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tv   Don Lemon Tonight  CNN  July 14, 2022 11:00pm-12:00am PDT

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hey, thanks for watching everyone. i'll be back tomorrow night, don starts right now. hey, don lemon. >> how are you doing laura coale's,? >> you had a long day, i saw you earlier today. do you ever sleep, no? >> i do not. i have many, many jobs. and, you know, that's where we are. thank you, laura, i'll see you tomorrow night. this is don lemon tonight. and one of the biggest bombshells of the hearing so far, right, now correlated by someone who is there. a source telling cnn a washington police officer corroborating to the january 6th committee details of would cast the hunches and was told happened when a furious donald
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trump tried to get the secret service to take him to the capital, where a mob of his supporters were trying to stop the election certification. >> the president says something to the effect of, i am the effing president, take me up to the capitol now. to which bobby responded, sir, we have to go back to the west wing. the president reached up towards the front of the vehicle to grab at the steering wheel mr. engel grabbed his arm and said, sir, you need to take your hand off the steering wheel. we're going back to the west wing. we're not going to the capital. mr. trump then used his free hand to lunge towards bobby engle, and that's when mr. renato had recounted the story to me, he motioned towards his clavicle's. >> and was mr. engle in the room as mr. renato told you the story? >> he was. >> did mr. engle correct or
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disagree with any part of the story for mr. renato? >> mr. engle did not. correct or disagree with any part of the story. >> did mr. engle or mr. renato ever tell you that when mr. varnadoe had said was untrue? >> neither mr. ronaldo nor mr. engle told me ever that it was untrue. >> but now that officer with the tea metropolitan police department who is right there in the motorcade, a firsthand witness, is corroborating details of what kathy hutchinson told the committee. and we have new reporting tonight, which we are going to bring in just a moment, on the question or loss or erased secret service text messages from january 5th and january 6th. i want to get right to that recording now. first, on cnn, from jamie and gayle and amy gray any greer, d.c. police officer to talk to the january 6th committee is corroborating details of what happened in the presidents suv when he tried to go to the capitol after his rally.
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elie honig and interview caper both here, cnn's evan perez joins me by phone. hello to all of you. evan, i will start with you because you've reported, the secret service is responding to that reporting that they had to leave the text messages from january 5th and sixth. can you tell us, first, what are code reporting is, and how the secret service is responding to that? >> yes, so the reporting you know, is based on a letter from the office of the inspector general, which notified congress that they had sought records from the secret service, and apparently, according to the secret service, they had found that text messages from january 5th and january 6th of 2021, had been deleted. as part of a process during which the secret service was changing devices, telephone devices. as a result of that, these
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messages were erased. according to the secret service, this is part of a process. again, they were changing devices, and that's the reason why these messages were missing. the officer of the inspector general notifying congress, because they said that this was, of course, a problem for their investigation of exactly what happened on january 6th. now i should note, the secret service provided about 800,000 emails and other documents in response to this investigation from the inspector general. it's just that these very key, obviously, these key text messages or lost, according to the expected general. don, as you pointed out, the secret service is now disputing a large part of what the inspector general told congress. they are saying that, again, some of this was lost because
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they were changing devices, this is a process is not at all nefarious, there was no intentional deletion of emails or text messages, and they say that a lot of things were actually saved as a result of their efforts to save some of the messages that were on these devices. but they are disputing the central assertion, or the suggestion, that some of these text messages were deleted nefariously or with some intent to cover up something. >> evan, let me get you there reported. if you're just joining us, the secret service is now responding to a report of the leading text messages in regards to january 5th and january 6th 2020, the day before the insurrection and the insurrection. everything that went down. here's what they're saying. evan perez our justice correspondent is joining us now. the insinuation that the secret
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maliciously deleted text messages following a request is false in, fact the secret service has been fully cooperating with the oig in every respect, whether it be interviews, documents emails or texts. first, january 2021, before any inspection was open by the ig on the subject of uss began in the u.s. secret service began to reset its mobile phones, factory settings, as part of a plea plan three-month system mitigation in this process data resident on some phones was lost. they're explaining that. our evan perez is on top of the story. evan, continue please. >> that's right, don. again, this is a huge part of, the reason this is important is, there's a lot of scrutiny of exactly what happened in those key days. there's a lot of concern about what exactly the secret service knew and the fear was that some of that information will be
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lost forever. because, again, there are so many things that secret service agents were witnesses to, and their communication at that time, or key to understanding how they responded to the riots, how they responded to the former president was trying to do, all of these things, you know, are very important pieces of evidence for the investigation for january 6th, obviously. and obviously for people to the justice department if they end up looking at some of this. that's the reason why it's disputed, it's very important. and it's important to note what happened with these text messages. it appears, at least some of them, have been lost. >> okay, evan perez, standby. we have elie honig here as well as andrew mccabe. andrew, does this explanation make sense to you? these tough questions about it? >> i have a lot of questions, don. let's remember that this is an agency whose actions around all
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of these events has raised a lot of significant questions of peoples minds. this is an agency who took a senior leader, a person's senior leadership question position, on-duty federal agent, and got that person to take essentially a political position in the justice department. that being tony renato it's, an agency who after the testimony of cassidy hutchinson, basically attacked her testimony, official and unofficial statements, none of them being under oath. and has still yet to present any of those officials, tony were not oh or angle, to testify again in front of the committee that resolves some of these differences in the versions of events from january 6th. and now we learn of the loss of key text messages on january 5th and january 6th. the only way for the service to get out from under the cloud of suspicion here, is to send appropriate officials up to the hill to testify about these issues to be transparent and to bring these facts out into the late. and breathless press statements
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on a thursday night at 10:00 are not going to do cover this. >> elie honig, the secret service statement says that none of the text messages the committee wanted were lost. and will soon likely learn if that is true. correct? >> how would they know that. if they're lost, how do they know they were? i have the same questions that andrew just voiced. here's the bottom line, there are text messages from a crucial agency at a crucial time that are missing. they say it wasn't with the quinte months? who knows. they're gone. and if that was done intentionally, there's no evidence, but if that was unintentionally, that's a major crime problem, a criminal problem. even if it's not, when you replace your devices, as any federal law enforcement, you don't just throw the device in the dumpster and say it's gone. you have obligations to preserve that information. you back it up. it's not that difficult technologically. there's no excuse for secret service not at least having back cups of the contents of
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these devices. >> if you're just joining us, the secret service is now responding to these allegations about text messages being a raced from january 5th and january 6th, obviously, of 2020. also the developing news about now a police officer, a d.c. police officer, who is corroborating now what happened inside the presidents suv on january 6th. elie honig, every day brings more eye-popping developments. explain why you think this is so significant that the d.c. police officers now corroborating with cassidy hutchinson's testimony was. he did exchange with secret service he was upset that he couldn't go to the capitol after a rally. a policeman saying, it happened. >> i think this particular question is all but settled at this point. whether donald trump wanted to go to the capital, undisputed. donald trump himself has admitted that. whether he was angry, furious testimony, you have this new corroborating evidence. you have pat cipollone who we don't know exactly when he said, but we know the committee has
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said he was consistent with the other evidence, he did not contradict anybody. and on the other side of this, what we have? a not under oath denial from a spokes person for this guy, renato. the scales of justice are not particularly close at this point, maybe we're not a will come in and testify, maybe we'll be other corroborating evidence that backs him up? we have not seen that yet. >> is evan perez our justice correspondent still there? no? we'll talk to even more about this because evan has some reporting as this as well. -- andrew, i wanted a response to this, what do you make of this office or not corroborating with what's cassidy hutchinson said happened? >> really fastening development in this story, don, and it's one that, quite frankly, we have a few more questions here. where was this officer? did he hear the exchange that allegedly took place inside the limo? because an open radio channel? or was he physically approximate to the exchange? can he see through the windows? there's all kinds of questions that we actually putting this
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person on the stand, as i look at tell you better than i could, you'd want to know things about his perspective, how he saw it and how he heard and what exactly he perceived. as elie mentioned, all of the confirmation and the common sense, quite frankly, is stacking up on the side of cassidy hutchinson here, as we still sit and wait to hear unofficial under oath answering of questions by the agents involved in this. robert engel and tony renato, until that happens, you have to look towards the side of cassidy hutchinson as the one that you believe. >> more news tonight all nine members of the january six committee were huddling in an office tonight, unclear why though. she might just be using the office space, and nothing else other going on. we're learning from the january 6th committee is possibly asking donald trump to testify, but would that really happen? >> would he testify? no. would they ask him? perhaps. there would be some theater
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behind any such request. i think it would enable the committee to say, hey, look. donald trump is complaining, no one here is here to defend him, when we invited him in, he's not gonna take it. and then they could say, he turned down his chance. in reality, if they wanted his testimony, they're not gonna be able to get it. because they'd have to go to court, they have to fight a, they don't have time to do that anymore. >> all right. our thanks to elie and enjoyed also evan perez, we appreciate that. let's not forget the former president tried to call a member of the white house support staff who is talking to the january 6th committee. next, we're gonna talk to the man who could call him patient zero for trump world's pressure campaign. that's michael cohen. he's next. he's next. ♪ you had me at allison® 10-speed transmission. ♪ features available on gmc sierra heavy duty.
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the next hearing on the january six committee is scheduled for next week. committee member saying they'll present evidence that will add to the case against donald trump. that as sources tell cnn, the former president tried phoning a member of the white house support staff who was talking to the committee. recall made after cassidy hutchinson testified. the sources saying that the staffer was in a position to corroborate would hutchinson said under oath. joining me now, is michael cohen. michael cohen is the former personal attorney for donald trump. thank you, sir. >> good to see you don. it's good to see considering what happened a long time the trump fixer you know trump world better than most so when you hear how trump tried to call a support staff member you
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found it striking why is that. >> it's striking, because it's exactly would happen to me. i recall, i was rated, my home, hotel, a lot of this, on april 9th. approximately, a few days later, i receive a phone call from a gentleman named bob costello, who, by coincidence, happens to be rudy giuliani's friend, and current attorney. one of the things he turned around to say, and i don't want to paraphrase, just to give you a couple of the same words, i spoke with rudy, very positive, you are loved. that is another one of the lines that don uses. they put your arms around you, to ensure you stay within the confines of what he wants you to say. then, they turn around, and they further, make a great statement which is that, the president knows, exactly, what is going on. sleep tight, sleep well, you have friends in high places. >> what is that saying? what does that sound like to you? >> it sounds to me like the
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president is fully aware of what is going on. he wants you to stay within his own of comfort, in terms of what you say, or don't. if you do exactly what he says, then, you will be protected. you are being protected by someone, in a high place. >> i want to get to your testimony, because you had testimony in 2019, but, former president, trying to contact someone that he did not often, or had no communication with previously, is that telling? >> it is. what it tells me as he is extremely nervous. why? because, first of all, in my tenure with him, i never saw him call anybody. he would have hope hicks, myself, later on, he would have guys like cory lewandowski, mark meadows, of senhora. he would never do it himself. i think the way that i know him, as well as i know him, he does not trust anyone anymore that, surround him. so, he decided to do it himself. >> after cassidy hutchison, after that testimony, what does
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it tell you? >> it's more than cassidy hutchison. >> about the effect? >> i think he is melting down. it is more than just cassidy. recently, you saw text messages come out from brad carrasco to, katrina pierson, to people who were with donald, going back to 2015. right from the very beginning. he sees them talking negative about him, he is nervous that everyone is jumping ship on him, and worrying about themselves, which they should. i should have done that myself. the who knows where i would have been come sentencing time? that is what i believe is going on here. >> during the hearings, liz cheney read a witness statement, which sources tell cnn, was from cassidy hutchison, about the pressure she was feeling from trump's view. watch this. >> as long as i continue to be a team player, they know i am on the right team. no i'm doing the right thing. i'm protecting who i need to protect. you know i will continue to stay in good graces in trump
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world. they have reminded me, a few times, that trump does read transcripts. just to keep that in mind as i proceed through my interviews with the committee. i think most americans know, attempting to influence witnesses, to testify, untruthfully, presidents very serious concerns. >> the language, there michael, about being a team player and protecting who need to be protected. you know both sides of that equation. >> i do. it's part of the trump playbook. i know the pressure campaign. i was involved in the creation of the playbook. what is interesting, on this april 21 email, from bob costello, is he said, there was never a doubt, and they are in our corner. rudy sent this communication channel must be maintained. he called it, crucial, noting how reassured they were that they had someone, like me, who rudy has known for so many years, in this role. sleep well tonight, you have
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friends in high places. >> so, this, you believe, was from rudy giuliani intermediary? >> correct. >> sources are saying people who may have been trying to influence cassidy hutchison was a mark meadows meaty intermediary. they denied that they would never have anything to do anything from his camp. there are other trying to intimidate, or influence hutchison? >> not for a single second. it is, exactly the same. look at the language bob costello used. look at the language mark meadows used. i guarantee, there's a dozen other people they tried to reach out to with the identical language. these are donald's words the, put into an email form, because, of course, you know he does not have the email. no fingerprints, that's his motto. so, somebody else needs to do it. >> why would he call at this time? if he doesn't usually? >> so, again, he is not sure who is, actually, in his camp anymore. he is, absolutely, petrified, that everyone has turned on him,
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and the only person, of course, that he can trust, would be himself. but that is the dumbest move he could make. >> i want to get to this. i want to play part of this. i want to play part of your capitol hill testimony, this is 2019. the hearing was focused on the 2016 election, and michael cohen, you talked about how trump, never, directly, asked for something when he wants something done. he speaks in code as, you were mentioning. watch this. . >> it would be no different than i said, that's a nice looking tie have ever seen. isn't it? what are you going to do? are you going to fight with him? the answer is no, so you say, yes, it's a nice looking time ever seen. that is how he speaks. he does not give you questions, he does not give you orders. he speaks in code. i understand the code, because i have been around him for a decade. >> i mean, it's not kind of, it's mauve like. why does he speak in code? >> because it's the way he learned. >> it is also how he learned to
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operate from a very young age, when he brought on roy cohn as an adviser. it is never, hey don, what do you think, it is, don, those are great glasses, aren't they? that's exactly what you're going to say. you won't argue with him. now, you know what he wants you to say. because he is who he is, especially when he was president of the united states, you knew exactly what he wanted to do, without him directly telling you what to do. >> look, everyone is saying, donald trump is signaling today, or has been signaling he'll run up to 2020, is this shocking to anyone? they are saying, maybe he will shield himself from any sort of legal consequences, with all these investigations rolling around. >> firstly, it doesn't shield him from anything. secondly, i've been saying since day one, this is still part of the grift, part of dawn, the calm. he is not looking. remember, he cooled down $250 million with some nonsensical capital raise for some legal
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fund that nobody ever received $1 from, except for him. so, he now sees this as four times better than the apprentice. he's going to keep this going, until such time, as he then turns around to say, i can't run, i won't run, but i will stay as a kingmaker. he has no interest. >> none? >> not at all. >> you know people are going to watch, this right? critics will say, you've got an extra, and michael cohen, especially with the former president. that is why you are saying all the stuff. >> well, so far, i also told you, there would never be a peaceful transfer of power if you lost in 2020. i also turned around to say, he's the greatest grift are in the history of the united states presidency. i also said, he would create a war in order to prevent himself from being removed from the white house. so, for everything i seem to have said and, i don't call myself nostradamus, i just happen to know the man. i know that he has no interest in running. everything that he is doing,
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then, become suspect to more scrutiny, because of the president. >> michael cohen, thank, you i appreciate it. >> good to see you, don. >> a record story, a ten-year-old girl, traveling across state lines to get an abortion, after she was raped. now, some on the right, to call the story a lie, or refusing to apologize for it. >> you're coming across if you're questioning her story that she was raped, that she had to go across state lines to get abortion? >> not at all. it came across as which orban had talked about, and others are talking about. we would never questioned child.
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listen, this is a terrible
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crime. a ten year old girl in ohio raped and impregnated by her rapist. so why were some politicians and tv host casting doubt on the story? making an awful tragedy even worse? cnn's manu raju has details. >> the alleged crime was heinous. a ten-year-old ohio girl raped. and under herd states new abortion ban, forced to go across state lines to indiana, to get the procedure. the case held up by democrats outraged, now that the supreme court overturned roe v. wade. >> ten years old. ten years old. raped, six weeks pregnant. already traumatized, forced to travel to another state. >> but some on the right casting doubt. >> why did the biden administration speaking of lying, just repeat a story about a ten year old child who got pregnant? and then got an abortion, or was not allowed to get an abortion? will it turns out, the story is
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not true. >> the ohio attorney general, dave yoked, also suggesting it wasn't true. saying he had heard. >> not a whisper. >> and that prompted ohio congressman jim jordan repeating his claim. another lie? anyone surprised? he wrote. >> but it wasn't all rely. on tuesday, 27-year-old garrison fuentes arrested. charged with felony rape of a minor under the age of 13. and according to a detective's testimony, even confessing that he raped the young girl twice. with no explanation, jordan deleted his tweet. approached by cnn, jordan offering no regrets? while noting that the alleged perpetrator is an undocumented egg immigrant. >> another new story. the real story is that, this is a heinous crime by an illegal immigrant. and i hope he is prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. >> do you regret saying its ally though? >> after leaving a hearing almost two hours later, jordan offered more of an explanation. >> why did you delete the tweet?
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>> well, because we learned that this illegal alien did this heinous crime. so we deleted the tweet. >> do you apologize to the girl in the family for suggesting it was a lie? >> i never doubted the child. i was responding to a headline from your profession, the news profession, which happens all the time on twitter. i doubted joe biden which is usually a smart thing to do, based on all the things that he says that aren't accurate. but you know, they did a story that there is no evidence, they hadn't seen any evidence, the wall street journal did the, attorney general said the same thing. >> your tweet came across as if you are questioning her story? that she was raped and that she had to go across state lines to get an abortion? >> not at all, it came across as what joe biden had talked about, others have talked about. we never questioned the child. >> according to the police affidavit, the incident occurred on may 12th. and police were alerted to the girls pregnancy in late june. forced to travel a law across state lines, now that ohio bans
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abortions as early as six weeks into a pregnancy. jordan, who would be the next house judiciary chairman in a gop majority, would not say if he believes young rape victims should carry their babies to term. >> do you think that a ten year old should be allowed to go get an abortion if she's rake? >> that's a question for the state of ohio. that's clear from the supreme court decision >> what's your preference? i agree with the court's decision >> don, today there was an emotional fight in the senate in which democrats tried to get a bill passed that would allow women to go across state lines to have an abortion. republicans blocked that measure one, republican steve daines on tennis said quote. this would give fly an abortionist three free reign to commit abortions on demand. don? munroe do this is sad fact that we're where we are now. it's a reality in a post roe america. is america ready for what that really means? that's a question for kirsten powers, scott jennings next?
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>> a ten year old girl raped and forced to travel across state lines to get an abortion. this is a new reality and our country. and i want to discuss now senior political commentator, scott jennings and kristen powers. thanks for saying you both. kirsten, listen this is despicable that this tragedy has become political. but the reality is, this is what a post-roe american looks like, a ten year old rape victim has to travel across state lines to get the medical care that she needs. >> right, but, you know, it's hard to even say that she is lucky and anyway because she's obviously not lucky. but at least there was a place for her to go. to actually get an abortion, and there are people certainly in the state she went
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to which they would like to have not been the case. so this is predictably but was going to happen, and the idea that women, children, be forced to give birth to, i would say any child that they don't want, especially if we are talking about a ten year old, as the result of rape, is just, it's sick. we don't know what else to call it. something is very, very wrong when you have people actually defending this. and there are people who are defending this, it including the person from the international right to life committee that drafted this legislation saying that this ten-year-old should have been forced to give birth and that at some point, she would hopefully come to understand the reason and the benefit, the benefit, of giving birth to her rapist child. this is a person who holds a position, a senior position, at -- this movement.
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this is extremist behavior, and it's scary. i think people should be very scared. >> we'll talk more about that quote that you mention, the benefit, but i want to get scott's response because some republicans who support their most restrictive abortion laws try to pretend, scott, that this tragedy didn't happen. others are saying that it's rare. but according to the ohio department of health, 52 girls under the age of 14 had abortions in 2020 in that state alone. so what is going to happen to all of those young girls in this scenario now? >> couple of things i want to hear more about. number one, what is ohio law actually allow because there's some people who think that she might not have had to cross over to indiana and i know that she did go for that procedure. so i want to hear more about that because in a post-roe world, this is going to be the law, but the state says, not with the supreme court says. that's number. one regarding the skepticism, and i
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want to freely admit, i was skeptical of the store when it first came out, you have a story with one source, there are no police reports, no arrests, no government sources, so i was initially very skeptical of it, and the police then finally made an arrest and made an announcement. and at that point, all you could really do is dwell on the tragedy of. it >> you didn't make a public announcement, you didn't go on twitter mocking the story. >> on sunday morning, i was on state of the union with jake tapper and and it was brought up from the mayor of cincinnati, and it was funny, i had just read this piece in the washington post. great kessler, the fact checker, he was a little skeptical of. it he said we need a little more, facts i agreed with him at the time. it was in the joe biden's speech, and get that one story. so i know a lot of conservatives that were skeptical of it because there been moments for passable years where things that popped up and we've been skeptical, and then it turned out to be not to be -- >> but the source of the story was a firsthand, stores she didn't tell because she was a minor.
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>> i'm just telling you -- >> that's an error. do you regret that? >> do i regret being skeptical? >> from a doctor? it's a doctor's job to protect their patient. >> i don't regret being skeptical of a single source story. and when the police came in, i believed it happen. i don't have any skepticism of it now. and i don't really know any republicans that do. but at the time, last, week there was a lot of skepticism of it. and honestly, i think first of the reason is, when joe biden says something, it makes a lot of republicans skeptical of. it and i heard jim jordan saying that on the peace earlier. so, that's a major -- them unfortunately? >> kirsten, what is the skepticism about, it's a firsthand source, it's a doctor. >> yeah, also, it doesn't take a lot of imagination to understand that these kinds of things can happen. so it's not that far fetched in my mind. i don't know -- with scott, if you are skeptical, you are skeptical. i
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think that other people went a lot farther than just being skeptical. the wall street journal was. really mocking the idea of it. calling it fanciful and i think jim jordan wasn't just being skeptical, i think they were going a lot further. tucker collinson was saying it didn't happen. that's a little different than skepticism. but, you know, the bottom line is, these kinds of things are going to happen. it just so happened that this happened. but this is what abortion rights supporters have been saying, that this is the world that we are going to live in if roe is overturned because there are people who -- hold very stream is reviews. i don't know how else to describe this they are extremist views, there outside of the mainstream. >> i didn't put this, up it's a, quote but then there's something else that i want to talk about here. this is the general counsel, the national right to, life spoke to politico about this case in
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ohio and saying in part she should have the baby, and as many women who have had babies as a result of rape we would hope that she would understand the reason and ultimately the benefit of having a child. i mean this is a child having a child. what is there for a child -- >> it's repulsive. it's repulsive. it's a ten year old. and what is he talking about, many women who have had given birth to their rapist child. who is he talking about? we i don't know a single woman, i have been on this earth for a while, i don't know a single woman who has ever said that. and i'm not saying they don't exist, i'm just saying, they are not falling out of trees. so i guess he knows them, but the way many women -- i don't even know what he is talking. about we're >> talking about a ten-year. old >> we're talking about a ten-year-old. but even
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the woman also who aren't ten year old should not have to be forced to give birth to the rapist child. you don't have to be a child in order for people to see that that is wrong. >> the trump family tonight >> we are investigating the situation, winning for the relevant documents to prove the abortion, or the abuse were reported, as dr. caitlin bernard had requirements to do under indiana law. the failure to do so constitutes a crime, in the indiana. her behavior could, also, affect her licensure. i mean, doctor bernard's attorney said, she volatile policies, procedures, and regulations in this case, and has not violated any law. is not the goal to punish doctors? to scare them into refusing to help patients like this ten-year-old girl, scott?
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>> i know i have seen people raise questions about the reporting of this thing. when it went public, where the police didn't make an announcement, i have seen all of these things raised. truthfully, i don't know what the law is an indiana. from top to bottom, this is -- >> scott, you think they should go after the doctor. do you think so? >> i don't know. i don't know with the laws. the situation is terrible all the way through. i don't know enough about indiana law to tell you whether i think they should, or shouldn't. >> kirsten, not give you the last word. >> well, i just think, there is all of this skepticism about the story, ending up to be true, but there is zero skepticism about going to the doctor. so, there is no evidence that she did anything wrong. and that you have the republicans, the have the attorney general, threatening her. in fact, there is a lot of evidence, elise when i read, see them do anything wrong, if you reported it within the time
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period shoe supports to. i'm not sure why she couldn't, in any way. i don't even know what this is about. it seems like a distraction, to try and distract away from the core issue, which is that a child, some people, would have liked to have forced a ten-year-old to have a baby, and she had to flee to another state to get an abortion. >> we will be right back.
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(woman vo) viking. exploring the world in comfort.
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>> the trump family tonight confirming the death of ivanka trump, the ex wife and mother of donald junior, ivanka, and eric. she was found dead in her home at the age of 73. the cause of her death has not yet been announced. here is cnn's kate bennett. >> ivanka trump, first wife of former president donald trump, died at 73 and her new york city home. donald trump released a statement thursday afternoon saying, quote, she was a wonderful, beautiful, and amazing woman.
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who led a great and inspirational life. her pride and joy were her three children, donald junior, ivanka, and eric. she was so proud of them, as we were also proud of her. rest in peace, ivana! >> she's a special woman. >> the couple married in 1977, ivana, originally from czechoslovakia, where she was a champion skier and later model, middle donald trump in new york, as his real estate career was taking off. even a trump joined right along, the headstrong businesswoman working with trump to help design, open, and operate several trump properties. >> i was surrounding the atlantic city for ten years, going on helicopters at 7:00 in the morning, from new york, getting up, landing on the, road 6:00,
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back, home children, homework. >> his partner in business as well as in matrimony. >> these people where the new stars of the late 80s. >> the couple soon becoming a powerful force on manhattan's pot, social scene. defining 80s excess, wealth, and curtailment, and celebrity. even on trump had three children with ivana writing and her 2017 memoir, raising trump, she was the parent primarily responsible for the upbringing of don jr., ivanka, and eric. but the trump marriage crumbled in the late 19 80s. donald trump's affair with marla maples, who had become his second wife, making tabloid headlines. a messy public divorce soon followed. >> you are devastated, of course. you know, then, it's a stage when you come and say, why me? you get angry. >> ivana and donald trump would later meant the relationship. in 2017, ivana said donald trump had offered her the role of ambassador to the czech republic. which she said she declined. even a trump would go on to mary two more times. she also wrote self-help books and created jewelry, beauty and clothing lines sold on shopping networks. she made a famous cameo in the 1996 film, the
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first wives club. playing herself and uttering the famous line -- >> will get everything! >> trump posting on thursday afternoon about ivana, our mother was an incredible woman, a force in business, a world-class athlete, a radiant beauty, and carrying mother and friend. ivanka trump was a survivor. >> later this, evening ivanka trump also posted on her social media about the loss of her mother who she called wickedly funny and brilliant. she said she will always hold her memory in her heart. don, back to you. >> kate bennett, thank you very much. well it may come as a surprise to some of, you but i knew ivanka trump, i did know her very well i could see her twice a year at clive davis would have events an invite a bunch of people over. and even
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it was there. and guess what i know that members of the trump family don't often have very nice things to say about me especially the president and his namesake. but, if i know trump was very kind to me. and every time she saw me in a room she would seek me out and come talk to. me and i got some really good insights on her and what kind of mother she was and how she raised her children. listen, i don't know about anything else about her life or whatever but i know she was very kind to me. she was a nice woman. she was always very outgoing. very gregarious as her children said, and always smiling. and again, she was very kind to. me so may she rest in peace. and we will be right back. more children in ons are bitin' today. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ minions: the rise of gru, only in theaters.
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12:00 am
here is what is new tonight, a dc police officer talking about details of president trump and police officers on


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