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tv   The 2000s  CNN  June 19, 2022 8:00pm-9:00pm PDT

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your knees ♪ it's the god in me ♪ it's the god in me. >> let me hear you say. ♪ it's the god in me ♪ you think i'm so clean ♪ you think i'm so sweet ♪ it's the god in me. ♪ wow, wow, wow. we just experienced one of the most entertaining live events i have seen. look at the people dancing there. so much great music including that showstopping closing number there. so many talented black artists and really many powerful messages of freedom. we are back with "juneteenth." i'm don lemon. a lot to talk about after that concert to celebrate juneteenth
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and everything it took to make it an official federal holiday. the person you hear talking, you may see her dancing later. i got the video. nischelle turner is here, cnn contributor and host of "entertainment tonight." also sara joins us from the hollywood bowl as well. sara, i'm going to get to nischelle. she was dancing the whole time on the show. i can't even watch. were you dancing in the crowd? >> how could you not move your body even if you didn't have rhythm? i don't think anyone in the crowd didn't have rhythm, but your body just moves. you couldn't not do it. it was powerful. it was powerful. the poem from jill scott hit me like a lightning bolt. it was incredible. there was a beautiful saying, you are somebody's ancestor, act
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accordingly from another poet. some of the things i'm going to leave with, and i think the audience is going to leave with, we're going to stay with them, but the music, first of all, let me tell you who brought down the house, because as we mentioned, nischelle, bell viv davoe looked like they did when we were younger. i'll just say younger. i've transformed back to my 20s and early teens. i was so into it. everybody was up, everybody was dancing. neo burned it down, it was amazing. and earth, wind & fire hasn't lost it at all. not a smidge, nothing. they were fantastic. >> we have bell div davoe live, we'll talk to them later. we also have neo. this is bell div davoe right here. look at that. >> anyone who know me see, knows
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i'm an in it for lifer, and if you know me, you know there is no way i couldn't be out here on this set dancing to poison. come on! isn't that how we're supposed to feel when we're watching this concert? >> it was great. it was great to experience. you're right, you are somebody's ancestor. >> act accordingly. let me get myself together. i am on cnn right now. >> and neo, we're talking about, sara, and you can join us in this conversation as well, we were talking about how talented everyone is. neo, that was my jam. >> talk about somebody getting up and dancing. i wish i had my button on the trigger finger because this one was dancing during neo, dancing during earth, wind & fire for sure. >> singing. >> you weren't singing. i don't know what you were doing.
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>> some of this was nischelle, right? i think part of this is that this is actually both an extremely joyful time and there is this need to show the world black joy. there is a need to show that black folks love to have a good time, but they also know how serious this moment was in history for their ancestors, for african-american slaves who had no idea for two and a half years after the emancipation proclamation, after other slaves were set free, some of these slaves in texas didn't know, they were unaware. when that news came, can you imagine that moment? that moment of both exhilaration and fear, because the life that you knew you no longer had to leave. you were literally set free from bondage. so you saw that in some of the acts. debbie allen always brings it because she brings a different genre to the stage. >> a few great dancers as well. >> debbie allen.
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are y'all going to let me talk to anybody, or am i just yapping out here? >> the answer is no -- i want you to see how music brings everyone together. this took me back to my childhood. y'all weren't even born yet, but this is "earth, wind & fire, let's groove." ♪ >> look at them. i was like, look at the old folks get down. >> you talk about how music, like, moves you, and as a people, just to take it home for a second. as a people, music during the slave days is something that kind of kept the slaves' spirits up. the call and response, the calling out to one, hearing a response from somebody else that's picking cotton or doing other slave type menial work.
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so music has always been a part of who we are, a part of our culture, a part of pride for black folks in a lot of ways, because it's all we had in so many of those times. it's all we had to call in response. it's all we had. >> when you think about the way it ended, it ended doing church and gospel. it is sunday and you think about the influence of the black church on -- >> everything? >> -- everything, our spirit, our freedom, everything. i said to nischelle, sara, i said, the hollywood bowl, listen, it's amazing on television, but in order to really appreciate it, you have to be there. what was it like being in the crowd there? >> absolutely. it was filled with joy and anticipation, but there was also this sense of community like i haven't felt and a lot of us haven't felt. whether you're black, white, asian, whatever you are,
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wherever you come from, a lot of us miss community because of what happened with covid, because of the celebration we all had to go through. this was community. people were hugging each other, black folks, white folks, people of latino. they were all dancing with one another. once the community said, if you're black people stand up. if you're wihite people, stand up. and the white people were like, yes! and they were standing up. what you saw in there was a moment we desperately need in this country. it was that moment of togetherness that we have all missed so desperately to say, it's okay. we can be joyous together, we can talk about hard things, but we can do it in a way where we can share with one another without screaming at each other, without telling each other what they should do and what they should think. it was a beautiful coming together of a lot of people from a lot of different backgrounds.
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it was truly awesome. >> let's talk about some real serious stuff right now. how do i get a bell biv davoe track suit? >> you probably have some of those velour track suits. >> i feel like you have one, nischelle. >> i do have a t-shirt that says bobbie, ronnie, mickey, jackie, and i wear it proudly. >> look over your shoulder. right here. >> come on! come on! poison, poison! come on, guys, hi! we didn't know you were right there. >> we're going to talk to them in the next block. you are not all on mic. we're going to talk about how i get a track suit.
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you were sit dancing. she was chair dancing. chair dancing. >> i go way back with these fellows, so i can't wait until we have them on stage to hear what it was like for them to be in that arena as well. we heard their music that got us on our feet but we also heard mickey giton. >> can we talk about lucky o'day? >> we can. >> anyone who gets on stage and they're going to do -- i'm having a senior moment -- >> donny hathaway. >> see? i'm getting old. nobody can do that song like donny hathaway, but i think lucky day gave donny hathaway a run for his money. >> he's such a young kid in hollywood. you can tell he has a very old soul but he's so talented, and i
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love seeing these artists pay homage to the ones before them. >> song for you, lucky day. listen. ♪ >> new orleans boys. he's got that soul. you should connect, absolutely. it really was, i thought, one of the highlights of the night for me because he sang with such con v conviction, and he wanted to do donny hathaway proud, and he did
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do donny hathaway proud. >> sara, we want to interview you on the other side of this break, but we'll let you get to it to talk to some folks. still ahead, we're going to talk to some of the stars of tonight's show -- look at her. bell biv davoe. debbie allen is going to be here. you'll have to hold me back from debbie allen, i love her. "juneteenth on cnn" continues after this.
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. we heard so much about bell biv devoe, why don't you listen to them performing. ♪ that girl is poison ♪ you know what, i never saw a smile, that girl is poison. >> bell biv devoe is here right now. you know you have your biggest fan here. >> they know. they know.
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>> celebrating juneteenth 117 years in the making? >> it is such an honor to be asked to come and perform such a historical moment. it was surreal. the audience, their energy was just amazing. >> you guys have been together for 40 years as a group now. >> yes. >> you know what longevity is, you know what brotherhood is, but thfls really an inau-- this really an inaugural event. how did it feel to know you were going to get the crowd going, know that you were the ones to get the crowd off their feet and really get them pumping? >> we were in the dressing room watching the whole show andl we thought the front was a little laid back and we said, it's one of those nights. but when we got our instruments, we said, you know what, it's
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turn-up time. when we got to the middle of the stage, we knew we had to lift the audience celebrating two things today, juneteenth, and we're also celebrating daddy's, father's day. >> father's day on juneteenth. it's an enter intersection. >> it is. i have two young boys who were at the hotel watching us on television, and as soon as we got off stage, they hit me on facetime saying, daddy, you performed my favorite song. >> the kids love it, too. >> oh, yeah, they love it, they follow us, and being in an industry that will chew you up, for 32 years to be able to pass those gems on to our seeds, right? that's how you live forever, through our children, and it's such an amazing thing. >> what did you guys want to get out of this?
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this is worldwide. this is about black folks, but it's also about american history. this is a history-making moment. what do you want people to get out of it? >> music makes people feel good. when you listen to lyrics or when people have a certain feeling, you have to remember, some fathers are here, some fathers are upstairs in heaven. to put this show together, juneteenth, father's day, it was meant to have a double hit. we're just happy we got the call because ron's sons were at the hotel watching him, but mine were in the audience, i got four girls, and they're in the green room. they got to experience that today. >> what was that like? talk to me about that. >> when i'm on the stage and i'm saying, yo, shinari, yo skyler,
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when you can feel different people on the show, that's when it's important. we understand who we are as black men. >> did you know you were this close to being leslie jones' husband, because that's what she said. >> we would have some really cute babies. she said, oh, ronnie is my favorite. >> i said, my wife is in the audience, so you might want to back up a little bit. >> she said she was poison. >> they've been loving us for so long. those people have been rocking with us for many, many decades. they've been pumping love into us for a long time, and we appreciate it. >> you all are continuing to make music. you just finished a tour. >> i was just about to say something. shoutout to johnny gill.
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>> yerks, indeed. >> shout out to bobby brown. >> yes. >> and our manager caught covid. shoutout to mr. dyson. >> did you think in 40 years you would be -- >> still relevant? still getting the crowd going? >> when we wrote "poison," we fell in love with the song so much, we knew it would be a hilt but 40 years later, we couldn't plan for that. like mike said, we're in the dressing room and watching the audience we're like, are they going to get up for it? >> you're serious? >> the whole world saw me dancing to the music. >> did you guys see the video? >> i think they looked out in the audience a time or ten and saw me in the audience doing -- >> okay, okay, whoa, whoa! is she rapping?
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>> there's a breakdown. ♪ poison as poison can be running this show, biv devoe, check it out. >> do you know what i want to know? how do you get one of these track suits? >> we got green, regot red. >> what color would be fly on d? tell us what you want. >> canary lemon. i want the lemon. one of those chains, too. >> they have given the best advice to people over the years. i heard people say to me they've never gotten better advice and
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they don't trust a smile. >> we thank you for helping the world celebrate to mark juneteenth. >> shoutout to boston where we're from. new york city, l.a., atlanta, chicago, detroit, miami, everywhere and across the water. we are bell. >> biv. >> devoe. we'll be back with more juneteenth on cnn. debbie allen is here. neo as well. only at vanguard, you're more than just an investor you're an owner. that means that your goals a. and vanguard retirement tools d advice
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one hit after another in the closing of the juneteenth concert in the hollywood bowl. this is neo performing "give me everything." this is when i started dancing. ♪ tonight i want all of you tonight ♪ give me everything tonight ♪ for all we know you might not give tomorrow. >> it's always amazing to see people see themselves performing. neo is here.
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neo, thank you. >> you can see how the audience was reacting to you. >> i can see the people i can see, but i didn't see that young lady. i wish i would have, she would have hopped me up even more. >> what a pro you are. your battery pack fell off, you picked it up, plugged it in, turned it back on and you're like, all right, we got it, and you just kept going. >> it happens. once you're up there it's fight or flight. i'm a fighter so we're going to keep it going. >> what was it like celebrating global juneteenth? >> as a black man, it was amazing. as a father, it was amazing. happy father's day to all the fathers out there. i had a ball. i'm looking forward to doing it next year and the year after that and the year after that. this is an official celebration for my family. >> we do need to start some traditions. publicly and globally we have celebrated juneteenth, so i think we should start traditions with our families, the concerts,
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all these good things. don and i were also talking because we love listening to all the performers, and when you came on, we were like, whoo, his voice is on point tonight. you sounded so fantastic. what did you take away from tonight? >> look at na. to sing and dance, i mean, right? go on. >> from a cultural standpoint, it just felt amazing. it felt amazing to celebrate us, to celebrate our actual freedom. it just felt great, it felt great. i had an amazing time and i hope everybody else did, too. it felt like they did. >> so when i see you, and i'm sure you'll appreciate this, i see sammy davis jr., i see michael jackson, i see usher. this is you, people who came before you --
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>> those who paved the way. shoutout to everyone you just named, two of which are part of my five kings. prince, michael jackson, sammy davis jr., stevie wonder. >> our sarah sidner was there in the audience watching ne-yo. right? amazing. >> i was like that lady. everyone started dancing. i had a white gentleman to my right, i had a child who was about ten years old, i think, to my left. i had an auntie behind me -- i'm an auntie. yes, i'm in that genre. i had a black man behind me. we were mesmerized by you, like, mesmerized. when you started coming toward me, i was like -- i lost my mind
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like a teenager. but i do want to ask you something. i swear you never take a breath. i'm exhausted just dancing to your music. how do you do all those things and you're still carrying like the most perfect tone, you're able to do the two things together seamlessly. how in the world do you do that? do you train for that? >> you definitely have to train for that. it's run ning on a treadmill an singing at the same time definitely helps. >> you do that? >> i definitely do that. >> that's a good question, nischelle, because when you dropped the mic pack, could you hear anything any longer? >> i couldn't hear anything. that's why when you said you sounded good, i was like, oh, thank you, because i was running blind for about 20 seconds and i couldn't hear anything at all.
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when you're moving, you need control so your voice doesn't bounce like you do. >> this is for nischelle turner and i. i'm asking for you, nischelle, and you're welcome. do you need a couple backup singers and dancers, because we can be there for you. >> are y'all auditioning? >> let me tell you, ms. sidner, it's pride month. i can be a backup singer as well. >> sarah and i are ready to go on the road. >> don't call me, i'll call you. >> we call this a father's day themed day as well. did you talk to your kids and explain to them about juneteenth? >> my oldest is 12, and right behind her is her brother, he's 10, and i've explained it to them. they get it. my five-year-old, four-year-old
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and one-year-old, they don't care yet. but they will. i'll make them care. i'll make sure they know how important this is to us as black people and i'll make sure they're there for the celebration every time. >> we've been talking about how music, and especially black music, is rooted in so much. i call it the trunk of the branches of the music tree. and also just how black music from slave days was so important to our people. did you ever think about that when you're making this music like this, you are affecting a generation. >> when you think about it like that, so now we dance to it, we celebrate to it, we have a good time, too, whereas back then it was how everyone knew where to go to run away. it was more than just celebratory. that's definitely something that you think about. but at the same time another way to think about it is thank god we are what we are now. we still have a long way to go,
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but thank god we're in a place where the music is about the celebration and just basking in the beauty of what black music is. >> also for a lot of us, especially our ancestors, it was a way out. when you think about sammy davis jr. wasn't educated and before athletics make me smile. >> do you ever think about that? >> i wanted to be sammy davis jr. i instantly graduated to the rat pack. my mom introduced me to it, and sammy was my guy because he was the one that looked like me. he made it cool to be black at a time when, according to the masses, it wasn't real cool to be black. so whenever i can get on stage and do what i do, i always have him on my mind and it's just a moment of thank you. there's a lot of different places, a lot of different ways
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my life could have went, and solely because of music, i'm in an amazing place. i have an amazing wife, amazing children and an amazing career, and i can honestly say i owe this raul to music. ♪ who can take a sunrise ♪ sprinkle it with dew. >> i love these. ♪ the candy man can. >> that wasn't bad. are you sure you don't want to come on the road? >> didn't i just say i want to be a backup dancer? i want to be a backup singer, too. >> just give them a quick sammy and you could. >> you gave me my bop of the summer. what are you giving us now? we're waiting. >> finally, finally, brand new album. july 15th the album will be out. it's titled "self-explanatory." i've been here 20 years at this
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point, do you really need an explanation for ne-yo at this point? >> sarah, say goodbye. stop trying to leave me out of the fun. >> ne-yo, thank you. i'm going to try that running on the treadmill and singing thing. >> he gave us everything, sarah. >> it's incredible. up next, the one and only debbie allen is going to join us. her dance academy lit up the stage tonight. >> wow. >> love her. i booked our hotel on kayak. it's flexible if we need to cancel. cancel. i haven't left the house in years. nothing will stome from vacation.
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♪ call one eight hundred, eight million ♪ this was art tonight. let me tell you why. there was music, there was dancing and there was poetry. i want to show you this dance by the debbie allen dance academy . ♪ >> so we're joined by the founder of the debbie allen
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academy, the actor, conductor, producer and dancer debbie allen. i love you so much. >> i love you. >> thank you for everything you have done for the culture, for society. you and your sister. >> phylicia rashad is her sister, for those of you who don't know. you always have arts at the top of mind, dancing at the top of mind, and that stirs the soul. what was this like for you tonight? >> this is for me because i'm from texas. from four years old and doing everything that i'm doing now and believing it's possible, we are always told no, no, no, no, you can't do this. june 19th was always kind of a family r feformation of us sayi,
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yes, you can. seeing this on cnn, i sat there with my husband norman nixon, and when chaka kahn walked on that stage, it was real. then that incredible orchestra. then the people. i felt like i was with my whole family. covid did not exist, i'm sorry. covid did not exist today but that we have created a celebration that is now a marker for america. that's how i look at it. because this is a celebration that america now has embraced and now the globe has to understand. and freedom is something that is being fought for all over the world right now. >> i'm sorry, this is a moment for me. >> there you go. >> i grew up watching you and loving you. i never thought in a million
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years we would be talking about a global celebration, that i would be here on cnn interviewing you. bell biv devoe said, man, i ain't never been on cnn. and i said, i'm on cnn every day and i need to realize what a privilege it is to be here, what a privilege it is for us and our ancestors and where we came from. we need to recognize this moment. i am full, i'm sorry. >> you are beautiful and i love you for this emotion and this honesty. >> thank you. it's true. >> this is honesty, this is the truth. that's what we're celebrating right now, truth. the truth of who america is. america was built on a stolen people. the power of america came out of the cotton and the sugar cane fields. >> louisiana and texas. i'm sorry, nischelle. >> i'm sitting here enjoying this moment, because i love don so much and i have always loved
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this lady. i just get happy when i see her. and i get happy when i see your dancers because i know they're an an extension of your joy, when you move. tell us about the piece you guys did tonight. >> this is something that came to us from renee, and they skld us -- asked us if we wanted to participate and we said, absolutely. they wanted to do something different. they wanted to do something classical. i had never met jesse montgomery until tonight. i had never heard her music until it was sent to me. so this was like a coming together. this happened over a period of time, and russell thomas who did the choreography is one of my children. he's like my son but he's a grown man and he's incredible and choreographed this piece. for my kids who didn't grow up
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with juneteenth. they started to understand that they were part of something that has what i said before, their blood memory. you just have to recall it and get in touch with it. they were so inspired to be there today, and they were in tears when it was over. it made me just joyful. >> it's music to your ears, obviously, but this is music to your eyes. it's so beautiful, sarah, on television. i can't imagine just how overwhelming it was sitting in that arena watching it. >> it was overwhelming. it was one of the first times when the audience got really quiet and not because they weren't paying attention, because your eye starts feasting on this absolute flowing movement that goes with the music, and the white. and you always pick the most beautiful colors and you see black skin gets beautiful white frocks. it was gorgeous. i do want to mention something
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to you. when i was a kid, i loved dancing. i always, to this day, i can't not watch dancing on tv or wherever i can find it. the thing you did for a lot of us is you had different body types. you didn't have to be a ballerina and tiny and itty-bitty, you let people be free however they looked. so to see you in person, you walked by me and i stopped speaking which is really odd, because everyone knows i talk too much. but to see you in your element and to see you put forth this beautiful performance, it showed the breadth of what black folks can do and what black bodies are capable of. and it's really powerful every single time. so thank you. thank you for doing that. do you think about this? do you purposely go after people -- there are just all different body types. no one is exactly the same.
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i find it so thrilling. >> this is what happens. i was one of these kids. i was told i wasn't the right body type, that i would never be a dancer. i was told this. so when i opened my doors at the debbie allen dance academy, i opened my doors for people who had the spirit of the dance in them. i'm not looking for perfect feet or perfect whatever people think is perfect, i'm looking for the power of the dance. and you saw that. that's what you're recognizing, and it's true every day and it's something that i hoped would go around the world, all this separation and people are dyslexic and can't eat and smoking cigarettes, and they should eat chicken and dance. >> as soon as i'm done tonight, that's what i'm going to do. i just have to tell you, sarah, that dancer, as soon as he came on tonight, i said, look at that dancer, he stole my body. that's what i look like under this suit. >> he is 14 years old.
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>> even at 14, i didn't look like that. >> 14, and i think he might be turning 15 in a day. >> they are beautiful. look at their bodies. >> they're just on their way. i'm trying to raise a generation of people who understand that the arts is the beginning, that it stimulates that part of the brain that's also going to help cure cancer or fix the post office or fix education or fix the kitchen. it's creativity. by the way, i do want to say i also think juneteenth is a celebration to celebrate the best of us and what we have given to society, and that's why i think this is appropriate today to give you your flowers because you deserve them in every single way. you're talking about how you love dance so much and how it's global and you like how you are taking data global. were you in jamaica the other day? where was it you were teaching? i just saw all these beautiful little brown girls, and i was like, whoa, what is happening
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here? >> i went to jamaica. i was invited as a cultural arts exchange and i just spoke to marissa who invited me and we decided we would take some of those dancers with me to "the nutcracker" in december. i was feeling it. it was beautiful. it was beautiful. >> let me tell you, we love you, and you stole the words. as of tonight, we're giving debbie allen her flowers. this is our gwynn devoe. this is our fossi, fossi, fossi.
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thank you, debbie allen. >> i started in middle school, you know. >> we'll talk. i have to go to break. they're yelling at me. our big takeaway of tonight's concert but we have another legend.
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he never forgot about his race. when i say his race, i'm talking about the >> areas of the world where no one's been. >> patagia, life on the edge of t world. premieres july 1on cnn.
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>> we promised tonight's concert will uplift and inspire and educate i would say that we deliver and there was a whole lot of hot music, take a look this is billy porter performing. >> let you know what time it is. >> now. we mean this the best way. why is billy porter always extra? >> because he is and he is so darn fabulous. >> talented. >> yes. i loved seeing him up there in his glory and working it. we as a community as a black immunity have not always had our arms as wide open as we
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should to the lgbt community our black brothers and sisters so when we are celebrating juneteenth and celebrating freedom and celebrating what it means to be black people not a monolith but a mosaic we needed that performance tonight we needed to see that representation. as well. >> i asked him we haven't always been able to be the full sales and what we want. iggy pop, if madonna can do similar. gender bender. if lady gaga can do that. david bowie and on and on. so can billy porter. he does it with the best of them. >> do you agree, is it an amen choir, or will you disagree? >> it is an amen. he does all the things. he is a quintuple it threat. he can do all the things and he does them, it's like he is on broadway in person or whether he's on tv or whether he has
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such an incredibly bold performance. people from 80 years old i just met an 80-year-old lady who is lovely, to a two-year-old running around and dancing this is for everyone, every race and every person. >> we are so happy that you had a fantastic time. we had a fantastic time. thank you for joining us. i love you and miss you. come back and hang out with me more. thank you for joining us. happy juneteenth everyone. i brought in ensure max protein, with thirty grams of protein.
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9:00 pm
>> imagine what it was like when the rolling stones would shock parents everywhere. how times have changed. >> it's a tough time to grow up in. you learn how to write for yourself and it's ironic that most people related to it. >> platinum record. >> country music has taken over the airwaves and record charts. >> the honeymoon iov


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