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tv   Don Lemon Tonight  CNN  June 16, 2022 12:00am-1:00am PDT

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closed captioning brought to you by the january 6th committee kicking off its next public hearing just hours from now. we are told that they will focus on the former president's
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efforts to pressure mike pence to overturn the election, and how it, quote, directly contributed to the discussion. this as we get new video of a capital tour led by a republican congressman right before the riot. ryan nobles has the latest, now. >> there is no escape, policy. schumer. >> reporter: new video released by the january 6th select committee, showing a man outside the capital, directing threats to democratic members of congress. >> pelosi, nadler, schumer, even you, aoc. we are coming to take you out. we will pull you out by your hairs. >> reporter: that same man, scene the day before on a tour of the capital complex, with republican congressman barry loudermilk, snapping pictures the committee believes are suspicious. chairman bennie thompson, writing to loudermilk, quote, individuals on the tour photographed and recorded areas
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of the complex not typically of interest to tourists, including hallways, staircases and security checkpoints. the committee re-upping its concerns after capital police chief tom majors said earlier this week, we do not consider any of the activities we observed as a suspicious. loudermilk has refused to meet with the committee, claiming the inquiry has led to death threats against his family. >> the committee is never called me and asked me anything. >> they sent you a letter. >> do you regret giving that to her? >> i condemn that type of activity. >> reporter: the committee continues to push ahead with their hearing on thursday night. >> i said, are you out of your effingham mind? >> reporter: john eastman, the day after january 6, pressure to drop efforts to try to overturn the 2020 vote. trump ally had also tried to convince then vice president pence to stand in the way of
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certifying the election results. >> president trump had no factual basis for what he was doing, and he had been told it was illegal. despite this, president trump applauded with a lawyer named john eastman, and others. >> reporter: a plot hirschman believed may have put eastman in legal jeopardy. >> he said good, john, i will give you the best advice you have ever gotten in your life, get a great criminal defense lawyer, you will need it. >> reporter: as the hearings continue, we are told there is an internal debate among the members of the select committee as to what to do with all of this evidence i have collected, particularly evidence which showed that donald trump was at the center of a conspiracy to overturn the election results. we are told that the majority of the members of this select committee believes that donald trump committed a crime. the question they have is, what to do with that belief, and how to convince the department of justice to investigate and prosecute those alleged crimes.
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prosecutors on the committee believe a full referral to merit garland and the department of justice is necessary while others are concerned that would create too much political pressure. this is an ongoing debate which will continue as the committee continues their instigation. >> i want to bring in doug jones, a former democratic senator from alabama, thank you for joining us this evening. george, tomorrow's hearing will focus on trumps pressure campaign on mike pence, we will hear from to people close to the former vp, what do you think they will bring to the select committees hearing? >> i think jim jacobs is in going to write dramatic testimony about his medications directly with john eastman, particularly on genera sixth. also, how he is going to be able to describe, in detail, a lot of the pressure that was put on his boss, vice president pence, by then president trump.
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judge lytic is a completely different kind of witness, he is more likely to be a legal witness because he will be testifying about the advice he gave to vice president pence, that what the eastman plan was all about was an illegal scheme to contravene the constitution. i think his testimony is going to be quite compelling, and quite dramatic, because he is a conservative legal icon. he was somebody who was on the shortlist for the supreme court, 17 years ago. he is revered in conservative circles, and probably would have been a more popular choice among federalist society members than the justices that george w. bush actually appointed. >> interesting? what do you think about lydia? he's the man who advised mike pence, doug had no choice but to certify the election results, what do you think of him testifying? >> i think it is a very smart move for the committee.
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i have said all along, that part of the job of this committee, i think the primary job, actually, is to try to reach the american people and give them the facts about what happened. an independent review of the facts, very straightforward. i think that judge ludy's testimony, a conservative judge, somebody that ted cruz look for at one point, that is speaking to a lot of people out there. that is not speaking to the democratic side, necessarily, this is speaking to people that have questions about the committee's motives, that have questions about what happened on january 6, and whether or not someone the support for president was guilty of any kind of crimes. i think he is an important witness to go through everything. the country is very fortunate, that mike pence had him as a lawyer during that time. he brings that kind of credibility and gravitas to this committee hearing.
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>> george, this is a reminder about trump leading up to the attack on the capital. >> i hope that our great vice president, our great vice president comes through for us. he is a great guy. plus, if he doesn't come through i like him quite as much. >> do you think the committee is going to prove that trumps campaign directly contributed to the genera sixth attack and put vice president pence's life in danger? >> i think so but he tweeted a lot about pence during that period of time, he tweeted about pence in the middle of the riot. i think that had an effect on the crowd. there was somebody with a megaphone reading the tweet attacking mike pence, failing to act the way that trump wanted them to act. i absolutely think that, and i think that the people around pence felt that pence is being
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put in danger by the president. >> i want to put these images up on the screen for everyone to see, these are from abc news, of mike pence from january 6th, his wife is seen closing the curtains, reportedly afraid attackers would see him and her family. what is your reaction to these images, especially after hearing from the select committee that trump said penta deserved the threats from that mob. >> you know, at the end -- >> oh no, we lost doug. george, i guess it's you. what are you thinking? >> i think these are fascinating photos. having misses pence closed the windows to protect her husband, it doesn't get any more real than that, except maybe the photographs of him at the loading dock when they were trying to decide whether to spirit him away from the
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capital. i mean, it was really scary for those people on that day. i think that is one of the things that greg jacobs is going to be able to bring out, given his email exchanges with mike eastman, saying basically, because of eastman, they are under siege at the capital. >> let's talk about vice president pence's chief of staff, he was with him on january 6th, but will testify in the hearing tomorrow, we will likely hear video clips from his deposition. he was on with wolf today. >> i want to be clear, do you believe those surrounding the president for giving you bad advice or do you blame the president himself? >> i think ultimately the buck stops with the president. he has the responsibility to listen to advice or discard advice. i also think there were people around the president who i think served him very poorly and i think gave a very poor advice. >> short warned the secret service that trump would turn
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on pence, how important is a testament? >> it is very important to say as he just said, that the buck stops with the president, because there has been a tendency of people around trump to excuse or at least ignore, or ally about trump's conduct by saying it was mark meadows fault. meadows let these crazies in and if they hadn't let the crazies in, then this would not have happened but that is not true and the reason why the crazies were let in is because donald trump liked the crazies. the crazies were telling him what he wanted to hear. and, that is why i think short is absolutely right saying the buck stops with president trump and that president trump is ultimately responsible for what happened that day and the threat to vice president pence. >> sources say the generous select committee is in position to collect email correspondence between eastman and jenny
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thomas, the wife of supreme court justice clarence thomas. eastman is the architect of the pressure campaign on pence. what do you take away from this? again, we do not know what is in these emails, or what they were exchanging. >> yeah. it is disturbing. we have heard that she was all in on the insurrection, essentially for the big lie. i think the question is, what is the content of these emails and executive what role does she play? was she actually a cog in the wheels of this attempted coup? i don't know that she was. it is not clear. was she in the peanut gallery, lobbing in her thoughts, solicited or not. it is unclear at this point but i think that it is important not to lose focus on the main threads, here, which all lead to donald trump, and i just, you know, unless jenny thomas did play a direct role in all of this, and i didn't know that she did, it could be a
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distraction. on the other hand, it does raise substantial issues , hearing any cases that involve the genera sixth. >> to possibly recuse himself, right? >> yes. >> i want to turn this new video, video of the select committee released to congressman loudermilk, giving a tour the day before the insurrection. loudermilk, talking about that video today, here it is. >> they are not interested in the truth, they are only interested in creating a narrative for you guys. there is nothing there. the capital police looked at it and said there is nothing suspicious. when visitors come, they take pictures. >> my question is, listen, there could be nothing. maybe it is nothing. but usually it is the rotunda, and what there taking pictures of, security areas, stairways and whatever, he is still
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country -- if you so confident there is nothing there, why does he not testify? >> that is the right idea. i mean, he doesn't want to answer these questions. he is giving inconsistent statements about them. why? it is all innocent, there should be no reason for him not to raise his right hand or even just to be interviewed about it. but, questions are going to -- you know, the questions are interesting. why was a congressman himself giving this tour. usually, interns give this to her. what did they tell him they wanted to see? why were they paying such attention to things like stairwells and egress is, and security checkpoints, and taking photographs of them. what was the congressman thinking, when that was happening but he didn't think that was unusual? most people want to see the ornate ceilings and the paintings and the statues and all that. maybe they did all that as
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well, but taking photographs of stairwells? a few basement stairwells? it's bizarre. and so, you know, but, if it is innocent, why not tell us why. >> and clear his name and the folks involved when they took the tours. thank you, george, and doug, something somewhere in the ether. thank you. charged with federal hate crimes, now, the suspected shooter in a racist a buffalo attack could be facing the death penalty. hmmm. -morning, jen. no sleep again? i don't think coffee is your answer today. you think? my data shows you're not off to a good start. what?
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struck the suspect in the buffalo massacre is facing multiple federal hate crime charges, and weapons violations, accused of killing 10 black people in a supermarket. these charges carry the potential of the death penalty. attorney general merrick garland visited the site of the mass shooting and met with families of the victims, today.
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>> his goal was to, quote, kill as many blacks as possible. the affidavit outlines how the defendant prepared, for months, to carry out this attack. it alleges that he selected a target in this zip code because it has the highest percentage of black people close enough to where he lives. he selected the tops store because it is where a high percentage and high density of black people can be found, and he made a map of the inside of the tops store, and this decided the best plan of attack for the highest chance of success. >> andrew mccabe, the former the direct deputy director of the fbi. he is the author of, the threat, how the fbi protects america in the age of terror and trump. good to see you, andrew, thanks for joining us. let's look at these federal charges. 10 counts each of hate crimes, and use of firearms to commit murder, one for each person
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killed, and three cans of hate crime and another three of on charges for the people injured by but not killed. he is in court tomorrow, what do you think of these charges? do you think they will stick? >> they will definitely stick. this is -- first of all, it was incomprehensible to me that he would not face federal hate crimes charges. if you are not going to charge this shooter with hate crimes, why do we have the statute at all? it is not the most clear-cut case of higgins ever seen. he left an extensive manifesto, you could call it, which lays out explicitly why he was committing this offense. as you know, the hate crime statute requires that you engage in a violent crime, cause bodily injury or death because of actual or perceived race. it is very clear that this --
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his horrific actions in the tops supermarket fit this statute very well. i find it almost impossible to believe he went go to trial. he is also facing significant charges in the state of new york. we don't know how this will be resolved but i think it is a safe that this young man will never see another free day in this country. >> you mentioned the rantings. authorities had a laptop with a document containing a detailed plan of the attack, and that he had been planning for years. he even details his motive in it, to prevent black people from replacing white people. how does this go unnoticed for so long? >> it's really incredible, don, that -- it is not the sort of activity that planning and thinking and writing about these things, that is not the sort of activity that will necessarily come to the attention of law enforcement, but you would think that this
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view of the world, the activity of planning this attack, traveling to the store and other locations, you would think that at some point that would come to the attention of his family or friends, and that someone would get the attention of law enforcement. that seems to be the missing link in so many of these mass shooters, is that in retrospect, people say yeah, they saw or thought things were suspicious about the shooter, and those suspicions were not conveyed to law enforcement or to authorities in a way that could have changed the outcome. >> the shooter used several social media platforms, to plan and promote his attack. at least 15 people joined the private account of the app discord, shortly before that shooting. what happens to those people? does anything happen to them? >> it's unlikely that any charges would be sought against
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those people. it is not illegal to watch horrendous and offensive things on social media. people do that all the time. but, i would expect that those people would be identified, and interviewed by the fbi, and of course, in this investigation you want to know exactly what other kind of communications they may have had with this shooter, you certainly want to vent each of these people to ensure that none of them had any foreknowledge of the attack or may be involved in planning or supporting it in any way. barring any evidence of that it is unlikely they will face any sort of real criminal consequences. >> for the shooter, this carries the potential of the death penalty. the attorney general had a temporary hold on federal executions when asked if this suspect could face the death become he said the families of those survivors would be consulted. do you think the justice department will seek the death
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penalty? >> i think there are a lot of hurdles along that path, before you get to that. so, we know he has been charged with the death penalty, eligible offense. he needs to be convicted of that, first, at that point, the local u.s. attorney has to ask the attorney general for permission to request the actual court sentenced him to death. that process involves a lot of consultation with the victims families and other interested parties, if they are opposed to it is it is unlikely the apartment would go forward with it. the moratorium on death penalty cases, now, could stand in the way. if you got all over all of those hurdles committal to go to the courts to determine whether or not he is sentenced to death. so, we are looking at a very long process, any one of those steps could mean it does not infect go forward to this individual serving out the death penalty. >> thank you, andrew mccabe,
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appreciate it. >> thanks. primary results showing trump still has a stronghold on the gop, and it is pushing his election live with a strong showing. what is the signal for democrats running against him in the midterms?
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find rewards like these and so many more in the xfinity app. donald trump's grip on the gop, front and center in multiple merry races.
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what does it mean for the midterms? we discuss with political commentator charlie dennen, and cnn's political analyst ron brownstein, commentator and analyst, i think we have it all covered here. hello, gents. tom rice lost his job because he voted to impeach donald trump. what message does that send to other republicans like liz cheney facing trump backed challengers refusing to push the big lie? >> yeah. look, donald trump has not won all of his endorsements. no political figure ever does, but he has one a lot of them. we have seen him able to exact a cost on those that he has targeted, and i think importantly as you said before, who trump endorses, is who endorses trump. "the washington post" calculated this week there are 180 separate republican nominees who have endorsed the big lie that trump did not lose the 2020 election that biden was
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elected by fraud, and that includes, again, last night in nevada, the secretary of state candidates, an extraordinary number of republicans who are running for control of election administration in the swing states that will decide 2024, are candidates who espouse the big lie. we are talking about michigan, we are talking about minnesota, we are talking about nevada, still to come primaries in arizona, colorado, and wisconsin. it is both extraordinary and ominous how many of these kinds of candidates are advancing. >> charlie dent, you are friends with candidates facing trump endorsed challengers, do you think meyer will face the same fate in this race? >> let me say that tom rice is a man of good character and integrity. he is an honorable man. i am sad that he lost. remember what happened in south carolina last night, to? nancy mays was victorious but she defeated the trump backed candidate. now in the case of
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peter meyer, i mean, that man has a golden name in michigan. and, donald trump went to michigan several weeks ago and mocked his name. it's a dutch name, a lot of dutch people live in michigan and that name, they have a grocery store chain, retail chain, you can see the name of every michigan football name. this is a very popular family that runs a wonderful business, and trump, to mock his name, i mean, i think did enormous damage. meyer, though, has been smart. he is running on bread-and- butter issues, he does not back away from his impeachment vote, but i think he will be a tough guy to be to kevin for bid if they do defeat him in the primary, that seat could easily go to the democrats because it has been redistrict it, it is a more democratic leaning seat but i think myers is a different animal altogether and i think he will be fine because he is so well respected and trump really screwed up by mocking that man. in michigan sometimes they say if you ain' ain't much but that was a mistake. >> very nice.
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i am doing intermittent fasting, i am starving right now. let's talk about some more bread-and-butter issues. inflation, right? gas prices, no interest rates. americans are hurting and it seems like democrats could get crushed in the midterms with the economy and the gop putting election deniers on the ballot with the genuine sixth select committee releasing damning information. how do you see this playing out? >> as it is really interesting but i think that by most traditional measures, whether it is presidential approval or inflation, we have not had at this level in 40 years, democrats are going to face trouble among swing voters, who tend to base their vote on it circumstance. it is hard for me to imagine that they are going to win most independent voters, in most of these elections, who are, understandably, feeling the squeeze on their cost of living. but, that is not the only part
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of the equation for november, john. another part of the equation is how many voters have come out in 2016, 2018, and 2020 because they view donald trump as a threat to american democracy or their vision of american society. how many of them also show up? over 90 million separate people voted democratic in at least one of the past three elections, and you know, they are probably only 110 million people who vote in the midterm at all. so, to me, the key remaining variable is, do events like the genuine six hearings, the supreme court abortion ruling the nomination of so many election deniers, does that convince more of those voters, that the fight he enlisted in in the last three elections is still going on, and they have to show up again if they don't want donald trump's vision of what america should be. >> charlie, let's talk about this. georgia republican candidate herschel walker. turns out he has a second son with a woman who was not his wife, a woman, who, according to the daily beast, had to sue him for a declaration of
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paternity and child support which is ironic, considering walker's many comments in the past, listen to this. >> and, i want to apologize to the african-american community, because i know that fatherhood in the home is a major problem the father leaves and the black family, he leaves the boys alone so they will be raised by the mom and you have a child with a woman, even if you have to leave that woman, you don't leave the child. >> oh, boy. i've forgotten about them. i didn't know they were still around. so, here is what walker's campaign is saying about all of this. herschel had a child a few years ago when he was married, he supported the child continues to do so, he is proud of his children for to suggest that herschel has used him in his political campaign is
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absurd. do you think this is a problem for the candidate? i think there are members of his family who talk about you know, espousing this bs about fatherless homes, and being in blah blah blah, and here he is with a similar thing. >> in more traditional times, we could that candidates, and he also had some allegations of a dramatic situation, as well as, now, this -- >> which he has admitted to. >> yeah. so, he has had this. ordinarily, these types of issues probably would be, you know, catastrophic for a candidate. they don't seem to be that way anymore. herschel walker is a household figure in georgia, heisman trophy winner, university of georgia national champion. people i think may overlook it, but again, this speaks to a lack of vetting and i don't want a candidate -- look, as a
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candidate, you don't want problems like this. ordinarily this would be very self destructive, particularly for a party that often talks about family values, this stuff really isn't helpful, and i think that he might be able to get away with it like donald trump got away with it, and he's got the celebrity factor going in his favor, and so, it may not be the issue that we all think it is at the moment. >> i got a go, i don't have time, i'm sorry but i just want to say, you are going to vote for someone because they were a great football player? have you heard the -- sorry, the stuff that comes out of his mouth that makes no sense? and the thing he was saying as i was on the police force and i did this, like no you didn't get into any of that. >> crazy. that him. thank you. we'll be right back. e stopu in your tracks... choose stelara® from the start... and move toward relief after the first dose... with injections every two months. stelara® may increase your risk of infections,
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tonight, the mother of one of the men arrested in idaho, accused of planning to write in a private event, is a speaking of. 31 men believed to be affiliated with the white nationalist group patriot front were arrested last weekend about police were alerted to a group dressed like a little army piling into a u-haul truck. police said they had shield another riot gear allegedly intending to attack the event but i want to bring in sarah with the latest on this. hello to you. tell me about what jerrod's mother told you.
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>> reporter: karen aniston had hoped that this was going to be the moment when the light went on in his head, that this was a bad group to be a part of, that he needed to walk away. she said, as soon as she heard about the arrest in idaho, that she was almost certain that her son was a part of it. she knew that he had been involved in this group, that he was a member of patriot front, she knew what patriot front stood for, because he talked to her about it, and he tried to convince her that it was a group that stood for good things like freedom. but she knew better, and she had been talking to him, trying to get him to leave, but, he wouldn't. so, when this happened, here is what she said she did. it was one of those moments where she was at her breaking point. >> reporter: who is your son? how old is your son? >> right now, he is 27. >> reporter: where is he living? >> he is living in my basement.
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when he came back from this weekend in idaho, i was hoping, after spending some time in jail, that maybe this would be a wake-up call for him. what is this group i've been involved, where is is getting me.-warning him for years, now, that it is not going to take you in a good lace. and ultimately, it could get you into so much trouble that you are in jail and not seeing your sons and not spending time with them and you're going to lose them. and, he always brushed that aside and dismisses it, but, he is really dug into their philosophy, and really believes it, and tries to constantly get me to watch their document trees, and read their reports, and show me how they are right. so, when he came home, i was really hoping he might have had
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a wake-up call but when he came back on monday, and i went out to the house to talk to him, he believes in what they did, he was standing by it, he said, we were there to prevent them from grooming children, and we were doing what we thought was right, and we had a great legal team, none of these charges are going to stick. we had anonymous strangers availing us out because they supported her cause. i felt like he was even more entrenched in it that is when i said, we can't do this. you can't live at my house and be doing this kind of stuff and putting this kind of hate out into the world, and putting yourself in danger. you need to move out of my house. >> reporter: you gave him an ultimatum? why? >> at that time, i just felt like, i don't know what else to do. i've tried everything else.
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honestly, it is so aggravating and infuriating, to be trying to have a civil discourse with someone about their beliefs, and he gets -- and i get escalated to, because i just can't believe that he believes all this ridiculous conspiracy crap and wants to blame people for all these things, and hates groups of people. that's not who i am. it makes me sick to listen to it, and sicker to know that this is coming from my son, who, somewhere inside, has a loving heart. >> reporter: you heard there, a mother struggling with trying to get her son back, the son that she knew. he also heard him saying, we are right, and digging in. what happened in the end? she told him he couldn't stay in the house anymore, that he had to go, and that was it.
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>> have you heard anything about what is next for him, and the other men who were arrested? >> reporter: i have heard what is next for him, according to his mother. she said that after he left, he did not have his paycheck, he was not able -- no one offered him a place to stay. he did not have any money, so he had to come back. seven, he came back, he was upset, visibly shaken, crying, and she said you can say the next couple of days until you get your paycheck and then you got to get out. it is tough love. she feels very guilty, even though he is a grown man who has made his own decisions and she was very adamant, she said we did not teach this to him. she says, i am a single mom, i did not teach him this. we have friends from all over the spectrum of people in this country. she said i do not understand, but i cannot get to him. he has been radicalized. >> sarah, thank you very much, appreciate that. all entrances to
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yellowstone national park is closed after historic flooding of the worst part is, it is not over yet. i grew up an athlete, i rode horses... i really do take care of myself. i try to stay in shape. that's really important, especially as you age. i noticed after kids that my body totally changed. i started noticing a little pudge. so i took action! coolsculpting targets, freezes and eliminates treated fat for good. no needles, no incisions. discuss coolsculpting with your provider. some common side effects include temporary numbness, discomfort and swelling. you've come this far... coolsculpting takes you further. visit
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it is being called a 500 year event. devastating floods sweeping yellowstone national park, destroying homes, forcing evacuations, and closing all entrances. more surging water could be on the way. here is cnn's nick watt. >> that is insane. >> reporter: this was a home for park employees, obliterated by the yellowstone river, as was the only road in, from the north entrance. the oldest national park on earth is now closed. >> i have heard this news, a 1000 year event, whatever that means, these seem to be happening more frequently. >> reporter: bridges and houses washed away, others balanced on the brink. julia vargas jones shot these exclusive pictures from a helicopter carrying a law enforcement shift change in the park which has to be by air, when there is no road left. >> a lot of the roads, and access points have been cut off.
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the sheriff's office is also taking the opportunity to take a look at what needs to be repaired. >> reporter: the montana national guard has rescued nearly 100 people. all the calls for an unusually late heavy snowfall, then unusually high temperatures melting that's no, plus a lot of rain, combined to cut off this gem of the american west, more than 2 million acres, 1000 miles of trails, 500 geysers, bears and birds. as much as three months of water barreled down this alley in three days, breaking record high river levels set over 100 years ago. overwhelming infrastructure built for what was normal, last century, not for the extreme and unpredictable, which is becoming normal. for the benefit and enjoyment of the people, says the grand old gate, not right now.
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this northern entrance, likely will not open again this summer, because that one road in will take months to fix. >> there is nobody here, and there is one hotel which is actually shutting down, told its employees to go home. >> reporter: you were booked. >> we were booked for a year. >> reporter: gardner, gateway to the park, now a ghost town. it probably will be for months. >> it's a yellowstone town and it lives and dies by tourism. >> reporter: there should be more than 10,000 people in the park on a summers day, today, just a few hikers left in the backcountry, and all this might not be over. still 12 inches of snow pack and high temperatures are forecast for the weekend. more snow might melt, and the yellowstone river might arise again. nick watt, cnn, gardiner, montana. >> nick, thank you. thank you for joining us,
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very warm welcome to our viewers in the united states and around the world. i'm isa soares in london. just ahead here on "cnn newsroom" -- >> did you think the vice president of the united states was in danger? >> i thought it was important at least to let the secret service know that it was about to become a much more public disagreement. >> mike pence, i hope that you are going to stand up for the good of our constitution and for the good of our country.


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