tv Anderson Cooper 360 CNN June 28, 2022 9:00pm-10:00pm PDT
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grabbing a seekcret service agency. >> how ado you adescribe that the leader of the greatest democracy on earth sent a mob to members who were crying out that his vice president, mike pence, should be hanged. >> from the beginning to end today, what former white house staffer testified she saw and heard to chief of meadows has never been said publicly before and probably never been considered imaginable before in the president of the united states. hutchinson testified in person and previously on tape that crowds were gathering for the skran ware 6th rally. he wanted medal detecters outside taken away. even though he knew some who tried to get through already had been armed. >> they're in the off stage tent. i was part of a conversation. i was in the vicinity of a
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conversation where i overheard the president say something about i don't care that they have weapons. they're not here to hurt me. let my people in. they can march the capitol from here. let the people in. take the f'ing mags away. >> just to be clear, miss hutchinson, is it your understanding the president wanted to take the mags away and said the armed individuals were not there to hurt him? >> that's a fair assessment. >> prior to that, the committee played audio from police and sioux secret services reporting people nearby who had been sited with a variety of weapons including glock pistols and an ar-15. miss hutchinson testified her boss, chief of staff, mark meadows, had been told some in the crowd were armed. mow, according to cassidy hutchinson, his reaction upon hearing that news was anything else? without looking up from his
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phone, which is perhaps not surprising, given the picture she painted of someone who's response to the gathering storm was largely to check out. what might be surprising, shocking in fact, is the scene which she said was the president's plan to go to the capitol with the mob. and testimony shows it was a plan, perhaps stymied by the secret service and others. >> when i returned to the white house, i walked upstairs towards the chief of staff's office and i have noticed mr. runoddo lingering outside. once we made eye contact, he waved me to his office, which is across the hall from mine. he shut doer and i noticed bobby angle, who's the head of mr. trump's security detail sitting in a chair looking discombobulated and a little lost. i lacked at tony and he'd said did you f'ing hear what happened in the beast? i said no, tony, i just got back.
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what happened? tony proceeded to tell me that when the president got in the beast, he was under the impression, from mr. meadows, that the off the record movement to the capitol was still possible and likely to happen but that bobby had more information. so, once the president had gotten into the vehicle with bobby, he thought they were going up to the capitol and what bobby had relaid to him were not. we don't have the assets to do it. it's mot secure. we're going back to the west wing. the president had very strong, very angry response to that. tony described him as being irate. the president said something to the effect of i'm the f'ing president, take me up to the capitol now. to which bobby responded, sir, with you ahhave to go back the
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west wing. the president reached towards the front of the vehicle to grab at the steering wheel. mr. angle grabbed his arm, said "sir, you need tatake your hand off the steering wheel. we're going back to the west wing. we're not going to the capitol." mr. trump then used his free hand to lunge towards bobby angle and when mr. runottau recounted the story, he motioned near his clavicles. >> that's cassidy hutchinson testifying about what she was told by a secret service agent. we got this information from josh campbell and ryan nobles. they say a secret service official familiar with the matter told tony denies telling cassidy hutchinson that story, that the former president grabbed the steering wheel and/or lunged towards the agent.
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cassidy hutchinson recounted mr. trump over turning tables in fits of rage. >> and mark meadows' detachment the 6th. and here's about efforts to get the former president to stop the violence that day. >> not long after the rioters broke into the capitol, you described what happened with white house counsel, pat. >> no more than a minute, minute and a half later, i see pat barrelling towards the office and said is mark in his office? and i said yes. he looked at me and started shaking his head. and went over opened mark's office door, stood with the door propped open and mark is on his phone. i remember he's still sitting on
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his phone. and i remember pat saying to him something to the effect of the rioters have got to the capitol, mark. we need to go see the president now. and mark said he doesn't want to do anything, pat. and pat said something to the effect of and very clearly said this to mark. something to the effect of mark, something needs to be done or people are going to die and the blood'ses going to be on your f'ing hands. >> in subsequent testimony she said her boss said the president didn't believe the rioters were doing anything wrong and the president believed the former vice president deserved to be hung. >> and whether he asked if he believed in the transfer of power. it ended with liz cheney describing potential instances
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of alleged witness tampering. better known as friendly advice. >> our committee commonly asks witnesses connected to mr. trump's administration or campaign whether they've been contacted by any of their former colleagues or anyone else who attempted to influence or impact their testimony. without identifying any of the individuals involved within let me show you aa couple of sampleals of answers we received to this question. first, here is how one witness described phone calls from people interested in that witness's testimony. quote, what they said to me is as long as i continue to be ea team player, they know i'm on the right team. i'm doing the right thing. i'm protecting who i need to protect. you know i'll continue to stay in good graces in trump world. and they have reminded me a
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couple of times that trump does read transcripts and just keep that in mind as i proceed through my interviews with the committee. here's another sample in a differ ittant contex it. this is a call received by one of our witnesses. quote, a person let me know you have your deposition tomorrow. he wants me to let you know he's thinking about you. he knows you're loyal and you're going to do the right thing when you go in for your deposition. >> joining us now for the next two hours, jeffrey tuben, laura coats, and cnn political comment air, who served as director of strategic communications in the trump white house. you know the people -- you know miss hutchinson, the others involved and you aheard reporting from josh campbell and ryan nobles. a secret service official said tony ranato denies saying the
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former president grabbed him and mg about the i'm the f'ing president. take me to the capitol. >> cassidy hutchinson is an extremely credible person and that's how she was seen throughout the white house, a work horse and serious person. she clearly was relaying a story told to her by then deputy chief of staff. i don't think his word matters on this matter unless he comes under oath and testifies. he didn't tell her this. it's been reported before, don d donald trump said this in previous interviews. so, this incident, while it's interesting color and tef intly matters, we know he was pushing to go there. we know he wanted to join the violent mob that had weapons a that capitol and it was with only secret service that held him back.
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i think for it to carry weight, it would have oo to be under oath. i know it to be true but he was not under oath. with all respect, it does not matter at this point in trump world if tilts not under oath. frrls >> and just remember how to set the scene. trump is at the elips. he he's about to give the speech and told there are people who want to get in but can't because they have weapons. and he says let them in. >> they said there were thousands outside who didn't want to come through because they, either liked the position they were in or had weapons. and those coming closer to the stage, their weapons were being confiscated.
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>> and everyone ultimately was going to wind up at the capitol. what he says is let everybody in or -- i'm sorry. he says let everybody in. >> he says get rid of the magnetometers. >> and instead he knows and wants all these people to go to the capitol armed. and i think the fact that he is encouraging armed people to go to the capitol raises his level of culpability a great deal. >> and all he -- one of the things he cared about was he didn't think the picture was going to look really good. that there were bald spots in the picture and he wanted that filled with people. he didn't care about the magnetometers. >> he didn't care because he also knew the weapons -- according to the substance, the weapons -- he knew they weren't if wing to harm him. let's play that sound.
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>> in this particular instance, it wasitn't had capacesty of th space. it was denying the people that wanted to come through and that's what tony had been trying to relay to him that morning. we have enough space, sir. they don't want to come in right now. they have weapons. they don't want confiscated nigh secret service and they're fine on the mall and they want to march straight to the capitol from the mall. >> the president, apparently wanted all attendees inside the official rally space and repeatedly said, quote, they're not here to hurt me. and just to be clear. so, he was told again in that conversation or was he told again in that conversation that people couldn't come through the mags because they had weapons? >> correct. >> and that people -- and his
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response was to say they can march to the capitol from the elips? >> something thoeffect of take the f'ing mags away. they're not here to it hurt me. let my people in. tr they can march from the elips. take the f'ing mags away. then they can march to the capitol. >> first of all, imagine if this was testimony we heard during the second impeachment trial? there's a causal connection to what the president of the united states said and knew and the armed attack on the capitol. people may not realize we're talking about no security check points between the white house elips to the front door of the capitol. the president of the united states knew they were armed to go that way and was not concerned whether he would be hurt. which i think is naive to think about.
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he wants them to march towards those in the loin of succession. who's next? the vice president is there. gallos are being built. you have the president as well. they would have all been in danger and who else? the capitol police owho he knew were out gunned, out manned and marched them right to the people. it's astounding. the criminality of this is really high. >> astounding day of testimony. >> so, for more on the reaction from the former president and his people, let's go to katelyn collins. obviously, a day of devastating testimony from a former trump loyalist. what has donald trump's reaction been to the bomb shell testimony? >> reporter: he started denying it in real time as she was still up there testifying in front of the committee. you already saw the former president responding. he is disputing the most sensational part of her story.
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the testimony about him lunging at the secret service. what she over heard from other agents. and he's also denying that he knew cassidy hutchinson that well. saying she wasn't a well-known aid, even though she was a top aid to one of his top staffers and often seen on air force one. and a lot of her testimony was first-hand. she talked about what happened in the beast, in the presidential limo after the january 6th rally, which she had been told by other staffers. but a lot of what she said were things she overheard from people like the white house counsel or mark meadows or trump himself when she was listening to what he was saying before he went on stage january 6th and addressed them. today she was testifying under oath. you saw her stand and raise her right hand and trump is responding on social media,
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trying to distance himself from cas cassidy hutchinson. and and he's not under oath and fast and looses with the truth. what about those in trump's orbit who might have a more candid assessment and a more factual assessment? what are they saying some >> it's kind of been a mixture. you've seen people close to her reaching out to down play certain aspects of her testimony or whether or not she was present in a lot of the meetings that have come under the scrutiny of the january 6th committee and you've seen other people like the deputy of press secretary mcenany at the time commending her for coming forward and testifying, given she's 26, someone who, i was told, had to get security in recent days, over concerns about her testimony before she went to testify. the core of the story is it was a volatile president singularly focussed on one thing, which is
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trying to overturn the results of the election and pushing his claims of fraud. that is something a lot of people who worked inside the trump white house don't deny. they'll readily agree with when you point out her story, for example, when she was told by the valla trump had thrown his lunch across the room because he was so upset about what then attorn ay general bill barr said to the associated press about no widespread fraud in the presidential election. people indiana his space in the final days will say that. so many times in her testimony, she talked about mark meadows absent mindedly scrolling on his phone when being told critical information that is happening. when we talk to people inside the white house those days, they'll agree with. >> thanks so much. we now have more reporting just in on the reaction to
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cassidy hutchinson's testimony . josh campbell joins us with that. >> there were several stunning revelations we heard in the testimony conducted under oath before the public. according to an official with the secret service, after this testimony, tony ornoto, then the chief of staff. he's now with the training division of the secret service, he told his bosses this never happened. un of the things she testified to was reaching and trying to grab the wheel of the suburban he was in and allegedly lunged towards a secret service. the witness said she was brooefed this happened. now, the way this went down is today the department of homeland security, which over seas the secret service reached out and said we will make available these agents, all three.
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so, vow the driver of the suv, the lead agent, as well as tony to make them available to testify under oath. we're waiting to hear back whether they've accepted that testimony. and they've reported from a person dlees committee. they're willing to hear from others who may assist in the investigation. and the lawyer said these agents should testify under oath saying their client testified under oath and testified what happened. for those with knowledge should also do so. this dispute is on the two points; that trump reached for the steering wheel and lunged towards a secret services agent. no one is disputing that he wanted to go to the capitol. that even after knowing the crowd was armed, that they were potentially dangerous, the president still wanted to leave
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this group of people towards the capitol where the votes were being counted. that is not in dispute. but obviously question withes surrounding what happened inside the suburban. the secret service says they want to make these agents available to testify. >> clearly -- according to her conversation, there was a conversation with another man present in the room. it's interesting they're saying it's not a lunge towards the agent. they're not leaking anything about what the president did do, how irate he was or what actually he said to miss hutchinson. >> that's right. and we understand some of them have testified before the committee and described the president wanting to go 92 capitol. that doesn't appear to be in dispute. what we're uctaing about are the more sensational claims that he would become physical inside the
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suburban. as we've been pointing out, she was there under her own name, under oath. these agents, according to secret service official want to talk to the committee. whether that will be done in public, we'll have to wait and see. that's what we're waiting to see now is their view of what happened or didn't happen inside the suburban. >> watergate legend and spejs correspondent, and cnn's cornish and casey hunt. so, we know donald trump lies a lot. i mean, that's not but do his denials and the denial of apparently tony ornato, although i have yet to see an on-the-record-comment and i haven't seen him testify under oath.
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does that help his supporters defend him against what was honestly a devastating day for testimony? >> if past is prologue, his supporters seem willing to grasp on to anything. if they were even watching today. what i would say about cassidy ehutchinson's testimony is people are either going to believe her. she came out in public under oath. she had a lot to lose. her career, her colleagues, or they're going to believe donald trump. who is saying the things about her that we always hear him say. i hardly knew her. i didn't like her. she was -- >> she wanted a job at mar-a-lago and i turned her down. >> the one thing i'd like to point out about tony ornato, who i have never met.
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but i've spoken to colleagues of his. at the time he had the job, he was not an active u.s. secret services agent. donald trump really liked him and gave him a political appointment. he was deputy white house chief of staff. so, a slightly different situation. if he comes and testifies under oath, if bobby angle, who was the detail -- >> he was the one in the limo. >> he's the one who had the interaction with the president. >> let's remember what cassidy said. she said this is a story that tony ornato told her in front of bobby, who never disputed it. >> she never said it happened. and tony ornato, weal with get into him at some point. give me historical perspective. because aat the end, the bottom fell out when it came to richard nixon. people realized i can't defend this guy anymore.
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>> particularly with the smoking gun tape. by that time, it was clear he was a criminal; that he ran the cover up; and that he was responsible for letting these terrible events happen in which he tried to undermine the electoral system in this country and nothing had happened like that before. now, we're in a new place with a different president who has gone e even further, who was a seditious president and not just criminal. what we heard today was she nailed the case against the most criminal president leading a conspiracy that we've seen in our history. a criminal president against the constitution of the united states. seditious conspiracy. you have to go back to jefferson davis and the civil war to look at something that has to do with such sudition. jefferson davis was not the president of the united states. she nailed the elements of this
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conspiracy with. mark meadows at the center of it. her boss. we're going to get to the bill willard hotel and who was with in those meetings? well, mark wanted to go and decided to call in on the phone. the heart of this conspiracy has developed and we've started to see the pattern and blocks fit into place. is the willard hotel -- let me say one thing and i'm going on for a second. because of the way things are fitting together, why is it that donald trump is so intent on getting to the capitol and getting the people he knows are armd and all the rest? what is the committee's theory about this? it may be more than a theory. they were going to stop the counting of the vote for the president of the united states and try to prevent at 1:00 p.m., the only time there's law in the united states that says this is when and how you elengtct the
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president of the united states. they wanted to stop it. pence wouldn't do it and now they were intent in what they see about donald trump today. he seemed intent on stopping it too. there's objective. >> and white house counsel said don't let trump go to the capitol or we're charged with every crime imaginable. >> the lunging in the vehicle and that's all being contested. the truth is you had lawyers repeatedly saying don't do this. and i think they've made sure to have that kind of testimony.
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no one can say the president didn't have a good idea what was going to happen on that day some and did he insight the crowd against a key moment in the transfer of power? and watergate did something. it created a kind of expectation for all of us culturally. journalists are going to reveal something, congress does its job of oversight and change. then something happens. and there's a key difference here, which is the party around this president is not turning in any direction. they're all speaking off the record. these are all little sources chatting in people'ses ears. that is a huge difference. for it's not just about trump. it's about this moment. >> i want to get your reaction because on that top ittic. sip loney and others saying don't do this.
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what do the people know about what was illegal and hereser another couple of bomb shells. >> miss hutchinson, did rudy jew giuliani ever suggest he was interested in receiving a presidential pardon reilated to january 6th? >> he did. >> did white house chief of staff, mark meadows indicate he was interested in receiving a presidential pardon related to january 6th? >> mr. meadows did seek that pardon, yes, ma'am. >> everybody knew. >> he did turn over some of them. i think it's pretty clear and from talking to folks on the
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hill as well as campaign sources, there is fear those around him are facing significantly greater criminal liability than they may have been facing at 8:00 a.m. this morning. however, i think the point he's making is the right one. i was listening to carl talk about what happened with richard nixon. the reality is what changed for nixon is the republicans on the judiciary committee turned against nixon. they had how many opportunities to turn on donald trump? a handful more republicans had decided they were going to solve this problem, they may have sacrificed their own senate seats to do it, they could have prevented donald trump from ever being elskigible to hold office again. but reality is that's not where the politics are. we have the legal questions. but the political one, they're speaking to the narrow audience of independents from ever
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getting this guy elected again. >> one of those who voted to impeach richard nixon and he went to run in maryland and lost in the primary, in no small part because he went against richard nixon. let's not entirely roam antsicize how great everybody was. >> let's remember the leaders of the republican party, goldwater, they marched to the oval office, sat across from nixon. nixon said how many votes do i have for acquittal? fully expecting goldwater would give him a significant number and goldwater told us the story. poured a couple off tumblers of
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whiskey and he says i sat across from the president of the united states. he asked how many votes did he have in a senate trial? and i said to him, mr. president, you may have four to six votes and you don't have mine. >> everyone, stay with us. for that's a great story. >> that's when nixon decided he had to resign and announced the next day. >> next day. coming up the former d.c. cop, also a former secret service member on some eof the testimony we with heard today. and the rebuttal about allegedly lunging at a secret service agent. and someone who personally knows what makes donald trump tick. mary trump joins us.
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most of the testimony involved what they aknew, he wanted the mag nutromteres gone and testimony stating he knew his followers were armd and what cass cassidy hutchinson said about her former boss, with mark meadows. >> we were watching the tv and i could see the rioters were getting closer and closer to the capitol. mark still hadn't popped out and said kbhg. i saw he was on his cell phone, same as the morning he was scrolling and typing. i said hey, are you watching the tv, chief? because the tv was small. you can see it but i didn't know if he was really paying attention.
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i was like watching the tv, chief? yeah. riders are getting really close. have you talked to the president? no, he wants to be alone right now. >> joined by michael, a police officer who suffered a heart attack as a result of the injuries he received at the capitol and former secret service agent. hearing what was allegedly going on oinside the white house at the moment you were being attacked and your fellow officers were being attacked, i cannot imagine what that was like listening to this today. >> i remember thinking to myself it's always worse than you could have imagined with these epeople. going into this hearing, hearing this emergency hearing. we've got this news. like a lot of americans, i had
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reservations about who it can be and it's always worse than i thought. again, when it comes to the knowledge of specifically what was happening, i noticed how there was a time stamp on this conversation that took place or was taking place between miss hutchinson and mr. meadows in which he said that president didn't want todo anything about what was happening at the capitol and that was almost precisely the moment in which i was being dragged out of the lower west tunnel and almost beaten to death. so, it's clear to me that donald trump, mr. meadow s and most of the people in his inner circle were completely indifferent to the violence they caused at the capitol. >> or perhaps even wanted the violence. >> i think it's clear. there wasn't just the anticipation of violence.
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violence was part of the plan that day. it's clear to me from the conversations with rudy giuliani that they wanted violence. violence very much played into the plan for january 6th. there were other things taking place but the violence was an intragl part of trump's ultimate plan for that day. >> tony, we know what miss hutchinson said she was told by tony ornoto, who's at the time chief of operations.
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>> i don't want toover rotate this. we had testimony which was shocking. and the bravery to get up and describe, in detail, everything that happened, she should be commended for that. there are details that people are focusing on that are in question. this is an easy thing to resolve. the secret service agents, the special agent in charge, tony ornato as well, have stated they will come give their side of the story. i think we're getting lost in what happened. on that day, there was violence, right? and there was intelligence around a acts of violence in projections of increased violence at the u.s. capitol. that's why the secret service didn't bring the president there. >> clorely the president wanted to go. mark meadows, weasely as he is, seems to have left it up to the secret service agent in the vehicle -- >> there wasn't just a secret
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service agent in the vehicle. rrs that was a special agent in charge. >> robert angle. >> that individual, who i've worked with in new york, washington d.c. is one of the greatest stand-up agents i've ever met in my entire life. whatever bobby says, that's what happened. i trust his judgment. everybody trusts his judgment. that's why he was in that position on that day. the special agent in charge is getting intelligence feeds. he's understanding the environment at the u.s. capitol, the one you walked into it my friend was destabilized. >> we have secret service and police recordings today. there was a recording with a guy with an ar-15 in a tree. >> these are coming to the command staff on the ground during that rally. they have to make that decision. everyone knows the president want tod go up there. but the protective model, methodology and everything the secret service stands for were never going to put the president in harm's way.
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i don't care how much he wants to yell and scream he wants togo. we have a responsibility, not just to the president but i want to make this point. for it's the office of the presidency. i don't want to speak for special agent in charge, angle but i think that's what he was thinking of was protecting the sa sankty of the office. >> did they know the crowd? as the crowd approached, were they told there's people with glocks? people with sharpened flag poles? >> the officers were aware of that fact because they were the ones making interdictions and arrests in that crowd prior to them leaving and coming over to the capitol building. the fact of the matter is we didn't have enough officers
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there to stop and search every single individual that participated in the march to the capitol and eventually the assault on the capitol but arrests were made and firearms were recovered. >> it's extraordinary, even now, hearing the testimony today, that the president of the united states would knowingly send and encourage a mob of people he knew were armed -- i don't know why i still am surprised by this. i find it stunning to hear it confirmed time and time again he knew that they were armed. >>b absolutely. to me, there's no doubt in my mind that he betrayed this country. he betrayed every american and maybe most of all, he dbetrayed those that went to support him. he placed them in harm's way. he put police officers, who
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fought bravely to protect the capitol that day and put every staff member in the capitol building in grave danger. >> thank you very much. >> cassidy hutchinson also testified as to why white house counsel, pat step loney -- cipollone was adamant that then president trump not going to the capitol january 6th. >> mr. cipollone said something to the effect of please make sure we don't go to the capitol. we're going to get charges, every crime imaginable, if we make that movement happen. >> and do you remember which crimes mr. cipollone was concerned with? >> in the days leading up to the 6th, we had conversations about potentially obstructing justice or defrauding the electoral count. >> bernstein, audi cornish and
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casey hunt. how much do the you think the testimony, specifically about pat cipollone's warnings about what they cannot and should not do will actually have an impact on whether or put tnot the just department decides to take action. the hearing here is laying out, for a court, potential crimes committed by donald trump and others. >> you're absolute leright. in the first place, it increases pressure on pat cipollone to show up and testify. and the fact cassidy hutchinson was willing to do this highlight as stark difference between her and a white house counsel, former white house counsel who's refusing to appear. now, with whether -- honestly, i'm not a lawyer. so, i don't know the extent to come the knowledge of knowing there could be crimes committed will impact a criminal proceeding.
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i certainly think it speaks to the issue in the same way that asking for pardons does. it shows the people involved knew and were told -- now we know the president was repeatedly told this, that he would potentially be committing a crime and he wanted to do it anyway. my sense is it has to be significant. >> i don't know what you think was the most important part of the testimony. the limousine story and the ketchup on the wall story. >> there's important and then there's exciting. mine was michael flynn not pleading fifth to questions like do you agree with the peaceful transfer of power? here's the bar for democracy in america. >> by the way, that's a guy who's sworn oath os of allegeance to the united states of america any number of times. >> this is what it's about fundamentally. everything you hear at home about the hearing, think of how
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would this disrupt or delay the formal, peaceful transfer of power? and at every point, choose your own adventure. a lawyer says we probably shouldn't do this. it seems illegal and they gei'm going to talk to someone else. i think at home, you need to think how would this have disrd disrupted or delayed the peaceful transfer of power? and is there a candidate who agrees with the actions happening on that day. >> we're getting to the other side of the panel in a second. perspective from donald trump's niece, who has characterized her uncle as the world's most dangerous man. well see if mary trump was surprised by anything she heard. and much more. that's next. by a backedup gut" miralax is different. it works naturally with the water in your body
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sign at the white house and this is cnn. >> and today a first from witness for the first hand account. >> inside the dining room, changing the table cloth off the dining room table. he motioned for me to come in and then pointed towards the front of the room near the fireplace mantle in the tv, where i first noticed there was ketchup dripping down the wall and a shattered porcelain plate
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on the floor. the valet had articulated the president was extremely angry at the attorney general'ses ap interview. and had thrown his lunch against the wall. there are several times i was aware of him throwing dishes or flicking the table cloth to let all the contents go on the floor and likely break or go everywhere. >> with that, and miss hutchinson testifying she was told the former president allegedly lunged at his secret service agent january siktsth, let's go to mary trump, author of "our nation's trauma and finding a way to heal." i wonder is it a portrait you
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recognize? >> yeah, it's entirely consistent with everything i've known about him forever. there's no surprise here. i'm not suggesting it's not horrifying. we should still have the ability to be shocked boy this. what is surprising is how many people in the white house knew that this is the kind of person he is and still remain absolutely unwilling to testify in front of this committee about his eagroejs, dangerous and insurrectionest behavior. >> it should be stunging to hear knowing there were no weapons in the crowd, he was confident there were no people to hurt him and wanted magnetometers
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removed, not only to get a bigger picture but knowing they weren't there to hurt him. >> again, also am tirely consistent with who he is. and i think it underscores what a mistake it's been on the part of some people not to take him seriously. because he can be a laughable character, right? but make no mistake i said this, i believe, before the 2020 election. there is no bottom. there are no lengths donald won't go through to get his way. the only thing that didn't go his way was the drive to the capitol building. >> also, for somebody who claims to be all about america first, claims to love america, there is really no one in presidential h history who has done as much to
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attack the symbols of america, destroy the institutions of america. fomenting, encouraging a mob, inviting them, knowing they're armed. encouraging them to march on the capitol, saying he was going to march with them and actually wanting to not march because it's a long walk but at least drive there. i mean, had he actually appeared with the mob, getting out of his limo, the head of the mob of the proud boys, who knows what would have gone on. >> it's unimaginable, actually. i've been thinking about that all day. what would he have done? what was he expecting? so, thankfully that did not happen. again, he's still fomenting rage, still stirring people up, still claiming the election was stolen. so, this isn't over boy any stretch of the imagination.
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but thanks to people like cassidy hutchinson, the truth is getting out. i just -- as i'm sure we all do, wish more people who were in the room would come forward because somebody like donald has always been enabled. his lies have always been tolerated because for whatever reason he's been useful to smarter, more powerful men. and that's the thing. america first is a lie. he doesn't care about anything or anybody but himself. his power and his wealth. >> appreciate you being with us. thank you. >> thank you, anderson. >> and with people bob woodward, john dean, famously helped expose richard. with pronamel repair toothpaste, we can help actively repair enamel in its weakened state. it's innovative. my go to toothpaste is going to be pronamel repair.
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