tv New Day Weekend CNN July 23, 2022 3:00am-4:00am PDT
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now with more speed and more bandwidth. plus find out how to get up to a $650 prepaid card with a qualifying bundle. your "new day." i'm alex marquardt. >> and i'm alexia walker. what we're learning about those messages and where the investigation into why they weren't saved goes from here. and the white house says president joe biden's covid symptoms have improved, but he is taking additional medication to help fight off the virus. the latest on why we haven't heard directly from the president's doctor.
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>> we're going to start at the top and clean house. >> parents of the uvalde school shooting victims are vowing change following the release of that report into the massacre. their demands and what we're learning about the fate of the district's police chief. and mother nature is cranking up the heat. where we could see dozens of heat records and when things might start to cool down . it is saturday, july 23rd. thank you so much for waking up with us. great to be back with you, amara. >> great to be with you, alex. we begin this morning with the latest from the fallout of the january 6th committee hearing. >> they gave a minute-by-minute
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account of president trump's refusal to call off everyone. lifelong republicans outlined how for 187 minutes then president trump watched televised coverage of the carnage of capitol hill while refusing pleas from everyone around him to call an end to violence. we saw and heard new disturbing video and audio that showed the danger that was faced by mike pence and his security detail as they tried to get him to safety. a witness testified that pence's detail was so concerned, they made calls to their loved ones. >> the committee played outtakes showing trump struggling with videotaped remarks about the riot the next day. listen. >> to those who broke the law, you will pay. you do not represent our movement. you do not represent our country. and if you broke the law -- i can't say that. i already said you will pay.
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but this election is now over. congress has certified the results. i don't want to say the election's over. >> that was just one of several outtakes the committee showed. the hearing ending with a direct message from the panel's vice chair liz cheney to voters. >> a president who is willing to make the choices donald trump made during the violence of january 6th ever be trusted with any position of authority in our great nation again. >> when the january 6th committee resumes its hearings in september, some key evidence will be missing. text messages from secret service agents at the time of the insurrection. cnn's whitney wild has more. >> reporter: president trump was sighting in the white house for hours watching the events on tv while it all unfolded.
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>> are you aware of any phone calls by the secretary of defense that day? >> not that i'm aware of. >> are you aware of any phone call by the president to the attorney general on that day in. >> no. >> are you aware of any phone call by the president to homeland security that day? >> i'm not aware of that, no. >> reporter: trump rejecting pleas from members of congress, his aides, and his family members, to tell the mob of sis is his supporters to go home. instead inflaming tensions including with a tweet attacking vice president mike pence. >> the tweet to me looked the opposite of what we really needed at that moment, which was a de-escalation. >> it was essentially him giving a green light to these people. >> reporter: trump was on the phone with his lawyer, rudy giuliani, who was pushing senators to slow down the certification of joe biden's victory, in a last attempt to stay in power.
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he did not express concerns about the attack. instead -- >> he said only, quote, mike pence let me down. >> reporter: but the committee revealing that trump's actions endangered pence's life. radio communications from the v.p. secret service detail showing the chaos, with rioters just feet away. >> we lose any more time, we may lose the ability to leave. if we're going to leave, we need to do it now. >> they've gained access to the second floor, and i've got the public outside down below. >> reporter: this testimony from a white house security official who was kept anonymous for his own safety. >> there were calls to say good-bye to family members. >> reporter: even the day after the attack, outtakes from trump
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showed he refused to say it was over. >> this election is now over. congress has certified the results. i don't want to say the election is over. i just want to say congress has certified the results. with that, the election is over, okay? >> reporter: there were planned interviews in august and more in september. some believe they have laid out a criminal case against the former president. one of the things the committee will try to figure out is what is the story behind the missing texts from january 5th and january 6th of 2021. the secret service contends there was a bone migration with the loss of the texts, but the committee said they're determined to find out the true story behind it. jamie raskin, a member of the committee, told me they're going to fill in a whole bunch of leads and gaps in the timeline
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and said, quote, we're going to figure out the whole mystery with the whole series of secret service texts. manu raju, cnn at the capitol. now, we have been talking so much about the service about the course of this investigation, the hearings. there was cassidy hutchison, the young white house aide, how president trump had tried to force the skecret service detais to take him to capitol hill. now we know text messages were deleted from secret service phones, and there's metadata that shows ten messages that were sent. now, the secret service had been told to hold onto these messages, but then they were er erased. this is not a good look for this agency, so what questions do you have in all of this?
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>> yeah, that's an understatement, not a good look. they've been trying to come up with various stories over the last two weeks about how this was a natural upgrade and people didn't -- just deleted all of their texts. that's clearly not true. the secret service has a problem, which is a certain number of their agents felt authorized to delete or weren't worried about deleting a lot of texts with the relevant dates. so as you said, metadata is going to tell us a lot. it's going to tell us who was texting whom and at what times. it may not tell us the content. there may be other means to get the content. overall, that agency needs new leadership, probably outside leadership, to ensure that this review and this investigation is given the seriousness that it needs because all we've been
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hearing from the secret service for the last two weeks has basically fallen apart. from them saying that hutchison was wrong and they're going to come out and tell the truth about what actually happened to, of course, the texts that they deleted. >> we just heard some of the new sound that the committee played there in manu raju's piece around the discussion over whether to get -- how to get vice president mike pence out of there. we now know from a white house security official that some of these agents were calling home to loved ones. so how much more did what we learn about that episode with vice president pence -- how much more did we learn on thursday night about how bad it was? >> yeah. so thursday night was interesting because i think it just confirmed and was more detailed than a lot of things we had heard before. i don't know if there was sort of a eureka moment that trump's outtakes proved the point that he was a sore loser, but a loser
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nonetheless, and then these secret service tapes. what i found out about the tapes was the amount of fear or concern. i don't think we had quite heard that, the extent to how close vice president pence was, how worried the security detail was. i thought thursday's hearing was really effective in bringing back the fear and the violence that was at the core of trump's strategy to retain the white house. i know there's a lot of things going on with this investigation and what he was trying to do, but a piece of it was to create and nurture enough violence so the certification would be delayed, and all trump needed was enough confusion to then bring the lawsuits and sort of unleash what he viewed as a legal strategy, even though everyone was telling him it was not. so i thought that was a really important take. i have a lot of criticisms for
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the secret service right now, but trump put them in an untenable position. his mob was trying to attack the vice president of the united states. it's impossible -- it's an impossible position for the secret service to be in. >> there was another incredible piece of audio that we heard from general mark milley, the chairman of the joint chiefs of staff. >> yes. >> he was essentially dripping in disbelief that president trump made no calls himself to the department o f defense. instead, the pentagon, acting chris miller said the vice president has to get up here. the vice president is not in the chain of command. is this a moment when everything was thrown out the window because everything was going so badly and everything was so dangerous? >> that's exactly right. i'm glad you brought that up. basically the military decided to break the constitutional
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chain of command because trump is unresponsive. he's not giving them any orders, so miller and milley go to the vice president. the chain of command is directly to the president as it should be in all military affairs. so when people ask why wasn't the military engaged or the national guard, they don't self-deploy. they need orders. they doneed a strategy. they don't just go out there because they saw something on tv. they were looking for leadership, which trump was able to give because he was in, for want of a better psychological word -- crazy state of mind in trying to under mine the election. >> more extraordinary revelations from the committee. juliette kayyem, thanks for joining us this morning. i really appreciate it. >> no problem. i'll see you later. turning now to the crohn's
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pandemic and the white house urging everybody who hasn't already gotten a covid shot, to go get one as cases surge nationwide. the high community level has nearly doubled to 60%. a lot of red on the map, which means there's a high transmission. cases are rising with the west and midwest seeing infections. when you look at the pace of vaccinations, less than a third of populations has received a booster shot z. we're also following president biden's condition after testing positive for covid on thursday. the white house posted this photo on friday of biden working in isolation. the president's physician says he is improving but taking additional medications. let's go now live to jasmine wright outside the white house. good morning to you, jasmine.
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what's the latest on president biden's condition, and what medications is he taking? >> well, amara, we're waiting for an update from the white house on president biden's condition. he'll wake up on day two of at least five days of his isolation period here at the white house. yesterday we received an update around 11:00 a.m. from his personal physician dr. kevin o'connor, and he described his condition, providing more insights. he said he was improving, his symptoms were improving, and he also relayed some additional medication president biden was prescribed to deal with some of his symptoms. first he was prescribed albuterol. he had asthma as a younger man, younger child, and he uses it sometimes, now intermittently as
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he has now. dr. kevin o'connor said the president had an elevated temperature of 99.4 degrees fahrenheit, and he was prescribed tylenol to deal with the discomfort. he still has some of those symptoms that were first identified on thursday, including a runny nose and a non-producing kind of loose cough there. overall the president is trying to tell us and the american people that the president is doing very good, he's in very good spirits, and he is still working at least eight-plus hours a day, really trying to use the president's condition. again, he's twice medicated, twice vaxed, as a teachable moment for the americans. >> jasmine write, i appreciate your reporting. thank you so much. a meeting to consider firing
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the police chief criticized for the response or lack thereof of the school shooting has been canceled. what we know about why the meeting was called off and why parents say just getting rid of the chief was not enough. for. if anyone objects to this marriage... (emu s squawks) kevin,n, no! not today. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. libertrty. liberty. ♪
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we'll help you take care of the how. so tell us - what's your why? ♪ a special school board meeting set for this morning in uvalde, texas, to consider whether or not to fire the district's embattle ld police chief is canceled. chief pete arredondo will be on unpaid leave until a new date is determined. >> that's right. he's under fire for the mass conservator that killed 19 children and left two teachers dead as well. rosa flores reports that some parents say firing arredondo would just be a start. >> reporter: it's moments like these that have the families of
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the victims of the uvalde school massacre outraged and demanding that disgraced uvalde school police chief pete arredondo lose his job after surveillance video showed that he and hundreds of officers responded to the scene, with some waiting for 77 minutes to stop the shooter. arredondo told "the texas tribune" that he didn't instruct officers not to breach the classrooms. there was a student among 19 that was murdered. >> spider-man was his favorite superhero. >> his uncle bret cross raises him. he carries his ashes on his bracelet. >> it's not his smile, it's not his energy. >> reporter: this video was taken of him this year, the same classroom where he and his classmates were slaughtered.
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>> you miss the love, the interactions, the hugs, everything. >> how do you do it every day? >> i have to. i have kids. i have uzi's brothers and sisters who are devastated, terrified to go to school, to go out and do things. >> those are our kids, those are our teachers, and they're no longer here. >> reporter: with the new school year fast approaching, cross went before the school board and gave them a deadline to fire arredondo, who was placed on administrative leave last month. >> aif he's not fired by tomorrow, i want every single one of your resignations because you do not give a damn about us or our children. >> reporter: that was on monday. that t school board missed the deadline. at the attorney's request, the
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meeting will be held at a later date. >> it's too little too late, so, therefore, we're going to start at the top and clean house. >> reporter: cross and many in the community are calling for the superintendent, the school board, and the entire school police department to be replaced. >> my kids are terrified to go to school. they're hurt. they're devastated. they pose questions i can't answer. >> reporter: what do they ask you? >> why? why? my other son said because he wasn't there that day, he wish he'd gone so he could trade places. no kid should have to feel that way. he said, i'm bigger than him. he can't -- he's broken. he's broken.
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i can't take away his heartache. i can't take away his pain. >> reporter: murals of uzi and the other victims are going up around town as the community tries to find ways to heal, cope, and remember. >> spider-man saying i love you in sign language. >> reporter: cross got a tattoo on his arm with 21 birds in the school for the victims. cnn has reached out to the attorneys and the school district and has not heard back. the school district has previously said they were waiting for the house investigation report to make a determination on arredondo. rosa flores, cnn, uvalde, texas. >> just devastating to hear from these family members. now, more than 85 million people are under heat alerts today, and it's only going to
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get hotter throughout the weekend. we're tracking the triple-digit temperatures all across the country, and where we could see dozens of record-highs. that's coming up. stay with us. pliers, and a phone open to they customize your car insurance,, so you only pay fofor what you need... and you could even save $652 when you switch. ok, i need a crowbar. and a blowtorch. [teddy bear squeaks] [doug sighs] limu, call a mechanic. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ you never know what opportunities life will send your way. but if you have moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis or psoriatic arthritis, enbrel can help you say i'm in for what's next. ready to create a bigger world? -i'm in. ready earn that “world's greatest dad” mug? -i'm in. care tplay a bigger role in this community? -i'm in. enbrel helps relieve joint in, helps stop permanent joint damage, and helps skin get clearer in psoriatic arthritis. with less pain, you're free to join in.
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more than 85 million americans are under heat warnings or advisories as crippling heat grips much of the country over the weekend. >> allison chinchar has more. it is hot everywhere around the globe. what can we expect? >> it's the prolonged nature. they've been dealing with temperatures well above where they normally would be for the summer for weeks on end, and it's going to continue. look at all of these areas that are under some type of heat alert across much of the
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country. for some of the areas, it's been ongoing. for others, it's the new trend. take the northeast. it's their first heatwave and temperatures are going to get awfully close to that triple-digit number. when you factor in the humidity, the digits are going to be in the triple digits, 105 to 108. yes, the northeast. we're not talking texas or florida. washington, d.c., getting even warmer on sunday. same thing for boston. they may top out at 90 degrees on sunday. if they do, that will break a nearly 90-year-old record, and it's one of many records across the country. 35 locations have the occasion to break record temperatures not only today, but tomorrow. areas of the midwest will get a little bit of a break after today. we're talking chicago, omaha. again, today is still expected to be hot, but you finally start to see that downward trend beginning tomorrow, and it's
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because of this. strong to severe thunderstorms expected to move through the midwest, and once that cold front sweeps through, amara and alex, they'll get relief from the temperatures. >> something to look forward to. thank you. after the break, we will be telling you which republican lawmakers support the bill to codify marriage equality and which ones don't. we'll be right back. lactaid is 100% real milk, just without the lactose. tastes great in our iced coffees too. which makes waking up at 5 a.m. to mk the cows
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lawmakers are working on a bill to codify same-sex marriage following the reversal of roe v. wade. >> that's right. the house just passed the respect for marriage this week, but it needs at least ten senate republicans to move it forward. we have a live look on capitol hill on which senators are on board and which are on the fence. break it down for us. >> reporter: we know there will be at least five republicans right now who have told us they will likely vote on this legislation when it goes to the house and the senate. those five will be rob portman, susan collins, lisa murkowski, ron johnson, and thom tillis. there are those who have not told us where they stand.
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now important to note senate majority leader chuck schumer plans to put this bill on the floor for a vote. he's already took procedural steps this past week to move it forward. now they're racing against the clock before they go on recess. the month-recess happens in less than two weeks, but this is not the only bill they're working on, alex and amara. they're trying to pass a bill that would increase competitiveness with china, increase chips production, and an economic package. they're doing this in the wake of the supreme court, of course, ruling against striking down roe v. wade. dep carats believe this is a major priority, and this is really, really interesting, really notable, they could be get at least ten to pass legislation in the senate and codify same-sex marriage. it already passed the house as i noted.
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47 house republicans voted on it when it passed the house. the clock is ticking, but democrats are hoping they're able to do this. >> daniella diaz, thank you for that. joining us is errol louis, a columnist and host of the "you decide" podcast. great to see you smiling. good morning to you, errol. what are the chances of a similar same-sex bill passing in the senate? we saw the list of the noes and five yes, sirs so far from the republicans. >> good morning. i think one of the reasons it's not clear where this is going to end up is if there are a lot of conservative members of the senate who nevertheless have thousands, perhaps even tens of thousands of same-sex couples who live in their state. you know, this has been going on for a number of years now. the census reports that there are close to a million, at least as of 2020. close to a million same-sex
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households nationwide, and more than half of them were married. those of us married know it gets very sticky when it comes to property rights, survivor rights, access to medical care and insurance policies and on and on and on. so whether or not a senator personally feels it's politically in their best interest to support same-sex marriage, all of them have a lot of constituents who are going to have very practical needs. i don't think it's going to be a very simple one. i think that's why so many senators told cnn they're undecided, at least at this point. >> just to clarify for those who closely are following this, the bill passed by the house that would essentially require all states in the federal government to recognize same-sex and interracial marriages even if a state a said state moves to stop issues marriage licenses, also this week, errol, a bipartisan group of laurnls reached a deal. it's a proposal right now,
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making it harder to overturn certified presidential elections. tell us more about what is in this proposal. >> you know, it's longover due, by the way, and i hope we're not so distracted by the january 6th hearings we don't focus on how it never happens again. some of the chaos we saw on january 6, 2021, will never happen again, clarifying in law that the vice president has a ministerial role, that he's not there to make any decisions about which state electors are going to be accepted, investigated, or rejected. it's not their role. it's rather ambiguous. it's a 19th century law. it was never clear. we never needed clarity until now after the events of january 6th, but it looks like there's a bipartisan effort and it's mostly led by republicans if you
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look vote by vote, that they want to make clear that intimidating people who are election officials, sending slates of phony electors would also be outlawed. and most of all, making clear that when the vote actually happens following an election, it's really more ceremonial than a chance for somebody to come in and try to ransack the capitol and overturn the vote. >> you make a strong point to say that this is overdue because if you look at a new cnn poll, most americans lack confidence in them voting on the people. 48% are somewhat likely in the next year that they'll successfully overturn the results of a u.s. election because their partidy not win. this is fresh on people's minds, extremely concerned about the
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free democracy. we know it's essential to a free democracy. it's just sad to see this sentiment, and also there is a practical effect when it comes to the elections, right? >> sure. we in the media have some of the role -- some of the blanl here. we've talked incessantly, as we should, about the threat on democracy, the attack on democracy, the attempt to overthrow the results of the last election. we talked about that on and on. we talked about how to fix it so it doesn't happen again. again, there are many practical fixes to make sure there aren't phony electors being suggest mitted, chaos in the capitol, we don't have another insurrection. so i think, you know, probably the morale of the electorate, our viewers, our audiences, is probably a little shaky at this point because we spend so much time about the problem and the
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danger and not nearly as much time to what can be simple solutions to get us all on track. i personally am very hopeful that congress is going to clarify all of this and make it a little bit harder for somebody to attempt what donald trump tried to do in 2021. >> i guess we sadly have to agree on the facts, right, that this was a violent insurrection and not a tour that somehow went awry. errol louis, appreciate you joining us this morning. thanks so much. good to see you. >> thank you. a programming note for you, don't miss a new cnn report on the conservative movement in texas tomorrow night. cnn's ed lavandera follows the money trail deep in the pockets of texas. it all starts tomorrow at 8:00 p.m. >> that will be fascinated. up next, we go to ukraine where russian missiles have hit the port city of odesa just one day after russia and ukraine agreed on a deal to keep that port open.
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the white house has announced another package for military aid. it's going to include almost 600 tactical drones and rocket systems that really have been helping ukraine in its fight against russia. >> the assistance couldn't come at a better time as russia continues to hit ukrainian cities with missile attacks. this morning the port in odesa was hit by a barrage of missiles and also north where essentially people were injured and killed. >> these strikes came hours after ukraine and russia agreed to a deal that would clear the way for the export of vital
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grain from the ukrainian black seaports. for more on this, let's go to ukraine's diplomatic editor nick ro robertson. this is something. his own troops now targeting odesa this morning. >> reporter: yeah. the u.s. ambassador here is calling it outrageous saying russia continues to weapon nice food. a spokesman at the foreign ministry said this is president putin spitting in the face of the u.n. secretary-general who brokered this deal. it's 20 hours after the signatures actually went on the paper, and according to an adviser of the ministry of the interior, one of those missiles landed 150 yards from a graveside. it could give you an indication
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that those weapons by those grain silos might have even been the target. that isn't clear. it's being investigated. two silos were impacts, two shot down. this really comes surprisingly, i think for a lot of people. president zelenskyy talked about it. it comes surprisingly quickly on the back of what seemed to be a moment of diplomatic uplift in istanbul, the biggest diplomatic breakthrough in russia's war against ukraine, a deal to loosen russia's stranglehold on ukraine, and get its grain, one-fifth of the world's supply, to market. >> it will be a relief for countries on the edge of bankruptcy and to the most vulnerable people on the edge of famine. >> reporter: since the war began, russia has attacked and blockaded ukraine's ports and
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stolen harvests from the farmers. until now russia has been holding the grain hostage. the new deal aims to end that by creating safe shipping channels using ukrainian pilots to navigate through sea mines. implementation overseen by turkey includes inspecting cargoes. russia's defense chief and ukraine's infrastructure minister signed the deal, but not with each other. separately with the u.n. tensions remain and the deal fragile with no hard cease-fire at ports. an adviser to president zelenskyy's chief of staff tweeting, in case of provocations, an immediate military response. >> ukraine does not trust russia. i don't think anyone has reasons to trust russia. we invest our trust in the united nations as the driving force of this agreement.
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>> reporter: speaking in istanbul, russia's defense chief indicating what they got from the deal, the u.n. lifting restrictions on their food and fertilized exports, despite their responsibility triggering the current calamity. ukrainian officials say 20 million tons of grain are stuck in port, and exports could begin in days, likely using ships stuck in port since the war began. >> agricultural experts here are saying, look, the real test of this is if it can get up and running with all the ships stuck since the war began, they get their grain out, it's getting new ships to come in and get more of the grain. that's going to require assurance by international shipper insurers. that is going to require confidence. there haven't been breakages in this sort of tenuous cease-fire
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situation. so provocations as ukrainians see this attack by russia today are really going to fly in the face of trying to make a deal successful in the terms that more ships can come in and get more grain. it's not off to a good start, but it doesn't mean it's going to drop at the wayside yet. >> yeah. the ink on that deal not even dry yet. nic robertson in kyiv. thanks so much. we'll be right back. a once-daily pill. when uc got unprpredictable,... i got rapid symptom relief with rinvoq. check. when uc held me back... i got lasting, steroid-free remission with rininvoq. check. and when uc got the upper hand... rinvoq helped visibly repair the colon lining. check. rapid symptom relief. lasting, steroid-free remission. and a chance to visibly repair the colon lining. check. check. and check. rinvoq can lower your ability to fight infections, including tb. serious infections and blood clots, some fatal; cancers, including lymphoma and skin cancer; death, heart attack, stroke,
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the boston red sox were on the wrong side of history against the toronto blue jays. >> carolyn manno joins us. carolyn, no red sox team has ever given up as many runs as they did last night, is that right? >> that's right. a few red sox fans had their hands over their eyes. these are the kinds of scores you see in little league games, not at big games. the ball landing a good 30 feet behind darryn durand. it bounces off the wall. papi coming all the way around inside to score. toronto scored seven runs in the third inning. in the fifth, they scored 11 times, all with two outs. boston was hoping for a fresh start after losing 14 of the last 20. instead it went from bad to
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worse. 28-5, the final. red sox manager alex cora as stunned as anybody. >> it was tough to watch. it. they know it and i know it. it's not lack of preparation or effort. we keep working on our stuff and keep going through the process the right way, you know. it just -- i would love to say that this happens, but it doesn't happen often. we east just got to be better, i mean, bottom line. >> very different story where boston's rival yankees, aaron judge blasting his 34th and 35th home run. he's on pace for a 60 home run season since barry bonds set the record in 2001. is.
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two played each other for halves. sue bird is retiring after this year. both are five-time olympic gold medalists. bird has four titles with seattle, taurassi with five. a huge win for the eighth and final wnba playoff spot. bird and sudbury are in for the fourth spot. sue bird was a college star at uconn. she hosted tautaurasi. they're both legends. >> a really nice moment there. thank you for all that. the next hour of "new day" starts right now. good morning to you all and welcome to your "new day." i'm amara walker. >> and i'm alex marquardt.
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