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tv   CNN Tonight  CNN  June 20, 2022 10:00pm-11:00pm PDT

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we charge you a little. they put their names on arenas, we put ours on my lower back. so naturally when they announced they would be raising their prices due to inflation, we decided to deflate our prices, due to not hating you. and if this were one of their ads, they would end it here with a "happy customer". so, we'll end ours with an angry goat. oh ho ho, look at the angry goat. the news continues, i will hand it over to cnn tonight. >> thank you so much, happy to be here, this is cnn tonight.
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for the first time the january 6th committees moved beyond washington tomorrow. until now, the committee has been delving into the actions of those surrounding then-president trump, what he knew, and when he knew it. now it's what did trump himself do and what is a criminal act. and you can be sure, this moment will be part of the focus. >> all i want to do is this. i just want to find 11,780 votes, which is one more than we have because we won the state. >> that is just a really short clip of the one-hour call between then-president trump and georgia secretary of state brad raffensperger four days before the capitol insurrection. it is key to the question of how far donald trump went and how much of a role he personally played in the efforts to overturn the election results in georgia and six other states. raffensperger is set to testify
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before the committee tomorrow. so too is his deputy gabe sterling and a third republican, arizona house speaker rusty bowers. he also resisted donald trump's efforts to ignore the will of the voters. we will also see what the committee is learning about whether trump was involved in this scheme by his allies to submit phony slates of electors, fake certificates were sent to the national archives as part of the failed attempt to undo joe biden's victory. >> we'll show during a hearing what the president's role was in trying to get states to name alternate states of electors, how that scheme depended initially on hopes that legislators would reconvene and bless it. >> will we see he directed it? >> i don't want to get ahead of the hearing, but we will show his role net. >> the justice department will undoubtedly be watching tomorrow. federal prosecutors are still reviewing the fake electoral
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college certificates nearly six months after cnn first learned they were investigating. we will also see the personal toll at the state level when former georgia election worker shay testifies. trump and others falsely accused her of carrying out a fake ballot scheme herself in fulton county. she got death threats as a result. between the doj probe and the special committee, tomorrow may help answer whether the 45th president could be held criminally responsible. yet even with more than 800 people prosecuted since january 6, none of those charges to date carry the name trump. i'm joined by olivia, and elie honig. thanks so much for being here. this is serious stuff. the country is watching in part. but the doj is definitely watching how this plays out. can i just ask you first of all, what do you expect to hear? i'm going to start with you, ellie. how important is this legally to
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donald trump and to the committee? >> well, sara, so i think what we're going to hear tomorrow is different than what we've been hearing throughout the committee hearings in two respects. the sheer audacity of what donald trump and rudy giuliani and john eastman were trying to do -- they were contacting state and local officials and telling them even though your state voted for joe biden, i want you to throw it to me with zero factual basis, zero evidence to support the allegation of fraud, and contrary to the law and constitution. we're going to hear donald trump himself on the phone with brad raffensperger. we know that trump called other state officials in other states as opposed to the way he normally operates, by having whether it's rudy or john eastman or before that michael cohen do his dirty work, this is going to be trump in his own voice. >> how will the hearing trump himself sort of pressure -- i'm going to ask you this, ramesh. how will it pressure state
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lawmakers and will it make them shift? there are some folks that very much believe that 2020 was, you know, that the election was a fake -- faked election, which is untrue. will hearing all this evidence sway any of these state lawmakers? >> well, i think one thing that it's going to do is highlight the continuing threat of political violence, which has become an increasing part of our political landscape in a way that's really dangerous. and this was a key moment in that. the -- the unleashing of this very potent lie about the election and the pressure that was made to act on the lie, the pressure brought to bear against people who were resisting acting on the lie. i think we're going to hear a lot about that. and that's not just something with relevance to 2020. it's something with potential relevance to 2024. the other thing is when you hear trump himself, it gives people
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who are listening a chance to evaluate one of these questions in this hearing, which is what was trump's frame of mind? how much was this -- i think this is a genuine question. how much of it was delusion on his part and how much was conscious lying. the snippet where he said, i need you to come up with 11,780 votes, that one it's hard to come up with an innocent explanation for. that one helps make the case maybe not beyond a reasonable doubt but helps make the case he knew he was lying and he knew he was involved in a corrupt enterprise. >> the other thing about that phone call -- i hadn't heard about it and i was reminded just now is the tone of his voice. the tone he strikes in a rally, say, or talking to partisan media, it can be a bit jokey. it can be a bit difficult to know where exactly the line is for him if he's making a mockery of the whole thing. he struck a very serious tone on that call for most of it. and i think maybe hearing that, if the committee has any hope of persuading anybody, if there are persuadable viewers of these
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hearings, maybe that would be part of it. i think hearing from people who are kind of government functionaries who are not in washington, who are not in glamorous jobs, who are just doing their duty, trying to do their part, do their jobs, if there is hope for the committee that there are people who are persuadable, who are not set in their defense of the former president, i think maybe that will be where they find it. >> you know, we're talking about this from the federal level. but there is a state case going on in georgia right now as we speak. a grand jury is looking at some of this evidence as well. how might this play? it's going to be spilled out into the public sphere now. >> yeah. there's parallel proceedings here. we know that as the committee's having its hearings, the fulton county has a grand jury going. and brad raffensperger, who we'll hear tomorrow, has testified. and gabriel sterling, the second
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witness, has testified. and that hall olivia talked about is so key. i listened to it. we've all heard that snippet, i need you to find -- it's 62 minutes long. olivia's right. when you listen to it, it is alarming. donald trump is browbeating brad raffensperger. he is attacking him personally. he threatens him. he says at one point, i'm telling you there's fraud, and if you don't do anything about it, you might be committing a crime. it is serious. it is frightening. and it reminds us that the people that stood up to donald trump, raffensperger, sterling, many others, these are state and local politicians, and they're republicans, and they said absolutely not. >> you know, and raffensperger survived politically. i think that is also an important thing about the political context of these hearings that, you know, they tried very hard, trump and his most die-hard supporters to take him out at the next election. he was thought to be just a dead man walking. and he won, and he won convincingly. so, there's a message also being sent to republicans. this is a possible path.
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>> political goals, most obvious political goals of these hearings is for republicans -- establishment republicans -- to kind of rid the party of donald trump. i think the more republicans, like you just described, who are heard from, it's probably, you know, going to help them make their case better than hearing from democratic lawmakers or people from whom those testimonies wouldn't have any effect. >> olivia, you said something that i think is important. you said, well of the people who were watching. >> did i? >> you did. you did. of the people who were watching this. i want to show you the polling. the polling says public opinion has not really shifted much, even after the hearing started. and you can see, like, now 58% should donald trump recharge for his role in january 6.
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april, 52. 54. we're all sort of in the margin of error, right? then we also are going to look in a minute about whether or not people are actually watching this. and a lot of people aren't watching every detail as it comes out. but you are seeing the numbers lift a little bit. what are you hearing? you've gone out and been at some of these -- one of trump's rallies recently. what are you hearing from people? is this donald trump's republican party still? >> i think a trump rally is not exactly the environment where you're going to find people who are questioning donald trump and persuadable, to use the pundit term. but anecdotally, i hear from people who say, well, this is in the past. you know, why is this being brought up now? why are we talking about this
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now? this happened so long ago. shouldn't we focus on gas price, baby formula, any of the immediate concerns that are facing the country that washington could do something to change. >> that's a valid point, right? >> but i think in part you could speak better to this than i could. the audience for this seems to be in part prosecutors and independent voters are not the people who will be potentially acting on this in the immediate term. >> i completely agree. i think of course they're trying to do this for history. this story needs to be told and told fully. absolutely they're aiming right at prosecutors. you can see in the rhetoric, couple months ago when the members of the committee were asked, are you trying to build a criminal case here? they were very careful. not our job. on a daily basis, they're using terms like conspiracy and fraud and criminality. so, they're clearly aiming at prosecutors. and there's an interesting duality to this, which is on the one hand i think the committee is doing a very effective job of presenting the evidence in a way that's compelling. on the other hand, every day that passes takes some of the impetus and momentum out of the prosecution. and one of the criticisms i've made of doj is if you are going to charge this case, charge a former president with trying to
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steal an election, it is the most serious crime that could be committed against our democracy. yet here we are a year and a half out. >> right it looks political. >> you have to act in the moment. >> i think the committee is in danger of allowing it to be set up as a failure if it does not result nay successful prosecution of donald trump. and there are a lot of obstacles to getting that successful prosecution. >> unbeknownst to a lot of people, we have to wrap it up. thank you so much for being here. >> thank you. all right. coming up, just days after the arrest of dozens of men who police say have ties to a white nationalist group and plan to disrupt a pride parade, i sit down with the mother of one of those men. she's trying to figure out how to get him to leave the hate group. we'll share some tools we can all use to try and mend relationships in this time of deep societal divide when "cnn tonight" returns.
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it's a scene that's hard to forget, 31 masked men arrested just over a week ago in idaho. all of them, police say, on a mission to stoke chaos at a pride event in the name of hate. so, how does a person even turn to that? i spoke to the mother of one of those folks who was arrested. she told me she is speaking out because she is desperate to find a way to help her son, who is now lost down this rabbit hole of radicalism. >> i genuinely love people. >> reporter: karen wants her son back, the won she knew before, before the obsession with his online community, before the political arguments, before joining an alleged hate group. she says her first warning her son, jared boyce, was not himself, was a quick conversation. >> i went to go pick up my grandsons and he said something about a quote by ann frank or something, and he said something about that's not even wheel. the holocaust isn't real. i thought he was joking.
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>> reporter: he wasn't. when his marriage eventually failed, he returned to her home. >> how old is your son? >> right now he's 27. >> reporter: and where is he living? >> he is living in my basement. >> reporter: she says her son joined the group patriot front sometime around 2018. labelled a white nationalist group by the southern poverty law center. the group was formerly known as vanguard america, but the leadership changed the name not long after this. the person responsible for this deadly act of hate in charlottesville in 2017 was photographed with them holding the group's shield. though the leadership later said he was not a member. he says the group's ideals do not reflect how her son was raised. >> did you teach him to hate? >> absolutely not. >> reporter: she says he has proof on his own body. >> he got a tattoo of body of buddha and he has a at that too of don't hold on to hate and
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rage. >> he has buddha tattooed on him and he has "don't give in to anger and hate" on his body? >> yes, yes. he's been trying forever to find his place where he fits. >> reporter: so it was not surprised he was arrested for conspiracy to riot at a pride parade. >> i was hoping after spending some time in jail maybe this would be a wakeup call for him. to question what is this group that i've been involved? where is this really getting me? >> reporter: instead, he doubled down. we tried reaching out to jared boyce. he did not return our text. >> that's when i said, you need to -- we can't do this. you can't live at my house and be doing this kind of stuff and putting this kind of hate out into the world and putting yourself in danger. i just -- you need to -- you need to move out of my house if you can't give up the patriot front. >> reporter: and did he give up the patriot front? >> no, he didn't. he initially was like, no, i can't give them up.
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so, i was like, okay, pack your things. get out of the house. he started packing. he made a couple of calls. he couldn't find anybody that was willing to help him. so, he came back to me in tears and crying and, like, i have nowhere to go. >> reporter: ultimately she says, he chose patriot front over family. >> what does it do to you as a mother, and this is your only child, to have him choose patriot front over you? >> yeah -- >> over family? >> it's -- it's -- it's -- oh, man. it's a slap in the face because i am the one that has bailed him out all these years. >> reporter: she has run out of answers to help her son. >> one thing to do is to try to help yourself, try to find agro. >> reporter: psychiatrist joseph mt. pierre has some answers. >> what can a mother say who's tried everything? >> it's a very common question these days of course. and it's a tough answer because sometimes the answer is no.
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i think if we're talking about family members or loved ones or that sort of thing, i think the most important principle is just to try to stay connected. >> reporter: for decades, he's been studying why people join different groups. >> we're seeing is that people who fall into ideological movements are there for a reason. if we expect them to ever come out of the proverbial rabbit hole, we have to understand what brought them in there in the first place. >> reporter: she says her biggest fear now is that her son's hate is spreading to his young children, her precious grandchildren. >> they're both amazing kids, but we'll be driving out and we'll see a rainbow flag and go, oh, the rainbow flag. my dad hates the rainbow flag. the rainbow flag is bad. and i'm like, no, but i feel like i have to -- no, the
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rainbow flag is bad. my dad's going to tear it down. well, then your dad is going to get in trouble because that is against the law. he can't tear down the rainbow flag. >> is your son teaching your grandchildren to hate? >> yeah, he is. >> this kind of radicalization is impacting families across the country. it's just one of the many extreme divides in a nation that may be trading compromise for all or nothing extremes. we'll discuss with tonight's guest next. k is here. it's there. it's everywhere. but for someone to be able to work from here, there has to be someone here making sure everything is safe. secure. consistent. so log in from here. or here. assured that someone is here ready to fix anything. anytime. anywhere. even here. that's because nobody... and i mean nobody... makes hybrid work, work better.
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it isn't every day that parents find themselves in the shoes of a mother like the woman you just met, whose son is now tie tide white nationalist group. but every day there are parents, children, family members, and friends being wrenched apart by polarization and misinformation. my guests are back with me as well as the incomparable joining the conversation. i want you to come back. i'm going to be extra nice. >> okay. very positive topic. >> when you see this mother, she is struggling. are we not all struggling with family member and friends or people who are at each other's throats. i'll start with you.
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what kinds of things are you hearing in your everyday life? all of us, it seems to mirror what other people are going through. >> not a lot of white nationalists in my family. >> not yet. >> i'm happy to say. so, this is an extreme form of something that we do see other places, which is this growing polarization of politics. even those of us who don't have this particular problem, we do see this willingness to shut people out based on what we think they think, based on the kind of people they remind us of. and that is, i think, slowly infecting the family. the family used to be a kind of respite from that political division. and our divisions are now attaining the dimensions where that's harder and harder to find. >> what do you think happened? why are we here? >> well, a lot of reasons. and it's been particularly disorienting on the flip flopping of flit cal orthodoxies, things that i used to think everyone in my party were orthodoxy. you know this as well as i do. they no longer matter because one guy said they no longer matter.
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so, to have one-time friends become political foes almost overnight has been incredibly disorienting and destabilizing. i will say, i mean, i grew up a conservative in liberal massachusetts. i went to liberal schools. i moved to manhattan. i worked in liberal newspapers. >> were you attacked? >> no. and if i didn't know how to talk to liberals, i would have never had friends. i never had a problem where my politics put people off. now, i have dozens of folks, some family, some friends, some colleagues who won't talk to me, who think i've completely changed by the way my ideas have not changed one bit. the party has changed.
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and the demonization, the personal demonization of politics, culture, values, has completely shifted underneath us. you don't have to have a child who's a white nationalist to feel the complete disorientation of what the last few years in politics has been. >> it's bubbling in a different way. the polarization is impacting us in many different ways. olivia, when you see this story, obviously not all families are going to have to deal with something that's this far down the rabbit hole. but what do you see when you're out reporting and talking to people? and again, i work for cnn, so i get it in spade when is i am out in the field, which is where i normally am from everything from fake news to curse words. >> people don't like cnn? >> apparently sometimes they don't. sometimes they don't agree. >> i mean, i -- this anecdote to me is sort of -- it's a perfect metaphor for where we're at politically in some ways, where
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this woman is trying her best to keep a connection with someone who's completely radicalized, who has dangerous ideas that he believes, who's at risk of doing something dangerous, perhaps. and she's keeping him in her basement. and it's kind of like, how far do you go? at one point are you no longer extending an olive branch and at what point are you tacitly condoning behavior by giving him a place to stay, giving him time to explore these things online, probably giving him wifi, right? but i think most people struggle with aversion of this, which is how far do you go to live out your ideals? and at what point are people with whom you disagree no longer acceptable for you to associate with? i think it's a case-by-case thing, and i think in general, communication is probably a good thing and not allowing people to be on this choose your own
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adventure ride every day online. you can create your own universe you live in, create your own information feedback look. you never really have to be confronted with everybody else. anecdotally for whatever it's worth, i find that people seem fearful. it's almost like the extremes are so loud and so entertaining -- you know, you don't see a lot of centists sitting around on television like we are all the time. this is nice. not calling anyone centrists here. >> thank you. >> don't worry. i think that leads to people being fearful of being harshly judged by people they disagree with. >> they've created this fake version of community and patriotism. he wants this connection. he wants this belonging. >> and yet no one can. >> they're not the kind of friends who will do that. maybe they're not nearby. they're on the internet.
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they're not real. >> no one opened their house when he had nowhere to go. >> and we've seen as people are losing this sense of connection, we're seeing increase in radicalization, seeing increased mental illness, so all of these things are going on. >> to that point, i feel like there's a decrease in stigma. so, there's probably an increase in people -- >> in reporting. >> so, it's hard to know exactly how on a similar trajectory these things are in tandem with each other. >> it is hard to tell. it is hard to tell. but the internet is a place you can be whoever you want. so, some people are going down the rabbit hole. it's a difficult thing. difficult place where we are. thank you so much. we're going to look at the new republican party platform in texas. it draws hard lines, denies important recent history, and goes further than former president trump ever has when it comes to one of the groups of americans coming up next.
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welcome back. the republican party in texas had made some very divisive decisions as of late. it is now openly and forcibly opposing homosexuality. its idea of a big tent party doesn't include the lgbtq community. this is happening while the texas gop boldly embraces the lie that the 2020 election was rigged or stolen. the state convention adopted a resolution saying, quote, we reject the certified results of the 2020 presidential election, and we hold that acting president joseph robinette biden jr., was not legitimately elected by the people of the united states. the party is clear about its opposition specifically to being gay or transgender calling homosexuality, quote, an abnormal lifestyle choice,
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standing against all efforts. it rebukes moves by the party's own moves bipartisan gun legislation by adopting a resolution rejecting the gun legislation. let's discuss what this means for the path of the party. all right. what does this tell you? i will start with you s.e. cup. where does this tell you about where the party is headed? does texas give you an idea that this could spread? >> yes and no. this is particularly extreme even for, like, texas republicans. to me, this feels like it's the farthest edge of the far right in texas. i know that because polling shows a lot of this stuff is actually unpopular in texas. >> republican voters don't like it? >> well, yeah, the abortion ban
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no one asked for, the fact it's criminalized in texas, is unpopular in texas. so, i think this says a lot about where the republican party is telegraphing it might want to go there. but i don't think it completely represents where most voters are. and to our last segment, that is the case on name your issue. i think most people in america are squarely in the middle of all kinds of issues. take abortion, for example. most people are not on the far right, crying for abortion bans. most people are not on the far left, saying no restrictions. the vast majority are in the middle. and yet, it is so weird that a majority of people feel orphaned by the political parties and unseen and unheard because they don't fit into convenient, politically exploitable boxes. the far right is exploiting
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people on the right, and the far left is exploiting people on the left. i don't think it's symmetrical. but it has left the majority of people not represented by this platform, this crazy platform, regressive, nonsense in texas does not represent a majority of people, probably not even in texas. >> it didn't represent donald trump. i want to play something here for you. here is what donald trump said about the lgbtq community in 2016. >> as your president, i will do everything in my power to protect our lgbtq citizens from the violence and oppression of a hateful foreign ideology. believe me. [ crowd chanting ] and i have to say, as a republican, it is so nice to hear you cheering for what i
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just said. thank you. >> okay. so, that tells you something, although that was just a snippet of time in 2016. ramesh, i have to ask you, and i will also will ask you, olivia. is trump leading this party, or is he looking for people to follow? watching where things are going, checking the tea leaves, and deciding, okay, that's -- i'm going to jump on that because that's popular? >> well, i think president trump -- former president trump -- has always had a pretty cunning sense of what matters to republican voters, where you could depart from previous party orthodoxy and where you had to stick with it. i don't think anybody thinks he adopted the cause of opposition to abortion, for example,
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because it was deeply heart felt. but he knew that you could cross the previous republican orthodoxy on things like entitlements because there weren't millions of millions of republican voters who were die hard in favor of that old republican position. >> or objectionism. >> you could not switch on rights like guns and the right to life. so, he adopted the standard republican convictions on these. this is not a group of people that is representative even of texas republicans. you might even say they're abnormal. >> but to be fair, some of these politicians keep getting re-elected, right? so, it -- >> right, but john cornyn, for example, he does very well in republican primaries. he was booed. ken paxton had a much worse showing in the republican
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primary, and he got a standing ovation. this is a group of people who have always been out of step. back when george w. bush was governor of texas, the state party was dominated by a lot of people who disliked him. >> i think we make a mistake sometimes as pundits when we're engaging in punditery where we think this isn't popular. the party or the politician would do a lot better if they assumed the majority of the people in this area or in the country hold. we forget some people are purely ideological and they are acting in service of a bigger ideology. when you look at the court, when you look at what's happening with roe, we're talking decades in the making. people deliberately installing people throughout the levels of the justice system to ensure an outcome like this. and some people are acting purely to execute on ideological beliefs that maybe people who are voting for them. many people when they're voting, when they're going to a voting booth, are not making ai calculated political decision.
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if i vote for this person, this person might do this, this person might do this. >> it's unpopular standards. >> that's true. i'm going to have to wrap this up. thank you guys for being here. >> thank you. coming up, going inside america's gun culture. >> in my vehicle, i have an ar-15. i carry a firearm on me virtually everywhere i go. >> why some gun rights advocates are pushing for more gun freedom than ever before, especially now. why? that's coming up next. ♪ ♪ ♪ (sha bop sha bop) ♪ ♪ are the stars out tonight? (sha bop sha bop) ♪ ♪ ♪ alexa, play our favorite song again.
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yet another holiday weekend turning deadly from new york to los angeles, dozens of people became victims of gun violence once again. a 21-year-old basketball star was killed at a harlem park. a 15-year-old boy was killed at a d.c. music festival. 47 people were wounded in chicago. a man was killed at a las vegas mall. all this as the senate has yet to reach a deal on a gun bill. and pro-gun groups are doubling down against any kind of reform.
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here's ally reeve. >> reporter: this right here, i'll let you hold it. that's a knife right there. push your thumb up, push that button up right there. come on. toughen up. come on. >> well, i'm left-handed. >> are you, okay . in my vehicle have ar 15. i carry a firearm with me virtually wherever i go. then you have a body camera.>>
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she took over the mammon association. 40 different peaceful pieces.>> are not merely a secondary group. we realize it may take guns to maintain that liberty.>> many americans saw the second elementary school mascot.there should be more restrictions. what he thought there should be more guns openly.>> what are you afraid of? to outsider, seems like you have all republican.>> afraid is the wrong word but concern. it is about our god-given rights. a good guy or gal with a gun is the only answer.>> i heard that said a lot. i do not know that it is true. it did not work. it was a gun free zone in a
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school. >> it was a gun-free zone. it was in a school. there were 19 police officer who is had orders from their bosses to stand down. >> we wanted to talk more with thompson, so we went to his hometown the next day. >> i think i'm the only person with a prius. i get kidded about it all the time. every time there's a shooting, the left immediately starts beating the gun action more gun don't want there to be as many shootings. >> i will admit that is exactly the motivation. our basic disagreement is how to stop the shootings. there is no way they can get all of the guns. there was more guns than people in america. it is a problem that is going to be there forever. no matter what kind of gun control you put on. unless you want people or authorities. >> i feel like you are proposing a private please state.>> everyone everywhere is
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carrying guns all >> everyone and everywhere is carrying guns all the time. you don't feel that's a police state? >> well, they're not out there policing. they're out there to prepare defense. >> in joe biden's world, i would not be able to defend myself. >> is he proposing eliminations of all guns? >> yes. >> is he? >> you know that's the goal. >> i don't know that. >> yes, you do. terry thompson right here on the front row. >> what would you do to stop mass shootings? >> we got to quit blaming what's used for the weapons and go to deal with the person. people are confused how many genders there are. they are confused of what bathrooms they're supposed to use and they're confused whether a life is a value whether it is not even born. >> are you confused. >> no. >> what does that have to do with an ar-15?
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>> because if you don't respect life, you are not going to respect guns. >> so what flag laws do we confiscate the guns of someone believed to be a danger to others. oklahoma passed an anti-red flag law in 2020. how do you propose, if not this red flag law, keeping guns out of the hands of the mentally ill? >> by the mentally ill being segregated from society. we have to go back to institutionalization which is back in the '80s. >> would it be before they committed a violent crime or -- >> well, i don't know how you would ever stop someone that's given those signals that goes to decide to commit a violent crime. i don't know how you do that.
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>> do you wonder these guys ever fear their loved ones could be victims of a mass shooting? the answer is yes. they think about it all the time. my children are at home. we had someone trying to break into our house. >> what was it like? >> someone showing our porch unannounced. >> did your kids in that moment -- >> when i looked through the door, i see the gun. >> i said gun up. my daughter, had, she was, i don't know, 9, 11, she has a .22 caliber, they were gunned up and prepared. when they hear my voice, it's time to lay the weapon down before i went through that part of the house. if they didn't hear my voice, someone was going to get shot. or my wife's voice. or their sibling's voice.
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okay, so, part of the drill is walk through the house and what you are saying i'm walking towards your bedroom? >> yeah, and i'm waiting for their acknowledgment, so i don't get shot. >> wow, see, that to me seems like a scary way to live. >> a scarier way to live is what would it be like had the person penetrated inside the house and harmed me. what would that psychology be for my children. 4 4 w >> i had guns at home. >> i need to go back to before when life was easy to get a gun. >> we have a 20-gauge shotgun. i support the law. i had this view on guns for a while. although, i never necessarily had the strong desire to go out
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and purchase or own a gun until recently. there is so much divisions in the united states right now and i don't know how you fix that. you can't have people throwing gasoline on the fire, too. >> you think gun restrictions would be gassing the fire? >> yes. >> free speech is number one. free speech is being assaulted in america. >> >> why is it not the second amendment stopping it? >> because if it looks that bad then it is going to be in the street. that's why i am making sure that we have to these problems. >> cnn, oklahoma city. >> basic disagreements in this country is how to stop the shooting.
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