tv Erin Burnett Out Front CNN June 28, 2022 4:00pm-5:00pm PDT
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major victory. but one thing this doesn't change, obviously, we've seen what happened to that shopping mall, the treachery continuing by the day and no clear answers for any near-term end even as longer term issues grow broader. wolf. >> phil mattingly reporting for us. thank you, thank you to our viewers for watching. i'm wolf blitzer in "the situation room," erin burnett "outfront," starts right now. "outfront" next, gamechanging testimony. a key witness revealing trump not only knew about the potential for violence on january 6th, but waived off concerned and sent his armed supporters to the capitol anyway. plus, testimony jaw dropping about trump trying to seize the wheel of his suv after the january 6th speech to join the mob at the capitol. can anyone corroborate that story? i'll ask a member of the january 6th committee about it.
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and 51 people dead in the back of the truck in sweltering heat and it happened in the united states of america. let's go "outfront." i'm erin burnett. "outfront" tonight, a transformative moment in what was some of the most explosive moment in the january 6th hearing to see date. cassidy hutchinson, former top aide to trump's chief of staff mark meadows laid bare just how much trump wanted the crowd to march to the capitol, knowing they were armed, knowing his rally could turn violent. here she is talking about the warning from top white house aide tony ornato. >> i remember mr. ornato had talked about intelligence reports, coming in and saying we had intel reports saying there could potentially be violence on the 6th. remember tony mentioning knives, guns, in the form of pistols and rifles. bear spray, body armor, spears and flagpoles.
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spears were one item, flag poles were one item, tony, then relayed something to the effect of "and these effing people fastening spears on to the end of flag poles". >> is it your understanding mr. ornato told the president about weapons on the rally of january 6th. >> that's what mr. ornato related to me. i was in the vicinity of a conversation where i overheard the president say i don't effing care if they have weapons, they're not here to hurt me, take the effing bags away, let the people march in. >> so, knowing they were armed, saying take away the mags and let them march on the capitol. in total, today's hearing actually revealed 15 warnings about potential violence at the capitol and they were blunt, like, this might, get, quote, real real bad. there were 14 more where that came from. hutchinson also described in never before heard details just
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how unhinged trump had become on january 6th and the days leading up to it, including what was frankly an eye brow raising moment on january 6th where hutchinson says she was told second hand that trump lunged today front of the suv he was in and tried to take the steering wheel from the secret service agent who refused to drive him it the capitol. >> he said something to the effect of, i'm the effing president, take me to the capitol now, to which bobby responded, sir, we have to go back to the west wing. the president reached up towards the front of the vehicle to grab at the steering wheel. mr. engle grabbed his arm, said sir, you need to take your hand off the steering wheel. we're going back to the west wing. we're not going to the capitol. mr. trump then used his free hand to lunge toward bobby engle and when had recounted this story to me, motioned towards
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his clavicles. >> and was mr. engle in the room as mr. ornato told you this story? >> he was. >> did mr. engle correct or disagree with any part of the story from mr. ornato? >> mr. engle did not correct or disagree with any part of the story. >> did mr. engle or ornato after that tell you that what mr. ornato said was untrue. >> neither told me ever that it was untrue. >> trump in part, denying some of the damning claims from hutchinson's testimony she made under oath. pamela brown is out front live on capitol hill. what more are you learning tonight. >> reporter: erin, i spoke to a capitol police officer who was here on january 6th and heard the hearing today, said he felt a sense of betrayal listening to cassidy hutchinson's testimony,
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relaying the warning signs chief of staff and mark meadows willfully ignored time and time again and while it was shocking to white house aides, one former aide of trump i spoke to said it was all 100% believable as well given how chaotic things were behind the scenes at the white house as trump tried to overturn the election results. >> as an american, i was disgusted. >> bombshell testimony from surprise witness cassidy hutchinson, a former top aide to white house chief of staff, mark meadows. >> that evening was the first moment that i remember feeling scared. and nervous, for what could happen on january 6th. >> hutchinson telling the committee white house officials knew something big was brewing for january 6th, testifying that four days prior, trump's former attorney rudy giuliani claimed
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trump himself wanted to go to the capitol on january 6th. >> we're going to the capitol, going to be great, president is going to be there, he's going to look powerful. >> when approached meadow for more details she says meadows gabe an ominous response. >> he didn't look up from his phone and said something to the effect of, there's a lot going on, cass, but i don't know, things light get real, real bad on january 6th. >> after, things did get real bad at the capitol. according to hutchinson, lead white house council brpleaded wh trump to get something to stop it. saying. >> something needs to be done or the blood is going to be on your effing hands, this is getting out of control. >> and even when the rioters started to chance, meadows said, pence deserves it. >> something to the effect of, you heard him, pat, mike deserves it, he doesn't think they're doing anything wrong. >> on the 7th, meadows
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encouraged trump to condemn the rioters to salvage his legacy. >> you need this as cover. >> and hutchinson describes seeing trump express rage numerous times over stories of his 2020 election loss, one such time as his former attorney general told the associated press he had not seen widespread fraud. >> there was ketchup dripping down the wall and a shattered porcelain plate on the floor. the valet articulated that the president was extremely angry at the attorney general's ap interview and had thrown his lunch against the wall. >> a former trump loyalist, hutchinson testified that watching the violence and destruction unfold on january 6th was devastating. >> it was unpatriotic. it was unamerican. we were watching the capitol building get defaced over a lie.
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it's something that, it, i still struggle to work through the emotions of that. >> another revelation coming out from cassidy hutchinson today, said mark meadows, former boss, and rudy giuliani sought presidential pardons relating to january 6th, back to you. >> all right, pamela, thank you so much. i want to bring in to talk now about all of this as pamela shared, ryan goodman, coeditor and chief of justice security, online legal form that's been devoted to the january 6th investigations as of late, jones, former adviser to president obama, former white house press secretary who actually resigned on january 6th, following the insurrection, and former nixon white house council and watergate whistle blower, john dean. so, there was a lot in there today. but this was jaw-dropping hearing. it was a powerful witness. what did cassidy hutchinson
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prove today? >> i think she proved she cares a lot about this country. she's 25, 26 years old. you know, when you take a job at the white house, you take the same oath that you take when you join the military, that you're supposed to put the constitution above everything else and as best she could she did that today. she gets nothing out of it. she's probably destroyed her career with the republicans, a strong conservative. i think she did something i wish more people would do. she came forward and shared what she knew and what she heard and i think she should be commended for that. >> yeah, so ryan, we heard hutchinson say trump knew his protesters had weapons and heard her detailing what those were as she were told and to great details, spears faffixed to the end of flag poles, right, and then she hears a conversation with him speaking about well, knowing this about the weapons, what to happen. let me just play this. >> i was in the vicinity of a conversation where i overheard the president say something to
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the effect of, you know, i don't effing care that they have weapons. they're not here to hurt me. take the effing mags away, let my people in. they can march the capitol from here. >> so did those things, ryan, knowing the protesters were armed, then went ahead, not to just hear him say let them march on the capitol. then went and spoke to that crowd and he said this. >> we're going to walk down to the capitol and we're going to cheer on our brave senators and congressmen and women and probably not going to be cheering so much for some of them because you'll never take back our country with weakness. you have to show strength and you have to be strong. >> so ryan, he said that after he had been told they were armed and he had responded take away the mags, they're not here to hurt me.
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he then tells them to march on the capitol. what does that say? >> i thought it was incredible. to me, it was the most legally significant part of the testimony because it demonstrated that the justice department very well might have a case to incitement to riot or maybe even seditious conspiracy. he had knowledge they were armed then directed them to the capitol after confiding in others that he knew that and wanted that. he wanted them to go there, his armed supporters included. really just incredible information that's now in the public and obviously, the justice department is following this closely. >> i also found it so important how, you know, we heard him say that it has always been troubling yet her context provide d so much more, provide, take away any mags, incredible how the testimony can add so much even at this point. john dean, at that front, cnn reporting tonight that some house republicans are stunned by what they heard from hutchinson today from that crucial context. congressional republicans, of course, have been so incredibly loyal and almost to uniformaly
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loyal to trump. d do you think, john, today could be the beginning of that dam breaking or not? >> it's a close call, for this reason. most of these republicans are now authoritarian personalities. they're attracted to a leader like trump. and i've studied these personalities about eight years now. they are very fixed. it's very hard to move them. so some on the edge may well rethink their position. but the hard core and his base is not going to be changed by this. >> stephanie, there was so much. you heard ryan say the most legally significant would be knowing they were armed and having them march anyway, but there were so many moments that stood out. one of them was, you heard in pamela's piece, hutchinson recounting a temper tantrum after bill barr told a news outlet the justice department hasn't uncovered any news of voter fraud so trump seized that report and then here's the moment.
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>> there was ketchup dripping down the wall and a shattered porcelain plate on the floor. the valet had articulated that the president was extremely angry at the attorney generals ap interview and had thrown his lunch against the wall. >> stephanie, you worked closely with trump for years. i mean, there's just something, imagining this, someone throwing their plate against the wall, ketchup dripping down. those details. had you heard this story before today, ste stephanie? >> i hadn't heard the story, i was sick to my stomach watching on many fronts, knowing people were armed and sent them to the capitol, but his temper was swift and it was scary. i was on the receiving end of it many, many time has. i witnessed him throwing pens
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and papers but it rang completely true to me, i didn't know her at all, didn't work with her, the moment meadows joined the west wing i left and went to east wing but i think she was very credible and i think you were exactly spot on, it gave so much context to people as to the way he behaved and his thinking especially on that day. >> listen, you work in the white house, you see a lot of stuff. and you have this sense that whatever you see you're going to keep to yourself forever. for a young white house staffer to say i'm going to go before the entire world and say this kind of thing, she's, something, the experience disturbed her deeply and that is why she did what she did. >> and here' s the thing, ryan, it happened now. there are still people grappling with this who may come forward. i don't think that is what americans expected. i don't think that's what legal scholars expected. i think people thought this was a pretty well-known timeline and you get what you get but the end
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of the hearing, chairman benny thompson praised her and then, this hearing came together and 24 hours notice, right, that's because she came forward. so he delivered this message to others who have not yet spoken out. here is he. >> if you've heard this testimony today and suddenly you remember things you couldn't previously recall, or there's some details you'd like to clarify, or you discovered some courage you had hidden away somewhere, our doors remain open. >> are we going to hear more? >> i think we very well might. it does sound as though the committee is very credible when they say they have got other people coming forward since the beginning of june with the public hearings and you think, person number one, pat, cipalloni, seems to have played a positive role through the timeline, and others as well maybe could come forward and
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corroborate what she said. i also say, if they don't come forward, justice department might sit down with them and won't have a hard time subpoenaing them or the like. >> and it has been suggested the testimony today from hutchinson was reminiscent of your watergate testimony, who testified at the time, prear prearranged hearing, came as a surprise, and he testified about the existence of the tapes. he changed history forever and it was the unexpected unplanned hearing that did so. do you think that's what we saw today, or that that's what we still could see here? >> well i do agree with the fact the surprise witness parallels butterfield, but we got no satisfaction from butterfield, because it took years, in fact decades, to get all the tapes. so it took a long time to get the initial tapes. so with her, we got instance gratification.
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we explained what she was talt talking about, what she'd seen, had heard, so that was very satisfying. with my testimony, it was very pro attracted, i read a 60,000 word statement they insisted i would read, which wouldn't have been 60,000 words if i knew i had to read it, then i answered questions for four days for eight hours a day so mine was very lengthy. although, you know, i had confronted a lot of the issues she had to confront on just one day she talked about. >> so hutchinson also testified that rudy giuliani who was trump's lawyer and white house chief of staff, mark meadows, central in this hearing today, that they both suggested they were interested in presidential pardons related to january 6th. stephanie, what does that tell you? >> well, it didn't surprise me. i can tell you that. and as has been said many times, i think if kbroor asking for a
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pardon, it's because you know you've done something wrong, legally wrong, and throughout these hearings, his personal assistance, nick, has also said the president talked about giving everybody a blanket pardon so that tells me they all knew what they were doing is wrong and i just, i want to commend cassidy for her profile and courage today because it comes with her threat to her safety as well and i hope, as you were talking about earlier, more people, including pat cipalloni and tony ornato will come forward. >> and having worked in a white house, having you also worked with a lot of people in that white house, do you get there will be more? you know, especially when you look at somebody like cassidy hutchinson, not a name anybody won, barely out of courage, but now will be known and there are others like her. >> white house is working on everything like that, from briefing the president to grabbing coffee, they see a lot.
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until now, no one has broken their silence, this could be the beginning of a tidal wave of that. >> breaking the dam. thank you all very much. next, january 6th making accide accusations of witness tampering, is the president himself involved? i'll talk to a committee member. plus, speaking out about hutchinson's testimony, hearing what they're saying. she is 26 years old, virtually unknown, now, though, a household name. so who is cassidy hutchinson? woah! look out! [submarine rising out ofof water] [minions making noise] minions are bitin' today. (sung) liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. minions: the rise of gru, in theaters july 1st. when pain says, “it's time to go home”
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tonight, witness tampering, january 6th committee saying it's worried people connected to former president trump trying to influence those testifying before the committee. >> our committee commonly asks witnesses connected to mr. trump's administration or campaign whether they've been contacted by any of their form of colleagues or anyone else who attempted to influence or impact their testimony. this is a call received by one of our witnesses. quote, a person let me know you have your deposition tomorrow. he wants me to let you know he's thinking about you he knows you're loyal and you're going to do the right thing when you go in for your deposition. >> the person, "outfront" now, member of the january 6th select committee, democratic congressman adam schiff,
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congressman, you know, pretty chilling to hear that from liz cheney, do you think the witness tampering was coming at the direction of the former president. is that the person? >> well, i don't know, but certainly we've seen a history of the former president trying to influence witnesses or intimidate them. you'll remember, i'm sure, pastor mari being the subject of an attack by the former president on twitter in real time that she took as with a threat and prior to rusty bower's testimony just last week, the president attacking that once, the connotation of ro roger stone's sentence by donald trump, convicted of lying to congress and trying to get other witnesses into telling the truth against congress, so there is a history here, we are very concerned about it whether it's the former president or anyone else trying to influence or intimidate witnesses before a committee. >> some of the testimony today,
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congressman, was jaw-dropping, just to be honest with you and certainly, i, along with many others in this country, of all political persuasions had that feeling. the question for you, though, is do you believe the new information you put forward today, because there was a lot of new information, but does it prove that trump committed a crime? >> well, you know, checking off my january 6th hat for a minute and putting on my hat as a former prosecutor, what really stands 0 you the to me about the testimony today is that testimony when donald trump was informed that people in the crowd were armed and dangerous, his response was take the magnetometers down. these people don't pose a threat to me, that is, donald trump, take the magnetometers down, i want them to march with me to the capitol, and if you had any question about whether the question knew these people were armed or that they were dangerous, i think it's pretty clear from that testimony today, he knew what a threat they posed
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and yet he was insistent on marching to the capitol, to the point of potentially getting in an altercation with his own secret service about it. so that is, i think, some of the most relevant evidence as to the president's knowledge and his state of mind inciting that mob to attack the capitol. >> and one of the things she testified, you know, you refer to and this is she was told, she said by tony ornato who was then the white house deputy chief of staff, that on january 6th, trump was so enraged by secret service detail blocking him from going to the capitol that he tried to grab a steering wheel and lunged at the secret service agent in charge, the man in the suv with trump at the steering wheel. now, trump denies the story. you used the word "potentially" a moment ago when you referenced it. have you been able to corroborate this jaw-dropping story with ornado, engle, or anyone else who may have witnessed it firsthand?
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>> i cannot comment on other testimony before the committee, but i can say that we do want people to come forward with information they have. and here, because she is relating and doing so very openly, a conversation that others had, that they told her about, you know, we invite other witnesses that have knowledge about this to come forward. more witness that is come forward, to come forward again, if they have more information into this. what we have found is often bringing witnesses back, they tell a more complete version when we know more of the questions to ask. so we hope to learn more about this and other aspects of her testimony today. >> right, and as you point out, you know, being told they were armed and saying take away the magnetometers and let's march on the capitol, incredibly damning. do you have concerns, though, congressman, that the story, about him sort of lunging for the secret service agent and the steering wheel is not true? >> look, i believe cassidy
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hutchinson, i think she's a very smart, capable, honest individual. she has no incentive to make up something that isn't true, and so i think she's a very, very credible witness. she has been very consistent in pointing out things that she doesn't know. and as a former prosecutor, one of the things i look for in a witness is what are they telling me that they know and are they willing me to tell they don't know things and set the limits of their knowledge, she has done that consistently and i think that makes her very credible. >> right, i think she is saying what she believes to be true. i guess i'm wondering if you think what she was told had been hyperbole or exaggerated in any way. >> well, all she can relate is what she knows and what she's heard and this is why, you know, not just with the respect to this but with respect to any other element of her testimony or s or, frankly, others, we want people to go forward and share what they know as well. history will be very kind to the cassidy hutchinsons.
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those that hide behind phony claims of privilege or because they can get away with it i think will be damned by history for their inactions while our democracy was threatened. >> of course, you know, history being written via these hearings as we see all of this presented. thank you so much, congressman, schiff, appreciate your time tonight. >> thank you. next, trump's orbit responds. we're learning new details about how those closest to trump see today's testimony, plus cassidy hutchinson was not a household name. now thrust into the spotlight after her crucial testimony. so who is the 26-year-old and how did she end up getting so close to trump and a part of his inner circle?
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bombshell, stunning, shockin shocking, those are the words, how one of trump's own advises describes hutchinson's testimony today, gabby on the trump orbit, "outfront" now, gabby, what part of cassidy's testimony really stood out to the people you have been speaking to? >> erin, i spoke with several trump advisers today and allies of the former president and a number of them said they were taken aback by the description hutchinson offered of the out bursts by the former president, specifically when he learned on january 6th he could not go to the u.s. capitol and when he first heard about the interview attorney general bill barr gave confirming there was no widespread fraud in the 2020 election. now, of course, these are trump
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aides and advisers who have been witness to his temper themselves at times, but one adviser told me that this could certainly cut against the image that a lot of trump supporters have of the former president and that is of somebody who is always in control. >> well, yes, certainly, you referenced the one when he found out about bill barr in the ap interview, the valet telling cassidy hutchinson that he threw his plate against the wall, ketchup dripping down. details were incredible and certainly not of a person in control at all. now, trump lashed out, called hutchinson a liar, gabby, said, quote, her fake story that i tried to grab the steering wheel of the white house limousine is sick and fraudulent. now, it was, of course, a shocking story, gabby. cassidy hutchinson was very clear, though, she heard this secondhand from people involved in it. what are you hearing about your sources about it? >> this is one part of her testimony today that has drawn
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mixed reactions from inside trump world and within current and former aides to the president, there were former white house officials that were quick to vouch for hutchinson's testimony after her hearing, including white house press secretary sara matthews, former white house communications director lalyssa fara but other, including president trump who has dismissed proximity to him serving in the white house and a number of aides tell me they want to know specifically, and you did just ask congressman adam schiff this, if the two secret service officials, tony ornato and robby engle who were in the presidential vehicle on january 6th with the president at the time, if they also describe this alleged incident when they testified before the committee, erin. >> these are crucial things, and as you say, they have heard from them, you know, the level of corroboration, here, this will obviously be important for this one specific part of this.
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gabby, thanks so much. and tonight, a source tells cnn that cassidy hutchinson agreed to testify at the january 6th hearing because she wanted to do the right thing. and she did it in the face of growing fears about her own safety. kristen holmes is out front with more. >> once a top aide to former white house chief of staff mark meadows, cassidy hutchinson is now a star witness in a house january 6th committee's investigation. >> well hello, deplorables! >> meadows refuses to be interviewed by the house committee, once provided thousands of text messages in the early stages of the investigation, showing him at the center of trump's lies about the 2020 election and playing a lead role in attempting to stop biden's certification. in hutchinson's proximity to him, gave her unique access to conversations, meetings and events surrounding january 6th. >> wherever mark meadows was, cassidy was there and they were
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inseparable. >> reporter: serving as intern to skalis and senator ted cruz before taking a role at the white house, she told her alma mater in virginia that she set a personal goal to pursue a path of civic significance, adding that she was, quote, brought to tears when she got a white house internship. hutchinson later joined the office of legislative affairs, meadows hand-picked her to join his west wing office. the 26-year-old, according to sources, was always by meadows side, sitting in on meetings, taking notes, and at times serving as a liason of the former president's right hand and those seeking to meet him. >> hutchinson was a relatively junior aide but as close to mark meadows as you can get as a staffer. she was generally with him on his side at all times, especially coming to the hill, any meeting that he took, she
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was in, no matter how small the meeting was. >> i'm the effing president, take me up to the capitol now. >> reporter: during her explosive testimony, former president trump took to his social media site, attacking hutchinson, saying he hardly knew her other than hearing, quote, negative things about her. a tony phony and leaker. turned down request to join the team in florida, but some push back. >> she was senior adviser to chief of staff, senior adviser of special affairs and assistant, she was so plugged in i would often go to her to get intel on the president's schedules, movements, things we're considering in event and she was on a first name basis with many members of congressional leadership, text with them. so she's seen everything, in so many rooms, always on air force one. >> reporter: former white house press secretary sarah matthews saying anyone downplaying
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cassidy hutchinson's role in the west wing, either doesn't understand how the trump white house worked or attempting to discredit because they're scared of how damning this testimony is. >> i considered her my best friend in the west wing, she was somebody who felt strong about serving in government, so proud to do it. >> she was someone very dedicated to her role and someone who was a very trusted confidante to mark meadows and many others in the west wing. >> and so powerful because all those individuals knew her so well. so what more have you learned about the relationship between hutchinson and meadows? >> well, erin, i'll tell you that i spoke to a number of people who were familiar with the close nature of the relationship between hutchinson and meadows who were absolutely stunned by what they saw. today, this complete break by hutchinson from meadows, a man she had been so loyal to, but one former white house aide says the two had a falling out back in 2021 and another source says that meadows gave hutchinson
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zero support when she was entangled in the investigation of january 6th and all of these events leading to where we are now. erin? >> all right, thank you so much, kristen for your report. and next, just in, the secret service is speaking out after cassidy hutchinson's testimony today, we have what the agency is saying tonight. plus, a tragedy as authorities discover 51 bodies stacked in inside a tractor trailer. a horrible details of what's being called the worst human smuggling event in the united states. (m(man) [whispering] what's going on? (burke) it's a farmers policy perk. get farmers and you could save money by doing nothing. just be claim-free on your home insurance for three years. (man) that's really something. (burke) get a whole lot of something with farmers policy perks. (dad) bravo! (mom) that's our son! (burke) we should. ♪ we are farmers. bum-pa-dum, bum-bum-bum-bum ♪
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just in to cnn, the secret service weighing in just a moment ago in the wake of cassidy hutchinson's testimony to the january 6th committee where she recounted how she was told that trump lunged add a secret service agent and tried to grab the steering wheel when that agent refused to take trump to the capitol on january 6th, correspondent josh campbell has information on this. what is the secret service saying so far on this. >> after the bombshell allegations, she was saying, she was briefed this former trump house staffer by a member of trump team, as the president was leaving the rally, there was this altercation in the
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limousine where he thought he was going to the capitol but instead was told by security detail, no, sir, we have to go back to the west wing of the white house. the staffer alleged at this point the president tried to grab the steering wheel, lunged for one of the secret service agents. the agent now coming out saying they are prepared to respond to the allegations. i'll read the statement, the united states secret service has been cooperating with the select committee since inception in spring of 2021 and will continue to do so including responding on the record to the committee regarding the new allegations surfaced in today's testimony. we're working on what the agents will be saying as it relate to see that incident but secret service now saying after this bombshell testimony they're going to go on the record and respond to the committee. we'll have to wait to see if that's publicly or behind closed door. >> and they say while the two individuals involved have testified to the committee behind closed doors, that is true, but it appears, and i emphasize, it appears, it appears they did it so before the committee was aware about
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this particular story so that's why they perhaps wouldn't already have an answer about it. just to give everyone context here. overall, jaosh, for a buttoned p agency not typically in the spotlight and doesn't want to be in the spotlight, how awkward is this for the secret service? >> this is certainly awkward for this agency that typically operates behind the scenes, successes typically unknown, failure obviously well known whenever there's controversies but it's an agency's job to protect the president of the united states, they don't seek the limelight but squarely in the spotlight now, with the agents said to have some fore sight into the president's state of mind because we know, according to her testimony, that the president was briefed and the secret service would have known that some of these rioters would have had weapons out in the crowd as they prepare to the go to the capitol. so the question is if trump knew
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this was an armed group going to the capitol, that's obviously significant, perhaps, scandal for him to say no, i'll continue there anyway. >> right, right, and of course, you know, we know from what she testified today that she, that he did know they were armed and that she overheard him saying then remove the metal detector and see let them go. they're not there to hurt him. thank you, josh, very much. and next, it's been called the deadliest human smuggling incident in american history. 51 migrants found dead in the back of a sweltering semi truck, horrific details are next. plus, it is election night in micramerica. it's a tuesday, and all eyes on multiple election deniers on the ballot in tonight's contests. skin with itch. it disrupts my skin with rash. bubut now, i can disrupt eczema with rinvovoq. rinvoq is not a steroid, topical, or injection. it's one pill, once a day, that's effective without topical steroids. many taking rinvoq
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tonight, 51 people are dead in ha horrible tragedy. bodies found stacked in the back of an abandoned truck in the sweltering heat. this all happened in the united states of america. >> this is probably the worst tragedy in term of migration that i know in recent history. >> tonight, at least 51 migrants
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are dead and three individuals are in custody after police found the victims crammed inside a sweltering tractor trailer. >> what they found was nothing short of horrific. >> authorities say monday evening, a person nearby heard a cry for help in an undeveloped area outside of san antonio. and upon open the doors of the truck, discovered the graphic scene. >> i have too many bodies here. >> police say they saw no sign victims had water and no air-conditioning as temperatures reached 100 degrees. 48 people died at the scene. three others at hospitals. federal officials say another 16, 12 adults and four children were transported to local hospitals. >> the patients that we saw were hot to the touch. they were suffering from heatstroke, heat exhaustion. >> the migrants were from mexico
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and honduras. hospital officials say some remain in critical condition. >> we're not supposed to open a truck and see stacks of bodies in there. >> democratic representative of texas says the truck went through a check point north of texas monday. about 150 miles southwest of san antonio. it's unclear if the migrants entered the truck before or after the check point. federal officials say since october, more than 14,000 searches and rescues have taken place along the border. that's up from nearly 13,000 in 2021. the mayor of san antonio now calling on congress to take action. >> clearly, congress is inability to reform our immigration system is causing or is manifesting in a lot of ways that are simply tragic. >> two people have been charged so far. all this according to the charging documents which show
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that federal officials ran the registration plate of the semi-. they went to the registered address and and arrested two individuals. and charged them with possession of a weapon by an undocumented person. which carries up to ten years in prison. the u.s. attorney office from the western district of texas issuing a statement saying this is an apparent human smuggling event. at this hour, nobody has been charged with human smuggling. >> thank you very much. and next, it is a tuesday. it is election night in america. we are a little over an hour from polls closing in colorado. it's a crucial primary. election denier running to oversee the states elections. d. if anyone objects to this marriage... (emu squawks) kevin, no! not today. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪
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and eating away at america. which is proof the january 6 committee work is as much about america's future as it is about setting the history straight. thanks so much for joining us. don't forget "outfront" is anywhere and any time on cnn go and the special coverage of the hearings continues now with ac 360. good evening, anderson cooper here in washington. along with jake tapper. a hearing of the january 6 committee. no adjective is possible. how you characterize testimony now being disputed that the commander in chief was seole authority to launch a nuclear strike was physically grabbing at a secret service agent. >> how do you describe testimony that the leader of the greatest democracy on earth sent
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