86-year-old ruth. the white house says they'll also meet with the families of the other victims. remember a gunman killed ten people at that supermarket in buffalo. officials say he was motivated by racism. one after the other. despite the mass shooting days earlier in uvalde, the top gun lobby in the u.s., the national rifle association, well, it forged on with its annual convention on friday in houston just a few hours down the road. as cnn's jeff zeleny reports, passions flared inside and outside the event. >> reporter: in the nation's bitter divide over guns a tale of two americas on vivid display in houston. outside a convention of the national rifle association protesters of all ages pleading
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to an end of the string of deadly shooting massacres. inside the hall thousands gathering in support of the second amendment and praising politicians who say guns are not the root cause of the evil slaughter. >> and unlike some i didn't disappoint you by not showing up. >> reporter: as several republican leaders backed away from attending the nra meeting, former president donald trump came to voice his support of a group under siege in the wake of this week's texas school shootings. he read the list of victims with a tolling bell between each name. trump took the stage to lead the classic god bless the usa. the school massacre in uvalde only three days and 300 miles away from the nra convention in downtown houston. despite outcries of protests, the show went on with trump leading the charge to change the subject. >> the united states has $40 billion to send to ukraine. we should be able to do whatever it takes to keep our children
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safe and unharmed. >> reporter: texas senator ted cruz rejected any new gun control measures, renewing this call to fortify schools with armed police officerso retired service members. >> we must not react to evil and tragedy by abandoning the constitution or infringing on the rights of our law-abiding citizens. >> reporter: his fellow texas senator john cornyn declined to attend the nra meeting and has pledged to have at least an open dialogue to senators. former texas beto o'rourke now a democratic candidate for governor said it was time for all americans to unite behind a solution. >> you are not our enemies. we are not yours. we extend our hand open and unarmed in a gesture of peace and fellowship to welcome you to join us to make sure this no longer happens in this country.
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>> reporter: while a majority of americans support some form of tighter gun restrictions the view of long time nra member elizabeth tom underscores the sentiment here. >> i know this may be controversial and i certainly don't want to hurt anyone's feelings but if any of those teachers had been armed this might have ended a lot quicker. >> reporter: there's one gun manufacturer not here. that is a georgia company called daniel defense. they were the manufacturers of that ar-15 used in the uvalde shooting. there simply is an empty space where their vendor was supposed to be, where their stand was. the company said they simply did not think it was an appropriate time to be selling their merchandise. instead it's replaced by a popcorn stand. jeff zeleny, cnn, houston. >> ron brownstein a cnn senior political analyst and editor
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with the atlantic. mitch mcconnell has given the go ahead to participate in talks on gun legislation, but what does history teach us about what republicans actually do versus say until inevitably the focus shifts away from the latest outrage? i mean how much is short term theater to fend off longer term change? >> it's exactly that. historically we've been on this ride before, and opponents of gun control have always found that one of their most potent weapons is delay, to try to push back action, to engage in discussion that allows the immediate firestorm to dissipate. and i would say the overwhelming likelihood is that this will -- these conversations in the senate will not do anything and if they do it will be something at the very far end of tangential relevance to the core
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problem. even for universal background checks which has 90% at times. >> it's interesting you mention that statistic. i was reading a 2018 poll by guns down america, that advocacy group, and they found 67% of americans support stricter laws. overwhelming majorities including republicans support things like requiring a license to purchase a handgun, a limit on gun purchases, even gun buy back program. explain for those watching outside the u.s. given those numbers why so many elected representatives of the people who took that poll won't do any of those things. >> well, look, i think gun control really crystallizes a broader problem that we are experiencing in the u.s., which is the crisis of majority rule or looking at it the other way the crisis of minority rule we're facing. as you know there is broad public support for many of the
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steps that gun control advocates want to take. it doesn't mean people think eliminating access to guns is going to completely eliminate the problem of gun violence in the u.s., but they think these are steps worth taking. two thirds of the country in polling just this week as well as last year, so not necessarily influenced by immediate events, supports a ban on assault weapons. roughly two thirds supports a ban on high capacity magazines. these ideas are supported not only by a majority of democrats including democratic gun owners but also supported, michael, by a majority of republicans who don't own guns. the only kind of large group in the country that opposes these ideas are republican gun owners. and yet what has happened is as the republican party broadly speaking in the trump era has grown more dependent on rural and small town areas, more dependent on the most culturally conservative voters, the nra has essentially won the argument in
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the party any action to restrict access to guns is a sign of disrespect to the cultural values of red america. and as a result the smaller prep preponderately rural heavily white states have a veto over national policy due to filibuster and that prevents the national opinion -- >> you wrote about that years ago how the smaller white gun owning states because they get the same number of senators have dominated this even though they represent fewer people in this debate. you mention the nra. we've got the nra conference going on. the former president donald trump was there on tape. the texas governor he was talking, cruz was there and others. what does that tell you about the influence nra still has on u.s. politics? i mean 5 million members in a nation of 330 million. >> right. the nra as an institution has clearly weakened and all sorts
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of financial scandals under investigation. their leadership is facing allegations of misusing fund, but their influence in the republican party if anything is growing for the reasons that i've said. this geographic and demographic resorting of the parties we've been living through for the last 25 years or so and really acceleratinged in the trump era has made republicans even more dependent than it used today be on the kind of voters the nra says it represents. and what's happened is it is the party -- go back to the '90s. when bill clinton passed the assault weapon ban in 1984 38 republicans voted for it. as the party has evolved those positions have become untenable. and even though the nra is institutionally weaker in many ways it is operationally stronger because the party is even more dependent than it used to be on the party it says it
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represents. >> really that says a lot of about the country when you've got something a majority of the people want and their elected representatives will not do it. ron, always good to see you. thanks so much. >> thanks for having me. >> quick break here on the program. when we come back as the world comes to grips with the horror of the texas school shooting we'll remember those 21 lives lost in another senseless tragedy. if an oral treatment is right for you. oral treatments can be taken at home and must be taken withinin 5 days from when symptoms first appear. if you have symptoms of covovid-19, even if ththey're mild don't wait, get tested quickly. if you test positive and are at high risk for severe disease, act fast ask if an oral treatment is right for you. covid-19 moves fast and now you can too. ♪ if i could be you and you could be me ♪ ♪ for just one hour ♪ ♪ if we could find a way to get inside each othes mind ♪
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on friday the community coming together for a vigil to honor the lives that were lost. cnn's gary tuchman is in uvalde and has more on how those who died are being remembered. >> reporter: here in downtown uvalde, texas, a church choir offering comfort in a city park right next to a makeshift memorial that has been setup. this memorial is very sad but als very necessary. a very small city but thousands of people have turned out here to take a look, to be together for comfort to each other. there are 21 crosses with the names of the 19 children and the two teachers who were killed. right here the cross of eva mireles. she was one of the teachers. you can see the blooms, the flowers and the messages written on her heart. you are a hero. you are truly a hero.
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i love you. and then the children's crosses. annabelle rodriguez, candles, dolls, flowers and here you are missed from her friends. and this from a cousin that says my prima, prima is cousin in spanish. there are so many people here who come not just from the city but from other parts of texas and other parts of the united states to offer comfort to the family and friends here right now in mourning. this is gary tuchman, cnn in uvalde, texas. >> well, the sports world is reacting to the texas school shooting. coming up we'll look at who's speaking out and what they're saying to politicians in washingtonon. we'll be right back. the highest level l of safety u can earn? subaru. whwhen it comes to longevity, o has the highest percentage off its vehicles stitill on the rod after ten years? subaru.
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welcome back. athletes and professional sports teams are making their voices heard after the horrific texas school shooting. whether through in-game tributes, news conferences or social media, they're demanding action from washington. cnn's sport's andy scholes with the details. >> reporter: in the wake of what happened in uvalde, sports figures and teams have been using their voice to advocate for change. warriors head coach steve kerr on the day of the shooting was very emotional, demanding politicians do more. >> when are we going to do something! i'm tired, i'm so tired of getting up here and offering
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condolences to the devastated families that are out there. we are being held hostage by 50 senators in washington who refuse to even put it to a vote despite what we the american people want. they won't vote on it because they want to hold on to their own power. it's pathetic! i've had enough. >> wednesday the heat and celtics held a moment of silence for the lives lost. and then their public address announcer delivered this message. >> the heat urges you to contact your state senators by calling 202-224-3121 to leave a message demanding their support for common sense gun laws. [ cheers and applause ] you can also make change at the ballot box. visit to register and let your voice be heard this fall. >> the warriors with a very similar message, advocating for common sense gun laws before game 5 of the western conference finals. kerr again speaking out that day saying we as a country need to start thinking of gun control as a public health issue.
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>> for whatever reason it's a political issue. but it's really a public health issue. so as soon as we can just shift the dynamic to this being a public health issue, then you get momentum. so what i'm asking people to do is to get involved in their local communities. i've got lots of friends who are democrats. i've got lots of friends who are republicans. and all i know is they all want gun violence to go away. >> reporter: the yankees and rays in major league baseball, meanwhile, teaming up. instead of tweeting about their game they presented facts about gun violence in our country. the rays adding "this cannot become normal. we cannot become numb. we cannot look the other way. we all know if nothing changes nothing changes." dodgers manager dave roberts, meanwhile, says politicians have failed the country. >> how there can't be a
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bipartisan consensus on an issue like this is very disheartening. it's very irresponsible. by our nation's leaders. and something needs to be done and be proactive about it because like everyone has said enough is enough. when is enough enough? >> lebron james tweeting that there simply has to be change, has to be, while nfl network's rich eisen made a passionate plea for something to be done. >> we cannot give up. we cannot give up as a society and we cannot give up on giving our two cents and keeping the pressure on those in power who do nothing about it. children murdered in their classroom. murdered in their classroom. and you're already seeing the
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responses from those in power who refuse to do anything about it, saying it's about anything else other than easy legal access to assault weaponry. >> and sports teams and figures have in the past been very powerful, helping to enact social change. and they're once again using their platform to try to make a difference. >> and if you would like to offer your support for those affected by the texas school shooting, just go to and thanks for spending part of your day with me. i'm michael holmes. you can follow me on twitter and instagram @holmescnn. do stay with us. paula newton has more news in just a moment. your favorite canadian is here.
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12:00 am
. welcome to our viewers here in the united states and all around the world. i'm paula newton. anger and demands for accountability after top texas police officials admit to multiple, not just one, multiple missteps in their response to the mass shooting that left 19 children and two teachers dead. now, among them the decision to wait more than an hour to confront the gunman holed up in a classroom. now, think of this. for much of that time the police waited in the hallway there were children in the school. that gunman fired more shots as those children inside the classroom called 911. as jason carroll reports now for us, top officials and family members of the victims of course
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