tv CNN Tonight CNN August 17, 2022 6:00pm-7:00pm PDT
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>> anderson, thank you very much. does former vice president mike pence really mean it when he says it's willing to sit down with the january 6th committee to tell him what he knows? it sort of sounded like he meant it when he said this in new hampshire today. >> if there was an invitation to participate, i would consider it. it would be unprecedented in history for a vice president to be summoned to testify on capitol hill. but as i said, i don't want to prejudge. if a formal invitation were rendered to us, we would give it consideration. >> but wait, there's more. the chairman of the committee, bennie thompson, said nearly two months ago the panel did invite former vice president mike pence to come in and talk to them. >> we would love to have former vice president pence's testimony. we have sought it, we've talked to his attorneys in the past.
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>> okay. and then what about the next part? mr. pence claimed it would be, quote, unprecedented for a former vice president to testify before congress. but former vice president gerald ford did just that in 1974. and he was not only a former vice president. he was a sitting president when he appeared voluntarily before a house judiciary subcommittee to talk about his pardon of richard nixon. in fact there's a whole list of sitting presidents and vice president harris -- and vice presidents who have testified before a house committee. a source with knowledge of mr. pence's thinking cautious us not to read too much into his comments, citing the constitutional concerns that pence alluded to. if he's not really considering meeting with the committee, why did he say that? we should note he said it while he was in new hampshire at the politics and eggs breakfast, a common stop for candidates considering a run for office. so is that the sound of 2024 calling? and then of course there's what congresswoman liz cheney said
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this morning after losing her wyoming primary last night. >> are you thinking about running for president? >> that's a decision that i'm going to make in the coming months, savannah. i'm not going to make any announcements here this morning. but it is something that i'm thinking about and i'll make a decision in the coming months. >> okay. joining me now to parse all of this is former montana democratic governor steve bullock and cnn political commentator margaret hoover, a former member of george w. bush's white house staff and a veteran of two gop presidential campaigns, and cnn political commentator scott jennings, former special assistant to former president george w. bush. margaret, what was vice president pence doing when he said that? >> vice president pence is running for president, and he would like very much to be the
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next ambassador for trumpism for the republican party without donald trump. he wants to demonstrate that he doesn't have the crazy. he is a constitutional conservative. and he can fuse the elements of populism with the conservatism of ronald reagan. but he's constitutional. so he wants to distance himself from trump. and he's in a state, live free or die, with open primaries. and there are a lot of people wondering can he really differentiate himself from donald trump. if he can, it will be because he decides to testify and demonstrate that what he did on january 6th was constitutional, it was in the interests of preserving our constitutional democratic republic, and he will demonstrate that he can be his own man. so far he has not done it. he has only spoken to 1/6 through proxies, through his lawyer, through marc short. but the country deserves to hear from him if he wants to be president of the united states.
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>> governor, what do you think? and you of course speak presidential candidate speak, having run yourself. do they say one thing and do something entirely different? >> what does he have to lose? will trump not like him anymore? trump almost got him killed. or that he'll lose some of the trump base? they'll never be with him. he should go if for no other reason than because he carried president trump's water for four years. he would have at least one clean part of his conscience. i don't think we'll see him testify. i think that was washington-speak or politician-speak. >> when he says yes, i would be open to testifying, who is the audience for that, who is he saying that to? >> from my perspective, who is mike pence's audience at this point? doing the apprentice veep-stakes to actually become vice
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president, maybe some would say that was because he was about to lose his indiana race. he can't get the trump folks. you guys can tell me if there's any non-trump lane left in the republican party. so look, i don't know who he's appealing for. you're right, margaret, he sounds like he's saying, i'll be a constitutional, principled conservative. >> scott, what do you think? >> i think he showed he is a principled constitutional conservative on january 6th. he's got nothing left to prove. also i'm considering pitching for the st. louis cardinals this weekend, i don't know if it's going to work out or not. >> you just throw things out there. >> i did, i don't know if they're playing right now. he's not going to testify before this committee. there's no chance that have and republicans don't want him to. a, we know what he did, we know
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what his story is. i don't know that he has anything else to gain with it. republicans have decided participating with this committee is participating with, you know, the enemy and so therefore if you're mike pence and you want to be, margaret, the next ambassador to trumpism, you're not going to go down that roped. i'm shocked that he did this. >> why did he say that? >> i think he's a polite man, if you listen to what he said and all the reasons why he wouldn't do it, it was quite clear what he was doing. >> if donald trump gets into the race, does that ruin mike pence's chances? >> yes. mike pence would not be able to defeat donald trump in a primary, especially in a fragmented one. >> that's the thing, 7the question you asked, steve, governor, is, is there a lane that isn't trumpism in the republican party. trump has a grip on 35% of the party, that 35% is who turns out in close primaries. but there is another part of the
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republican party that he doesn't have a grip on. if it's fragmented, trump walks away with it. >> 35% of the republican party but damn near every u.s. senator, every house member, and at the end of the day that affects more than 35%. >> it has a spillover effect. this is the corollary, that the only two of the ten republicans who voted for impeachment that will live to fight another day are ones from states that have had election reform, okay? closed parties in a primary creates a skewed representation of republicans and that's why you have a skewed version in the house and the senate. >> is the wild card here governor ron desantis? would he run, if donald trump gets into the race, would he run? let me just throw out for you what matt schlapp said who is the head of cpac about that possibility. >> this whole question of whether or not it's trump or not trump or desantis is, in essence, he's the incumbent. it's almost like people are confused.
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they ask the question, is he the le leader. it's like, yes, and i think he will be until he takes his last breath because of everything he did. >> do you agree? so ron desantis is not going to run if donald trump runs? >> i'm not sure that's true. we've got a long way to go before governor desantis has to make that decision. i do think over the summer you could feel republicans starting to maybe think about turning the page. i think this fbi fight has in some ways reminded everybody who is the daddy and who is the kids. and i think -- >> what does that mean? >> i think it means donald trump is the de facto leader of the party and i think is he the most likely nominee. it doesn't make him the most likely person to capture the white house. >> i'm just confused, how does having your home searched and finding 20 boxes of classified material prove that you're the daddy? >> let me tell you something about the republican party. the way you understand popularity in the party right now is who has all the right enemies. and if donald trump is under
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siege from joe biden, merrick garland and the mainstream media, he's got all the right enemies. >> under siege by christopher wray. it was six years ago today when donald trump said, you know what, i'm actually going to take care of classified information and no one is above the law. >> is that right? is today the anniversary of that? >> today is literally the anniversary that have speech. so, stunning to me in some respects, as scott was saying, folks started to see openness. and this is what they want to get behind? brazen violations, presumably, of the law? it ought to be like this could have been one of the differentiating points. that's what we saw vice president pence do to a degree today. at the time when literally now law enforcement officers are being attacked. >> yes, unprecedented level of threats, they say, to the fbi. that's what we're dealing with. but, i mean, i just think it's interesting that today, as you said, it was the anniversary,
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but also between what liz cheney was saying and vice president pence, it felt like today there were people starting 2024. it felt like today something was starting. >> look, 2024 has been going on in the republican party at least the last six months, maybe a year. many people will -- i think somebody like ron desantis will probably run regardless. i think mike pompeo will run regardless. the question is, if you have a fragmented field and somebody who has a vise grip on 35% of it, donald trump is the incumbent. >> what happened when fbi agents searched mar-a-lago? donald trump knows and he has the surveillance video. one big question tonight is, what is he going to do with it? that's next. skip the rinse with finish quantum. its activelift technology provides an unbeatable clean on 24 hour driried-on stains. skip the rinse with finish to save our r water.
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that led to the search of donald trump's home and boxes of documents labeled classified being found. tonight cnn has learned some of the allies of former president trump are urging him to publicly release surveillance footage of fbi agents executing that search warrant on mar-a-lago last week. some advisers have reportedly encouraged trump to reveal the footage in order to energize the base and rev up his claims of political persecution. others have allegedly warned that releasing the tapes could backfire on trump by providing video evidence of the sheer volume of material that was designated top secret and classified that federal agents were forced to retrieve. a person close to trump says the surveillance video has been so closely held, they're not even sure if trump himself has seen the whole thing. when trump's son eric was asked whether they'll release the footage, he said, oh, yeah, for sure. >> you still have the surveillance tape; is that correct? are you allowed to share that
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with the country? >> absolutely, sean, at the right time. >> okay. there's a long delay there. joining me now, our senior political analyst john aftvlon, legal analyst elie honig, and scott jennings is back with us. i want to see that tape, i really do, but legally it presents problems. >> we all want to see it, we're all curious. to get the legal stuff here, yes, you are allowed to videotape an fbi search, yes, the fbi is allowed to ask you to turn it off, and yes, you're allowed to refuse. a search warrant is inherently, constitutionally, an invasive
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process. you have fbi agents looking in your home, in things, under things. that could be upsetting to people and that could rally people who don't like what happened down there. on the other hand there will be footage of fbi agents walking out of mar-a-lago with classified documents. on the other, other hand, there is something called the egg button, there's nothing to ensure if donald trump releases this, it would be six hours, that would be boring, but he could just say here are a couple of clips of the fbi poking around in the closet and that could inflame people. >> bingo, that's what they'll do, of course, if it serves their purposes, they'll release select clips of it, which might be the most aggressive or whatever, the most invasive stuff, that's what they would do, john, right? >> because they want to play the victim in order to fundraise off this and to rally the republican base around him. we run the risk of getting the signal and the noise mixed up here. the outrage is not that the fbi got a subpoena to get hoyle
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classified documents that the former president took from the american people. the outrage is that the former president took highly classified information that belongs to the american people. and when told not to, he said, it's mine. we have a 6 and 9-year-old who would be really familiar with that line of argument. the real deal is this. a hundred fundraising emails, that's how many donald trump and his team pushed out in the week after the raid, according to "the washington post." 100 fundraising emails. they're fundraising has been kind of low in recent months, 200 a day, all of a sudden up to an a million. this is donald trump trying to stir up controversy, to rally the republican party around him but more importantly, to make money off of this. >> here is what his former attorney ty cobb said to cnn
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today. quote, he doesn't have the lawyers to sort through these things strategically and is thinking through them on his own. >> i think they think of things sometimes in terms of are we on offense or defense. to get your house raided may make you seem like you're on defense, but in the days since, they're on offense at least as it relates to the pr of being inside the republican party. if they thought this video, even if it was just clips, would keep them on offense, would keep their people fired up, oh, i have no doubt they wouldn't hesitate to do that and i'm sure they're getting a lot of advice to do it. >> it's kind of hazardous to be donald trump's lawyer. i mean -- >> just ask rudy. >> that's just one example. what rudy had to do today was one example. it hasn't gone well for a lot of people. so rudy had his law license suspended. john eastman has been ordered to testify. jenna imellis has been ordered testify. pat cipollone testified before
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the committee. michael cohen went to prison. eric herschmann will have to testify before the doj. >> you know what none of those people did until it was too late was quit and come forward, maybe eric herschmann. they all went along with it for the most part until they got indicted, in michael cohen's case, or got subpoenaed bify th january 6th committee. as a lawyer you have a lot of power, especially if you're lawyer for the united states and you have consequences if you don't use it properly. >> that list reminds us of the vortex his lawyers can get drawn into. >> i just want to stop and say, i talked to michael cohen about this last night, they get into more trouble than he does. being a lawyer for donald trump is more hazardous than being donald trump. >> so far, yeah. but i think it is that vortex effect that he has. also who he chooses to surround himself with and what he's asking his people to protect him from.
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but this is the lesson his lawyers are learning, which republicans continue to learn, which is this is winston chur churchill's definition of appeasement, feeding a crocodile and hoping it's going to eat you last. you're going to get eaten. >> to be fair, no one has argued that cipollone has done anything wrong. he was counsel to the president, which is different than being l lin wood. >> you're so right, i'll fire somebody after this. legally speaking, andrew mccabe, former deputy director of the fbi, said if they release it, there could be faces of fbi agents. you can freeze the frame and maybe see something that's top secret. it is dicey for them to release it. >> like that's going to stop them. >> that's a good point, and obviously the threats are at the
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highest level they've ever seen, but that would be terrible if faces were revealed. >> it would be unequiunethical, would be dangerous. i'm not sure it would be illegal. it's not illegal to take involve an fbi agent. but let's be real, we know what the purpose that have would be. >> unethical and danger is the temperature of the water he likes to swim in. let's be real. that's his swamp. so yes, that is not disincentive for this team. let's be clear about that. >> okay, everyone, thank you very much. stick around, please. six hours is a long time to appear before a georgia grand jury when you're a target of the fulton county d.a.'s probe. but rudy giuliani did go to court today. and what those six hours were filled with and what it means for the criminal probe into the attempt to overturn the 2020 election in that state, all of that is next.
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rudy giuliani spent six hours in front of the fulton county grand jury in georgia today. that's a long time to say nothing. so maybe he said something? as we reported, giuliani is now the target of the district attorney's investigation into the trump team's efforts to overturn that state's election results. cnn's nick valencia was at the courthouse when rudy giuliani arrived and had a chance to ask about his plans. >> reporter: mr. giuliani, when you melt with georgia lawmakers, did you lie to them? >> we will not talk about this until it's over. it's a grand jury, and grand juries, as i recall, are secret. >> reporter: do you believe president trump is the ultimate target of this investigation? >> i'm not going to comment on the grand jury investigation. >> so giuliani said nothing to reporters when he left. one of the crimes that the d.a. is investigating is whether giuliani made false statements
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to state and government officials like perhaps this one. >> you have, uh, live from atlanta, you've got voter fraud right in front of people's eyes. blatant, clear, obvious. taking those ballots out, scurrying around with the ballots. the collection with hugo chavez, eventually she followed up with maduro. it is quite clear they're stealing votes. >> elie, scott, and john are back with me. john served as a speechwriter for rudy giuliani when he served as mayor of new york city. that sounds like more time than needed to plead the fifth. >> that is a full day of questioning. if you had full questioning for six hours, we have rules of thumb, that's about 2 to 300 pages of transcript. what could have happened for six hours? there's only three possibilities. he actually testified in substance. he took the fifth.
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or he invoked the attorney/client privilege. you're right, if he askewas ask six hours of questions, and he said, fifth, fifth, fifth, it would be unbearable. you have to go question by question, it's excruciating. how do we know what rudy giuliani said? prosecutors can't talk about it, that's illegal, it violates criminal laws against violating grand jury secrecy. rudy, however, can tell us whatever the heck he wants, he can say here is what they asked me, or a spokesperson for lawyer for him. >> i feel like we will find out. >> perhaps. >> honestly, john. you know rudy, i've interviewed him several adverttimes, rudy lo spin a yarn, he likes to talk, he likes to tell his story. do you find it hard to believe
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he would say nothing to investigators for six hours, knowing him? >> i think he will invoke attorney/client privilege, because he's said as much, that's his baseline defense. rudy, with his daily radio show and whatnot, will talk around this. he's trying to take the grand jury seriously as a secret process. the problem is rudy as he is today is miles away from rudy as he was when he was a u.s. attorney, when he was third in the justice department, as a very young man, let alone as mayor. >> you mean in terms of his judgment? >> i think his judgment and his filter. and that's how he's gotten himself in this mess. you saw those clips that were played, those were abbreviated and relatively dignified, but he did not tell the truth when he spoke to the georgia state legislators. he may have believed he was telling the truth. but as we've already known, he said he didn't bother to check up on the facts, it didn't seem too terribly important. so lied about an election publicly, including in very
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serious and pivotal moments. that's why he's now apparently the target. >> one of the things district attorney fani willis is looking into is whether he made false statements. he said it on tape. these were taped before the georgia -- he was in front of subcommittees of georgia lawmakers. >> giuliani has been a liability to donald trump since going back to the ukraine matter. he was a huge liability. trump kept him around. he made a fool of himself in public many times in the aftermath of the november election. he obviously may well have flown too close to the sun on georgia. a lot of republicans, me included, have felt the georgia matter has always been the most dangerous thing to trump world because they've actually got the president's voice on tape, you have giuliani saying the things he did. we'll see what happens, but giuliani has been a major -- trump should have come him loose a long time ago and now they're going to pay for it. >> elie, you have issues with the district attorney and how she's handling some of this.
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>> there is a little dubious prosecutorial practice. it's good practice, good principle, if somebody is a target, somebody i'm likely to indict, and the d.a. has been quite aggressive in announcing who is targets, then you don't subpoena them. the point of notifying somebody they're a target is you're respecting their rights. you're not supposed to be luring them in to incriminate themselves. the way we're taught, you don't do those two things. >> so after announcing he's a target, she shouldn't have called him before the grand jury? >> right. and why would you? we had the scene in front of the courthouse, the media there, and there's questions i'm starting to have about the judgment of this d.a. she got thrown off a case, she got conflicted out of a case a few weeks ago because she had a political conflict of interest, she was subpoenaing somebody who she had attended a fundraiser
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for his political opponent. if this results in an indictment, and i agree this is the most likely of the cases to result in indictment of donald trump, you are going to see a potentially toxic mix of local, electoral, fundraising, and partisan politics going into the courts. and that could be fatal for the case she will ultimately bring. >> it could very well be. with regard to donald trump, and he's on tape, this also goes to questions of basic equal justice under law. she's shaking down or trying to shake down the secretary of state to find votes. and in some ways you have to ask yourself, if that isn't wrong, what is, in a democracy? and the role that rudy played in all this. it's important for us to not get over our skis and speculate about what people say in front of the grand jury and all of that. according to "the new york times," the southern district of new york declined to prosecute rudy with regard to ukraine. it's an important fact. let's -- but the fact pattern that's public violates every single basic democratic norm that exists. if other folks would be prosecuted for it, equal justice
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under law would indicate -- >> on the tape, having trump's voice on that tape, the part we always play, it's bad. there is another section that have tape which does, you know, some people think might help exonerate him. >> like what? >> when they get down to the end and they're simply asking, like, you know, can we have more information about how this worked. there are some people who have read into the back end of that tape that we don't usually hear about that would be helpful to him. >> does anyone remember how long that tape is? it is 62 minutes. >> the trump we always listen to is terrible pr. there may be other parts of it -- >> it's not pr. it's not pr. this is the mistake we always make. >> i'm a pr person. when you're a hammer, the whole world's a nail, john. >> when we have those tapes, of rudy saying that to lawmakers, if he didn't know he was lying, does that matter legally? >> in what universe could he not
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know? he would have to be on another planet. the audacity and arrogance of rudy to go in front of the georgia state senate and legislature and tell outright, disprovable lies is remarkable and inexplicable. it's not a crime to go on certain networks and lie. >> i just mean in front of the lawmakers. >> yes. to lie to a state legislative body is a straight up crime and he straight up lied. i don't see a way out of it for him. >> i just got lulled, this is the slippery slope, people get lulled into lying to win the court of public opinion and they forget when they're actually under oath, speaking to legislatures. the same standards should apply. >> gentlemen, thank you very much. if you check your library shelves in one school district in north texas, you won't be able to find the bible. that's just one of the books they're now getting rid of. you won't be able to find an adaptation of anne frank's diary. all of these were pulled along with dozens of other books so that they can be reviewed by a
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school board, again. we'll talk about what else got flagged and why books are being banned. is anti-semitism being normalalized? >> inside the world's oldest prejudice. >> is this the first time cameras have been in this command center? >> rising hate. anti-semitism in america. sunday night at 9:00 on cnn. eli. every trip is a big deal. hybrid work is here. it's there. it's everywhere. but for someone to be able to work from here, there has to be someone here making sure everything is safe. secure. consistent. so log in from here. or here. assured that someone is here ready to fix anything. anytime. anywhere. even here. that's because nobody... and i mean nobody... makes hybrid work, work better.
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today is the start of a new school year in keller, texas, that's just near fort worth. teachers showed up, the students showed up. the only thing absent, the books. lots of them. 41 books pulled off the library shelves for review although they were each reviewed last year after complaints as well. some of the books are about the lgbtq experience like "all boys aren't blue." and "gender queer." also there are other books like toni morrison's novel "the bluest eye," that was also taken off the shelf. also an illustrated adaptation of anne frank's diary. and also the bible. yes. the keller school district allows parents, employees, and anyone living in the district to object to books. many of those books were put back on the shelves after the review last year. now there are three new conservative school board
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members. they were praised by one speaker at a recent meeting as being unwoke and may help pass new policies for library and educational materials. the school district says books that meet the new guidelines will be returned to the libraries as soon as it is confirmed that they comply with the new policy. not impressing a parent who was part of the committee that put many of the books back in circulation last year. >> it was actually a really fast committee. we discussed them. we decided they were suitable for children's shelves. and they come in, this small group of people and say, no, we don't like your outcomes. >> the committee may also decide to limit use of certain materials to certain grade levels or students who have parental permission. texas schools far and away lead the pack among 26 states with books banned in school districts. pennsylvania and florida follow. even combined, their numbers hardly compare. so just as school boards become the newest battleground in the
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culture wars, the public school library has become a crucial front in the debate over what our kids should learn or merely be allowed to read. and that line gets moved every time a new school board member is voted in or a conservative parent complains or a liberal parent complains. or a neighbor with no kids. or whoever complained about the bible and later withdrew that challenge. tonight, because of this review, it doesn't matter, because of this new precedent in keller, texas, those books won't be read. and it's not just texas. it's not just library books. kids are caught up in the middle of culture wars all across the country. that means their parents are as well, and their teachers, sometimes their doctors. what's the fix? we'll talk about it, next.
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of the people conversation which you'll see here tomorrow night. >> at the core of everything that people claim to be about crt or about, you know, diversity, even affirmative action, is infantilizing black people. >> my daughter never said she was forced to learn about someone else's culture or religion or whatever. >> we definitely need to teach our students that racism exists. we have to acknowledge it. but we shouldn't be teaching our kids that white people are inherently racist because that's not true. >> okay. let's talk about all this. john avlon is back as is the former governor of montana, steve bullock, and margaret hoover. i just sat down with this group of parents. school starts in some places today, in some places in the next couple of weeks.
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parents are anxious. the anxiety level is really high. not just school shootings, although obviously that i think just drives everybody's anxiety up so high. but then all of the culture war stuff and the curriculum stuff and the teacher shortage stuff. it is a scary time to be heading back to school. and you just heard those parents, steve. they are very concerned about what their kids are learning in the classroom because they feel out of control. they're scared, basically, is the bottom line. and are there kids somehow being indoctrinated into a way they don't feel comfortable with? i'm sure you confronted some of this in montana. >> alisyn, i think back to when i was in junior high. my mom was on the school board. all of a sudden they tried to ban this book called "our remem. >> let's not allow high school women to not learn about their own bodies. it's grotesque, it's prejudiced dog whistles that are driving a lot of this. we want to think it's from the ground up.
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there's a lot of money being spent to actually make this part of the culture wars. >> by whom? >> you can do a quick google of "crt and dark money" and find literally millions and millions of dollars in dark money. because in part, look, people would much rather say let's have this cultural war or talk about this than talk about why not one republican would think things like that so it's driving it and this isn't to say look, i'm a parent. i worry about my kids in school. now, i actually talk to my kids and the teachers. they didn't even know what crt was until fox news started running it every night. >> yeah, that's very interesting. i'm glad you're saying that governor because one of the things we'll hear tomorrow night from this panel of parents is there is a lot of worry about crt but when you drill down and ask them individually is it being taught in your school, they have a hard time coming up with examples, however, they see it on the internet and of
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course, that's enough to make them think that's happening somewhere and it does increase the anxiety. i don't think we can dismiss that. just because it's not happening in your school doesn't mean a parent isn't anxious about it. margaret, do we need book police? >> book police is actually not new, right? we don't need book police but we have been through phrases and phases in this country where each generation decided to clamp town and sort of decide that some material isn't appropriate. you referenced our bodies ourselves but it happened for generations before and now. the truth is right now, there is a massive wave of conservative action around this. most people don't know what crt is. it's a legal theory from the 1970s which almost nobody except for -- >> that's true but people use it as a short hand a blanket -- >> politicalization of progressive left in the schools to teach a certain doctrine to our children that has friendly -- all it does is serve
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to polarize and confuse and the truth is, there are elements of truth to this notion that yes, we should be teaching a much broader version of american history, and a much more inclusive version of american history and we can do that without being sort of preached to and divided. >> except when we start doing it as curriculums started to open up and try to add more context and all of that and history people -- there is push back. people are fighting that. people are fighting what we grew up with american history and that's what is part of behind crt and people claiming that as their -- >> this is a down stream effect of triable politics, it is. and i think we should be teaching them more expeansive view of american history, the good, the bad and the ugly. aif iffirming this country is s a great country and people get concerned an education can slip into indoctrination but this is
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pumped up as a fear mongering tool under the frame of parental rights because it polls well. the down stream on this is books being taken out of classrooms. book bannings is nothing that anyone who says they're in favor of free speech should get within a mile of. >> yeah. >> instead not condemning it. >> you know what else it is? it's the internet. i learned from the parents last night, the libs of tiktok, these are filled with viral memes where this is started by a woman, as i understand it, a conservative real estate agent who considers herself a cultural warrior and amplified by hosts on fox and ted cruz and matt gaetz and if anything, it's not fact checked. it could be an actor on there. it could be anything and it is allegedly from liberals trying to indoctrine ate your kids.
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>> it gets traction because it's in response to a changing of curriculum to diminish some of the core themes of american civics education and that is, that is actually a real thing. that many people are concerned about. people are concerned their kids aren't learning about the constitution, they're not learning about the founding generations and not learning about all the things about american history and things that the reason we're arguing about january 6th and why the constitution was challenged, a lot of people don't understand the premise because they aren't learning the basics of this education in our country. >> sandra day o'connor, one of the main things she was working on is there should be civics education. that is an area we ought to all be able to agree on, not banning the diary of ann frank. >> the bible. when you ban the bible, you're probably doing it wrong, right? that is exactly right. we need to be investing more in
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civic education. people get sucked down this rabbit hole of fear mongering and has a real world impact. there are threats coming into boston's children's hospital as a result of a meme they pushed. >> they were trying to claim they were giving girls under 18 his t he is his ter reck tommys. it is not true. again, this is non-sense that's being put on the internet. >> but it gets amplification as a real world impact and the issues serve to distract. governor book made an impact the biggest spin on cultural issues not talking about lowering prescription drug prices or help people where they live and i think look, democrats fall into this trap when they get caught playing defense on the culture wars. what they really should do is build out red state rural democrats talking about issues people care about and not getting sucked into culture war debates because they're frankly
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losers, what is really toxic is when they are based on lies. >> absolutely. i look forward to you watching my "pulse of the people" panel. i learn so much from it. thank you-all and we will be right back. we listen. like jack. he wanted a streamlined versioion he could access anywhere, no download necessary. and kim. she wanted to execute a pre-set trade strategy in seconds. so we gave 'em thinkorswim® web. because platforms this innovative aren't just made for traders -they're made by them. thinkorswim® by td ameritrade i'm lindsey vonn, and ever since i retired from skiing, i've had trouble falling asleep and staying asleep. you know, insomnia. before i found quviviq, an fda-approved insomnia medication f adults. you know, insomnia. you would not believe ththings i used to think about when i couldn't sleep. hey, linds. i need you to sign this business contract. all 114 pages. lindsey, lindsey!!
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