tv CNN Tonight CNN June 8, 2022 6:00pm-7:00pm PDT
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watched the watergate hearings, anyone familiar with any of these knows these rare proceedings often produce surprises and drama and more often than not a better approximation of the truth of what really happened than anyone might have expected. will that be the case with the january 6th hearings, which get underway tomorrow night? it will certainly be something to watch for. coverage begins at 7:00 tomorrow on cnn. the news continues so, let's hand it over to laura coates and "cnn tonight." >> i'm laura coates, and this is "cnn tonight." some people will tell you, kids, they say the darnedest things. others will simply say, out of mouths of the babes, if you're my grand mother. but say we heard the truth from the mouth of a child who should be asking to ride her bicycle with that voice, not having to testify before the house representatives about how she was forced to try and save her own life and did.
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her quick thinking should be commended. but the fact that she had to even do it should be condemned. nearly three weeks since a child was forced to confront pure evil, we're getting a glimpse of the horror she witnessed from inside that courtroom -- inside that classroom. >> shot my teacher and told my teacher, shot her in the head. and then he shot some of my classmates and the white board. when i went to the backpacks, he shot my friend that was next to me. and i thought he was going to come back to the room so, i grabbed the blood and i put it all over me. >> if that had been fiction, parents would not let a child her age read it.
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had it been a movie, it would be almost a decade before the rating system would allow someone her age to watch it. but it's not fiction. and it wasn't a movie. and i bet it will replay in her mind for the rest of her beautiful life. and it's no fault of her own or any of those children or teachers whose lives were stolen or the children of robb elementary or of uvalde or of texas or of the entire country who now must contend with the very cruel reality that they too may have to save themselves. you know, maybe they are the ones we've been waiting for because in a place where reason is often drowned out by partisan stalemate, we're hearing rumblings that this time in congress, this time might just be different. now, what congressmen try to convince us that that's indeed true, a little girl is forever changed. >> she's not the same little
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girl that i used to play with, hang around with, and do everything because she was daddy's little girl. >> mind you, it still feels like we're getting the run around from officials in uvalde. we're hearing her testify, but who are you not hearing from? and while we continue to the image of children running out with their hands up, i wonder if congress will decide to throw their hands up or maybe roll up their sleeves and walk the walk. it's not just the psychological damage that is caused by gun violence in this country. it's also the very real reality of physical damage, damage that a uvalde pediatrician had to testify to today. brace yourself. >> children whose bodies have been pulverized by bullets fired at them, decapitated, whose flesh had been ripped apart, that the only clue to their identities was blood spattered
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cartoon clothes clinging to them, clinging for life and finding none. >> the words pulverized, decapitated. just think of the moment that you bought your child's clothing or that harried rush in the morning when you're trying to find their favorite shirt. maybe you're trying to pull it out of the laundry basket. you know they want to wear it again. imagine that's the shirt, the one you're going to use to identify your baby, blood spattered cartoon clothing. rarely do we hear this level of detail. but it's not isolated to the shootings that end up on the news. do you realize that more kids are killed by guns every year in this country than those that die in car crashes or by drugs? in addition to the 21 families in uvalde that now have an empty bed at home, a bedroom likely
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unchanged from the moment their child left for school that day, 17 more families, those of the survivors, they now have to live with the injuries that were suffered that day. so, please don't try and call them the lucky ones. we talk about these weapons. we can't turn away from damage that's done whether it's to the body of a fourth grader or to a 20-year-old named zaire goodman. you see, he was shot in the neck in buffalo while trying to help an elderly woman with her grocery cart. >> my son, zaire, has a hole in the right side of his neck, two on his back, and another on his left leg. caused by an exploding bullet from an ar-15. as i clean his wounds, i can feel pieces of that bullet in his back. shrapnel will be left inside of his body for the rest of his
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life. now, i want you to picture that exact scenario for one of your children. >> i don't want to. 45 members of congress sat in today's hearings asked to do that very thing. and they heard what i've frankly heard from so many of you out there, whether it's sending your kids to school or going to the grocery store, commuting to work, you just want someone in power that's asked you for the opportunity to lead and you have granted it to them by voting for them, asking them to take some action that would maybe make you feel safer. >> you are elected because you have been chosen and are trusted to protect us. but let me say to you here today, i do not feel protected. >> now, i'm not naive, let alone naive enough to know you will be
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universally comforted by the signing of a bill. but if that is what it would take to get us on the path of feeling safer, wouldn't it be a step at least in the right direction? i don't want this to happen to anyone, and neither does lexie rubio's mother, who never thought for a moment that this would happen to her, to her child. >> somewhere out there, there's a mom listening to our testimony, thinking i can't even imagine their pain, not knowing that our reality will one day be hers unless we act now. >> you know, as mia showed us today in her testimony, it's not just us who need to act to save our own lives. i mean, last i checked, the common refrain for the better part of five years has been about we're a nation of laws, right? so, how about we imagine a way to make just one more?
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my next guest knows the heartbreak and pain all too well. she's the mother of sandy hook victim dylan hockley and cofounder of sandy hook promise. nicol nicole hockley, thank you so much for joining me today. >> thank you. >> sitting beside you today, as we're hearing the testimony, as it's being replayed in the minds of those in uvalde and buffalo and all across this world, it's difficult to even try to comprehend what must be going through your mind. can you share? >> sadly, i can understand their position far too well. i gave that sort of testimony. i remember crying those tears and pleading for change and being so disappointed when nothing happened almost ten years ago. and my heart is just broken time and time again when i hear of students speaking out or another mom, like me, pleading for change and just really hoping that this time people step up and do the job. >> and in fact, you've spoken to
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your son, who was just a third grader. my own son is a third grader in school. and i can't imagine what it would be like for him, now 17 years old, to hear about this, about these sort of shootings happening again. what is it like for him? >> you know, it's hard. i spoke to him tuesday night after uvalde, and i asked him how he was doing because he gets very silent in these moments. and he just said, i'm numb, mom, because it's horrible, but this is just the latest shooting. and i realized for the last ten years, this is all he's known is school shootings, active shooter drills, preparing for school shootings. this is what he has grown up with. this is what we as a country have done to his peers and his generation. >> sadly what he's seeing i'm sure, does it feel like a fool's errand? does it feel like an exercise in futility to try to make the changes? you have not given up the hope. >> no. >> you have been steadfast in
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your advocacy to try to prevent this from happening again. but what is your opinion, frankly of the way congress has dealt with this? that was almost ten years ago, and here we are today having similar discussions and the needle not moving as far. >> ten years ago, i think a lot has changed in ten years in terms of people's outrage. i'm hearing more voices than ever before demanding change. senators and members of the house are getting more calls and emails than they ever have before. america is fed up. and if they don't make the change happen this time, then they're saying that we just need to have a continuation of bloodshed. and i don't think that there's anyone who wants that. i think this time is different. it's just that it's taken ten years and tens of thousands of people to die in order to get here, which is incredibly frustrating. >> every life being so precious. dylan -- i just see it in your face, even hearing his name, you had the look on your face of thinking about the name and what you would call him and see him and the joy that i'm sure he brings even in his memory.
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and the idea that this had to be the culmination, what makes it feel different for you? do you feel like congress is in a space where negotiation is possible? is it public pressure that will help to move this over a finish line? and what would that look like ideally to you? >> what i would like to see ideally is probably not what's going to happen. i have to be realistic here. and i think what is going to be happening is a comprehensive and multifaceted package that's going to have gun safety elements in it, that's going to have mental health elements in it, that's going to be comprehensive. but it's not going to be what everyone wants. and for some people it's going to be too much. but you know what? it's a step forward. and i am going to take every step forward that i can because every step forward means that people are alive, that kids can go to school safely, that families remain whole. so, i'm always going to focus on hope and optimism.
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and i do believe public pressure is definitely getting to congress at this moment in time. so, keep up that pressure because they are listening. there is energy and momentum like i did not see ten years ago. and we've got to keep the pressure up and make sure things finish across the finishline. >> what was dylan's full name? what was his name? >> christopher jack. he was dylan christopher jack hockley. he was born on the same day as my grandfather who passed along before him. dylan stood for son of the sea, and both of my grandfathers were in the navy. >> thank you for sharing. i always wondered what his middle name was. thank you. thank you for being here. the house did pass wide ranging gun legislation, known as the protecting our kids act. sadly it's probably going to go nowhere with republicans in the senate. so, what does change after all you've heard today? casey hunt, al franken, and david urban will join me next to discuss. your windshield
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so, for all the pain and emotion that lawmakers have heard today about the impact of gun violence, somehow it still seems to be an open question as to whether congress is going to do anything about it. we saw the house vote 223-204 to pass the protecting our kids act. but that might be the last you actually hear of it, as the bill goes to the senate, on what just might be a mission to nowhere. joining me now to discuss, casey hunt, al franken, and david urban. i'm glad you're all here. i hate to be the pessimist. normally i'm a very staunch optimist. but when you see sort of the flowchart of what's happened after gun violence in this country, the thoughts and prayers, the hope legislation, and then the inevitable nothing is actually done, it's hard to maintain that. but we have to.
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when you see what's going on right now, i mean, what do you make of the testimony? will this be persuasive enough to sort of move that needle, do you think? >> i spoke to nicole in the green room, and i met her ten years ago. and when i was in the senate and the sandy hook families met with her, she's kind of an expert. she is unbelievable. her group works very bipartisan. she believes there's going to be a bipartisan bill. and it won't be -- it won't satisfy me or democrats. but i think it'll just be progress that we got something done. and some of the elements will be helpful and save lives. so, i was heartened by what i heard in the green room. >> i want to be, but is that too low expectations, casey, the idea of something's going to get done. >> we'll do something. we'll do something. >> doing something would be a lot more than what's been done in the past. there is that. even if it is incremental, even
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if it's small, it will be more than what congress has pulled together in the past if they're able to do something. i think this is something where it's been, i think slower, certainly than people that have been direct victims of attacks like this have wanted it to be and many people on their sides. but i do think the tide is really shifting. i think you saw it in florida after parkland. rick scott won't talk this way anymore, but in the wake of parkland, he was actually willing to listen to the masses of families, a lot of whom probably don't even vote every time, but who have seen what happened at parkland and said, no, this is unacceptable. i think he felt and you can see in what florida actually did, that that feeling became policy. but it hasn't gotten as far as the united states senate, partly because senators are afraid of re-election fights, partly because all the republicans want to be senate and want to be president already.
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i think the more terms this happens, the more it is completely politically unacceptable to be seen doing nothing, which is why i think democrats are starting to say, look, we'll take what you'll give us. but, like, we've got to do something. we've got to show you that there isn't a political price to pay for doing something on this issue. >> you mentioned people like rick scott. not only was he not vilified for it. he became a senator after being the governor of florida. it was not a penalty. are people being -- is there an olive branch or benefit that's not being given to republicans when we say the whole focus is the election and the nra. >> i think people are responsive to their constituents. if you come from a state like pennsylvania, a lot of firearms, people are sticking to their constituencies, not necessarily the nra. what happened in parkland was an incredible model. you had a republican governor
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and passed meaningful reform in florida. they raised the age from 18 to 21. they had a cooling off period for long guns. they hardened schools. they put tons of money into mental health. they had a really holistic approach to what everybody in the senate would be very happy to see, democrats in the senate would love to see a bill similar to passed in florida done on a federal level. i'm optimistic -- >> do you agree? >> i think that the republicans have to get something. >> yeah. >> they'll be -- they'll be hurt terribly in the midterms. people are outraged. senator lummis from wyoming is hearing from wyomingens -- i don't know what they're actually called. >> you should know that. >> they're called voters. they're called voters. >> to her, they're called voters. >> i'm sorry. >> no, no, no. i'm just saying, there's going to be something because
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republicans will pay a price for not doing it. >> i've just been told in my ear, it's wyomingites. breaking news, it's wyomingites, everyone. i've got to say, you're talking about what republicans need to do. listen to what steve scalise said. there are members of gun violence as sitting members of -- >> he was a member -- >> that's what i'm talking about. talking about the reaction he thinks might be too much. here he is. >> i go back to september 11th. airplanes were used that day as the weapon to kill thousands of people and to inflict terror on our country. there wasn't a conversation about banning airplanes. there was a conversation about connecting the dots. how can we try to figure out if there are signs we can see to stop the next attack from happening. >> jesus, i'm sorry, but that is so awful. first of all, we made planes safer to travel on.
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we know that any time you take a flight. that's what you have to do with guns. but everyone, you need planes. you don't need assault weapons. >> i would just say also, listen, let's describe the problem we're trying to address here. is it mass shootings? violence in chicago? suicide? domestic violence? if you're looking at gun violence in america, it breaks down into very different categories. lots of -- it's suicides, right? older white men commit suicide. 2,000 women a year get killed with a gun by their partner. hand guns kill lots of kids in inner cities across america. if we're going to address gun violence in america. is it mass shootings with assault weapons, assault-style weapons? there's probably a way to address that that's different than addressing gun crime in chicago or domestic abuse where people get killed. those are all real problems and they need to be addressed.
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>> maybe that's part of the issue though, the idea of thinking -- probably your point, the idea that are these opportunities by virtue of talking about the umbrella being so large and the idea of there's so much nuance. of course there's nuance in gun violence. it's not a one size fits all approach to murder in this country. but the idea, are these offering exit ramps for people to say, you know what? i can't really approach it the same way i would if it was a school shooting, as if it were in buffalo, or if it were somebody in a synagogue or an intimate partner relationship. is that part of the problem, kasie? >> yes, i think so. it's very easy for opponents of gun safety reforms to go down the various rabbit holes, right? and i think the basic fundamental question that congress should be grappling with right now -- and i think there are well meaning actors having these negotiations. what is -- i mean, you don't want it to be the least you can do. but what is the smallest thing that congress could do that would make the most difference?
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how can you save as many lives as possible with whatever policies are actually possible? and i think to the senator's earlier point, it is becoming less and less tenable to be seen doing nothing. does that mean that they may do nothing in this case? it might. but it's going to be another example, another terrible, awful, tragic, just when you think about what was done to the children in that classroom and you think how can we do nothing. but the reality is our political system has. is that going to be okay this time? it's going to be less okay and less okay and less okay as time goes on. >> they're going to have to do something. >> you're right. democracy is built to keep score. stick around. there's more to talk about on this very issue. and up next, what we now know tonight about the armed man arrested outside justice brett kavanaugh's home. and what does it say about keeping our justices safe? next.
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so, tonight the man arrested outside a supreme court justice brett kavanaugh's home now faces attempted murder charges. this comes less than 24 hours after the department of homeland security warned of possible violence from the pending high court ruling possibly on abortion. the fbi says the suspect,
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nicolas john rossky, told agents that he had travelled all the way from california. and apparently he was angry in part over the leaked draft opinion on roe v. wade. and as perhaps as ironic as this sounds, the justices on arms. he was actually packing. the complaint says he wanted to murder kavanaugh and then kill himself because he thought that it would give his own life purpose. deputy director of the fbi andrew mccabe joins us now. andrew, the bulletin something like this, so we can't really be shocked. but i'm still stunned that this is happening in america. >> it's an incredibly timely warning we got from dhs yesterday, which describes
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almost perfectly what we saw play out last night in front of the justice's house. the thing that resonates with me, laura, is that the warning that we got basically said extremists of all sorts are going to be or could be motivated by these major upcoming events like the impending release of the court's decision on the abortion issue, like the upcoming midterm elections, other events. and those folks can be motivated to get involved in acts of mass violence. they've got plenty of examples. they're seeing mass shootings on television on our coverage, other coverage every single day. those things can inspire people who are on the edge. >> we used to talk about grievance politics as part of the campaign platform. now we see it's a catalyst for possible violence. >> it certainly seems that way, right? you look at the mass shooters that we've seen just in the last few weeks. each of them approaches their terrible acts with some sort of deep set grievances. some of them have been writing
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about those things for weeks and months leading up to those events. so, it's not unique to have people in a society, a free society, who believe very strongly in these strange beliefs, who have deep set grievances, are being radicalized into extremist positions. what makes us different is that those folks can easily become heavily armed very quickly. >> and as you point out, the idea that there's not much predictive value if it could come from any direction. there's no -- listen. if there is this ruling, then this flowchart then becomes obvious and helpful. but if it's anyone who has a problem with a decision or even in this case has a problem with the idea of gun violence, to react in this way, how in private intelligence, how do you try and combat that? >> it's very challenging because you're seeing these deeply agrieved people, these em tremists motivated by very
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different things but all ending up in a place where they feel like they have to strike out in a moment of mass violence. it's very, very hard for our law enforcement to tract. >> this particular said he wanted to give his life purpose, i can't help but think about the way we talk about these people doing mass shootings, the media doesn't want to give them a profile because they don't want people to feel as though this validates their sense of self and creates copy cats. >> that's right. but despite our efforts, we know that mass shooters are nmotivatd and inspired by the mass shooters that went before them. they look at guys like the christchurch shooter. they look at the poet. they echo their sentiments in their own thoughts and writings. that inspirational factor is always there. >> the time we live in, you've seen a lot, but the trajectory the dhs bulletin is speaking
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about tells us there's a lot more to come. thank you for your insight. appreciate it. we'll take this up with kasie, david, and al a little later. we certainly will. but first emails from trump attorney dion eastman that before the hearings there was a fully formed plan to create chaos a month before the attack on the capitol. could that be true? next. ♪ sweet ♪ ♪ emotion ♪
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it's almost showtime because the prime time january 6th committee hearings are starting tomorrow. and it comes just after a federal judge has now ruled in favor of giving that panel even more evidence. so, what's that evidence? how about 159 more emails from john eastman, a former trump lawyer who infamously devised a plan for then vice president pence to try to overturn the election. eastman's team has until now june 13th, to turn those emails over. well, this may, in fact, be key. according to the judge, quote, eastman's plan to disrupt the
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joint session was fully formed and actionable as early as december 7t, 2020. that's a full month before the attack. back with us now, kasie hunt, al franken, and david urban. we're hearing 159 more emails, the fundamental question that so many people are asking is, do people still care? is it still in the minds and the forefront of the american electorate in a way that'll be meaningful? >> what matters is that they paint a big picture, right? the public has been inundated with incremental pieces of information about what all these various actors were doing over the course of time. there's a lot of people that have tuned it out, like i've been hearing about this for a long time. what happened that day is an incredibly important and difficult point in american history. and the committee's job -- and i think if you talk to members and people who have talked in and around it, i think they know this very well. they've got to tell a story.
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they've got to show people what happened, why it matters, and they have to show it from the people who were actually there and were actually involved. it's a tall order, especially when the way that the media coverage of this has worked has been to look for some sort of explosive revelation when i think the most important thing is going to be that story as a whole. and we need to make sure we're keeping that. >> that story as a whole is that this president tried to overturn a democratic election. and he's -- we know he's guilty of that. we know that. we're just -- >> he basically said it in public. >> well, we know it from what we've heard thus far. but a lot of americans don't pay as much attention as the four of us. and they, i think, are going to be tuning in tomorrow night. it's on every channel except fox. >> i was going to say, shocking that 54 million people who voted for donald trump -- excuse me, 74 million, whatever the gigantic number was, right, they
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probably don't feel the same way. and kasie's point, inundated with the drip, drip of facts coming out, right? so, the challenge -- >> i think inundated with the drip, drip of false. >> i don't think it's false. this is actually leaks from the panel and the putting out -- i've watched some of the folks come on -- >> yeah, but fthey're watching fox. they're getting disinformation on facebook. >> i can say it'll be very hard, and the committee has hired a producer. the committee is well aware that they get their one bite at the apple tomorrow night to really capture americans, to kind of get their attention and say pay attention to this. if they fail tomorrow night, i think you're going to see viewership and attention span -- people have very short attention spans. >> they do. and that's part of what the kor ray tor from the commanders said not only about the attention span but what he sees as a
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double standard, but focusing on other things. this is talk of what we heard of frankly in the second impeachment matter of same matter. listen in. >> people's livelihoods are being destroyed. businesses are being burned down. no problem. and then we have a dust up at the capitol. nothing burned down. and we're not going to talk about -- we're going to make that a major deal. i just think -- kind of two standards. >> so, i think we're all clear it was not a dust up, right? we're all on the same page about that. >> i was at the capitol that day, okay? it was not a dust up. we were literally looking out the windows -- i was in the russell office building. my colleague and i looked at each other and thought, should we run to the capitol? it's always the safest place to be. these capitol police officers died afterward. they were beaten. i spoke to one who said donald trump was the only person who could have called these people off. i told them to leave, and they said to him, donald trump told
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us to come here. to this day grappling with the effects of his injury. >> isn't part of the concern -- i've asked the question of all of you, it's come down to donald trump. part of the concern for the january 6th committee, i understand why we're naming his name. but the committee, as part of their hurdle and story is about convincing the american public they did not spend all this time on a target of one. they have to make it more broad. >> i don't actually think that's the case. i think if you talk to -- liz cheney is somebody who has really had a north star on this. we don't see a lot of politicians who are willing to do this. she's putting your political career on the line. she's got a primary challenge in wyoming to do what she's doing here. and there's been reporting that there are disputes behind the scenes that she wants to go harder after donald trump than even some of the democrats want to do because for some democrats they need trump voters. i think a lot of people are really -- >> this is about the president of the united states -- this is
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about the president of the united states being a traitor, which is trying to overturn a legitimate election. that's the worst thing you can do. >> wasn't that -- >> but senator, senator -- >> that was the impeachment hearing, was it not? that was part of the impeachment. >> mueller, two impeachments. i think americans are like, we've seen this play before. we've seen this by the democratic congress impeaching the president twice and nothing coming of it. i don't think you have to convince people around this table we're in washington. you've got to convince people across america of that. i think it's a much higher bar than you think. >> i'll give you the last word, senator. >> we'll see. we'll see. and i don't know what you want, but i -- i know what i want. i want people to see exactly what happened. how you can -- look, two-thirds of republicans think that the election was stolen by biden. that's ridiculous. it's all disinformation and lies and they're going to see the
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truth. >> last words. the last word was actually truth. we'll see if that comes up. kasie, al, david, we're coming back to all you. and we're coming back to look at this alleged murder plot against supreme court justice brett kavanaugh. add this to the mass shootings and other domestic terror threats and you have to ask, where does this toxicity in our culture end? that's next. what happens when performance... meets power? ...because you're crazy...
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they're collected and separated from other plastics, so they can be turned back into material that we use to make new bottles. that completes the circle and reduces plastic waste. please help us get every bottle back. so, not one, not two, but at least three incidents of potential or actual acts of political violence in less than a week. we told you about the retired wisconsin judge killed in his own home by a man that the judge had sentenced more than 15 years ago. on friday, a michigan man was arrested outside the u.s. capitol carrying a fake badge, a bb gun, body armor, high capacity magazines, and more. and today, an armed man, equipped with a hand gun, knife, and burglary tools was arrested
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outside of justice brett kavanaugh's home. kasie hunt, al franken, and david urban are back with me. i cannot help but wonder what your impression of this has been, the notion there was a time people remember fondly where you decided through the is this the new normal? >> these people are mentally ill, i would think. we have to -- i think this means you have to protect supreme court justices and judges. i don't know where you draw that line, but certainly if this kind of thing is happening and you wonder where this guy is getting his information. there's a lot of -- you know that the buffalo shooter got his -- this race theory. >> replacement theory. >> gets that.
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there's way, way too much disinformation going around that's radicalizing people, but i don't know what the case is with those other two. obviously, someone had a grudge. >> you were a member of the se senate. mitch mcconnell is angry that he wants to see bill passed that protects supreme court justices. we want to protect employees of the justices. i'm thinking clerks and whatnot. who has it right? do you wait until everything is buttoned up or do you have incremental legislation? >> first, i'd like the see the justices protected. mcconnell is protected. not every senator is protected like mcconnell is. he's actually on the side of just protecting the justices. that makes perfect sense to me. >> the reality is here, i think, the problem is that we are
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normalizing or our society has been normalizing violence as a way to solve political problems in recent years. january 6th is the most extreme example of this. it's not mentally ill lone people. there were a lot of supporters of donald trump who were kind of along for the ride but it was organized by extremists groups who were using violence and the threat of violence to get, as the men eans to their political end. that's not how we do things in america. the more people see examples of this, the more you're going to see the people on the fringes whether they are mentally ill or got problem. we got to condemn it across the board all the time. >> i think it's broader that that than that. these women following kristen cinema into the restroom because they don't agree with her
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political binterviews. sarah huckabee gets accosted by a group of people in a restaurant. i think -- >> that was a precursor in your mind? >> yeah. >> that's civility. >> it isn't civility. where's the line drawn? you have politicians saying follow people, make them unconfidentable. b -- uncomfortable. on the republican side and the democrat side. i think you have to decry that and all it out because that leads to this type of thing. if you say go shout down politicians, go make them feel uncomfortable. we saw the protest outside the justice's home a few weeks ago and the marshals showed up and had to make the people disperse. it's fine line you get between that and some crazy guy showing up at 2:00 in the morning and the marshals catching him. >> on homes versus -- protesting people in a workplace, standing outside the supreme court saying this is not okay versus going to a house. where is the line for you?
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you served in public office. >> i don't think it's cool to go to someone house to do that. >> a restaurant or on the train. >> where do you draw the line? >> personally, i think that people should be civil and not act that way. i think there's an enormous difference between just being a jerk and following someone into the bathroom. >> being a jerk is probably constitutional protected. >> here's the thing. we talked to andrew mccabe a moment ago. his point was the idea it was the conflict of these two factors. the increase of accessibility to guns and the idea of people resorting to believing they are entitled to air out their grievances and solve that. you have that intersection going on, where do you gro here? >> your point is well taken.
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first it's constitutionally protected. you can petition the government to address your grievances to the first amendment but where do you do it. >> isn't that to say i want to address this with you right now. i'm sorry you're eating your meal. >> where is it acceptable? >> eating with your family. >> say family planning or abortion clinics. that was a real issue about how, what you could and couldn't do. if i had not seen before someone gathering, people gathering outside of supreme court justices, if that starts to happen then you can draw that line. >> we should say the biden administration, jen psaki said this fine. part of that is their political base would get angry if they said anything else. at some point, when are adults standing up in the room. >> that's why we need the congress to set the lines or the
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thanks for watching. i'll be back friday night. join cnn tomorrow for attack on democracy. the january 6th hearings are live. special coverage begins at 7:00 p.m. eastern. don lemon tonight starts rite now. hey, don lemon. >> we'll be here late into the evening covering it for you on this very program. we'll look forward now to what will happen tomorrow. thank you. see you on friday. this don lemon tonight. on the eve of the first public hearing by the committee investigating what happened on one of the darkest days in our history. that's january 6th. we have brand ne
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