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tv   Don Lemon Tonight  CNN  July 13, 2022 11:00pm-12:00am PDT

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right back. hey thanks for watching everybody, i'll be back tomorrow, don lemon tonight starts with right now, down lauren. hey don. >> hi laura, we'll see you tomorrow let's get to this new reporting, i'll see you tomorrow. this is don lemon tonight, justin sources telling cnn the former president, president trump, tried to call a member of the white house support staff who was talking to the january six committee. okay? that's in addition to the person that committee co-chair, liz cheney talked about yesterday at the hearing. they support staff or was not someone who routinely communicated with them. and was concerned about the contact, that's according to sources, and informed their attorney. this is a big development, we're gonna have lots more in just a moment on that, we have some reporting on that. and people up on capitol hill of washington are gonna give us the very latest, the big question about january six is,
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who is going to stop it from happening again? who's gonna stop it from happening again is that you, the committee? maybe it's republicans? who's gonna stop it from happening again? who's gonnand up, the next time in defender freedom for a fair election, to defend our democracy, from the lies that could take it all down. because what we're hearing from the january six committee, the testimony from eyewitnesses, who were shocked by what they saw, and heard behind closed doors in the trump white house. who were pressured by president, determined to hold on to power no matter what it took, the fake electors, the wild conspiracy theories, the mob that stormed the capitol. none of that is about the past, it's about what could happen the next time, if nobody stands up
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to stop. i should've put the median that, who's gonna do it, the media, journalists. that's why it matters for the committee to follow the investigation wherever it at leads. that's why it matters for journalists, who follow the investigation, wherever it leads. we're learning that the committee is working on providing witness -- for the justice department. which right now is especially interesting in testimony on the fake electors scheme. and next week, there's another hearing in the works, when the committee says will add to the case against the former president. focusing on 187 minutes, as the capital was under attack, and donald j trump did nothing to stop it. and the committees not ruling out -- >> never say never in this
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process. people are coming forward all the time. >> never say number, people coming forward all the time, that's jamie raskin. time is running out for the investigation. but midterms are less than four months away, can you believe it? less than four months away. so, it happens in november, what happens if the gop takes control of all of this, some republicans like congressman andy biggs of arizona, the committee says attended a december 21st, 2020 mating, to discuss -- object to the election already demanding carries that investigations into debunked, election fraud allegations from i, guess you can call it -- i think we talked about it i'm we full of wild in totally evidence free claims about election fraud. trump's attorney general, bill barr, mocked the whole thing during his deposition for the committee. >> my opinion than in my opinion now, is that the election was not stolen by fraud. i haven't seen anything since the election that changed my mind on that. including the
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2000 mules movie. (laughs) >> he laughed at it. like i said, the question is who's going to stand up the next time? i tell you who could have, the republicans who knew better. conservative media who knew better. mainstream -- trump's election lies. we're just that, lies. they knew, but far too many of them did not speak up, did not tell the truth, and that matters. steven airs, is a convicted capitol rioter who breached the building on january six. said he might never have gone there if he had known what so many of trump's inner circle no. that the election was -- >> we've also talked about today and in previous hearings,
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the extent to which president himself was told that the election hadn't been stolen. by his justice department, by his white house counsel, by his campaign, would it have made a difference to you to know that president trump himself had no evidence of widespread fraud. >> oh definite way. who knows, i may have not come down here than, you know. >> and then there is this, the soundbite from yesterday's hearing, the day before the attack on the capital, congresswoman debbie leskovar as anna said this. >> we also have, quite honestly, trump supporters who actually believe that we are going to overturn the election, and when that doesn't happen most likely, will not happen they're going to go nuts. >> she said, they most likely we're not gonna overturn the election and yet, the very next
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day, january six, she voted to do exactly that. she was right about one there, trump supporters one that's. and remember, there was a time when republicans knew exactly who was responsible for what happened on january six. >> the president bears responsibility for wednesday's attack on congress by mob rioters. he should have immediately denounced the mob when he saw what was unfolding. these facts require immediate action, for president trump. except to share the responsibility, quell the unrest, and ensure president elect biden is able to successfully begin his term. >> now let's go to more videotape, that was then, this is now. roll the tape. >> do you feel like the january six committees rulings enough information to show donald
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trump was personally responsible for what happened here on that day? >> i think ultimately, because answering that question leads to i'm number of other questions that i think our best settled by transferring whatever information the january six commission as to the department of justice, let them settle. >> a simple, no, would suffice. after all this, still won't say that donald trump bears responsibility for january six. so back to my original question, -- who's gonna stop it from happening again? i want to write to cnn's ryan nobles, dana bash on this reporting, ryan will start with you, let's tell us about your new -- white house support staff who was talking with the january six committee, what do you know? >> that's right, don, this is -- and that cohen were able to
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officially confirmed tonight. we do want to make clear, this is the same person liz cheney talked about at the end of the january 6th select committee hearing on tuesday. they said, they were concerned about this interaction that they referred to the department of justice because they feared, it could be an example of witness intimidation. we're learning more tonight about why they had that concern. this individual was someone who worked in the white house support staff, not a member of the political unit of the white house, but as professional staff member who is there to support the services necessary at the white house. it's someone who would not be accustomed to receiving a phone call out of the blue from someone like the former president donald trump, someone who knew donald trump didn't have a personal relationship with him in a way that they would just get a phone call unprompted. and the timing of this phone call is important as well, it came just a few days after that bombshell testimony from cassidy hutchinson, the former aide to the white house
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chief of staff mark meadows. and we're told this individual could corroborate parts of hutchinson's testimony. that's why they were so alarmed when they got that phone call from trump, they immediately passed that information to an attorney, that attorney gave the information to the committee, the committee has been handed over to the department of justice. there's a lot of questions, don, after like cheney made that statement at the hearing yesterday about what about around him phone call would lead you to believe that this is witness intimidation. the committee didn't fill out that information, this is that information, that were able to confirm tonight, it's because of the timing of the phone call, the individual that went two and the relationship they had with the former president, that raised a lot of red flags for this person, their attorney, and the january six select committee. >> you have more reporting on this, i said it wasn't the same person, but to your
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understanding it is the same person? >> it is the same person. >> again, this seems there is a lot of questions about what this person may know if they're getting a call from the former president, no? >> absolutely. this person as ryan just mentioned, we understand has corroborating evidence, or at least can cooperate maybe not evidence, but perhaps witnessed something that cassidy hutchinson testified to last week, under oath. that you testified about lots of different scenarios, lots of different events, that she witnessed. and so, what the committee has been doing, is saying publicly, well, we have a way to cooperate. and our understanding (inaudible) of who the former president put a phone call into, is one of those who can help cooperate. and like ryan said, one of the really important things to remember here, is whether it
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was a mad scramble to figure out who liz cheney was talking about, the understandably unclear thing, was how would they know, how would they know what the president was trying to do, how would they know that he was actually trying to temper, just because they saw a phone call, or heard he was calling, but as ryan just explained this reporting shows, it's because this is not somebody who would have any reason to hear from donald trump. >> dana, can we talk about, let me dig in a bit deeper, this person could possibly cooperate -- when aspects of her testimony, it includes situations in areas where one person could cooperate them, can you tell us anymore? >> just remember, just remember that she testified from many, many hours. she told many stories about different advance that she witnessed. she was mark meadows right had women.
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mark meadows is in talking. so, the idea is that there is clearly other people who were there, who the committee believes that they can get information from, who were inside the white house. as ryan said, this particular person who got the phone call, according to the committee, according to what he said publicly, yesterday our understanding under basin reporting is a member of the white house support staff. it is a clear if it will go anywhere, because how could something be witness tampering if the person never picked up the phone, possibly intimidation of some sort. liu >> well, we don't know the full breadth of what the committee knows, right? on this reporting that we have tonight
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illuminates a big part of it that we didn't understand. what's this person's role was and why they were worried that the former president caught them out of the blue just a couple days after cast each of hutchinson's testimony. we also know that the committee has informal conversations with this particular witness. they have not to post this witness. they have not one of these lengthy transcribed depositions behind closed doors. which would put a person in a position where they could not purja themselves because you're not allowed to lie to congress. but this would just be an informal conversation, we know that these have these informal conversations a lot. there could be more information that comes to that communication that we don't know about. there could also be other information around the timing of the phone call, perhaps other pieces of communication that happened in and around that could leave them to believe even more that
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this is witness tampering. i think with the committee wanted to do, is that they didn't want to make that judgment for themselves. they wanted to remove whatever work that they were doing, because they haven't a vested interest in the course of their investigation, they wanted to remove that from their work flow and handed over to prosecutors who have an understanding of the law and would be able to then pick up this particular piece of the investigation and determine whether or not it's criminal activity. now, we don't know how the department of justice plans to handle that information, they've not responded to our requests about what they plan to do with it, but i think it's an important to point, even though we've illuminated so much more about what we knew yesterday, there's a lot that we don't know about this particular information situation. >> thank you both. my question is, dana, you want to say something? >> i just want to add one thing, and that is, even before this new reporting pretty much right away, after liz cheney said which he wanted to say at the end of yesterday's hearing. i was getting messages from people in and around the former president that he was really,
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really agitated about that. and think about it, there's a lot he could've been agitated about in yesterday's hearing. his white house counsel testified, they had a text message chain from his former campaign manager saying, that basically he has blood on his hands. and it was the last thing in the hearing that suggesting that he did something that was untoward and maybe even illegal enough that they gave it to the doj and told that was the thing that sent donald trump through the roof. i think that's very telling. >> if he didn't do anything, why doesn't go talk to the committee? do it publicly? that would clear some things up for the committee and for everybody else. >> thank you both. >> my question is where the doj on this? i want to ask amy klobuchar, she's coming up right after this, thank you both. we've got a lot more to come big news on the january
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6th investigation. so much -- sources are telling cnn that former president trump tried to call a member of this white house support staff who's talking to the january six committee. here she is now. this is amy klobuchar is going to weigh in on this, what it means for the investigation, what it means for the doj, that's coming up after the break. my name is never fires,
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-- tried to call a member of the white house support staff who was talking to the january six committee. with all this information coming out questions are coming is what's happening at the doj. joining me now, democratic senator from minnesota. she's a member of the senate judiciary committee. thank you for joining. >> thanks, don. >> we have a lot to discuss tonight i want to get your reaction to the news tonight about trump placing this call to the staffer, someone he would not usually communicate with, someone who can corroborate parts of hutchinson's testimony. does the doj need to speak with them? >> i certainly hope they do. because, timmy, you've got a line employee working at the white house, doing their job, and then you find out that the
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former president is calling them on the phone. we don't know the details as your great reporters just pointed out. but the fact is, witness intimidation, witness tampering is a federal crime. if you have a corrupt intent in trying to persuade someone, sounds familiar, sounds like someone we know, don. and the focus of this is to try and intimidate them in terms of their testimony. that's a crime. and of course it has to be looked into and we're not going to know the exact fact, and the committee is doing the right thing in handing this information over to the justice department. and i will say this, last hearing, there were things that i didn't know. the thought that he's been told, which we did know, by his attorney general that there's no fraud. by attorney general barr. by his lawyer, cipollone. and then in the middle of this five hour crazy meeting in which he starts talking about seizing voting machines. and sends out the tweet when he knows his own lawyer, his own campaign staff,
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attorney general barr has definitively told him there's no fraud. he still goes out and basically decides he's going to tell people to go wild, get there on january 6th and that puts a series of events into place. which led to the insurrection at the capitol. i thought that was really damning testimony yesterday. >> listen, there's a lot coming up. doesn't this seem -- one former mentor in one of the stations are you overt that, you're doing that asked backwards. you know what that means right? that this information, the doj is pushing the committee answer the committee pushing the doj. should the doj already have this information? this is an investigative unit of the government? they're leading from behind, isn't this backwards? >> okay. first of all, i'm a former prosecutor, they're not gonna be put on everything
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they're doing. they have charged over 850 people. and i know from white collar cases we worked on, from those people, when you charge people on the bottom up, you get information. and then you use that and you use that and you use that to get to a higher level people. unfortunately, we don't know everything they're doing. what we do know is that both things have to act in concert, in my mind. you have the investigations going on and you've also got a public hearing, a reckoning. a lot of people thought, oh, this is over. i don't hear about this again. and instead, i think, very clearly, this committee out of the house, bipartisan committee, has made it really clear why this still matters to our democracy. well donald trump is still out there, still out there endorsing candidates and there's more and more people learning this, they've already had issues with him, we've seen this in the polls. we saw that in the georgia
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senate raceway back, that people who had had it with him and voted for two incredible democratic senators in a second warnock, as more people remember the threat to our democracy. i see these two things going on independently, and i was listening as i ask, what can we do, what can we do? to make sure this doesn't happen again. both those things have to have to happen, the reckoning, and the justice department action, but the other big thing we have to do is vote. and we have to vote for candidates who believe in democracy. and that's not that far away, as you know, with the elections coming up in november. >> thank you for talking about that. i know this is important to you. i want to turn to the fight for abortion rights, if you allow. the columbus dispatch a reporting that a man has been arrested and charged in the rape of a ten year old girl who needed to go to indiana for an abortion. after president biden referenced this case in the speech, right-wing voices for days said, it wasn't real. i want to get your reaction to that. >> to me, for anyone that doubted this, and listening to
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those sources or saw something online that doubted this story, it's now they're in black and white. it's there in print. this happened. a man raped a ten year old girl and this girl got pregnant. and so, what kind of country are we living in right now where you require a ten year old girl, because of this supreme court, because of justices that donald trump put in place, because of extremist justices that were put on that court, what kind of life do we live in right now where this ten year old girl had to go to another state to get an abortion? i think the vast majority of many of americans who are ready now, 80% of them, support codifying roe v. wade into law, 70, 80% depending on what the numbers are. they would never want this to happen. but that is the result, this patchwork of laws that we're going to see across the country, where we're seeing women and girls have less
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rights than their moms or their grandma's. for anyone that doubted this story, it's now right there in a criminal complaint. this happened. >> yeah. before i let you go, you are cosponsoring this legislation that would safeguard women's rights to cross state lines to seek abortion. >> a girl, a woman, this is something that catherine cortez -- former federal federal prosecutors put in place, this would allow women to safely travel back and forth to go and seek reproductive care without the fear of being prosecuted, which, by the way, bills have been introduced in states like missouri. that would make helping someone to cross lines be a crime. and that's why it's so important to put these protections in place. >> thank you, senator. i really appreciate this. >> thank you don, much appreciated. >> more to come on the news, as the former president tried to call a member of the white house support staff who is talking to the january 6th committee. plus, the committee now working with officials at the justice department, giving them information on the fake elective scheme. is it giving
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the doj a roadmap for a legal cases?
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jurassic world dominion, in theaters now. rule your home security with xfinity home. former president tried to call a member of the white house support staff who is talking to the january six committee. the support staff are not someone who can be community candid with him, and was concerned about the top context. according to sources and then inform their attorney. i want to bring in senior political analyst ronald brownstein, and lieutenant -- jeff duncan. gentlemen, good evening to both
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of you. ron, let's start with you. right here. you heard what i said about this person. why on earth with the former president be calling this person now? >> it's certainly out of the ordinary. and we heard from ryan and dana, a big reason why, which would be this person would be in position to corroborate part of the testimony that we heard about what he was doing in particular, potentially on the day of january 6th itself. this is the way donald trump has operated his entire life. he has pushed at every vulnerability in the legal system. and believed in the end, he will always get away with it. what we are watching, i think this is just another reminder of the big overall point that the committee is making, i think, to the american public is not only whether this guy couldn't committed a crime, or is this someone who you feel you want to trust with the power of the presidency given the way he used it when he had it, and now even after when he doesn't have it. >> he believes that he should have it. i want to get your take on this, lieutenant
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governor, because you're not in new york, you're not in the beltway, you're watching this from georgia, right? i guess it's a red state still. what do you make of what's happening with the committee and the former president's alleged actions here? >> well, i just got bits and pieces on the way into the studio on some of the information coming out on his activity. i think it really goes to show the pattern that's continued to develop during the committee process of how granular donald trump operated. we certainly felt that granular grassroots level operating during the postelection period of time. you know, i think the committee has really performed a lot of peoples expectations. it has not taken a partisan angle. most of the testimonies been from republicans. i do think it's interesting to watch this play out to, by the end we get to january 6th, how few people in donald trump's circle were actually with him. they
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were actually in his ear saying, this is a good idea, this is what you should be doing. it feels like a lot of this energy was just continue to be pushed by him. >> do you think that they will be able to connect back to the pressure campaign in georgia, connect trump back to that? >> yeah, i don't know. i'm with the lawyers, i'm not a lawyer by trade with by any stretch of the imagination, i'm just gonna look ahead and try to continue do the best we can do here in georgia run the state. it's certainly been troubling to watch. i think it's also been troubling to see how coordinated and how much planning went into the lead up from the november election through to the january 6th events. it certainly troublesome. >> ronald brownstein, despite all the evidence, despite by the testimony witnesses showing multi prong scheme by trump to stay in power. do you still have some gop senators like tom tillis refusing to say trump is responsible for january 6th. why is it still so hard for people to do that?
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>> the argument that so many republicans make is, they can't come out and forthrightly state with trump did was wrong. because they fear the base. but it's an interactive process. as i've said to you before, during watergate, richard nixon's point fell 40 point from the beginning of the second term from the time that he resigned, in large part because there were so many republican elected officials each step in the process, validated the investigation. >> it did take time. though >> it did take time. because they stepped out and said what he did was wrong. look, there have been very, very few republicans willing to do that now. and that is an interactive process. you see in the polling that came out today, the cnn poll, a ominously large share of republicans continue to say things like the election was stolen, trump within his rights, it was a legitimate protest that got out of hand. that is pretty ominous implications for 2024, and what the party will be willing to accept. but, there is still, again, even in
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this polling, there is 20 to 25% of republicans who understand that what happened was wrong, was dangerous, and they have a lot of leverage in the party if they will use it. if they continue to vote, though, give their votes to republicans who enable and amplify trump's big lies, then all of the pressure in the party will be toward standing with him, rather than standing up for the constitution. >> i find it interesting, because we have people like liz cheney in a few other republicans who are standing up, lieutenant governor, you are one of the lawmakers who stood up to trump early. and called out his pressure campaign on states like georgia. fast forward to where we are now, with the hearings, would you had expected to see more republicans joining you and liz cheney and adam kinzinger? >> well, i certainly think there certainly is a growing number of republicans, exponentially growing. this is painful to watch. it's part of the healing process for republicans. i also think this is a big time for change in
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america. also at the new york times on monday, i think it's over two thirds of democrats don't want joe biden to run again. the former -- the last two presidents in our country are now going to be not at the top of the ticket. i don't think we actually see them run again as president. i think the democrats are gonna wise up and find someone more competent, i think republicans are gonna wake up and find someone that's more focused on solving problems instead of there you go, and hopefully, that's better for america. >> we shall see. i find it also frustrating, this is an interesting thing for you perhaps one of you can respond to this, is that people, especially democrats are so happy with liz cheney and adam kinzinger and lieutenant governor. the moment they do something, or say something that is conservative, like liz cheney supported the law for banning abortion, and democrats got mad at her. you cannot expect liz cheney to all of a sudden overnight become a democrat. republicans are going to be republicans, conservative republicans fell for republicans, are still gonna be true to their values. >> it would be great if we
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could get back to the point that we're having disagreements about policy. but right now, we're at a point where a big portion of the republican party that dominant faction in the republican party is not committed to democracy in the way that we have known. there are election deniers on the ballot for key offices, republican nominees, pennsylvania, nevada, michigan, minnesota. still to come maybe in arizona. and wisconsin. the lieutenant governor's successor, the person that the party nominated in georgia to succeed the lieutenant governor, is an open election denier who's part of the fake elector scheme. we are at a different place, at the moment. it will be great to get back to those arguments. >> i don't think americans want either of us, either party, to be in the extremes. i think they want people to solve real problems. here we just spent seven minutes into an interview and we haven't talked about the highest reinflation rate ever, or at least in my lifetime. we
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have real problems, americans are worried about playing for gash groceries and groceries. that should be with our leaders and both parties are talking about. those are the real issues that matter. the rest of the stuff is just politics. >> january 6th matters. certainly getting it right. but we don't solve problems, we should take our medicine as republicans, we should take our medicine as republicans and show up for work and get things done for americans. that's what we're hire to do. >> thank you both. we're gonna talk about exactly what you said. thank you, i appreciate it. president joe biden ran in 2020 on unite uniting a divided country. now he's admitting that he still has more to do .
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president biden in israel tonight on his first presidential visit to the middle east sitting down for an interview with israel channel 12. talking about why he ran for president and whether he's
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accomplished his goals. let's listen. >> i'm running for three reasons and no one for my campaign -- . number one, to restore the soul of america, get back to who we are as a people. and the way we talk to one another, the way we treat one another. the second thing was, to rebuild the backbone of this country, the middle class when the middle class does well, everybody does well. the poor move up and wealthy stay wealthy. and third, we unite the country. we still often accomplish the third piece. that's from trying to do. >> joining me now, cnn senior political commentator and former obama senior adviser, david axelrod. david, thanks for joining us. >> don, thanks good to see you. >> let's talk about all the things biden's facing now, bad economy, pandemic that won't quit, war overseas, major fault lines here over gun rights, abortion rights. how is he going to unite the country in the next two years? >> yeah. it's going to be difficult. i think right now, his task is
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to create a choice for the country. if he goes into the fall election with this set of facts, or this set of indices, it's going to be a very difficult november. he has to create a choice for people. and he has to make clear with the republican party is offering. and that by its very nature involves being a little more contentious or comparative, more challenging. i have no doubt that this is what is in his heart. he is by his nature very conciliatory person, he's worked across party lines for half a century. >> is that realistic right now? i'm not saying that the country shouldn't be united, but i don't think the country wants to be united? i think people are dug in on both sides. >> you know, don, i think there are a lot of people in this
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country who want to see people working together. i think they're a lot of people in this country who are alarmed by the shrill voices, but i also think that the parties themselves are not in that place. the activists, particularly the politicians, are not necessarily in that place. joe biden was elected because he stood for that, that's with the country voted for. but right now, some of those things that he most values are not what's needed, he needs to be more contentious, he needs to really draw the choice over people. i will say this, say what you will about cooperation bipartisanship and so on, he's gotten more done than anybody thought he would. the infrastructure bill, he obviously got the rescue act, he got the gun bill, he got some things done. and i think he deserves credit for that. but there is a big stark choice right now and it goes to the tone and tenor of the parties and what the republican party
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stands for. the republican party that exists today is not the one that joe biden grew up with all those decades in the united states senate. >> that certainly right. i'm not sure he was elected in large part because the country -- is in unity, i think people wanted sanity. they wanted a steady hand. and i'm not sure that unity, how high up on the chart unity was. listen, i want you to take a look at biden, when he saying with a potential rematch with trump. curious. >> are you predicting a biden trump rematch in 2024? >> i'm not predicting. but i would not be disappointed. >> you would not be disappointed? >> so you look forward to the >> know the one thing i know about politics in american politics in particular, is there's no way to predict what's going to happen. i'm not even halfway through my term yet. there's a lot of room to figure out what's going to happen.
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>> listen, one thing he said is true, it's hard to predict, but the thing is, 64% of democrats said they wanted a different nominee in 2024. he's got an uphill battle with his own party before he potentially battles trump for the white house again. >> yeah, and on, look, discontent is not unheard of among democrats or republicans when the president isn't doing well in the polls. and you're heading into a fall campaign. we felt some of that when i was in the obama white house. the fundamental thing i'd be worry about that those are large numbers, 64% is a large number, but also when they're asking people to volunteer, what it was they objected to about biden, the people said they did want him. a third of them, the largest number, said age. then he was too old. that is not a political problem. that's an actuarial problem. that is a problem that's not going to get better, he's not gonna get younger. we know that. that's a political prediction one could make.
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so, that's the thing that he has to confront when he makes this decision. and he's got time to make this decision. but yes, presidents have fought back, none of them have been in their 80s when they did it. and that is a concern that he has to address. and i think it's, frankly, a difficult one. >> reagan wasn't a spring chicken. when i was alive for the. >> reagan was younger when he left office then the president is now. >> he's having issues. >> and there were concerns about reagan at the end of his term. listen, i don't think joe biden -- i think he is in command of what he's doing. and we've seen it, on ukraine and other issues. he's offered strong leadership. when you are going to face the voters and ask them at 82 for another term, and you can be closer to 90 than 80 at the end of that term, that is a very, very difficult case to make.
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and ultimately, he's gonna have to confront that question. it's not like other presidencies. >> even with the headwinds, he still leads trump by just three points, 44% to 41%. and the headwinds, with all the bad news with the economy that he has now. we can't predict it. thank you, david. house speaker nancy pelosi calls in trading a traitor for a civil rights hero, a statue of civil rights icon mary mcleod replacing a confederate general in the capital. and marking a first for the national statue hall. we are gonna tell you about it, that's next. >> tech: when you have auto glass damage, trust safelite. in one easy appointment... ♪ pop rock music ♪ >> tech: ...we can replace your windshield and recalibrate your advanced safety system. >> dad: looks great. thanks. >> tech: stay safe with safelite. schedule now. >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪
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the first black american honored with the state commission statue in the hall! can you believe? 2022, the first african american. this one is from florida, it replaces a statue of a confederate general. born in 1875, the daughter of formerly enslaved people. she was an adviser to five presidents and an educator. her statue includes a cap and gown. she was the founder of a school for black children, that later became the college. and later the university. there are statues of other distinguished black americans in the capital. such as martin luther king junior and rosa parks. she is the first any black american to be commissioned by a state. and directed in statuary hall. the fact is, there are still statues of confederates inside the capitol for now. first on cnn, we're learning trump try to call a member of the white house support staff who is talking to the january
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6th committee. all the details just ahead.
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12:00 am
first on cnn, sources say the former president tried to call a member of the white house support staff who was talking to the january 6th select committee. this staffer september someone who routinely spoke to trump and was concerned about the contact so informed their attorney. also tonight we're learning the committee is providing the doj with witness transcripts related to trump's fake elector plot. that is according to chairman benny thompson. this was, of course, central to the former president's plan to overturn the 2020 election. joining me now a member of the select committee. thank you, congresswoman. i appreciate you joining us. >> thank you. >> is there anything that you can add to


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