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tv   Don Lemon Tonight  CNN  August 15, 2022 10:00pm-11:00pm PDT

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carl nassib, player is told that he is signed a deal for the according he a most recently a play for the las vegas raiders but released early this year last month you join me on the program and said he was keeping his options open when you join a new tune the news continues all handed over to don don lemon tonight this is don lemon tonight thank you so much and i want to talk to you about cbp not crtc critical democracy theory so united there if we only spent talking about critical race theory we might be better off my good or bad
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and the traditions and the protocols are certain assumptions that we have made presidents will abide by the constitution he would exploit the holes in the system the way trump did and then have trump make excuses for him and lie. exhibit a, rudy giuliani four seasons total landscaping the hair and i and the lies. >> it was a call by? all the networks! wow! all the networks! you couldn't possibly believe that the company counting our phone is owned by two venezuelans who were allies of chavez her present allies of mentor with a company whose chairman is a close associate
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of george soros. he's the biggest donor to the democrat party, the biggest donor to antifa and the biggest donor to black lives matter. my goodness! look like on dope. it's quite clear this feeling. >> yeah it's always blames someone else right? and it's like. this blame that person. it's never them. let's blame the media, except they don't blame the media. a clown car full of lies, and now rudy giuliani is a target in georgia's investigation into one of the greatest threats in democracy in our history. and what is julian's response? >> turnaround lawyers when they're defending their clients, we're starting to live in a fascist state. >> for the record, for the record let's just be very clear about this so that people don't get it twisted, that nobody's
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after nobody's going after anyone. nobody's treated anybody in the trump administration any differently than anyone else. and no other president had as egregious behaviors that. so what's really giuliani says just not a fascist state this is a man united states of america i democracy that generations of fought and died to protect. a generation that needs to hold and in order to hold that we have to hold an agreement on what reality and what facts are and what lies are and what excuses are. he is not the only one caught up in the many investigations of the whole president and his inner circle of federal judge today just ruling that lindsey graham must testify before that
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same georgia grand jury. he was scheduled to testify august 23 but he says he's going to appeal that. donald trump. this is the god's honest truth. we covered in the entire time he was in office. he has never been able to tell the difference between himself and the office and that is an important distinction and his defenders rain down excuses. >> this is from president trump's office. just came in a few moments ago. as we can all relate to, everyone ends up having to bring home their work from time to time, american presidents are no. different >> he said they mistakenly packed some boxes and move them to mar-a-lago, that's not on the president, that's on the national archives source that material. and >> we have this list from the fbi, we don't have to this about whether this is
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classified material and weather rise to the level of ice classified material. >> [laughs] the documents are classified. a turnover boxes of classified material. come on people. i can find the documents all they had to do is ask. now they were planted by the fbi agents. no, they were declassified. no wait, executive privilege. he took the documents. he took the documents. this is what is so infuriating and it was odd to watch this week, because everyone kept saying, it's gotta be -- unless it is a five alarm fire, then they should not have done this to a president. no. what he did was wrong.
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he took the documents. boom! end of story. that's it! he took the documents. they asked for the back he said no, they executed a search warrant, they found what they're looking for, and story. what you did was wrong. there is no, i killed him but i didn't, i stabbed him but i didn't shoot him. what are we doing people? what he did was wrong. he took the documents. no other president has done that. he was 45, and there were at least 30 before him, and they all complied. they all follow the rules. no one had to say, but this happened. he's the only one. no one is targeting in. he's lying to you. but the bar is so low for him the people say it's, not like
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he shot someone. that is not the point. the point is this. donald trump puts his own interests ahead of the interest of you the american people over and over and over and over again. . the court doj saying tonight about the search of mar-a-lago. they're confirming just how serious the whole thing is. confirming that this is an ongoing criminal investigation. so when the justice department removed 11 sets of classified documents from mar-a-lago, some of the marked top secret, se i, one of the highest levels of classification, that wasn't just about getting classified material back, as important as that is. think about that. this is a criminal investigation. this is a big deal. but why?
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but why that is a question? one reason why the former president have to take classified top secret documents? our presidents actually above the law? we keep hearing no one is above the law, our president acts as if he is above the law. we are gonna find out only? let's discuss all of this now. former watergate prosecutor nick akerman is here, and they join us. gentlemen thank you i appreciate. it >> thank. nick he first prosecutors telling >> rudy giuliani facing a corrupt criminal prosecution as a target. >> you take the definition of
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target as is normally used in criminal defensive means the georgia da has enough evidence to charge rudy giuliani with a crime. that's pretty serious. not the same as being a subject being just looked at, it's not the same as being a witness, it means they have enough evidence to charge rudy giuliani with the crime. >> peter, i want to talk to you about this mar-a-lago search and you know what is going to be going on for the last five or six years. the justice department is opposing the release of this affidavit which lays out probable cause and they write this in their filing. if disclosed the affidavit would serve his roadmap to the governments ongoing investigation providing details in a manner that is highly likely to compromise future investigative steps. they're making very clear that the mar-a-lago was not just a retrieval operation, the
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investigation is ongoing. what is your take from the doj filing? >> i think it makes a lot of sense in the context of not only what they've done traditionally and that the doj does not typically release affidavits of search warrants. and may be litigated after charges are brought. there's an interesting wording in that filing about relying on witnesses and may allow the identification of witnesses. it's clear to me that between that filing some of the reporting on the ground that the fbi has got out and interview people at mar-a-lago who have provided detail about the way documents were stored. more importantly, information that is a odds from trump's attorneys. it's important to highlight, it's tough for viewers when we hear top circuit, it sounds like something out of a movie, but what that means at the end of the day, literally if this material is disclosed, it could cause people to be arrested and
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shot on the streets of moscow, on the streets of beijing. it can compromise satellites overhead that the u.s. spent billions of dollars on. some really advanced technology and communications. this is not some secret recipe for grandma's lasagna. this is tougher causes will harm to the united states. it can cause the death of people, it can cause damage to the united states intelligence community for years to come. it's really serious, this is not just some document retrieval operation. it's something didier appropriately is taking very seriously. >> peter, that is part of my exasperations, so people are saying you better have something really bad a trump did. well he took the documents, and they were marked as you said. that is bad enough. is the bar so low that donald trump has to do something really egregious by the excuses
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are becoming more outrageous that it doesn't really matter. se above the law? do you understand what i'm saying? >> absolutely and it's concerning when i hear mainstream commentators saying is it really in the country's interest to charge him? because people are gonna ride in the open arms. two things, let's cross a bridge when we get to. it they're not at the charging stage, it is appropriate to go and do this investigation to the question. whether or not we charge and, i think evidence supports, that they should, at the end of the day i'm willing to bet these weren't just inadvertent documents hanging around with the cheeseburgers and in various boxes. i think the doj will find a number of documents related to trump's enemies, his big business interests that, related to things that trump had a very personal interest and reason to keep them. when you combine something that's highly classified along
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with strong reasons, none of which are appropriate that donald trump would want them, i think it would make we are reaching a point where makes sense and be necessarily charging. >> and listen i do have to say that would be hard-pressed for people have these fantasies about donald trump in a jumpsuit, i think you'd be hard to put a former president in jail because quite frankly what presidents represent, the information that they have, where would you put them, how would you do it, it's so unprecedented? whether he goes to jail, whether they charge and, that's not for me to decide. i think that's a very high bar in my estimation. sources are telling cnn that when investigators went to mar-a-lago in june, one of the lawyers signed a letter asserting that there was no more classified information being stored there. that was obviously contradicted when agents went in and pulled 11 sets of classified documents. could we see more people implicated in this
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investigation? >> absolutely. part of this investigation is going to be bringing lots and lots of people who are at mar-a-lago into the grand jury to find it what they know. the fact of the matter is donald trump nobody's lawyers said? who was aware of these documents being in these locations? we know that at least one or two people at mar-a-lago had to have tipped off the fbi about what was going on just for the evidence in the affidavit to be correct. he can't put a declaration with stale information from two or three months ago, it had to be current. so there are people that are basically laying this out to the fbi already. and the big question the you asked in the beginning is the real question. why does donald trump have these documents? we know that donald trump never read his intelligence briefings. you never read these kind of documents. are the intelligence people to
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they really have to go in with picture books to explain to him what was going on. we know that he is material, we know that he doesn't really have the same love for the country that other presidents had. he has said that people who died in world war i in france were suckers. so what was he trying to do with these documents? where they got to be sold to foreign powers? was this something that he was hiding so he can make money off of? these are the kind of questions that need to be investigated and i'm sure will be as this moves along. >> again, listen we don't know exactly what we're in the documents, we don't know why he took to documents. again, the whole point is maybe it was inadvertent. there have been many, many presidents, all the other presidents left the white house, and they abided by the rules. they followed the rules. it followed the protocols. he's the only one who didn't.
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when the records went to the national archives and a secure place, they decided what records you go to the former president, what records shouldn't, was too sought topsecret or declassified to be given to the former president. he did not do that or him or whomever packed it. something wrong was done and someone needs to face the consequences for. that is the bottom line. thank you both, thank you peter, thank you nick appreciate it. so we have a lot to cover tonight. it's a page out of the trump playbook when you get in trouble, find someone to throw under the bus right? so who is it going to be? next we are to talk to the man who knows what happens when you get on his bad side. that is out of the shadow back in the spotlight mr. michael cohen. ♪ my name is austin james. as a musician living with diabetes, fingersticks can be a real challenge. that's why i use the freestyle libre 2 system.
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excuses, deflection pouring out of the trump world since the mar-a-lago search. they would have happily handed over the documents are fast, they say. claiming the documents had already been declassified. the shifting excuses show how worried the former president is. that's the question. joining me now to discuss donald trump's former fixer. i know you like that. michael cohen, and now the host of the podcast miacopa with michael cohen. other the upcoming book, revenge, how donald trump weaponize the u.s. department of justice against his critics. michael, thank you. listen, what a week. the president and his allies are really flooding the zone with different explanations for
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why so many top secret documents were found in mar-a-lago. is this the trump playbook overwhelming the story with distraction in deflection? >> with donald trump, as i always call him, captain chaos, it's to throw as much as the american public that he can in order to confuse them, because he truly believes that the american public has a two day maybe if you're, bright a three-day window of remembering what was going on. he will just keep flooding, it but that is not why donald trump is doing it. you're right. he's scared and he's scared of the documents that they now have possession and control over, because this is documentary evidence. it's evidence that they can use against him. >> you say that with the walls closing in around him his next move is to find a scapegoat. >> yes. i believe, okay, i believe -- >> because you were a scapegoat. >> i talk a lot about that in revenge. it's a dissection from the
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beginning in the steele dossier all the way to the unconstitutional -- there's a lot that goes on in between. i believe the next scapegoat is going to be rudy colludy giuliani. everybody likes a bargain, but donald trump really likes a bargain. i believe like rudy's-able go. they're going to throw him under the bus for mar-a-lago and they're going to throw him under the bus for georgia, for the district attorney fani willis's case in georgia. they'll keep pointing the finger. it's rudy. it's rudy. i have nothing to do with it. it's rudy. just ask rudy. >> it's surprising, but i shouldn't be surprised, but watch everyone make all these excuses for what happened, even the former president, because some of these excuses are starting to muddy each other. wait a minute. did you not just say it was something else and now you're saying it's something else. and someone is going on
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television, one of your people saying it's now this? isn't the fact of the matter is that you did something wrong? you just don't pack 33 boxes of classified information by accident. that just does not happen. >> no, but not only does that not happen, he already returned more than a dozen boxes, and they signed a document stating there are no more boxes of information at mar-a-lago, which of course is yet another lie. we are so numb to the lies that donald has told us, that no one is even thinking about it, yeah, yeah he just made another mistake. no. this is classified information documents and he does not have the right to take it, and at the same time he does not really have the right -- he did not have the right to possess them, and the real question that i constantly bring up is not what were the documents? it's why did he have them in the first place?
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it's a nefarious reason. i believe he was going to use it as a get out of jail free card to the government. you come after me, you put me in cuffs, you put me in a home confinement or incarceration? one of my loyal supporters is going to release to the world where nuclear locations are. >> that's speculation on your part. >> it sure is. but i'm telling you from the playbook. >> but you did say if he wasn't going to leave, you did predict a lot of this. >> in saying that, it's interesting, because people really get upset with me when i say, of course donald trump. anyone should face consequences if they break the law, right? no one is above the law. merrick garland, the attorney general said that as well. but our president is above the law. you cannot put -- you cannot put a former president in jail. you cannot put him in general population. you can't do it. >> i agree with you. what i believe they will do is they will put him in a home confinement situation that is so severe, that it will be --
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especially for him, it would be like solitary confinement. >> okay, again, you're speculating. it's tough to put a former president in jail, considering with the former president knows. he knows about the nuclear arsenal, he knows all kinds of information. information that is in those top secret files. >> and he would sell it to anybody in prison for a bag of tuna. >> again, your words. >> it is my words. >> on the other hand, this is the new york times reporting tonight that former trump organization cfo allen weisselberg is close to making a plea deal with the manhattan prosecutor and can serve five months in prison. he's not expected to cooperate with any other investigation. trump has been furious that you did not remain as loyal to him as he wanted you to, right? is he loyal to the end? to what end? >> would bothers me as i got a sentence of 36 months, but then again, we are told about the distinction between the southern district of new york, and the district attorney's office. the judges in the district
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attorney office, they are very different than the judges of the southern district, the federal court judges, and the fact that they really do get down into the mud with these plea deals, and for allen to only end up with five months when the amount of money that he did not pay taxes on was greater, in fact and when i didn't pay, and on top of, that he refuses to cooperate. i provided over 800 hours of cooperation. in fact, i opened up more than a dozen investigations. >> two things. why do people remain loyal to him to the end? >> because they're stupid. there's no other answer to that. they're stupid. i don't know what they're thinking. i don't know why they're thinking what it is there thinking. but they are, and they think he's going to come to the rescue at the end. no. that's not what happens. he points the finger and he says it's michael. it's alan. it's rudy. it's always somebody. he will throw his own kids under the bus. >> considering what you went through with the former president, do you believe presidents are above the law? >> absolutely not. >> okay. thank you, michael cohen.
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>> good to see you, don. >> she's one of trump's fiercest critics in congress. now voters and wyoming are about to decide if liz cheney's fate in wyoming. list cheney's fate and tomorrow's primary. she has a big hole to dig out of. purchases on your discover card. new projects means new project managers. you need to hire. i need indeed. indeed you do. when you sponsor a job, you immediately get your shortlist of quality candidates, whose resumes on indeed match your job criteria. visit and get started today.
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voters are hours away from going to primary voting -- liz cheney is facing a fierce challenge from a candidate backed by the former president. cheney is one of only ten house republicans who voted to impeach trump. some of them are either retiring or lost their primary races. liz cheney is one of the loudest critics to push back against trump's false claims of the 2020 election being stolen. she serves as vice chair of the house january six committee. i want to bring now senior political correspondent côte d'ivoire -- scott jennings, charlie dent, a former republican congressman. good to have all of you want. thanks for joining me here in new york. good to see you. happy summer, so far. it's almost the end. listen, there is a university
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of wyoming polls released last night that found that cheney is trailing hageman by 29 points. is standing up to trump about the cost of her job? exactly why so if you are doing this? standing up? >> i think you're absolutely right. the issue is she standing up to trump and hearse constituents in wyoming, which i've been many times before to talk about this. they love trump about -- above all else. they feel like her impeachment vote, the fact that you put down the anti trump flag and carrying that banner into the january six hearings does not reflect how they feel about the former president, that they voted for him by 70 points. it's overwhelming. i think there was no way to reconcile the two. you see it from the pollings, pulling us always, how could she really surmount hageman by 20 points at this point? i think everyone knew all along that this was going to be a most political kamikaze mission to try to take out trump when you represent wyoming. >> it's really interesting
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what's happening in wyoming, considering that cheney name in wyoming, i heard a report on the radio today, it was a constituent who voted for hageman, and the reporter was interviewing them and i'm not sure if you guys heard it. he started crying. when he said, it was tough for him to vote for cheney in this election, because he felt that liz cheney had basically made herself not useful for the people of wyoming. >> it's really difficult for them. they have so much history, but the really crazy truth part about this, is that there are a democrat low-key is organizing for atlas chain, and they have this ability with loophole to switch on the day of the primary election from a democrat to republican, and vote to keep her.
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this is a very low-key thing happening. this is happening in jacksonville. >> maybe the transplant [voices overlapping] >> will that make a dent in charlie dent? >> -- >> there's a bother you when you see so many races become about one man? the former president? >> i was saying that in office. the republican party used to have its own self designated chiefs of republican purity police who always used to judge people like me. if you're not doctrine air enough you are a rhino, a squish, a bed-wetter. you're called all these nasty names. then you've got trump, he's not doctrine air, and it's shifted to loyalty to a very flawed man. so while these purity police, to continue to raise money, they changed their litmus test. -- the real good for protectionism, but they want to be loyal to trump. that's how they perhaps raise money and that's where we are today. >> it's interesting they called the people who don't support donald trump rhinos when he's not actually a republican. he sort of a republican. >> we are all rhinos now. we are all rhinos. everybody is a rhino. >> speak for yourself.
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[voices overlapping] i'm a member of the party, that everybody is a rhino. >> in their eyes, you mean? >> who's pure? if you're not sucking up to donald trump, you are not -- >> the goalpost keeps shifting with donald trump. you never know where he stands. you just have to be loyal to a person over a party. >> it's not just a vote on impeachment. she made this her one and only issue, liz cheney. she's the leader of the anti trump opposition in the republican party. you know, being so outspoken about it is would initially cost her her leadership position and house republican conference. it's obviously, you believe the polling is going to cost her her seat, but it seems like she has something else in mine. she's raised a ton of money. federal money to be transferred to a possible presidential campaign. >> but all the chaos you see around the rate of mar-a-lago, the georgia investigation, the doj investigation of january six, you have the civil investigation in new york. it is all this worth it for the
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republicans? >> i mean, my view is we need a different nominee in 2024. i think this fbi issue -- >> there you go, you sounded like a rhino. >> -- i think joe biden is about the worst president in my lifetime, but i will tell you, out in middle america where i live, this fbi issue is called a snap bag. i think we had started to feel a little drift. and this thing has caused a reflexive defensiveness of trump, and i don't know what they're going to do, but this has at least temporarily given him a political spike -- >> i think it's a snapshot in time. as this gets behind people, i think they may feel a little bit differently about this former rnc communications -- doug high was on cnn earlier, warning about being careful -- basically he says the chaos around trump always gets worse.
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and trump doesn't give points, he only takes them away, he says. i want you to look at this. that is undeniable. don't you think? >> yeah. exactly. you can't survive in the party if you turn on donald trump. >> there have been exceptions. the governor of georgia, brian kemp, the secretary of state, that entire race down there turned on donald trump's anger with the secretary of state and governor. he was very involved in it. recruited the primary opponent. there have been some people and what did they do? brian kemp basically ignored donald trump. that was the secret sauce. he just ignored it. cheney is not ignoring it. she is taking it head on. that's her mission. but in the case of georgia, where the battle happened, he just ignored the guy. >> that's kind of what murkowski has done as well. for political survival. >> then you house in washington state, --
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california. they both voted to impeach but they also look eat their votes. they look eat it. they survived. >> everybody, stick around. we're going to talk about which charlie knows a lot about. that's pennsylvania, the gop senate candidate dr oz mocked over a resurfaced video he's getting grief over. crudités. >> and that wagner's, grocery shopping. my wife wants vegetables, crudités.
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pay attention everyone, you might learn something. doctor oz taking some video making the rounds on social media. with all the td doctors now development candidate for senate for pennsylvania. i was made the video back in spring highlighting rising
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inflations, blaming president biden for it. here it is. >> grocery shopping, i am at wagners, my wife wants some vegetables for crudités. right? so here is broccoli, that is two bucks, there's some asparagus, that's forward all or's. carrots, that is for more dollars. that is $10 of vegetables there. then we need some guacamole, that is $4 more. and she loves elsa, needs also there. $6? must be a shortage of salsa. guys, that is $20 for crudités, and this doesn't include tequila. i mean, that is outrageous. we've got joe biden to think for this. >> [laughs] where do we begin? his opponent mockingly tweeted in pennsylvania, it's called a veggie tray. -- back with these three. so many questions.
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[laughs] you know, i lived in pennsylvania, in philly, you are from pennsylvania, you know. it is a crudités, is it asparagus, is tequila usually served with that? >> well, you know, i don't even know what crudités was. i thought it was a vegetable terry. i david know there was such a term. but i think there is not helpful to doctor oz's campaign -- in fact, it is wegmans and writers, two stories -- both are pretty popular chains. but, you know, i don't think politically will have much damage. but he is fighting this issue with not being from the states, so if you make a mistake about local stores, that's not helpful to your campaign. >> do you think doctor saws shops considering, i mean, look, it is okay for people to be wealthy. but, you know, -- >> he seemed to be shocked by the prices of these things that are in the same price for many years. he also didn't have a shopping
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cart. he called a crudités and using french in a wegmans. and he just didn't feel natural. that wasn't his habitat. >> there's an issue, as you said, about getting a -- look, was the scanner thing. you have people who don't know what scanners are, didn't know at least. >> the trouble with this video is that the republican candidate here, republicans in general want to make this race macro, they want to make it a biden inflation. the federal campaign is trying to make it all localized, you know, you don't live here locally. so even those may back in the spring, it just happens to detail very nicely with the federal strategy right now. i think this race will tighten by the way, i know there's some polling showing it, i think we will have really close, i don't know he's the expert, but we will have really close races in pennsylvania despite this video notwithstanding, i do think oz will be competitive. >> yeah, let's put the polls up, fiasco about it, this is a poll that shows that oz is trailing, or was trailing fetterman by 11 points. why do you think he is not getting more traction? can he do anything to change
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that? >> yeah, he shot three very contentious primary where he had probably north of $20 million dumped on his head. so it's negatives are quite high. not just among democrats and independents, even amongst some republicans. but republican will probably come home, this race will tighten because right now people are really voting for red team or blue team in many cases. it is a lot less candidates still matter, but i would argue they matter a lot less than they used to, because of the way we move to these parliamentary voting patterns. waves to elections where it is what team you are on. likely many republicans will forgive doctor oz for not making a mistake. >> veggie platter, crudités. >> i would also say, another issue, they feel like oz is running a bit of a lazy mans campaign after a very exhausted primary. he went to ireland on vacation for a week. he went to palm beach, he hasn't been doing enough of the grassroots retail. >> i saw many happens a couple of weeks ago. >> exactly, that's a problem when you are trying to get your state. because you keep slipping up and filling bills from new jersey in your house new jersey.
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>> he was at the farmers market, he has been getting around the state. >> that's good, but he got a scolding from the nrrc about this. there was an issue. >> because of what? >> because he wasn't doing enough retail politics on the ground. they expected him to really hustle and he was coming off from a very exhausted primary. >> my suspicion is that people know this guy, they have been on their tv for so many years. so if he does go out and campaign, my suspicion is that people will sort of be interested in walking up to him and saying hello. you know, he's a bona fide celebrity. you know, don, get the same treatment. >> [laughs] except i say veggie platter. i didn't know a crudités was until a couple of years ago. right? a couple of minutes ago. some --, thank you, all i appreciate this. >> thank you. >> the author, salman rushdie, now on a ventilator, following last week's brutal attack, but his son says his injuries are life-changing. an update on his condition, that is next.
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10:53 pm
tonight, salman rushdie's family says the author is recovering from the knife attack that left him severely wounded on friday. over the weekend, he was taken off a ventilator, and he is still in critical condition. his son says the attack was a
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life-changing event. but russia is feisty and defiant. and his sense of humor is still on top. rushdie was about to deliver a lecture in western new york went an assailant rushed the stage, officials say he suffered stab wounds to his neck and stomach. as well as puncture wounds to his right eye which he may end up losing. 24-year-old man from new jersey is under arrest, authorities are trying to determine a motive. rushdie has lived with threats against his life for decades, since the release of his novel the satanic verses in the late 19 80s. for some muslims consider to insult to islam. at the, tom the leader of iran called for rusty's death. now, following friday's attack, iranian officials blame rushdie himself and his supporters. the state department calls that position outrageous. rudy giuliani being told that he is a target in the georgia election investigation.
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10:59 pm
tonight, we are learning the justice department is fighting back against efforts to unseal the affidavit that was the basis for the search warrant executed at mar-a-lago, we are also learning that rudy giuliani has been told by prosecutors in georgia that he is a target of a grand jury investigation into the attempt to overturn the 2020 election results. let's discuss, cnn senior law enforcement analysis -- the former fbi deputy director and cnn senior legal analyst elie honig, a former federal prosecutor, good to have both of you on. good evening, thank you so much. andrew, what do you think about rigidly on a being told by georgia prosecutors that he is a target of this 2020 presidential investigation. the largest reminder that there are multiple criminal probes going on at once in trump world. >> that's right, it's interesting coming now, don, because we've been so
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distracted over the last week with the fbi surge in the results of what was found at mar-a-lago. we have started to forget that there are these other very significant possibly more significant investigations that continue to rumble on. today's news for giuliani is just the latest in a series of really worrying signs for him. this is an indication that he is clearly being considered for an indictment. i think it will have a huge impact on how he testifies or which question, if any he actually answers in front that grand jury. >> as you would surmise, he is responding, -- >> when you start turning around lawyers, they defend their clients, we are starting to live in a fascist state. >> [laughs] >> that is not much of a defense! >> he served as trump attorney during the 2020 election, you expect that he will vote the fifth amendment, or, is you can


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