tv Erin Burnett Out Front CNN July 12, 2022 4:00pm-5:00pm PDT
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relationship. biden on the campaign trail that he wanted to make saudi arabia a pariah because of the journalist. it will be a controversial visit. it will be tricky and delicate to navigate for the president. >> thanks. jeremy diamond. i will see you tomorrow, from jerusalem, as biden makes his trippier to the middle east. erin burnett, starts right now. new evidence shows that trump planned well in advance for his supporters to march to the capital. this as the obligations surfaced potentially calling a witness, to tamper with that witness. plus, new video just released from the elementary school inside uvalde,texas. the police waiting in the
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hallway, doing nothing pretty could hear the sounds of the teachers and students being shot. so in the most powerful telescope ever made showing the distant galaxies. we will show you the picture of a real star being born. that's all coming up. >> good evening, i am erin burnett. accusations of potential witness tampering. congresswomen, liz cheney, accusing president donald trump of trying to contact an unidentified january 6th committee witness in recent days. >> after our last hearing, president trump tried to call a witness in our investigation. a witness you have not yet seen in these hearings. that person declined to answer or respond to president trump's call. instead, alerted their lawyer to the call. their lawyer alerted us. this committee has supplied the information to the department
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of justice. >> that is a serious point to make. obviously, she's making a serious obligation. the justice department does have the power to prosecute if they see the former president tampered with a congressional witness. sources tell the cnn that trump is fixated by what is playing out in front of the world in these hearings. today, throughout the committees seventh public hearing, there were more devastating revelations. the committee accusing far right extremists of, quote, openly homicidal planning. after trump tweeted on december 19. what followed, calls for violence across the internet by trump supporters. >> some of the online rhetoric turned openly homicidal. white nationalist, such as, why don't we just kill them? every democrat, down to the
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last man, woman, child. white revolution is the only solution. >> jumpstart all this up fully knowing that he lost the 2020 election. that is really crucial. we have heard this point made so loudly and clearly, that his closest advisers told him that he had lost. they told him the conspiracy theories were just that. they told him the 2020 election was not stolen. the white house counsel, passive cipollone, testified that he told trump to accept defeat. as we know, trump did nothing of the sort. not even since then. we know that he planned to tell his supporters -- plan. nothing spontaneous. he planned to tell his supporters to march to the capital building. the archives included a stamp that reads, i will be making a big speech, please arrive
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early. march to the capital, after. stop the steel. that is just one example showing this has been something that had been discussed and planned. there were many points laid out to prove it even further. it was not a spur of the moment decision. it was plan. once they were there, once i got there, the president had been told that they were armed, the rioters waited on trump to tell them to stand down. >> what made you decide to leave? >> basically went president trump put his tweet out. we literally left right after that come out. you know -- to me, if you would have done that earlier in the day, 1:30 -- we wouldn't be, maybe we wouldn't be in this bad of a situation or something?
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>> mono raju is out on capitol hill today. what can you tell us? >> once again, the committee is showing donald trump ignoring the advice and the urging of a number of his associates. they told him there was no widespread fraud. he continued on to talk about seizing the voting machines. evening issuing a tweet with a chain of events that ultimately led to the deadly results on january 6. there were some trump aids that tried to stop it in a meeting on december 18. >> i was not happy to see the people in the oval office. >> four days after all 50. several top aides engaged in a screaming match in an effort to install him to a second term in office.
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>> i don't think any of them were providing the president with good advice. >> passive cipollone was telling the committee about the meeting. one of the aides called it, unhinged. sydney paul, michael flynn, rudy giuliani, overstock ceo, patrick byrne. >> it was a heated and profane clash between this group and president trump's white house advisors who traded personal insults. accusations of disloyalty to the president. even challenges to physically fight. >> what they were proposing, i thought it was nostra >> i can't categorically describe it as, you guys are not tough enough. or, i will put it another way, you are a bunch of -- >> he kept standing up and turning around and screaming at me. at a certain point i had it with him. i yelled back.
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sit your effing -- back down. >> he even named sydney paul as special counsel. even though he was told there was no widespread fraud to investigate. >> he was giving me security clearance. >> i didn't think he should be appointed anything. >> commanding the secretary of defense to seize voting machines for >> telling the federal government to seize voting machines. that's a terrible idea. that's not how we do things in the united states for >> within hours of the meeting ending, 1:42 a.m., trump tweeted, big protest in d.c. on january 6. be there. it will be wild. calling for right wing groups
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to come to washington. behind the scenes, roger stone was in touch with these groups who provided them security. >> we will be there in january. >> included in cryptic chats with the old keepers and problems. michael flynn was also in communication with these groups, according to the committee. a group of house conservatives met at the white house to discuss how to get vice president mike pence to overturn the election results while presiding over a joint session and congress on january 6. cipollone he was excluded. the committee also revealing that before steve bannon recorded the podcast on january 5th saying this -- all is going to break loose tomorrow. he spoke with trump for 11
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minutes. been in and trump spoke again later that evening. the lawmakers also have evidence that trump planned days before january 6th to order supporters to match to the capitol after his speech at the road that a. including a tweet that was never posted. organizers who said, potus is going to call for it unexpectedly. stop the still organizer, alexander, new trump's plan. >> we are going to walk down pennsylvania avenue -- >> jumped even added that he will be joining them. in the wake of the attack, brad parscale said that trump's rhetoric may have killed someone. katrina pearson responded, it wasn't the rhetoric. parscale said, katrina, yes it was. >> after the hearing ended, liz cheney, the vice chairman of
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the committee, indicated that after the last hearing, president trump tried to call one of the witnesses. they have not yet been seen by this committee. that witnesses attorney reached out to inform them of the call. he shared the information with the justice department. he declined to say whether or not they have made a criminal referral for donald trump, decline to disclose any more information about who that witness was who would've received the call from donald trump. >> that's a really crucial question. thank you, very much. i want to go down to the assistant u.s. attorney for new york. the secretary of homeland security under president obama. david irvin, trumps advisor in the 2020 campaign. let me start with you -- so much to do here. i want to start first with something that mono raju
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mentioned. you have not obviously been there in that capacity, but you have been in the administration. you have been in meetings like this. what was your reaction when you read these details? >> i don't know if i have ever been in a meeting quite like that. but, the notion that sydney powell and michael flynn and the guy from overstock wandered into the white house and got up into the oval without it being a scheduled meeting and without any white house staff there -- fortunately passive cipollone heard about it and was able to run in and intervene. that started the whole dramatic six-hour exchange for the former president refused to take, no, for an answer. they did not have any evidence. it ended up with him drafting that very significant tweet, calling on his supporters to be
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at the on this experience to the entire focus today for the committee was to link the extremist groups in the words of one person who testified who had been in one of those groups, they attempted to spark a new civil war. to tie that directly to president trump. did they succeed? >> got partly there. they showed us what the links in the chain were. we know for sure that michael flynn and roger stone both had connections. to the old keepers and probably for we know that mark meadows was in touch with them on january 5th. we had testimony that that happened because donald trump ordered it to happen. you can see the links. we don't know, what exactly was said? what was communicated? the one guy that can answer that who has a realistic chance of testifying, mark meadows. he started corroborating with the committee. he has stopped for some reason. we still don't know? he has gone away.
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he has refused to comply, no consequence. we do not know who the president called last week at some point who is a important witness. that person either missed the call or did not pick it up. a former president who is willing to make that call, could there have been more? >> it's a horrible idea for him to call anyone who may be a witness. we do not have enough evidence to call this witness tampering. it's an unanswered call. we have evidence at the prior hearing of two messages, one was related to cassidy hutchinson. that cross the line. the committee needs to guard its investigation and be very aggressive about this kind of tactic. >> david, i mentioned about jason van tatenhove, that the issue was to spark a war. obviously, one of the groups was central to the entire
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insurrection. here is what he said. >> i think we need to quit mincing words and just talk about truths and what it was going to be. it was an armed revolution. people died that day. law enforcement officers died that day. there was a gallo set up in front of the capitol . this could've been the spark that started a new civil war. no one would have won there. >> some of these words today from jason van tatenhove , david, from the old keepers and for mr. ayres, who was there that day -- he said fully because the president wanted him there. these words were chilling. >> troubling. definitely troubling. a point of clarity, i think he may be mistaken. i do not believe that any law enforcement officers died on january 6. just to be clear about that.
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they were terrified. you listen to what these folks said, they were clearly people who showed up on january 6th with bad intentions. he should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. i was listening to the testimony and some programming earlier on this network. some of the law enforcement officials who were there on january 6th said, look, there were a great deal of people who came and for whatever reason they protested, they went home. there were a handful, 800 or 50 been charged. they should be charged and prosecuted for the bad things they do. >> right. just to be clear, 800 people is a lot of people. i understand the point you're making. i mentioned mr. ayres. one of the writers who was there the day. something important, he said, he left the capitol , specifically when trump told the rioters to go home. trent did not do that until 4:17 p.m.
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despite the begging of many people around him. the desperate begging for him to do it early. at that point, a lot of bad things severally happen. supporters have been shot and killed. police officers have been injured. none died at that time. they died in subsequent days. suicide and death. trump could have tweeted that any time. here is what passive cipollone set -- >> was necessary for me to continue to push for a statement for people to directly leave? >> i felt it was my obligation. >> would it be possible at any moment for the president to walk down to the podium in the briefing room and talk to the nation? any time between when you first gave him that of vice and 4:17? >> would it be possible?
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>> yes. >> yes. okay. just a thought obvious, it would've been possible. he could've done it by tweeting, or a celebrity could've done it in any way. he didn't. in the time he didn't, bad things happen. did they make the case for criminal responsibility against the president of the united states during that gap? >> they certainly made some progress towards that end. mr. ayres testimony i think demonstrated that many of trump's followers were really under his direction and control on that day. they went down to the capitol because he told them to go there. they stayed until he told them to get away. you know, i thought mr. ayres testimony was compelling in its own way. he was a cabinetmaking
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supervisor in ohio. very dedicated to his family. who fell under trumps authority. he went to washington because trump summoned his followers to washington. he went to the, because trump summoned him there. he went to the capitol because trump told him to go there. he stayed until trump said they could leave. that is a lot of steps toward the command and control center. >> of course, humanize him, his wife was there as well. david, i want to show you the video right after the hearing concluded. stephen ayres went to the capitol police officers who were attacked today. they were sitting in the front row today. he holds them. he shakes her hand. this is the individual that signature politano just talked
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about. he was compelling in his own way. he was apologetic. the sources tell cnn -- what do you make about this, david? >> it's humanizing. right? this gentleman screwed up. he made a giant mistake. he has been charged in the crime. his life is probably turned upside down. you hear liz cheney talk this afternoon about the president is not some child, he is responsible for his actions. everyone of those individuals that reach that barricade are responsible for their actions. they are not children. they're personally responsible for the bad things they did. they have to be accountable. the president should've gone down. you heard pat cipollone say 2:00. the two hour period, he could've went down to the podium to tell everyone to go home. those people could've done it on their own without being directed by the president. >> tell it, take that point --
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>> if i might say so, the president at that time as the commander in chief, the u.s. capitol is under attack by thousands of people -- >> madam secretary -- he's not the commander in chief of any of those troops on the ground but if you look at the chain of command for the capitol police and the d.c. national guard, the president is not in that chain at all. it's a speaker and the search of arms of the house. >> he knew they were there because of him. he did not stop it. that brings me to the point, david is pointing out rightly that the people who stormed should be held accountable. is that is high up as it will go? the guy that told him to go there, and encourage him to be there, and didn't tell him to go home going to be held accountable?
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>> is a perfect contrast. is able personally responsible for what they did? in the cosmic self, they both are responsible. there is no comparison to the level of the then president and the sky. i think the injustice that is really frustrating people. we have seen him prosecuted and convicted. the president, the doj doesn't seem to be close to. >> thank you all three very much. next, i want to talk to trumps former lawyer. he will be my guess. he says that trump deserves blame for the deadly right. where is he tonight on criminal cup ability? >> the first time we are seeing video inside the elementary school in uvalde,texas. you see them hide, you heard the shots. battery is even more powerful.r
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of another heart attack by 31%. your heart isn't just yours. aspirin is not appropriate for everyone, so be sure to talk to your doctor before you begin an aspirin regimen. >> congressman liz cheney is sending a strong message. whether president trump will face charges related to january 6th. >> president trump is a 76-year- old man. he is not an impressionable child. no rational or sane man in his position could disregard the information and reached the
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opposite conclusion. donald trump cannot escape responsibility by being willfully blind. >> right now, ty cobb. former white house trump lawyer. i appreciate your time. >> nicely with you. >> congresswoman cheney using a good work, legally blind. saying, a 76-year-old man is not a child. no rational or sane person would believe this pile of garbage being thrown at him. he therefore bears responsibility. clearly and phillipe cannot escape it by being willfully blind. do you agree? >> no. i don't really agree. it is not -- i think she was targeting the standards and elements to proving an offensive's additional conspiracy. that's a very difficult case to
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prove. you really have to prove, i think in this instance, you have to prove that trump did not believe the big lie. i think that is a challenge in and of itself. you have to prove that he didn't believe, as silly as they were, the legal theories that he was being said by sidney powell and rudy and others. >> used to believe that you have to prove belief? some reason the question. she said, rationally same. it was all bogus. no rational or sane person would have thought it was real. you think he still has the grounds that he couldn't believe that legally? >> that would be his argument. that would be his lawyers argument. that would be his argument if things progressed that way. i think trump me revel in a little bit in the sense that
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it's been six years since anybody called him rational or sane. >> yes. that is the point that people are saying, questioning his mental state. , i know you are familiar with him. was the acting soliciting general under president obama. in light of the hearing we saw today, he says that trying will be invaded. >> i know merrick garland quite well. he's incredibly cautious. when you're looking at this mountain of evidence, i think it is very unthinkable for me that he doesn't indict in the end. >> so in the context of asking whether this is true, i remind everyone of mr. ayres today. one of the eight people who has been charged for what he did. he was there because of john. therefore trump them because of what he said. he left when trump told him to go home. is it possible that 100 other
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people will be charged and convicted? and the president of the united states is not? >> i think that is possible. i'm not sure that will be the outcome. it certainly is a possible outcome. i feel very sorry for mr. ayres and other americans like him who believed in the president. trusted him. when he insisted that the election had been stolen. didn't have the information available to make their own decisions. they follow him blindly. obviously, suffered severe consequences. i think, so far, 800 plus prosecutions, people have tried to blame the president and the prosecutors have pushed back on that. you know, i think this committee has one view of
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control and accountability. which tended to go along with one of your previous pinker's who was talking about the personal accountability with the people that have actually been charged. i think the justice department -- excuse me, i think the justice department clearly believes that those people were responsible for their own actions. it is quite a pivot for them to insist that trump control that. i was particularly taken today by the lack of evidence, frankly, of direct coordination. i expected for the incineration claims and sedition claims, the government would have some more evidence of direct coordination or communication between the proud boys and the oath keepers, and the violent elements. with, with, trump or his aides. the mere fact that someone new
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roger stone or knew another trump ally, that really doesn't get a prosecution. you have to show that trump and his allies actually did something in concert with those people that would amount to intentional force. >> thank you, very much. >> my pleasure. thank you. chilling surveillance video from the uvalde,texas school shooting. you just. you know they waited over an hour. then you actually have to watch it. the police show up three minutes after the shooter. they waited and waited. they did nothing. new issues images taken from our telescope. one showing the birth of a star.
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seen publicly. publishing edited portions of the surveillance footage. it shows what the police were doing. not much of anything. the parents of the children who were killed in the shooting are outraged. >> we are past. >> the least you could do is have some freaking decency for us. that is unacceptable. >> he didn't have to do this. i didn't want to hear the gunfire. >> we should note that cnn is not airing the audio of the gun fire outside until the gunman was killed. nonetheless, is terribly chilling. >> >> reporter: 1132 the first shot were fired outside of robb
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elementary school. audio of the teacher calling 911. >> oh, my god. get in the room. >> at 11:33, school surveillance video shows the gunman entering an empty hallway. unhindered. casually with his gun pointed down. a boy sees him as a search shooting and the boy runs. according to the statesman, the gunman fired his weapon. an ar 15 in situ classrooms for 2.5 minutes. starting and stopping multiple times. the statesman saying they edited out the most disturbing sounds, including screens for the surveillance video that lawmakers and the mayor have been pushing to release, show seven police officers arriving
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arm. some, with rifles. the entered the hallway. weapons drawn at 11:36 for just 3:00 minutes after the gunman arrived. in total, the material revealing over two of the more than 70 minutes the police were in the hallway before killing the government. some rushing toward the classrooms. other officers, hanging back. within one minute, shots are heard. 16 rounds in total. police can be seen retreating. running back, hallway to take cover. one officer appears to touch his ear. at 11:52, 19 minutes after the gunman enters the school, the timestamp on the video shows more officers arriving. heavily armed, some with lipstick shields. still, they wait. at 12:04, the video jumps, 31 minutes, after the gunman enters the school. law enforcement is still
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waiting. at least 19 officers are now in the hallway, according to the official timeline. at this point, a girl in one of the adjoining classrooms calls number one. sharing her location. pleading for help. calls back minutes later saying, ultimo people are dead. at 12:15, a tactical team arrives. one minute later, a 911 call saying, eight or nine students are still alive. at 12:21, 45 minutes after police arrived. the gunman fires another four shots. police start to move down the hall again. remaining outside the classrooms. at 12:30, one officer uses the hand sanitizer dispenser in the school. at 12:43 and 12:47, 1911 calls to send police and the caller says the children are aware the police are also the door. at 12:50, 74 minutes after the police first arrived, officers
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breached the door and killed the government. at this point, the video shows officers in the hallway pushing to go in. the video account, now adding to the toll of 19 students and two teachers who were massacred at robb elementary, have to endure. >> the families of the victims are outraged by the release of this video. in their words, they say, the final moments of their loved ones were shared with the world before they got to see them. these families were preparing themselves emotionally to watch the entire 77 minutes with the texas house investigative committee, on sunday. that is when they were expected to view the entire video. aaron, i should mention that the statesmen are defending the release of the video. sitting that they have to bear witness to history.
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the relenting reporting is a way to bring it. >> thank you, very much. for more on this, i want to bring gutierrez. senator, i know that you and i have spoken over these past weeks. now you have seen the video of what actually happened. what did you think as you watched it? >>, first off, i'm a little bit repulse of how this came out after parents were promised that they were going to be shown this in a more sensible way. clearly, somebody within this committee or the governor's office leaked this video out preliminarily when the parents were promised something entirely different. that is a concern to me. obviously, the video is horrendous. we see the awesome power of an ak-47. that is what we hear.
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it is just appalling. everything that has happened here. these parents ever to reach out to me and they are very disturbed. seen it as you point out, disturbed by what they are seeing and how it's presented. by the timing, by what they were told to be true. it was not true. senator, the shooter walks into the school unimpeded. that is what we see on the tape. police officers come in behind him, three minutes later. then, we see the waiting and waiting and waiting. they do not rush into the classroom. more than an hour goes by. it is stunning. i understand that we have heard the timeline. to see it and to hear it, somehow -- it is just unbelievable. >> erin, what is most horrific about this video, you hear the firepower from that machine gun.
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the cities officers taking cover in violation of all of their protocols. these children had to live that, in those classrooms. for those who were surviving. for those who may have been saved by the delay of officers, waiting around for god knows what? >> for god knows what? in the end, and agonizing word to use in this context. you think, senator, anyone should be facing criminal charges now that you are actually seeing this timeline unfold before your eyes? >> what is apparent to me in all of this, i don't see anybody in charge. my own cross-examination for steve, -- it's apparent that what we see here is officers walking around aimlessly with no real direction, waiting for
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gas masks. for ballistic shields. waiting for bars to enter the room. yet, there was nobody taking specific action and doing what the code book tells them to do. they did not do here. i do not know about criminal actions. i will leave that up to the people that will be judging the issue. certainly, there needs to be accountability. >> i know there's a committee investigating the shooting. it's important for the parents to see the full video. especially the lack of response. the full video. you know what more is there that is to be seen in the full video? >> since i filed a lawsuit in the state of texas, they have been a little bit less willing to give me more information. early on, they wanted to give me information. you have me sign off, i refused to do it. that's why i filed this
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lawsuit. it gives us no answers to if anybody was in charge? even the video will not show us who is in charge who should've been. that's the sad state of what happened on may 24th. no one was in charge. there were 91 officers, including operation loans are. they did not take charge as they do in any every other situation. >> thank you, very much. i appreciate your time. >> thank you. next, republicans just invited an authoritarian to the most influential conservative gathering of the year. authoritarian has cracked on the press,rights, political opponents. nasa's $10 billion telescope capture photos like we have never before seen.
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encourage, to whip up a civil war amongst his followers using lies and deceit and snake oil. regardless of the human impact, what else is he going to do if he gets elected again? all bets are off at that point. >> that warning from a former oath keeper comes as republicans invited the leader of hungary to speak at seebeck, the most important meeting of the year in the u.s. the leader has been chipping away at the foundation of democracy in hungary. >> respected all over europe. probably like me a little bit controversial. >> victor or bun has become an icon on the right. >> a good man. he has done a fantastic job for
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his country. >> attracting the adoration of some of the republican party's topper right-wing voices. >> that is the mega america first movement here. >> the authoritarian nationalist socialist conservative leader won office in april. >> we have scored a victory so big it can be seen even from the moon, but definitely from brussels. >> he has restricted lgbtq rights. a hard line on immigration. promoted government control of the press and pushed the white nationalist great replacement theory pushing his country further right. >> translator: the thinking in europe now became the enemy of freedom. liberals are the enemy of freedom in europe. >> reporter: while going against progressive values. transit >> we should show the insanity of the progressive left if there is media helping us.
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>> reporter: often speaking directly to and attempting to influence republicans in the united states. in may, republicans hosted another conference in hungary, an unprecedented move. the first time the gathering had been hosted in europe. >> translator: the first point in hungary and formula is to play by our own rules. >> reporter: it was there where he outlined a 12 point plan for how other leaders could emulate his approach. >> translator: the second point, national conservatism in domestic politics. >>'s ideology is resonating in some far right circles. tucker carlson even hosted his show from budapest for multiple days last august. >> a country with a lot of lessons for the rest of us. >> reporter: holding up his model as a future for the republican party. people have turned our country into a much less good place,
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they're hysterical when you put it out. the last thing i want is any kind of signpost. >> reporter: the countries today reminded again of the threat of growing right-wing extremism with the latest january 6 hearing. democrats see warning signs for america. >> to praise orban, that shows you where this party is headed under maga republican domination. >> the conference will be held the first week in august. it features a who's who of right-wing voices in the party like former president trump, congresswoman laura and robert and sean hannity among others. >> thank you. certainly, a fascinating place and person. more images from nasa's most powerful telescope. they are spectacular. here is another one of the new images. five galaxies.
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what appeared to be mountain clips. this is actually the edge of a young starforming region. we are looking at a picture more than 7000 years old really. that's the truth. 7000 light years away. just one of the breathtaking images taken by the world's most powerful telescope. rachel crane is out front. >> reporter: a portal to the universe 13 million years ago colliding galaxies giving birth to new star formation. stellar and planetary nebula in all their glory. the first glimpse inside the cloudy atmosphere of an exoplanet. an extraordinary milestone for the james webb space telescope as nasa finally reveals the breathtaking first set of images , including the deepest and sharpest infrared image of the universe to date. >> were making discoveries and we really have not even started trying out. the promise of this telescope
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is amazing. >> reporter: more than two decades in the making and the result of a $10 billion investment, it is the most advanced telescope to ever orbit the sun and send that groundbreaking data from 1 million miles away. >> every images a new discovery. each will give humanity a view of the universe that we have never seen before. >> reporter: it is more than just a telescope. it is a time machine. >> it is a portal to the engine time of the universe. it is way more than just a way to look at nature. it's a way to unlock nature in new ways. >> reporter: launched on christmas day, 2021, james webb is 100 times more powerful than its predecessor, hubble and makes the mysteries of the universe observable using new technologies never before launched into space. it transforms the invisible
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infrared light of the cosmos into something the human eye can see, study, and investigate. >> it is really our apollo moment in science. it means everything for it to be up there. >> reporter: scientists see a once in a chance opportunity to just be questions about our existence. how did we get here and are we alone? why we do not have answers that is just the beginning, scientists are already blown away by the results. >> this is going to be revolutionary. these are incredible capabilities we have never had before. >> reporter: rachel crane, cnn, new york. >> thank you for joining us. that evening, i am anderson cooper in new york with jake tapper in washington, d.c. today, the january 6 committee >> to the president to the case that he deliberately use
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