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tv   CNN Newsroom Live  CNN  June 27, 2022 1:00am-2:00am PDT

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it is monday, june 27th. we are now four months into russia's war on ukraine and what moscow thought would be a quick take over has turned into a grinding conflict that has displaced millions and killed thousands. now after countless pleas for more weapons, sanctions and ukraine's president is asking global leaders to do more as he addresses the g7 meeting in germany expected as early as this hour. well, as day two of the summit gets underway, leaders are looking for ways to step up
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the pressure on moscow while also trying to soften, of course, the economic fallout. their unity is being tested. leaders are now facing political blowback at home as the prices for energy, food and other goods surge. on sunday u.s. president joe biden urged allies to stand strong and confront those challenges head on. have a listen. >> the entire world is feeling the impact of russia's brutal war on ukraine and on our energy markets. we need worldwide effort to invest in transformative clean energy projects, to ensure the critical infrastructure is resilient to changing climate, democracies demonstrate what we can do, all that we have to offer, i have no doubt that we'll win the competition every time. >> meanwhile, british prime minister boris johnson is urging the u.s. and other allies not to falter when it comes to supporting ukraine. warning that the consequences of a russian victory could be
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catastrophic. >> this is something that america historically does and has to do, and that is to step up for peace and freedom and democracy. and if we let putin get away with it and just annex, conquer, sizeable parts of the free independent, then the consequences for the world are absolutely catastrophic. it means we're legitimating further acquisition by him by violence, other parts of the former soviet union, we're legitimating aggression in other parts of the world, and you can see the read across in east asia. you can see the koconsequences, the lessons that will be drawn. >> speaking to jake tapper. meanwhile vladimir putin will make his first foreign trip since launching the war on
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ukraine. president putin sin expected to travel to belarus this week to meet with his close ally alexander lukashenko. that partnership was brought up on sunday when ukraine's president made a direct appeal to the belarusian people. >> translator: you are being drawn into the war, and even more actively than in february and in the spring months. the kremlin has already decided everything for you. your lives are worth nothing to them. but you are not slaves or canon fodder. you do not have to die and you can prevent anyone from deciding for you what awaits you next. >> he is poised to announce he has purchased an advanced missile defense system for ukraine which will provide medium to long range. that is according to a source familiar with the matter. the eastern luhansk region under constant bombardment. some under heavy damage as russia attacks the front lines.
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the ukrainian region is relentlessly destroying homes, industrial sites and local government buildings. scores of russian missiles hit ukraine over the weekend. one of those attacks hit an apartment building and kindergarten in kyiv. one person was killed. at least six others were wound. and these images show one of the wounded victims, a 7-year-old girl. her family said she was cut by debris as she slept. meanwhile, a ukrainian official confirms they attempted to assassinate someone they called a local traitor in russian occupied kherson. the woman targeted was not hit. it is the latest in a series of attempts in recent weeks to kill officials in the russian administration. cnn is covering the story from every angle. our fred pleitgen is live in germany. salma abdelaziz is with us there. i want to start with kevin. in the last few minutes g7
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leaders have agreed to cap the price of russian oil. do we know, kevin, how much they're going to cap it and how exactly this is going to happen? >> reporter: well, there are a lot of unknowns about this plan, and i think it's more accurate to say right now they have agreed to try to cap the price of russian oil because officials say that they haven't necessarily determined the mechanism by which they'll do that yet. but, of course, what they want to do is deprive russia of its oil revenues. as the price of oil has skyrocketed, russia's oil revenues are actually up despite global bans from around the world. they believe that it could both deprive russia of its oil revenues, but also help mitigate the effects of higher gas prices at home. the plane is still coming together. they agreed to do it and they will task their finance ministers and others in their governments to sort of urgently look at going about doing that. but that is going to be a significant take away from the g7 today. they also plan to announce a number of new sanctions that
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they will apply on russian officials and russian defense companies. they will also announce new support for ukraine to help fill its budgetary shortfall. so all of these announcements coming out of the meetings today, that's on the sanction side. they also plan to announce some new security assistance over the coming days. there is that missile defense system that you mentioned. also ammunition and radar. so all of this coming out of the president's summits here in germany. now, what the white house wants to do is essentially turn the momentum around in ukraine as russia continues to make small gains in the east. there is a real imperative, i think, to try and give the ukrainians what they need to sort of push back where they can. the summit was began with those missile strikes in kyiv, and i think that really sort of stiffened spine of these leaders to show unity and to show resolve as they meet. president biden talked about that as he was meeting with the german chancellor olaf scholes.
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listen to a little bit of what he had to say. >> we have to stay together because putin is counting on from the beginning that somehow nato would and the g7 would splinter, but we haven't and we're not going to, so can't let this aggression take the form it has and get away with it. >> reporter: now, staying united could become more difficult in the months and weeks ahead. these leaders aren't always on the same page about what the next phase of this war might look like. whether it involves more robust negotiations with the russians, or if it looks for a more decisive victory on the battle field. that's something these leaders will have to hash out as the summit continues today here in the alps. isa? >> thanks very much, kevin. do stay with us. i want to go to fred pleitgen who is listening in. i want to get your reaction to what we heard from the g7 leaders announcing there they
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attempt to cap the price of russian oil. you were in moscow for us. what kevin was saying, russia and putin oil revenues are up. how do you think president putin will react to this? >> reporter: well, you're absolutely right, first of all, isa. the oil revenues are up. gas revenues not down either. and essentially for vladimir putin, that comes from the fact that he's trying to reorient his economy more towards the east. as you know, a lot of the shortfalls and the sales of russian oil have been more than made up for, for instance, from china and india buying more russian oil. of course, for them at discounted prices. nevertheless, the oil price has gone up so much that vladimir putin is actually making a lot of money from the fact that he's been sanctioned and a lot of western nations are not buying oil and gas or trying to buy less gas from the russians than they have been before. but i think in general, we just heard there from kevin the leaders here at the g summit were saying not far from where i am at all, is that they
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understand that they're facing a very determined russian leader and that's certainly also something that i witnessed when i was in st. petersburg, for instance, a week-and-a-half ago and vladimir putin spoke there. what the russians say they understand is their economy is in a lot of trouble because of a lot of the sanctions you heard the leaders spoke about there. they understand there's more coming. they are urgently trying to reorient that economy towards other nations like china, india, towards iran, for instance, as well. but also central asian countries. it's interesting to hear vladimir putin planning his first trip abroad in a very long time, certainly since the invasion began, to also try and strengthen some of those economic ties as well. and i think one of the things that the g7 leaders understand and why they're trying to talk so much about resolve is that they do understand that they are facing a russian leader who is very determined and who does feel that to a certain extent the russians have found their footing in that war in ukraine. kevin was talking about some of those incremental gains that the
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russians have recently been making. you know, isa, there was some talk at the beginning of what the russians call the special military operation at the beginning of the invasion about whether or not vladimir putin had trouble with his health, whether he had some sort of mental problems even. certainly what we saw in st. petersburg was a russian leader who was speaking very strong, who seemed very determined, and who clearly understands the implications of what he's doing and is determined to follow through on that path. and that is what the g7 leaders were coming together here in this area. that's what they face. they certainly seem to understand that they are up against someone who is still very much strong in his office and very much determined to see the things through that he started, isa. >> how rattled, do you think, fred, president putin will be by the g7 meeting? you said he's reportedly traveled outside of russia for the first time since february 24, since the war started. is this a sign from your viewpoint of a more confident putin, a putin that's in it for the long hall, clearly playing
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the long game here? >> reporter: i think vladimir putin at this point in time is very confident. one of the things we heard when we were in russia he said his special military operation, as he calls it, meaning the invasion that the russians are currently conducting in ukraine, that that is not going to stop until all of their military objectives have been achieved. i was unable to speak to his spokesman, to dmitry peskov. he said that certainly means the russians want to take all of donbas. they say these are the republics of donbas, they could possibly have a referendum. but in the end they want to have that territory. and i asked them, does that mean they're going to stop if they, if they manage to get those, those territories? and he wouldn't commit to that. he said maybe or maybe not, that that was up to the military. so certainly right now the russians feel more confident in their military operation, but they do, of course, still understand there is substantial world powers who are up against them.
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that's why you see vladimir putin trying to push his economy or move his economy more towards orientation towards countries like china and also, of course, trying to make it more autonomous from things like western technology. it's a huge task. it's not clear whether or not it's going to work, but certainly the western nations would be making a mistake if they believe that vladimir putin was in any way showing any sort of weakness, isa. >> and as you are talking, we are looking at live images from germany from the g7 leaders. you see on the edge of the screen, the camera is a bit shaky. the edge of the screen on the monitor was president zelenskyy who was due, of course, to address those g7 leaders. of course, we will bring that to you as soon as it happens. fred, do stay with us. i want to go quickly to salma who is on the ground in the city. of course, there has been, salma, faced a barrage of missiles over the weekend. we are expecting president zelenskyy to ask for military assistance. do you think this will move the needle on the front lines? because russia has indeed gained momentum as of late.
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>> absolutely, isa. one could argue that russia is having its best bout since the start of the invasion. let's talk about donbas. you heard fred say that is a major goal to take full control of the region. it's made up of luhansk and the donetsk area. we saw in luhansk in recent days, ukrainian forces saying they're going to have to pull out of the key city, sievierodonetsk. essentially russian forces bombing ukrainian troops into submission. this is an uneven war in every single way, isa. russia has more manpower. it has more weapons. one could argue it is willing to inflict more brutality, and you're seeing that play out on the front lines all along the east where ukrainian troops are on the back foot having to pull out again of a key city. sievierodonetsk, they seem on the edge of being encircled in another area. the sister city, again, in the luhansk region, part of the wider donbas, absolutely russia has the momentum right now on
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the battleground. on the ukrainian sides we're hearing there's 100 to 200 soldiers dying every single day all along those front lines. that they're running out of artillery in what is an artillery war. isa, you might ask, we keep hearing about military aid. why is that not helping? why is that not changing things on the ground? there are precious few of these long range weapons that are being provided by ukraine's allies. these also take weeks for troops to be trained on them. they take weeks before they arrive on the battleground. that means that there is this huge delay in making a difference. we have not seen them making a difference lately as i mentioned. you are now looking at war that is potentially going to drag out for years. russian military might, again, that superior military force, ten times the artillery power of ukraine's. the determination you heard there of president putin to take this territory, to land grab. and those g7 leaders are going to have to ask the question, how do you prop up a military force that is clearly weaker in the
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face of growing russian aggression, in the face of an insistent strategy to grab through brute force again, ukrainian territory, how do you do that in the long term, isa? how do you continue to help ukraine if that's what they're going to do? >> how do you in the face of pressures at home, of course, with rising prices, oil prices, food prices, inflation, that also plays a part as well as the fear of fatigue which is something you have addressed before, salma. salma abdelaziz, fred pleitgen, thank you. now, shock waves from the recent supreme court decision ending national abortion rights are rippling across the united states. russian abortion rights have been in the streets. we'll show you protests in los angeles and what california is doing to protect abortion providers and patients after a very short break. stay with us. you are watching "cnn newsroom." she's feeling the power of listerine.
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protecting abortion rights is now front and center in some
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states. after the supreme court's decision ending constitutional protection for the procedure. california lawmakers passed a bill protecting both providers and patients. and from washington, d.c. to atlanta to los angeles, abortion rights advocates are voicing their frustration. the first poll conducted after the court's decision is out 0. the cbs poll found that nearly 60% of americans think the ruling was the wrong move. more than half said it was a step backward for america. demonstrators for and against abortion rights made their voices heard in front of the supreme court building in washington on sunday. sunla sunland serfaty has that. first here's sunland. >> reporter: there has certainly been some emotional and tense moments outside of the supreme court where, for hours, there were hundreds and hundreds of dem demonstrators protesting friday's historic supreme court
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decision. there were people on both sides of the aisle and we certainly heard those passions from people on opposing viewpoints on this issue. >> personal opinion is i'm happy with it. but one of the reasons is it now gives each individual state the right to decide for itself what it wants its law to be regarding abortion, which is true about numerous other things and no one complains about it. >> if you weren't outraged by the supreme court decision that was made this week, then you're not paying attention to what's happening in this country. and you need to open your eyes and educate yourself. maternal mortality rates are shameful. it's atrocious, and it's disproportionately people of color and people that don't have access to resources. and to take that away from them, to take away their agency, to take away their ability to make these decisions for themselves, and to access the health care that they need, it's shameful and it's not what this country is about. >> reporter: overall protests
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remained largely peaceful. late in the day we did see a large groom of those protesters who were speaking out against the ruling, and they took their demonstration on the move. they left the supreme court. they marched down independence avenue, closing down the streets, and they went to the white house. they said that they wanted president biden to see and hear that they are angry. sunland serfaty, outside the supreme court. >> this is the third day of protests here in the downtown los angeles area. today the crowd has been listening to speakers. many of them sharing their personal stories about even getting an abortion. one of the speakers saying she does not regret her abortion, and is actually very thankful for what her abortion has allowed her to accomplish. organizers are telling this crowd to introduce themselves to each other, saying that these are the people that will fight with them over the next couple of months. they're also telling many of these protesters to focus on abortion funds because they say
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money and volunteer work will make a difference as they prepare california for an influx of women coming from other states in search of an abortion here in california. that is actually a sanctuary state where legislature and the governor have said they will stand up and fight back against abortion bans. they have said that they will protect not just the women of california, but also women from other states. governor gavin newsom signing a bill into law that actually protects both providers and patients against civil action taken in another state. so a lot of the protesters here thankful for the work that california will be doing over the next couple of months, but they do say that a lot more needs to be done. they believe they will have a lot to do over the next couple of months, but they say that the work starts right here on the streets. cnn, los angeles.
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several u.s. states are moving quickly to ban abortion in the wake of the court's ruling. a number of them already had trigger bans in place. in georgia, a restrictive law bans abortion when a fetal heartbeat can be detected about six weeks into pregnancy is expected to take effect soon. republican governor brian kemp signed the legislation after it passed, it was then suspended by a federal court. democrat stacey abrams who is challenging kemp in the gubernatorial election says the six-week ban will be the law within days. >> brian kemp, the current governor, signed an extreme six-weeks ban on abortion. that's six weeks. often before women know they're pregnant. in georgia where half of our counties do not have an ob/gyn, it can be that they won't find out they're pregnant until after it's too late to have this medical opportunity. we know that the right to choose should not be divvied up among states, and that the sinister practice of taking constitutional rights and allowing each state to decide
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the quality of your citizenship is wrong. women deserve bodily autonomy. they deserve the right to make these choices. and in georgia in particular, in a matter of days, this six-week ban will be the law of the land. that is horrendous. that is appalling and it is wrong. as the next governor i'm going to do everything in my power to reverse it. >> well, brian kemp isn't the only republican governor whose action will stoke decision. they are defending their positions against abortion. have a listen. >> i believe every life is precious. our trigger law does reflect that if it's to save the life of a mother an abortion is still illegal. we know so much more using t technology and science than we did 10, 15 years ago about what these babies go through, the pain they feel in the womb. we'll continue to make sure those lives are protected. and i never believed that having a tragedy or a tragic situation happen to someone is a reason to
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have another tragedy occur. >> we're going to work hard to make sure that mothers have the services that they need. we're going to expand adoption services to meet those needs. >> democrats, meantime, hope the fight over abortion will take center stage during midterm elections later this year. one republican strategist says extreme bans could lead to consequences at the ballot box. >> i've been a republican for a long time, but ever since donald trump i have watched this republican party radicalize and become more extreme. and i think right now there is a number of governors who are the republican party candidates in states like pennsylvania with doug mastriano where they believe in absolutely no exceptions in the case of rape, incest, life of the mother. and i think that, you know, the task for democrats is really going to be sort of prosecuting that case broadly of extremism against these republicans because they are out of step
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with where sort of the average person is who does want some restrictions on abortions, but doesn't want, you know, total restrictions on abortions. that's what i see in the focus groups from the swing voting women. the idea of a total restriction really sits poorly with them. >> corporate giants across the range of industries are promising to help their employees who need abortions in states that outlaw the procedure. many are promising to pay travel costs for employees and some will pay expenses for their dependents as well. experts say the policies are not without risk and the companies face the possibility of legal action. still to come right here on "cnn newsroom," millions under heat alert as record temperatures spread across the united states. cnn's pedram javaheri is tracking it all. >> after one of the wettest and coolest starts to the spring and summer season across the western u.s. and the northwestern u.s. in particular, big-time heat and near record temperatures in a few spots. we'll break this down all coming up in a few minutes.
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only from us... xfinity. welcome back to "cnn newsroom." i'm isa soares. if you're just joining us, day two of the g7 summit is underway in germany at this hour. it's a meeting that has so far been dominated by russia's war on ukraine. leaders began the working session just moments ago on the war -- ukrainian president volodymyr zelenskyy joining them by video link. he is expected to press for more sanctions on russia as well as more military aid for ukraine. and it appears the leaders are making progress on new sanctions against russia. in the last hour we learned that the bloc will try to cap the
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price of russian oil. details are still being worked out to deprive moscow of a key revenue source funding the war of russia against ukraine. bain on new gold from russia was announced. secretary of state antony blinken is telling jake tapper it is starting to -- have a listen. >> everything we've done from the start, imposing unprecedented sanctions is having an impact on russia. even with oil prices they are unable to spend them because of export controls. it can't acquire what it needs to modernize its defense sector, or energy exploration which means over time each of these areas is going to go on decline. already we're seeing predictions the russian economy will shrink by 8 to 15% next year. the ruble is being propped up at great expense. a thousand companies, major international companies, have
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left russia. >> well, earlier i spoke with a member of ukraine's parliament. she told me what western nations must do to help ukraine. have a listen to this. >> we also want the world to do their part and make sure that while the emotions may be winding down, that support of ukraine is the part of the strategic plan for each democratic country, especially for the world leaders. >> so the world to do their part, that's what you say, kiera. is your sense there that there needs to be greater urgency, that the weapons are not getting to ukraine fast enough? if not, why not? >> look, everybody is asking me why and when the war would end. my answer to that is, well, the sanctions that would really hurt putin will start working only in 2023. so the expectation that war will end right now, they are not based on any fact.
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second, their weapons. we only started getting the weapons we were promised at the beginning of this war. so for some of the promises, it took four months to be fulfilled. so right now we need not only the promises, packages of support, but we need them fast and we need a way to get them to ukrainians ten times faster than we were getting them before. otherwise, again, we will be able to fight, but we will be able to fight almost bare hand. i'll give you one example. i have small office in bucha that was destroyed. it was destroyed by three missiles. it's $300,000 spent of russian money on one small office, one small building. and they're just using those resources without thinking because they have tons of them. we cannot afford this luxury. that's why we need to have it more and more and more support and supplies from the western countries. our only question would be like,
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okay, if you are slow in supporting ukraine, then what is the plan? what is the plan? let russia move forward? what is the plan, to let russia take over ukraine? and we are just two months away from autumn. does anybody think that in autumn when the heating season in europe starts, putin will become a better person? easier to negotiate? or he will use his leverage to cut down the energy resources or ramp up the prices as high as he can to make sure that he has upper hand in the potential negotiation? and this is why we need to take the momentum now while he is still not as strong as he can be, and he will be in autumn when the whole europe and european citizens will be just hostages to this energy crisis. >> kiera ruddick there. she said ukraine cannot negotiate with russia in good faith. vladimir putin cannot be trusted
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to keep his word on any potential agreements. it's just not easy to fly right now. flight delays and cancellations are continuing to frustrate travelers. more than 600 flights are canceled from monday. so far in the united states. delta airlines continues to have the most cancellations, scrapping more than 200 flights on sunday alone. airlines say staffing shortages and weather are to blame for the cancellations. while millions of people along the west coast are under heat advisories, some locations seeing very high temperatures indeed, cnn's pedram javaheri has more on the record temperatures. good morning, pedram. >> good morning, isa. the big-time heat across the western u.s., the story here for at least 20 million americans, you'll notice temps as high as 100 in western washington. upper 90s across california and widespread across sor
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southern/central california, as well. absolutely doused with cooler temperatures, wet weather in the last couple months, finally tapping excessive heat. you'll notice astoria, oregon, western oregon, a high of 92, besting the previous record of 85. and incredibly, the drought across portions of the western united states, at least around the northwest, has shrunk quite a bit, from 70 plus percent in september of last year to the most present update coming in at only 11% encompassing eastern washington. speaks to how wet the region has been, but the heat is on here for at least one day. temps will climb up to the 90s in seattle. porz portland. back down to reality the next several days. a dramatic drop in temperatures as mother nature turns on its air conditioning across that region. how about the wet weather across the southwest where nearly the entirety of the states of arizona and new mexico have been under drought, extreme excessive drought. you'll notice rainfall,
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monsoonal moisture, enough to bring the containment numbers for the her mitts peak calf canyon fire there. up to 92%. great news for the fighting efforts across that region when it comes to rainfall and also watching some news developing across portions of the tropics. an area of disturbance, mainly going to be a rain maker for texas. couple of pockets, one with a 90% chance of forming in the next five days going to be threatening south america certainly in and round nicaragua as we approach that region over the next five days or so. isa? >> thank you very much, pedram. still to come right here on the show, a tragic accident at a bull fighting colombia, police are trying to figure out what caused the partial stadium collapse killing four people. we have dramatic images for you. plus 22 people, most he them teenagers, mysteriously die at a tavern in south africa. we have the latest on the investigation next. is proven to moisturize dry skin all dayay.
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the president of south africa has expressed his condolences to the families of the 22 people who died at a tavern in the city of east london. forensic examiners were at the scene sunday trying to figure out what the cause of the deaths were. a local health official said the victims were between 18 and 20 years old. though some may have been as young as 13. cnn's layrry madura joins us. we are scratching our heads trying to understand exactly what unfolded. are you getting any more clarity as to what happened? >> reporter: isa, we are trying everything to understand exactly what happened and that's what authorities, investigators are also looking into. what we know is that the south african police minister has ruled out a stampede. he also ruled out natural causes of the deaths here after going to the morgue. one of the working theories has been that's not confirmed,
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authorities have not commented on is some kind of poisoning. the owner of this tavern claimed in a local interview in south africa that somebody could have used pepper spray. again, we just don't have any information on that at this stage. what is not unclear -- what is unclear is how children, because that's what they were, children as young as 13 were in a tavern on a friday -- on a saturday night. they were aged between 13 and 17, and many of them are supposed to have finished their end of year exam so they could have been celebrating. that's why they were at this tavern. these are all things they will be looking into. authorities now tell us that four remain in critical condition. they hope when they recover they can shed more light on what happened. there are still five unidentified bodies according to the eastern cape provincial premiere office. the police minister who went to this location to the morgue was reduced to tears and later this is what he had to say. >> but when you look at their
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faces, you realize that they are dealing with kids, kids, kids, kids. you have heard the story, that they are young. but when you see them, you realize that it is a disaster. >> reporter: south african police say they are spending maximum resource to investigate the circumstances of the deaths. they are taking samples from the bodies for toxicology reports and we should know more. we expect a statement from provincial authorities and likely the police, isa, later today. >> do keep us posted. laye lar larry madoa for us. officials say four people were killed after the three-story structure collapsed and local hospitals have treated more than 300 injured patients from the event. now investigations are underway to find out what may have caused the collapse. no cause has been reported so far. still to come right here on the show.
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planned parenthood takes the streets of new york during the city's pride parade. we have the details for you just ahead. you are watching "cnn newsroom."
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riot police repeatedly you can see beating and kicking someone curled up on the ground there. this was the scene on sunday as protesters in istanbul defied a ban on march celebrating pride month. according to local groups, lgbti and pride week, more than 350 people were detained by police. turkey's conservative government under president recep tayyip erdogan has cracked down on local lgbtq plus events. at least 23 of the protesters have been released so far. in new york, the annual pride parade kicked off this weekend with planned parent hood leading the march just two days after the supreme court ruling that overturned the landmark roe
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v. wade decision. cnn's paolo sandoval was there and has details for you. >> reporter: the crowds are back to celebrate new york city pride. however, this year another additional element of protest is planned parenthood was invited to lead the parade this year, symbolic move meant to echo the frustration and also the anger we have seen in new york city since the supreme court ruling was handed down on friday. i heard from not just spectators, but also participants and heavy on their mind was justice clarence thomas' additional opinion in which he expressed perhaps it is time to examine previous rulings involving gay marriage. this is a major concern for many of the participants in this year's parade. though the court in its conservative majority assured the friday ruling was not meant to affect that particular part of the law, that is still providing little to reassure participants here. one person calling it terrifying. >> i think he's really gunning
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for people who are different and things he's afraid of and things a lot of people are afraid of. it gives us power, it gives us strength to fight back, and i mean, the fact that he, you know, pointed out those names, i mean, we know what he's gunning for. so we're going to be fighting right back. they promise under oath, no. they lie to you under oath. they lie to this community. they lie to my community as a woman. i know i'm safe in new york because it's in our state's constitution. but it's not just us, it's about everyone in all 50 states. >> reporter: we should note on friday the conservative majority did write the ruling. it does not call into question any aspects of same-sex related rulings in the past. that does little to assure people here. it certainly does open up the conversation about what, if anything, new york will do to take additional steps to codify that aspect of the law. it also sets the country on a path to continue further political -- politically charged conversation.
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paolo sandoval, cnn, new york. now to another major political development. in israel, a vote on whether to dissolve parliament will likely take place sometime today on this monday. cnn's hadas adjjoins us from jerusalem. when that comes, what's the mood like there given this may be the fifth in the country in what, three years or so? >> reporter: yeah, it will be the fifth elections in about 3 1/2 years. let's quickly walk through what is expected to happen today. we are still waiting for the israeli parliament, the canessette committee that can decide to fully put the vote to the full parliament. it is expected to happen today. then the bill on the dissolution of the parliament will need to go through three readings. those are expected to pass once it actually makes it. and once that is passed and the parliament is officially
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dissolved, gyari lapeed, at midnight he will become the caretaker, the new prime minister, and then elections will be triggered. what we're waiting to hear in this bill amongst that it will actually happen, will also be the date of the election. that has not yet been decided. it will likely take place in the fall. in terms of the mood of the israelis, i think some of them are just sort of rolling their eyes and resigned at the fact that they have to go to elections once again. but i also think there is almost a bit of a fear that even another set of elections won't help fix the sort of political dysfunction israel has found itself in because when you look at the latest polls, isa, even though former prime minister benjamin netanyahu's party is expected to win the most number of seats, his block of parties that could form a coalition, according to the latest polling, they still don't pass that 61-seat threshold needed to have a functioning majority government. so there is a question that even if they have elections, if all
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of the results end up as the way the polling is pointing to, then they might still find themselves in this sort of endless cycle of political dysfunction. now, if that happens, and no government is able to be formed, yari lapid will stay as prime minister until a government is able to be formed, or this is very possible, more elections could take place. isa? >> hadas gold for us in jerusalem. thanks very much, hadas. good to see you. now, nasa is teaming up with an australian spaceport to launch missions that can only be studied from the southern hemisphere. >> 3. 2. 1. go! yeah! >> they're excited. they launched the first of three missions from australian's space center sunday night. it is the first time nasa has launched a rocket from a commercial facility outside the united states. the country partnering with nasa, a milestone for australian
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space light. >> it's historic for australia. fourth of july is the next launch. we need to dust ourselves off, take a day off and get back into it and get ready for the next launch because it's just as important. >> and with the u.s. space agency as its first customer, the australian space center hopes to ramp up and conduct more than 100 launches a year with various clients. according to hollywood, there could be a new king at the box office. >> bring that base up, jay. >> i wish to promote you, mr. presley. >> i believe i can be great. >> during its opening weekend, elvis biopic was in a dead heat with "top gun: maverick." according to industry news outline, estimates from early sunday show, each film made just over $30 million this past weekend. but elvis has a long way to go
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to catch the tom cruz-led "top gun" sequel. it has grossed $1 million in its fifth week in theaters. and a full disclosure here. elvis is a warner brothers movie owned by warner brothers. the tampa bay lightning lost 2-1 in game 6 of the hockey league finals on sunday. the game was tied 1-1 until halfway through the second period when colorado scored the deciding goal. this is the team's first stanley cup title since 2001, and third overall. congratulations to them. and that does it here for me on "cnn newsroom." thanks very much for your company. i'm isa soares in london. details on your screen on how to stay in touch. "early start" with christine romans and laura jarrett is next. i shall see you tomorrow. have a wonderful monday. bye-bye.
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♪ good morning, everyone. it is monday, june 27th. it's 5:00 a.m. here in new york. i'm laura jarrett. >> i'm christine romans. thanks for getting an early start with us this monday morning. welcome to our viewers in the united states and around the world. >> nice to have you back on this big monday morning. we begin with life in america after roe vs. wade. the supreme court's landmark decision rolling back the constitutional right to an abortion already changing the fabric of american life. protests over the weekend animated, but overwhelmingly


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