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tv   Don Lemon Tonight  CNN  June 29, 2022 8:00pm-9:00pm PDT

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just felt they exhausted every option they could to try and get pat cipollone come in voluntarily. they had informal conversations with cipollone himself, conversations with public counsel. where in multiple hearings they called him out and asked him to come voluntarily, and he just refused. so i think they felt they had to take this legal recourse and compel him to do so in a way that it would make it much more difficult for him to wiggle of it. now, at this stage of the game our dana bash is reporting that an attorney familiar with his thinking believes that cipollone is open to the idea of a deposition where he sits in front of the committee and they record his deposition through written testimony but that is not videotaped or audiotaped, which could then be used in a hearing. so we'll have to see if it ever leads to him actually testifying in a public setting, which you think is the committee's ultimate desire because they've shown that in person public testimony is so powerful.
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but at this point, don, it's a negotiation, and i think the committee will do whatever they can to get that testimony out of cipollone. >> john, you've been saying on this program and to anyone who will listen that you think it's critical cipollone testifies publicly like you did. are there legitimate privilege issues that would justify him testifying in a transcribed interview limited to specific topics? or should he appear in a more public manner? >> i think he's got to appear in a more public manner, and i don't think there's any privileges in that area they're focusing on. we've already had courts look at the issue. there's no attorney-client privilege for crime or fraud. cipollone i think has a larger problem. he advised the president against doing these things because there were conspiracies involved, several of them. what's to say that he's ever declared he's not part of that conspiracy? if he's remaining silent he is
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certainly encouraging and enabling that done conspiracy, and he could get dragged in himself. i would think he'd want to be up there, don, not only for the sake of democracy but for his own sake. so this is all a little bit mysterious, his behavior. >> i think i heard you loud and clear but just for clarification just to make sure, would there be any executive issues with conversations he had with mark meadows or cassidy hutchinson? >> the only privilege he has would go to the president him himself. broadly speaking if they were to take a message for him to the president you might consider that priv l builege but that's reach. and particularly there's no privilege of any kind if it involves crime or fraud. >> john, we've been hearing a lot about pat cipollone in these hearings. take a listen to this. >> mr. cipollone said something to the effect of, please make sure we don't go up to the
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capitol, cassidy, keep in touch with me. we're going to get charged with every crime imaginable if we make that movement happen. >> he's still sitting on his phone and i remember pat saying to him something to the effect of the rioters have gotten to the capitol mark, we need to go down and see the president now. and mark looked up at him and said he doesn't want to do anything, pat. and pat said something to the effect of -- and very clearly said this remark -- something to the effect of, mark, something needs to be done or people are going to die and the blood is going to be on your f-ing hands. this is getting out of control, i'm going down there. >> pat cipollone weighed in at one point. i remember saying that letter this guy wants to send, that letter is a murder-suicide pact. and we should have nothing to do with that letter.
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>> pat cipollone intervened when he heard he was meeting with mr. clark. mr. cipollone and mr. fillben like mr. rosen told mr. clark to stand down and he didn't. >> so j, john, cipollone knows lot. he was in the room for multiple conversations. what specific questions does he need to answer? >> that's a devastating take on all the questions that he needs to be asked and asked what he recommended, why he recommended it, was he involved it in any way? did he declare publicly somehow he didn't want any part of this? how did he tell people to stay out of it? who all did he tell? i mean it just goes on. he is is a central witness since cassidy has testified. and others obviously hinted earlier of his central role. so i just can't understand why he doesn't want to get this off
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himself unless, indeed, don, he is involved. and then he's not going to be able to hide behind the privilege. >> ryan, the select committee says more and more evidence is coming into their investigation. you know they've got this hot line, et cetera. what are you learning? >> well, we know they held a deposition today, don. they were behind closed doors with the former chief financial officer of the trump campaign. this is someone who was deeply involved in the fund-raising efforts after the 2020 election, leading up to january 6th. and we know already through the committee's hearings that they're very much following the money trail, that they have questions about the way that money was raised and also how it was spent, that it perhaps wasn't raised under the pretenses that they were sane to the millions of people that that solicited donations for, and it was also not spent in the form and fashion that they claimed it was going to be spent in, and that a lot of the money may have
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gone missing, that it didn't go to the people it was intended to. so the fact they're bringing someone in at this late stage of the game with this high of a rank in the trump campaign shows you that the investigation is ongoing. the fact they had originally planned to take a break and then pop this hearing up on a tuesday, sure there was probably some theater involved in it. but it also just shows that they're getting new information in all the time, and they're trying to process that information, put it into context, and then present it in a way that's easily digestible. and the committee's told us time and time again just because these hearings are happening now, their final product is not going to be issued until the fall. and so they're willing to take on any information that they get and make that a part of this process. >> so, john, who do you think should be most worried about what we heard from cassidy hutchinson and what is to come from this committee, you know, whatever they come up with hearing what ryan said? who gets criminal exposure? >> mark meadows for certain.
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he's not involved in any of the issues that the president is involved in, none of the considerations. he's just right there in the middle of a conspiracy. he's clearly pushing the conspiracy and encouraging it. other points he's just remaining silent and let it go on, knowing what's happening. you know, his -- his aide tells him don't go to the war room so he phones in. you know, he doesn't seem to have a lot of common sense about his behavior. and she -- she certainly was right there with him, and she will be devastating in front of a grand jury. and you can rest assured she will be in front of a grand jury. >> ryan, john, thank you so much. i appreciate it. the vice chair of the select committee liz cheney just speaking at the reagan library. here's part of what she had to say. >> at this moment we're confronting a domestic threat
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that we have never faced before. and that is a former president who is attempting to unravel the foundations of our constitutional republic. and he is aided by republican leaders and elected officials who have made themselves willing hostages to this dangerous and irrational man. now, some in my party are embracing former president trump. and even after all we've seen they're enabling his lies. many others are urging that we not confront donald trump, that we look away. and that is certainly the easier path. one need only look at the threats that are facing the witnesses who have come before the january 6th committee to understand the nature and the magnitude of that threat. but to argue that the threat posed by donald trump can be ignored is to cast aside the responsibility that every citizen, every one of us bears
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to perpetuate the republic. we must not do that, and we cannot do that. >> so let's bring in the republican lieutenant governor of georgia, jeff duncan. governor, thank you so much. appreciate you joining us. do you agree with what you just heard from liz cheney that the u.s. is confronting a domestic threat in trump? >> well, it certainly is very serious. and no place better than georgia felt that that weight during the process of the instability and the chaos, the willingness to lie and stir up crowds all in the pursuit of a conspiracy theory. so certainly it is dangerous times. i think the january 6th committee is doing a very good job of allowing the witnesses to drive the process and not the partisanship. so i think there's going to be a continued gain of confidence with more and more witnesses coming forward with more and more information. >> we're learning stunning new details from the select committee about what trump was doing on january 6th. you think this is showing the
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gop the real donald trump, but do you think that they will ever at this juncture at least what you're hearing now, they'll turn their back on him? >> yeah, i do. i think they'll turn the page on him. i don't know if turn the back is the right term, but i think it's definitely time to turn the page. and i can't imagine how many republicans right now are kicking themselves because they realized they got hoodwinked for almost two years with conspiracy theories. >> you think that's happening? >> yeah, i certainly do. i think the real donald trump is kind of being shown up in these committees -- >> ah, lieutenant governor duncan was right in the middle of our conversation. we'll see if we can get him back. we'll check. we'll be right back. we'll take a break. um, the future is, uh, what's ahead of us. i don't get it. yeah. maybe this will help. so now we're in the present. and now...
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okay, so he's back with me now, republican lieutenant governor of georgia, jeff duncan. thank you very much, sir, for rejoining us. so you were answering the question about whether people were going to you said not turn their backs but turn the page, and i asked if you were actually hearing people doing that. >> yeah, absolutely. i can't imagine how many republicans are kicking themselves right now watching these hearings and watching all this stuff get unpacked realizing they've been hoodwinked for almost two years on this conspiracy stuff. and i think there's a genuine thirst for leadership right now. donald trump has really played out to be more of a spoiled brat than a natural born leader. and we need in this country a natural born leader. and i think democrats are feeling that, too, with joe biden. and certainly we're feeling that in the republican party. we're now in search for a leader of our party that can now step
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in 2024 and lead the country. i think the world is a better place when the united states is strong and leads. >> voter last night in colorado rejected three election deniers running for statewide office. they were also rejected in your state of georgia. why are republicans in those states eager to look past the election lies and rejecting the candidates who are following the trump play book? >> well, i think i'll speak to georgia. we got to feel first-hand what happens when you get distracted and you stare at shiny objects instead of real individuals. kelly lefler and david perdue lost because they talked about conspiracy theories and not their records. we now have herschel walker where the candidate matters. if he doesn't buckle down and pay attention to the issues he's going to get beat by a strong candidate in rafael warnock. the issue matters and the quality of the candidate matters. >> what do you mean by quality of the candidate when you're --
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>> i think americans have a good sense of smell. they can smell now when somebody's again genuine or trying to pull the wool over their eyes. people are going to bed wondering how they're going to run their business, how are they going to retire on time. these are real issues so much more important than donald trump. they're so much more important than conspiracy theory and all this friction, this synthetic friction that we're creating in this country. we need real leadership and we need it now. >> this is just one poll, a quinnipiac poll shows that in the race you're talking about democratic incumbent rafael warnock opening up the lead against republican herschel walker. in january it was a dead heat. it's only one poll and we'll see what happens. we'll keep a close eye. lieutenant governor, trump is all but running for the gop nomination in 2024. do you think all the
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investigations hanging over him could limit his chances? and are there other republicans who could seize the moment? >> well, one, donald trump will never be the president of the united states again. that's just an impossible equation for americans to solve for. if we elect him as our nominee it'll be the biggest mistake the republican party has made in a long time. i think we'll see quality candidates step forward. every day he's out of office he becomes less and less important. i know he doesn't like to hear that but that's the truth. we need republicans smart enough and disciplined to pay attention to real problems in this country and not just donald trump. >> thank you very much. appreciate you joining. sorry about the technical issues. >> thanks, don. >> out of my control. speaking of georgia the fulton county district attorney investigating former president trump's efforts to overturn the election in the state that now wants information from filmmaker alex holder. so i first spoke with him this was last week after the january 6th committee learned about his footage of the then-president
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and his family in the months surrounding the capitol attack. alex holder joins me now. his three part docu series will be released on discovery plus, which is owned by cnn's parent company later on this summer. it's going to be released. alex, thank you for joining. i really appreciate it. >> pleasure. nice to see you again. >> so we spoke less than a week ago, as a matter of fact, and a lot has happened since then. you've been contacted by the fulton county district attorney's office. tell us about that. what happened? >> they got in touch. they wanted to see the raw material we have captured for the documentary series that we've been making for the last couple of years and we're going to comply with the subpoena and we'll comply with any subpoena that comes from a judicial body. and we'll do whatever they request us to do. >> you told cnn the then-president trump called georgia, governor brian kemp, and secretary of state
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raffensperger, quote, stupid for refusing to overturn the election. what else did he say about them, and is it caught on camera? >> i mean heez what not very complimentary about it. he said the governor and secretary of state was not brave enough. this is in the white house a few days after the attorney general had already given his statement to associated press about the fact that he had not found any issues the election. and only a few days later the president of the united states of america is looking me in the eyes and saying that the reason why these officials, these elected officials in georgia won't do what he's asking them to do either they're not brave enough and they're also stupid people, and then he says what we actually need to do is hand this over to the georgia legislature because they'll do what he requests because they agree with him. that's an extraordinary conversation.
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>> part of the question is was it caught on camera. is it all on tape? >> it is all on tape, yes. >> so a source tells cnn you were subpoenaed by the d.a. can you confirm that, and will you testify in front of the grand jury? >> i will do whatever i need to do and i'll comply with the subpoena. at the moment they want the raw material and hear my evidence. so i will testify, absolutely. >> okay, so you've been subpoenaed by the d.a., correct? >> i believe so. >> okay, so let's talk about some of this incredible testimony heard yesterday about what was known about the crowds of january 6th. cassidy hutchinson testified to the january 6th committee the white house was aware trump supporters had weapons when they gathered on the ellipse. you were there. did you see weapons? >> we saw all sorts of weapons. we saw spears. we saw wooden planks. we saw flagpoles. we saw police shields that some of the protesters had managed to wrestle from the police that were there at the capitol. this is all actually outside the
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capitol itself, not at the ellipse. i saw all of this with respect to what we had captured outside the capitol when the riots and the pandemonium was taking place. >> did you see any guns? >> i did not see any guns, no. >> this is what cassidy hutchinson told the committee about trump's reaction to members of the crowd being armed. watch. >> was he told again in that conversation that people couldn't come through because they had weapons? >> correct. >> and that people -- and his response was to say they can march to the capitol from -- is it from the ellipse? >> something to the effect of take the f-ing knives away, they're not here to hurt me. let my people in. they can march to the capitol after the rally is over. they can march from the ellipse. take the f-ing mags away, then they can march to the capitol. >> this is something you told the independent that you asked president trump's son, eric,
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about the potential for violence and he said, quote, it was fair game because the election was stolen. so is that the prevailing thought within trump's family and his allies leading up to january 6th, that violence was okay? and did you share this with the committee in your testimony? >> so, i mean, i think the prevailing thinking was that they genuinely believed they had won. and therefore -- the manifestation of that was we need to do whatever we can to retain power and i think that was extraordinary, "a," because obviously they didn't win. and "b," that they believed that violence was actually acceptable. and i think there was sort of -- there was certainly perhaps a misunderstanding at best as to what they felt they were saying and what they were essentially causing by maintaining this position even after the events of january 6th. in terms of what i said to the january 6th commission, i
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answered all their questions directly and honestly. and i don't want to go into too much detail about that because i don't want it to to interfere, but certainly these topics came up in conversation for sure. >> okay, what eric trump said that violence was fair game, was that on camera? >> eric, he -- he didn't say this explicitly. eric was able to explain his position in that he felt some of the rhetoric -- he believed the rhetoric coming from the other side. and he talked about how he'd been subpoenaed other times and it was political intervention by the democrats. and he thought if they're going to they're then it's perfectly fair to do it on the other side. one of the things he said is by vfrpue the democrats were constantly attacking his father he felt it was perfectly acceptable for him to do the same on the other side. it's an unusual thing for him to say in light of the events that took place.
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this interview took place after january 6th. >> so the violence you believe he was talking about was it rhetoric or you think it's physical violence? >> i mean he did talk about how they're a new york family and they're brash, and, you know, they are sort of willing to get up close and personal. and it's very much my interpretation of his interview and sort of his feeling that maybe sort of comes to the conclusion that he certainly did feel that his way of campaigning was acceptable. >> one other interesting thing. after your interviews with the former president you don't believe he's going to run again. why do you say that? >> i mean, this is totally my own opinion, and i think that based on precedent that donald trump doesn't -- when he fails at something he sort of pivots and does something else. this is merely an assumption based on other facts. >> it wasn't something you said
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during your conversation -- >> oh, no. he did not say he was not going to run there. >> alex, thank you. i appreciate it. >> pleasure. a 173-year-old wisconsin law banning abortions is now in effect following the supreme court's decision to oeshturn roe v. wade. the wisconsin attorney general working to repeal the law is here with me next. love and liberty mutual customizing your car insurance, so you only pay for what you need. (emu squawks) if anyone objects to this marriage, speak now or forever hold your peace. (emu squawks) (the crowd gasps) no, kevin, no! not today. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪
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with a qualifying bundle. states scrambling to figure out what to do about abortion following the supreme court's decision to overturn roe v. wade. like in wisconsin where 173-year-old law is now in
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effect. the 1849 law says any person other than the mother who intentionally destroys the life of an unborn child is guilty of a felony. the punishment up to six years in prison and/or a $10,000 fine. but the governor and the attorney general are filing suit to repeal the law. joining me now wisconsin attorney general josh call. attorney general, thank you so much. i appreciate you joining us. this bill is from 1849. women didn't even have the right to vote then. what consequences that could women in your state face with this law in place now? >> yeah, you know, this is a criminal abortion ban. it makes it a felony for somebody to perform an abortion. there is an exception for the mother. the mother can't be prosecuted for an abortion to save the life of the mother. but the effect of this ban being on the books is that access to safe and legal abortion has stop in wisconsin. there are no providers who are providing abortion services right now, and the governor and
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i are doing everything within our power right now to fight back against this, and yesterday we filed a suit asking for a declaration from a court that that ban is not enforceable in order to restore access to safe and legal abortion. >> so just ahead of friday's decision you and governor over's called on your state's republican legislature multiple times to repeal this law. they didn't. why not? >> the governor called a special session. it was held just a few days before the daubs decision came down. and rather than vote to repeal that abortion ban from the mid-1800s which doesn't contain any exception for rape or incest the legislature just gaveled in and gaveled out without hearing about the issues. and they want this draconian 19th century ban to be in effect in wichk. this ban has made women in wisconsin less free, less equal and less safe, and we're not going to stand for that. so the governor and i are committed to fighting back.
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>> how confident are you that your lawsuit will take the abortion ban off the books for good? >> well, i'm confident that we have the best side of the legal argument here. we've argued a couple different things including that laws that were passed after the abortion ban, well after it implicitly repealed the ban because there are provisions in the newer laws that are inconsistent with the old laws. and certain types of procedures can't be both legal and illegal at the same time. so we're arguing that the old ban is invalid. but of course, you know, its litigation and you never know how it's going to play out, so it's critical our legislature also steps up and acts to repeal the abortion ban still in the books. >> prior to the ruling you said you didn't intend on enforcing the abortion ban statewide while the lawsuit is pending. is that still the case? if so, how do you plan on doing that? >> yeah, absolutely. we're not going to be using any resources at our state department of justice to investigate or prosecute anybody for alleged violations of that ban. we have far more important things to be doing with our
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limited resources like going after murderers and people who commit sexual assault and drug traffickers. and the idea that we would shift resources from those vitally important purposes fighting crime for going after people for abortioning i think is just an outrageous idea, and we're not going to do it. >> josh kaul, thank you so much. >> thanks for having me. michael flynn pleading the fifth when asked if he supports a peaceful transition of power. more on that next.
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loss and the shock over cassidy hutchinson's stunning live testimony the video deposition the january 6th committee released yesterday. testimony from michael flynn, one of trump's former national security advisers. he repeatedly invoked the fifth amendment, his right to self-incrimination when asked about january 6th and the peaceful transfer of power. listen. >> do you believe the violence on january 6th was justified normally? >> take the fifth. >> do you believe the violence on january 6th was justified legally? >> fifth. >> general flynn, do you believe in the peaceful transition of power in the united states of america? >> the fifth.
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>> let's discuss now, cnn national security analyst james clapper, the former director of national intelligence. director, thank you. i appreciate you joining us. i mean this is coming from someone who served in the military for more than 30 years. he was trump's first national security advisor. he swore an oath to the constitution. he couldn't say he believes in a peaceful transfer of power? >> you know, don, it's -- under normal times, under normal circumstances this would be a pretty stunning thing for an officer that achieved a rank of lieutenant general, served in the military for 34 years and has taken the oath many times and according to that to respond like that. and again, under normal times this would be a big deal. but given mike flynn's track record, his swearing the oath of office to qanon i guess is not surprising after all. but i just -- it's really
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something when someone with his background takes the fifth amendment when asked about supporting a peaceful transfer of power. it's pretty incredible. >> pretty important yet basic stuff, right, when you take an oath to the constitution. you knew flynn when he was on active duty. is this the person you knew, director? >> well, it's as though he's a different person. this -- this is yet another example of mike flynn -- this is not the mike flynn i knew in 2014 and earlier. this is a completely different person in my opinion. >> director, cassidy hutchinson testified yesterday about a conversation she had with the then-director of national intelligence jon ratcliffe, days before january 6th. listen to this. >> the way the white house was handling the leection period he
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felt there could be dangerous repercussions in terms of precedent set for elections, for democracy for the 6th. >> as a former director of national intelligence yourself, what do you make of this warning about a sitting president, director? >> well, i think if the statement implies a dangerous precedent for future elections, he was right. and if i understood the quote -- and i think this is something we're going to have to worry about every election particularly presidential elections. and so this is one case where i completely agree with dni ratcliffe if that's what he was doing was warning of what could happen in the future. >> director -- thank you, very much director clapper. i appreciate it. >> thanks, don. >> we'll be right back. r moderae crohn's disease or ulcerative colitis symptoms are stopping you in your tracks...
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police in new haven, connecticut, releasing video of a man in cusdy he was injured while riding inside a police van. randy cox was handcuffed but not restrained by a seat belt when the van suddenly stopped, hurling him head first into the metal wall behind the cab. i'm going to play the video and i must warn you it's disturbing to watch, but cox's family wants it to be seen. here it is .
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>> help! help! help! help! >> i want to bring in now cnn's joe johns. joe, hello to you. what happened and what went wrong here with cox? >> don, police released six videos from this event occurring inside one of their vans. earlier this month june 19th, new haven, connecticut. the video was released in the midst of an investigation into injuries sustained by randy cox who we're told sustained serious injuries, believed to be paralyzed, damage to his neck and spine. this is just really hard to watch. one of those videos we see him seated on a bench inside a transport van with his hands
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restrained behind his back when the van comes to abrupt stop, he slides down the bench and his head hits what appears to be the back door. there's no way for cox to break his impact because he appeared to be handcuffed. and then on another video we see the police dragging mr. cox from what appears to be a wheelchair and into a lock up, probably should have gotten medical attention almost certainly. cox was taken into custody on suspicion of illegal possession of a firearm according to police documents. he ended up being charged with a felony count of making threats. now, he was being transported to a police detention facility in new haven and the police say the officer who was driving made a sudden stop to avoid hitting another vehicle while cox was in the back of the van. first question -- why wasn't he seat belted? but as the video goes on more questions about the police procedures including why he didn't get medical attention
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after he did tell the police he could not move. and he's even seen being dragged to a cell, propped against a bed. an assistant police chief has said cox was mistreated and should have received medical attention immediately. and the mayor has said what happened was completely unacceptable. and by the way civil rights attorney ben crump has been hired by the family, don. >> and we're going to speak to him now. joining me now randy cox's sister and attorney ben crump who's representing mr. cox. thank you very much for joining us. i really appreciate it. letoya, i'm so sorry for your family. i understand your brother randy is in intensive care. can you tell us how he's doing? >> yes, he is in intensive care. right now he's awake, but he's currently paralyzed from the chest down.
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he has a little movement in his left arm, slight movement in his right arm, on a breathing tube, on a feeding tube. just, he can kind of nod his head yes or no, he can move his eyes. that's pretty much it at this point. >> at this point. on june 19th this is the story. your family got a phone call that randy had been arrested in new haven, connecticut, and was on his way to booking. then another call a few hours later saying he was in the hospital and needed surgery on his spine. i mean this happened within hours. did you know what was going on? >> no. actually, i was out of town at the time. and my mother called me when he got arrested, and she went to the scene, but they had already taken him away, so she waited two hours. she called the police station. they said he's here, he's not processed yet. so she just waited, maybe he'll
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call when he gets his first call. and then she another two hours later gets a call from the surgeon getting her consent to do emergency surgery. >> ben, this incident is being investigated by the connecticut state police. five officers including the driver had been put on administrative leave. the new haven police department referred cnn to their earlier press conference for a statement, and this is what they said. they said mr. cox was misstreeted. he should have received medical attention immediately. we can't defend anything that was released. so what is the status of the investigation? and how do you feel about what they are telling you? >> well, don, it's a little -- it's too little too late, don lemon. freddy graham in 2015 gave everybody all across america notice that you can't have handcuffed detainees who don't
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have seat belts are not restrained because it's foreseeable that injuries are very likely. and so this is freddy gray on video. i mean, when you watch that video and you see that stop where his head hits that wall in the police transport van, you know he has suffered very serious neck trauma, but yet when a police officer checks him and he gets to the detention center, he says i can't move. and he doesn't follow policy then. they get to the detention center, and the super vising officers, he says i think i broke my neck. and they mocked him, don. i mean why won't police officers believe black people when we say we're injured or we're
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brutalized? george floyd said i can't breathe 28 times and they didn't believe him in minneapolis. eric gardener in staten island, new york, said i can't breathe 19 times, and they didn't believe him. and now you have bradley cox in new haven, connecticut, tell the police i think my neck is broken and they don't believe him. >> yet you talked about what happened to freddy grave, it's the first thing i taught about when i learned this story. that was in 2015 transported in the police van. and we know the outcome of that. the officers they were charged, but they were never prosecuted for anything. they didn't face any sort of disciplinary action. what do you want to see happen, ben? >> well, i think there certainly should be criminal accountability, but also equally important there has to be civil justice because what randy krauks, this 36-year-old young black man who was not a
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convicted felon even though the media has strongly reported that, had his whole life ahead of him. he's going to have a struggle every day of his life just to do the things we all take for granted since he's paralyzed from the chest down. so the sitting leadership needs to step up to try to right this wrong. your words are not enough. we need to see action. >> sorry, ben, i thought you were finished with your statement. letoya, what would you like to see happen? >> i would like for the officers involved to be fired and arrested and any bystanders that were watching, i need something done to them, too. maybe not fired, maybe retrained or something because people watched -- and when i watched the video i had to turn it off. i didn't complete it. after he was in the wheelchair, i turned it off. it made me sick to my stomach.
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>> thank you both. please keep us updated, okay. we're hoping for the best. and thank you so much. >> thank you, don. >> thank you. >> and thank you for watching, evereryone. our coverage continues. customizing your car insurance, so you only pay for what you need. (emu squawks) if anyone objects to this marriage, speak now or forever hold your peace. (emu squawks) (the crowd gasps) no, kevin, no! not today. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪
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only from us... xfinity. good evening. there's breaking news tonight. the house january 6th committee a short time ago issuing a subpoena to pat cipollone. in a moment we'll be joined by zoe lofgren. cipollone, as you know, was a prominent part of cassidy hutchinson's testimony yesterday. he has so far refused to testify.


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