tv Don Lemon Tonight CNN August 11, 2022 7:00pm-8:00pm PDT
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don lemon tonight and begins right now. >> nice to see you. hey, girl, hey. good night, hey. thank you so much. everyone, this is "don lemon tonight." i'm sitting in for don lemon. we are beginning with a major development which may explain partially the fbi's urgency in getting back classified documents from trump's mar-a-lago home. you know, tonight "the washington post" is quoting sources who are saying that investigators were searching for classified nuclear documents and other items. and there was deep concern among officials about the material potentially ending up in the wrong hands. . sources don't say if such documents were recovered. but this follows an extraordinary move by the attorney general merrick garland. he asked a federal court to unseal the warrant that permitted the search to take place in the first place. now, the surprise decision setting off a quick chain of events tonight and a source saying trump and his team appear
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to be blindsided by this announcement to say, hey, court, they want to see the receipts. they've contacted out that attorney apparently for advice and they are considering asking the judge to even block the request by the doj to make that unsealed. that move would seem a bit odd, wouldn't it? trump himself was publicly revealing that the search even took place and then he blasted it as politically motivated and there was republican allies in congress and right-wing media who pushed his accusations. might add, not too highly. they dehanded transparency. merrick garland as the attorney general is calling trump's bluff, isn't he? >> the justice department has filed a motion in the southern district of florida to unseal a search warrant and property receipt relating to a court-approved search that the fbi conducted earlier this week. that search was a premises located in florida belonging to
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the former president. the department did not make any public statements on the day of the search. the former president publicly confirmed the search that evening as is his right. copies of both the warrant and the fbi property receipt were provided on the day of the search to the former president's counsel who is on site during the search. >> see, that part that you had the actual warrant sort of the receipt of the inventory, not only was given to the people on the premises, there was a lawyer for trump there as well. he could have released that and the receipt any time he wanted. of course, he chose not to because, well, maybe it's politically advantageous to hype up the search, is what he called a raid. i am not saying there is not room for concern or reasons to look at this as the idea of trying to explain further the why and the what's happening next and we might get that in
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due time. but he has been claiming he is a victim of a government vendetta and he has actually raising money off of that claim as well. i mean, this is probably playing into garland's move to make the documents public. >> the department filed the motion to make public the warrant and receipt in light of the former president's public confirmation of the search, the surrounding circumstances, and the substantial public interest in this matter. >> yeah, i would say it's substantial. it is very substantial. you know what? we should know a lot more about doj's request by tomorrow because it's been told -- they have been told to inform the court by 3:00 p.m. if trump o o opposes releasing the documents. a lot to talk about. evan perez, chief political ana ana analyst gloria borger and elie honig. you all probably thought you would have a nice dinner today
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and relax a little bit and there was going to be no big news all of a sudden on this thursday evening. all of you thought wrong and probably across america. evan, look, i mean the fbi searched trump's home looking for classified documents. what we didn't realize according to "the washington post" they might be related to nuclear weapons. now, that gives anyone in their right mind pause if that's true. what are we learning tonight? >> well, exactly right. that is, you know, the idea that these documents related to nuclear weapons programs would be among the things that the fbi was concerned about or was looking for, would be a dramatic step. we know, we have reported today at cnn, we reported that among the disputes, the items that were in dispute during this months and months of back and forth between the trump lawyers and the national archives and
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the justice department were documents that had to do with special access programs. now, these are the nation's most closely guarded national security secrets. nuclear weapons programs would be among those types of documents. so, again, this is what "the washington post" is reporting. but it sort of falls in line with what we know has already been found. highly classified documents that should never have left the white house, should never have left washington, and were sent down to the former president's beach house, and that's the reason why they have had this months-long interaction trying to retrieve documents, sending a subpoena back in june, laura, retrieving only of those documents and why you saw this escalation, which ended up happening on monday with the search. . >> gloria, it's very difficult for anyone to look at this and say, oh, you know, this is sort of like a pen.
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one would not know they were classified documents. one would know -- i mean, i might occasionally find a $5 bill in my jeans's pocket i didn't know was there. i am probably going to know there is actually classified documents if it's a nuclear nature if that's true. team trump is saying they were cooperating all along, there was grand jury subpoena subpoena. we know this. if this is what we're talking about, how does this look if this is indeed -- they are indeed nuclear documents? >> well, obviously, it doesn't look good, right? i mean, but what this does, if you take a step back, provides some context to this whole story because the questions that everyone has been asking, lots of people have been asking, is, well, couldn't they have negotiated this out? why did this take so long? why couldn't they figure a way to do this on a format president without executing a search warrant, et cetera, et cetera. if it turns out that these documents were so highly
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classified, so top secret and they were having questions about where the documents were, where they disappeared , it raises other questions. a, what were these documents? why did the former president have them? was this done recklessly? was this done purposefully? was this done carelessly? i mean, we don't know the answer to the sort of the next level of questions. but it does explain why the justice department decided at a certain point, it seems to me that they have given a lot of leeway to the former president, that why at a certain point they decided they had to act and move in. >> yeah, i mean, in a way, elie, of course they gave leeway because i am sure they anticipated this fallout, the optics, how this would look, people claiming that this is something that's so frivolous,
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you go after him sort of like a transactional violation of the law, incidentally. that's not what we are hearing here. you are known as elie, pump the brakes honig. i want to ask you about this. we actually don't have any proof that these are nuclear-related documents. but we do know they were looking for classified information at least in part. does that explain for you the urgency of the warrant? and i ask that because there is that gap both evan and gloria talk about. it wasn't like the very first meeting that they met with him, they said i want everything, they searched it. there is a lag in time here. does that undermine the thought that this was really that urgent? >> i am going to live up to my m nickname. of course, by far the biggest question is for donald trump and the people of mar-a-lago. how on earth could you think it's okay to walk out of the white house 18 months ago with any documents that are government property? with classified documents
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according to the reporting and maybe, maybe we'll pump the brakes here, but maybe with nuclear-related documents. that is inexplicable to me. remember, laura, there was a decision made at some point when trump's people decided we are going to give back 15 of the boxes to the archives, but not these other 12. who is making that decision and why? but i have questions for doj. if doj believed there might be nuclear-related documents in there, how on earth does doj let those documents sit in a basement at mar-a-lago for 58 months and for the last two months? why would they have played nice? why would they negotiate? why would they say can you throw a padlock on there? if they had reason to believe there was nuke-related documents in there they should have done the search warrant long before monday. >> that's a good point to make about that notion of why. gloria? >> i was going to say maybe they didn't know about them until recently. that's my question. >> it's all possible, right? a part of it -- by the way,
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3:00 p.m. tomorrow isn't that far away for us to get some answers if they in fact decide to make this public in some way. but what we are learning tonight, evan, is that one of the investigators that had visited mar-a-lago in june as we're talking about here was a top justice department counterintelligence official. is it becoming clear why there was a counterintelligence official there? >> not entirely clear. look, that person, the person who oversees those issues, counterintelligence, also has the responsibility to -- for any cases, for any investigations that have to do with mishandling of national security information. that's kind of the, you know, from what we know, again, we know very little about exactly what the fbi is after here. but what we do know is there is a very highly sensitive information, that these are the
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types of documents that foreign adversaries, russia, china, north korea, iran, would be very, very much eager to get access to. and let me tell you something. one of the things we learned are, and you talk to people in trump world, you hear this repeatedly, that the security systems there, the protocols for access at mar-a-lago were, let's just say, not very good. there was all kinds you have people coming in and out and there were all these stories of trump waving around documents that he should not have been doing so in social settings. so that's one reason why someone, you know, ho who is looking at the counterintelligence issues at the justice department may have been involved in this. again, there is a lot we don't know. but that could explain why that person was involved. >> i mean, gloria, when you think about that, and we heard about the surveillance video or surveillance video request, it seemed almost apparent who had
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access, who was coming and going. who was coming and going and where they may have been able to see things. one thing that might surprise people, i think it seems to have caught the trump team off guard, on monday it seemed as though merrick garland was like, no, i am not making any comments. i am not saying anything. now he doesn't appear to fear this warrant becoming public. they are the ones who want to unseal it. is that an indication that they are secure in the actions they have taken and the need for it? this is in light of -- there has been a furious partisan response. >> right. look, what merrick garland did today was called donald trump's bluff and he effectively said, look, okay, a lot of your people are talking about releasing these documents. you even have these documents. we're fine with it. but let's go to a judge because what he wanted to do, and this is merrick garland, and you're the lawyer, i'm not, but merrick garland wanted to say if the former president's attorneys agree, right? he wasn't just going to say i
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want to do this. so they are going to go to court. now, we have reporting this evening that says that donald trump either hasn't decided or may be, you know, maybe deciding to fight this. but that was before "the washington post" story came out. so i don't know in the end what donald trump's attorneys are going to decide to do. but his folks have spent much of the past week decrying the justice department and now the justice department is giving them an opportunity to, you know, to put up here. and say, okay, we'll -- we're happy to release it if you are. >> this is a bit of a game of chicken. you wonder who is going to win. i don't see them -- >> yeah, sure, yeah. >> elie, let's play out this chess game here. the idea of your move. wanted everyone to know. we are not the ones who said we were actually there executing a search warrant. you told everyone. now you are telling everyone we planted evidence or other things
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that happened. that did not happen, they say. now it's your move to try to say you don't want it public. walk me through sort of the mindset of what must be happening in the conversations among the legal team and weighing whether or not to oppose the doj motion to make this unsealed. >> well, laura, it's definitely put up or shut up time for donald trump and his team. they have 17 hours and 46 minutes, not that anyone's counting, to decide whether they are going to fight this. >> a time for a new nickname, elie. there you go. >> you call me whatever you want. i have a new nickname from you every day, laura. option a is go along with it and say, yeah, fine, we want everyone to see this and get the benefit of at least looking like you are in favor of openness and transparency. donald trump could have done that monday. he has the document. they are in his lawyer's office,
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potential think in his hands as well. option b is to fight this. when has he ever agreed? when has he ever gone to court and appealed and reappealed and kept going under the line? i think we will see the magistrate judge who has the case right now is going to say i need your briefs and then the magistrate judge will rule. if i had to guess i would des torriano jackson will win. i think they made a compelling case for why those documents should come out. count on donald trump to appeal and appeal again and appeal again because gae lay is one of his favorite strategies. so we'll see. we'll watch the clock. but there is no avoiding, you know, he has been put in this position he has to choose door ab and neither looks great. >> you can't unring the bell. evan, gloria, elie, all of you have the nickname of friend to me, too. don't worry. thank you. have a good night. nice seeing you all. up next, everyone, we will their from former nixon white
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house counsel mike dean. the post report that agents were seeking classified nuclear documents and doj's move to unseal the mar-a-lago search warrant. i can't wait to hear what this man has to say. to all the other titans of tech who are making such a fuss over finally launching themselves into space? welcome to the club. i've been putting people into spaces for years. millions of peoplele into millis of spaces. and that must be why is the center of the rental universe. tippy tippy toe. tippy tippy toe. that's a big turkey! wait a minute. wait a minute. there's one going up now! how many of these guys are there? apartments-dot-com. the place to find a place. to a child, this is what c. children in ukraine are caught in the crossfire of r, foed to flee their homes. a steady stream of refugees has been coming across all day. it's basically cold.
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post" reporting that fbi search the donald trump's mar-a-lago home looking for classified documents related to nuclear weapons. and attorney general merrick garland making a surprise move. asking a federal court to unseal, which means make public, that search warrant and the property receipt that was given to trump's legal counsel that day. a source saying trump and his team are considering asking the court to block the doj motion and keep it out of the public's eye. i want to bring in cnn contributor june dean, former nixon white house counsel. good to see you. i am wondering what your reaction is to "the washington post" reporting. i mean, the idea that this is not just the category of classified documents, more broadly, but this is perhaps related to not just national security, but nuclear weapons?
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i mean, put that into perspective for us what this might mean. >> well, nuclear weapons and the classification of nuclear weapons are clearly restricted data and this is a hair on fire kind of problem. so i think what's happened, laura, as i have watched this story unfold, including the latest from "the post," is that the national archives learned early, a year or so ago, trump had hauled off a bunch of documents. they went down and had friendly discussions to try to determine where they were and how they got them back. as though discussions went on, they didn't go as smoothly as the archives wanted, so they issued a generic subpoena that produced some of the material. but then they got back and they had been all along preparing some kind of matrix, so they can understand what kind of
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documents that's likely that trump had. at some point they realized he's probably got -- he turned over some top secret stuff. he's probably got a lot more. one of those may be nuclear. then their hair started burning and that's when the subpoena was dropped and they went after a search warrant to get that material and get it out of trump's possession and into the federal government's possession where it can be put in the kind of facility that kind of information is stored in. not mar-a-lago. >> well, i was going to say, that prospect, there is still that disconnect for many people. mar-a-lago would not be the national archives. i have never been to mar-a-lago. i don't know what kind of containment units have. i president the president records act tell you they prefer it be where they know. that time lline that you laid o,
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john, if you believed at a point in time there was something as serious as nuclear documents, would there be any reason that you would have either advised or thought it prudent to delay in executing a search warrant? there is that little bit of a gap when there was, hey, i want you to better secure whatever it is you had. do you think something made him say an urgent notion, they found out something very quickly? >> i think either top secret or nuclear material. either one of those would justify going. as you know, a top secret classification is some of the most sensitive data we have in our national security archives. so that has an expectation that it can cause serious national problems to, damage to the national security. so that would have -- top secret alone would have been an impetus to go with a search warrant. nuclear secrets would have only
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put a fire under it. so, yes, all of these things i think -- i can't believe, as elie was saying in the last segment, you know, they would wait a long time if they knew this very sensitive national security information was just sitting down there at trump's club. it's just not a conducive place to hold that kind of information. too vulnerable. >> of course the probable cause can't be stale. you can you can't say way back, this was a case where you said not in the national security context but just i think there may be evidence of a crime when, six months ago, i mean, that's not the kind of data you can give a judge. i wonder for your perspective -- and i hear the chatter about the notion this is probably frivolous or not a big deal, he probably didn't mean it. does the why, does the why he may have kept these records matter? >> i don't know. it typically doesn't in this kind of activity.
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as sandy berger had one explanation for why he stole documents, general petraeus had another, and, you know, they didn't get seriously punished but it did certainly affect their careers. i mean, petraeus today would probably be presidential timber f but for that mistake. the why i don't think is the key. it's what, in fact, was done with what attitude and what mental state or criminal intent, if necessary, if you are going to go into that kind of focus on this problem. >> you know, in any event, john, 3:00 tomorrow is, frankly, just around the corner in the grand scheme of things. if you are trump's team, do you think they will try to keep this quiet in the sense of not public? >> well, his standard operating procedure, was mentioned again in the last segment, is delay,
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delay, delay, and i hadthink th the norm. i think he will probably fight it with the magistrate judge, then take it to the district court, get the district judge to side with him, fail there, go to the court of appeals, take it to the supreme court if the supreme court -- i can't believe they would take this case. i mean, this is not -- this is not -- this is a clear cut issue, if you will, on suppression of a subpoena or, excuse me, a warrant for a search and seizure. this is not a big case. but it is a big deal. >> we will see. thanks, john dean. >> yes, we will. thank you. nuclear documents and other classified materials. that's what "the washington post" is saying the fbi was searching for. i am going to talk to an intelligence expert about all of that next.
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need to build a future of unlimited possibilities. all right. back now with the bombshell reporting from "the washington post" just tonight saying that the fbi was searching for classified nuclear dooumts at mar-a-lago and the news just comes hours after attorney general merrick garland broke his silence on that search, saying it's in the public interest to unseal the court-approved warrant and he personally approved the warrant. joining me now cnn counterterrorism phil mud, a former senior intelligence advisor. i have to stop for a second because if the fbi is seeking
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nuclear documents at trump's home as "the washington post" is reporting, what is your reaction? is that sort of the hair on fire moment? is that the most -- what is happening? >> boy, let me confess, laura, this is not a great moment for me. i blew this one. a couple days ago i said, look, if the president is keeping boxes in his basement of conversations he had with the french president of deliberations in the white house about withdrawing from climate change, big deal. why the heck is the department of justice and the fbi making a decision about pursuing documents that might be classified? i dealt with classified documents from 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. for 25 years. to me this looked a little odd. i got to step back today and say, are you kidding me? the president of the united states keeps nuclear documents in an unsecured facility? and then you realize that
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merrick garland took a shot at the president today. he referred to least intrusive means in acquiring these documents. we asked mar-a-lago for these documents and they said no. and so mar-a-lago, when they were advised they had these, doesn't turn them over. let me close with this, laura. i was the deputy director of national security at the fbi. i did not have access to this country's nuclear secrets. and the president kept them at mar-a-lago and said no. i give up. i can't figure this out. >> well, i mean, i am going to give you some grace here because before you beat yourself up entirely, i love memphis, you know that's the home of graceland. i am going to give you some grace for a second. i have so say this to you. no, of course. what specifically is in them documents, we are hearing reporting they were looking for that nature, what that means we are not sure. but the prospect, in and of
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itself, i yi, is stunning. there are no details about what type of information. to your point, i mean, the information, if they were seeking information involving weapons, belonging to the u.s., or some other nation, i wonder what are the potential security risks here because we know there is surveillance footage they want to get. that means to me you want to know has access, different areas, who might be privy to certain areas of their home. tell me about the risks of this could be, the idea of even classified nature, even if it's not a nuke nature. what is the risk of that? >> i mean, one of the ricks of course is you mentioned, i would be curious about the surveillance video becausemy first question is not just who has access to that area. it's whether those persons have clearance to have access to that area. if it's high-end nuclear secrets and there is a range of nuclear secrets there, i, for example, as i mentioned, would not have been authorized to get into that
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area. so are people who don't know how to handle classified information getting in there? i think that's a basic question. you remember also there has been reporting over time, including an incident a few years ago, about individuals trying to gain access to mar-a-lago, including foreign nationals. how secure is that compound? i assume with the secret service there that the compound is highly secured. but, man, if you are the fbi and you hear about this, including from evidently a human source who told you that the documents are there, what are you supposed to do, lawyer? say i don't care. i feel bad for the fbi. a few days ago i trashed them and said they shouldn't done this. today i am scratching my head saying why would a president want to keep these documents at a beaches house. >> the average person does not
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get the luxury of the back and forth and negotiation @your leisure and can we talk about it, have a coffee, that doesn't happen in terms of getting information. there is a benefit of the doubt and deference that has been expended by the vir chuft back and forth along the way. to culminate in this way is something that shows you is the benefit of the doubt merited here. you pointed out before how significant is it that the fbi head of counterintelligence is involved? and so now in light of the reporting from "the washington post" what role would that person have been playing? >> this is really interesting because a few days ago you would have said we don't know why they did the search. a whole variety of investigations of the president, january 6th, interference in certification of the election. that is not what counterintelligence does at the fbi and i watched them, part of that, for 4 1/2 years. counterintelligence typically chases secrets that involve
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people overseas. the russians, the chinese, the iranians, the north koreans. so as soon as i saw in the press reporting that the fbi was -- or leaks were talking about national security information and the counterintelligence chief of the fbi was involved, i took january 6th, took out election interference and said there is something in this investigation that is sensitive enough that a foreign government might be interested and that the people at the fbi who chase foreign governments want to get. that to me is a game changer. this is about whether the chinese and the north koreans or the russians want to steal this stuff. >> now, that is striking, in and of itself. and i'm telling you, if what we're learning tomorrow, we might learn at 3:00 p.m. tomorrow if they make this public, i can only imagine what we'll find out next. phil, nice to see you. you got grace now in the heart of graceland. enjoy yourself. >> thank you.
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i can feel safe. thank you. >> have one those elvis peanut butter and banana sandwiches, right? that was the whole thing? yep. i've had it. wasn't any cup of tea. that's fine. anyway, up next, everyone, speaking of the risks here, this is a very serious matter. in ohio there was a deadly standoff. there was a man who was armed with an ar-15 style rifle. he a nail gun he tried to get into an fbi field office. i'll tell you what we know next.
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when a truck hit my car, ♪the insurance companyed, wasn't fair. eight million ♪ i didid't t kn whahatmy c caswa, so i called the barnes firm. i'm rich barnes. it's hard for people to k how much their accident case is worth.h barnes. t ouour juryry aorneneys hehelpou . afternoon armed suspect attempting to breach the fbi's office there. it led to an hours-long standoff and ending with the suspect being shot dead by law enforcement. for more i want to bring in cnn
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correspondent brin jin grass. a truly stunning day after we've seen the past several days and out vitriol we have heard about, i mean, law enforcement is telling sources that the suspect's name is ricky shiffer. what are we learning about him? >> it's scary. yes, we are learning from multiple sources, me and my colleague, josh campbell, this person is named ricky shiffer. he is the person who went into this field office in cincinnati and with a nail gun, we're told by sources, an ar-15 style rifle and tried to breach that office. an alarm was sounded and that's when the pursuit happened where there was gunfire that was engaged and it ended with a long s standoff between local, federal law enforcement with shiffer being killed. that is still under investigation. what's also being looked at by federal investigators is this person's background.
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we have come across an account on truth social, the former president's social media account. it bears the same name as ricky shiffer. we can't necessarily confirm it is his account. i one source told my colleague that the pictures are the same and they patch with a government i.d. what's written on this account is quite honestly terrifying. it talks about the assault against the fbi and the rhetoric on this there is encouraging others to take on violence against federal authorities in the wake of what we saw not just in monday with the search of mar-a-lago, but with january 6th incident, with other sort of things that have been out there in the public. i want to read one thing that was on this post today. and it talks about the incident that happened in cincinnati. again this is a user with the same name as ricky shiffer. it says, well, i thought i had a way through bulletproof glass and i didn't. if you don't hear from me, true, i tried to attack the officer:it
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just sort of stops there. this is posted ten minutes after the raid -- sorry, the breach happened in that field office. it's possible he just couldn't write any more. but digging more into this social media by my colleague paul murphy, it talks about his presence on january 6th. it talks about how he thought the 2020 election was stolen. it even talks about the mar-a-lago fbi search that happened earlier this week and basically called people to arms saying go to your local pawn shops and get guns and go to mar-a-lago and the fbi encounters, you kill them. it's dangerous rhetoric that is sort of repeated on this truth social. clearly, if this is the same person, was trying to take things into his own -- do it himself. >> thinking about all of that, if this is the same person connected to that social media account, no wonder the director of the fbi and the attorney general voiced their concerns about the safety of the members
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of law enforcement. thank you so much. we will keep this story in our mind and keep going with it as well. cnn's political commentator susan collins scott jennings. scott, what we're hearing from brin it's stunning that what could have happened at that field office let alone what happened to this person who attempted to attack the field office, it's a pretty brazen attack on the fbi of all places. and i wonder, are you worried we are going to see more violence because of the rhetoric that we see being aimed at doj, aimed at law enforcement, just since the mar-a-lago search alone? >> well, yeah. i mean, i am. i mean, i think we have learned the last several years there are people out there who are unhinged and who have, obviously, emotional problems and who get invested in conspiracy theories and take matters into their own hands. this person, obviously -- if it's the same person. i know we are still confirming
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everything. if this dheks out, that's, obviously, what this person did and so, yeah, i am. i think political violence is a problem in this country and it's going to continue to be a problem and this is the latest manifestation of it. >> i mean, i can't help go back to the dhs bulletin so many weeks ago where they essentially spoke about the threat of those based on political grievances, the idea of domestic threats posing maybe more so than external ones as well. speaking of the idea whether things will check out, i'm sure you have seen "the washington post" reporting already tonight that says that they were looking at mar-a-lago for documents related to nuclear documents of some kind. if trump actually had important nuclear documents, and i can't imagine there are unimportant nuclear documents. if they had important nuclear documents at mar-a-lago, what does that do to the chorus of republicans that are right now coming to his defense? >> good question. i mean, i think it depends on what it is.
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nuclear documents is, i mean, i don't know what that means. i don't know if this is just information about the kinds you have weapons we have and where we have them or if it's codes. i don't know what that means. so i think exactly what's in it is going to matter and could have an impact. i will tell you this. i mean, there is some polling out today. trump's numbers among republicans have ticked up. obviously, republicans have been very defensive of trump this week because of what happened and i'm not surprised. if you look at the reaction republicans had in the immediate wake of the search and the sort of the silence from doj over the last couple of days, i am not surprised to see the numbers. if this turns out to be something minor, i'm not -- i have no idea what it's going to turn out to be. if it turns out to be something minor or something that doesn't seem as important as, say, planning a january 6th riot, which i consider to be a very important matter, i think you will see republicans get more defensive of trump.
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if it's an egregious abuse of power or terrible poor judgment on part of trump, maybe we're talking about a different story here. so i don't know yet. but the possibility exists that republicans could dig in even further if there is evidence that they already are. >> i don't know that poor judgment alone is enough. it passes prologue, right? i don't really know. i will say, i want to be clear, it's only responsible to do so. attorney general merrick garland has not said nuclear-related documents. we have not seen the search warrant. >> right. >> and so one of the concerns will always be, as we saw from earlier this week, if people get over -- ahead of their skis on things and attribute the statements from reporting to a statement of the doj, then there is always room for what you're talking about. but i do wonder if people will be prudent enough to be patient and actually wait and see. >> well, i think what you just said is an extremely responsible
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thing to say because we're -- there is a lot of speculation here and we don't know what we are going to know this time tomorrow. i would also say that the fbi, the department of justice, because of their history with trump and because of what happened in the run up to the election in 2016 during his presidency, some of the issues they had with him and the crossfire hurricane, the fact that garland came out today was good. i think it was two days too late, frankly. they have to understand that there is half the country looks at everything they do in relation to trump with a critical eye because of the past issues that they have had with him and, frankly, some of the things he said about them. and so this transparency is a good thing. i think it came too late. the transparency will ultimately i think lead t o
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big changes coming from the cdc today. after more than two years, they are no longer recommending americans stay at least six feet apart. they are ending the social get distancing guideline that was a hallmark of the covid-19 pandemic. they are new guidelines will also ditch restrictive measures like quarantines and focusing on reducing severe disease from covid. with kids heading back to school, the cdc is no longer suggesting this test to stay for kids who have been in contact with someone who tested positive for covid-19.
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it's easy to say the shift is actually in the guidelines, and is a sign of how much has changed since the very beginning of the pandemic. now, near the entire u.s. population has at least some immunity through vaccination or previous infection or both. next, nuclear documents. the washington post reporting the fbi went to mar-a-lago in search of documents about nuclear weapons and more classified info. stay with us. we all have heroes in our lives. someone who cares about other people and gives of themselves. those are true heroe and for a kid like me, who's ha13 operations, and can now walk, you might think that i'd say my hero is my doctor, or
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8:00 pm
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